fix residents bug then last state awoken or asleep and shutters up

This commit is contained in:
Marko Oldenburg 2018-11-16 10:44:54 +01:00
parent dcbaed4e63
commit 8fc9bca4c0

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $version = "0.2.1dev30";
my $version = "";
sub AutoShuttersControl_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
@ -168,25 +168,25 @@ my %userAttrList = (
'ASC_LockOut:soft,hard,off' => 'off',
'ASC_LockOut_Cmd:inhibit,blocked' => 'none',
'ASC_Shading_Direction' => 178,
'ASC_Shading_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100' => [ '', 70, 30 ],
'ASC_Shading_Mode:on,off,home,absent' => 'off',
=> 85,
=> 85,
'ASC_Shading_Brightness_Sensor' => 'none',
'ASC_Shading_Brightness_Reading' => 'brightness',
# 'ASC_Shading_StateChange_Sunny' => '6000',
# 'ASC_Shading_StateChange_Cloudy' => '4000',
# 'ASC_Shading_WaitingPeriod' => 20,
# 'ASC_Shading_Min_Elevation' => 'none',
# 'ASC_Shading_Min_OutsideTemperature' => 18,
# 'ASC_Shading_BlockingTime_After_Manual' => 20,
# 'ASC_Shading_BlockingTime_Twilight' => 45,
# 'ASC_Shading_Fast_Open:on,off' => 'none',
# 'ASC_Shading_Fast_Close:on,off' => 'none',
# 'ASC_Shading_Direction' => 178,
# 'ASC_Shading_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100' => [ '', 70, 30 ],
# 'ASC_Shading_Mode:on,off,home,absent' => 'off',
# 'ASC_Shading_Angle_Left:0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90'
# => 85,
# 'ASC_Shading_Angle_Right:0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90'
# => 85,
# 'ASC_Shading_Brightness_Sensor' => 'none',
# 'ASC_Shading_Brightness_Reading' => 'brightness',
# 'ASC_Shading_StateChange_Sunny' => '6000',
# 'ASC_Shading_StateChange_Cloudy' => '4000',
# 'ASC_Shading_WaitingPeriod' => 20,
# 'ASC_Shading_Min_Elevation' => 'none',
# 'ASC_Shading_Min_OutsideTemperature' => 18,
# 'ASC_Shading_BlockingTime_After_Manual' => 20,
# 'ASC_Shading_BlockingTime_Twilight' => 45,
# 'ASC_Shading_Fast_Open:on,off' => 'none',
# 'ASC_Shading_Fast_Close:on,off' => 'none',
'ASC_Drive_Offset' => -1,
'ASC_WindowRec_subType:twostate,threestate' => 'twostate',
'ASC_ShuttersPlace:window,terrace' => 'window',
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ sub Notify($$) {
my $events = deviceEvents( $dev, 1 );
return if ( !$events );
Log3( $name, 5,
Log3( $name, 4,
"AutoShuttersControl ($name) - Devname: "
. $devname
. " Name: "
@ -1063,6 +1063,8 @@ sub EventProcessingResidents($@) {
and $shutters->getRoommatesStatus eq 'none'
and ( $shutters->getModeDown eq 'home'
or $shutters->getModeDown eq 'always' )
and ( $ascDev->getResidentsLastStatus ne 'asleep'
or $ascDev->getResidentsLastStatus ne 'awoken' )
$shutters->setLastDrive('residents home');
@ -1282,27 +1284,25 @@ sub ShadingProcessing($@) {
my ($hash,$shuttersDev,$azimuth,$elevation,$brightness,$outTemp,$shuttersDirection,$shuttersShadingAngleLeft,$shuttersShadingAngleRight) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3( $name, 1,
"AutoShuttersControl ($name) - Shading Processing, Rollladen: " . $shuttersDev . " Azimuth: " . $azimuth . " Elevation: " . $elevation . " Brightness: " . $brightness . " OutTemp: " . $outTemp
if ( $azimuth == -1 or $elevation == -1 or $brightness == -1 or $outTemp == -100 );
# brightness -1
# outTemp -100
# azimuth -1
# elevation -1
Log3( $name, 1,
"AutoShuttersControl ($name) - Shading Processing hinter dem return");
