From c70877f9f8bf607934cd82c6cede1671a86db9b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: nasseeder1 Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 23:49:55 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] 49_SSCam: contrib 8.5.0 git-svn-id: 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80 --- fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/ | 215 ++++++++++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/ b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/ index c685eb6fd..bcbc9aef3 100644 --- a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/ +++ b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/ @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ use Encode; # Versions History intern our %SSCam_vNotesIntern = ( - "8.5.0" => "20.01.2019 SVS device set snapAllCams ", + "8.5.0" => "17.01.2019 SVS device set snapAllCams ", "8.4.5" => "15.01.2019 fix event generation after request snapshots ", "8.4.4" => "14.01.2019 change: generate event of every snapfile,id etc. if snap was called with arguments, Forum:#45671 #msg887484 ", "8.4.3" => "11.01.2019 fix blocking Active-Token if snap was done with arguments and snapEmailTxt not set, Forum:#45671 #msg885475 ", @@ -766,14 +766,15 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) { my ($num,$lag,$ncount) = (1,2,1); my $emtxt = ""; - if($prop && $prop =~ /[\d+]/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1) + if($prop && $prop =~ /^\d+$/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1) $num = $prop; $ncount = $prop; } - if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /[\d+]/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden) + if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /^\d+$/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden) $lag = $prop1; } - + + Log3($name, 4, "$name - Trigger snapshots - Number: $num, Lag: $lag"); $hash->{HELPER}{SNAPBYSTRMDEV} = 1 if ($prop2 && $prop2 =~ /STRM/); # $prop wird mitgegeben durch Snap by SSCamSTRM-Device my $at = join(" ",@a); @@ -795,11 +796,11 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) { my ($num,$lag,$ncount) = (1,2,1); my $cams = "all"; my $emtxt = ''; - if($prop && $prop =~ /[\d+]/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1) + if($prop && $prop =~ /^\d+$/) { # Anzahl der Schnappschüsse zu triggern (default: 1) $num = $prop; $ncount = $prop; } - if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /[\d+]/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden) + if($prop1 && $prop1 =~ /^\d+$/) { # Zeit zwischen zwei Schnappschüssen (default: 2 Sekunden) $lag = $prop1; } @@ -811,30 +812,39 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) { } my @camdvs; - my %snapac = (); # Schnappschuss Hash für alle Cams -> Schnappschudaten sollen hinein - + my %snapac = (); # Schnappschuss Hash für alle Cams -> Schnappschudaten sollen hinein if($cams eq "all") { # alle nicht disabled Kameras auslösen, sonst nur die gewählten @camdvs = devspec2array("TYPE=SSCam:FILTER=MODEL!=SVS"); foreach (@camdvs) { - if(!IsDisabled($_)) { + if($defs{$_} && !IsDisabled($_)) { $snapac{$_} = ""; } } } else { @camdvs = split(",",$cams); foreach (@camdvs) { - if(!IsDisabled($_)) { + if($defs{$_} && !IsDisabled($_)) { $snapac{$_} = ""; } } } + return "No valid camera devices are specified for trigger snapshots" if(!%snapac); + my $asref = \%snapac; $hash->{HELPER}{ALLSNAPREF} = $asref; + my ($csnap,$cmail) = ("",""); foreach my $key (keys%{$asref}) { - delete $asref->{$key} if(!AttrVal($key, "snapEmailTxt", "")); # Snap dieser Kamera auslösen aber nicht senden - SSCam_camsnap("$key:$num:$lag:$ncount:$emtxt"); + if(!AttrVal($key, "snapEmailTxt", "")) { + delete $asref->{$key}; # Snap dieser Kamera auslösen aber nicht senden + $csnap .= $csnap?", $key":$key; + } else { + $cmail .= $cmail?", $key":$key; + } + SSCam_camsnap("$key:$num:$lag:$ncount:$emtxt"); } + Log3($name, 4, "$name - Trigger snapshots by SVS - Number: $num, Lag: $lag, Snap only: \"$csnap\", Snap and send: \"$cmail\" "); + } elsif ($opt eq "startTracking" && SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) { if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return "Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with \"set $name credentials username password\"";} @@ -7798,8 +7808,40 @@ return ($str); # Hint Hash EN ############################################################################################# %SSCam_vHintsExt_en = ( + "7" => "Setup Email Shipping
". + "====================

". + "Snapshots can be sent by Email alltogether after creation. For this purpose the module contains
". + "its own Email client.
". + "Before you can use this function you have to install the Perl-module MIME::Lite. On debian systems it can be ". + "installed with command:". + "". + "There are some attributes must be set or can be used optionally.
". + "At first the Credentials for access the Email outgoing server must be set by command \"set <name> smtpcredentials <user> <password>\"
". + "The connection to the server is initially established unencrypted and switches to an encrypted connection if SSL
". + "encryption is available. In that case the transmission of User/Password takes place encrypted too.
". + "If attribute \"smtpSSLPort\" is defined, the established connection to the Email server will be encrypted immediately.

". + "Attributes which are optional are marked:

". + "". + "For further information please see description of the attributes.". + "

", "6" => "There are some Icons in directory www/images/sscam available for SSCam. Thereby the system can use the icons please do:
". - "- in FHEMWEB device attribute iconPath complete with \"sscam\", e.g.: attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam
". + "". "After that execute \"rereadicons\" or restart FHEM. ". "

", "5" => "Find more Informations about manage users and the appropriate privilege profiles in ". @@ -7859,7 +7901,7 @@ return ($str); "Zur näheren Erläuterung siehe Beschreibung der Attribute.". "

", "6" => "Für SSCam wird ein Satz Icons im Verzeichnis www/images/sscam zur Verfügung gestellt. Damit das System sie findet bitte setzen:
". - "- im FHEMWEB Device Attribut iconPath um \"sscam\" ergänzen, z.B.: attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam
". + "". "Danach ein \"rereadicons\" bzw. einen FHEM restart ausführen.". "

", "5" => "Informationen zum Management von Usern und entsprechenden Rechte-Profilen sind in der ". @@ -8661,52 +8703,46 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay>
  • set <name> snap [<number>] [<time difference>] [snapEmailTxt:"subject => <subject text>, body => <message text>"]     (valid for CAM)

  • One or multiple snapshots are triggered. The number of snapshots to trigger and the time difference (in seconds) between - each snapshots can be optionally specified. Without any specification only one snapshot is triggered. - The ID and the filename of the last snapshot will be displayed in Reading "LastSnapId" respectively "LastSnapFilename" of the - device.
    - The snapshot Email shipping is activated by setting the attribute "snapEmailTxt". If you want - temporary overwrite the message text set in "snapEmailTxt", you can optionally specify the "snapEmailTxt:"-tag as shown - above.

    + each snapshot can be optionally specified. Without any specification only one snapshot is triggered.
    + The ID and the filename of the last snapshot will be displayed in Reading "LastSnapId" respectively "LastSnapFilename". +

    - Email shipping preparation

    + The snapshot Email shipping can be activated by setting attribute "snapEmailTxt". + Before you have to prepare the Email shipping as described in section Setup Email shipping. + (for further information execute "get <name> versionNotes 7")
    + If you want temporary overwrite the message text set in attribute "snapEmailTxt", you can optionally specify the + "snapEmailTxt:"-tag as shown above.

    - The snapshots can be sent by Email alltogether after creation. For this purpose the module contains its own Email client. - Before you can use this function you have to install the Perl-module MIME::Lite. On debian systems it can be - installed with command:

    - - -
    + Examples: +
    +    set <name> snap 4 
    +    set <name> snap 3 3 snapEmailTxt:"subject => Movement alarm $CAM, body => A movement was recognised at Carport"
    + +

    - There are some attributes must be set or can be used optionally.
    - At first the Credentials for access the Email outgoing server must be set by command "set <name> smtpcredentials <user> <password>". - The connection establishment to the server is initially done unencrypted and switches to an encrypted connection if SSL - encryption is available. In that case the transmission of User/Password takes place encrypted too. - If attribute "smtpSSLPort" is defined, the established connection to the Email server will be encrypted immediately. - Attributes which are optional are marked:


    @@ -8941,7 +8977,51 @@ http(s)://<hostname><port>/webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.SurveillanceSta If no options are specified, both release informations and hints will be shown. "rel" shows only release informations and "hints" shows only hints. By the <key>-specification only the hint with the specified number is shown. -


    + + + Setup Email shipping

    + + +

    @@ -10216,8 +10296,13 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay> werden. Zuvor ist der Email-Versand, wie im Abschnitt Einstellung Email-Versand beschrieben, einzustellen. (Für weitere Informationen "get <name> versionNotes 7" ausführen)
    Der Text im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" kann durch die Spezifikation des optionalen "snapEmailTxt:"-Tags, wie oben - gezeigt, temporär überschrieben bzw. geändert werden. - + gezeigt, temporär überschrieben bzw. geändert werden.

    + + Beispiele: +
    +    set <name> snap 4 
    +    set <name> snap 3 3 snapEmailTxt:"subject => Bewegungsalarm $CAM, body => Eine Bewegung wurde am Carport registriert"

    @@ -10232,10 +10317,18 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay> der entsprechenden Kamera gespeichert.

    Ein Email-Versand der Schnappschüsse kann durch Setzen des Attributs "snapEmailTxt" im SVS-Device UND in den Kamera-Devices, deren Schnappschüsse versendet werden sollen, aktiviert werden. + Bei Kamera-Devices die kein Attribut "snapEmailTxt" gesetzt haben, werden die Schnappschüsse ausgelöst, aber nicht versendet. Zuvor ist der Email-Versand, wie im Abschnitt Einstellung Email-Versand beschrieben, einzustellen. (Für weitere Informationen "get <name> versionNotes 7" ausführen)
    - Es wird ausschließlich der im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" des SVS-Devices hinterlegte Email-Text verwendet. Der Text im - Attribut "snapEmailTxt" der einzelnen Kameras wird ignoriert !! + Es wird ausschließlich der im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" des SVS-Devices hinterlegte Email-Text in der erstellten Email + verwendet. Der Text im Attribut "snapEmailTxt" der einzelnen Kameras wird ignoriert !!

    + + Beispiele: +
    +    set <name> snapCams 4 
    +    set <name> snapCams 3 3 CAM:"CamHE1, CamCarport"