Generic way for configuring Gitea app.ini (#240)

With the result of PR #239 it is much easier to provide additional values to the _app.ini_ configuration from different sources.
These changes adds an _additionalConfigSources_ field where the users can define such sources. This enables the users to choose
on their own whether to store values in _values.yaml_ or load them from Kuberetes Secrets or ConfigMaps.

- Fixes #243
- Fixes #174
- Fixes #260

Reviewed-by: luhahn <>
Reviewed-by: wxiaoguang <>
Co-authored-by: justusbunsi <>
Co-committed-by: justusbunsi <>
This commit is contained in:
justusbunsi 2021-12-22 18:44:04 +08:00 committed by luhahn
parent 66683e14df
commit 7b0a1c7ae6
6 changed files with 314 additions and 138 deletions

View File

@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ MD044:
- Memcached
- Prometheus
- Git
- GitOps
# Include code blocks
code_blocks: false

View File

@ -272,6 +272,52 @@ The Prometheus `/metrics` endpoint is disabled by default.
ENABLED = false
### Additional _app.ini_ settings
> **The [generic](
section cannot be defined that way.**
Some settings inside _app.ini_ (like passwords or whole authentication configurations)
must be considered sensitive and therefore should not be passed via plain text
inside the _values.yaml_ file. In times of _GitOps_ the values.yaml could be stored
in a Git repository where sensitive data should never be accessible.
The Helm Chart supports this approach and let the user define custom sources like
Kubernetes Secrets to be loaded as environment variables during _app.ini_ creation
or update.
- secret:
secretName: gitea-app-ini-oauth
- configMap:
name: gitea-app-ini-plaintext
This would mount the two additional volumes (`oauth` and `some-additionals`)
from different sources to the init containerwhere the _app.ini_ gets updated.
All files mounted that way will be read and converted to environment variables
and then added to the _app.ini_ using [environment-to-ini](
The key of such additional source represents the section inside the _app.ini_.
The value for each key can be multiline ini-like definitions.
In example, the referenced `gitea-app-ini-plaintext` could look like this.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: gitea-app-ini-plaintext
session: |
cron.archive_cleanup: |
### External Database
An external Database can be used instead of builtIn PostgreSQL or MySQL.

View File

@ -155,3 +155,157 @@ {{ .Release.Name }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "gitea.inline_configuration" -}}
{{- include "gitea.inline_configuration.init" . -}}
{{- include "gitea.inline_configuration.defaults" . -}}
{{- $generals := list -}}
{{- $inlines := dict -}}
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.gitea.config }}
{{- if kindIs "map" $value }}
{{- if gt (len $value) 0 }}
{{- $section := default list (get $inlines $key) -}}
{{- range $n_key, $n_value := $value }}
{{- $section = append $section (printf "%s=%v" $n_key $n_value) -}}
{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $inlines $key (join "\n" $section) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else }}
{{- if or (eq $key "APP_NAME") (eq $key "RUN_USER") (eq $key "RUN_MODE") -}}
{{- $generals = append $generals (printf "%s=%s" $key $value) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- (printf "Key %s cannot be on top level of configuration" $key) | fail -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $inlines "_generals_" (join "\n" $generals) -}}
{{- toYaml $inlines -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "gitea.inline_configuration.init" -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "cache") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "cache" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "server") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "server" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "metrics") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "metrics" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "database") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "database" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "security") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "security" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.repository -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "repository" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "oauth2") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "oauth2" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "gitea.inline_configuration.defaults" -}}
{{- include "gitea.inline_configuration.defaults.server" . -}}
{{- include "gitea.inline_configuration.defaults.database" . -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.repository.ROOT -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.repository "ROOT" "/data/git/gitea-repositories" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not -}}
{{- $_ := set "INSTALL_LOCK" "true" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.metrics "ENABLED") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.metrics "ENABLED" .Values.gitea.metrics.enabled -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.gitea.cache.builtIn.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.cache "ENABLED" "true" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.cache "ADAPTER" "memcache" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.cache.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.cache "HOST" (include "memcached.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "gitea.inline_configuration.defaults.server" -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "HTTP_PORT") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "HTTP_PORT" .Values.service.http.port -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "PROTOCOL" "http" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.server.DOMAIN) -}}
{{- if gt (len .Values.ingress.hosts) 0 -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "DOMAIN" (index .Values.ingress.hosts 0).host -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "DOMAIN" (include "gitea.default_domain" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.ROOT_URL -}}
{{- if .Values.ingress.enabled -}}
{{- if gt (len .Values.ingress.tls) 0 -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ROOT_URL" (printf "%s://%s" .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL (index (index .Values.ingress.tls 0).hosts 0)) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ROOT_URL" (printf "%s://%s" .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL (index .Values.ingress.hosts 0).host) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ROOT_URL" (printf "%s://%s" .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL .Values.gitea.config.server.DOMAIN) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.SSH_DOMAIN -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_DOMAIN" .Values.gitea.config.server.DOMAIN -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.SSH_PORT -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_PORT" .Values.service.ssh.port -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_LISTEN_PORT") -}}
{{- if not .Values.image.rootless -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_LISTEN_PORT" .Values.gitea.config.server.SSH_PORT -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_LISTEN_PORT" "2222" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "START_SSH_SERVER") -}}
{{- if .Values.image.rootless -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "START_SSH_SERVER" "true" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "APP_DATA_PATH") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "APP_DATA_PATH" "/data" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "ENABLE_PPROF") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ENABLE_PPROF" false -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "gitea.inline_configuration.defaults.database" -}}
{{- if .Values.gitea.database.builtIn.postgresql.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "DB_TYPE" "postgres" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.database.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "HOST" (include "postgresql.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "NAME" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "USER" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "PASSWD" -}}
{{- else if .Values.gitea.database.builtIn.mysql.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "DB_TYPE" "mysql" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.database.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "HOST" (include "mysql.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "NAME" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "USER" .Values.mysql.db.user -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "PASSWD" .Values.mysql.db.password -}}
{{- else if .Values.gitea.database.builtIn.mariadb.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "DB_TYPE" "mysql" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.database.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "HOST" (include "mariadb.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "NAME" .Values.mariadb.auth.database -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "USER" .Values.mariadb.auth.username -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "PASSWD" .Values.mariadb.auth.password -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

