suite: Dependency update consistency release: name: gitea-unittests namespace: testing tests: - it: "[postgresql-ha] ensures we detect major image version upgrades" template: charts/postgresql-ha/templates/postgresql/statefulset.yaml set: postgresql: enabled: false postgresql-ha: enabled: true asserts: - documentIndex: 0 matchRegex: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image # IN CASE OF AN INTENTIONAL MAJOR BUMP, ADJUST THIS TEST pattern: ^$ - it: "[postgresql] ensures we detect major image version upgrades" template: charts/postgresql/templates/primary/statefulset.yaml set: postgresql: enabled: true postgresql-ha: enabled: false asserts: - documentIndex: 0 matchRegex: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image # IN CASE OF AN INTENTIONAL MAJOR BUMP, ADJUST THIS TEST pattern: ^$ - it: "[redis-cluster] ensures we detect major image version upgrades" template: charts/redis-cluster/templates/redis-statefulset.yaml set: redis-cluster: enabled: true asserts: - documentIndex: 0 matchRegex: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image # IN CASE OF AN INTENTIONAL MAJOR BUMP, ADJUST THIS TEST pattern: ^$