
1151 lines
39 KiB
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package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use utf8;
use Encode qw( encode_utf8 );
use HttpUtils;
use JSON;
my %EaseeWallbox_gets = (
update => "noArg",
health => "noArg",
2022-03-16 21:27:34 +01:00
baseData => "noArg",
chargers => "noArg",
sites => "noArg",
profile => "noArg",
config => "noArg",
my %EaseeWallbox_sets = (
startCharging => "",
stopCharging => "",
pauseCharging => "",
resumeCharging => "",
toggleCharging => "",
interval => "",
refreshToken => "noArg",
cableLock => "true,false",
reboot => "noArg",
updateFirmware => "noArg",
enableSmartCharging => "true,false",
overrideChargingSchedule => "",
pairRfidTag => "",
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
pricePerKWH => "",
activateTimer => "",
deactivateTimer => "",
my %url = (
getOAuthToken => 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/accounts/login',
getRefreshToken => 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/accounts/refresh_token',
getProfile => 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/accounts/profile',
getChargingSession =>
getChargers => 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/accounts/chargers',
getProducts =>
getChargerSite => 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/chargers/#ChargerID#/site',
getChargerDetails =>
getChargerConfiguration =>
getChargerSessionsMonthly =>
getChargerSessionsDaily =>
getChargerState =>
getCurrentSession =>
setCableLockState =>
setReboot =>
setUpdateFirmware =>
setEnableSmartCharging =>
setStartCharging =>
setStopCharging =>
setPauseCharging =>
setResumeCharging =>
setToggleCharging =>
setOverrideChargingSchedule =>
setPairRFIDTag =>
changeChargerSettings =>
setChargingPrice => 'https://api.easee.cloud/api/sites/#SiteID#/price',
my %reasonForNoCurrent = (
0 => 'OK', #charger is allocated current
1 => 'MaxCircuitCurrentTooLow',
2 => 'MaxDynamicCircuitCurrentTooLow',
3 => 'MaxDynamicOfflineFallbackCircuitCurrentTooLow',
4 => 'CircuitFuseTooLow',
5 => 'WaitingInQueue',
6 => 'WaitingInFully'
, #charged queue (charger assumes one of: EV uses delayed charging, EV charging complete)
7 => 'IllegalGridType',
8 => 'PrimaryUnitHasNotReceivedCurrentRequestFromSecondaryUnit',
50 => 'SecondaryUnitNotRequestingCurrent', #no car connected...
51 => 'MaxChargerCurrentTooLow',
52 => 'MaxDynamicChargerCurrentTooLow',
53 => 'ChargerDisabled',
54 => 'PendingScheduledCharging',
55 => 'PendingAuthorization',
56 => 'ChargerInErrorState',
100 => 'Undefined'
my %phaseMode = (
1 => 'Locked to single phase',
2 => 'Auto',
3 => 'Locked to three phase',
my %operationMode = (
1 => "Standby",
2 => "Paused",
3 => 'Charging',
4 => 'Completed',
5 => 'Error',
6 => 'CarConnected'
#Private function to evaluate command-lists
sub EaseeWallbox_getCmdList ($$$) {
my ( $hash, $cmd, $commands ) = @_;
my %cmdArray = %$commands;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return, if cmd is valid
return undef if ( defined($cmd) and defined( $cmdArray{$cmd} ) );
#response for gui or the user, if command is invalid
my $retVal;
foreach my $mySet ( keys %cmdArray ) {
#append set-command
$retVal = $retVal . " " if ( defined($retVal) );
$retVal = $retVal . $mySet;
#get options
my $myOpt = $cmdArray{$mySet};
#append option, if valid
$retVal = $retVal . ":" . $myOpt
if ( defined($myOpt) and ( length($myOpt) > 0 ) );
$myOpt = "" if ( !defined($myOpt) );
#Logging makes me crazy...
