mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
mutliple buffer finished
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@147 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -378,7 +378,8 @@
- bugfix: 99_SUNRISE_EL.pm: may schedule double events
- bugfix: 62_EMEM.pl, contrib/em1010.pl: correct readings for energy_kWh
and energy_kWh_w (Boris, 06.01.08)
- feature: gloabl attr allowfrom, as wished by Holger (8.1.2008)
- feature: global attr allowfrom, as wished by Holger (8.1.2008)
- feature: FHT: multiple commands, softbuffer changes, cmd rename, doc
emem -2.5kW / getDevData for emwz -1
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ FHZ_Get($@)
my $v = join(" ", @a);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "FHZ get $name $v";
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "FHZ get $v";
FHZ_Write($hash, $fn, $arg) if(!IsDummy("FHZ"));
@ -6,11 +6,15 @@ use warnings;
sub doSoftBuffer($);
sub softBufferTimer($);
sub sendCommand($$$$);
sub getFhtMin($);
sub getFhtBuffer($);
my %codes = (
"0000.6" => "actuator",
"00002a" => "lime-protection",
"00002c" => "synctime", # Not verified
"0000aa" => "code_0000aa",
"0000ba" => "code_0000ba",
"0100.6" => "actuator1", # Not verified (1-8)
"0200.6" => "actuator2",
"0300.6" => "actuator3",
@ -19,6 +23,7 @@ my %codes = (
"0600.6" => "actuator6",
"0700.6" => "actuator7",
"0800.6" => "actuator8",
"140069" => "mon-from1",
"150069" => "mon-to1",
"160069" => "mon-from2",
@ -47,33 +52,34 @@ my %codes = (
"2d0069" => "sun-to1",
"2e0069" => "sun-from2",
"2f0069" => "sun-to2",
"3e0069" => "mode",
"3f0069" => "holiday1", # Not verified
"400069" => "holiday2", # Not verified
"410069" => "desired-temp",
"XX0069" => "measured-temp", # sum of next. two, never "really" sent
"XX0069" => "measured-temp", # sum of next. two, never really sent
"420069" => "measured-low",
"430069" => "measured-high",
"430079" => "code_430079",
"440069" => "warnings",
"450069" => "manu-temp", # Manuelle Temperatur keine ahnung was das bewirkt
"440079" => "code_440079",
"450069" => "manu-temp", # No clue what it does.
"..0067" => "repeat1", # repeat the last data (?)
"..0077" => "repeat2",
"600069" => "year",
"610069" => "month",
"620069" => "day",
"630069" => "hour",
"640069" => "minute",
"650069" => "init",
"650069" => "refresh",
"660069" => "init", # ?
"820069" => "day-temp",
"840069" => "night-temp",
"850069" => "lowtemp-offset", # Alarm-Temp.-Differenz
"850069" => "lowtemp-offset", # Alarm-Temp.-Differenz
"8a0069" => "windowopen-temp",
"00002a" => "lime-protection",
"0000aa" => "code_0000aa",
"0000ba" => "code_0000ba",
"430079" => "code_430079",
"440079" => "code_440079",
"4b0067" => "code_4b0067",
"4b0077" => "code_4b0077",
"7e0067" => "code_7e0067",
my %cantset = (
@ -91,26 +97,23 @@ my %cantset = (
"measured-high" => 1,
"measured-low" => 1,
"warnings" => 1,
"init" => 1,
"repeat1" => 1,
"repeat2" => 1,
"code_0000aa" => 1,
"code_0000ba" => 1,
"code_430079" => 1,
"code_440079" => 1,
"code_4b0067" => 1,
"code_4b0077" => 1,
"code_7e0067" => 1,
my %nosetarg = (
"refreshvalues" => 1,
my %priority = (
"desired-temp"=> 1,
"mode" => 2,
"refreshvalues"=> 3,
"refresh" => 3,
"holiday1" => 4,
"holiday2" => 5,
"day-temp" => 6,
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ my %c2b; # command->button hash (reverse of codes)
my %c2bset; # Setteable values
my %defptr;
my $minFhzHardwareBuffer = 10; # min fhtbuf free bytes before sending commands
my $defmin = 0; # min fhtbuf free bytes before sending commands
my $retryafter = 240; # in seconds, only when fhtsoftbuffer is active
my $cmdcount = 0;
@ -141,7 +144,6 @@ FHT_Initialize($)
foreach my $k (keys %c2m) {
$m2c{$c2m{$k}} = $k;
$c2bset{refreshvalues} = "65ff66ff";
# 810c0426 0909a001 1111 1600
# 810c04b3 0909a001 1111 44006900
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ FHT_Initialize($)
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FHT_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "FHT_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:0,1 model;fht80b dummy:0,1 " .
