mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 10:46:53 +00:00

SVG.pm: delete plotmode gnuplot, add gnuplot-scroll-SVG (Forum #35129)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@9577 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
rudolfkoenig 2015-10-21 17:45:02 +00:00
parent 61ad1ce5d4
commit 864879b703
2 changed files with 109 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ FHEMWEB_Initialize($)
@ -3206,14 +3206,12 @@ FW_widgetOverride($$)
The plots are created with the <a href="#SVG">SVG</a> module.
This is the default.</li>
The plots are created with the gnuplot program. Note: this mode
ist only available due to historic reasons.</li>
Like the gnuplot-mode, but scrolling to historical values is alos
possible, just like with SVG.</li>
The plots are created with the gnuplot program. The gnuplot
output terminal PNG is assumed. Scrolling to historical values
is also possible, just like with SVG.</li>
Like gnuplot-scroll, but the output terminal SVG is assumed.</li>
@ -3923,15 +3921,15 @@ FW_widgetOverride($$)
Die Plots werden mit Hilfe des <a href="#SVG">SVG</a> Moduls als SVG
Grafik gerendert. Das ist die Standardeinstellung.</li>
Die Plots werden mit Hilfe des gnuplot Programmes erzeugt. Diese
Option ist aus historischen Gr&uuml;nden vorhanden.
Die plots werden mit dem Programm gnuplot erstellt. Das output
terminal ist PNG. Der einfache Zugriff auf historische Daten
ist m&ouml;glich (analog SVG).
Wie gnuplot, der einfache Zugriff auf historische Daten ist aber
genauso m&ouml;glich wie mit dem SVG Modul.</li>
Wie gnuplot-scroll, aber als output terminal wird SVG angenommen.

