mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:36:37 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: contrib 1.42.0
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29497 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,7 +161,9 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
"entryGraphic: enrich hfcg hash, __normDecPlaces: use it from/to battery, ".
"setupBatteryDevXX : new icon & show key, colour of icon can be changed separately, maxbatteries set to 3 ".
"medianArray: switch to simpel array sort, Task 1: delete Weather-API status data at night ".
"add SoC forecast to NextHours store, Battery bar chart: display of the device in the bar chart level 1 or 2 ",
"add SoC forecast to NextHours store, Battery bar chart: display of the device in the bar chart level 1 or 2 ".
"add batsocXX to pvHistory, add batsocforecast_XX to Attr graphicBeamXContent ".
" _addDynAttr: add graphicBeamXContent at runtime, attr ctrlBackupFilesKeep can set to 0 ",
"1.41.4" => "02.01.2025 minor change of Logtext, new special Readings BatPowerIn_Sum, BatPowerOut_Sum ".
"rename ctrlStatisticReadings to ctrlSpecialReadings ",
"1.41.3" => "01.01.2025 write/read battery values 0 .. maxbatteries to/from pvhistrory ".
@ -1231,6 +1233,11 @@ my %hfspvh = (
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{storname} = 'batsetsoc'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # aktueller SOC für Tag / Stunde
$hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{storname} = 'batsoc'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
@ -1266,7 +1273,6 @@ sub Initialize {
my $hod = join ",", map { sprintf "%02d", $_} (1..24);
my $srd = join ",", sort keys (%hcsr);
my $gbc = 'pvReal,pvForecast,consumption,consumptionForecast,gridconsumption,energycosts,gridfeedin,feedincome';
my ($consumer, $setupbat, $ctrlbatsm, $setupprod, $setupinv, @allc);
for my $c (1..$maxconsumer) {
@ -1335,14 +1341,14 @@ sub Initialize {
"graphicBeamHeightLevel1 ".
"graphicBeamHeightLevel2 ".
"graphicBeamWidth:slider,20,5,100 ".
"graphicBeam1Content: ".
"graphicBeam2Content: ".
"graphicBeam3Content: ".
"graphicBeam4Content: ".
"graphicBeam1Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam2Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam3Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam4Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam1Content:$gbc ".
"graphicBeam2Content:$gbc ".
"graphicBeam3Content:$gbc ".
"graphicBeam4Content:$gbc ".
"graphicBeam1FontColor:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam2FontColor:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam3FontColor:colorpicker,RGB ".
@ -1378,6 +1384,9 @@ sub Initialize {
## Hinweis: graphicBeamXContent wird in _addDynAttr hinzugefügt
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
@ -6643,7 +6652,7 @@ sub periodicWriteMemcache {
$hash->{LCACHEFILE} = "last write time: ".FmtTime(gettimeofday())." whole Operating Memory";
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - The working memory >circular pvhist solcastapi< has been saved to persistance");
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - The working memory >circular, pvhist, solcastapi, statusapi, weatherapi< has been saved to persistance");
if ($bckp) {
my $tstr = (timestampToTimestring (0))[2];
@ -7254,14 +7263,14 @@ return;
