mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00

fhemweb.pl converted to a FHEM module

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@141 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
rudolfkoenig 2007-12-31 14:43:02 +00:00
parent 15f9963444
commit 8d90de157a
7 changed files with 1029 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -374,6 +374,7 @@
- feature: device spec (list/range/regexp) for most commands implemented
- feature: %NAME, %EVENT, %TYPE parameters in notify definition
- feature: added 93_DbLog.pm, database logging facility (Boris, 30.12.)
- feature: webfrontend/pgm2 converted to a FHEM module
emem -2.5kW / getDevData for emwz -1

View File

@ -177,5 +177,11 @@
- %NAME, %EVENT, %TYPE parameters in notify definition, commandref.html update
- Boris Sun Dec 30 22:35:00 CET 2007
- added dblog/93_DbLog.pm and samples in contrib directory, commandref.html update
- added dblog/93_DbLog.pm and samples in contrib directory, commandref.html
- Rudi Mon Dec 31 15:37:19 MET 2007
- feature: webfrontend/pgm2 converted to a FHEM module
No more need for a webserver for basic WEB administration. For HTTPS or
password you still need apache or the like.
One step closer for complete fhem on the FritzBox.

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Currently implemented features:<br>
<li>timed commands (e.g. switching a lamp on from sunset till midnight)</li>
<li>modular architecture</li>
<li>a lot of web frontends, choose your favorite</li>
<li>Two different web frontends, choose your favorite</li>
See <a href="commandref.html">commandref.html</a> for a detailed command
@ -172,28 +172,15 @@ description and <a href="faq.html">faq.html</a> for the F.A.Q.
<h3>Web frontend 2 (webfrontend/pgm2)</h3>
This frontend is CGI/CSS based. It has support for rooms, and FHT/KS300 logs.<br>
This frontend is a FHEM module realising a primitive HTTP server -> You do
not even need apache if security (password/HTTPS) is not a concern.
It has support for grouping devices into rooms, manipulating devices, direct
fhem commands, diplaying logfiles as text or (if gnuplot is installed) as
Screenshots: <a href="pgm2-1.png">one</a>, <a href="pgm2-2.png">two</a>.
<li>Copy the file fhemweb.pl and *.gplot to your cgi-bin directory
(/home/httpd/cgi-bin), the icons (*.gif) to your httpd icons
(/home/httpd/icons), and commandref.html to the html directory
Note: The program looks for icons in the following order:
&lt;device-name&gt;.&lt;state&gt;, &lt;device-name&gt;,
&lt;device-type&gt;.&lt;state&gt;, &lt;device-type&gt;<br>
<li>If you want to have access to plotted logs, then make sure that
gnuplot is installed and set the logtype for the FileLog device
(see commandref.html and example/04_log). Copy the file
contrib/99_weblink.pm to the installed FHEM directory.
<li>Call &lt;your-site&gt;/cgi-bin/fhemweb.pl
For special features like assigning devices to rooms see the README file.
For installation see the webpgm/pgm2/README file.<br>
<h3>Web frontend 3 (webfrontend/pgm3)</h3>

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ my %intAt; # Internal at timer hash.
