The plots are created with the SVG module.
This is the default.
- The plots are created with the gnuplot program. Note: this mode
- ist only available due to historic reasons.
- Like the gnuplot-mode, but scrolling to historical values is alos
- possible, just like with SVG.
+ The plots are created with the gnuplot program. The gnuplot
+ output terminal PNG is assumed. Scrolling to historical values
+ is also possible, just like with SVG.
+ Like gnuplot-scroll, but the output terminal SVG is assumed.
@@ -3923,15 +3921,15 @@ FW_widgetOverride($$)
Die Plots werden mit Hilfe des SVG Moduls als SVG
Grafik gerendert. Das ist die Standardeinstellung.
- Die Plots werden mit Hilfe des gnuplot Programmes erzeugt. Diese
- Option ist aus historischen Gründen vorhanden.
+ Die plots werden mit dem Programm gnuplot erstellt. Das output
+ terminal ist PNG. Der einfache Zugriff auf historische Daten
+ ist möglich (analog SVG).
- Wie gnuplot, der einfache Zugriff auf historische Daten ist aber
- genauso möglich wie mit dem SVG Modul.
+ Wie gnuplot-scroll, aber als output terminal wird SVG angenommen.
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/ b/fhem/FHEM/
index cad4f07c7..0e099df34 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/
@@ -202,17 +202,15 @@ SVG_FwFn($$$$)
# plots navigation buttons
my $pm = AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
- if($pm ne "gnuplot") {
- if((!$pageHash || !$pageHash->{buttons}) &&
- AttrVal($d, "fixedrange", "x") !~ m/^[ 0-9:-]*$/) {
+ if((!$pageHash || !$pageHash->{buttons}) &&
+ AttrVal($d, "fixedrange", "x") !~ m/^[ 0-9:-]*$/) {
- $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
- $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
- $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
- $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=1", "Next", "next");
- $pageHash->{buttons} = 1 if($pageHash);
- $ret .= " ";
- }
+ $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
+ $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
+ $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
+ $ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=1", "Next", "next");
+ $pageHash->{buttons} = 1 if($pageHash);
+ $ret .= " ";
@@ -268,10 +266,14 @@ SVG_FwFn($$$$)
$ret .= "";
- } else {
+ } elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
$ret .= "";
+ } elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll-svg") {
+ $ret .= "";
if(!$pageHash) {
if($FW_plotmode eq "SVG") {
$ret .= SVG_PEdit($FW_wname,$d,$room,$pageHash) . " ";
@@ -849,7 +851,6 @@ SVG_calcOffsets($$)
my ($d,$wl) = @_;
my $pm = AttrVal($wl,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
- return if($pm eq "gnuplot");
my ($fr, $fo);
my $frx; #fixedrange with offset
@@ -1024,73 +1025,72 @@ SVG_doShowLog($$$$;$)
my $tmpfile = "/tmp/file.$$";
my $errfile = "/tmp/gnuplot.err";
+ my $f;
+ my $t;
+ my $xrange;
- if($pm eq "gnuplot" || !$SVG_devs{$d}{from}) {
+ if(!$SVG_devs{$d}{from}) {
# Fix range, as we are without scroll
- my $f = 0; # From the beginning of time...
- my $t = 9; # till the end
+ $f = 0; # From the beginning of time...
+ $t = 9; # till the end
+ $xrange = "\n"; #We don't have a range, but need the new line
+ } else {
# Read the data from the filelog
- my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
- $attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
- my @path = split(" ",
- FW_fC("get $d $file $tmpfile $f $t $srcDesc->{all}", 1));
- $attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
- # replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
- my $i = 0;
- $plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
- my $xrange = "\n"; #We don't have a range, but need the new line
- foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
- next if(!-z $p);
- open(FH, ">$p");
- print FH "$f 0\n";
- close(FH);
- }
- my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
- $plot =~ s/ls \w+//g;
- open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
- print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
- close(FH);
- } elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
- # Read the data from the filelog
- my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
- my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
- $attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
- my @path = split(" ",
- FW_fC("get $d $file $tmpfile $f $t $srcDesc->{all}", 1));
- $attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
- # replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
- my $i = 0;
- $plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
- my $xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n";
- foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
- next if(!-z $p);
- open(FH, ">$p");
- print FH "$f 0\n";
- close(FH);
- }
- my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
- $plot =~ s/ls \w+//g;
- open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
- print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
- close(FH);
- foreach my $p (@path) {
- unlink($p);
- }
+ ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
+ $xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n";
- $FW_RETTYPE = "image/png";
- open(FH, "$tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
- binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
- FW_pO join("", );
+ my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
+ $attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
+ my @path;
+ my $tmp = 0;
+ foreach my $src (@{$srcDesc->{order}}) {
+ my $s = $srcDesc->{src}{$src};
+ my $fname = ($src eq $defs{$d}{LOGDEVICE} ? $defs{$d}{LOGFILE}:"CURRENT");
+ my $cmd = "get $src $fname $tmpfile$tmp $f $t ".$s->{arg};
+ my @files = split(" ", FW_fC($cmd, 1));
+ push(@path, @files);
+ $tmp++;
+ }
+ $attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
+ # replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
+ my $i = 0;
+ $plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
+ foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
+ next if(!-z $p);
+ open(FH, ">$p");
+ print FH "$f 0\n";
+ close(FH);
+ }
+ my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
+ $plot =~ s/ls \w+//g;
+ open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
+ print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
- unlink("$tmpfile.png");
+ foreach my $p (@path) {
+ unlink($p);
+ }
+ if($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
+ $FW_RETTYPE = "image/png";
+ open(FH, "$tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
+ binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
+ FW_pO join("", );
+ close(FH);
+ unlink("$tmpfile.png");
+ }
+ else {
+ $FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
+ open(FH, "$tmpfile.svg"); # read in the result and send it
+ binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
+ FW_pO join("", );
+ close(FH);
+ unlink("$tmpfile.svg");
+ }
} elsif($pm eq "SVG") {
my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
@@ -2328,14 +2328,14 @@ plotAsPng(@)
fixedrange [offset]
Contains two time specs in the form YYYY-MM-DD separated by a space.
