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rssFeed: Possibility to change feed data via custom funtion

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@10749 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
svnbenni 2016-02-07 08:59:35 +00:00
parent d73db75053
commit b9d2b94595
2 changed files with 241 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 98_rssFeed: Possibility to modfy feed data via a custom function.
- change: 49_SSCAM: entries with loglevl "2" reviewed,changed to loglevl "3"
- feature: 50_TelegramBot receive media files,
send media files directly invocation (PNG, JPG, MP3, PDF, etc)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
# $Id$
# 06.02.2016 - added content:encoded to be selected as
# extractable reading
# 06.02.2016 - setting encoding attribute to utf8 by default
# when device is defined for the first time
# 06.02.2016 - allowing call of custom user function for
# text preparation of title, description and
# content:encoded
package main;
use strict;
@ -32,7 +41,9 @@ my $nb_indexlength=length($maximum_max_lines);
my $rdHeadlines='.headlines';
my $defaultReadings="title,description,pubDate";
my $allReadings=$defaultReadings.",link,buildDate,imageTitle,imageURL";
my $allReadings=$defaultReadings.",link,buildDate,imageTitle,imageURL,encodedContent";
my $defaultEncoding='utf8';
my $defaultDisabledText='this rssFeed ist currently disabled';
@ -157,6 +168,7 @@ rssFeed_Initialize($)
. "rfDisplayTitle " #display a title as first line in headlines (is perl special)
. "rfTickerChars " #optional characters to display at the beginning and end of each headline
. "rfEncode " #optional encoding to use for setting the readings (e.g. utf8)
. "rfCustomTextPrepFn " #optional preparation of Text readings before they_re set (funtion)
. "rfReadings:multiple-strict,".$allReadings." " #readings to fill (comma separated list)
. "rfDisabledText "
#. "rfLatin1ToUtf8:1,0" #optional encoding using latin1ToUtf8 for readings (TEST ONLY)
@ -271,8 +283,19 @@ rssFeed_Define($$)
InternalTimer($nexttimer, $modulename."_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
my $attReadings=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"rfReadings",undef);
$attr{$hash->{NAME}}{rfReadings}=$defaultReadings if (!$attReadings);
#Set default attributes
#Do this only at very first definition of the device.
#Prevent this during initialization of FHEM at startup.
if ($init_done) {
#setting default readings to be extracted if attribute rfReadings is not set
my $attReadings=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"rfReadings",undef);
$attr{$hash->{NAME}}{rfReadings}=$defaultReadings if (!$attReadings);
#setting default encoding if attribute rfEncode is not set
my $attEncoding=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"rfEncode",undef);
$attr{$hash->{NAME}}{rfEncode}=$defaultEncoding if (!$attEncoding);
return undef;
@ -366,8 +389,8 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
#just 'defined'
readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,'state',localtime(gettimeofday()),1) if(!IsDisabled($name));
#if the device is disabled then there will be no further update an only the
#information, that the ticke is deactivated will be stored to ticker headlines
#if the device is disabled then there will be no further update and only the
#information, that the ticker is deactivated will be stored to ticker headlines
# -> ToDo: This point will currently never be automatically reached, as this update-Routine
# is not called by the timer event routine (rssFeed_GetUpdate) when the disable
# attribute is set. Shoud be called at least once, when attribute dsable is set.
@ -386,6 +409,26 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"rfMaxLines: $lines";
#Check if the function specified in the attribute rfCustomTextPrepFn exists
#and is callable:
my $custPrepFn=AttrVal($name,'rfCustomTextPrepFn',undef);
if(defined($custPrepFn)) {
if (!defined(&$custPrepFn)) {
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,"WARNING: specified custom function $custPrepFn doesn't exist!";
} else {
#Function exists, try to call it
eval "$custPrepFn('x','x')";
if ($@) {
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,"WARNING: Error when calling $custPrepFn(\$\$)!";
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,$@;
} else {
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"Using specified custom function $custPrepFn later on";
my ($i,$nachrichten,$response,@ticker,$ua,$url,$xml);
$i = 0;
@ -394,7 +437,7 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
if (!$url) {
#If there's no URL in internals, something is very wrong (see define)
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'url not defined';
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'ERROR: url not defined';
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,$url;
@ -405,7 +448,7 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
if(!$response) {
#Problem: no response was returned!