#Log3 ($name, 5, "parse cmd-table - Set:$mySet, Option:$myOpt, RetVal:$retVal");
if ( !defined($retVal) ) {
$retVal = "error while parsing set-table";
else {
$retVal = "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " . $retVal;
return $retVal;
sub EaseeWallbox_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = 'EaseeWallbox_Define';
$hash->{UndefFn} = 'EaseeWallbox_Undef';
$hash->{SetFn} = 'EaseeWallbox_Set';
$hash->{GetFn} = 'EaseeWallbox_Get';
$hash->{AttrFn} = 'EaseeWallbox_Attr';
$hash->{ReadFn} = 'EaseeWallbox_Read';
$hash->{WriteFn} = 'EaseeWallbox_Write';
$hash->{Clients} = ':EaseeWallbox:';
$hash->{MatchList} = { '1:EaseeWallbox' => '^EaseeWallbox;.*' };
= 'expertMode:yes,no '
. 'ledStuff:yes,no '
. 'SmartCharging:true,false '
. $readingFnAttributes;
Log 3, "EaseeWallbox module initialized.";
sub EaseeWallbox_Define($$) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @param = split( "[ \t]+", $def );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "EaseeWallbox_Define $name: called ";
my $errmsg = '';
# Check parameter(s) - Must be min 4 in total (counts strings not purly parameter, interval is optional)
if ( int(@param) < 4 ) {
$errmsg = return
"syntax error: define <name> EaseeWallbox <username> <password> [Interval]";
Log3 $name, 1, "EaseeWallbox $name: " . $errmsg;
return $errmsg;
#Check if the username is an email address
if ( $param[2] =~ /^.+@.+$/ ) {
my $username = $param[2];
$hash->{Username} = $username;
else {
= "specify valid email address within the field username. Format: define <name> EaseeWallbox <username> <password> [interval]";
Log3 $name, 1, "EaseeWallbox $name: " . $errmsg;
return $errmsg;
#Take password and use custom encryption.
# Encryption is taken from fitbit / withings module
my $password = EaseeWallbox_encrypt( $param[3] );
$hash->{Password} = $password;
if ( defined $param[4] ) {
$hash->{DEF} = sprintf( "%s %s %s",
InternalVal( $name, 'Username', undef ),
$password, $param[4] );
else {
$hash->{DEF} = sprintf( "%s %s",
InternalVal( $name, 'Username', undef ), $password );
#Check if interval is set and numeric.
#If not set -> set to 60 seconds
#If less then 5 seconds set to 5
#If not an integer abort with failure.
my $interval = 60;
if ( defined $param[4] ) {
if ( $param[4] =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$interval = $param[4];
else {
= "Specify valid integer value for interval. Whole numbers > 5 only. Format: define <name> EaseeWallbox <username> <password> [interval]";
Log3 $name, 1, "EaseeWallbox $name: " . $errmsg;
return $errmsg;
if ( $interval < 5 ) { $interval = 5; }
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'Undefined', 0 );
#Initial load of data
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
Log3 $name, 1, sprintf("EaseeWallbox_Define %s: Starting timer with interval %s", $name, InternalVal($name,'INTERVAL', undef));
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ InternalVal($name,'INTERVAL', undef), "EaseeWallbox_UpdateDueToTimer", $hash) if (defined $hash);
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_Undef($$) {
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_Get($@) {
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
return '"get EaseeWallbox" needs at least one argument'
if ( int(@args) < 1 );
my $opt = shift @args;
#create response, if cmd is wrong or gui asks
my $cmdTemp = EaseeWallbox_getCmdList( $hash, $opt, \%EaseeWallbox_gets );
return $cmdTemp if ( defined($cmdTemp) );
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
EaseeWallbox_GetChargers($hash) if $opt eq "chargers";
EaseeWallbox_GetChargerConfig($hash) if $opt eq "config";
EaseeWallbox_GetChargerSite($hash) if $opt eq "sites";
EaseeWallbox_RefreshData($hash) if $opt eq "update";
EaseeWallbox_UpdateBaseData($hash) if $opt eq 'baseData';
delete $hash->{LOCAL};
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_Set($@) {
my ( $hash, $name, @param ) = @_;
return '"set $name" needs at least one argument' if ( int(@param) < 1 );
my $opt = shift @param;
my $value = join( "", @param );
#create response, if cmd is wrong or gui asks
my $cmdTemp = EaseeWallbox_getCmdList( $hash, $opt, \%EaseeWallbox_sets );
return $cmdTemp if ( defined($cmdTemp) );