- In plotmode gnuplot-scroll or SVG the given time-range will be used,
- and no scrolling for this SVG will be possible. Needed e.g. for
- looking at last-years data without scrolling.
- If the value is one of hour, day, <N>days, week, month, year than
- set the zoom level for this SVG independently of the user specified
- zoom-level. This is useful for pages with multiple plots: one of the
- plots is best viewed in with the default (day) zoom, the other one with
- a week zoom.
+ In plotmode gnuplot-scroll(-svg) or SVG the given time-range will be
+ used, and no scrolling for this SVG will be possible. Needed e.g. for
+ looking at last-years data without scrolling.
If the value is
+ one of hour, day, <N>days, week, month, year than set the zoom
+ level for this SVG independently of the user specified zoom-level. This
+ is useful for pages with multiple plots: one of the plots is best
+ viewed in with the default (day) zoom, the other one with a week
+ zoom.
If given, the optional integer parameter offset refers to a different
period (e.g. last year: fixedrange year -1, 2 days ago: fixedrange day
@@ -2367,13 +2367,11 @@ plotAsPng(@)
(<L1>, <L2>, etc.). Each value will be evaluated as a perl
expression, so you have access e.g. to the Value functions.
- If the plotmode is gnuplot-scroll or SVG, you can also use the min, max,
- mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, firstval, firstdate, currval (last
+ If the plotmode is gnuplot-scroll(-svg) or SVG, you can also use the min,
+ max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, firstval, firstdate, currval (last
value) and currdate (last date) values of the individual curves, by
- accessing the corresponding
- values from the data hash, see the example below:
+ accessing the corresponding values from the data hash, see the example
+ below:
Fixed text for the right and left axis:
@@ -2525,10 +2523,10 @@ plotAsPng(@)
fixedrange [offset]
Version 1
Enthält zwei Zeit-Spezifikationen in der Schreibweise YYYY-MM-DD,
- getrennt durch ein Leerzeichen. Im Plotmodus gnuplot-Scroll oder SVG wird
- das vorgegebene Intervall verwendet und ein Scrolling der Zeitachse ist
- nicht möglich. Dies wird z.B. verwendet, um sich die Daten des
- vergangenen Jahres ohne Scrollen anzusehen.
+ getrennt durch ein Leerzeichen. Im Plotmodus gnuplot-scroll(-svg) oder
+ SVG wird das vorgegebene Intervall verwendet und ein Scrolling der
+ Zeitachse ist nicht möglich. Dies wird z.B. verwendet, um sich die
+ Daten des vergangenen Jahres ohne Scrollen anzusehen.
Version 2
Wenn der Wert entweder Tag, <N>Tage, Woche, Monat oder Jahr lautet,
@@ -2568,11 +2566,12 @@ plotAsPng(@)
Jeder Wert wird als Perl-Ausdruck bewertet, deshalb hat man Zugriff z.B.
auf die hinterlegten Funktionen.
- Egal, ob es sich bei der Plotart um gnuplot-scroll oder SVG handelt, es
- können ebenfalls die Werte der individuellen Kurve für min,
- max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, currval (letzter Wert) und currdate
- (letztes Datum) durch Zugriff der entsprechenden Werte über das
- data Hash verwendet werden. Siehe untenstehendes Beispiel:
+ Egal, ob es sich bei der Plotart um gnuplot-scroll(-svg) oder SVG
+ handelt, es können ebenfalls die Werte der individuellen Kurve
+ für min, max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, currval (letzter
+ Wert) und currdate (letztes Datum) durch Zugriff der entsprechenden Werte
+ über das data Hash verwendet werden. Siehe untenstehendes
+ Beispiel: