* Master branch: Production version (copy of [fhem/fhem-mirror/blob/master/fhem/FHEM/73_AutoShuttersControl.pm](https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror/blob/master/fhem/FHEM/73_AutoShuttersControl.pm))
It can either be found from the module info card using the FHEM Installer (e.g. using command `search <MODULE_NAME>`) or it can be determined from the [MAINTAINER.txt](https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror/blob/master/fhem/MAINTAINER.txt) file.
You are invited to send pull requests to the devel branch whenever you think you can contribute with some useful improvements to the module. The module maintainer will review you code and decide whether it is going to be part of the module in a future release.