diff --git a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm
index 17a42d90b..69df81eee 100644
--- a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm
+++ b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm
@@ -161,7 +161,9 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
"entryGraphic: enrich hfcg hash, __normDecPlaces: use it from/to battery, ".
"setupBatteryDevXX : new icon & show key, colour of icon can be changed separately, maxbatteries set to 3 ".
"medianArray: switch to simpel array sort, Task 1: delete Weather-API status data at night ".
- "add SoC forecast to NextHours store, Battery bar chart: display of the device in the bar chart level 1 or 2 ",
+ "add SoC forecast to NextHours store, Battery bar chart: display of the device in the bar chart level 1 or 2 ".
+ "add batsocXX to pvHistory, add batsocforecast_XX to Attr graphicBeamXContent ".
+ " _addDynAttr: add graphicBeamXContent at runtime, attr ctrlBackupFilesKeep can set to 0 ",
"1.41.4" => "02.01.2025 minor change of Logtext, new special Readings BatPowerIn_Sum, BatPowerOut_Sum ".
"rename ctrlStatisticReadings to ctrlSpecialReadings ",
"1.41.3" => "01.01.2025 write/read battery values 0 .. maxbatteries to/from pvhistrory ".
@@ -1231,6 +1233,11 @@ my %hfspvh = (
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{storname} = 'batsetsoc'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
+ $hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # aktueller SOC für Tag / Stunde
+ $hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{storname} = 'batsoc'.$bn;
+ $hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
+ $hfspvh{'batsoc'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
@@ -1266,7 +1273,6 @@ sub Initialize {
my $hod = join ",", map { sprintf "%02d", $_} (1..24);
my $srd = join ",", sort keys (%hcsr);
- my $gbc = 'pvReal,pvForecast,consumption,consumptionForecast,gridconsumption,energycosts,gridfeedin,feedincome';
my ($consumer, $setupbat, $ctrlbatsm, $setupprod, $setupinv, @allc);
for my $c (1..$maxconsumer) {
@@ -1335,14 +1341,14 @@ sub Initialize {
"graphicBeamHeightLevel1 ".
"graphicBeamHeightLevel2 ".
"graphicBeamWidth:slider,20,5,100 ".
+ "graphicBeam1Content: ".
+ "graphicBeam2Content: ".
+ "graphicBeam3Content: ".
+ "graphicBeam4Content: ".
"graphicBeam1Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam2Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam3Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam4Color:colorpicker,RGB ".
- "graphicBeam1Content:$gbc ".
- "graphicBeam2Content:$gbc ".
- "graphicBeam3Content:$gbc ".
- "graphicBeam4Content:$gbc ".
"graphicBeam1FontColor:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam2FontColor:colorpicker,RGB ".
"graphicBeam3FontColor:colorpicker,RGB ".
@@ -1378,6 +1384,9 @@ sub Initialize {
+ ## Hinweis: graphicBeamXContent wird in _addDynAttr hinzugefügt
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
@@ -6643,7 +6652,7 @@ sub periodicWriteMemcache {
$hash->{LCACHEFILE} = "last write time: ".FmtTime(gettimeofday())." whole Operating Memory";
- Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - The working memory >circular pvhist solcastapi< has been saved to persistance");
+ Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - The working memory >circular, pvhist, solcastapi, statusapi, weatherapi< has been saved to persistance");
if ($bckp) {
my $tstr = (timestampToTimestring (0))[2];
@@ -7254,14 +7263,14 @@ return;
# neue Attribute zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
-# Device spezifische ".AttrList" überschreibt Modul AttrList !
+# Device spezifische ".AttrList" überschreibt Modul AttrList!
+# relevant für CPU Auslastung!!
