############################################################################### # # Developed with Kate # # (c) 2016-2017 Copyright: Marko Oldenburg (leongaultier at gmail dot com) # All rights reserved # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # $Id$ # ############################################################################### #$cmd = "qx(gatttool -i $hci -b $mac --char-write-req -a 0x33 -n A01F"; #$cmd = "qx(gatttool -i $hci -b $mac --char-read -a 0x35"; # Sensor Daten #$cmd = "qx(gatttool -i $hci -b $mac --char-read -a 0x38"; # Firmware und Batterie # e8 00 00 58 0f 00 00 34 f1 02 02 3c 00 fb 34 9b package main; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use JSON; use Blocking; my $version = "1.99.26"; my %XiaomiModels = ( flowerSens => {'read' => '0x35' ,'write' => '0x33' ,'writeValue' => 'A01F' ,'battery' => '0x38'}, thermoHygroSens => {'read' => 'none' ,'write' => '0x10' ,'writeValue' => '100' ,'battery' => '0x18'}, ); my %CallBatteryFirmwareAge = ( '8h' => 28800, '16h' => 57600, '24h' => 86400, '32h' => 115200, '40h' => 144000, '48h' => 172800 ); # Declare functions sub XiaomiBTLESens_Initialize($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_Define($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_Undef($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_Attr(@); sub XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequest($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequestTimer($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_Set($$@); sub XiaomiBTLESens_Get($$@); sub XiaomiBTLESens_Notify($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ReadSensData($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_WriteSensData($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Run($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Done($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Aborted($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ProcessingNotification($@); sub XiaomiBTLESens_WriteReadings($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ProcessingErrors($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_IsUpdateTimeAgeToOld($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_Timestamp($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_UpdateTimeAge($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_encodeJSON($); sub XiaomiBTLESens_FlowerSensHandle0x35($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_FlowerSensHandle0x38($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ThermoHygroSensHandle0x18($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_ThermoHygroSensHandle0x10($$); sub XiaomiBTLESens_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{SetFn} = "XiaomiBTLESens_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "XiaomiBTLESens_Get"; $hash->{DefFn} = "XiaomiBTLESens_Define"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "XiaomiBTLESens_Notify"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "XiaomiBTLESens_Undef"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "XiaomiBTLESens_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "interval ". "disable:1 ". "disabledForIntervals ". "hciDevice:hci0,hci1,hci2 ". "batteryFirmwareAge:8h,16h,24h,32h,40h,48h ". "minFertility ". "maxFertility ". "minTemp ". "maxTemp ". "minMoisture ". "maxMoisture ". "minLux ". "maxLux ". "sshHost ". "model:flowerSens,thermoHygroSens ". "blockingCallLoglevel:2,3,4,5 ". $readingFnAttributes; foreach my $d(sort keys %{$modules{XiaomiBTLESens}{defptr}}) { my $hash = $modules{XiaomiBTLESens}{defptr}{$d}; $hash->{VERSION} = $version; } } sub XiaomiBTLESens_Define($$) { my ( $hash, $def ) = @_; my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def ); return "too few parameters: define <name> XiaomiBTLESens <BTMAC>" if( @a != 3 ); my $name = $a[0]; my $mac = $a[2]; $hash->{BTMAC} = $mac; $hash->{VERSION} = $version; $hash->{INTERVAL} = 300; $hash->{helper}{CallSensDataCounter} = 0; $hash->{helper}{CallBatteryFirmware} = 0; $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global"; $hash->{loglevel} = 4; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","initialized", 0); $attr{$name}{room} = "XiaomiBTLESens" if( !defined($attr{$name}{room}) ); Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - defined with BTMAC $hash->{BTMAC}"; $modules{XiaomiBTLESens}{defptr}{$hash->{BTMAC}} = $hash; return undef; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_Undef($$) { my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_; my $mac = $hash->{BTMAC}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID})); delete($modules{XiaomiBTLESens}{defptr}{$mac}); Log3 $name, 3, "Sub XiaomiBTLESens_Undef ($name) - delete device $name"; return undef; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_Attr(@) { my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if( $attrName eq "disable" ) { if( $cmd eq "set" and $attrVal eq "1" ) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "disabled", 1 ); Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - disabled"; } elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) { Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - enabled"; } } elsif( $attrName eq "disabledForIntervals" ) { if( $cmd eq "set" ) { return "check disabledForIntervals Syntax HH:MM-HH:MM or 'HH:MM-HH:MM HH:MM-HH:MM ...'" unless($attrVal =~ /^((\d{2}:\d{2})-(\d{2}:\d{2})\s?)+$/); Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - disabledForIntervals"; readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "disabled", 1 ); } elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) { Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - enabled"; readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "active", 1 ); } } elsif( $attrName eq "interval" ) { if( $cmd eq "set" ) { if( $attrVal < 300 ) { Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - interval too small, please use something >= 300 (sec), default is 3600 (sec)"; return "interval too small, please use something >= 300 (sec), default is 3600 (sec)"; } else { $hash->{INTERVAL} = $attrVal; Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - set interval to $attrVal"; } } elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) { $hash->{INTERVAL} = 300; Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - set interval to default"; } } elsif( $attrName eq "blockingCallLoglevel" ) { if( $cmd eq "set" ) { $hash->{loglevel} = $attrVal; Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - set blockingCallLoglevel to $attrVal"; } elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) { $hash->{loglevel} = 4; Log3 $name, 3, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - set blockingCallLoglevel to default"; } } return undef; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_Notify($$) { my ($hash,$dev) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return if (IsDisabled($name)); my $devname = $dev->{NAME}; my $devtype = $dev->{TYPE}; my $events = deviceEvents($dev,1); return if (!$events); XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequestTimer($hash) if( (grep /^DEFINED.$name$/,@{$events} or grep /^INITIALIZED$/,@{$events} or grep /^MODIFIED.$name$/,@{$events} or grep /^DELETEATTR.$name.disable$/,@{$events} or grep /^ATTR.$name.disable.0$/,@{$events} or grep /^DELETEATTR.$name.interval$/,@{$events} or grep /^DELETEATTR.$name.model$/,@{$events} or grep /^ATTR.$name.model.+/,@{$events} or grep /^ATTR.$name.interval.[0-9]+/,@{$events} ) and $init_done ); return; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequest($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %readings; if( AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'none') { readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","set attribute model first",1); } elsif( !IsDisabled($name) ) { if( ReadingsVal($name,'firmware','none') ne 'none' or AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'thermoHygroSens') { return XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware($hash) if( XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_IsUpdateTimeAgeToOld($hash,$CallBatteryFirmwareAge{AttrVal($name,'BatteryFirmwareAge','24h')}) ); if( ReadingsVal($name, 'firmware', '') eq '2.6.2') { XiaomiBTLESens_ReadSensData($hash); } else { if( $hash->{helper}{CallSensDataCounter} < 1 ) { XiaomiBTLESens_WriteSensData($hash); $hash->{helper}{CallSensDataCounter} = $hash->{helper}{CallSensDataCounter} + 1; } else { $readings{'lastGattError'} = 'charWrite faild'; XiaomiBTLESens_WriteReadings($hash,\%readings); $hash->{helper}{CallSensDataCounter} = 0; return; } } } else { XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware($hash); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","fetch sensor data",1); } else { readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","disabled",1); } } sub XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequestTimer($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); if( $init_done and not IsDisabled($name) ) { XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequest($hash); } else { readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "disabled", 1 ); } InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}+int(rand(300)), "XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequestTimer", $hash, 1 ); Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - stateRequestTimer: Call Request Timer"; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware($) { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $mac = $hash->{BTMAC}; my $handle; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Run", $name."