# neue Attribute zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
# Device spezifische ".AttrList" überschreibt Modul AttrList !
# Device spezifische ".AttrList" überschreibt Modul AttrList!
# relevant für CPU Auslastung!!
sub _addDynAttr {
sub _addDynAttr {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
## Attr setupWeatherDevX zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
my $adwds = '';
my @alldwd = devspec2array ("TYPE=DWD_OpenData");
$adwds = join ",", @alldwd if(@alldwd);
@ -7276,12 +7285,15 @@ sub _addDynAttr {
push @fcdevs, @alldwd if(@alldwd);
my $rdd = join ",", @fcdevs;
my @deva = split " ", $modules{$type}{AttrList};
my $atd = 'setupWeatherDev|setupRadiationAPI';
@deva = grep {!/$atd/} @deva;
## Attributhüllen entfernen
my @deva = split " ", $modules{$type}{AttrList};
my $atd = 'setupWeatherDev|setupRadiationAPI|graphicBeam*Content';
@deva = grep {!/$atd/} @deva;
## Attr setupWeatherDevX / setupRadiationAPI zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
for my $step (1..$weatherDevMax) {
if ($step == 1) {
push @deva, ($adwds ? "setupWeatherDev1:OpenMeteoDWD-API,OpenMeteoDWDEnsemble-API,OpenMeteoWorld-API,$adwds" :
@ -7293,7 +7305,25 @@ sub _addDynAttr {
push @deva, "setupRadiationAPI:$rdd ";
## Attr graphicBeamXContent zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
my $gbc = '';
if (isBatteryUsed ($name)) {
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$gbc .= 'batsocforecast_'.$bn.',';
$gbc .= ',' if(!$gbc);
$gbc .= 'consumption,consumptionForecast,energycosts,feedincome,gridconsumption,gridfeedin,pvForecast,pvReal';
push @deva, "graphicBeam1Content:$gbc";
push @deva, "graphicBeam2Content:$gbc";
push @deva, "graphicBeam3Content:$gbc";
push @deva, "graphicBeam4Content:$gbc";
$hash->{".AttrList"} = join " ", @deva;
@ -8008,7 +8038,10 @@ sub _specialActivities {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Daily special tasks - Task 4 started");
__deletePvCorffReadings ($paref); # Readings der pvCorrectionFactor-Steuerung löschen
periodicWriteMemcache ($hash, 'bckp'); # Backup Files erstellen und alte Versionen löschen
if (AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlBackupFilesKeep', 3)) {
periodicWriteMemcache ($hash, 'bckp'); # Backup Files erstellen und alte Versionen löschen (unterbleibt bei ctrlBackupFilesKeep == 0)
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Daily special tasks - Task 4 finished");
@ -9462,7 +9495,6 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my $nhour = $chour + 1;
# Batterieladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern
my $histbatintot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batintotal'.$bn, undef); # totale Batterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
@ -9481,7 +9513,6 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batinthishour'.$bn, val => $batinthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# Batterieentladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern
my $histbatouttot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batouttotal'.$bn, undef); # totale Betterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
@ -9500,7 +9531,6 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batoutthishour'.$bn, val => $batoutthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# täglichen max. SOC in pvHistory speichern
my $batmaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, 99, 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Tages
@ -9526,6 +9556,8 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bicon} = $h->{icon} if($h->{icon}); # Batterie Icon
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bshowingraph} = $h->{show} // 0; # Batterie in Balkengrafik anzeigen
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batsoc'.$bn, val => $soc, hour => $nhour } );
$socsum += $soc;
$pbisum += $pbi;
$pbosum += $pbo;
@ -9873,8 +9905,8 @@ sub _batChargeRecmd {
## SOC-Prognose und Ladeempfehlung
my $progsoc = sprintf "%.0f", (100 / $batinstcap * ($batinstcap - $whneed)); # Prognose SoC
$progsoc = $progsoc < $lowSoc ? $lowSoc :
$progsoc < $batoptsoc ? $batoptsoc :
$progsoc = $progsoc < $batoptsoc ? $batoptsoc :
$progsoc < $lowSoc ? $lowSoc :
if ( $whneed + $sfmargin >= $spday ) {$rcmd = 1} # Ladeempfehlung wenn benötigte Ladeenergie >= Restüberschuß des Tages zzgl. Sicherheitsaufschlag
@ -14213,18 +14245,19 @@ sub _beamGraphicFirstHour {
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $kw = $paref->{kw};
my $day;
my ($day, $bn);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $stt = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'starttime', '0000-00-00 24');
my ($year,$month,$day_str,$thishour) = $stt =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x;
my ($val1,$val2,$val3,$val4,$val5,$val6,$val7,$val8);
my $hbsocs;
$hfcg->{0}{time_str} = $thishour;
$thishour = int($thishour); # keine führende Null
$thishour = int($thishour); # keine führende Null
$hfcg->{0}{time} = $thishour;
$hfcg->{0}{day_str} = $day_str;
@ -14233,50 +14266,59 @@ sub _beamGraphicFirstHour {
$hfcg->{0}{mktime} = fhemTimeLocal (0,0,$thishour,$day,int($month)-1,$year-1900); # gleich die Unix Zeit dazu holen
$hfcg->{0}{time} += $offset;
if ($hfcg->{0}{time} < 0) {
if ($hfcg->{0}{time} < 0) { # Tageswechsel: day muss jetzt neu berechnet werden !