-sub _addDynAttr {
+sub _addDynAttr {
my $hash = shift;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
- ## Attr setupWeatherDevX zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
- #################################################
my $adwds = '';
my @alldwd = devspec2array ("TYPE=DWD_OpenData");
$adwds = join ",", @alldwd if(@alldwd);
@@ -7276,12 +7285,15 @@ sub _addDynAttr {
push @fcdevs, @alldwd if(@alldwd);
my $rdd = join ",", @fcdevs;
- my @deva = split " ", $modules{$type}{AttrList};
- my $atd = 'setupWeatherDev|setupRadiationAPI';
- @deva = grep {!/$atd/} @deva;
+ ## Attributhüllen entfernen
+ #############################
+ my @deva = split " ", $modules{$type}{AttrList};
+ my $atd = 'setupWeatherDev|setupRadiationAPI|graphicBeam*Content';
+ @deva = grep {!/$atd/} @deva;
+ ## Attr setupWeatherDevX / setupRadiationAPI zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
+ ######################################################################
for my $step (1..$weatherDevMax) {
if ($step == 1) {
push @deva, ($adwds ? "setupWeatherDev1:OpenMeteoDWD-API,OpenMeteoDWDEnsemble-API,OpenMeteoWorld-API,$adwds" :
@@ -7293,7 +7305,25 @@ sub _addDynAttr {
push @deva, "setupRadiationAPI:$rdd ";
+ ## Attr graphicBeamXContent zur Laufzeit hinzufügen
+ #####################################################
+ my $gbc = '';
+ if (isBatteryUsed ($name)) {
+ for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
+ $bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
+ $gbc .= 'batsocforecast_'.$bn.',';
+ }
+ }
+ $gbc .= ',' if(!$gbc);
+ $gbc .= 'consumption,consumptionForecast,energycosts,feedincome,gridconsumption,gridfeedin,pvForecast,pvReal';
+ push @deva, "graphicBeam1Content:$gbc";
+ push @deva, "graphicBeam2Content:$gbc";
+ push @deva, "graphicBeam3Content:$gbc";
+ push @deva, "graphicBeam4Content:$gbc";
$hash->{".AttrList"} = join " ", @deva;
@@ -8008,7 +8038,10 @@ sub _specialActivities {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Daily special tasks - Task 4 started");
__deletePvCorffReadings ($paref); # Readings der pvCorrectionFactor-Steuerung löschen
- periodicWriteMemcache ($hash, 'bckp'); # Backup Files erstellen und alte Versionen löschen
+ if (AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlBackupFilesKeep', 3)) {
+ periodicWriteMemcache ($hash, 'bckp'); # Backup Files erstellen und alte Versionen löschen (unterbleibt bei ctrlBackupFilesKeep == 0)
+ }
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Daily special tasks - Task 4 finished");
@@ -9462,7 +9495,6 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my $nhour = $chour + 1;
# Batterieladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern
my $histbatintot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batintotal'.$bn, undef); # totale Batterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
@@ -9481,7 +9513,6 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batinthishour'.$bn, val => $batinthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# Batterieentladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern
my $histbatouttot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batouttotal'.$bn, undef); # totale Betterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
@@ -9500,7 +9531,6 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batoutthishour'.$bn, val => $batoutthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# täglichen max. SOC in pvHistory speichern
my $batmaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, 99, 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Tages
@@ -9526,6 +9556,8 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bicon} = $h->{icon} if($h->{icon}); # Batterie Icon
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bshowingraph} = $h->{show} // 0; # Batterie in Balkengrafik anzeigen
+ writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batsoc'.$bn, val => $soc, hour => $nhour } );
$socsum += $soc;
$pbisum += $pbi;
$pbosum += $pbo;
@@ -9873,8 +9905,8 @@ sub _batChargeRecmd {
## SOC-Prognose und Ladeempfehlung
my $progsoc = sprintf "%.0f", (100 / $batinstcap * ($batinstcap - $whneed)); # Prognose SoC
- $progsoc = $progsoc < $lowSoc ? $lowSoc :
- $progsoc < $batoptsoc ? $batoptsoc :
+ $progsoc = $progsoc < $batoptsoc ? $batoptsoc :
+ $progsoc < $lowSoc ? $lowSoc :
if ( $whneed + $sfmargin >= $spday ) {$rcmd = 1} # Ladeempfehlung wenn benötigte Ladeenergie >= Restüberschuß des Tages zzgl. Sicherheitsaufschlag
@@ -14213,18 +14245,19 @@ sub _beamGraphicFirstHour {
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $kw = $paref->{kw};
- my $day;
+ my ($day, $bn);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $stt = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'starttime', '0000-00-00 24');
my ($year,$month,$day_str,$thishour) = $stt =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x;
my ($val1,$val2,$val3,$val4,$val5,$val6,$val7,$val8);
+ my $hbsocs;
$hfcg->{0}{time_str} = $thishour;
- $thishour = int($thishour); # keine führende Null
+ $thishour = int($thishour); # keine führende Null
$hfcg->{0}{time} = $thishour;
$hfcg->{0}{day_str} = $day_str;
@@ -14233,50 +14266,59 @@ sub _beamGraphicFirstHour {
$hfcg->{0}{mktime} = fhemTimeLocal (0,0,$thishour,$day,int($month)-1,$year-1900); # gleich die Unix Zeit dazu holen
$hfcg->{0}{time} += $offset;
- if ($hfcg->{0}{time} < 0) {
+ if ($hfcg->{0}{time} < 0) { # Tageswechsel: day muss jetzt neu berechnet werden !