"showtime:0,1 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 retrycount";
"showtime:0,1 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 retrycount minfhtbuffer";
@ -167,35 +169,39 @@ FHT_Set($@)
return "\"set $a[0]\" needs at least two parameters" if(@a < 2);
my $name = shift(@a);
my $name = shift(@a);
# Backward compatibility, replace refreshvalues with refresh and init.
for(my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++) {
if($a[$i] eq "refreshvalues");
my $ncmd = 0;
my $arg = "020183" . $hash->{CODE};
my ($cmd, $val) = ("", "");
my ($cmd, $allcmd, $val) = ("", "", "");
while(@a) {
my $lcmd = shift(@a);
$cmd = shift(@a);
$cmd .=" " if($cmd);
$cmd .= $lcmd;
$allcmd .=" " if($allcmd);
$allcmd .= $cmd;
return "Unknown argument $lcmd, choose one of " .
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " .
join(" ", sort {$c2bset{$a} cmp $c2bset{$b} } keys %c2bset)
return "\"set $name\" needs a parameters"
if(@a < 1 && !$nosetarg{$lcmd});
if(@a < 1 && !$nosetarg{$cmd});
if(!$nosetarg{$lcmd}) {
$val = shift(@a);
$cmd .= " $val";
} else {
if($nosetarg{$cmd}) {
$val = undef;
} else {
$val = shift(@a);
$arg .= $c2bset{$lcmd};
$arg .= $c2bset{$cmd};
if ($lcmd =~ m/-temp/) {
if ($cmd =~ m/-temp/) {
return "Invalid temperature, use NN.N" if($val !~ m/^\d*\.?\d+$/);
return "Invalid temperature, must between 5.5 and 30.5"
@ -205,7 +211,7 @@ FHT_Set($@)
$ret = sprintf("Rounded temperature to %.1f", $a/2) if($a/2 != $val);
$val = sprintf("%.1f", $a/2);
} elsif($lcmd =~ m/-from/ || $lcmd =~ m/-to/) {
} elsif($cmd =~ m/-from/ || $cmd =~ m/-to/) {
return "Invalid timeformat, use HH:MM"
if($val !~ m/^([0-2]\d):([0-5]\d)/);
@ -216,13 +222,13 @@ FHT_Set($@)
$ret = "Rounded time to $nt" if($nt ne $val);
$val = $nt;
} elsif($lcmd eq "mode") {
} elsif($cmd eq "mode") {
return "Invalid mode, use one of " . join(" ", sort keys %m2c)
$arg .= sprintf("%02x", $m2c{$val});
} elsif ($lcmd eq "lowtemp-offset") {
} elsif ($cmd eq "lowtemp-offset") {
return "Invalid lowtemperature-offset, must between 1 and 5"
if($val !~ m/^[1-5]$/);
@ -234,19 +240,17 @@ FHT_Set($@)
$arg .= sprintf("%02x", $val) if(defined($val));
$allcmd .= " $val" if($val);
$val = "" if (!defined($val) || $ncmd > 1);
return "Too many commands specified, an FHT only supports up to 8"
if($ncmd > 8);
my $ioname = "";
$ioname = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} if($hash->{IODev});
if($attr{$ioname} && $attr{$ioname}{fhtsoftbuffer}) {
if($ncmd > 1) {
return "Cannot accept multiple FHT commands with fhtsoftbuffer enabled";
my $io = $hash->{IODev};
my %h = (HASH => $hash, CMD => $cmd, VAL => $val, ARG => $arg);
my %h = (HASH => $hash, CMD => $allcmd, ARG => $arg);
my $prio = $priority{$cmd};
$prio = "9" if(!$prio);
@ -257,7 +261,8 @@ FHT_Set($@)
} else {
sendCommand($hash, $cmd, $val, $arg);
IOWrite($hash, "04", $arg) if(!IsDummy($name));
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "FHT set $name $allcmd";
@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ FHT_Define($$)