my $intAtCnt=0;
my $reread_active = 0;
my $AttrList = "room comment";
my $cvsid = '$Id: fhem.pl,v 1.35 2007-12-30 14:50:30 rudolfkoenig Exp $';
my $cvsid = '$Id: fhem.pl,v 1.36 2007-12-31 14:43:02 rudolfkoenig Exp $';
$init_done = 0;
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ while (1) {
CommandShutdown(undef, undef) if($sig_term);
if($nfound < 0) {
next if ($! == EAGAIN() || $! == EINTR() || $! == 0);
next if ($! == 0);
die("Select error $nfound / $!\n");
@ -513,12 +513,13 @@ AnalyzeCommand($$)
if(!defined($cmds{$fn})) {
my $msg = "Unknown command $fn, try help";
if($cl) {
syswrite($client{$cl}{fd}, "Unknown command $fn, try help\n");
syswrite($client{$cl}{fd}, "$msg\n");
} else {
Log 1, "Unknown command >$fn<, try help";
Log 3, "$msg";
return $msg;
$param = "" if(!defined($param));
@ -530,10 +531,10 @@ AnalyzeCommand($$)
if($cl) {
syswrite($client{$cl}{fd}, $ret . "\n");
} else {
Log 1, $ret;
return $ret;
Log 3, $ret;
return $ret;
@ -713,6 +714,7 @@ WriteStatefile()
print SFH "#$t\n";
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
next if($defs{$d}{TEMPORARY});
print SFH "define $d $defs{$d}{TYPE} $defs{$d}{DEF}\n"
print SFH "setstate $d $defs{$d}{STATE}\n"
@ -781,6 +783,7 @@ CommandSave($$)
foreach my $r (sort keys %rooms) {
print SFH "\nsetdefaultattr" . ($r ne "~" ? " room $r" : "") . "\n";
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$rooms{$r}} ) {
next if($defs{$d}{TEMPORARY});
next if($defs{$d}{VOLATILE});
if($defs{$d}{DEF}) {
my $def = $defs{$d}{DEF};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
# Config
my $FHEMWEB_absicondir = "/home/httpd/icons"; # Copy your icons here
my $FHEMWEB_relicondir = "/icons";
my $FHEMWEB_gnuplot = "/usr/bin/gnuplot"; # Set it to empty to disable
my $FHEMWEB_gnuplotdir = "/home/httpd/cgi-bin"; # the .gplot filees live here
my $FHEMWEB_absdoc = "/home/httpd/html/commandref.html";
my $FHEMWEB_reldoc = "/commandref.html";
my $FHEMWEB_tmpfile = "/tmp/file.$$";
my $__ME = "/fhem";
my $FHEMWEB_css1 = "border: solid; border-width: thin; width: 100%";
my $FHEMWEB_css="
body { color: black; background: #FFFFD7; }
table.room { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #D7FFFF; }
table.room tr.sel { background: #A0FFFF; }
table.FS20 { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #C0FFFF; }
table.FS20 tr.odd { background: #D7FFFF; }
table.FHT { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #FFC0C0; }
table.FHT tr.odd { background: #FFD7D7; }
table.KS300 { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #C0FFC0; }
table.KS300 tr.odd { background: #A7FFA7; }
table.FileLog { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #FFC0C0; }
table.FileLog tr.odd { background: #FFD7D7; }
table.at { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #FFFFC0; }
table.at tr.odd { background: #FFFFD7; }
table.notify { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #D7D7A0; }
table.notify tr.odd { background: #FFFFC0; }
table.FHZ { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #C0C0C0; }
table.FHZ tr.odd { background: #D7D7D7; }
table.EM { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #E0E0E0; }
table.EM tr.odd { background: #F0F0F0; }
table._internal_ { $FHEMWEB_css1; background: #C0C0C0; }
table._internal_ tr.odd { background: #D7D7D7; }
#hdr { position:absolute; top:10px; left:10px; }
#left { position:absolute; top:50px; left:10px; width:130px; }
#right { position:absolute; top:50px; left:160px; bottom:10px; overflow:auto;}
# Nothing to config below
# Forward declaration
sub FHEMWEB_checkDirs();
sub FHEMWEB_digestCgi($);
sub FHEMWEB_doDetail($);
sub FHEMWEB_fileList($);
sub FHEMWEB_makeTable($$$$$$$$);
sub FHEMWEB_parseXmlList();
sub FHEMWEB_showRoom();
sub FHEMWEB_showArchive($);
sub FHEMWEB_showLog($);
sub FHEMWEB_showLogWrapper($);
sub FHEMWEB_popup($$$);
sub FHEMWEB_textfield($$);
sub FHEMWEB_submit($$);
sub __roomOverview();
sub FHEMWEB_fatal($);
sub pF($@);
sub pO(@);
sub FHEMWEB_AnswerCall($);