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
if ( $opt eq "deactivateTimer" ) {
Log3 $name, 1,
"EaseeWallbox_Set $name: Stopped the timer to automatically update readings";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'Initialized', 0 );
return undef;
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
elsif ( $opt eq "activateTimer" ) {
#Update once manually and then start the timer
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
delete $hash->{LOCAL};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ InternalVal($name,'INTERVAL', undef), "EaseeWallbox_UpdateDueToTimer", $hash);
Log3 $name, 1, sprintf("EaseeWallbox_Set %s: Updated readings and started timer to automatically update readings with interval %s", $name, InternalVal($name,'INTERVAL', undef));
elsif ( $opt eq "interval" ) {
my $interval = shift @param;
$interval = 60 unless defined($interval);
if ( $interval < 5 ) { $interval = 5; }
Log3 $name, 1, "EaseeWallbox_Set $name: Set interval to" . $interval;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
2022-03-16 21:18:24 +01:00
} else {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setStartCharging" ) if $opt eq "startCharging";
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setStopCharging" ) if $opt eq 'stopCharging';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setPauseCharging" ) if $opt eq 'pauseCharging';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setResumeCharging" ) if $opt eq 'resumeCharging';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setToggleCharging" ) if $opt eq 'toggleCharging';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setUpdateFirmware" ) if $opt eq 'updateFirmware';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setOverrideChargingSchedule" ) if $opt eq 'overrideChargingSchedule';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setPairRFIDTag" ) if $opt eq 'pairRfidTag';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "setReboot" ) if $opt eq 'reboot';
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand( $hash, "toBeDone" ) if $opt eq 'enableSmartCharging';
EaseeWallbox_SetCableLock( $hash, shift @param ) if $opt eq 'cableLock';
EaseeWallbox_SetPrice( $hash, shift @param ) if $opt eq 'pricePerKWH';
EaseeWallbox_LoadToken($hash) if $opt eq 'refreshToken';
delete $hash->{LOCAL};
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'Initialized', 0 );
return undef;
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
sub EaseeWallbox_RefreshData($){
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", sprintf('%s (%.2f)<br/>Current Session: %.2f kWH (%.2f€)', ReadingsVal($name,"operationMode","N/A"), ReadingsVal($name,"power","0"), ReadingsVal($name,"kWhInSession","0"), ReadingsVal($name,"session_chargingCost","0")), 1 );
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
sub EaseeWallbox_UpdateBaseData($){
my $hash = shift;
sub EaseeWallbox_LoadToken {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $tokenLifeTime = $hash->{TOKEN_LIFETIME};
$tokenLifeTime = 0 if ( !defined $tokenLifeTime || $tokenLifeTime eq '' );
my $Token = undef;
$Token = $hash->{'.TOKEN'};
if ( $@ || $tokenLifeTime < gettimeofday() ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "Error while loading: $@ ,requesting new one"
if $@;
Log3 $name, 5,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "Token is expired, requesting new one"
if $tokenLifeTime < gettimeofday();
$Token = EaseeWallbox_NewTokenRequest($hash);
else {
Log3 $name, 5,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "Token expires at "
. localtime($tokenLifeTime);
# if token is about to expire, refresh him
2022-03-17 10:13:09 +01:00
if ( ( $tokenLifeTime - 3700 ) < gettimeofday() ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "Token will expire soon, refreshing";
$Token = EaseeWallbox_TokenRefresh($hash);
return $Token if $Token;
sub EaseeWallbox_NewTokenRequest {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $password
= EaseeWallbox_decrypt( InternalVal( $name, 'Password', undef ) );
my $username = InternalVal( $name, 'Username', undef );
Log3 $name, 5, "EaseeWallbox $name" . ": " . "calling NewTokenRequest()";
my $data = {
userName => $username,
password => $password,
my $param = {
url => $url{getOAuthToken},
header => { "Content-Type" => "application/json" },
method => 'POST',
timeout => 5,
hash => $hash,
data => encode_json $data
Log3 $name, 5, 'Request: ' . Dumper($param);
#Log3 $name, 5, 'Blocking GET: ' . Dumper($param);
#Log3 $name, $reqDebug, "EaseeWallbox $name" . ": " . "Request $AuthURL";
my ( $err, $returnData ) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($param);
if ( $err ne "" ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "NewTokenRequest: Error while requesting "
. $param->{url}
. " - $err";
elsif ( $returnData ne "" ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "url " . $param->{url} . " returned: $returnData";
my $decoded_data = eval { decode_json($returnData) };
if ($@) {
Log3 $name, 3, "EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "NewTokenRequest: decode_json failed, invalid json. error: $@ ";
else {
#write token data in hash
if ( defined($decoded_data) ) {
$hash->{'.TOKEN'} = $decoded_data;
# token lifetime management
if ( defined($decoded_data) ) {
2022-03-17 10:13:09 +01:00
= gettimeofday() + $decoded_data->{'expiresIn'};
$hash->{TOKEN_LIFETIME_HR} = localtime( $hash->{TOKEN_LIFETIME} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "Retrived new authentication token successfully. Valid until "
. localtime( $hash->{TOKEN_LIFETIME} );
$hash->{STATE} = "reachable";
return $decoded_data;
sub EaseeWallbox_TokenRefresh {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $Token = undef;
# load token
$Token = $hash->{'.TOKEN'};
my $data = {
accessToken => $Token->{'accessToken'},
refreshToken => $Token->{'refreshToken'}
my $param = {
url => $url{getRefreshToken},
header => { "Content-Type" => "application/json" },
method => 'POST',
timeout => 5,
hash => $hash,
data => encode_json $data
Log3 $name, 5, 'Request: ' . Dumper($param);
#Log3 $name, 5, 'Blocking GET TokenRefresh: ' . Dumper($param);
#Log3 $name, $reqDebug, "EaseeWallbox $name" . ": " . "Request $AuthURL";
my ( $err, $returnData ) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($param);
if ( $err ne "" ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "TokenRefresh: Error in token retrival while requesting "
. $param->{url}
. " - $err";
$hash->{STATE} = "error";
elsif ( $returnData ne "" ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "url " . $param->{url} . " returned: $returnData";
my $decoded_data = eval { decode_json($returnData); };
if ($@) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "TokenRefresh: decode_json failed, invalid json. error:$@\n"
if $@;
$hash->{STATE} = "error";
else {
#write token data in file
if ( defined($decoded_data) ) {
$hash->{'.TOKEN'} = $decoded_data;
# token lifetime management
= gettimeofday() + $decoded_data->{'expires_in'};
$hash->{TOKEN_LIFETIME_HR} = localtime( $hash->{TOKEN_LIFETIME} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"EaseeWallbox $name" . ": "
. "TokenRefresh: Refreshed authentication token successfully. Valid until "
. localtime( $hash->{TOKEN_LIFETIME} );
$hash->{STATE} = "reachable";
return $decoded_data;
sub EaseeWallbox_httpSimpleOperationOAuth($$$;$) {
my ( $hash, $url, $operation, $message ) = @_;
my ( $json, $err, $data, $decoded );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $CurrentTokenData = EaseeWallbox_LoadToken($hash);
Log3 $name, 3,
"$CurrentTokenData->{'tokenType'} $CurrentTokenData->{'accessToken'}";
my $request = {
url => $url,
header => {
"Content-Type" => "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"Authorization" =>
"$CurrentTokenData->{'tokenType'} $CurrentTokenData->{'accessToken'}"
method => $operation,
timeout => 6,
hideurl => 1
$request->{data} = $message if ( defined $message );
Log3 $name, 5, 'Request: ' . Dumper($request);
( $err, $data ) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($request);
$json = "" if ( !$json );
$data = "" if ( !$data );
Log3 $name, 4, "FHEM -> EaseeWallbox: " . $url;
Log3 $name, 4, "FHEM -> EaseeWallbox: " . $message
if ( defined $message );
Log3 $name, 4, "EaseeWallbox -> FHEM: " . $data if ( defined $data );
Log3 $name, 4, "EaseeWallbox -> FHEM: Got empty response."