|".$mac."|read|".$XiaomiModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{battery}, "XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Done", 60, "XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Aborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID})); Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - CallBatteryFirmware: call function ExecGatttool_Run"; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ReadSensData($) { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $mac = $hash->{BTMAC}; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Run", $name."|".$mac."|read|".$XiaomiModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{read}, "XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Done", 60, "XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Aborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID})); Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - CallSensData: call function ExecGatttool_Run"; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_WriteSensData($) { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $mac = $hash->{BTMAC}; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Run", $name."|".$mac."|write|".$XiaomiModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{write}."|".$XiaomiModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{writeValue}, "XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Done", 60, "XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Aborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID})); Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - WriteSensData: call function ExecGatttool_Run"; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_Set($$@) { my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_; my ($cmd, @args) = @aa; if( $cmd eq 'clearFirmwareReading' ) { return "usage: clearFirmwareReading" if( @args != 0 ); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'firmware','',0); } else { my $list = ""; $list = "clearFirmwareReading:noArg" if( AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'flowerSens'); return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } return undef; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_Get($$@) { my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_; my ($cmd, @args) = @aa; if( $cmd eq 'statusRequest' ) { return "usage: statusRequest" if( @args != 0 ); XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequest($hash); } else { my $list = "statusRequest:noArg"; return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } return undef; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Run($) { my $string = shift; my ($name,$mac,$gattCmd,$handle,$value) = split("\\|", $string); my $sshHost = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none"); my $gatttool; $gatttool = qx(which gatttool) if($sshHost eq 'none'); $gatttool = qx(ssh $sshHost 'which gatttool') if($sshHost ne 'none'); chomp $gatttool; if(-x $gatttool) { my $cmd; my $loop; my @gtResult; my $wait = 1; my $sshHost = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none"); my $hci = AttrVal($name,"hciDevice","hci0"); while($wait) { my $grepGatttool; $grepGatttool = qx(ps ax| grep -E \'gatttool -i $hci -b $mac\' | grep -v grep) if($sshHost eq 'none'); $grepGatttool = qx(ssh $sshHost 'ps ax| grep -E "gatttool -i $hci -b $mac" | grep -v grep') if($sshHost ne 'none'); if(not $grepGatttool =~ /^\s*$/) { Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Run: another gatttool process is running. waiting..."; sleep(1); } else { $wait = 0; } } $cmd .= "ssh $sshHost '" if($sshHost ne 'none'); $cmd .= "gatttool -i $hci -b $mac "; $cmd .= "--char-read -a $handle" if($gattCmd eq 'read'); $cmd .= "--char-write-req -a $handle -n $value" if($gattCmd eq 'write'); $cmd = "timeout 15 ".$cmd." --listen" if( AttrVal($name,"model","none") eq 'thermoHygroSens' and $gattCmd eq 'write'); $cmd .