Log GetLogLevel($a[0],2),"Asking the FHT device $a[0]/$a[2] to send its data";
FHT_Set($hash, ($a[0], "refreshvalues"));
FHT_Set($hash, ($a[0], "init", "255", "refresh", "255"));
return undef;
@ -430,17 +435,18 @@ FHT_Parse($$)
Log 4, "FHT $name $type: $val";
# Softbuffer: deleted confirmed commands
# Softbuffer: delete confirmed commands
if($confirm) {
my $found;
my $io = $def->{IODev};
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$io->{SOFTBUFFER}}) {
my $h = $io->{SOFTBUFFER}{$key};
my $hcmd = $h->{CMD};
$hcmd = "init" if($hcmd eq "refreshvalues");
Log 5, "FHT check $h->{HASH}->{NAME} eq $name && $hcmd eq $type";
if($h->{HASH}->{NAME} eq $name && $hcmd eq $type) {
my $hname = $h->{HASH}->{NAME};
Log 4, "FHT softbuffer check: $hname / $hcmd";
if($hname eq $name && $hcmd =~ m/^$type $val/) {
$found = $key;
Log 4, "FHT softbuffer found";
@ -471,17 +477,21 @@ doSoftBuffer($)
next if($now-$h->{SENDTIME} < $retryafter);
my $retry = $attr{$name}{retrycount};
if($h->{NSENT} > $retry) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "$name set $h->{CMD} $h->{VAL}: ".
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "$name set $h->{CMD}: ".
"no confirmation after $h->{NSENT} tries, giving up";
$fhzbuflen = getFhzBuffer($io) if($fhzbuflen == -999);
next if($fhzbuflen < $minFhzHardwareBuffer);
sendCommand($h->{HASH}, $h->{CMD}, $h->{VAL}, $h->{ARG});
$fhzbuflen -= ($h->{CMD} eq "refreshvalues" ? 7 : 5);
$fhzbuflen = getFhtBuffer($io) if($fhzbuflen == -999);
my $arglen = length($h->{ARG})/2 - 2; # Length in bytes
next if($fhzbuflen < $arglen || $fhzbuflen < getFhtMin($io));
IOWrite($h->{HASH}, "04", $h->{ARG}) if(!IsDummy($name));
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "FHT set $name $h->{CMD}";
$fhzbuflen -= $arglen;
$h->{SENDTIME} = $now;
@ -503,50 +513,35 @@ softBufferTimer($)
my ($io) = @_;
my $ioname = $io->{NAME};
return $attr{$ioname}{minfhtbuffer}
if($attr{$ioname} && $attr{$ioname}{minfhtbuffer});
return $defmin;
# get the FHZ hardwarebuffer without logentry as decimal value
my ($io) = @_;
my $count = 0;
return $minFhzHardwareBuffer if(IsDummy($io->{NAME}));
return getFhtMin($io) if(IsDummy($io->{NAME}));
for(;;) {
FHZ_Write($io, "04", "c90185");
my $msg = FHZ_ReadAnswer($io, "fhtbuf");
Log 5, "getFhzBuffer: $count $msg";
Log 5, "getFhtBuffer: $count $msg";
return hex(substr($msg, 16, 2)) if($msg && $msg =~ m/^[0-9A-F]+$/i);
return 0 if($count++ > 5);
# Send FHZ command
my ($hash, $cmd, $val, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($cmd eq "refreshvalues") {
# This is special. Without the sleep the next FHT won't send its data
if(!IsDummy($name)) {
my $havefhz = ($hash->{IODev} && defined($hash->{IODev}->{FD}));
IOWrite($hash, "04", $arg);
sleep(1) if($havefhz);
} else {
IOWrite($hash, "04", $arg) if(!IsDummy($name));
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "FHT set $name $cmd $val";
@ -197,3 +197,15 @@
- feature: attr global allowfrom <ip-adresses/hostnames>
If set, only connects from these addresses are allowed. This is to
"simulate" a little bit of security.
