From b9d2b94595e8cc02562f85339aa1a1667d69cfef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: svnbenni <>
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 08:59:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] rssFeed: Possibility to change feed data via custom funtion
git-svn-id: 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
fhem/CHANGED | 1 +
fhem/FHEM/ | 324 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 8ca20a6e2..72a741ab2 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - feature: 98_rssFeed: Possibility to modfy feed data via a custom function.
- change: 49_SSCAM: entries with loglevl "2" reviewed,changed to loglevl "3"
- feature: 50_TelegramBot receive media files,
send media files directly invocation (PNG, JPG, MP3, PDF, etc)
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/ b/fhem/FHEM/
index 83fabe590..f04d2cad8 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
# $Id$
+# 06.02.2016 - added content:encoded to be selected as
+# extractable reading
+# 06.02.2016 - setting encoding attribute to utf8 by default
+# when device is defined for the first time
+# 06.02.2016 - allowing call of custom user function for
+# text preparation of title, description and
+# content:encoded
package main;
use strict;
@@ -32,7 +41,9 @@ my $nb_indexlength=length($maximum_max_lines);
my $rdHeadlines='.headlines';
my $defaultReadings="title,description,pubDate";
-my $allReadings=$defaultReadings.",link,buildDate,imageTitle,imageURL";
+my $allReadings=$defaultReadings.",link,buildDate,imageTitle,imageURL,encodedContent";
+my $defaultEncoding='utf8';
my $defaultDisabledText='this rssFeed ist currently disabled';
@@ -157,6 +168,7 @@ rssFeed_Initialize($)
. "rfDisplayTitle " #display a title as first line in headlines (is perl special)
. "rfTickerChars " #optional characters to display at the beginning and end of each headline
. "rfEncode " #optional encoding to use for setting the readings (e.g. utf8)
+ . "rfCustomTextPrepFn " #optional preparation of Text readings before they_re set (funtion)
. "rfReadings:multiple-strict,".$allReadings." " #readings to fill (comma separated list)
. "rfDisabledText "
#. "rfLatin1ToUtf8:1,0" #optional encoding using latin1ToUtf8 for readings (TEST ONLY)
@@ -271,8 +283,19 @@ rssFeed_Define($$)
InternalTimer($nexttimer, $modulename."_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
- my $attReadings=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"rfReadings",undef);
- $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{rfReadings}=$defaultReadings if (!$attReadings);
+ #Set default attributes
+ #Do this only at very first definition of the device.
+ #Prevent this during initialization of FHEM at startup.
+ if ($init_done) {
+ #setting default readings to be extracted if attribute rfReadings is not set
+ my $attReadings=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"rfReadings",undef);
+ $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{rfReadings}=$defaultReadings if (!$attReadings);
+ #setting default encoding if attribute rfEncode is not set
+ my $attEncoding=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"rfEncode",undef);
+ $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{rfEncode}=$defaultEncoding if (!$attEncoding);
+ }
return undef;
@@ -366,8 +389,8 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
#just 'defined'
readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,'state',localtime(gettimeofday()),1) if(!IsDisabled($name));
- #if the device is disabled then there will be no further update an only the
- #information, that the ticke is deactivated will be stored to ticker headlines
+ #if the device is disabled then there will be no further update and only the
+ #information, that the ticker is deactivated will be stored to ticker headlines
# -> ToDo: This point will currently never be automatically reached, as this update-Routine
# is not called by the timer event routine (rssFeed_GetUpdate) when the disable
# attribute is set. Shoud be called at least once, when attribute dsable is set.
@@ -386,6 +409,26 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"rfMaxLines: $lines";
+ #Check if the function specified in the attribute rfCustomTextPrepFn exists
+ #and is callable:
+ my $custPrepFn=AttrVal($name,'rfCustomTextPrepFn',undef);
+ if(defined($custPrepFn)) {
+ if (!defined(&$custPrepFn)) {
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,"WARNING: specified custom function $custPrepFn doesn't exist!";
+ $custPrepFn=undef;
+ } else {
+ #Function exists, try to call it
+ eval "$custPrepFn('x','x')";
+ if ($@) {
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,"WARNING: Error when calling $custPrepFn(\$\$)!";
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,$@;
+ $custPrepFn=undef;
+ } else {
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"Using specified custom function $custPrepFn later on";
+ }
+ }
+ }
my ($i,$nachrichten,$response,@ticker,$ua,$url,$xml);
$i = 0;
@@ -394,7 +437,7 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
if (!$url) {
#If there's no URL in internals, something is very wrong (see define)
- rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'url not defined';
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'ERROR: url not defined';
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,$url;
@@ -405,7 +448,7 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
if(!$response) {
#Problem: no response was returned!
- rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'no response getting rss data from url';
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'ERROR: no response getting rss data from url';
@@ -417,6 +460,8 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
gunzip \$response => \$runzipped;
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"unzipError: $GunzipError";
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"unzipError:This is ok! It only means that response is not gzipped.";
#If the response was not zipped, the unzip-result is the original response data
my $zipped=0;
@@ -432,96 +477,110 @@ rssFeed_update(@)
#using unzipped responsedata if it was originally zipped
$response=$runzipped if($zipped);
- #Convert xml data from reponse to an array (hash?)
+ #Trying to convert xml data from reponse to an array
$xml = new XML::Simple;
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,'Trying to convert xml to array...';
- eval {$xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']);};
- rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"evalXMLerror: $@";
+ eval {$nachrichten=$xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']);};
+ if($@) {
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,"ERROR can't convert feed response" if($@);
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"$@";
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!$nachrichten->{channel}) {
+ rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,'ERROR: no valid feed data available after conversion';
+ return;
+ }
+ #$nachrichten = $xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']) if(!$@);
+ #Now starting update of the readings
+ readingsBeginUpdate($dhash);
- #rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"evalXMLresult: $evResult";
+ #Extracting data from array and converting it to utf8 where necessary.
+ if($params{'title'}) {
+ my $feedTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{title};
+ $feedTitle=encode($enc,$feedTitle) if($enc);
+ $feedTitle=eval("$custPrepFn('feedTitle','$feedTitle')") if ($custPrepFn);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'title',$feedTitle) if ($feedTitle);
+ }
- if(!$@) {
- $nachrichten = $xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']);
+ if ($params{'description'}) {
+ my $feedDescription=$nachrichten->{channel}{description};
+ $feedDescription=encode($enc,$feedDescription) if ($enc);
+ $feedDescription=eval("$custPrepFn('feedDescription','$feedDescription')") if ($custPrepFn);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'description',$feedDescription) if ($feedDescription);
+ }
+ my $feedLink=$nachrichten->{channel}{link};
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'link',$feedLink) if ($feedLink && $params{'link'});
+ my $feedBuildDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{lastBuildDate};
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'buildDate',$feedBuildDate) if ($feedBuildDate && $params{'buildDate'});
+ my $feedPubDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{pubDate};
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'pubDate',$feedPubDate) if ($feedPubDate && $params{'pubDate'});
+ my $feedImageURL=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{url};
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageURL',$feedImageURL) if ($feedImageURL && $params{'imageURL'});
+ if ($params{'imageTitle'}) {
+ my $feedImageTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{title};
+ $feedImageTitle=encode($enc,$feedImageTitle) if ($enc);
+ $feedImageTitle=eval("$custPrepFn('feedImageTitle','$feedImageTitle')") if ($custPrepFn);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageTitle',$feedImageTitle) if ($feedImageTitle);
- # -> ToDo: Add a title line to the ticker data e.g. to describe what's
- # displayed. This should be a perl-special to evaluate, so
- # the data could possibly extracted from readings.
- #my $title=AttrVal($name,'rnDisplayTitle',undef);
- #$title=$urlbase if($title eq '@');
- #push (@ticker,$title) if ($title);
- #Extracting data from array and converting it to utf8 where necessary.
- my $feedTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{title};
- #$feedTitle=latin1ToUtf8($feedTitle) if($lutf);
- $feedTitle=encode($enc,$feedTitle) if($enc);
- my $feedDescription=$nachrichten->{channel}{description};
- #$feedDescription=latin1ToUtf8($feedDescription) if($lutf);
- $feedDescription=encode($enc,$feedDescription) if ($enc);
- my $feedLink=$nachrichten->{channel}{link};
- my $feedBuildDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{lastBuildDate};
- my $feedPubDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{pubDate};
- my $feedImageURL=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{url};
- my $feedImageTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{title};
- #$feedImageTitle=latin1ToUtf8($feedImageTitle) if ($lutf);
- $feedImageTitle=encode($enc,$feedImageTitle) if ($enc);
- #Now starting update of the readings
- readingsBeginUpdate($dhash);
