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49_SSCam: contrib 8.5.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18287 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2019-01-16 23:49:55 +00:00
parent 372ee569a1
commit c70877f9f8

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ use Encode;
# Versions History intern
our %SSCam_vNotesIntern = (
"8.5.0" => "20.01.2019 SVS device set snapAllCams ",
"8.5.0" => "17.01.2019 SVS device set snapAllCams ",
"8.4.5" => "15.01.2019 fix event generation after request snapshots ",
"8.4.4" => "14.01.2019 change: generate event of every snapfile,id etc. if snap was called with arguments, Forum:#45671 #msg887484 ",
"8.4.3" => "11.01.2019 fix blocking Active-Token if snap was done with arguments and snapEmailTxt not set, Forum:#45671 #msg885475 ",
@ -766,14 +766,15 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) {
my ($num,$lag,$ncount) = (1,2,1);
my $emtxt = "";
if($prop && $prop =~ /[\d+]/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1)
if($prop && $prop =~ /^\d+$/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1)
$num = $prop;
$ncount = $prop;
if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /[\d+]/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden)
if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /^\d+$/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden)
$lag = $prop1;
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Trigger snapshots - Number: $num, Lag: $lag");
$hash->{HELPER}{SNAPBYSTRMDEV} = 1 if ($prop2 && $prop2 =~ /STRM/); # $prop wird mitgegeben durch Snap by SSCamSTRM-Device
my $at = join(" ",@a);
@ -795,11 +796,11 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) {
my ($num,$lag,$ncount) = (1,2,1);
my $cams = "all";
my $emtxt = '';
if($prop && $prop =~ /[\d+]/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1)
if($prop && $prop =~ /^\d+$/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1)
$num = $prop;
$ncount = $prop;
if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /[\d+]/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden)
if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /^\d+$/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden)
$lag = $prop1;
@ -812,29 +813,38 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) {
my @camdvs;
my %snapac = (); # Schnappschuss Hash für alle Cams -> Schnappschudaten sollen hinein
if($cams eq "all") { # alle nicht disabled Kameras auslösen, sonst nur die gewählten
@camdvs = devspec2array("TYPE=SSCam:FILTER=MODEL!=SVS");
foreach (@camdvs) {
if(!IsDisabled($_)) {
if($defs{$_} && !IsDisabled($_)) {
$snapac{$_} = "";
} else {
@camdvs = split(",",$cams);
foreach (@camdvs) {
if(!IsDisabled($_)) {
if($defs{$_} && !IsDisabled($_)) {
$snapac{$_} = "";
return "No valid camera devices are specified for trigger snapshots" if(!%snapac);
my $asref = \%snapac;
$hash->{HELPER}{ALLSNAPREF} = $asref;
my ($csnap,$cmail) = ("","");
foreach my $key (keys%{$asref}) {
delete $asref->{$key} if(!AttrVal($key, "snapEmailTxt", "")); # Snap dieser Kamera auslösen aber nicht senden
if(!AttrVal($key, "snapEmailTxt", "")) {
delete $asref->{$key}; # Snap dieser Kamera auslösen aber nicht senden
$csnap .= $csnap?", $key":$key;
} else {
$cmail .= $cmail?", $key":$key;
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Trigger snapshots by SVS - Number: $num, Lag: $lag, Snap only: \"$csnap\", Snap and send: \"$cmail\" ");
} elsif ($opt eq "startTracking" && SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return "Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with \"set $name credentials username password\"";}
@ -7798,8 +7808,40 @@ return ($str);
# Hint Hash EN
%SSCam_vHintsExt_en = (
"7" => "<b>Setup Email Shipping <br>".
"==================== </b> <br><br>".
"Snapshots can be sent by <b>Email</b> alltogether after creation. For this purpose the module contains<br>".
"its own Email client.<br>".
"Before you can use this function you have to install the Perl-module <b>MIME::Lite</b>. On debian systems it can be ".
"installed with command:".
"<b>sudo apt-get install libmime-lite-perl</b>".
"There are some attributes must be set or can be used optionally.<br>".
"At first the Credentials for access the Email outgoing server must be set by command <b>\"set &lt;name&gt; smtpcredentials &lt;user&gt; &lt;password&gt;\"</b><br>".
"The connection to the server is initially established unencrypted and switches to an encrypted connection if SSL<br>".
