Marko Oldenburg 04b0eb4eb6 first init
2024-10-29 06:40:32 +01:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

yq --version || (echo "yq is not installed. Please install yq." && exit 1)
jq --version || (echo "jq is not installed. Please install jq." && exit 1)
current_app_version=$(cat Chart.yaml | yq -r '.appVersion')
echo "Current app version: $current_app_version"
latest_app_version=$(curl -s "" | jq -r '.tag_name' | sed 's/^v//')
echo "Latest app version: $latest_app_version"
if [ "$(printf "%s\n%s" "$current_app_version" "$latest_app_version" | sort -V | head -n1)" = "$current_app_version" ]; then
if [ "$current_app_version" = "$latest_app_version" ]; then
echo "Current version is equal to the latest version."
exit 0
echo "Current version is less than the latest version."
echo "Current version is greater than the latest version."
exit 1
echo "Updating app version to $latest_app_version"
yq eval ".appVersion = \"$latest_app_version\"" -i Chart.yaml
echo "Commit and push the changes to the repository."
sh ./tools/scripts/ "fix: update app version to $latest_app_version"