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2024-08-12 14:51:56 +02:00
# Copyright Broadcom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
# Bitnami web server handler library
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
# Load generic libraries
. /opt/bitnami/scripts/liblog.sh
# Execute a command (or list of commands) with the web server environment and library loaded
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_execute() {
local -r web_server="${1:?missing web server}"
# Run program in sub-shell to avoid web server environment getting loaded when not necessary
. "/opt/bitnami/scripts/lib${web_server}.sh"
. "/opt/bitnami/scripts/${web_server}-env.sh"
# Prints the list of enabled web servers
# Globals:
# None
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_list() {
local -r -a supported_web_servers=(apache nginx)
local -a existing_web_servers=()
for web_server in "${supported_web_servers[@]}"; do
[[ -f "/opt/bitnami/scripts/${web_server}-env.sh" ]] && existing_web_servers+=("$web_server")
echo "${existing_web_servers[@]:-}"
# Prints the currently-enabled web server type (only one, in order of preference)
# Globals:
# None
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_type() {
local -a web_servers
read -r -a web_servers <<< "$(web_server_list)"
echo "${web_servers[0]:-}"
# Validate that a supported web server is configured
# Globals:
# None
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_validate() {
local error_code=0
local supported_web_servers=("apache" "nginx")
# Auxiliary functions
print_validation_error() {
error "$1"
if [[ -z "$(web_server_type)" || ! " ${supported_web_servers[*]} " == *" $(web_server_type) "* ]]; then
print_validation_error "Could not detect any supported web servers. It must be one of: ${supported_web_servers[*]}"
elif ! web_server_execute "$(web_server_type)" type -t "is_$(web_server_type)_running" >/dev/null; then
print_validation_error "Could not load the $(web_server_type) web server library from /opt/bitnami/scripts. Check that it exists and is readable."
return "$error_code"
# Check whether the web server is running
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# true if the web server is running, false otherwise
is_web_server_running() {
# Start web server
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_start() {
info "Starting $(web_server_type) in background"
if [[ "${BITNAMI_SERVICE_MANAGER:-}" = "systemd" ]]; then
systemctl start "bitnami.$(web_server_type).service"
# Stop web server
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_stop() {
info "Stopping $(web_server_type)"
if [[ "${BITNAMI_SERVICE_MANAGER:-}" = "systemd" ]]; then
systemctl stop "bitnami.$(web_server_type).service"
# Restart web server
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_restart() {
info "Restarting $(web_server_type)"
if [[ "${BITNAMI_SERVICE_MANAGER:-}" = "systemd" ]]; then
systemctl restart "bitnami.$(web_server_type).service"
# Reload web server
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_reload() {
if [[ "${BITNAMI_SERVICE_MANAGER:-}" = "systemd" ]]; then
systemctl reload "bitnami.$(web_server_type).service"
# Ensure a web server application configuration exists (i.e. Apache virtual host format or NGINX server block)
# It serves as a wrapper for the specific web server function
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# $1 - App name
# Flags:
# --type - Application type, which has an effect on which configuration template to use
# --hosts - Host listen addresses
# --server-name - Server name
# --server-aliases - Server aliases
# --allow-remote-connections - Whether to allow remote connections or to require local connections
# --disable - Whether to render server configurations with a .disabled prefix
# --disable-http - Whether to render the app's HTTP server configuration with a .disabled prefix
# --disable-https - Whether to render the app's HTTPS server configuration with a .disabled prefix
# --http-port - HTTP port number
# --https-port - HTTPS port number
# --document-root - Path to document root directory
# Apache-specific flags:
# --apache-additional-configuration - Additional vhost configuration (no default)
# --apache-additional-http-configuration - Additional HTTP vhost configuration (no default)
# --apache-additional-https-configuration - Additional HTTPS vhost configuration (no default)
# --apache-before-vhost-configuration - Configuration to add before the <VirtualHost> directive (no default)
# --apache-allow-override - Whether to allow .htaccess files (only allowed when --move-htaccess is set to 'no' and type is not defined)
# --apache-extra-directory-configuration - Extra configuration for the document root directory
# --apache-proxy-address - Address where to proxy requests
# --apache-proxy-configuration - Extra configuration for the proxy
# --apache-proxy-http-configuration - Extra configuration for the proxy HTTP vhost
# --apache-proxy-https-configuration - Extra configuration for the proxy HTTPS vhost
# --apache-move-htaccess - Move .htaccess files to a common place so they can be loaded during Apache startup (only allowed when type is not defined)
# NGINX-specific flags:
# --nginx-additional-configuration - Additional server block configuration (no default)
# --nginx-external-configuration - Configuration external to server block (no default)
# Returns:
# true if the configuration was enabled, false otherwise
ensure_web_server_app_configuration_exists() {
local app="${1:?missing app}"
local -a apache_args nginx_args web_servers args_var
# Validate arguments
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
# Common flags
--disable \
| --disable-http \
| --disable-https \
--hosts \
| --server-name \
| --server-aliases \
| --type \
| --allow-remote-connections \
| --http-port \
| --https-port \
| --document-root \
apache_args+=("$1" "${2:?missing value}")
nginx_args+=("$1" "${2:?missing value}")
# Specific Apache flags
--apache-additional-configuration \