View File

@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ include "gitea.fullname" . }}-inline-config
{{- include "gitea.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
type: Opaque
{{- include "gitea.inline_configuration" . | nindent 2 }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ include "gitea.fullname" . }}
@ -10,160 +20,105 @@ stringData:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "cache") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "cache" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
function env2ini::log() {
printf "${1}\n"
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "server") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "server" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
function env2ini::read_config_to_env() {
local section="${1}"
local line="${2}"
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "metrics") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "metrics" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
if [[ -z "${line}" ]]; then
# skip empty line
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "database") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "database" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
# 'xargs echo -n' trims all leading/trailing whitespaces and a trailing new line
local setting="$(awk -F '=' '{print $1}' <<< "${line}" | xargs echo -n)"
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "security") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "security" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
if [[ -z "${setting}" ]]; then
env2ini::log ' ! invalid setting'
exit 1
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.repository -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "repository" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
local value=''
local regex="^${setting}(\s*)=(\s*)(.*)"
if [[ $line =~ $regex ]]; then
env2ini::log ' ! invalid setting'
exit 1
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config "oauth2") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config "oauth2" dict -}}
{{- end -}}
env2ini::log " + '${setting}'"
{{- /* repository default settings */ -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.repository.ROOT -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.repository "ROOT" "/data/git/gitea-repositories" -}}
{{- end -}}
if [[ -z "${section}" ]]; then
export "ENV_TO_INI____${setting^^}=${value}" # '^^' makes the variable content uppercase
{{- /* security default settings */ -}}
{{- if not -}}
{{- $_ := set "INSTALL_LOCK" "true" -}}
{{- end -}}
local masked_section="${section//./_0X2E_}" # '//' instructs to replace all matches
{{- /* server default settings */ -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "HTTP_PORT") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "HTTP_PORT" .Values.service.http.port -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "PROTOCOL" "http" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.server.DOMAIN) -}}
{{- if gt (len .Values.ingress.hosts) 0 -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "DOMAIN" (index .Values.ingress.hosts 0).host -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "DOMAIN" (include "gitea.default_domain" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.ROOT_URL -}}
{{- if .Values.ingress.enabled -}}
{{- if gt (len .Values.ingress.tls) 0 -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ROOT_URL" (printf "%s://%s" .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL (index (index .Values.ingress.tls 0).hosts 0)) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ROOT_URL" (printf "%s://%s" .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL (index .Values.ingress.hosts 0).host) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ROOT_URL" (printf "%s://%s" .Values.gitea.config.server.PROTOCOL .Values.gitea.config.server.DOMAIN) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.SSH_DOMAIN -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_DOMAIN" .Values.gitea.config.server.DOMAIN -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not .Values.gitea.config.server.SSH_PORT -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_PORT" .Values.service.ssh.port -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_LISTEN_PORT") -}}
{{- if not .Values.image.rootless -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_LISTEN_PORT" .Values.gitea.config.server.SSH_PORT -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "SSH_LISTEN_PORT" "2222" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "START_SSH_SERVER") -}}
{{- if .Values.image.rootless -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "START_SSH_SERVER" "true" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "APP_DATA_PATH") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "APP_DATA_PATH" "/data" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.server "ENABLE_PPROF") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.server "ENABLE_PPROF" false -}}
{{- end -}}
export "ENV_TO_INI__${masked_section^^}__${setting^^}=${value}" # '^^' makes the variable content uppercase
{{- /* metrics default settings */ -}}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.metrics "ENABLED") -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.metrics "ENABLED" .Values.gitea.metrics.enabled -}}
{{- end -}}
function env2ini::process_config_file() {
local config_file="${1}"
local section="$(basename "${config_file}")"
{{- /* database default settings */ -}}