- Rudi Sat Jan 19 18:04:12 MET 2008
- FHT: multiple commands
Up to 8 commands in one set, these are transmitted at once to the FHT
- softbuffer changes
minfhtbuffer attribute, as otherwise nearly everything will be sent to
the FHT buffer, so ordering won't take effect.
- cmd rename
repeat1,repeat2. refreshvalues changed to refresh and init. refreshvalues
won't be advertized but still replaced to "refresh 255 init 255"
- extensive documentation update for the FHT
@ -448,22 +448,34 @@ split in multiple lines<br><br>
<a name="fhtsoftbuffer"></a>
<li>fhtsoftbuffer<br />
Can be applied to FHZ devices.<br />
As the FHZ command buffer for FHT devices is limited, and commands
are only sent to the FHT devices every 150 seconds, the hardware
buffer may overflow and FHT commands get lost. Setting this attribute
to 1 implements an "unlimited" software buffer<br>
Can be applied to FHZ devices.<br/>
As the FHZ command buffer for FHT devices is limited (see fhtbuf),
and commands are only sent to the FHT device every 120 seconds,
the hardware buffer may overflow and FHT commands get lost.
Setting this attribute implements an "unlimited" software buffer<br>
Default is disabled (i.e. not set or set to 0).</li><br>
<a name="retrycount"></a>
<li>retrycount<br />
Can be applied to FHT devices.<br />
Can be applied to FHT devices.<br/>
If the <a href="#fhtsoftbuffer">fhtsoftbuffer</a> attribute is set, then
resend commands <code>retrycount</code> times if after 240 seconds
no confirmation message is rececived from the corresponding FHT
Default is 3.</li><br>
<a name="minfhtbuffer"></a>
Can be applied to FHT devices.<br/>
FHEM wont send commands to the FHZ if its fhtbuffer is below
this value, default is 0. If this value is low, then the ordering of
fht commands (see the note in the FHT section of <a href="#set">set</a>)
has little effect, as only commands in the softbuffer can be
prioritized. The maximum value should be 7 below the hardware maximum
(see fhtbuf).
@ -472,11 +484,11 @@ split in multiple lines<br><br>
<code>attr global verbose 3</code><br>
<code>attr lamp room kitchen</code><br>
<code>attr lamp dummy</code><br>
<code>attr lamp loglevel 6</code><br />
<code>attr lamp loglevel 6</code><br/>
<code>attr FHZ fhtsoftbuffer 0 # disable the fhtsoftbuffer for FHT devices</code><br />
<code>attr FHZ softrepeat 300 # resend failed commands to FHT devices after 300 seconds </code><br />
<code>attr FHZ softmaxretry 4 # stop resending failed commands to FHT devices after 4 retries.</code> </ul>
<code>attr FHZ fhtsoftbuffer 0 # disable the fhtsoftbuffer</code><br/>
<code>attr FHZ retrycount 4 # resend commands to FHT devices at most 4 times.</code>
@ -617,7 +629,7 @@ split in multiple lines<br><br>
<code>define wz FHT 3232</code><br>
See the section <a href="#set">set</a> for more.
See the FHT section in <a href="#set">set</a> for more.
@ -1229,11 +1241,17 @@ split in multiple lines<br><br>
<li>The answer for a command is also displayed by <code>list FHZ</code>
The FHZ1000PC has a message buffer for the FHT, as it
only can send messages to it every 2 (or so) minutes. If the buffer
is full, then newly issued ones will be dropped. <code>fhtbuf</code>
returns the free memory in this buffer (in hex), my maximum is 2c (42
The FHZ1x00PC has a message buffer for the FHT (see the FHT entry in
the <a href="#set">set</a> section). If the buffer is full, then newly
issued commands will be dropped, if the attribute <a
href="#fhtsoftbuffer">fhtsoftbuffer</a> is not set.
