changed to oop approach with perl module
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
# This is actually my first attempt with perl.
# This script borrows parts of
# which itself borrows parts of
# The general functions have been developed in python3, see
# Use and copy as you wish.
# Menschel (C) 2020
package iec1107; # we name our package iec1107 as this is the original protocol name
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp; #TODO: this is for the "ref" check
use Device::SerialPort;
#for time conversion
use POSIX::strptime qw( strptime );
use POSIX qw{strftime};
our $SOH = chr(0x01);
our $STX = chr(0x02);
our $ETX = chr(0x03);
our $EOT = chr(0x04);
our $ACK = chr(0x06);
our $NACK = chr(0x15);
our $CRLF = "\r\n";
our $ENDCHARACTER = "!";
#function prototypes
#serial transfer function
#sub _xfer($);
#read 1 message data interpretation
#sub _interpret_r1_msg($);
#scaling functions
#sub _scale_div_by_10($);
#sub _scale_mul_by_10($);
#sub _scale_1_to_1($);
#sub _scale_to_time($);
#sub _scale_to_temp($);
#calculate message checksum
#sub _calc_bcc($);
#message generation functions
#sub _generate_r1_msg(%);
#sub _generate_p1_msg(%);
#sub _generate_b0_msg();
#sub _generate_programming_command_message(%);
#sub _generate_ack_optionselect_msg(%);
#sub _generate_request_message(%);
my %drs110m_values = (
'Voltage' =>[ 0,\&_scale_div_by_10, 'V'],
'Current' =>[ 1,\&_scale_div_by_10, 'A'],
'Frequency' =>[ 2,\&_scale_div_by_10, 'Hz'],
'Active Power' =>[ 3, \&_scale_mul_by_10, 'W'],
'Reactive Power'=>[ 4, \&_scale_mul_by_10,'VAr'],
'Apparent Power'=>[ 5, \&_scale_mul_by_10, 'VA'],
'Active Energy' =>[10, \&_scale_1_to_1, 'Wh'],
'Time' =>[31, \&_scale_to_time, ''],
'Temperature' =>[32, \&_scale_to_temp, '°C'],
sub new(\$$$){
#we expect a HASH consisting of a reference to a valid port, an ID and a password
# {"port"=>\$port,
# "serialID"=>$id,
# "passwd"=>$passwd,
my $class = shift;
my $self = {@_};#creates reference to HASH
bless($self,$class);#changes class of $object to "drs110m"
return $self;
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
#we expect $self->port to be setup correctly so nothing to do here
#for whatever reason _init() does not return anything in the LEARN PERL Examples
sub start_communication {
my $self = shift;
my $res;
$res = $self->_xfer(_generate_request_message("serialnumber"=>$self->{serialID}));
#there is an automatic sleep from the serial timeout
if (!$res){
#a second wakeup call is not required every time but when the device was asleep.
$res = $self->_xfer(_generate_request_message("serialnumber"=>$self->{serialID}));
return $self; #utility functions should return self according to LEARN PERL examples
sub start_programming_mode {
my $self = shift;
my $res;
$res = $self->_xfer(_generate_ack_optionselect_msg("protocol"=>0,"mode"=>1));#note: mode 1 is programming mode, obviously privileges are needed for register access
$res = $self->_xfer(_generate_p1_msg("password"=>$self->{passwd}));
return $self; #utility functions should return self according to LEARN PERL examples
sub update_values {
my $self = shift;
my $res;
my $valstr;
my $unit;
my ($addr,$val);
while ( my ($measurement, $vals) = each(%drs110m_values) ) {
$res = $self->_xfer(_generate_r1_msg("reg"=>$drs110m_values{$measurement}[0]));
($addr,$val) = _interpret_r1_msg($res);
if (defined($addr)){#sanity check
if ($addr == $drs110m_values{$measurement}[0]){#paranoia check
$val = &{$drs110m_values{$measurement}[1]}($val);
$unit = $drs110m_values{$measurement}[2];
$valstr = sprintf("%15s : %s %s\n",$measurement,$val,$unit);
die("Found $addr but expected $drs110m_values{$measurement}[0]");
else {
die("No Response for $measurement");
return $self;
sub log_off() {
my $self = shift;
my $res;
$res = $self->_xfer(_generate_b0_msg());
return $self;
sub _xfer {
my $self = shift;
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $count;
my $res;
$self->{port}->write( $cmd );
return $res;
#TODO: we have to include this obj class check with "ref" later
#sub do_something() {
# my $self = shift;
# unless (ref $self){"croak Should call surname() with an object, not a class";}
# return $self->{surname}
#TODO: we need object accessor methodes later
# Object accessor methods
# interesting function that writes if there is an input, apparently
#sub address { $_[0]->{address }=$_[1] if defined $_[1]; $_[0]->{address } }
#basic functions
sub _interpret_r1_msg($){
my ($str) = @_;
my $val;
my $addr;
if($str =~ m/\((\S+)\)/) {
$val = $1;
if($str =~ m/(\d+)\(/) {
$addr = $1;
return $addr,$val;
sub _scale_div_by_10($){
my ($val) = @_;
return $val/10;
sub _scale_mul_by_10($){
my ($val) = @_;
return $val*10;
sub _scale_1_to_1($){
my ($val) = @_;
return $val;
sub _scale_to_time($){
#"19112703192714" => 2019-11-27 19:27:14
my ($str) = @_;
#print("$str \n");
my $fmt = "%y%m%d0%w%H%M%S";
my @time = (POSIX::strptime($str,$fmt))[0..7];
if (wantarray){
return @time;
return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",@time);