# As we are _not_ multithreaded, it is safe to use global variables.
my %__icons;
my $__iconsread;
my %__rooms;
my %__devs;
my %__types;
my $__room;
my $__detail;
my $__title;
my $__cmdret;
my $__RET;
my $__RETTYPE;
my $__SF = "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$__ME\">";
my $__ti; # Tabindex for all input fields
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{ReadFn} = "FHEMWEB_Read";
$hash->{DefFn} = "FHEMWEB_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FHEMWEB_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($name, $type, $port, $global) = split("[ \t]+", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> FHEMWEB <tcp-portnr> [global]"
if($port !~ m/^[0-9]+$/ || $port < 1 || $port > 65535 ||
($global && $global ne "global"));
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{PORT} = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'tcp',
LocalHost => ($global ? undef : "localhost"),
LocalPort => $port,
Listen => 10,
ReuseAddr => 1);
return "Can't open server port at $port: $!" if(!$hash->{PORT});
$hash->{FD} = $hash->{PORT}->fileno();
$hash->{SERVERSOCKET} = "True";
Log 2, "FHEMWEB port $port opened";
return undef;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
if($hash->{SERVERSOCKET}) { # Accept and create a child
my @clientinfo = $hash->{PORT}->accept();
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ll = GetLogLevel($name,4);
if(!@clientinfo) {
Print("ERROR", 1, "016 Accept failed for admin port");
Log 1, "Accept failed for HTTP port ($name: $!)";
my @clientsock = sockaddr_in($clientinfo[1]);
my %nhash;
$nhash{NAME} = "FHEMWEB:". inet_ntoa($clientsock[1]) .":".$clientsock[0];
$nhash{FD} = $clientinfo[0]->fileno();
$nhash{CD} = $clientinfo[0]; # sysread / close won't work on fileno
$nhash{TYPE} = "FHEMWEB";
$nhash{STATE} = "Connected";
$nhash{SNAME} = $name;
$nhash{TEMPORARY} = 1; # Don't want to save it
$nhash{BUF} = "";
$defs{$nhash{NAME}} = \%nhash;
Log $ll, "Connection accepted from $nhash{NAME}";
my $name = $hash->{SNAME};
my $ll = GetLogLevel($name,4);
# Data from HTTP Client
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($hash->{CD}, $buf, 1024);
if(!defined($ret) || $ret <= 0) {
# Don't delete the attr entry.
Log $ll, "Connection closed for $hash->{NAME}";
$hash->{BUF} .= $buf;
#Log 1, "Got: >$hash->{BUF}<";
return if($hash->{BUF} !~ m/\n\n$/ && $hash->{BUF} !~ m/\r\n\r\n$/);
my @lines = split("[\r\n]", $hash->{BUF});
my ($mode, $arg, $method) = split(" ", $lines[0]);
$hash->{BUF} = "";
Log $ll, "HTTP $hash->{NAME} GET $arg";
my $c = $hash->{CD};
my $l = length($__RET);
print $c "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n",
"Content-Length: $l\r\n",
"Content-Type: $__RETTYPE\r\n\r\n",
my ($arg) = @_;
%__rooms = ();
%__devs = ();
%__types = ();
$__room = "";
$__detail = "";
$__title = "";
$__cmdret = "";
$__RET = "";
$__RETTYPE = "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1";
$__ti = 1;
# Lets go:
if($arg !~ m/^$__ME(.*)/) {
if($arg =~ m/^$FHEMWEB_reldoc/) {
open(FH, $FHEMWEB_absdoc) || return;
pO join("", <FH>);
} elsif($arg =~ m/^$FHEMWEB_relicondir(.*)$/) {
$__RETTYPE = "image/gif";
open(FH, "$FHEMWEB_absicondir$1") || return;
pO join("", <FH>);
my $cmd = FHEMWEB_digestCgi($1);
$__cmdret = fC($cmd) if($cmd &&
$cmd !~ /^showlog/ &&
$cmd !~ /^toweblink/ &&
$cmd !~ /^showarchive/);