"encryption is available. In that case the transmission of User/Password takes place encrypted too.<br>".
"If attribute \"smtpSSLPort\" is defined, the established connection to the Email server will be encrypted immediately.<br><br>".
"Attributes which are optional are marked: <br><br>".
"<li><b>snapEmailTxt</b> - <b>Activates the Email shipping.</b> This attribute has the format: <br>".
"<ul><b>subject => &lt;subject text&gt;, body => &lt;message text&gt;</b></ul>".
"The placeholder \$CAM, \$DATE and \$TIME can be used. <br>".
"\$CAM is replaced by the device name, device alias or the name of camera in SVS if alias is not defined.<br>".
"\$DATE and \$TIME are replaced with the current date and time.</li>".
"<li><b>smtpHost</b> - Hostname or IP-address of outgoing Email server (e.g. securesmtp.t-online.de)</li>".
"<li><b>smtpFrom</b> - Return address (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt)</li>".
"<li><b>smtpTo</b> - Receiving address(es) (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt)</li>".
"<li><b>smtpPort</b> - (optional) Port of outgoing Email server (default: 25)</li>".
"<li><b>smtpCc</b> - (optional) carbon-copy receiving address(es) (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt)</li>".
"<li><b>smtpNoUseSSL</b> - (optional) \"1\" if no SSL encryption should be used for Email shipping (default: 0)</li>".
"<li><b>smtpSSLPort</b> - (optional) Port for SSL encrypted connection (default: 465)</li>".
"<li><b>smtpDebug</b> - (optional) switch on the debugging of SMTP connection</li>".
"For further information please see description of the <a href=\"https://fhem.de/commandref.html#SSCamattr\">attributes</a>.".
"6" => "There are some Icons in directory www/images/sscam available for SSCam. Thereby the system can use the icons please do: <br>".
"- in FHEMWEB device attribute <b>iconPath</b> complete with \"sscam\", e.g.: attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam <br>".
"<ul><li> in FHEMWEB device attribute <b>iconPath</b> complete with \"sscam\". e.g.: attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam </li></ul>".
"After that execute \"rereadicons\" or restart FHEM. ".
"5" => "Find more Informations about manage users and the appropriate privilege profiles in ".
@ -7859,7 +7901,7 @@ return ($str);
"Zur näheren Erläuterung siehe Beschreibung der <a href=\"https://fhem.de/commandref_DE.html#SSCamattr\">Attribute</a>.".
"6" => "Für SSCam wird ein Satz Icons im Verzeichnis www/images/sscam zur Verfügung gestellt. Damit das System sie findet bitte setzen: <br>".
"- im FHEMWEB Device Attribut <b>iconPath</b> um \"sscam\" ergänzen, z.B.: attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam <br>".
"<ul><li> im FHEMWEB Device Attribut <b>iconPath</b> um \"sscam\" ergänzen. z.B.: attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam </li></ul>".
"Danach ein \"rereadicons\" bzw. einen FHEM restart ausführen.".
"5" => "Informationen zum Management von Usern und entsprechenden Rechte-Profilen sind in der ".
@ -8661,52 +8703,46 @@ attr &lt;name&gt; genericStrmHtmlTag &lt;video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay&gt;
<li><b> set &lt;name&gt; snap [&lt;number&gt;] [&lt;time difference&gt;] [snapEmailTxt:"subject => &lt;subject text&gt;, body => &lt;message text&gt;"]</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(valid for CAM)</li> <br>
One or multiple snapshots are triggered. The number of snapshots to trigger and the time difference (in seconds) between
each snapshots can be optionally specified. Without any specification only one snapshot is triggered.
The ID and the filename of the last snapshot will be displayed in Reading "LastSnapId" respectively "LastSnapFilename" of the
device. <br>
The snapshot Email shipping is activated by setting the <a href="#SSCamattr">attribute</a> "snapEmailTxt". If you want
temporary overwrite the message text set in "snapEmailTxt", you can optionally specify the "snapEmailTxt:"-tag as shown
above. <br><br>
each snapshot can be optionally specified. Without any specification only one snapshot is triggered. <br>
The ID and the filename of the last snapshot will be displayed in Reading "LastSnapId" respectively "LastSnapFilename".
<b>Email shipping preparation</b> <br><br>
The snapshot <b>Email shipping</b> can be activated by setting <a href="#SSCamattr">attribute</a> "snapEmailTxt".