if ( not defined $data );
Log3 $name, 5, '$err: ' . $err;
Log3 $name, 5, "method: " . $operation;
Log3 $name, 2, "Something gone wrong"
if ( $data =~ "/EaseeWallboxMode/" );
$err = 1 if ( $data =~ "/EaseeWallboxMode/" );
if ( defined $data and ( not $data eq '' ) and $operation ne 'DELETE' ) {
eval {
$decoded = decode_json($data) if ( !$err );
Log3 $name, 5, 'Decoded: ' . Dumper($decoded);
return $decoded;
} or do {
Log3 $name, 5, 'Failure decoding: ' . $@;
else {
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_ExecuteParameterlessCommand($$) {
my ( $hash, $template ) = @_;
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand($hash, 'POST', $template, undef)
sub EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand($@) {
my ( $hash, $method, $template, $message ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $urlTemplate = $url{$template};
if ( not defined $hash ) {
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1,
"Error on EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand. Missing hash variable";
return undef;
#Check if chargerID is required in URL and replace or alert.
if ( $urlTemplate =~ m/#ChargerID#/ ) {
my $chargerId = ReadingsVal( $name, 'charger_id', undef );
if ( not defined $chargerId ) {
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1,
"Error on EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand. Missing charger_id. Please ensure basic data is available.";
return undef;
$urlTemplate =~ s/#ChargerID#/$chargerId/g;
#Check if siteID is required in URL and replace or alert.
if ( $urlTemplate =~ m/#SiteID#/ ) {
my $siteId = ReadingsVal( $name, 'site_id', undef );
if ( not defined $siteId ) {
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1,
"Error on EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand. Missing site_id. Please ensure basic data is available.";
return undef;
$urlTemplate =~ s/#SiteID#/$siteId/g;
Log3 $name, 4, "EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand will call Easee API for blocking value update. Name: $name";
my $d = EaseeWallbox_httpSimpleOperationOAuth( $hash, $urlTemplate, $method, encode_json \%$message );
sub EaseeWallbox_SetCableLock($$) {
my ( $hash, $value ) = @_;
my %message;
$message{'state'} = $value;
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand($hash, "POST", "setCableLockState", \%message);
sub EaseeWallbox_SetPrice($$) {
my ( $hash, $value ) = @_;
my %message;
$message{'currencyId'} = "EUR";
$message{'vat'} = "19";
$message{'costPerKWh'} = $value;
EaseeWallbox_ExecuteCommand($hash, "POST", "setChargingPrice", \%message);
sub EaseeWallbox_Attr(@) {
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_GetChargers($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( not defined $hash ) {
my $msg = "Error on EaseeWallbox_GetChargers. Missing hash variable";
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1, $msg;
return $msg;
my $readTemplate = $url{"getChargers"};
my $d = EaseeWallbox_httpSimpleOperationOAuth( $hash, $readTemplate,
'GET' );
if ( defined $d && ref($d) eq "HASH" && defined $d->{errors} ) {
log 1, Dumper $d;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,
"Error: $d->{errors}[0]->{code} / $d->{errors}[0]->{title}",
'Undefined', 1 );
return undef;
else {
my $site = $d->[0];
my $circuit = $site->{circuits}->[0];
my $charger = $circuit->{chargers}->[0];
my $chargerId = $charger->{id};
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_id", $chargerId );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_name", $charger->{name} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_isTemporary", $charger->{isTemporary} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_createdOn", $charger->{createdOn} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
$readTemplate = $url{"getChargerDetails"};
$readTemplate =~ s/#ChargerID#/$chargerId/g;
$d = EaseeWallbox_httpSimpleOperationOAuth( $hash, $readTemplate,
'GET' );
if ( defined $d && ref($d) eq "HASH" && defined $d->{errors} ) {
log 1, Dumper $d;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,
"Error: $d->{errors}[0]->{code} / $d->{errors}[0]->{title}",
'Undefined', 1 );
return undef;
else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "product", $d->{product} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pincode", $d->{pinCode} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "unitType", $d->{unitType} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_GetChargerConfig($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $chargerId = ReadingsVal( $name, "charger_id", undef );