$hfcg->{0}{time} += 24;
- my $n_day = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset))); # Achtung : Tageswechsel - day muss jetzt neu berechnet werden !
+ my $n_day = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset)));
$hfcg->{0}{day} = int($n_day);
$hfcg->{0}{day_str} = $n_day;
- $hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf('%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time});
+ $hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf '%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time};
+ $hfcg->{0}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
+ $hfcg->{0}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
+ $hfcg->{0}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
+ $hfcg->{0}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvfc', 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvrl', 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'gcons', 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'confc', 0);
$val5 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'con', 0);
- $val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) *
- $val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
+ $val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) * $val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
$val7 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'gfeedin', 0);
- $val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) *
- $val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
- $hfcg->{0}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
- $hfcg->{0}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
- $hfcg->{0}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
- $hfcg->{0}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
- $hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf('%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time}-1).$hourstyle;
- $hfcg->{0}{beam1} = ($beam1cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
- undef;
- $hfcg->{0}{beam2} = ($beam2cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
+ $val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) * $val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
+ ## Batterien Selektionshash erstellen
+ #######################################
+ for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
+ $bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
+ $hbsocs->{0}{$bn} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'batsoc'.$bn, 0);
+ }
+ ## Zuordnung Werte zu den Balken entsprechend Selektion
+ #########################################################
+ $hfcg->{0}{beam1} = $beam1cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
+ $beam1cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{0}{(split '_', $beam1cont)[1]} :
+ $hfcg->{0}{beam2} = $beam2cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
+ $beam2cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{0}{(split '_', $beam2cont)[1]} :
+ undef;
$hfcg->{0}{beam1} //= 0;
$hfcg->{0}{beam2} //= 0;
@@ -14285,24 +14327,26 @@ sub _beamGraphicFirstHour {
my $epc = CurrentVal ($hash, 'ePurchasePriceCcy', 0);
my $efc = CurrentVal ($hash, 'eFeedInTariffCcy', 0);
- $hfcg->{0}{beam1txt} = ($beam1cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam1cont eq 'pvReal') ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam1cont eq 'consumption') ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam1cont eq 'energycosts') ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
- ($beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam1cont eq 'feedincome') ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
+ $hfcg->{0}{beam1txt} = $beam1cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam1cont eq 'pvReal' ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam1cont eq 'consumption' ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam1cont eq 'energycosts' ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
+ $beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam1cont eq 'feedincome' ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
- $hfcg->{0}{beam2txt} = ($beam2cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam2cont eq 'pvReal') ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam2cont eq 'consumption') ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam2cont eq 'energycosts') ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
- ($beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
- ($beam2cont eq 'feedincome') ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
+ $hfcg->{0}{beam2txt} = $beam2cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $htitles{pvgenefc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam2cont eq 'pvReal' ? $htitles{pvgenerl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $htitles{enppubgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $htitles{enconsfc}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam2cont eq 'consumption' ? $htitles{enconsrl}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam2cont eq 'energycosts' ? $htitles{enpchcst}{$lang}." ($epc)" :
+ $beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $htitles{enfeedgd}{$lang}." ($kw)" :
+ $beam2cont eq 'feedincome' ? $htitles{rengfeed}{$lang}." ($efc)" :
+ $hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf('%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time}-1).$hourstyle;
return $thishour;
@@ -14324,6 +14368,7 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
$maxVal //= $hfcg->{0}{beam1}; # Startwert wenn kein Wert bereits via attr vorgegeben ist
my ($val1,$val2,$val3,$val4,$val5,$val6,$val7,$val8);
+ my $hbsocs;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $maxCon = $hfcg->{0}{beam1};
@@ -14345,27 +14390,33 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
if ($offset < 0) {
if ($i <= abs($offset)) { # $daystr stimmt nur nach Mitternacht, vor Mitternacht muß $hfcg->{0}{day_str} als Basis verwendet werden !