Before you have to prepare the Email shipping as described in section <a href="#SSCamEmail">Setup Email shipping</a>.
(for further information execute "<b>get &lt;name&gt; versionNotes 7</b>") <br>
If you want temporary overwrite the message text set in attribute "snapEmailTxt", you can optionally specify the
"snapEmailTxt:"-tag as shown above. <br><br>
The snapshots can be sent by <b>Email</b> alltogether after creation. For this purpose the module contains its own Email client.
Before you can use this function you have to install the Perl-module <b>MIME::Lite</b>. On debian systems it can be
installed with command: <br><br>
set &lt;name&gt; snap 4
set &lt;name&gt; snap 3 3 snapEmailTxt:"subject => Movement alarm $CAM, body => A movement was recognised at Carport"
sudo apt-get install libmime-lite-perl
<li><b> set &lt;name&gt; snapCams [&lt;number&gt;] [&lt;time difference&gt;] [CAM:"&lt;camera&gt;, &lt;camera&gt, ..."]</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(valid for SVS)</li> <br>
There are some attributes must be set or can be used optionally. <br>
At first the Credentials for access the Email outgoing server must be set by command <b>"set &lt;name&gt; smtpcredentials &lt;user&gt; &lt;password&gt;"</b>.
The connection establishment to the server is initially done unencrypted and switches to an encrypted connection if SSL
encryption is available. In that case the transmission of User/Password takes place encrypted too.
If attribute "smtpSSLPort" is defined, the established connection to the Email server will be encrypted immediately.
Attributes which are optional are marked: <br><br>
One or multiple snapshots of denoted cameras are triggered. If no cameras are denoted, the snapshots are triggered in all
of the defined cameras in FHEM.
Optionally the number of snapshots to trigger (default: 1) and the time difference (in seconds) between
each snapshot (default: 2) can be specified. <br>
The ID and the filename of the last snapshot will be displayed in Reading "LastSnapId" respectively "LastSnapFilename" of
the appropriate camera device. <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=12%> <col width=88%> </colgroup>
<tr><td style="vertical-align:top"> <b>snapEmailTxt</b> <td>- Activates the Email shipping. Has the form: <br>
<code>subject => &lt;subject text&gt;, body => &lt;message text&gt; </code><br>
The placeholder variables $CAM, $DATE and $TIME can be used. $CAM is
replaced by the device alias or the name of camera in SVS if alias is not
defined. $DATE and $TIME are replaced with the current date and time. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpHost</b> </td><td>- Hostname of outgoing Email server (e.g. securesmtp.t-online.de) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpFrom</b> </td><td>- Return address (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpTo</b> </td><td>- Receiving address(es) (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpPort</b> </td><td>- (optional) Port of outgoing Email server (default: 25) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpCc</b> </td><td>- (optional) carbon-copy receiving address(es) (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpNoUseSSL</b> </td><td>- (optional) "1" if no SSL encryption should be used for Email shipping (default: 0) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpSSLPort</b> </td><td>- (optional) Port for SSL encrypted connection (default: 465) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpDebug</b> </td><td>- (optional) switch on the debugging of SMTP connection </td></tr>
The snapshot <b>Email shipping</b> can be activated by setting <a href="#SSCamattr">attribute</a> "snapEmailTxt" in the
SVS device <b>AND</b> in the camera devices whose snapshots should be shipped.
Before you have to prepare the Email shipping as described in section <a href="#SSCamEmail">Setup Email shipping</a>.
(for further information execute "<b>get &lt;name&gt; versionNotes 7</b>") <br>
Only the message text set in attribute "snapEmailTxt" of the SVS device is used in the created Email. The settings of
those attribute in the camera devices is ignored !! <br><br>
For further information please see description of the <a href="#SSCamattr">attributes</a>. <br>
set &lt;name&gt; snapCams 4
set &lt;name&gt; snapCams 3 3 CAM:"CamHE1, CamCarport"
@ -8943,6 +8979,50 @@ http(s)://&lt;hostname&gt;&lt;port&gt;/webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.SurveillanceSta
<a name="SSCamEmail"></a>
<b>Setup Email shipping</b> <br><br>
Snapshots can be sent by <b>Email</b> alltogether after creation. For this purpose the module contains its own Email client.