= " 2>&1 /dev/null"; $cmd .= "'" if($sshHost ne 'none'); $cmd = "ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -i $hci -b $mac --char-write-req -a 0x33 -n A01F && gatttool -i $hci -b $mac --char-read -a 0x35 2>&1 /dev/null'" if($sshHost ne 'none' and $gattCmd eq 'write' and AttrVal($name,"model","none") eq 'flowerSens'); $loop = 0; do { Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Run: call gatttool with command $cmd and loop $loop"; @gtResult = split(": ",qx($cmd)); Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Run: gatttool loop result ".join(",", @gtResult); $loop++; $gtResult[0] = 'connect error' unless( defined($gtResult[0]) ); } while( $loop < 5 and $gtResult[0] eq 'connect error' ); Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Run: gatttool result ".join(",", @gtResult); $handle = '0x35' if($sshHost ne 'none' and $gattCmd eq 'write'); $gattCmd = 'read' if($sshHost ne 'none' and $gattCmd eq 'write'); $gtResult[1] = 'no data response' unless( defined($gtResult[1]) ); my $json_notification = XiaomiBTLESens_encodeJSON($gtResult[1]); if($gtResult[1] =~ /^([0-9a-f]{2}(\s?))*$/) { return "$name|$mac|ok|$gattCmd|$handle|$json_notification"; } elsif($gtResult[0] ne 'connect error' and $gattCmd eq 'write') { if( $sshHost ne 'none' ) { XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Run($name."|".$mac."|read|0x35"); } else { return "$name|$mac|ok|$gattCmd|$handle|$json_notification"; } } else { return "$name|$mac|error|$gattCmd|$handle|$json_notification"; } } else { return "$name|$mac|error|$gattCmd|$handle|no gatttool binary found. Please check if bluez-package is properly installed"; } } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Done($) { my $string = shift; my ($name,$mac,$respstate,$gattCmd,$handle,$json_notification) = split("\\|", $string); my $hash = $defs{$name}; delete($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}); Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Done: Helper is disabled. Stop processing" if($hash->{helper}{DISABLED}); return if($hash->{helper}{DISABLED}); Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Done: gatttool return string: $string"; my $decode_json = eval{decode_json($json_notification)}; if($@){ Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Done: JSON error while request: $@"; } if( $respstate eq 'ok' and $gattCmd eq 'read' ) { XiaomiBTLESens_ProcessingNotification($hash,$handle,$decode_json->{gtResult}); } elsif( $respstate eq 'ok' and $gattCmd eq 'write' and AttrVal($name,'model','none') ne 'thermoHygroSens' ) { XiaomiBTLESens_ReadSensData($hash); } else { XiaomiBTLESens_ProcessingErrors($hash,$decode_json->{gtResult}); } } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ExecGatttool_Aborted($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %readings; delete($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","unreachable", 1); $readings{'lastGattError'} = 'The BlockingCall Process terminated unexpectedly. Timedout'; XiaomiBTLESens_WriteReadings($hash,\%readings); Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ExecGatttool_Aborted: The BlockingCall Process terminated unexpectedly. Timedout"; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ProcessingNotification($@) { my ($hash,$handle,$notification) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $readings; Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ProcessingNotification"; if( AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'flowerSens' ) { if( $handle eq '0x38' ) { ### Flower Sens - Read Firmware and Battery Data Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ProcessingNotification: handle 0x38"; $readings = XiaomiBTLESens_FlowerSensHandle0x38($hash,$notification); } elsif( $handle eq '0x35' ) { ### Flower Sens - Read Sensor Data Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ProcessingNotification: handle 0x35"; $readings = XiaomiBTLESens_FlowerSensHandle0x35($hash,$notification); } } elsif( AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'thermoHygroSens') { if( $handle eq '0x18' ) { ### Thermo/Hygro Sens - Read Battery Data Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ProcessingNotification: handle 0x18"; $readings = XiaomiBTLESens_ThermoHygroSensHandle0x18($hash,$notification); } if( $handle eq '0x10' ) { ### Thermo/Hygro Sens - Read Sensor Data Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ProcessingNotification: handle 0x10"; $readings = XiaomiBTLESens_ThermoHygroSensHandle0x10($hash,$notification); } } XiaomiBTLESens_WriteReadings($hash,$readings); } sub XiaomiBTLESens_FlowerSensHandle0x38($$) { ### FlowerSens - Read Firmware and Battery Data my ($hash,$notification) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %readings; Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - FlowerSens Handle0x38"; my @dataBatFw = split(" ",$notification); my $blevel = hex("0x".