{{- if .Values.gitea.database.builtIn.postgresql.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "DB_TYPE" "postgres" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.database.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "HOST" (include "postgresql.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "NAME" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "USER" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "PASSWD" -}}
{{ else if .Values.gitea.database.builtIn.mysql.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "DB_TYPE" "mysql" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.database.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "HOST" (include "mysql.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "NAME" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "USER" .Values.mysql.db.user -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "PASSWD" .Values.mysql.db.password -}}
{{ else if .Values.gitea.database.builtIn.mariadb.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "DB_TYPE" "mysql" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.database.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "HOST" (include "mariadb.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "NAME" .Values.mariadb.auth.database -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "USER" .Values.mariadb.auth.username -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.database "PASSWD" .Values.mariadb.auth.password -}}
{{- end -}}
if [[ $section == '_generals_' ]]; then
env2ini::log " [ini root]"
env2ini::log " ${section}"
{{- /* cache default settings */ -}}
{{- if .Values.gitea.cache.builtIn.enabled -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.cache "ENABLED" "true" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.cache "ADAPTER" "memcache" -}}
{{- if not (.Values.gitea.config.cache.HOST) -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.gitea.config.cache "HOST" (include "memcached.dns" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
while read -r line; do
env2ini::read_config_to_env "${section}" "${line}"
done < <(awk 1 "${config_file}") # Helm .toYaml trims the trailing new line which breaks line processing; awk 1 ... adds it back while reading
function env2ini::load_config_sources() {
local path="${1}"
env2ini::log "Processing $(basename "${path}")..."
while read -d '' configFile; do
env2ini::process_config_file "${configFile}"
done < <(find "${path}" -type l -not -name '' -print0)
env2ini::log "\n"
function env2ini::generate_initial_secrets() {
# These environment variables will either be
# - overwritten with user defined values,
# - initially used to set up Gitea
# Anyway, they won't harm existing app.ini files
{{- if not (hasKey "INTERNAL_TOKEN") }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not (hasKey "SECRET_KEY") }}
export ENV_TO_INI__SECURITY__SECRET_KEY=$(gitea generate secret SECRET_KEY)
{{- end }}
{{- if not (hasKey .Values.gitea.config.oauth2 "JWT_SECRET") }}
export ENV_TO_INI__OAUTH2__JWT_SECRET=$(gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET)
{{- end }}
{{- /* autogenerate app.ini environment values */ -}}
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.gitea.config }}
{{- if kindIs "map" $value }}
{{- if gt (len $value) 0 }}
{{- range $n_key, $n_value := $value }}
export ENV_TO_INI__{{ $key | upper | replace "." "_0X2E_" | replace "-" "_0X2D_" }}__{{ $n_key | upper }}={{ $n_value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
export ENV_TO_INI__{{ $key | upper | replace "." "_0X2E_" | replace "-" "_0X2D_" }}__{{ $key | upper }}={{ $value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
env2ini::log "...Initial secrets generated\n"
env2ini::load_config_sources '/env-to-ini-mounts/inlines/'
env2ini::load_config_sources '/env-to-ini-mounts/additionals/'
env2ini::log "=== All configuration sources loaded ===\n"
# safety to prevent rewrite of secret keys if an app.ini already exists
if [ -f ${GITEA_APP_INI} ]; then
env2ini::log 'An app.ini file already exists. To prevent overwriting secret keys, these settings are dropped and remain unchanged:'
env2ini::log ' - security.INTERNAL_TOKEN'
env2ini::log ' - security.SECRET_KEY'
env2ini::log ' - oauth2.JWT_SECRET'

View File

@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ spec:
{{- if .Values.persistence.subPath }}
subPath: {{ .Values.persistence.subPath }}
{{- end }}
- name: inline-config-sources
mountPath: /env-to-ini-mounts/inlines/
{{- range $idx, $value := .Values.gitea.additionalConfigSources }}
- name: additional-config-sources-{{ $idx }}
mountPath: "/env-to-ini-mounts/additionals/{{ $idx }}/"
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.extraVolumeMounts }}
{{- toYaml .Values.extraVolumeMounts | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
@ -284,6 +290,13 @@ spec:
{{- if .Values.extraVolumes }}
{{- toYaml .Values.extraVolumes | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
- name: inline-config-sources
secretName: {{ include "gitea.fullname" . }}-inline-config
{{- range $idx, $value := .Values.gitea.additionalConfigSources }}
- name: additional-config-sources-{{ $idx }}
{{- toYaml $value | nindent 10 }}
{{- end }}
- name: temp
emptyDir: {}
{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled .Values.persistence.existingClaim }}

View File

@ -205,6 +205,12 @@ gitea:
# security:
additionalConfigSources: []
# - secret:
# secretName: gitea-app-ini-oauth
# - configMap:
# name: gitea-app-ini-plaintext
podAnnotations: {}