Before you can use this function you have to install the Perl-module <b>MIME::Lite</b>. On debian systems it can be
installed with command: <br><br>
sudo apt-get install libmime-lite-perl
There are some attributes must be set or can be used optionally. <br>
At first the Credentials for access the Email outgoing server must be set by command <b>"set &lt;name&gt; smtpcredentials &lt;user&gt; &lt;password&gt;"</b>.
The connection establishment to the server is initially done unencrypted and switches to an encrypted connection if SSL
encryption is available. In that case the transmission of User/Password takes place encrypted too.
If attribute "smtpSSLPort" is defined, the established connection to the Email server will be encrypted immediately.
Attributes which are optional are marked: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=12%> <col width=88%> </colgroup>
<tr><td style="vertical-align:top"> <b>snapEmailTxt</b> <td>- <b>Activates the Email shipping.</b> This attribute has the format: <br>
<b>subject => &lt;subject text&gt;, body => &lt;message text&gt; </b><br>
The placeholder $CAM, $DATE and $TIME can be used. $CAM is
replaced by the device name, device alias or the name of camera in SVS if alias is not
defined. $DATE and $TIME are replaced with the current date and time. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpHost</b> </td><td>- Hostname of outgoing Email server (e.g. securesmtp.t-online.de) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpFrom</b> </td><td>- Return address (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpTo</b> </td><td>- Receiving address(es) (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpPort</b> </td><td>- (optional) Port of outgoing Email server (default: 25) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpCc</b> </td><td>- (optional) carbon-copy receiving address(es) (&lt;name&gt@&lt;domain&gt) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpNoUseSSL</b> </td><td>- (optional) "1" if no SSL encryption should be used for Email shipping (default: 0) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpSSLPort</b> </td><td>- (optional) Port for SSL encrypted connection (default: 465) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>smtpDebug</b> </td><td>- (optional) switch on the debugging of SMTP connection </td></tr>
For further information please see description of the <a href="#SSCamattr">attributes</a>. <br>
<a name="SSCamPolling"></a>
<b>Polling of Camera/SVS-Properties</b><br><br>
@ -10216,8 +10296,13 @@ attr &lt;name&gt; genericStrmHtmlTag &lt;video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay&gt;
werden. Zuvor ist der Email-Versand, wie im Abschnitt <a href="#SSCamEmail">Einstellung Email-Versand</a> beschrieben,
einzustellen. (Für weitere Informationen "<b>get &lt;name&gt; versionNotes 7</b>" ausführen) <br>
Der Text im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" kann durch die Spezifikation des optionalen "snapEmailTxt:"-Tags, wie oben
gezeigt, temporär überschrieben bzw. geändert werden.
gezeigt, temporär überschrieben bzw. geändert werden. <br><br>
set &lt;name&gt; snap 4
set &lt;name&gt; snap 3 3 snapEmailTxt:"subject => Bewegungsalarm $CAM, body => Eine Bewegung wurde am Carport registriert"
@ -10232,10 +10317,18 @@ attr &lt;name&gt; genericStrmHtmlTag &lt;video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay&gt;
der entsprechenden Kamera gespeichert. <br><br>
Ein <b>Email-Versand</b> der Schnappschüsse kann durch Setzen des <a href="#SSCamattr">Attributs</a> <b>"snapEmailTxt"</b> im
SVS-Device <b>UND</b> in den Kamera-Devices, deren Schnappschüsse versendet werden sollen, aktiviert werden.
Bei Kamera-Devices die kein Attribut "snapEmailTxt" gesetzt haben, werden die Schnappschüsse ausgelöst, aber nicht versendet.
Zuvor ist der Email-Versand, wie im Abschnitt <a href="#SSCamEmail">Einstellung Email-Versand</a> beschrieben,
einzustellen. (Für weitere Informationen "<b>get &lt;name&gt; versionNotes 7</b>" ausführen) <br>
Es wird ausschließlich der im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" des SVS-Devices hinterlegte Email-Text verwendet. Der Text im
Attribut "snapEmailTxt" der einzelnen Kameras wird ignoriert !!
Es wird ausschließlich der im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" des SVS-Devices hinterlegte Email-Text in der erstellten Email
verwendet. Der Text im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" der einzelnen Kameras wird ignoriert !! <br><br>
set &lt;name&gt; snapCams 4
set &lt;name&gt; snapCams 3 3 CAM:"CamHE1, CamCarport"