| --apache-additional-http-configuration \
| --apache-additional-https-configuration \
| --apache-before-vhost-configuration \
| --apache-allow-override \
| --apache-extra-directory-configuration \
| --apache-proxy-address \
| --apache-proxy-configuration \
| --apache-proxy-http-configuration \
| --apache-proxy-https-configuration \
| --apache-move-htaccess \
apache_args+=("${1//apache-/}" "${2:?missing value}")
# Specific NGINX flags
--nginx-additional-configuration \
| --nginx-external-configuration)
nginx_args+=("${1//nginx-/}" "${2:?missing value}")
echo "Invalid command line flag $1" >&2
return 1
read -r -a web_servers <<< "$(web_server_list)"
for web_server in "${web_servers[@]}"; do
web_server_execute "$web_server" "ensure_${web_server}_app_configuration_exists" "${!args_var}"
# Ensure a web server application configuration does not exist anymore (i.e. Apache virtual host format or NGINX server block)
# It serves as a wrapper for the specific web server function
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# $1 - App name
# Returns:
# true if the configuration was disabled, false otherwise
ensure_web_server_app_configuration_not_exists() {
local app="${1:?missing app}"
local -a web_servers
read -r -a web_servers <<< "$(web_server_list)"
for web_server in "${web_servers[@]}"; do
web_server_execute "$web_server" "ensure_${web_server}_app_configuration_not_exists" "$app"
# Ensure the web server loads the configuration for an application in a URL prefix
# It serves as a wrapper for the specific web server function
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# $1 - App name
# Flags:
# --allow-remote-connections - Whether to allow remote connections or to require local connections
# --document-root - Path to document root directory
# --prefix - URL prefix from where it will be accessible (i.e. /myapp)
# --type - Application type, which has an effect on what configuration template will be used
# Apache-specific flags:
# --apache-additional-configuration - Additional vhost configuration (no default)
# --apache-allow-override - Whether to allow .htaccess files (only allowed when --move-htaccess is set to 'no')
# --apache-extra-directory-configuration - Extra configuration for the document root directory
# --apache-move-htaccess - Move .htaccess files to a common place so they can be loaded during Apache startup
# NGINX-specific flags:
# --nginx-additional-configuration - Additional server block configuration (no default)
# Returns:
# true if the configuration was enabled, false otherwise
ensure_web_server_prefix_configuration_exists() {
local app="${1:?missing app}"
local -a apache_args nginx_args web_servers args_var
# Validate arguments
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
# Common flags
--allow-remote-connections \
| --document-root \
| --prefix \
| --type \
apache_args+=("$1" "${2:?missing value}")
nginx_args+=("$1" "${2:?missing value}")
# Specific Apache flags
--apache-additional-configuration \
| --apache-allow-override \
| --apache-extra-directory-configuration \
| --apache-move-htaccess \
apache_args+=("${1//apache-/}" "$2")
# Specific NGINX flags
nginx_args+=("${1//nginx-/}" "$2")
echo "Invalid command line flag $1" >&2
return 1
read -r -a web_servers <<< "$(web_server_list)"
for web_server in "${web_servers[@]}"; do
web_server_execute "$web_server" "ensure_${web_server}_prefix_configuration_exists" "${!args_var}"
# Ensure a web server application configuration is updated with the runtime configuration (i.e. ports)
# It serves as a wrapper for the specific web server function
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# $1 - App name
# Flags:
# --hosts - Host listen addresses
# --server-name - Server name
# --server-aliases - Server aliases
# --enable-http - Enable HTTP app configuration (if not enabled already)
# --enable-https - Enable HTTPS app configuration (if not enabled already)
# --disable-http - Disable HTTP app configuration (if not disabled already)
# --disable-https - Disable HTTPS app configuration (if not disabled already)
# --http-port - HTTP port number
# --https-port - HTTPS port number
# Returns:
# true if the configuration was updated, false otherwise
web_server_update_app_configuration() {
local app="${1:?missing app}"
local -a args web_servers
# Validate arguments
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
# Common flags
--enable-http \
| --enable-https \
| --disable-http \
| --disable-https \
--hosts \
| --server-name \
| --server-aliases \
| --http-port \
| --https-port \
args+=("$1" "${2:?missing value}")
echo "Invalid command line flag $1" >&2
return 1
read -r -a web_servers <<< "$(web_server_list)"
for web_server in "${web_servers[@]}"; do
web_server_execute "$web_server" "${web_server}_update_app_configuration" "${args[@]}"
# Enable loading page, which shows users that the initialization process is not yet completed
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_enable_loading_page() {
ensure_web_server_app_configuration_exists "__loading" --hosts "_default_" \
--apache-additional-configuration "
# Show a HTTP 503 Service Unavailable page by default
RedirectMatch 503 ^/$
# Show index.html if server is answering with 404 Not Found or 503 Service Unavailable status codes
ErrorDocument 404 /index.html
ErrorDocument 503 /index.html" \
--nginx-additional-configuration "
# Show a HTTP 503 Service Unavailable page by default
location / {
return 503;
# Show index.html if server is answering with 404 Not Found or 503 Service Unavailable status codes
error_page 404 @installing;
error_page 503 @installing;
location @installing {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.html break;
# Enable loading page, which shows users that the initialization process is not yet completed
# Globals:
# *
# Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# None
web_server_disable_install_page() {
ensure_web_server_app_configuration_not_exists "__loading"