luhahn 5e0cfed9be Integrate NOVUM-RGI chart into the official helm chart. (#7)
Fix ssh port settings

Remove blank line from LICENSE file

add check for admin user

set PROTOCOL default to http

Add Konrad Lother as Maintainer

Update readme with generic values

make app.ini generic

- app.ini is now configurable via dictionary in values.yaml
- database and server configuration is autogenerated if not defined
- http and ssh services now use gitea config settings for targetPort
- add default security value INSTALL_LOCK = true
- clean up builtin cache settings

bump gitea version

Add values and Remove vscode TOC comments

- values enablePushCreateOrg and enablePushCreateUser have been added to repository settings

fix naming order of license and maintainers

Multiple improvements for the chart:

- add terminationGracePeriodSeconds to shutdown the statefulset gracefully on error
- add guard for loadbalancer settings in ssh service
- use mysql from bitnami, since they update the version much more frequent (old mysql only uses mysql ~6)
- init container now also provisions mysql and external database correctly

Fix PVC mounting issues for longhorn storageClass

Add examples to readme

Fix port setting for ssh

Fix and operator for newer helm versions

update values to support most configuration gitea offers

Replace Readme

update license file

Update helpers with dependencies, update NOTES.txt

update Chart.yaml with dependencies

Requirements.yaml removed, since this is deprecated and moved to Chart.yaml

Remove now unused dependencies and deployments

- init is no longer used since databases are initialized
  on original charts and managed with dependency
- ingress.yaml moved to templates/gitea
- deployment.yaml no longer used and replaced with templates/gitea/statefulset.yaml
- memcached also handled with helm dependency and initialized in original chart

Add initial test for gitea helm chart

Rework templates for helm chart.

- app.ini configurable via config
- admin user and ldap settings configurable via config
- using statefulset to handle pvc
- update helpers for new dependencies

remove helm build artifacts since they are not needed in this repository

Co-authored-by: Lucas Hahn <>
Co-authored-by: Konrad Lother <>
Reviewed-by: Lunny Xiao <>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Thornton <>
Reviewed-by: techknowlogick <>
2020-08-23 17:56:55 +00:00

