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apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ include "gitea.fullname" . }}-init
{{- include "gitea.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
type: Opaque
stringData: |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
enhancements to support postgres client-cert authentication (#47) This PR adds a few new chart features which adds to the flexibility of the chart. - allow extra volumes to be mounted (such as secrets): 2f862c5a48 - pass environment variables also to the init-container: 7044049478 - allow a preparation script to be "injected" into the init-container: 6125a69345 As a concrete example of how this can be used, I use is to configure Gitea to use client certificate authentication against an external Postgres database. That could be accomplished by having a `gitea-postgres-ssl` secret: ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: gitea-postgres-ssl data: postgresql.crt: <base64...> postgresql.key: <base64...> root.crt: <base64...> ``` and then mounting this as a volume in Gitea using: ``` extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ssl-vol secret: secretName: gitea-postgres-ssl extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ssl-vol readOnly: true mountPath: "/pg-ssl" ``` To get the right permissions on the credentials, we'd use the `initPreScript`: ``` initPreScript: | # copy postgres client and CA cert from mount and # give proper permissions mkdir -p /data/git/.postgresql cp /pg-ssl/* /data/git/.postgresql/ chown -R git:git /data/git/.postgresql/ chmod 400 /data/git/.postgresql/postgresql.key ``` and to make sure that Gitea uses the certificate we need to pass the proper postgres environment variables (both to the init container and the "main" container): ``` statefulset: env: - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: "/data/git/.postgresql/postgresql.crt" - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: "/data/git/.postgresql/postgresql.key" - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: "/data/git/.postgresql/root.crt" ``` Co-authored-by: Peter Gardfjäll <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: luhahn <> Reviewed-by: 6543 <> Co-authored-by: petergardfjall <> Co-committed-by: petergardfjall <>
2021-01-20 12:28:39 +01:00
{{- if .Values.initPreScript }}
# BEGIN: initPreScript
{{- with .Values.initPreScript -}}
{{ . | nindent 4}}
{{- end -}}
# END: initPreScript
{{- end }}
set -x
{{- if not .Values.image.rootless }}
chown 1000:1000 /data
{{- end }}
mkdir -p /data/git/.ssh
chmod -R 700 /data/git/.ssh
[ ! -d /data/gitea ] && mkdir -p /data/gitea/conf
# prepare temp directory structure
mkdir -p "${GITEA_TEMP}"
chown 1000:1000 "${GITEA_TEMP}"
chmod ug+rwx "${GITEA_TEMP}" |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
Make the chart work with a sqlite3 database (#124) There are currently 2 issues that prevent using this chart to deploy gitea with a SQLite3 database. 1) The value from *gitea.config.database.HOST* is used to set *db.servicename* when all the databases under *gitea.database.buildIn* are not enabled. This causes a type error during the template processing: `Error: UPGRADE FAILED: template: gitea/templates/gitea/init.yaml:24:20: executing "gitea/templates/gitea/init.yaml" at <include "db.servicename" .>: error calling include: template: gitea/templates/_helpers.tpl:64:31: executing "db.servicename" at <.Values.gitea.config.database.HOST>: wrong type for value; expected string; got interface {}` 2) In **, we use the value *db.servicename* and *db.port* to ping the database. If this database responds to ping, we proceed with the init. The problem here is that *db.port* is not set when all the databases under *gitea.database.buildIn* are disabled. In turn, this raises an error from busybox's *nc*, because no parameter is passed for *PORT*. This causes the init container to go in *CrashLoopBackOff* forever. The simple fix that is proposed in this PR is to check wether or not *.Values.gitea.config.database.DB_TYPE* is set to determine the value *db.servicename*. If *DB_TYPE* is *'sqlite3'*, leave *db.servicename* empty and use that to bypass the database ping. Co-authored-by: Baptiste Covolato <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Andrew Thornton <> Reviewed-by: lafriks <> Reviewed-by: luhahn <> Co-authored-by: Nakrez <> Co-committed-by: Nakrez <>
2021-03-04 09:43:52 +01:00
{{- if include "db.servicename" . }}
# Connection retry inspired by
function test_db_connection() {
local RETRY=0
local MAX=30
echo 'Wait for database to become avialable...'
until [ "${RETRY}" -ge "${MAX}" ]; do
nc -vz -w2 {{ include "db.servicename" . }} {{ include "db.port" . }} && break
echo "...not ready yet (${RETRY}/${MAX})"
if [ "${RETRY}" -ge "${MAX}" ]; then
echo "Database not reachable after '${MAX}' attempts!"
exit 1
{{- end }}
gitea migrate
{{- if or .Values.gitea.admin.existingSecret (and .Values.gitea.admin.username .Values.gitea.admin.password) }}
function configure_admin_user() {
local ACCOUNT_ID=$(gitea admin user list --admin | grep -e "\s\+${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}\s\+" | awk -F " " "{printf \$1}")
if [[ -z "${ACCOUNT_ID}" ]]; then
echo "No admin user '${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}' found. Creating now..."
gitea admin user create --admin --username "${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" --password "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" --email {{ | quote }} --must-change-password=false
echo '...created.'
echo "Admin account '${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}' already exist. Running update to sync password..."
gitea admin user change-password --username "${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" --password "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"
echo '...password sync done.'
{{- end }}
function configure_ldap() {
{{- if .Values.gitea.ldap }}
{{- range $idx, $value := .Values.gitea.ldap }}
local LDAP_NAME={{ (printf "%s" $ | squote }}
local GITEA_AUTH_ID=$(gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars | grep -E "\|${LDAP_NAME}\s+\|" | grep -iE '\|LDAP \(via BindDN\)\s+\|' | awk -F " " "{print \$1}")
if [[ -z "${GITEA_AUTH_ID}" ]]; then
echo "No ldap configuration found with name '${LDAP_NAME}'. Installing it now..."
gitea admin auth add-ldap {{- include "gitea.ldap_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }}
echo '...installed.'
echo "Existing ldap configuration with name '${LDAP_NAME}': '${GITEA_AUTH_ID}'. Running update to sync settings..."
gitea admin auth update-ldap --id "${GITEA_AUTH_ID}" {{- include "gitea.ldap_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }}
echo '...sync settings done.'
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
echo 'no ldap configuration... skipping.'
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.gitea.oauth.enabled }}
function configure_oauth() {
local OAUTH_NAME={{ (printf "%s" | squote }}
local AUTH_ID=$(gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars | grep -E "\|${OAUTH_NAME}\s+\|" | grep -iE '\|OAuth2\s+\|' | awk -F " " "{print \$1}")
if [[ -z "${AUTH_ID}" ]]; then
echo "No oauth configuration found with name '${OAUTH_NAME}'. Installing it now..."
gitea admin auth add-oauth {{- include "gitea.oauth_settings" . | indent 1 }}
echo '...installed.'
echo "Existing oauth configuration with name '${OAUTH_NAME}': '${AUTH_ID}'. Running update to sync settings..."
gitea admin auth update-oauth --id "${AUTH_ID}" {{- include "gitea.oauth_settings" . | indent 1 }}
echo '...sync settings done.'
{{- end }}