return FHEMWEB_showLog($cmd) if($cmd =~ m/^showlog /);
if($cmd =~ m/^toweblink (.*)$/) {
my @aa = split(":", $1);
my $max = 0;
for my $d (keys %__devs) {
$max = ($1+1) if($d =~ m/^wl_(\d+)$/ && $1 >= $max);
$__devs{$aa[0]}{INT}{currentlogfile}{VAL} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
$aa[2] = "CURRENT" if($1 eq $aa[2]);
$__cmdret = fC("define wl_$max weblink fileplot $aa[0]:$aa[1]:$aa[2]");
if(!$__cmdret) {
$__detail = "wl_$max";
pO "<html><head><title>$__title</title><style type=\"text/css\">";
pO "<!--/* <![CDATA[ */\n$FHEMWEB_css\n/* ]]> */-->";
pO "</style></head><body name=\"$__title\">\n";
if($__cmdret) {
$__detail = "";
$__room = "";
$__cmdret =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$__cmdret =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO "<pre>$__cmdret</pre>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
FHEMWEB_doDetail($__detail) if($__detail);
FHEMWEB_showRoom() if($__room && !$__detail);
FHEMWEB_showLogWrapper($cmd) if($cmd =~ /^showlogwrapper/);
FHEMWEB_showArchive($cmd) if($cmd =~ m/^showarchive/);
pO "</body></html>";
# Digest CGI parameters
my ($arg) = @_;
my (%arg, %val, %dev);
my ($cmd, $c) = ("","","");
$arg =~ s/^\?//;
foreach my $pv (split("&", $arg)) {
$pv =~ s/\+/ /g;
$pv =~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge;
#Log 1, "P1: $pv";
my ($p,$v) = split("=",$pv, 2);
if($p eq "detail") { $__detail = $v; }
if($p eq "room") { $__room = $v; }
if($p eq "cmd") { $cmd = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^arg\.(.*)$/) { $arg{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^val\.(.*)$/) { $val{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^dev\.(.*)$/) { $dev{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^cmd\.(.*)$/) { $cmd = $v; $c= $1; }
$cmd.=" $dev{$c}" if($dev{$c});
$cmd.=" $arg{$c}" if($arg{$c});
$cmd.=" $val{$c}" if($val{$c});
return $cmd;
# Get the data and parse it. We are parsing XML in a non-scientific way :-)
my $name;
foreach my $l (split("\n", fC("xmllist"))) {
####### Device
if($l =~ m/^\t\t<(.*) name="(.*)" state="(.*)" sets="(.*)" attrs="(.*)">/){
$name = $2;
$__devs{$name}{type} = ($1 eq "HMS" ? "KS300" : $1);
$__devs{$name}{state} = $3;
$__devs{$name}{sets} = $4;
$__devs{$name}{attrs} = $5;
####### INT, ATTR & STATE
if($l =~ m,^\t\t\t<(.*) key="(.*)" value="([^"]*)"(.*)/>,) {
my ($t, $n, $v, $m) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$__devs{$name}{$t}{$n}{VAL} = $v;
if($m) {
$m =~ m/measured="(.*)"/;
$__devs{$name}{$t}{$n}{TIM} = $1;
if($t eq "ATTR" && $n eq "room") {
$__rooms{$v}{$name} = 1;
if($name eq "global") {
$__rooms{$v}{LogFile} = 1;
$__devs{LogFile}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} = $v;
if($name eq "global" && $n eq "logfile") {
my $ln = "LogFile";
$__devs{$ln}{type} = "FileLog";
$__devs{$ln}{INT}{logfile}{VAL} = $v;
$__devs{$ln}{state} = "active";
if(defined($__devs{global}{ATTR}{archivedir})) {
$__devs{LogFile}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL} =
#Tag the gadgets without room with "Unsorted"
if(%__rooms) {
foreach my $name (keys %__devs ) {
if(!$__devs{$name}{ATTR}{room}) {
$__devs{$name}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} = "Unsorted";
$__rooms{Unsorted}{$name} = 1;
# Needed for type sorting
foreach my $d (sort keys %__devs ) {
$__types{$__devs{$d}{type}} = 1;
$__title = $__devs{global}{ATTR}{title}{VAL} ?
