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- 2005-10-27 (1.3)
- Bugfix: multiple at commands at the same time.</pre>
- 2005-11-10 (1.4)
- Reformatting the package and the documentation
- New links
- 2005-12-26 (1.5)
- "modularized" in preparation for the FHZ80B -> each device has a type
- added relative "at" commands (with +HH:MM:SS)
- multiple commands on one line separated with ;
- sleeping 0.22 seconds after an ST command
- some commands/syntax changed:
- switch => set
- device => fhzdevice
- define <name> ... => define <name> <type> ...
- the state of the devices and the at commands are saved
- at start always sending a "set 0001 00 01" to enable the FHZ receiever.
This is a workaround.
- doc rewrite, examples directory
- 2006-01-03 (1.6)
- signal handling (to save the state on shutdown)
- module FHZ addded (for the FHZ1000PC device itself)
- added the get function (to make the initialization prettier)
- the module ST was renamed to FS20
- FS20 timer commands added
- modules command removed (we are loading everything from the modpath
- FHT80b module added (yes, it is already useful, you can set
and view a lot of values)
- documentation adapted
- Added a TODO file
- 2006-01-04 (1.7)
- the at command can be used to execute something repeatedly with *
- ntfy can filter on device or on device+event with a regexp
- checking the delete and notify regexps if they make sense
- the FHT init string is now a set command (refreshvalues)
- shutdown saves the detailed device information too
- 2006-01-05 (1.8)
- Bugfix: detailed FS20 status was not set from external event
- Bugfix: setstate for FS20 returned the last state set
- Bugfix: undefined FS20 devices (can) crash the server
- HMS module added by Martin Mueller
(currently supporting the HMS100T & HMS100TF)
- Log modules added, the first one being a simple FileLog
(inspired by Martin Mueller)
- A little gnuplot script to display temperature and actuator changes
- 2006-02-10 (1.9)
(aka as the Juergen release)
- The FHZ1300 is reported to work
- Bugfix: spaces before comment in the config file should be ignored
- added FS20STR codes to 10_FS20.pm
- names restricted to A-Za-z0-9.:- (especially _ is not allowed)
- delete calles now an UndefFn in the module
- implementation of FS20 function group/local master/global master
- the list command tells you the definition of the device too
- 2006-02-12 (1.9a)
- Bugfix: wrong rights for HMS and wrong place for readonly
(thanks to Juergen)
- 2006-02-12 (1.9b)
- Bugfix: Fixing the same bug again (thanks to Martin)
- 2006-04-02 (2.0)
- XmlList and webfrontend/pgm1 programs from Raoul Matthiessen
- list tries to display the state and not the last command
- Both log facilities (FileLog and Log) take wildcards
(week, year, month, etc) to make logfile rotating easier
- webfrontend/pgm2
- 2006-04-15 (2.1)
- webfrontend/pgm2 changes:
- make it work on Asus dsl-routers (no "use warnings")
- css/readonly configurable
- Formatting for HMS data
- comments can be added to each device (setstate <dev> comment:xxx)
- testbed to dry-test functionality (test directory)
- added an empty hull for the KS300 weather module
- added undocumented "exec" function to call arbitrary program parts
for debugging. Example: exec FhzDecode("81xx04xx0101a0011234030011");
- webfrontend/pgm3, contributed by Martin Haas
- fixed pgm1: changing values should work now
- 2006-05-20 (2.2)
- FHZ1300 support verified (+ doc changes)
- KS300 support added (with Temperature, Humidity, Wind speed, Rain).
Not verified/undecoded: subzero temp, weak battery, Is-raining flag,
wind speed > 100km/h
- webpgm2 log fix for "offed" FHT devices (with no actuator data)
- webpgm3 upgrade (by Martin Haas, see webpgm/pgm3/docs/CHANGES for details)
- HMS logging/state format changed to make it similar to KS300
- added HMS100WD (thanks to Sascha Pollok)
- ntfy/logging changed to be able to notify for multiple attributes
arriving in one message
- central FHTcode settable (see commandref.html)
- optionally listen for non-local requests (port <num> global)
- unknown logging
- 2006-6-22 (2.3)
- CRC checking (i.e. ignoring messages with bad CRC, message on verbose 4)
- contrib/checkmesg.pl added to check message consistency (debugging)
- FHT: unknown_aa, unknown_ba codes added. What they are for?