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'title',$feedTitle) if ($feedTitle && $params{'title'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'description',$feedDescription) if ($feedDescription && $params{'description'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'link',$feedLink) if ($feedLink && $params{'link'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'pubDate',$feedPubDate) if ($feedPubDate && $params{'pubDate'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'buildDate',$feedBuildDate) if ($feedBuildDate && $params{'buildDate'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageTitle',$feedImageTitle) if ($feedImageTitle && $params{'imageTitle'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageURL',$feedImageURL) if ($feedImageURL && $params{'imageURL'});
#Loop through the array to extract the data for each single news block in
#the feed data array
while ($i < $lines) {
+ #At least a title should exist
if($nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title}) {
- my $cline=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title};
- #$cline=latin1ToUtf8($cline) if($lutf);
- $cline=encode($enc,$cline) if ($enc);
- my $cdesc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{description};
- #$cdesc=latin1ToUtf8($cdesc) if($lutf);
- $cdesc=encode($enc,$cdesc) if ($enc);
- my $clink=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{link};
- #$clink=latin1ToUtf8($clink) if ($lutf);
- $clink=encode($enc,$clink) if ($enc);
+ my $cline=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title};
+ last unless $cline;
+ $cline=encode($enc,$cline) if ($enc);
+ $cline=eval("$custPrepFn('title','$cline')") if ($custPrepFn);
- my $cdate=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{pubDate};
- #$cdate=latin1ToUtf8($cdate) if ($lutf);
- $cdate=encode($enc,$cdate) if ($enc);
- #my $cenc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{enclosure}{url};
+ #store headlines tor ticker-array for later joining to healines string
+ my $h = $tt_start.$cline.$tt_end;
+ last unless $h;
+ push (@ticker,$h);
- last unless $cline;
- #store headlines tor ticker-array for later joining to healines string
- my $h = $tt_start.$cline.$tt_end;
- last unless $h;
- push (@ticker,$h);
- #Index for numbering each news-block
- my $ndx=sprintf('%0'.$nb_indexlength.'s',$i);
+ #Index for numbering each news-block
+ my $ndx=sprintf('%0'.$nb_indexlength.'s',$i);
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."title",$cline) if ($params{'title'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."description", $cdesc) if ($cdesc && $params{'description'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."link", $clink) if ($params{'link'});
- readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."pubDate", $cdate) if ($params{'pubDate'});
- #readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."image",$cenc) if ($cenc);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."title",$cline) if ($params{'title'});
+ if ($params{'description'}) {
+ my $cdesc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{description};
+ $cdesc=encode($enc,$cdesc) if ($enc);
+ $cdesc=eval("$custPrepFn('description','$cdesc')") if ($custPrepFn);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."description", $cdesc);
+ }
+ if ($params{'link'}) {
+ my $clink=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{link};
+ $clink=encode($enc,$clink) if ($enc);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."link", $clink);
+ }
+ if ($params{'pubDate'}) {
+ my $cdate=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{pubDate};
+ $cdate=encode($enc,$cdate) if ($enc);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."pubDate", $cdate);
+ }
+ if ($params{'encodedContent'}) {
+ my $econtent=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{'content:encoded'};
+ $econtent=encode($enc,$econtent) if($enc);
+ $econtent=eval("$custPrepFn('encodedContent','$econtent')") if ($custPrepFn);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator.'encodedContent',$econtent);
+ }
@@ -647,7 +706,8 @@ return;
Sometimes this is necessary when feeds contain wide characters that
could sometimes lead to malfunction in FHEMWEB.
Also the headlines data returned by rssFeedFunctions and get ticker
- are encoded using this method.
+ are encoded using this method.
+ This will be set to utf8 by default on first define
+#Text preparation for rssFeedDevices +sub rssFeedPrep($$) +{ + my($texttype,$text) = @_; + + #Cut the lenght of description texts to max 50 characters + my $tLn=length $text; + $text=substr($text,0,47).'...' if ($tLn >50 && ($texttype=~/description/)); + + #filter Probably errorneous HASH(xxxxxx) from any texts + return ' ' if ($text=~/HASH\(.*\)/); + + #set a custom feed title reading + return 'My Special Title' if ($texttype =~/feedTitle/); + + #returning modified text + return $text; +} ++ and then set the attribute to that function:
attr <rssFeedDevice> rfCustomTextPrepFn rssFeedPrep
+ +#Text-Modifikation für rssFeedDevices +sub rssFeedPrep($$) +{ + my($texttype,$text) = @_; + + #Länge von descriptions auf maximal 50 begrenzen + my $tLn=length $text; + $text=substr($text,0,47).'...' if ($tLn >50 && ($texttype=~/description/)); + + #Filtern von texten, die fälschlicherweise auf HASH(xxxxxx) stehen + #von beliebigen Texten + return ' ' if ($text=~/HASH\(.*\)/); + + #Setzen eines eigenen Titels für den Feed + return 'Mein eigener Feed-Titel' if ($texttype =~/feedTitle/); + + #jetzt noch den modifizierten Text zurück geben + return $text; +} ++ zur Verwendung muss das Attribut noch entsprechend gesetzt werden:
attr <rssFeedDevice> rfCustomTextPrepFn rssFeedPrep