$__devs{global}{ATTR}{title}{VAL} : "First page";
$__room = $__devs{$__detail}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} if($__detail);
my($d,$t,$header,$hash,$clist,$ccmd,$makelink,$cmd) = (@_);
$t = "EM" if($t =~ m/^EM.*$/);
return if(!$hash && !$clist);
pO " <table class=\"$t\">\n";
# Header
pO " <tr>";
foreach my $h (split(",", $header)) {
pO "<th>$h</th>";
pO "</tr>\n";
if($clist) {
my @al = map { s/[:;].*//;$_ } split(" ", $clist);
pO "<td>" . FHEMWEB_popup("arg.$ccmd$d",\@al,undef) . "</td>";
pO "<td>" . FHEMWEB_textfield("val.$ccmd$d", 6) . "</td>";
pO "<td>" . FHEMWEB_submit("cmd.$ccmd$d", $ccmd) . "</td>";
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("dev.$ccmd$d", $d);
pO "</td></tr><tr><td>\n";
my $row = 1;
foreach my $v (sort keys %{$hash}) {
pF " <tr class=\"%s\">", $row?"odd":"even";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
if($makelink && $FHEMWEB_reldoc) {
pO "<td><a href=\"$FHEMWEB_reldoc#$v\">$v</a></td>";
} else {
pO "<td>$v</td>";
pO "<td>$hash->{$v}{VAL}</td>";
pO "<td>$hash->{$v}{TIM}</td>" if($hash->{$v}{TIM});
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd.$d=$cmd $d $v&detail=$d\">$cmd</a></td>"
pO "</tr>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO "<br>\n";
my ($arg) = @_;
my (undef, $d) = split(" ", $arg);
my $fn = $__devs{$d}{INT}{logfile}{VAL};
if($fn =~ m,^(.+)/([^/]+)$,) {
$fn = $2;
$fn = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL} . "/" . $fn;
my $t = $__devs{$d}{type};
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO "<table><tr><td>\n";
pO "<table class=\"$t\"><tr><td>\n";
my $row = 0;
my $l = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{logtype};
foreach my $f (FHEMWEB_fileList($fn)) {
pF " <tr class=\"%s\"><td>$f</td>", $row?"odd":"even";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
if(!defined($l)) {
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd=showlogwrapper $d text $f\">text</a></td>";
} else {
foreach my $ln (split(",", $l->{VAL})) {
my ($lt, $name) = split(":", $ln);
$name = $lt if(!$name);
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd=showlogwrapper $d $lt $f\">$name</a></td>";
pO "</tr>";
pO "</td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
my ($d) = @_;
pO $__SF;
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("detail", $d);
$__room = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{room}{VAL}
my $t = $__devs{$d}{type};
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO "<table><tr><td>\n";
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?cmd=delete $d\">Delete $d</a>\n";
pO "</td></tr><tr><td>\n";
FHEMWEB_makeTable($d, $t,
"<a href=\"$FHEMWEB_reldoc#${t}set\">State</a>,Value,Measured",
$__devs{$d}{STATE}, $__devs{$d}{sets}, "set", 0, undef);
FHEMWEB_makeTable($d, $t, "Internal,Value",
$__devs{$d}{INT}, "", undef, 0, undef);
FHEMWEB_makeTable($d, $t,
"<a href=\"$FHEMWEB_reldoc#attr\">Attribute</a>,Value,Action",
$__devs{$d}{ATTR}, $__devs{$d}{attrs}, "attr", 1,
$d eq "global" ? "" : "deleteattr");
pO "</td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
pO "</form>\n";
# Room overview
pO $__SF;
pO "<div id=\"hdr\">\n";
pO "<a href=\"$FHEMWEB_reldoc\">Cmd</a>: ";
pO FHEMWEB_textfield("cmd", 30);
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("room", "$__room") if($__room);
pO "</div>\n";
pO "<div id=\"left\">\n";
pO " <table><tr><td>\n"; # Need for "right" compatibility
pO " <table class=\"room\" summary=\"Room list\">\n";
$__room = "" if(!$__room);
foreach my $r (sort keys %__rooms) {
next if($r eq "hidden");