$dataBatFw[0]); my $fw = ($dataBatFw[2]-30).".".($dataBatFw[4]-30).".".($dataBatFw[6]-30); $readings{'batteryLevel'} = $blevel; $readings{'battery'} = ($blevel > 20?"ok":"low"); $readings{'firmware'} = $fw; $hash->{helper}{CallBatteryFirmware} = 1; XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_Timestamp($hash); return \%readings; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_FlowerSensHandle0x35($$) { ### Flower Sens - Read Sensor Data my ($hash,$notification) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %readings; Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - FlowerSens Handle0x35"; my @dataSensor = split(" ",$notification); return XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequest($hash) unless( $dataSensor[0] ne "aa" and $dataSensor[1] ne "bb" and $dataSensor[2] ne "cc" and $dataSensor[3] ne "dd" and $dataSensor[4] ne "ee" and $dataSensor[5] ne "ff"); my $temp; if( $dataSensor[1] eq "ff" ) { $temp = hex("0x".$dataSensor[1].$dataSensor[0]) - hex("0xffff"); } else { $temp = hex("0x".$dataSensor[1].$dataSensor[0]); } my $lux = hex("0x".$dataSensor[4].$dataSensor[3]); my $moisture = hex("0x".$dataSensor[7]); my $fertility = hex("0x".$dataSensor[9].$dataSensor[8]); $readings{'temperature'} = $temp/10; $readings{'lux'} = $lux; $readings{'moisture'} = $moisture; $readings{'fertility'} = $fertility; $hash->{helper}{CallBatteryFirmware} = 0; return \%readings; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ThermoHygroSensHandle0x18($$) { ### Thermo/Hygro Sens - Firmware and Battery Data my ($hash,$notification) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %readings; Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - Thermo/Hygro Sens Handle0x18"; my $blevel = hex("0x".$notification); $readings{'batteryLevel'} = $blevel; $readings{'battery'} = ($blevel > 20?"ok":"low"); $hash->{helper}{CallBatteryFirmware} = 1; XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_Timestamp($hash); return \%readings; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ThermoHygroSensHandle0x10($$) { ### Thermo/Hygro Sens - Read Sensor Data my ($hash,$notification) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %readings; Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - Thermo/Hygro Sens Handle0x10"; $notification =~ s/\s+//g; # 54 3d 31 37 2e 33 20 48 3d 35 32 2e 35 00 my $temp = pack('H*',join(' ',substr($notification,4,8))); # 31 37 2e 33 my $hum = pack('H*',join(' ',substr($notification,18,8))); # 35 32 2e 35 $readings{'temperature'} = $temp/10; $readings{'humidity'} = $hum; $hash->{helper}{CallBatteryFirmware} = 0; return \%readings; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_WriteReadings($$) { my ($hash,$readings) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); while( my ($r,$v) = each %{$readings} ) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$r,$v); } readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "state", ($readings->{'lastGattError'}?'error':'active')); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); if( AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'flowerSens') { if( defined($readings->{temperature}) ) { DoTrigger($name, 'minFertility ' . ($readings->{fertility}<AttrVal($name,'minFertility',0)?'low':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'minFertility','none') ne 'none' ); DoTrigger($name, 'maxFertility ' . ($readings->{fertility}>AttrVal($name,'maxFertility',0)?'high':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'maxFertility','none') ne 'none' ); DoTrigger($name, 'minTemp ' . ($readings->{temperature}<AttrVal($name,'minTemp',0)?'low':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'minTemp','none') ne 'none' ); DoTrigger($name, 'maxTemp ' . ($readings->{temperature}>AttrVal($name,'maxTemp',0)?'high':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'maxTemp','none') ne 'none' ); DoTrigger($name, 'minMoisture ' . ($readings->{moisture}<AttrVal($name,'minMoisture',0)?'low':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'minMoisture','none') ne 