sub _scale_to_temp($){
my ($val) = @_;
my $hex = "";
foreach (split '',$val){
$hex .= sprintf("%X", ord($_)-0x30);
return hex($hex);
sub _calc_bcc($){
my ($val) = @_;
my $bcc = 0;
foreach (split'',substr($val,1)){
$bcc ^= ord($_);
return $bcc;
sub _generate_r1_msg(%){
my %args = @_;
my $reg = $args{reg};
my $regstr = sprintf("%08d()",$reg);
my $msg=_generate_programming_command_message("command"=>"R","commandtype"=>1,"data"=>$regstr);
return $msg;
sub _generate_p1_msg(%){
my %args = @_;
my $passwd = $args{password};
my $passwdstr = sprintf("(%08d)",$passwd);
my $msg=_generate_programming_command_message("command"=>"P","commandtype"=>1,"data"=>$passwdstr);
return $msg;
sub _generate_b0_msg(){
my $msg=_generate_programming_command_message("command"=>"B","commandtype"=>0,"data"=>"");
return $msg;
sub _generate_programming_command_message(%){
my %args = @_;
my $command = $args{command};
my $commandtype = $args{commandtype};
my $data = $args{data};
my $cmdstr = sprintf("%s%d",$command,$commandtype);
my $msg=$SOH.$cmdstr.$STX.$data.$ETX;
$msg .= chr(_calc_bcc($msg));
return $msg;
sub _generate_ack_optionselect_msg(%){
my %args = @_;
my $protocol = $args{protocol};
my $mode = $args{mode};
my $msgstr = sprintf("%d:%d",$protocol,$mode);#the ':' is the baudrate identifier
my $msg=$ACK.$msgstr.$CRLF;#Todo: make the special characters nicely, note there is no bcc for this msg type
return $msg;
sub _generate_request_message(%){
my %args = @_;
my $serialnumber = $args{serialnumber};
my $snstr = sprintf("%012d",$serialnumber);
return $msg;
1;#for whatever reason
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
# This is actually my first attempt with perl.
# This script borrows parts of
# which itself borrows parts of
# The general functions have been developed in python3, see
# Use and copy as you wish.
# Menschel (C) 2020
use strict;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings;
use Device::SerialPort;
sub BEGIN {
push @INC, ".";#how long did we take for this absolute simple path include ?!
#for time conversion
use POSIX::strptime qw( strptime );
use iec1107;
use POSIX qw{strftime};
my $port = Device::SerialPort->new("/dev/ttyUSB0") || die $!;
my $port = Device::SerialPort->new("/dev/ttyUSB0") || die $!;
@ -26,252 +20,26 @@ $port->write_settings;
$port->read_char_time(0); # don't wait for each character
$port->read_char_time(0); # don't wait for each character
$port->read_const_time(100); # 100 millisecond per unfulfilled "read" call
$port->read_const_time(150); # 100 millisecond per unfulfilled "read" call - this was too short and lead into race conditions
my $serialID = "001613300153"; # The serial number of the specific device 12-digits long.
my @serialIDs = (1613300152,1613300153);
# It is possible to find out the device id of a single device on RS-485 9600@7E1 by sending "/?!\r\n"
# It is possible to find out the device id of a single device on RS-485 9600@7E1 by sending "/?!\r\n"
my $password = "00000000"; # Standard password 0 over 8-digits
my $password = "00000000"; # Standard password 0 over 8-digits
my $SOH = chr(0x01);
my $STX = chr(0x02);
my $ETX = chr(0x03);
my $EOT = chr(0x04);
my $ACK = chr(0x06);
for my $serialID (@serialIDs) {
my $NACK = chr(0x15);
my $drs110m = iec1107->new("port"=>$port,"serialID"=>$serialID,"passwd"=>$password);
my $CRLF = "\r\n";
#print("start communication to $serialID\n");
print("Meter: $serialID\n");
#print("start programming mode\n");
#function prototypes
#print("update values\n");
#serial transfer function
#print("log off from $serialID\n");
sub xfer($);
#read 1 message data interpretation
sub interpret_r1_msg($);
#scaling functions
sub scale_div_by_10($);
sub scale_mul_by_10($);
sub scale_1_to_1($);
sub scale_to_time($);
sub scale_to_temp($);
#calculate message checksum
sub calc_bcc($);
#message generation functions
sub generate_r1_msg(%);
sub generate_p1_msg(%);
sub generate_b0_msg();
sub generate_programming_command_message(%);
sub generate_ack_optionselect_msg(%);
sub generate_request_message(%);
#main() starts here
my %drs110m_values = (
'Voltage' =>[ 0,\&scale_div_by_10, 'V'],
'Current' =>[ 1,\&scale_div_by_10, 'A'],
'Frequency' =>[ 2,\&scale_div_by_10, 'Hz'],
'Active Power' =>[ 3, \&scale_mul_by_10, 'W'],
'Reactive Power'=>[ 4, \&scale_mul_by_10,'VAr'],
'Apparent Power'=>[ 5, \&scale_mul_by_10, 'VA'],
'Active Energy' =>[10, \&scale_1_to_1, 'Wh'],
'Time' =>[31, \&scale_to_time, ''],
'Temperature' =>[32, \&scale_to_temp, '°C'],
#generate messages first and only once for a run
my %msgs = ();
while ( my ($measurement, $vals) = each(%drs110m_values) ) {
$msgs{$measurement} = generate_r1_msg("reg"=>$drs110m_values{$measurement}[0]);
#communication part starts here
my $res;
$res = xfer(generate_request_message("serialnumber"=>$serialID));
#there is an automatic sleep from the serial timeout
if (!$res){
#a second wakeup call is not required every time but when the device was asleep.