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'no response getting rss data from url';
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'ERROR: no response getting rss data from url';
@ -417,6 +460,8 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
gunzip \$response => \$runzipped;
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"unzipError: $GunzipError";
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"unzipError:This is ok! It only means that response is not gzipped.";
#If the response was not zipped, the unzip-result is the original response data
my $zipped=0;
@ -432,96 +477,110 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
#using unzipped responsedata if it was originally zipped
$response=$runzipped if($zipped);
#Convert xml data from reponse to an array (hash?)
#Trying to convert xml data from reponse to an array
$xml = new XML::Simple;
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,'Trying to convert xml to array...';
eval {$xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']);};
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"evalXMLerror: $@";
eval {$nachrichten=$xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']);};
if($@) {
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,"ERROR can't convert feed response" if($@);
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"$@";
if(!$nachrichten->{channel}) {
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,'ERROR: no valid feed data available after conversion';
#$nachrichten = $xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']) if(!$@);
#Now starting update of the readings
#rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"evalXMLresult: $evResult";
#Extracting data from array and converting it to utf8 where necessary.
if($params{'title'}) {
my $feedTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{title};
$feedTitle=encode($enc,$feedTitle) if($enc);
$feedTitle=eval("$custPrepFn('feedTitle','$feedTitle')") if ($custPrepFn);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'title',$feedTitle) if ($feedTitle);
if(!$@) {
$nachrichten = $xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']);
if ($params{'description'}) {
my $feedDescription=$nachrichten->{channel}{description};
$feedDescription=encode($enc,$feedDescription) if ($enc);
$feedDescription=eval("$custPrepFn('feedDescription','$feedDescription')") if ($custPrepFn);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'description',$feedDescription) if ($feedDescription);
my $feedLink=$nachrichten->{channel}{link};
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'link',$feedLink) if ($feedLink && $params{'link'});
my $feedBuildDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{lastBuildDate};
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'buildDate',$feedBuildDate) if ($feedBuildDate && $params{'buildDate'});
my $feedPubDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{pubDate};
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'pubDate',$feedPubDate) if ($feedPubDate && $params{'pubDate'});
my $feedImageURL=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{url};
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageURL',$feedImageURL) if ($feedImageURL && $params{'imageURL'});
if ($params{'imageTitle'}) {
my $feedImageTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{title};
$feedImageTitle=encode($enc,$feedImageTitle) if ($enc);
$feedImageTitle=eval("$custPrepFn('feedImageTitle','$feedImageTitle')") if ($custPrepFn);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageTitle',$feedImageTitle) if ($feedImageTitle);
# -> ToDo: Add a title line to the ticker data e.g. to describe what's
# displayed. This should be a perl-special to evaluate, so
# the data could possibly extracted from readings.
#my $title=AttrVal($name,'rnDisplayTitle',undef);
#$title=$urlbase if($title eq '@');
#push (@ticker,$title) if ($title);
#Extracting data from array and converting it to utf8 where necessary.