$hfcg->{0}{time} += 24;
my $n_day = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset))); # Achtung : Tageswechsel - day muss jetzt neu berechnet werden !
my $n_day = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset)));
$hfcg->{0}{day} = int($n_day);
$hfcg->{0}{day_str} = $n_day;
$hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf('%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time});
$hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf '%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time};
$hfcg->{0}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{0}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
$hfcg->{0}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
$hfcg->{0}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvfc', 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvrl', 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'gcons', 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'confc', 0);
$val5 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'con', 0);
$val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) *
$val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
$val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) * $val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
$val7 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'gfeedin', 0);
$val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) *
$val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
$hfcg->{0}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{0}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
$hfcg->{0}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
$hfcg->{0}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
$hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf('%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time}-1).$hourstyle;
$hfcg->{0}{beam1} = ($beam1cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
($beam1cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
($beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
($beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
($beam1cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
($beam1cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
($beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
($beam1cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
$hfcg->{0}{beam2} = ($beam2cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
($beam2cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
($beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
($beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
($beam2cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
($beam2cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
($beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
($beam2cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
$val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) * $val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
## Batterien Selektionshash erstellen
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$hbsocs->{0}{$bn} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'batsoc'.$bn, 0);
## Zuordnung Werte zu den Balken entsprechend Selektion
$hfcg->{0}{beam1} = $beam1cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
$beam1cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
$beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
$beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
$beam1cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
$beam1cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
$beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
$beam1cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
$beam1cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{0}{(split '_', $beam1cont)[1]} :
$hfcg->{0}{beam2} = $beam2cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
$beam2cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
$beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
$beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
$beam2cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
$beam2cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
$beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
$beam2cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
$beam2cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{0}{(split '_', $beam2cont)[1]} :
$hfcg->{0}{beam1} //= 0;
$hfcg->{0}{beam2} //= 0;
@ -14285,24 +14327,26 @@ sub _beamGraphicFirstHour {
my $epc = CurrentVal ($hash, 'ePurchasePriceCcy', 0);
my $efc = CurrentVal ($hash, 'eFeedInTariffCcy', 0);
$hfcg->{0}{beam1txt} = ($beam1cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam1cont eq 'pvReal') ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam1cont eq 'consumption') ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam1cont eq 'energycosts') ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
($beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam1cont eq 'feedincome') ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
$hfcg->{0}{beam1txt} = $beam1cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam1cont eq 'pvReal' ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam1cont eq 'consumption' ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam1cont eq 'energycosts' ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
$beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam1cont eq 'feedincome' ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
$hfcg->{0}{beam2txt} = ($beam2cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam2cont eq 'pvReal') ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam2cont eq 'consumption') ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam2cont eq 'energycosts') ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
($beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
($beam2cont eq 'feedincome') ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
$hfcg->{0}{beam2txt} = $beam2cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam2cont eq 'pvReal' ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam2cont eq 'consumption' ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam2cont eq 'energycosts' ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
$beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
$beam2cont eq 'feedincome' ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
$hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf('%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time}-1).$hourstyle;
return $thishour;
@ -14324,6 +14368,7 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
$maxVal //= $hfcg->{0}{beam1}; # Startwert wenn kein Wert bereits via attr vorgegeben ist
my ($val1,$val2,$val3,$val4,$val5,$val6,$val7,$val8);
my $hbsocs;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $maxCon = $hfcg->{0}{beam1};
@ -14345,27 +14390,33 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
if ($offset < 0) {
if ($i <= abs($offset)) { # $daystr stimmt nur nach Mitternacht, vor Mitternacht muß $hfcg->{0}{day_str} als Basis verwendet werden !
