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71 lines
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Copyright Broadcom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
Return the proper certificate image name
{{- define "certificates.image" -}}
{{- include "common.images.image" ( dict "imageRoot" .Values.certificates.image "global" .Values.global ) -}}
{{- end -}}
Return the proper DokuWiki image name
{{- define "dokuwiki.image" -}}
{{- include "common.images.image" ( dict "imageRoot" .Values.image "global" .Values.global ) -}}
{{- end -}}
Return the proper image name (for the metrics image)
{{- define "dokuwiki.metrics.image" -}}
{{- include "common.images.image" ( dict "imageRoot" .Values.metrics.image "global" .Values.global ) -}}
{{- end -}}
Return the proper image name (for the init container volume-permissions image)
{{- define "dokuwiki.volumePermissions.image" -}}
{{- include "common.images.image" ( dict "imageRoot" .Values.volumePermissions.image "global" .Values.global ) -}}
{{- end -}}
Return the proper Docker Image Registry Secret Names
{{- define "dokuwiki.imagePullSecrets" -}}
{{- include "common.images.pullSecrets" (dict "images" (list .Values.image .Values.metrics.image .Values.volumePermissions.image .Values.certificates.image) "global" .Values.global) -}}
{{- end -}}
Create the name of the service account to use
{{- define "dokuwiki.serviceAccountName" -}}
{{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}}
{{ default (include "common.names.fullname" .) .Values.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- else -}}
{{ default "default" .Values.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
Return the proper Storage Class
{{- define "dokuwiki.storageClass" -}}
{{- include "common.storage.class" ( dict "persistence" .Values.persistence "global" .Values.global ) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* Dokuwiki credential secret name */}}
{{- define "dokuwiki.secretName" -}}
{{- coalesce .Values.existingSecret (include "common.names.fullname" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* Check if there are rolling tags in the images */}}
{{- define "dokuwiki.checkRollingTags" -}}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.image -}}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.metrics.image -}}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.volumePermissions.image -}}
{{- include "common.warnings.rollingTag" .Values.certificates.image -}}
{{- end -}}