pF " <tr%s>", $r eq $__room ? " class=\"sel\"" : "";
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?room=$r\">$r</a>";
pO "</td></tr>\n";
pF " <tr%s>", "all" eq $__room ? " class=\"sel\"" : "";
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?room=all\">All together</a></td>";
pO " </tr>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
pO "</form>\n";
# Read in the icons
return if($__iconsread && (time() - $__iconsread) < 5);
%__icons = ();
if(opendir(DH, $FHEMWEB_absicondir)) {
while(my $l = readdir(DH)) {
next if($l =~ m/^\./);
my $x = $l;
$x =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; # Cut .gif/.jpg
$__icons{$x} = $l;
$__iconsread = time();
# Generate the html output: i.e present the data
pO $__SF;
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO " <table><tr><td>\n"; # Need for equal width of subtables
foreach my $type (sort keys %__types) {
# Filter the devices in the room
if($__room && $__room ne "all") {
my $havedev;
foreach my $d (sort keys %__devs ) {
next if($__devs{$d}{type} ne $type);
next if(!$__rooms{$__room}{$d});
$havedev = 1;
next if(!$havedev);
my $rf = ($__room ? "&room=$__room" : "");
# Print the table headers
my $t = $type;
$t = "EM" if($t =~ m/^EM.*$/);
pO " <table class=\"$t\" summary=\"List of $type devices\">\n";
if($type eq "FS20") {
pO " <tr><th>FS20 dev.</th><th>State</th>";
pO "<th colspan=\"2\">Set to</th>";
pO "</tr>\n";
if($type eq "FHT") {
pO " <tr><th>FHT dev.</th><th>Measured</th>";
pO "<th>Set to</th>";
pO "</tr>\n";
my $hstart = " <tr><th>";
my $hend = "</th></tr>\n";
pO $hstart . "Logs" . $hend if($type eq "FileLog");
pO $hstart . "HMS/KS300</th><th>Readings" . $hend if($type eq "KS300");
pO $hstart . "Scheduled commands (at)" . $hend if($type eq "at");
pO $hstart . "Triggers (notify)" . $hend if($type eq "notify");
pO $hstart . "Global variables" . $hend if($type eq "_internal_");
my $row=1;
foreach my $d (sort keys %__devs ) {
next if($__devs{$d}{type} ne $type);
next if($__room && $__room ne "all" &&
pF " <tr class=\"%s\">", $row?"odd":"even";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
# Check if the icon exists
my $v = $__devs{$d}{state};
if($type eq "FS20") {
my $v = $__devs{$d}{state};
my $iv = $v;
my $iname = "";
if(defined($__devs{$d}) &&
defined($__devs{$d}{ATTR}{showtime})) {
$v = $__devs{$d}{STATE}{state}{TIM};
} elsif($iv) {
$iv =~ s/ .*//; # Want to be able to have icons for "on-for-timer xxx"
$iname = $__icons{"$type"} if($__icons{"$type"});
$iname = $__icons{"$type.$iv"} if($__icons{"$type.$iv"});
$iname = $__icons{"$d"} if($__icons{"$d"});
$iname = $__icons{"$d.$iv"} if($__icons{"$d.$iv"});
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td>";
if($iname) {
pO "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"$FHEMWEB_relicondir/$iname\" ".
} else {
pO "<td align=\"center\">$v</td>";
if($__devs{$d}{sets}) {
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd.$d=set $d on$rf\">on</a></td>";
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd.$d=set $d off$rf\">off</a></td>";
} elsif($type eq "FHT") {
$v =~ s/^[^0-9]*([.0-9]+).*$/$1/g;
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td>";
pO "<td align=\"center\">$v&deg;</td>";
$v = sprintf("%2.1f", int(2*$v)/2) if($v =~ m/[0-9.-]/);
my @tv = map { ($_.".0", $_+0.5) } (16..26);
$v = int($v*20)/$v if($v =~ m/^[0-9].$/);
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("arg.$d", "desired-temp");
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("dev.$d", $d);
pO "<td>" .
FHEMWEB_popup("val.$d",\@tv,$v) .