- my $ds = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset+$i))); # V0.49.4
+ my $ds = strftime "%d", localtime ($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * abs($offset+$i))); # V0.49.4
if ($hfcg->{$i}{time} == 24) { # Sonderfall Mitternacht
- $ds = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * (abs($offset-$i+1))));
+ $ds = strftime "%d", localtime ($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * (abs($offset-$i+1))));
+ $hfcg->{$i}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
+ $hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
+ $hfcg->{$i}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
+ $hfcg->{$i}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'pvfc', 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'pvrl', 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'gcons', 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'confc', 0);
$val5 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'con', 0);
- $val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) * $val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
+ $val6 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'conprice', 0) * $val3 / 1000); # Energiekosten der Stunde
$val7 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'gfeedin', 0);
- $val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) * $val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
+ $val8 = sprintf "%.2f", (HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'feedprice', 0) * $val7 / 1000); # Einspeisevergütung der Stunde
- $hfcg->{$i}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
- $hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
- $hfcg->{$i}{sunalt} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunalt', '-');
- $hfcg->{$i}{sunaz} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'sunaz', '-');
+ ## Batterien Selektionshash erstellen
+ #######################################
+ for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
+ $bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
+ $hbsocs->{$i}{$bn} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'batsoc'.$bn, 0);
+ }
$hfcg->{$i}{day_str} = $ds;
$hfcg->{$i}{day} = int($ds);
@@ -14377,52 +14428,65 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
$nh = sprintf '%02d', $i;
- if (defined $nh) {
- $val1 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'pvfc', 0);
- $val4 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'confc', 0);
+ if (defined $nh) {
$hfcg->{$i}{weather} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'wcc', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunalt} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'sunalt', '-');
$hfcg->{$i}{sunaz} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'sunaz', '-');
my $stt = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'starttime', '');
- my $day_str = ($stt =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/xs)[2];
+ $val1 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'pvfc', 0);
+ $val4 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'confc', 0);
+ ## Batterien Selektionshash anreichern
+ ########################################
+ for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
+ $bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
+ $hbsocs->{$i}{$bn} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'soc'.$bn, 0);
+ }
+ my $day_str = ($stt =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/xs)[2];
if ($day_str) {
$hfcg->{$i}{day_str} = $day_str;
- $hfcg->{$i}{day} = int($day_str);
+ $hfcg->{$i}{day} = int $day_str;
+ ## Zuordnung Werte zu den Balken entsprechend Selektion
+ #########################################################
+ $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} = $beam1cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
+ $beam1cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
+ $beam1cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{$i}{(split '_', $beam1cont)[1]} :
+ undef;
+ $hfcg->{$i}{beam2} = $beam2cont eq 'pvForecast' ? $val1 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'pvReal' ? $val2 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption' ? $val3 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast' ? $val4 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'consumption' ? $val5 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'energycosts' ? $val6 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin' ? $val7 :
+ $beam2cont eq 'feedincome' ? $val8 :
+ $beam2cont =~ /batsocforecast_/xs ? $hbsocs->{$i}{(split '_', $beam2cont)[1]} :
+ undef;
$hfcg->{$i}{time_str} = sprintf ('%02d', $hfcg->{$i}{time}-1).$hourstyle;
- $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} = ($beam1cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
- ($beam1cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
- undef;