250 lines
8.8 KiB

# Gitea Helm Chart
[Gitea]( is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. It is published under the MIT license.
Readme will be updated with examples in the next few days
## Introduction
This helm chart has taken some inspiration from
But takes a completly different approach in providing database and cache with dependencies.
Also this chart provides ldap and admin user configuration with values as well as it is deployed as statefulset to retain stored repositories.
## Dependencies
Gitea can be run with external database and cache. This chart provides those dependencies, which can be
enabled, or disabled via [configuration](#configuration).
* Postgresql
* Memcached
* Mysql
## Installing
helm repo add novum-rgi-helm
helm install gitea novum-rgi-helm/gitea
## Prerequisites
* Kubernetes 1.12+
* Helm 3.0+
* PV provisioner for persistent data support
## Examples
### Gitea Configuration
Gitea offers lots of configuration. This is fully described in the [Gitea Cheat Sheet](
APP_NAME: "Gitea: With a cup of tea."
ROOT: "~/gitea-repositories"
### Ports and external url
By default port 3000 is used for web traffic and 22 for ssh. Those can be changed:
port: 3000
port: 22
This helmchart automatically configures the clone urls to use the correct ports. You can change these ports by hand using the gitea.config dict. However you should know what you're doing.
### Cache
This helm chart can use a built in cache. The default is memcached from bitnami.
enabled: true
If the built in cache should not be used simply configure the cache in gitea.config
ADAPTER: memory
### Persistence
Gitea will be deployed as a statefulset. By simply enabling the persistence and setting the storage class according to your cluster
everything else will be taken care of. The following example will create a PVC as a part of the statefulset. This PVC will not be deleted
even if you uninstall the chart.
When using Postgresql as dependency, this will also be deployed as a statefulset by default.
If you want to manage your own PVC you can simply pass the PVC name to the chart.
enabled: true
existingClaim: MyAwesomeGiteaClaim
In case that peristence has been disabled it will simply use an empty dir volume.
Postgresql handles the persistence in the exact same way.
You can interact with the postgres settings as displayed in the following example:
enabled: true
existingClaim: MyAwesomeGiteaPostgresClaim
Mysql also handles persistence the same, even though it is not deployed as a statefulset.
You can interact with the postgres settings as displayed in the following example:
enabled: true
existingClaim: MyAwesomeGiteaMysqlClaim
### Admin User
This chart enables you to create a default admin user. It is also possible to update the password for this user by upgrading or redeloying the chart.
It is not possible to delete an admin user after it has been created. This has to be done in the ui.
username: "MyAwesomeGiteaAdmin"
password: "AReallyAwesomeGiteaPassword"
email: ""
### LDAP Settings
Like the admin user the ldap settings can be updated but also disabled or deleted.
enabled: true
name: 'MyAwesomeGiteaLdap'
securityProtocol: unencrypted
host: ""
port: "389"
userSearchBase: ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
userFilter: sAMAccountName=%s
adminFilter: CN=Admin,CN=Group,DC=example,DC=com
emailAttribute: mail
bindDn: CN=ldap read,OU=Spezial,DC=example,DC=com
bindPassword: JustAnotherBindPw
usernameAttribute: CN
## Configuration
### Others
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|statefulset.terminationGracePeriodSeconds| Image to start for this pod | gitea/gitea |
### Image
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|image.repository| Image to start for this pod | gitea/gitea |
|image.version| Image Version | 1.12.2 |
|image.pullPolicy| Image pull policy | Always |
### Persistence
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|persistence.enabled| Enable persistence for Gitea |true|
|persistence.existingClaim| Use an existing claim to store repository information | |
|persistence.size| Size for persistence to store repo information | 10Gi |
|persistence.accessModes|AccessMode for persistence||
|persistence.storageClass|Storage class for repository persistence|standard|
### Ingress
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|ingress.enabled| enable ingress | false|
|ingress.annotations| add ingress annotations | |
|ingress.hosts| add hosts for ingress as string list | |
|ingress.tls|add ingress tls settings|[]|
### Service
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|service.http.type| Kubernetes service type for web traffic | ClusterIP |
|service.http.port| Port for web traffic | 3000 |
|service.ssh.type| Kubernetes service type for ssh traffic | ClusterIP |
|service.ssh.port| Port for ssh traffic | 22 |
|service.ssh.annotations| Additional ssh annotations for the ssh service ||
### Gitea Configuration
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|gitea.config | Everything in app.ini can be configured with this dict. See Examples for more details | {} |
### Memcached BuiltIn
Memcached is loaded as a dependency from [Bitnami]( if enabled in the values. Complete Configuration can be taken from their website.
The following parameters are the defaults set by this chart
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|memcached.service.port|Memcached Port| 11211|
### Mysql BuiltIn
Mysql is loaded as a dependency from stable. Configuration can be found from this [website](
The following parameters are the defaults set by this chart
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|mysql.mysqlRootPassword|Password for the root user. Ignored if existing secret is provided|gitea|
|mysql.mysqlUser|Username of new user to create.|gitea|
|mysql.mysqlPassword|Password for the new user. Ignored if existing secret is provided|gitea|
|mysql.mysqlDatabase|Name for new database to create.|gitea|
|mysql.service.port|Port to connect to mysql service|3306|
|mysql.persistence|Persistence size for mysql |10Gi|
### Postgresql BuiltIn
Postgresql is loaded as a dependency from bitnami. Configuration can be found from this [Bitnami](
The following parameters are the defaults set by this chart
| Parameter | Description | Default |
|| PostgreSQL database (overrides postgresqlDatabase)|gitea|
|| PostgreSQL username (overrides postgresqlUsername)|gitea|
|| PostgreSQL admin password (overrides postgresqlPassword)|gitea|
||PostgreSQL port (overrides service.port)|5432|
|postgresql.persistence.size| PVC Storage Request for PostgreSQL volume |10Gi|