<code>fhtbuf</code> returns the free memory in this buffer (in hex),
an empty buffer in the FHZ1000 is 2c (42 bytes), in the FHZ1300 is 4a
(74 bytes). A message occupies 3 + 2x(number of FHT commands) bytes,
this is the second reason why sending multiple FHT commands with one
<a href="#set"> set</a> is a good idea. The first reason is, that
these FHT commands are sent at once to the FHT.
@ -1395,8 +1413,8 @@ split in multiple lines<br><br>
2006-11-02 04:13:27 wed-from1 06:00
2006-11-02 04:13:28 wed-to1 23:00
2006-11-02 04:13:36 windowopen-temp 12.0 (Celsius)
Send buffer:<br /> 2007-10-19 00:31:24 desired-temp 22.5
2007-10-19 00:33:20 mode auto<br />
Send buffer:<br/> 2007-10-19 00:31:24 desired-temp 22.5
2007-10-19 00:33:20 mode auto<br/>
@ -1617,56 +1635,73 @@ Send buffer:<br /> 2007-10-19 00:31:24 desired-temp 22.5
where <code>value</code> is one of:<br>
day-temp night-temp
holiday1 holiday2 # Not verified
manu-temp # No clue what it does.
year month day hour minute
lowtemp-offset # Alarm-Temp.-Differenz
mon-from1 mon-to1 mon-from2 mon-to2
tue-from1 tue-to1 tue-from2 tue-to2
wed-from1 wed-to1 wed-from2 wed-to2
thu-from1 thu-to1 thu-from2 thu-to2
fri-from1 fri-to1 fri-from2 fri-to2
sat-from1 sat-to1 sat-from2 sat-to2
sun-from1 sun-to1 sun-from2 sun-to2
<code>set wz desired-temp 22.5</code><br>
<code>set fl desired-temp 20.5 day-temp 19.0 night-temp 16.0</code><br>
<li>Following events are reported (more or less regularly) from each FHT
device: <code>measured-temp actuator lime-protection synctime
actuator1...actuator8 warnings</code><br>
You can use these strings for <a href="#notify">notify</a> or
<a href="#FileLog">FileLog</a> definitions.
<li>actuator is only sent, if it one of them is open
(normally not during the summer time).</li>
<li>actuator1..actuator8 is only sent, if the actuator offset
for this actuator is not 0</li>
<li>lime-protection is sent when the lime-protection is running.
<li>I don't know when the synctime is sent.
<li>warnings can contain following strings:
none, Battery low,Temperature too low, Window open,
Fault on window sensor
<li>The FHT is very economical (or lazy), it accepts one message from the
FHZ1x00 every 2 minutes (or so). Don't be surprized if your command
is only accepted 10 minutes later by the device. FHT commands are
buffered in the FHZ1x00 till they are sent to the FHT, see the related
<code>fhtbuf</code> entry in the <code><a href="#get">get</a></code>
You can send up to 8 commands in one message at once to the FHT if
you specify them all as arguments to the same set command, see the
example above.<br><br>
<li>All <code>*-temp</code> values need a temperature
as argument, which will be rounded to 0.5 Celsius.<br />
Temperature values
must between 5.5 and 30.5 Celsius. Value 5.5 set the actuator to OFF, value 30.5 set the actuator to ON </li>
as argument, which will be rounded to 0.5 Celsius.<br/>
Temperature values must between 5.5 and 30.5 Celsius. Value 5.5 set
the actuator to OFF, value 30.5 set the actuator to ON<br><br>
<li><code>mode</code> is one of <code>auto, manual, holiday or
holiday_short.<br>If the mode is holiday, then
If the mode is holiday, then
<li>holiday1 sets the end-day of the holiday</li>
<li>holiday2 sets the end-month of the holiday</li>
@ -1676,30 +1711,50 @@ must between 5.5 and 30.5 Celsius. Value 5.5 set the actuator to OFF, value 30.
<li>holiday1 sets the time, in 10-minute steps</li>
<li>holiday2 sets number of days from now on.</li>
<li>The <code>*-from1/*-from2/*-to1/*-to2</code> valuetypes need a time
spec as argument in the HH:MM format. They define the periods, where
the day-temp is valid. The minute (MM) will be rounded to 10, and
24:00 means off.</li>
<li><code>refreshvalues</code> does not need an argument, but sends a
plea to the FHT device, so it may send its parameters. If you want
to get these values regularly, then schedule:<br>
<code>at +*01:00:00 set <name> refreshvalues</code></li>
24:00 means off.
<li>The <code>refresh</code> parameter should be 255. It requests
the FHT to resend all parameter values. As the FHT stops sending
the values every 5-10 days, it is adviseable to schedule following
command regularly:<br>
<code>define fht_refresh at +*06:00:00
set <name> refresh 255 init 255</code>
For the technically inclined: The argument 240 (0xf0) requests the
actuator, fri,sat,sun,measured-temp and warnings values, the argument
15 (0x0f) the actuator,mon,tue,wed and thu values and all other
arguments does not seem to work.
<li><code>lowtemp-offset</code> need a temperature
as argument, which will be rounded to 1.0 Celsius.<br />
Temperature values must between 1.0 and 5.0 Celsius.<br />
<code>lowtemp-offset</code> is used for temperature warning (to low temperature in a room within more than 1,5 hours after the last desired-temp changing). The low temperatur warning it relates to the actual desired temperature.<br>
<li>The FHT is very economical (or lazy), it receives messages from the
FHZ1x00 every 2 minutes (or so). Don't be surprized if your command
is accepted 10 minutes later by the device. See the related
<code>fhtbuf</code> entry in the <code><a href="#get">get</a></code>
section.<br />
<li>For FHT devices, FHEM have an internal software buffer for sending commands step by step. This buffer should prevent lost commands. In case of transmission failures FHEM tries to resend commands. You can see the queued unsent and the failed commands with the <a href="#list">list</a> command. If a command don't picked up from a FHT device within a <a href="#softrepeat">given time</a>, the command sends again until <a href="#softmaxretry">softmaxretry</a> reached. <br />
<li>To prevent long time waiting for sending important command, there is a priority list. Commands send in this importance:<br />
<code>desired-temp, mode, refreshvalues,holiday1,holiday2,day-temp,night-temp, [all other commands]</code> <br />
<br />
as argument, which will be rounded to 1.0 Celsius.<br/>
Temperature values must between 1.0 and 5.0 Celsius.<br/>
The <code>lowtemp-offset</code> is used for temperature warning
(to low temperature in a room within more than 1,5 hours after the
last desired-temp changing). The low temperatur warning it relates to
the actual desired temperature.
<li>FHEM optionally has an internal software buffer for FHT devices.
This buffer should prevent transmission errors. If there is no
confirmation for a given period, FHEM resends the command. You can
see the queued commands with <a href="#list">list</a>
See the <a href="#fhtsoftbuffer">fhtsoftbuffer</a>,
<a href="#retrycount">retrycount</a> and
<a href="#minfhtbuffer">minfhtbuffer</a> attributes for details.
<li>If a buffer is still in the softbuffer, it will be sent in the
following order:<br/> <code>desired-temp,mode,refresh,holiday1,holiday2,day-temp,night-temp, [all other commands]</code>
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ my %intAt; # Internal at timer hash.
my $intAtCnt=0;
my $reread_active = 0;
my $AttrList = "room comment";
my $cvsid = '$Id: fhem.pl,v 1.37 2008-01-08 20:15:58 rudolfkoenig Exp $';
my $cvsid = '$Id: fhem.pl,v 1.38 2008-01-19 19:02:30 rudolfkoenig Exp $';
$init_done = 0;
@ -1388,11 +1388,11 @@ CommandAttr($$)
my ($cl, $param) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
my @a;
@a = split(" ", $param, 3) if($param);
my @a = split(" ", $param, 3);
return "Usage: attr <name> <attrname> [<attrvalue>]\n" .
"$namedef" if(@a < 2);
"$namedef" if(@a && @a < 2);
my @rets;
foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0])) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user