- $hfcg->{$i}{beam2} = ($beam2cont eq 'pvForecast') ? $val1 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'pvReal') ? $val2 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'gridconsumption') ? $val3 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'consumptionForecast') ? $val4 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'consumption') ? $val5 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'energycosts') ? $val6 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'gridfeedin') ? $val7 :
- ($beam2cont eq 'feedincome') ? $val8 :
- undef;
$hfcg->{$i}{beam1} //= 0;
$hfcg->{$i}{beam2} //= 0;
$hfcg->{$i}{diff} = $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} - $hfcg->{$i}{beam2};
- $maxVal = $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} if ($hfcg->{$i}{beam1} > $maxVal);
- $maxCon = $hfcg->{$i}{beam2} if ($hfcg->{$i}{beam2} > $maxCon);
- $maxDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if ($hfcg->{$i}{diff} > $maxDif);
- $minDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if ($hfcg->{$i}{diff} < $minDif);
+ $maxVal = $hfcg->{$i}{beam1} if($hfcg->{$i}{beam1} > $maxVal);
+ $maxCon = $hfcg->{$i}{beam2} if($hfcg->{$i}{beam2} > $maxCon);
+ $maxDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if($hfcg->{$i}{diff} > $maxDif);
+ $minDif = $hfcg->{$i}{diff} if($hfcg->{$i}{diff} < $minDif);
my $back = {
@@ -16677,7 +16741,7 @@ return $ridx;
-# einen Schlüssel-Wert in die pvHistory schreiben
+# einen Schlüssel-Wert in die pvHistory schreiben
# $valid - Wert für Valid-Key festgelegt in $hfspvh Hash
# z.B. pvrlvd = 1: beim Learning berücksichtigen, 0: nicht
@@ -17005,7 +17069,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
$prdl .= "pprl${pn}: $pprl";
- my ($btotin, $batin, $btotout, $batout, $batmsoc, $batssoc);
+ my ($btotin, $batin, $btotout, $batout, $batmsoc, $batssoc, $batsoc);
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) { # + alle Batterien
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
my $hbtotin = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batintotal'.$bn, '-');
@@ -17014,6 +17078,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $hbatout = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batout'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatmsoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatssoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batsetsoc'.$bn, '-');
+ my $hbatsoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batsoc'.$bn, '-');
if ($export eq 'csv') {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryInTotal${bn}"} = $hbtotin;
@@ -17022,6 +17087,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryOut${bn}"} = $hbatout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryMaxSoc${bn}"} = $hbatmsoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatterySetSoc${bn}"} = $hbatssoc;
+ $hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatterySoc${bn}"} = $hbatsoc;
$btotin .= ', ' if($btotin);
@@ -17036,6 +17102,8 @@ sub listDataPool {
$batmsoc .= "batmaxsoc${bn}: $hbatmsoc";
$batssoc .= ', ' if($batssoc);
$batssoc .= "batsetsoc${bn}: $hbatssoc";
+ $batsoc .= ', ' if($batsoc);
+ $batsoc .= "batsoc${bn}: $hbatsoc";
$ret .= "\n " if($ret);
@@ -17061,6 +17129,8 @@ sub listDataPool {
$ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= $btotout if($key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
+ $ret .= $batsoc if($key ne '99');
+ $ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= $batin;
$ret .= "\n ";
@@ -21615,8 +21685,9 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
batinXX | Charge of battery XX within the hour (Wh) |
batouttotalXX | total battery XX discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour |
batoutXX | Discharge of battery XX within the hour (Wh) |
- batmaxsocXX | maximum SOC (%) of battery XX of the day |
- batsetsocXX | optimum SOC setpoint (%) of battery XX for the day |
+ batsocXX | State of charge SOC (%) of battery XX at the end of the hour |
+ batmaxsocXX | Maximum SOC (%) achieved by battery XX on the day |
+ batsetsocXX | Optimum SOC setpoint (%) of battery XX for the day |
confc | expected energy consumption (Wh) |
con | real energy consumption (Wh) of the house |
conprice | Price for the purchase of one kWh. The currency of the price is defined in the setupMeterDev. |
@@ -22217,6 +22288,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
ctrlBackupFilesKeep <Integer>
Defines the number of generations of backup files
(see also set <name> operatingMemory backup).
+ If ctrlBackupFilesKeep explit is set to '0', no automatic generation and cleanup of backup files takes place.
+ Manual execution with the aforementioned set command is still possible.
(default: 3)
@@ -22595,8 +22668,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
Defines the content of the bars to be displayed in the bar charts.
The bar charts are available in two levels.
- Level 1 is preset by default. The content is determined by the attributes graphicBeam1Content and
- graphicBeam2Content.
+ Level 1 is preset by default.