if ( not defined $chargerId ) {
my $msg
= "Error on EaseeWallbox_GetDevices. Missing Charger ID. Please get Chargers first.";
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1, $msg;
return $msg;
my $readTemplate = $url{"getChargerConfiguration"};
$readTemplate =~ s/#ChargerID#/$chargerId/g;
my $d = EaseeWallbox_httpSimpleOperationOAuth( $hash, $readTemplate,
'GET' );
if ( defined $d && ref($d) eq "HASH" && defined $d->{errors} ) {
log 1, Dumper $d;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state',
"Error: $d->{errors}[0]->{code} / $d->{errors}[0]->{title}", 1 );
return undef;
else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_isEnabled", $d->{isEnabled} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "remoteStartRequired",
$d->{remoteStartRequired} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "smartButtonEnabled",
$d->{smartButtonEnabled} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wiFiSSID", $d->{wiFiSSID} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_offlineChargingMode",
# $d->{offlineChargingMode} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_circuitMaxCurrentP1",
# $d->{circuitMaxCurrentP1} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_circuitMaxCurrentP2",
# $d->{circuitMaxCurrentP2} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_circuitMaxCurrentP3",
# $d->{circuitMaxCurrentP3} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_enableIdleCurrent",
# $d->{enableIdleCurrent} );
# $hash,
# "charger_limitToSinglePhaseCharging",
# $d->{limitToSinglePhaseCharging}
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_phaseModeId", $d->{phaseMode} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_phaseMode",
$phaseMode{ $d->{phaseMode} } );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_localNodeType",
# $d->{localNodeType} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_localRadioChannel",
# $d->{localRadioChannel} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "charger_localShortAddress",
# $d->{localShortAddress} );
# $hash,
# "charger_localParentAddrOrNumOfNodes",
# $d->{localParentAddrOrNumOfNodes}
# $hash,
# "charger_localPreAuthorizeEnabled",
# $d->{localPreAuthorizeEnabled}
# $hash,
# "charger_allowOfflineTxForUnknownId",
# $d->{allowOfflineTxForUnknownId}
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "maxChargerCurrent",
$d->{maxChargerCurrent} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ledStripBrightness",
$d->{ledStripBrightness} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "chargingSchedule",
# $d->{chargingSchedule} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_GetChargerSite($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $chargerId = ReadingsVal( $name, "charger_id", undef );
if ( not defined $chargerId ) {
my $msg
= "Error on EaseeWallbox_GetChargerSite. Missing Charger ID. Please get Chargers first.";
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1, $msg;
return $msg;
my $readTemplate = $url{"getChargerSite"};
$readTemplate =~ s/#ChargerID#/$chargerId/g;
my $d = EaseeWallbox_httpSimpleOperationOAuth( $hash, $readTemplate,
'GET' );
if ( defined $d && ref($d) eq "HASH" && defined $d->{errors} ) {
log 1, Dumper $d;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state',
"Error: $d->{errors}[0]->{code} / $d->{errors}[0]->{title}", 1 );
return undef;
else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "site_key", $d->{siteKey} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "site_id", $d->{id} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cost_perKWh", $d->{costPerKWh} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cost_perKwhExcludeVat",
$d->{costPerKwhExcludeVat} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cost_vat", $d->{vat} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cost_currency", $d->{currencyId} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "site_ratedCurrent", $d->{ratedCurrent} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "site_createdOn", $d->{createdOn} );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "site_updatedOn", $d->{updatedOn} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_RequestCurrentSessionCallback($) {