my $feedTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{title};
#$feedTitle=latin1ToUtf8($feedTitle) if($lutf);
$feedTitle=encode($enc,$feedTitle) if($enc);
my $feedDescription=$nachrichten->{channel}{description};
#$feedDescription=latin1ToUtf8($feedDescription) if($lutf);
$feedDescription=encode($enc,$feedDescription) if ($enc);
my $feedLink=$nachrichten->{channel}{link};
my $feedBuildDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{lastBuildDate};
my $feedPubDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{pubDate};
my $feedImageURL=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{url};
my $feedImageTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{title};
#$feedImageTitle=latin1ToUtf8($feedImageTitle) if ($lutf);
$feedImageTitle=encode($enc,$feedImageTitle) if ($enc);
#Now starting update of the readings
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'title',$feedTitle) if ($feedTitle && $params{'title'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'description',$feedDescription) if ($feedDescription && $params{'description'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'link',$feedLink) if ($feedLink && $params{'link'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'pubDate',$feedPubDate) if ($feedPubDate && $params{'pubDate'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'buildDate',$feedBuildDate) if ($feedBuildDate && $params{'buildDate'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageTitle',$feedImageTitle) if ($feedImageTitle && $params{'imageTitle'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageURL',$feedImageURL) if ($feedImageURL && $params{'imageURL'});
#Loop through the array to extract the data for each single news block in
#the feed data array
while ($i < $lines) {
#At least a title should exist
if($nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title}) {
my $cline=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title};
#$cline=latin1ToUtf8($cline) if($lutf);
$cline=encode($enc,$cline) if ($enc);
my $cdesc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{description};
#$cdesc=latin1ToUtf8($cdesc) if($lutf);
$cdesc=encode($enc,$cdesc) if ($enc);
my $clink=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{link};
#$clink=latin1ToUtf8($clink) if ($lutf);
$clink=encode($enc,$clink) if ($enc);
my $cline=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title};
last unless $cline;
$cline=encode($enc,$cline) if ($enc);
$cline=eval("$custPrepFn('title','$cline')") if ($custPrepFn);
my $cdate=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{pubDate};
#$cdate=latin1ToUtf8($cdate) if ($lutf);
$cdate=encode($enc,$cdate) if ($enc);
#my $cenc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{enclosure}{url};
#store headlines tor ticker-array for later joining to healines string
my $h = $tt_start.$cline.$tt_end;
last unless $h;
push (@ticker,$h);
last unless $cline;
#store headlines tor ticker-array for later joining to healines string
my $h = $tt_start.$cline.$tt_end;
last unless $h;
push (@ticker,$h);
#Index for numbering each news-block
my $ndx=sprintf('%0'.$nb_indexlength.'s',$i);
#Index for numbering each news-block
my $ndx=sprintf('%0'.$nb_indexlength.'s',$i);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."title",$cline) if ($params{'title'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."description", $cdesc) if ($cdesc && $params{'description'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."link", $clink) if ($params{'link'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."pubDate", $cdate) if ($params{'pubDate'});
#readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."image",$cenc) if ($cenc);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."title",$cline) if ($params{'title'});
if ($params{'description'}) {
my $cdesc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{description};
$cdesc=encode($enc,$cdesc) if ($enc);
$cdesc=eval("$custPrepFn('description','$cdesc')") if ($custPrepFn);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."description", $cdesc);
if ($params{'link'}) {
my $clink=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{link};
$clink=encode($enc,$clink) if ($enc);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."link", $clink);
if ($params{'pubDate'}) {
my $cdate=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{pubDate};
$cdate=encode($enc,$cdate) if ($enc);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."pubDate", $cdate);
if ($params{'encodedContent'}) {
my $econtent=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{'content:encoded'};
$econtent=encode($enc,$econtent) if($enc);
$econtent=eval("$custPrepFn('encodedContent','$econtent')") if ($custPrepFn);
@ -647,7 +706,8 @@ return;
Sometimes this is necessary when feeds contain wide characters that
could sometimes lead to malfunction in FHEMWEB.
Also the headlines data returned by rssFeedFunctions and get ticker
are encoded using this method.
are encoded using this method.<br/>
This will be set to utf8 by default on first define
<li><a name="rfReadings">rfReadings</a><br/>
@ -663,6 +723,10 @@ return;
to a corresponding reading
<li>encodedContent = content:encoded section<br/>
if present this contains a more detailed description
<li>pubDate = Publication time of feed and of each news item will
be extracted to a corresponding reading.
@ -688,6 +752,50 @@ return;
attribute will be automatically created with the default value.