my $ds = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset+$i))); # V0.49.4
my $ds = strftime "%d", localtime ($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset+$i))); # V0.49.4
if ($hfcg->{$i}{time} == 24) { # Sonderfall Mitternacht
$ds = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * (abs($offset-$i+1))));
$ds = strftime "%d", localtime ($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * (abs($offset-$i+1))));
$hfcg->{$i}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'pvfc', 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'pvrl', 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'gcons', 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'confc', 0);
$val5 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'con', 0);
$val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) * $val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
$val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) * $val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
$val7 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'gfeedin', 0);
$val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) * $val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
$val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) * $val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
$hfcg->{$i}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
## Batterien Selektionshash erstellen
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$hbsocs->{$i}{$bn} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'batsoc'.$bn, 0);
$hfcg->{$i}{day_str} = $ds;
$hfcg->{$i}{day} = int($ds);
@ -14377,52 +14428,65 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
$nh = sprintf '%02d', $i;
if (defined $nh) {
$val1 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'pvfc', 0);
$val4 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'confc', 0);
if (defined $nh) {
$hfcg->{$i}{weather} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'wcc', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunalt} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'sunalt', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunaz} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'sunaz', '-');
my $stt = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'starttime', '');
my $day_str = ($stt =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/xs)[2];
$val1 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'pvfc', 0);
$val4 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'confc', 0);
## Batterien Selektionshash anreichern
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$hbsocs->{$i}{$bn} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'soc'.$bn, 0);
my $day_str = ($stt =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/xs)[2];
if ($day_str) {
$hfcg->{$i}{day_str} = $day_str;
$hfcg->{$i}{day} = int($day_str);
$hfcg->{$i}{day} = int $day_str;
## Zuordnung Werte zu den Balken entsprechend Selektion
$hfcg->{$i}{beam1} = $beam1cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
$beam1cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
$beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
$beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
$beam1cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
$beam1cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
$beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
$beam1cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
$beam1cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{$i}{(split '_', $beam1cont)[1]} :
$hfcg->{$i}{beam2} = $beam2cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
$beam2cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
$beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
$beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
$beam2cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
$beam2cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
$beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
$beam2cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
$beam2cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{$i}{(split '_', $beam2cont)[1]} :
$hfcg->{$i}{time_str} = sprintf ('%02d', $hfcg->{$i}{time}-1).$hourstyle;
$hfcg->{$i}{beam1} = ($beam1cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
($beam1cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
($beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
($beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
($beam1cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
($beam1cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
($beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
($beam1cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
$hfcg->{$i}{beam2} = ($beam2cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
($beam2cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
($beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
($beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
($beam2cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
($beam2cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
($beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
($beam2cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