FHEMWEB_submit("cmd.$d", "set") . "</td>";
} elsif($type eq "FileLog") {
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td><td>$v</td>\n";
if($__devs{$d}{ATTR}{archivedir}) {
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd=showarchive $d\">archive</a></td>";
my $l = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{logtype};
if(!defined($l)) {
my %h = ("VAL" => "text");
$l = \%h;
foreach my $f (FHEMWEB_fileList($__devs{$d}{INT}{logfile}{VAL})) {
pF " <tr class=\"%s\"><td>$f</td>", $row?"odd":"even";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
foreach my $ln (split(",", $l->{VAL})) {
my ($lt, $name) = split(":", $ln);
$name = $lt if(!$name);
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd=showlogwrapper $d $lt $f\">$name</a></td>";
pO "</tr>";
} elsif($type eq "weblink") {
$v = $__devs{$d}{INT}{LINK}{VAL};
$t = $__devs{$d}{INT}{WLTYPE}{VAL};
if($t eq "link") {
pO "<td><a href=\"$v\">$d</a></td>\n";
} elsif($t eq "fileplot") {
my @va = split(":", $v, 3);
if(@va != 3 || !$__devs{$va[0]}{INT}{currentlogfile}) {
pO "<td>Broken definition: $v</a></td>";
} else {
if($va[2] eq "CURRENT") {
$__devs{$va[0]}{INT}{currentlogfile}{VAL} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
$va[2] = $1;
pO "<td><img src=\"$__ME?cmd=showlog $va[0] $va[1] $va[2]\"/>";
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td>";
} else {
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td><td>$v</td>\n";
pO " </tr>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO " <br>\n"; # Empty line
pO " </td></tr>\n</table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
pO "</form>\n";
my ($fname) = @_;
$fname =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Split into dir and file
my ($dir,$re) = ($1, $2);
return if(!$re);
$re =~ s/%./\.*/g;
my @ret;
return @ret if(!opendir(DH, $dir));
while(my $f = readdir(DH)) {
next if($f !~ m,^$re$,);
push(@ret, $f);
return sort @ret;
my ($cmd) = @_;
my (undef, $d, $type, $file) = split(" ", $cmd, 4);
if($type eq "text") {
$__devs{$d}{INT}{logfile}{VAL} =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Dir and File
my $path = "$1/$file";
$path = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL} . "/$file" if(!-f $path);
open(FH, $path) || return FHEMWEB_fatal("$path: $!");
my $cnt = join("", <FH>);
$cnt =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$cnt =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO "<pre>$cnt</pre>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
} else {
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO "<table><tr></td>\n";
pO "<table><tr></td>\n";
pO "<td><img src=\"$__ME?cmd=showlog $d $type $file\"/>";
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?cmd=toweblink $d:$type:$file\"><br>Convert to weblink</a></td>";
pO "</td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
my ($cmd) = @_;
my (undef, $d, $type, $file) = split(" ", $cmd, 4);
$__devs{$d}{INT}{logfile}{VAL} =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Dir and File
my $path = "$1/$file";
$path = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL} . "/$file" if(!-f $path);
my $gplot_pgm = "$FHEMWEB_gnuplotdir/$type.gplot";
return FHEMWEB_fatal("Cannot read $gplot_pgm") if(!-r $gplot_pgm);
return FHEMWEB_fatal("Cannot read $path") if(!-r $path);
# Read in the template gnuplot file
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || FHEMWEB_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!");
my $gplot_script = join("", <FH>);
$gplot_script =~ s/<OUT>/$FHEMWEB_tmpfile/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<IN>/$path/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<TL>/$file/g;
open(FH, "|$FHEMWEB_gnuplot > /dev/null");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script;
$__RETTYPE = "image/png";
open(FH, "$FHEMWEB_tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
pO join("", <FH>);
my ($msg) = @_;
pO "<html><body>$msg</body></html>";
my ($n, $v) = @_;
return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$n\" value=\"$v\"/>";
my ($n, $va, $def) = @_;
my $s = "<select name=\"$n\" tabindex=\"$__ti\">";
foreach my $v (@{$va}) {
if($def && $v eq $def) {
$s .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"$v\">$v</option>";
} else {
$s .= "<option value=\"$v\">$v</option>";
$s .= "</select>";
return $s;
my ($n, $z) = @_;
my $s = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$n\" tabindex=\"$__ti\" size=\"$z\"/>";
return $s;
my ($n, $v) = @_;
my $s ="<input type=\"submit\" tabindex=\"$__ti\" name=\"$n\" value=\"$v\"/>";
return $s;
my $fmt = shift;
$__RET .= sprintf $fmt, @_;
$__RET .= shift;
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0;
my $ret = AnalyzeCommand(undef, shift);
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
return $ret;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "weblink_Define";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($type, $name, $wltype, $link) = split("[ \t]+", $def, 4);
my %thash = ( link=>1, fileplot=>1 );
if(!$link || !$thash{$wltype}) {
return "Usage: define <name> weblink [" . join("|",sort keys %thash) . "] <httplink>";
$hash->{WLTYPE} = $wltype;
$hash->{LINK} = $link;
$hash->{STATE} = "initial";
return undef;

View File

@ -1,20 +1,77 @@
See the main doc (fhem.html) for the first documentation and installation.