+ The content is determined by the attributes graphicBeam1Content and graphicBeam2Content.
Level 2 can be activated by setting the attributes graphicBeam3Content and graphicBeam4Content.
The attributes graphicBeam1Content and graphicBeam3Content represent the primary beams, the attributes
graphicBeam2Content and graphicBeam4Content attributes represent the secondary beams of the
@@ -22606,14 +22679,15 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
+ batsocforecast_XX | the predicted and historically achieved SOC (%) of the battery XX |
consumption | Energy consumption |
consumptionForecast | forecasted energy consumption |
energycosts | Cost of energy purchased from the grid. The currency is defined in the setupMeterDev, key conprice. |
feedincome | Remuneration for feeding into the grid. The currency is defined in the setupMeterDev, key feedprice. |
gridconsumption | Energy purchase from the public grid |
gridfeedin | Feed into the public grid |
- pvReal | real PV generation (default for graphicBeam1Content) |
pvForecast | predicted PV generation (default for graphicBeam2Content) |
+ pvReal | real PV generation (default for graphicBeam1Content) |
@@ -24086,7 +24160,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
batinXX | Ladung der Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh) |
batouttotalXX | Gesamtentladung der Batterie XX (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde |
batoutXX | Entladung der Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh) |
- batmaxsocXX | maximaler SOC (%) der Batterie XX des Tages |
+ batsocXX | Ladezustand SOC (%) der Batterie XX am Ende der Stunde |
+ batmaxsocXX | maximal erreichter SOC (%) der Batterie XX an dem Tag |
batsetsocXX | optimaler SOC Sollwert (%) der Batterie XX für den Tag |
csmtXX | Energieverbrauch total von ConsumerXX |
csmeXX | Energieverbrauch von ConsumerXX in der Stunde des Tages (Stunde 99 = Tagesenergieverbrauch) |
@@ -24687,6 +24762,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
ctrlBackupFilesKeep <Ganzzahl>
Legt die Anzahl der Generationen von Sicherungsdateien
(siehe set <name> operatingMemory backup) fest.
+ Ist ctrlBackupFilesKeep explit auf '0' gesetzt, erfolgt keine automatische Generierung und Bereinigung von Sicherungsdateien.
+ Eine manuelle Ausführung mit dem genannten Set-Kommando ist weiterhin möglich.
(default: 3)
@@ -25066,10 +25143,9 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
Legt den darzustellenden Inhalt der Balken in den Balkendiagrammen fest.
Die Balkendiagramme sind in zwei Ebenen verfügbar.
- Die Ebene 1 ist im Standard voreingestellt. Der Inhalt durch die Attribute graphicBeam1Content und
- graphicBeam2Content bestimmt.
- Die Ebene 2 kann durch Setzen der Attribute graphicBeam3Content und graphicBeam4Content zugeschaltet
- werden.
+ Die Ebene 1 ist im Standard voreingestellt.
+ Der Inhalt wird durch die Attribute graphicBeam1Content und graphicBeam2Content bestimmt.
+ Die Ebene 2 kann durch Setzen der Attribute graphicBeam3Content und graphicBeam4Content aktiviert werden.
Die Attribute graphicBeam1Content und graphicBeam3Content stellen die primären Balken, die Attribute
graphicBeam2Content und graphicBeam4Content die sekundären Balken der jeweiligen Ebene dar.
@@ -25077,14 +25153,15 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
+ batsocforecast_XX | der prognostizierte und in der Vergangenheit erreichte SOC (%) der Batterie XX |
consumption | Energieverbrauch |
consumptionForecast | prognostizierter Energieverbrauch |
energycosts | Kosten des Energiebezuges aus dem Netz. Die Währung ist im setupMeterDev, Schlüssel conprice, definiert. |
feedincome | Vergütung für die Netzeinspeisung. Die Währung ist im setupMeterDev, Schlüssel feedprice, definiert. |
gridconsumption | Energiebezug aus dem öffentlichen Netz |
gridfeedin | Einspeisung in das öffentliche Netz |
- pvReal | reale PV-Erzeugung (default für graphicBeam1Content) |
pvForecast | prognostizierte PV-Erzeugung (default für graphicBeam2Content) |
+ pvReal | reale PV-Erzeugung (default für graphicBeam1Content) |