- Empty modpath / no modpath error messages added (some user think modpath is
- Unparsed messages (verbose 5) now printed as hex
- Try to reattach to the usb device if it disappears: no need to
restart the server if the device is pulled out from the USB socket and
plugged in again (old versions go into a busy loop here).
- Supressing the seldom (ca 1 out of 700) short KS300 messages.
(not sure how to interpret them)
- Added KS300 "israining" status flag. Note: this not always triggers when it
is raining, but there seems to be a correlation. To be evaluated in more
- notifyon can now execute "private" perl code as well (updated
commandref.html, added the file example/99_PRIV.pm)
- another "perl code" example is logging the data into the database
(with DBI), see the file contrib/91_DbLog.pm. Tested with an Oracle DB.
- logs added to the xmllist
- FHT80b: Fix measured-temp over 25.5 (handling the tempadd messages better)
- 2006-07-23 (2.4)
- contrib/four2hex (to convert between ELV and our codes) by Peter Stark
- make dist added to set version (it won't work in a released version)
- reload function to reload (private) perl modules
- 20_FHT.pm fix: undef occures once without old data
- "setstate comment" is replaced with the attr command (i.e. attribute).
The corresponding xmllist COMMENT tag is replaced with the ATTR tag.
Devices or logs can have attr definitions.
- webfrontend/pgm2 (fhzweb.pl) updated to handle "room" attributes(showing
only devices in this room).
- version 0.4.2 of webfrontend/pgm3 integrated.
- contrib/ks300avg.pl to compute daily and monthly avarage values.
- the 40_KS300.pm module is computing daily and monthly avarages for the
temp/hum and wind values and sum of the rain. The cum_day and cum_month
state variables are used as helper values. To log the avarage use the
.*avg.* regexp. The regexp for the intraday log will trigger it also.
- Added the contrib file garden.pl as a more complex example: garden
irrigation. The program computes the time for irrigation from the avarage
temperature reported by the ks300-2.
- Enable uppercase hex codes (Bug reported by STefan Mayer)
- Renamed the unknown_XX FHT80b codes to code_XXXXXX, this will produce
"Undefined type" messages when reading the old save file
- RM100-2 added (thanks for the codes from andikt).
- 2006-08-13 (2.5)
Special thanks to STefan Mayer for a lot of suggestions and bug reports
- If a command is enclosed in {}, then it will be evaluated as a perl
expression, if it is enclosed in "" then it is a shell command, else it is
a "normal" fhz1000 command.
"at" and "notifyon" follow this convention too.
Note: a shell command will always be issued in the background.
- won't die anymore if the at spec contains an unknown command
- rereadcfg added. Sending a HUP should work better now
- escaping % and @ in the notify argument is now possible with %% or @@
- new command trigger to test notify commands
- where you could specify an fhz command, now you can specify a list of
them, separated by ";". Escape is ;;
- KS300 sometimes reports "negative" rain when it begins to rain. Filter
such values. israining is set when the raincounter changed or the ks300
israining bit is set.
- sleep command, with millisecond accuracy
- HMS 100MG support by Peter Stark.
- Making FHT and FS20 messages more uniform
- contrib/fs20_holidays.sh by STefan Mayer
(simulate presence while on holiday)
- webfrontends/pgm4 by STefan Mayer: fs20.php
- KS300 avg. monthly values fixed (hopefully)
- deleted undocumented "exec" function (you can write it now as {...})
- 2006-09-08 (2.6)
- bugfix: updated the examples (hint from Juergen)
- bugfix: leading and trailing whitespaces in commands are ignored now
- feature: making life easier for perl oneliners: see commandref.html
(motivated by STefans suggestions)
- feature: include command and multiline commands in the configfiles (\)
- bugfix: web/pgm2 KS300 rain plot knows about the avg data
- bugfix: the FHT > 25.5 problem. Needs to be tested.