- copy the gif files to the destination directory
cp *.gif /home/httpd/icons
- copy docs/commandref.html to the doc directory
cp ../..docs/commandref.html /home/httpd/html
- check if the above directories are set correctly in 01_FHEMWEB.pm
vi 01_FHEMWEB.pm
- copy 01_FHEMWEB.pm to the fhem module directory
cp *.pm /usr/local/lib/FHEM
- restart fhem.pl
- define a new FHEMWEB instance in fhem
define WEB FHEMWEB 8080 global
If you want to show only a part of your devices on a single screen
(i.e divide them into separate rooms), then assign each device the
room attribute in the config file:
Now you can access it from the web browser via
attr ks300 room garden
attr ks300-log room garden
Additional features:
- Rooms: If you have more than 10 devices/logs/notifies/etc. then it make sense
to divide them into "rooms". For this purpose assign the attribute room to
each device.
- hide devices: Devices in the room "hidden" will not be shown. Devices without
a room attribute go to the room "Unsorted".
- Title: You can set the title of the webpage with
attr global title "My-Title"
- If you set the attribute model of an FS20 device, and the device is an
FS20-sender, then you will not be able to switch it from the frontend.
- You can first set an attribute to an arbitrary (wrong) value, then click on
the attribute: you will be guided to the correct place in the documentation;
now you can chnage the attribute value to the correct one.
- To log the HTTP requests in the logfile, either set the global verbose to a
value greater than 3 or set the HTTP device loglevel to a lower value
attr <FHEMWEBDEVICE> loglevel 2
The attribute title of the global device will be used as title on the first
screen, which shows the list of all rooms. Devices in the room
"hidden" will not be shown. Devices without a room attribute go
to the room "misc".
Graphs for plotted logs (gnuplot):
- Set FHEMWEB_gnuplot in 01_FHEMWEB.pm to the gnuplot binary
- copy the gnuplot files to the gnuplot scripts to the gnuplot directory
cp *.gplot /home/httpd/cgi-bin
- copy 99_weblink.pm to the FHEM modules directory and restart fhem.pl
- assign the logtype attribute to your FileLog device.
Look at the XXX.gplot file, how the FileLog should be defined, and
set the corresponding logtype attribute to XXX.
You can use more than one logtype, see commandref.html for more.
- To show more than one plot on one page, convert them to weblink, and assign
each weblink the same room. If a weblink is created for the CURRENT logfile,
it will always use the CURRENT logfile.
To configure the absicondir and relicondir correctly, look into the
httpd.conf file (probably /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf), and check the
line which looks like:
Alias /icons/ "/home/httpd/icons/"
relicondir will then be /icons, and absicondir /home/httpd/icons.
- These features are implemented by apache, and apache must be configured to
redirect the page to 01_FHEMWEB.pm. For this purpose add the following lines
to your httpd.conf:
<Proxy *>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile /home/httpd/etc/passwd
Require valid-user
Allow from
ProxyPass /fhem http://localhost:<FHEMPORT>/fhem
ProxyPassReverse /fhem http://localhost:<FHEMPORT>/fhem
and then restart httpd with apachectl graceful. To create the password file,
execute htpasswd -c /home/httpd/etc/passwd <username>
- To enable HTTPS, please check the web.
In essence:
- Edit httpd.conf, add:
LoadModule ssl_module lib/apache/mod_ssl.so
Include /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.conf
- Create a server certificate
- Start httpd with the startssl option (SSL or the like must be set in one
of your system files, look at /etc/init.d/httpd).