View File

@ -202,17 +202,15 @@ SVG_FwFn($$$$)
# plots navigation buttons
my $pm = AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
if($pm ne "gnuplot") {
if((!$pageHash || !$pageHash->{buttons}) &&
AttrVal($d, "fixedrange", "x") !~ m/^[ 0-9:-]*$/) {
if((!$pageHash || !$pageHash->{buttons}) &&
AttrVal($d, "fixedrange", "x") !~ m/^[ 0-9:-]*$/) {
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=1", "Next", "next");
$pageHash->{buttons} = 1 if($pageHash);
$ret .= "<br>";
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=1", "Next", "next");
$pageHash->{buttons} = 1 if($pageHash);
$ret .= "<br>";
@ -268,10 +266,14 @@ SVG_FwFn($$$$)
$ret .= "</div>";
} else {
} elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
$ret .= "<img src=\"$arg\"/>";
} elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll-svg") {
$ret .= "<object type=\"image/svg+xml\" ".
"data=\"$arg\">Your browser does not support SVG.</object>";
if(!$pageHash) {
if($FW_plotmode eq "SVG") {
$ret .= SVG_PEdit($FW_wname,$d,$room,$pageHash) . "<br>";
@ -849,7 +851,6 @@ SVG_calcOffsets($$)
my ($d,$wl) = @_;
my $pm = AttrVal($wl,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
return if($pm eq "gnuplot");
my ($fr, $fo);
my $frx; #fixedrange with offset
@ -1024,73 +1025,72 @@ SVG_doShowLog($$$$;$)
my $tmpfile = "/tmp/file.$$";
my $errfile = "/tmp/gnuplot.err";
my $f;
my $t;
my $xrange;
if($pm eq "gnuplot" || !$SVG_devs{$d}{from}) {
if(!$SVG_devs{$d}{from}) {
# Fix range, as we are without scroll
my $f = 0; # From the beginning of time...
my $t = 9; # till the end
$f = 0; # From the beginning of time...
$t = 9; # till the end
$xrange = "\n"; #We don't have a range, but need the new line
} else {
# Read the data from the filelog
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
my @path = split(" ",
FW_fC("get $d $file $tmpfile $f $t $srcDesc->{all}", 1));
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
# replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
my $i = 0;
$plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
my $xrange = "\n"; #We don't have a range, but need the new line
foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
next if(!-z $p);
open(FH, ">$p");
print FH "$f 0\n";
my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
$plot =~ s/ls \w+//g;
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
} elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
# Read the data from the filelog
my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
my @path = split(" ",
FW_fC("get $d $file $tmpfile $f $t $srcDesc->{all}", 1));
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
# replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
my $i = 0;
$plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
my $xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n";
foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
next if(!-z $p);
open(FH, ">$p");
print FH "$f 0\n";
my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
$plot =~ s/ls \w+//g;
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
foreach my $p (@path) {
($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
$xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n";
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/png";
open(FH, "$tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
my @path;
my $tmp = 0;
foreach my $src (@{$srcDesc->{order}}) {
my $s = $srcDesc->{src}{$src};
my $fname = ($src eq $defs{$d}{LOGDEVICE} ? $defs{$d}{LOGFILE}:"CURRENT");
my $cmd = "get $src $fname $tmpfile$tmp $f $t ".$s->{arg};
my @files = split(" ", FW_fC($cmd, 1));
push(@path, @files);
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
# replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
my $i = 0;
$plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
next if(!-z $p);
open(FH, ">$p");
print FH "$f 0\n";
my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
$plot =~ s/ls \w+//g;
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
foreach my $p (@path) {
if($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/png";
open(FH, "$tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
else {
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
open(FH, "$tmpfile.svg"); # read in the result and send it
binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
} elsif($pm eq "SVG") {
my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
@ -2328,14 +2328,14 @@ plotAsPng(@)
<a name="fixedrange"></a>
<li>fixedrange [offset]<br>
Contains two time specs in the form YYYY-MM-DD separated by a space.
In plotmode gnuplot-scroll or SVG the given time-range will be used,
and no scrolling for this SVG will be possible. Needed e.g. for
looking at last-years data without scrolling.<br><br>
If the value is one of hour, day, &lt;N&gt;days, week, month, year than
set the zoom level for this SVG independently of the user specified
zoom-level. This is useful for pages with multiple plots: one of the
plots is best viewed in with the default (day) zoom, the other one with
a week zoom.<br>
In plotmode gnuplot-scroll(-svg) or SVG the given time-range will be
used, and no scrolling for this SVG will be possible. Needed e.g. for
looking at last-years data without scrolling.<br><br> If the value is
one of hour, day, &lt;N&gt;days, week, month, year than set the zoom
level for this SVG independently of the user specified zoom-level. This
is useful for pages with multiple plots: one of the plots is best
viewed in with the default (day) zoom, the other one with a week
If given, the optional integer parameter offset refers to a different
period (e.g. last year: fixedrange year -1, 2 days ago: fixedrange day
@ -2367,13 +2367,11 @@ plotAsPng(@)
(&lt;L1&gt;, &lt;L2&gt;, etc.). Each value will be evaluated as a perl
expression, so you have access e.g. to the Value functions.<br><br>
If the plotmode is gnuplot-scroll or SVG, you can also use the min, max,
mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, firstval, firstdate, currval (last
If the plotmode is gnuplot-scroll(-svg) or SVG, you can also use the min,
max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, firstval, firstdate, currval (last
value) and currdate (last date) values of the individual curves, by
accessing the corresponding
values from the data hash, see the example below:<br>
accessing the corresponding values from the data hash, see the example
<li>Fixed text for the right and left axis:<br>
@ -2525,10 +2523,10 @@ plotAsPng(@)
<li>fixedrange [offset]<br>
Version 1<br>
Enth&auml;lt zwei Zeit-Spezifikationen in der Schreibweise YYYY-MM-DD,
getrennt durch ein Leerzeichen. Im Plotmodus gnuplot-Scroll oder SVG wird
das vorgegebene Intervall verwendet und ein Scrolling der Zeitachse ist
nicht m&ouml;glich. Dies wird z.B. verwendet, um sich die Daten des
vergangenen Jahres ohne Scrollen anzusehen.<br><br>
getrennt durch ein Leerzeichen. Im Plotmodus gnuplot-scroll(-svg) oder
SVG wird das vorgegebene Intervall verwendet und ein Scrolling der
Zeitachse ist nicht m&ouml;glich. Dies wird z.B. verwendet, um sich die
Daten des vergangenen Jahres ohne Scrollen anzusehen.<br><br>
Version 2<br>
Wenn der Wert entweder Tag, &lt;N&gt;Tage, Woche, Monat oder Jahr lautet,
@ -2568,11 +2566,12 @@ plotAsPng(@)
Jeder Wert wird als Perl-Ausdruck bewertet, deshalb hat man Zugriff z.B.
auf die hinterlegten Funktionen. <br><br>
Egal, ob es sich bei der Plotart um gnuplot-scroll oder SVG handelt, es
k&ouml;nnen ebenfalls die Werte der individuellen Kurve f&uuml;r min,
max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, currval (letzter Wert) und currdate
(letztes Datum) durch Zugriff der entsprechenden Werte &uuml;ber das
data Hash verwendet werden. Siehe untenstehendes Beispiel:<br>
Egal, ob es sich bei der Plotart um gnuplot-scroll(-svg) oder SVG
handelt, es k&ouml;nnen ebenfalls die Werte der individuellen Kurve
f&uuml;r min, max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, currval (letzter
Wert) und currdate (letztes Datum) durch Zugriff der entsprechenden Werte
&uuml;ber das data Hash verwendet werden. Siehe untenstehendes
<li>Beschriftunng der rechten und linken y-Achse:<br>