$hfcg->{$i}{beam1} //= 0;
$hfcg->{$i}{beam2} //= 0;
$hfcg->{$i}{diff} = $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} - $hfcg->{$i}{beam2};
$maxVal = $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} if ($hfcg->{$i}{beam1} > $maxVal);
$maxCon = $hfcg->{$i}{beam2} if ($hfcg->{$i}{beam2} > $maxCon);
$maxDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if ($hfcg->{$i}{diff} > $maxDif);
$minDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if ($hfcg->{$i}{diff} < $minDif);
$maxVal = $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} if($hfcg->{$i}{beam1} > $maxVal);
$maxCon = $hfcg->{$i}{beam2} if($hfcg->{$i}{beam2} > $maxCon);
$maxDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if($hfcg->{$i}{diff} > $maxDif);
$minDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if($hfcg->{$i}{diff} < $minDif);
my $back = {
@ -16677,7 +16741,7 @@ return $ridx;
# einen Schlüssel-Wert in die pvHistory schreiben
# einen Schlüssel-Wert in die pvHistory schreiben
# $valid - Wert für Valid-Key festgelegt in $hfspvh Hash
# z.B. pvrlvd = 1: beim Learning berücksichtigen, 0: nicht
@ -17005,7 +17069,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
$prdl .= "pprl${pn}: $pprl";
my ($btotin, $batin, $btotout, $batout, $batmsoc, $batssoc);
my ($btotin, $batin, $btotout, $batout, $batmsoc, $batssoc, $batsoc);
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) { # + alle Batterien
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
my $hbtotin = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batintotal'.$bn, '-');
@ -17014,6 +17078,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $hbatout = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batout'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatmsoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatssoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batsetsoc'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatsoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batsoc'.$bn, '-');
if ($export eq 'csv') {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryInTotal${bn}"} = $hbtotin;
@ -17022,6 +17087,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryOut${bn}"} = $hbatout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryMaxSoc${bn}"} = $hbatmsoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatterySetSoc${bn}"} = $hbatssoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatterySoc${bn}"} = $hbatsoc;
$btotin .= ', ' if($btotin);
@ -17036,6 +17102,8 @@ sub listDataPool {
$batmsoc .= "batmaxsoc${bn}: $hbatmsoc";
$batssoc .= ', ' if($batssoc);
$batssoc .= "batsetsoc${bn}: $hbatssoc";
$batsoc .= ', ' if($batsoc);
$batsoc .= "batsoc${bn}: $hbatsoc";
$ret .= "\n " if($ret);
@ -17061,6 +17129,8 @@ sub listDataPool {
$ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= $btotout if($key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= $batsoc if($key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= $batin;
$ret .= "\n ";
@ -21615,8 +21685,9 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> <b>batinXX</b> </td><td>Charge of battery XX within the hour (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batouttotalXX</b> </td><td>total battery XX discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batoutXX</b> </td><td>Discharge of battery XX within the hour (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsocXX</b> </td><td>maximum SOC (%) of battery XX of the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsetsocXX</b> </td><td>optimum SOC setpoint (%) of battery XX for the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsocXX</b> </td><td>State of charge SOC (%) of battery XX at the end of the hour </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsocXX</b> </td><td>Maximum SOC (%) achieved by battery XX on the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsetsocXX</b> </td><td>Optimum SOC setpoint (%) of battery XX for the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>confc</b> </td><td>expected energy consumption (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>con</b> </td><td>real energy consumption (Wh) of the house </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>conprice</b> </td><td>Price for the purchase of one kWh. The currency of the price is defined in the setupMeterDev. </td></tr>
@ -22217,6 +22288,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<li><b>ctrlBackupFilesKeep <Integer> </b><br>
Defines the number of generations of backup files
(see also <a href="#SolarForecast-set-operatingMemory">set <name> operatingMemory backup</a>). <br>
If ctrlBackupFilesKeep explit is set to '0', no automatic generation and cleanup of backup files takes place. <br>
Manual execution with the aforementioned set command is still possible. <br>
(default: 3)
@ -22595,8 +22668,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<li><b>graphicBeamXContent </b><br>
Defines the content of the bars to be displayed in the bar charts.
The bar charts are available in two levels. <br>
Level 1 is preset by default. The content is determined by the attributes graphicBeam1Content and
graphicBeam2Content. <br>
Level 1 is preset by default.