'none' ); DoTrigger($name, 'maxMoisture ' . ($readings->{moisture}>AttrVal($name,'maxMoisture',0)?'high':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'maxMoisture','none') ne 'none' ); DoTrigger($name, 'minLux ' . ($readings->{lux}<AttrVal($name,'minLux',0)?'low':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'minLux','none') ne 'none' ); DoTrigger($name, 'maxLux ' . ($readings->{lux}>AttrVal($name,'maxLux',0)?'high':'ok')) if( AttrVal($name,'maxLux','none') ne 'none' ); } } Log3 $name, 4, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - WriteReadings: Readings were written"; $hash->{helper}{CallSensDataCounter} = 0; XiaomiBTLESens_stateRequest($hash) if( $hash->{helper}{CallBatteryFirmware} == 1 ); } sub XiaomiBTLESens_ProcessingErrors($$) { my ($hash,$notification) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %readings; Log3 $name, 5, "XiaomiBTLESens ($name) - ProcessingErrors"; $readings{'lastGattError'} = $notification; XiaomiBTLESens_WriteReadings($hash,\%readings); } #### my little Helper sub XiaomiBTLESens_encodeJSON($) { my $gtResult = shift; chomp($gtResult); my %response = ( 'gtResult' => $gtResult ); return encode_json \%response; } ## Routinen damit Firmware und Batterie nur alle X male statt immer aufgerufen wird sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_Timestamp($) { my $hash = shift; # get timestamp $hash->{helper}{updateTimeCallBatteryFirmware} = gettimeofday(); # in seconds since the epoch $hash->{helper}{updateTimestampCallBatteryFirmware} = FmtDateTime(gettimeofday()); } sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_UpdateTimeAge($) { my $hash = shift; $hash->{helper}{updateTimeCallBatteryFirmware} = 0 if( not defined($hash->{helper}{updateTimeCallBatteryFirmware}) ); my $UpdateTimeAge = gettimeofday() - $hash->{helper}{updateTimeCallBatteryFirmware}; return $UpdateTimeAge; } sub XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_IsUpdateTimeAgeToOld($$) { my ($hash,$maxAge) = @_;; return (XiaomiBTLESens_CallBatteryFirmware_UpdateTimeAge($hash)>$maxAge ? 1:0); } 1; =pod =item device =item summary Modul to retrieves data from a Xiaomi Flower Monitor =item summary_DE Modul um Daten vom Xiaomi Flower Monitor aus zu lesen =begin html <a name="XiaomiBTLESens"></a> <h3>Xiaomi Flower Monitor</h3> <ul> <u><b>XiaomiBTLESens - Retrieves data from a Xiaomi Flower Monitor</b></u> <br> With this module it is possible to read the data from a sensor and to set it as reading.</br> Gatttool and hcitool is required to use this modul. (apt-get install bluez) <br><br> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensdefine"></a> <b>Define</b> <ul><br> <code>define <name> XiaomiBTLESens <BT-MAC></code> <br><br> Example: <ul><br> <code>define Weihnachtskaktus XiaomiBTLESens C4:7C:8D:62:42:6F</code><br> </ul> <br> This statement creates a XiaomiBTLESens with the name Weihnachtskaktus and the Bluetooth Mac C4:7C:8D:62:42:6F.<br> After the device has been created, the current data of the Xiaomi Flower Monitor is automatically read from the device. </ul> <br><br> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensreadings"></a> <b>Readings</b> <ul> <li>state - Status of the flower sensor or error message if any errors.</li> <li>battery - current battery state dependent on batteryLevel.</li> <li>batteryLevel - current battery level in percent.</li> <li>fertility - Values for the fertilizer content</li> <li>firmware - current device firmware</li> <li>lux - current light intensity</li> <li>moisture - current moisture content</li> <li>temperature - current temperature</li> </ul> <br><br> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensset"></a> <b>Set</b> <ul> <li>clearFirmwareReading - clear firmware reading for new begin.</li> <br> </ul> <br><br> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensget"></a> <b>Get</b> <ul> <li>statusRequest - retrieves the current state of the Xiaomi Flower Monitor.