my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( $err ne "" ) # wenn ein Fehler bei der HTTP Abfrage aufgetreten ist
Log3 $name, 3,
"error while requesting "
. $param->{url}
. " - $err"; # Eintrag fürs Log
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "ERROR", 1 );
return undef;
Log3 $name, 3,
"Received non-blocking data from EaseeWallbox regarding current session ";
Log3 $name, 4, "FHEM -> EaseeWallbox: " . $param->{url};
Log3 $name, 4, "FHEM -> EaseeWallbox: " . $param->{message}
if ( defined $param->{message} );
Log3 $name, 4, "EaseeWallbox -> FHEM: " . $data;
Log3 $name, 5, '$err: ' . $err;
Log3 $name, 5, "method: " . $param->{method};
Log3 $name, 2, "Something gone wrong"
if ( $data =~ "/EaseeWallboxMode/" );
eval {
my $d = decode_json($data) if ( !$err );
Log3 $name, 5, 'Decoded: ' . Dumper($d);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_energy", $d->{sessionEnergy} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_start", $d->{sessionStart} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_end", $d->{sessionEnd} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_firstEnergyTransfer",
$d->{firstEnergyTransferPeriodStart} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_lastEnergyTransfer",
$d->{lastEnergyTransferPeriodStart} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_pricePerKWH",
$d->{pricePrKwhIncludingVat} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_chargingCost",
$d->{costIncludingVat} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "session_id", $d->{sessionId} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
return undef;
} or do {
Log3 $name, 5, 'Failure decoding: ' . $@;
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_RequestChargerStateCallback($) {
my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( $err ne "" ) # wenn ein Fehler bei der HTTP Abfrage aufgetreten ist
Log3 $name, 3,
"error while requesting "
. $param->{url}
. " - $err"; # Eintrag fürs Log
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "ERROR", 1 );
return undef;
Log3 $name, 3,
"Received non-blocking data from EaseeWallbox regarding current state ";
Log3 $name, 4, "FHEM -> EaseeWallbox: " . $param->{url};
Log3 $name, 4, "FHEM -> EaseeWallbox: " . $param->{message}
if ( defined $param->{message} );
Log3 $name, 4, "EaseeWallbox -> FHEM: " . $data;
Log3 $name, 5, '$err: ' . $err;
Log3 $name, 5, "method: " . $param->{method};
Log3 $name, 2, "Something gone wrong"
if ( $data =~ "/EaseeWallboxMode/" );
eval {
my $d = decode_json($data) if ( !$err );
Log3 $name, 5, 'Decoded: ' . Dumper($d);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "operationModeCode",
$d->{chargerOpMode} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "operationMode",
$operationMode{ $d->{chargerOpMode} } );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", $d->{totalPower} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "kWhInSession",
$d->{sessionEnergy} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "phase", $d->{outputPhase} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "latestPulse", $d->{latestPulse} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "current", $d->{outputCurrent} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "dynamicCurrent",
$d->{dynamicChargerCurrent} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "reasonForNoCurrent",
$reasonForNoCurrent{ $d->{reasonForNoCurrent} } );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "errorCode", $d->{errorCode} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "fatalErrorCode", $d->{fatalErrorCode} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lifetimeEnergy", $d->{lifetimeEnergy} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "online", $d->{isOnline} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "voltage", $d->{voltage} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wifi_rssi", $d->{wiFiRSSI} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wifi_apEnabled", $d->{wiFiAPEnabled} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cell_rssi", $d->{cellRSSI} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
return undef;
} or do {
Log3 $name, 5, 'Failure decoding: ' . $@;
return undef;
sub EaseeWallbox_UpdateDueToTimer($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
2022-03-16 21:27:34 +01:00
#local allows call of function without adding new timer.