The content is determined by the attributes graphicBeam1Content and graphicBeam2Content. <br>
Level 2 can be activated by setting the attributes graphicBeam3Content and graphicBeam4Content. <br>
The attributes graphicBeam1Content and graphicBeam3Content represent the primary beams, the attributes
graphicBeam2Content and graphicBeam4Content attributes represent the secondary beams of the
@ -22606,14 +22679,15 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="80%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>batsocforecast_XX</b> </td><td>the predicted and historically achieved SOC (%) of the battery XX </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>consumption</b> </td><td>Energy consumption </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>consumptionForecast</b> </td><td>forecasted energy consumption </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>energycosts</b> </td><td>Cost of energy purchased from the grid. The currency is defined in the setupMeterDev, key conprice. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>feedincome</b> </td><td>Remuneration for feeding into the grid. The currency is defined in the setupMeterDev, key feedprice. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>gridconsumption</b> </td><td>Energy purchase from the public grid </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>gridfeedin</b> </td><td>Feed into the public grid </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvReal</b> </td><td>real PV generation (default for graphicBeam1Content) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvForecast</b> </td><td>predicted PV generation (default for graphicBeam2Content) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvReal</b> </td><td>real PV generation (default for graphicBeam1Content) </td></tr>
@ -24086,7 +24160,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> <b>batinXX</b> </td><td>Ladung der Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batouttotalXX</b> </td><td>Gesamtentladung der Batterie XX (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batoutXX</b> </td><td>Entladung der Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsocXX</b> </td><td>maximaler SOC (%) der Batterie XX des Tages </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsocXX</b> </td><td>Ladezustand SOC (%) der Batterie XX am Ende der Stunde </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsocXX</b> </td><td>maximal erreichter SOC (%) der Batterie XX an dem Tag </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsetsocXX</b> </td><td>optimaler SOC Sollwert (%) der Batterie XX für den Tag </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>csmtXX</b> </td><td>Energieverbrauch total von ConsumerXX </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>csmeXX</b> </td><td>Energieverbrauch von ConsumerXX in der Stunde des Tages (Stunde 99 = Tagesenergieverbrauch) </td></tr>
@ -24687,6 +24762,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<li><b>ctrlBackupFilesKeep <Ganzzahl></b><br>
Legt die Anzahl der Generationen von Sicherungsdateien
(siehe <a href="#SolarForecast-set-operatingMemory">set <name> operatingMemory backup</a>) fest. <br>
Ist ctrlBackupFilesKeep explit auf '0' gesetzt, erfolgt keine automatische Generierung und Bereinigung von Sicherungsdateien. <br>
Eine manuelle Ausführung mit dem genannten Set-Kommando ist weiterhin möglich. <br>
(default: 3)
@ -25066,10 +25143,9 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<li><b>graphicBeamXContent </b><br>
Legt den darzustellenden Inhalt der Balken in den Balkendiagrammen fest.
Die Balkendiagramme sind in zwei Ebenen verfügbar. <br>
Die Ebene 1 ist im Standard voreingestellt. Der Inhalt durch die Attribute graphicBeam1Content und
graphicBeam2Content bestimmt. <br>
Die Ebene 2 kann durch Setzen der Attribute graphicBeam3Content und graphicBeam4Content zugeschaltet
werden. <br>
Die Ebene 1 ist im Standard voreingestellt.
Der Inhalt wird durch die Attribute graphicBeam1Content und graphicBeam2Content bestimmt. <br>
Die Ebene 2 kann durch Setzen der Attribute graphicBeam3Content und graphicBeam4Content aktiviert werden. <br>
Die Attribute graphicBeam1Content und graphicBeam3Content stellen die primären Balken, die Attribute
graphicBeam2Content und graphicBeam4Content die sekundären Balken der jeweiligen Ebene dar.
@ -25077,14 +25153,15 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="80%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>batsocforecast_XX</b> </td><td>der prognostizierte und in der Vergangenheit erreichte SOC (%) der Batterie XX </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>consumption</b> </td><td>Energieverbrauch </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>consumptionForecast</b> </td><td>prognostizierter Energieverbrauch </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>energycosts</b> </td><td>Kosten des Energiebezuges aus dem Netz. Die Währung ist im setupMeterDev, Schlüssel conprice, definiert. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>feedincome</b> </td><td>Vergütung für die Netzeinspeisung. Die Währung ist im setupMeterDev, Schlüssel feedprice, definiert. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>gridconsumption</b> </td><td>Energiebezug aus dem öffentlichen Netz </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>gridfeedin</b> </td><td>Einspeisung in das öffentliche Netz </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvReal</b> </td><td>reale PV-Erzeugung (default für graphicBeam1Content) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvForecast</b> </td><td>prognostizierte PV-Erzeugung (default für graphicBeam2Content) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvReal</b> </td><td>reale PV-Erzeugung (default für graphicBeam1Content) </td></tr>
Reference in New Issue
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