$res = xfer(generate_request_message("serialnumber"=>$serialID));
$res = xfer(generate_ack_optionselect_msg("protocol"=>0,"mode"=>1));#note: mode 1 is programming mode, obviously privileges are needed for register access
$res = xfer(generate_p1_msg("password"=>$password));
my $valstr;
my $unit;
my ($addr,$val);
while ( my ($measurement, $vals) = each(%drs110m_values) ) {
$res = xfer( $msgs{$measurement} );
($addr,$val) = interpret_r1_msg($res);
if (defined($addr)){#sanity check
if ($addr == $drs110m_values{$measurement}[0]){#paranoia check
$val = &{$drs110m_values{$measurement}[1]}($val);
$unit = $drs110m_values{$measurement}[2];
$valstr = sprintf("%15s : %s %s\n",$measurement,$val,$unit);
die("Found $addr but expected $drs110m_values{$measurement}[0]");
else {
die("No Response for $measurement");
#log off
$res = xfer(generate_b0_msg());
sub xfer($){
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $count;
my $res;
$port->write( $cmd );
return $res;
sub interpret_r1_msg($){
my ($str) = @_;
my $val;
my $addr;
if($str =~ m/\((\S+)\)/) {
$val = $1;
if($str =~ m/(\d+)\(/) {
$addr = $1;
return $addr,$val;
sub scale_div_by_10($){
my ($val) = @_;
return $val/10;
sub scale_mul_by_10($){
my ($val) = @_;
return $val*10;
sub scale_1_to_1($){
my ($val) = @_;
return $val;
sub scale_to_time($){
#"19112703192714" => 2019-11-27 19:27:14
my ($str) = @_;
#print("$str \n");
my $fmt = "%y%m%d0%w%H%M%S";
my @time = (POSIX::strptime($str,$fmt))[0..7];
if (wantarray){
return @time;
return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",@time);
sub scale_to_temp($){
my ($val) = @_;
my $hex = "";
foreach (split '',$val){
$hex .= sprintf("%X", ord($_)-0x30);
return hex($hex);
sub calc_bcc($){
my ($val) = @_;
my $bcc = 0;
foreach (split'',substr($val,1)){
$bcc ^= ord($_);
return $bcc;
sub generate_r1_msg(%){
my %args = @_;
my $reg = $args{reg};
my $regstr = sprintf("%08d()",$reg);
my $msg=generate_programming_command_message("command"=>"R","commandtype"=>1,"data"=>$regstr);
return $msg;
sub generate_p1_msg(%){
my %args = @_;
my $passwd = $args{password};
my $passwdstr = sprintf("(%08d)",$passwd);
my $msg=generate_programming_command_message("command"=>"P","commandtype"=>1,"data"=>$passwdstr);
return $msg;
sub generate_b0_msg(){
my $msg=generate_programming_command_message("command"=>"B","commandtype"=>0,"data"=>"");
return $msg;
sub generate_programming_command_message(%){
my %args = @_;
my $command = $args{command};
my $commandtype = $args{commandtype};
my $data = $args{data};
my $cmdstr = sprintf("%s%d",$command,$commandtype);
my $msg=$SOH.$cmdstr.$STX.$data.$ETX;
$msg .= chr(calc_bcc($msg));
return $msg;
sub generate_ack_optionselect_msg(%){
my %args = @_;
my $protocol = $args{protocol};
my $mode = $args{mode};
my $msgstr = sprintf("%d:%d",$protocol,$mode);#the ':' is the baudrate identifier
my $msg=$ACK.$msgstr.$CRLF;#Todo: make the special characters nicely, note there is no bcc for this msg type
return $msg;
sub generate_request_message(%){
my %args = @_;
my $serialnumber = $args{serialnumber};
my $snstr = sprintf("%012d",$serialnumber);
return $msg;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user