#must be set before call ($hash->{LOCAL} = 1) and removed after (delete $hash->{LOCAL};)
if ( !$hash->{LOCAL} ) {
#Log3 "Test", 1, Dumper($hash);
gettimeofday() + InternalVal( $name, 'INTERVAL', undef ),
"EaseeWallbox_UpdateDueToTimer", $hash );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'Polling', 0 );
2022-03-16 21:55:18 +01:00
sub EaseeWallbox_RequestCurrentSession($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( not defined $hash ) {
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1,
"Error on EaseeWallbox_RequestCurrentSession. Missing hash variable";
return undef;
if ( not defined ReadingsVal( $name, 'charger_id', undef ) ) {
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1,
"Error on EaseeWallbox_RequestCurrentSession. Missing charger_id. Please fetch basic data first.";
return undef;
my $chargerId = ReadingsVal( $name, "charger_id", undef );
$hash->{charger} = $chargerId;
Log3 $name, 4,
"EaseeWallbox_RequestCurrentSession Called for non-blocking value update. Name: $name";
my $readTemplate = $url{"getCurrentSession"};
$readTemplate =~ s/#ChargerID#/$chargerId/g;
my $CurrentTokenData = EaseeWallbox_LoadToken($hash);
my $token
= "$CurrentTokenData->{'tokenType'} $CurrentTokenData->{'accessToken'}";
Log3 $name, 4, "token beeing used: " . $token;
my $request = {
url => $readTemplate,
header => {
"Content-Type" => "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"Authorization" => $token,
method => 'GET',
timeout => 5,
hideurl => 1,
callback => \&EaseeWallbox_RequestCurrentSessionCallback,
hash => $hash
Log3 $name, 5, 'NonBlocking Request: ' . Dumper($request);
sub EaseeWallbox_RequestChargerState($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( not defined $hash ) {
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1,
"Error on EaseeWallbox_RequestChargerState. Missing hash variable";
return undef;
if ( not defined ReadingsVal( $name, 'charger_id', undef ) ) {
Log3 'EaseeWallbox', 1,
"Error on EaseeWallbox_RequestChargerState. Missing charger_id. Please fetch basic data first.";
return undef;
my $chargerId = ReadingsVal( $name, "charger_id", undef );
$hash->{charger} = $chargerId;
Log3 $name, 4,
"EaseeWallbox_RequestChargerState Called for non-blocking value update. Name: $name";
my $readTemplate = $url{"getChargerState"};
$readTemplate =~ s/#ChargerID#/$chargerId/g;
my $CurrentTokenData = EaseeWallbox_LoadToken($hash);
my $token
= "$CurrentTokenData->{'tokenType'} $CurrentTokenData->{'accessToken'}";
Log3 $name, 4, "token beeing used: " . $token;
my $request = {
url => $readTemplate,
header => {
"Content-Type" => "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"Authorization" => $token,
method => 'GET',
timeout => 5,
hideurl => 1,
callback => \&EaseeWallbox_RequestChargerStateCallback,
hash => $hash
Log3 $name, 5, 'NonBlocking Request: ' . Dumper($request);
sub EaseeWallbox_encrypt($) {
my ($decoded) = @_;
my $key = getUniqueId();
my $encoded;
return $decoded if ( $decoded =~ /crypt:/ );
for my $char ( split //, $decoded ) {
my $encode = chop($key);
$encoded .= sprintf( "%.2x", ord($char) ^ ord($encode) );
$key = $encode . $key;
return 'crypt:' . $encoded;
sub EaseeWallbox_decrypt($) {
my ($encoded) = @_;
my $key = getUniqueId();
my $decoded;
return $encoded if ( $encoded !~ /crypt:/ );
$encoded = $1 if ( $encoded =~ /crypt:(.*)/ );
for my $char ( map { pack( 'C', hex($_) ) } ( $encoded =~ /(..)/g ) ) {
my $decode = chop($key);
$decoded .= chr( ord($char) ^ ord($decode) );
$key = $decode . $key;
return $decoded;
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