# Log3( $name, 1,
# "AutoShuttersControl ($name) - Shading Processing, Rollladen: " . $shuttersDev . " Azimuth: " . $azimuth . " Elevation: " . $elevation . " Brightness: " . $brightness . " OutTemp: " . $outTemp
# );
# return
# if ( $azimuth == -1 or $elevation == -1 or $brightness == -1 or $outTemp == -100 );
# # brightness -1
# # outTemp -100
# # azimuth -1
# # elevation -1
# Log3( $name, 1,
# "AutoShuttersControl ($name) - Shading Processing hinter dem return");
@ -2250,17 +2250,14 @@ sub setDriveCmd {
my $offSet = 0;
### antifreeze Routine
if ( ( $shutters->getFreezeStatus
or $shutters->getFreezeStatus == 2)
and $posValue == $shutters->getClosedPos )
if ( $shutters->getFreezeStatus == 2 ) {
if ( $shutters->getFreezeStatus > 0 ) {
if ( $shutters->getFreezeStatus != 1 ) {
$posValue = $shutters->getStatus;
$shutters->setLastDrive('no drive - antifreeze defense');
else {
elsif ( $posValue == $shutters->getClosedPos ) {
$posValue = $shutters->getAntiFreezePos;
$shutters->setLastDrive($shutters->getLastDrive . ' - antifreeze mode');
@ -2375,17 +2372,22 @@ sub setInTimerFuncHash {
sub getFreezeStatus {
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $self = shift;
my $daytime = strftime("%p", localtime());
my $daytime = strftime("%P", localtime());
if ( $shutters->getAntiFreeze eq 'soft' and
$ascDev->getOutTemp <= $ascDev->getFreezeTemp )
return 1;
elsif ( $shutters->getAntiFreeze eq 'hard' and
$ascDev->getOutTemp <= $ascDev->getFreezeTemp )
return 2;
if ( $shutters->getAntiFreeze ne 'off'
and $ascDev->getOutTemp <= $ascDev->getFreezeTemp ) {
if ( $shutters->getAntiFreeze eq 'soft') {
return 1;
elsif ( $shutters->getAntiFreeze eq $daytime
or $shutters->getAntiFreeze eq $daytime )
return 2;
elsif ( $shutters->getAntiFreeze eq 'hard' ) {
return 3;
else { return 0; }
@ -3379,7 +3381,7 @@ sub getRainSensorShuttersClosedPos {
In the shutter devices
<li>AutoShuttersControl - 0/1/2 1 = "Inverse or shutter e.g.: shutter upn 0,shutter down 100 and the command to travel is position",2 = "Homematic Style e.g.: shutter up 100,shutter down 0 and the command to travel is pct</li>
<li>ASC_Antifreeze - soft/hard/off antifreeze if soft, the shutters drive to the ASC_AntifreezePos and if hard is not drive at all</li>
<li>ASC_Antifreeze - soft/hard/off antifreeze if soft the shutters frive into the ASC_AntifreezePos and if hard / am / pm is not driven or not driven within the appropriate time of day</li>
<li>ASC_AntifreezePos - Position to be approached when the move command closes completely, but the frost protection is active</li>
<li>ASC_AutoAstroModeEvening - actual REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC</li>
<li>ASC_AutoAstroModeEveningHorizon - heighth above horizon if HORIZON is selected at attribute ASC_autoAstroModeEvening.</li>
@ -3519,7 +3521,7 @@ sub getRainSensorShuttersClosedPos {
In den Rolll&auml;den Devices
<li>ASC - 0/1/2 1 = "Inverse oder Rollo - Bsp.: Rollo Oben 0, Rollo Unten 100 und der Befehl zum prozentualen Fahren ist position",2 = "Homematic Style - Bsp.: Rollo Oben 100, Rollo Unten 0 und der Befehl zum prozentualen Fahren ist pct</li>
<li>ASC_Antifreeze - soft/hard/off - Frostschutz, wenn soft f&auml;hrt der Rollladen in die ASC_AntifreezePos und wenn hard wird gar nicht gefahren</li>
<li>ASC_Antifreeze - soft/am/pm/hard/off - Frostschutz, wenn soft f&auml;hrt der Rollladen in die ASC_AntifreezePos und wenn hard/am/pm wird gar nicht oder innerhalb der entsprechenden Tageszeit nicht gefahren</li>
<li>ASC_AntifreezePos - Position die angefahren werden soll wenn der Fahrbefehl komplett schlie&szlig;en lautet, aber der Frostschutz aktiv ist</li>
<li>ASC_AutoAstroModeEvening - aktuell REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC</li>
<li>ASC_AutoAstroModeEveningHorizon - H&ouml;he &uuml;ber Horizont wenn beim Attribut ASC_autoAstroModeEvening HORIZON ausgew&auml;hlt</li>