# Copyright Broadcom, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0 annotations: category: Wiki licenses: Apache-2.0 images: | - name: apache-exporter image: docker.io/bitnami/apache-exporter:1.0.8-debian-12-r6 - name: dokuwiki image: git.cooltux.net/marko/docker-dokuwiki-debian12:20240206.2.0-debian-12-r12 - name: os-shell image: docker.io/bitnami/os-shell:12-debian-12-r26 apiVersion: v2 appVersion: 20240206.2.0-debian-12-r12 dependencies: - name: common repository: oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts tags: - bitnami-common version: 2.x.x deprecated: false description: DokuWiki is a standards-compliant wiki optimized for creating documentation. Designed to be simple to use for small organizations, it stores all data in plain text files so no database is required. home: https://bitnami.com icon: https://bitnami.com/assets/stacks/dokuwiki/img/dokuwiki-stack-220x234.png keywords: - dokuwiki - wiki - http - web - application - php maintainers: [] name: dokuwiki sources: - https://git.cooltux.net/Interne-Entwicklungen/TuxNet-helm-charts.git/dokuwiki version: 1.0.12 appVersion: ""