<li><a name="rfCustomTextPrepFn">rfCustomTextPrepFn</a><br>
Can specify a funtion located for example in 99_myUtils.pm
This function will be uses for further modification of extracted
feed data before setting it to the readings or the ticker list.
The function will receive an id for the text type and the text itself.
It must then return the modified Text.
Possible text type ids are (s.a. rfReadings)<br>
Example for 99_myUtils.pm:
#Text preparation for rssFeedDevices
sub rssFeedPrep($$)
my($texttype,$text) = @_;
#Cut the lenght of description texts to max 50 characters
my $tLn=length $text;
$text=substr($text,0,47).'...' if ($tLn >50 && ($texttype=~/description/));
#filter Probably errorneous HASH(xxxxxx) from any texts
return ' ' if ($text=~/HASH\(.*\)/);
#set a custom feed title reading
return 'My Special Title' if ($texttype =~/feedTitle/);
#returning modified text
return $text;
and then set the attribute to that function:<br/>
<code>attr &lt;rssFeedDevice&gt; rfCustomTextPrepFn rssFeedPrep</code>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
@ -856,7 +964,8 @@ return;
Das kann u.U. notwendig sein, wenn in den zur&uuml;ckgelieferten Feed-Daten s.g. wide Characters
enthalten sind. Dies kann evtl. dazu f&uuml;hren, das u.a. die Darstellung in FHEMWEB nicht mehr
korrekt erfolgt.
Dies betrifft auch das Ergebnis von rssFeedFunctions, bzw. get ticker.
Dies betrifft auch das Ergebnis von rssFeedFunctions, bzw. get ticker.<br/>
Dieses Attribut wird beim ersten define per default auf utf8 gesetzt.
<li><a name="rfReadings">rfReadings</a><br>
@ -873,6 +982,11 @@ return;
Dies erzeugt ein Reading f&uuml;r die Feed-Beschreibung, bzw.
f&uuml;r den Beschreibungstext jeden Nachrichten-Eelements.<br>
<li>encodedContent = content:encoded Abschnitt<br/>
Sofern vorhanden ist in diesem Abschnitt quasi ein Langtext
der Nachrihtenmeldung enthalten.
<li>pubDate = Zeitpunkt der Ver&ouml;ffentlichung des Feeds, bzw. der einzelnen
@ -900,6 +1014,48 @@ return;
<li><a name="rfCustomTextPrepFn">rfCustomTextPrepFn</a><br>
Hier kann eine Funktion angegeben werden, die bspw. in 99_myUtils.pm
definiert wird. In dieser Funktion k&ouml;nnen Textinhalte vor dem
Setzen der Readings, bzw. Tickerzeilen beliebig modifiziert werden.
Der Funktion wird dabei zum Einen eine Kennung für den Text &uuml;bergeben und zum
Anderen der Text selbst. Zur&uuml;ckgegeben wird dann der modifizierte Text.
M&ouml;gliche Kennungen sind dabei (s.a. rfReadings)<br>
Beispiel f&uuml;r 99_myUtils.pm:
#Text-Modifikation für rssFeedDevices
sub rssFeedPrep($$)
my($texttype,$text) = @_;
#Länge von descriptions auf maximal 50 begrenzen
my $tLn=length $text;
$text=substr($text,0,47).'...' if ($tLn >50 && ($texttype=~/description/));
#Filtern von texten, die fälschlicherweise auf HASH(xxxxxx) stehen
#von beliebigen Texten
return ' ' if ($text=~/HASH\(.*\)/);
#Setzen eines eigenen Titels für den Feed
return 'Mein eigener Feed-Titel' if ($texttype =~/feedTitle/);
#jetzt noch den modifizierten Text zurück geben
return $text;
zur Verwendung muss das Attribut noch entsprechend gesetzt werden:<br/>
<code>attr &lt;rssFeedDevice&gt; rfCustomTextPrepFn rssFeedPrep</code>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>