</li> <br> </ul> <br><br> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensattribut"></a> <b>Attributes</b> <ul> <li>disable - disables the device</li> <li>disabledForIntervals - disable device for interval time (13:00-18:30 or 13:00-18:30 22:00-23:00)</li> <li>interval - interval in seconds for statusRequest</li> <li>minFertility - min fertility value for low warn event</li> <li>maxFertility - max fertility value for High warn event</li> <li>minMoisture - min moisture value for low warn event</li> <li>maxMoisture - max moisture value for High warn event</li> <li>minTemp - min temperature value for low warn event</li> <li>maxTemp - max temperature value for high warn event</li> <li>minlux - min lux value for low warn event</li> <li>maxlux - max lux value for high warn event <br> Event Example for min/max Value's: 2017-03-16 11:08:05 XiaomiBTLESens Dracaena minMoisture low<br> Event Example for min/max Value's: 2017-03-16 11:08:06 XiaomiBTLESens Dracaena maxTemp high</li> <li>sshHost - FQD-Name or IP of ssh remote system / you must configure your ssh system for certificate authentication. For better handling you can config ssh Client with .ssh/config file</li> <li>batteryFirmwareAge - how old can the reading befor fetch new data</li> <li>blockingCallLoglevel - Blocking.pm Loglevel for BlockingCall Logoutput</li> </ul> </ul> =end html =begin html_DE <a name="XiaomiBTLESens"></a> <h3>Xiaomi Flower Monitor</h3> <ul> <u><b>XiaomiBTLESens - liest Daten von einem Xiaomi Flower Monitor</b></u> <br /> Dieser Modul liest Daten von einem Sensor und legt sie in den Readings ab.<br /> Auf dem (Linux) FHEM-Server werden gatttool und hcitool vorausgesetzt. (sudo apt install bluez) <br /><br /> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensdefine"></a> <b>Define</b> <ul><br /> <code>define <name> XiaomiBTLESens <BT-MAC></code> <br /><br /> Beispiel: <ul><br /> <code>define Weihnachtskaktus XiaomiBTLESens C4:7C:8D:62:42:6F</code><br /> </ul> <br /> Der Befehl legt ein Device vom Typ XiaomiBTLESens an mit dem Namen Weihnachtskaktus und der Bluetooth MAC C4:7C:8D:62:42:6F.<br /> Nach dem Anlegen des Device werden umgehend und automatisch die aktuellen Daten vom betroffenen Xiaomi Flower Monitor gelesen. </ul> <br /><br /> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensreadings"></a> <b>Readings</b> <ul> <li>state - Status des Flower Monitor oder eine Fehlermeldung falls Fehler beim letzten Kontakt auftraten.</li> <li>battery - aktueller Batterie-Status in Abhängigkeit vom Wert batteryLevel.</li> <li>batteryLevel - aktueller Ladestand der Batterie in Prozent.</li> <li>fertility - Wert des Fruchtbarkeitssensors (Bodenleitfähigkeit)</li> <li>firmware - aktuelle Firmware-Version des Flower Monitor</li> <li>lux - aktuelle Lichtintensität</li> <li>moisture - aktueller Feuchtigkeitswert</li> <li>temperature - aktuelle Temperatur</li> </ul> <br /><br /> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensset"></a> <b>Set</b> <ul> <li>clearFirmwareReading - löscht das Reading firmware für/nach Upgrade</li> <br /> </ul> <br /><br /> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensGet"></a> <b>Get</b> <ul> <li>statusRequest - aktive Abfrage des aktuellen Status des Xiaomi Flower Monitor und seiner Werte</li> <br /> </ul> <br /><br /> <a name="XiaomiBTLESensattribut"></a> <b>Attribute</b> <ul> <li>disable - deaktiviert das Device</li> <li>interval - Interval in Sekunden zwischen zwei Abfragen</li> <li>disabledForIntervals - deaktiviert das Gerät für den angegebenen Zeitinterval (13:00-18:30 or 13:00-18:30 22:00-23:00)</li> <li>minFertility - min Fruchtbarkeits-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis minFertility low </li> <li>maxFertility - max Fruchtbarkeits-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis maxFertility high </li> <li>minMoisture - min Feuchtigkeits-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis minMoisture low </li> <li>maxMoisture - max Feuchtigkeits-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis maxMoisture high </li> <li>minTemp - min Temperatur-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis minTemp low </li> <li>maxTemp - max Temperatur-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis maxTemp high </li> <li>minlux - min Helligkeits-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis minlux low </li> <li>maxlux - max Helligkeits-Grenzwert für ein Ereignis maxlux high <br /><br />Beispiele für min/max-Ereignisse:<br /> 2017-03-16 11:08:05 XiaomiBTLESens Dracaena minMoisture low<br /> 2017-03-16 11:08:06 XiaomiBTLESens Dracaena maxTemp high<br /><br /></li> <li>sshHost - FQDN oder IP-Adresse eines entfernten SSH-Systems. Das SSH-System ist auf eine Zertifikat basierte Authentifizierung zu konfigurieren. Am elegantesten geschieht das mit einer .ssh/config Datei auf dem SSH-Client.</li> <li>batteryFirmwareAge - wie alt soll der Timestamp des Readings sein bevor eine Aktuallisierung statt findet</li> <li>blockingCallLoglevel - Blocking.pm Loglevel für BlockingCall Logausgaben</li> </ul> </ul> =end html_DE =cut