package FHEM::EaseeWallbox; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use utf8; use Encode qw( encode_utf8 ); use HttpUtils; # try to use JSON::MaybeXS wrapper # for chance of better performance + open code eval { require JSON::MaybeXS; import JSON::MaybeXS qw( decode_json encode_json ); 1; } or do { # try to use JSON wrapper # for chance of better performance eval { # JSON preference order local $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND} = 'Cpanel::JSON::XS,JSON::XS,JSON::PP,JSON::backportPP' unless ( defined( $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND} ) ); require JSON; import JSON qw( decode_json encode_json ); 1; } or do { # In rare cases, Cpanel::JSON::XS may # be installed but JSON|JSON::MaybeXS not ... eval { require Cpanel::JSON::XS; import Cpanel::JSON::XS qw(decode_json encode_json); 1; } or do { # In rare cases, JSON::XS may # be installed but JSON not ... eval { require JSON::XS; import JSON::XS qw(decode_json encode_json); 1; } or do { # Fallback to built-in JSON which SHOULD # be available since 5.014 ... eval { require JSON::PP; import JSON::PP qw(decode_json encode_json); 1; } or do { # Fallback to JSON::backportPP in really rare cases require JSON::backportPP; import JSON::backportPP qw(decode_json encode_json); 1; }; }; }; }; }; # Import von Funktionen und/oder Variablen aus der FHEM main # man kann ::Funktionaname wählen und sich so den Import schenken. Variablen sollten aber # sauber importiert werden use GPUtils qw(GP_Import); ## Import der FHEM Funktionen #-- Run before package compilation BEGIN { # Import from main context GP_Import( qw( readingFnAttributes ) ); } ## Datapoint, all behind API URI my %dpoints = ( getOAuthToken => 'accounts/login', getRefreshToken => 'accounts/refresh_token', getProfile => 'accounts/profile', getChargingSession => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/sessions/ongoing', getChargers => 'accounts/chargers', getProducts => 'accounts/products?userId=#UserId#', getChargerSite => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/site', getChargerDetails => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/details', getChargerConfiguration => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/config', getChargerSessionsMonthly => 'sessions/charger/#ChargerID#/monthly', getChargerSessionsDaily => 'sessions/charger/#ChargerID#/daily', getChargerState => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/state', getCurrentSession => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/sessions/ongoing', setCableLockState => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/lock_state', setReboot => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/reboot', setUpdateFirmware => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/update_firmware', setEnableSmartCharging => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/smart_charging', setStartCharging => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/start_charging', setStopCharging => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/stop_charging', setPauseCharging => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/pause_charging', setResumeCharging => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/resume_charging', setToggleCharging => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/toggle_charging', setOverrideChargingSchedule => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/override_schedule', setPairRFIDTag => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/commands/set_rfid_pairing_mode_async', changeChargerSettings => 'chargers/#ChargerID#/settings', setChargingPrice => 'sites/#SiteID#/price', ); #Private function to evaluate command-lists # private funktionen beginnen immer mit _ ############################# sub getCmdList { return $retVal; } sub Initialize { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = \&Define; $hash->{UndefFn} = \&Undef; $hash->{SetFn} = \&Set; $hash->{GetFn} = \&Get; $hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr; $hash->{ReadFn} = \&Read; $hash->{WriteFn} = \&Write; # Da dies kein 2 stuffiges Modul ist brauchst Du das hier nicht $hash->{Clients} = ':EaseeWallbox:'; $hash->{MatchList} = { '1:EaseeWallbox' => '^EaseeWallbox;.*' }; $hash->{AttrList} = 'expertMode:yes,no ' . 'ledStuff:yes,no ' . 'SmartCharging:true,false ' . $readingFnAttributes; Log 3, "EaseeWallbox module initialized."; return; # Jede Funktion muss mit einem return enden } sub Define { my ( $hash, $def ) = @_; # set API URI as Internal Key $hash->{APIURI} = ''; return; } sub Undef { my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_; return; } sub Get { my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_; return; } sub Set { my ( $hash, $name, @param ) = @_; return; } sub WriteToCloudAPI { my $hash = shift; my $dpoint = shift; # ... # ... # $method ist GET oder POST # bei POST ist $payload gleich data ::HttpUtils_NonblockingGet( { url => $hash->{URL} . $dpoints{$dpoint}, timeout => 15, incrementalTimeout => 1, hash => $hash, dpoint => $dpoint, device_id => $deviceId, data => $payload, method => $method, header => $header, callback => \&ResponseHandling } ); return; } sub ResponseHandling { my $param = shift; my $err = shift; my $data = shift; # Nach Auswertung von err kannst Du anhand von $param->{dpoint} eine Auswertung der Daten machen #... #... return; } 1; =pod =begin html =end html =cut