- feature: log unknown devices (peters idea, see notifyon description)
- feature: HMS wildcard device id for all HMS devices. See the define/HMS
section in the commandref.html for details.
NOTE: the wildcard for RM100-2 changed from 1001 to 1003.
(peters idea)
- feature: rolwzo_no_off.sh contrib file (for those who were already closed
out by automatically closing rollades, by Martin)
- feature: the current version (0.4.5) of the pgm3 from Martin.
- 2006-09-13 (2.6a)
- bugfix: the FHT > 25.5 problem again. A never ending story.
- 2006-10-03 (2.7)
- bugfix: Another try on the > 25.5 problem. (Peters suggestion)
- feature: 99_ALARM.pm from Martin (in the contrib directory)
- feature: HMS100TFK von Peter P.
- feature: attribute loglevel
- feature: attribute dummy
- feature: attr command documented
- feature: the current version (0.5a) of the pgm3 from Martin.
- 2006-11-08 (2.8)
- feature: store oldvalue for triggers. perl only. requested by peter.
- feature: inform cmd. Patch by Martin. There are many Martins around here :-)
- bugfix: XML: fix & and < and co
- bugfix: Accept KS300 negative temperature values
- change: the FS20 msg "rain-msg" is called now "activate"
- feature: start/stop rc script from Stefan (in the contrib directory)
- feature: attribute extra_notify: setting the device will trigger a notify
- feature: optional repeat count for the at command
- feature: skip_next attribute for the at command
- feature: WS300 support by Martin. Check the contrib/ws300 directory.
- bugfix: 91_DbLog.pm: retry if the connection is broken by Peter
- feature: Martin's pgm3-0.5.2 (see the CHANGELOG on his webpage)
- feature: RRD logging example by Peter (in the contrib/rrd directory)
- 2006-11-19 (2.9)
- bugfix: fhz1000.pl dies at startup if the savefile does not exist
- bugfix: oldvalue hash is not initialized at startup (peter, Nov 09)
- feature: Notify reorganization (requested by juergen and matthias) :
- inform will be notified on both real events and set or trigger commands
- filelogs will additionally be notified on set or trigger commands
- the extra_notify flag is gone: it is default now, there is a
do_not_notify flag for the opposite behaviour.
- feature: at timespec as a function. Example: at +*{sunset()}
commandref.html and examples revisited.
- feature: 99_SUNRISE.pm added to use with the new at functionality
(replaces the old 99_SUNSET.pm)
- feature: webpgm2 "everything" room, at/notify section, arbitrary command
- bugfix: resetting the KS300
- feature: updated ws300pc (from martin klerx, Nov 08)
- bugfix: parsing timed commands implemented => thermo-off,thermo-on and
activate replaced with timed off-for-timer,on-for-timer and
on-old-for-timer (reported by martin klerx, Nov 08)
- feature: pidfile (requested by peter, Nov 10)
- bugfix: function 81 is not allowed
- 2006-11-27 (2.9a)
- bugfix: FileLog+Unknown device generates undefined messages
- bugfix: trigger with unknown device generates undefined messages
- 2006-12-28 (3.0)
- bugfix: KS300: Make the temperature negative, not the humidity
- bugfix: generate correct xmllist even with fhzdev none (Martin, 12.12)
- feature: one set command can handle multiple devices (range and enumeration)
- feature: new FS20 command on-till
- feature: perl: the current state is stored in the %value hash
- feature: perl: sunset renamed to sunset_rel, sunset_abs added (for on-till)
- feature: perl: isday function added
- feature: follow-on-for-timer attribute added to set the state to off
- bugfix: the ws300pc negative-temp bugfix included (from Martin Klerx)
- feature: version 0.6.2 of the webpgm3 included (from Martin Haas)
- 2007-01-08 (3.1)
- bugfix: delete checks the arg first "exactly", then as a regexp
- bugfix: sun*_rel does not work correctly with offset (Martin)
- feature: FAQ entry on how to install the sunrise stuff.
- feature: the inner core is modified to be able to handle
more than one "IO" device, i.e multiple FHZ at the same time,
or FHZ + FS10 + WS300. Consequences:
- "fhzdev <usbdevice>" replaced with "define <FHZNAME> FHZ <usbdevice>"
- "sendraw <fn> <code>" replaced with "set <FHZNAME> raw <fn> <code>"
- module function parameters changed (for module developers)
- set FHZ activefor dev
- select instead sleep after sending FHZ commands
- the at timer is more exact (around 1msec instead of 1 sec)
- ignoring FS20 device 0001/00/00
- feature: contrib/serial.pm to debug serial devices.
- feature: WS300 integrated: no external program needed (Martin)
- feature: updated to pgm3-0.7.0, see the CHANGELOG at Martins site
- 2007-01-14 (3.2)
- bugfix: example $state changed to $value (remco)
- bugfix: sun*_rel does not work correctly with offset (Sebastian)
- feature: new HMS100TF codes (Sebastian)
- feature: logging unknown HMS with both unique and class ID (Sebastian)
- feature: WS300: "Wetter-Willi-Status", rain_raw/rain_cum added, historic
data (changes by Martin & Markus)
- bugfix: broken rereadcfg / CommandChain after init
(reported by Sebastian and Peter)
- bugfix: sunrise_coord returned "3", which is irritating
- 2007-01-25 (3.3)
- bugfix: 50_WS300.pm fix from Martin
- bugfix: pidfile does not work as expected (reported by Martin)
- bugfix: %U in the log-filename is wrong (bugreport by Juergen)
- feature: %V added to the log-filename
- feature: KS300 wind calibration possibility added
- feature: (software) filtering repeater messages (suggested by Martin)
- feature: the "client" fhz1000.pl can address another host
- bugfix: empty FHT battery is not reported (by Holger)
- feature: new FHT codes, e.g. month/day/hour/minute setting (by Holger)
- 2007-04-14 (4.0)
- bugfix: deny at +{3}... (only +*{3} allowed), reported by Bernd, 25.01
- bugfix: allow numbers greater then 9 in at +{<number>}
- feature: new 50_WS300.pm from Martin (bugfix + rain statistics, 26.01)
- feature: renamed fhz1000 to fhem
- feature: added HISTORY and README.DEV
- doc: Added description of attribute "model".
- bugfix: delete the pidfile when terminating. (reported by Martin and Peter)
- feature: attribute showtime in web-pgm2 (show time instead of state)
- feature: defattr (default attribute for following defines)
- feature: added em1010.pl to the contrib directory
- doc: added linux.html (multiple devices, udev-links)
- at/notify "renamed" to "define <name> at/notify"
- logfile/modpath/pidfile/port/verbose "renamed" to "attr global xxx"
- savefile renamed to "attr global statefile"
- save command added, it writes the configfile and the statefile
- delattr added
- list/xmllist format changed
- disable attribute for at/notify/filelog
See HISTORY for details and reasoning
- added rename command
- webpgm2 adapted to the new syntax, added device specific attribute
and "set" support, gnuplot files are configurable, links to the
documentation added.
- bugfix: more thorough serial line initialization
- 2007-08-05 (4.1)
- doc: linux.html (private udev-rules, not 50-..., ATTRS)
- bugfix: setting devices with "-" in their name did not work
- doc: fhem.pl and commandref.html (notifyon -> notify, correction
of examples)
- feature: modify command added
- feature: The "-" in the name is not allowed any more
- bugfix: disabled notify causes "uninitialized value" (STefan, 1.5)
- bugfix: deleted FS20 items are still logging (zombie) (Gerhard, 16.5)
- bugfix: added FS20S8, removed stty_parmrk (Martin, 24.5)
- feature: added archivedir/archivecmd to the FileLog
- feature: added EM1010PC/EM1000WZ/EM1000EM support
- bugfix: undefined messages for unknown HMS devs (Peter, 8.6)
- bugfix: em1010 and %oldvalue bugs (Peter, 9.6)
- bugfix: SCIVT solar controller (peterp, 1.7)
- bugfix: WS300 loglevel change (from 2 to 5 or device specific loglevel)
- feature: First steps for a Fritz!Box port. See the fritzbox.html
- 2007-12-02 (4.2)
- feature: added archivedir/archivecmd to the the main logfile
- feature: 99_Sunrise_EL.pm (does not need any Date modules)
- bugfix: seldom xmllist error resulting in corrupt xml (Martin/Peter, 4.9)
- bugfix: FHT mode holiday_short added (9.9, Dirk)
- bugfix: Modifying a device from its own trigger crashes (Klaus, 10.9)
- feature: webpgm2 output reformatted
- feature: webpgm2 displaying multiple plots
- feature: FHT lime-protection code discovered by Dirk (7.10)
- feature: softwarebuffer for FHT devices (Dirk 17.10)
- feature: FHT low temperatur warning and offset (Dirk 17.10)
- change: change FHT state into warnings (Dirk 17.10)
NOTE: you'll get an undefined type state &
undefined type unknown_85 after upgrade.
- feature: Softwarebuffer code simplified (Rudi 22.11)
- bugfix: bug #12327 doppeltes my
- bugfix: set STATE from trigger
- bugfix: readings state vs STATE problem (xmllist/trigger)
- change: SUNRISE doc changed (99_SUNRISE.pm -> 99_SUNRISE_EL.pm)
- feature: support for the M232 ELV device (Boris, 25.11)
- feature: alternativ Quad-based numbers for the FS20 (Matthias, 24.11)
- feature: dummy type added (contrib/99_dummy.pm)
- ==DATE== (4.3)
- bugfix: KS300 state was wrong after the STATE bugfix
- feature: HMS100CO (by Peter)
- feature: EMGZ (by Peter)
- feature: Generate warning if too many commands were sent in the last hour
- doc: linux.html: Introduction (Peter S.)
- feature: contrib/82_M232Voltage.pm (by Boris, 24.12)
- feature: delattr renamed to deleteattr (Rudi, 29.12)
- feature: defattr renamed to setdefaultattr (Rudi, 29.12)
- feature: device spec (list/range/regexp) for most commands implemented
- feature: %NAME, %EVENT, %TYPE parameters in notify definition
- feature: added 93_DbLog.pm, database logging facility (Boris, 30.12.)
- feature: webfrontend/pgm2 converted to a FHEM module
- bugfix: 99_SUNRISE_EL.pm: may schedule double events
- bugfix: 62_EMEM.pl, contrib/em1010.pl: correct readings for energy_kWh
and energy_kWh_w (Boris, 06.01.08)
- feature: global attr allowfrom, as wished by Holger (8.1.2008)
- feature: FHT: multiple commands, softbuffer changes, cmd rename, doc
- feature: EM1010PC: automatic reset
- feature: contrib/00_LIRC.pm (25.3, by Bernhard)
- bugfix : 00_FHZ: additional stty settings for strange Linux versions
- bugfix : pgm2 wrong temp summary for FHT's (reported by O.D., 16.4.2008)
- feature: FHEM modules may live on a filesystem with "ignorant" casing (FAT)
- feature: FileLog "set reopen" for manual tweaking of logfiles.
- feature: multiline commands are supported through the command line
- feature: pgm2 installation changes, multiple instances, external css
- feature: 87_ws2000.pm (thomas 10.05.08)
- contrib: ws2000_reader.pl Standalone decoder and server (thomas 10.05.08)
- doc : update fhem.html and commandline.html reflecting ws2000 and windows installation(thomas 10.05.08)