344 lines
9.5 KiB
344 lines
9.5 KiB
# Developed with Kate
# (c) 2019 Copyright: Marko Oldenburg (leongaultier at gmail dot com)
# All rights reserved
# Special thanks goes to:
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,or
# any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# $Id$
### Beispielaufruf
# https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=[lat]&lon=[long]&APPID=[API] Current
# https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forcast?lat=[lat]&lon=[long]&APPID=[API] Forcast
# https://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions Icons und Conditions ID's
package OpenWeatherMapAPI::Weather;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use HttpUtils;
my $missingModul = '';
eval "use JSON;1"
or $missingModul .=
"JSON "; # apt-get install libperl-JSON on Debian and derivatives
eval "use Encode qw(encode_utf8);1" or $missingModul .= "Encode ";
use Data::Dumper; # for Debug only
use constant URL => 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/';
## URL . 'weather?' for current data
## URL . 'forcast?' for forcast data
my %codes = (
200 => 45,
201 => 45,
202 => 45,
210 => 4,
211 => 4,
212 => 3,
221 => 4,
230 => 45,
231 => 45,
232 => 45,
300 => 9,
301 => 9,
302 => 9,
310 => 9,
311 => 9,
312 => 9,
313 => 9,
314 => 9,
321 => 9,
500 => 35,
501 => 35,
502 => 35,
503 => 35,
504 => 35,
511 => 35,
520 => 35,
521 => 35,
522 => 35,
531 => 35,
600 => 14,
601 => 16,
602 => 13,
611 => 46,
612 => 46,
615 => 5,
616 => 5,
620 => 14,
621 => 46,
622 => 42,
701 => 19,
711 => 22,
721 => 19,
731 => 23,
741 => 20,
751 => 23,
761 => 19,
762 => 3200,
771 => 1,
781 => 0,
800 => 32,
801 => 30,
802 => 26,
803 => 26,
804 => 28,
sub new {
### geliefert wird ein Hash
my ( $class, $argsRef ) = @_;
my $self = {
devName => $argsRef->{devName},
key => ( defined( $argsRef->{apikey} ) ? $argsRef->{apikey} : 'none' ),
cachemaxage => $argsRef->{cachemaxage},
lang => $argsRef->{language},
lat => ( split( ',', $argsRef->{location} ) )[0],
long => ( split( ',', $argsRef->{location} ) )[1],
fetchTime => 0,
endpoint => 'none',
$self->{cached} = _CreateForcastRef($self);
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub setFetchTime {
my $self = shift;
$self->{fetchTime} = time();
return 0;
sub setRetrieveData {
my $self = shift;
return 0;
sub getFetchTime {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{fetchTime};
sub getWeather {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{cached};
sub _RetrieveDataFromOpenWeatherMap($) {
my $self = shift;
# retrieve data from cache
if ( ( time() - $self->{fetchTime} ) < $self->{cachemaxage} ) {
return _CallWeatherCallbackFn($self);
my $paramRef = {
timeout => 15,
self => $self,
endpoint => ( $self->{endpoint} eq 'none' ? 'weather' : 'forcast' ),
callback => \&_RetrieveDataFinished,
$self->{endpoint} = $paramRef->{endpoint};
if ( $self->{lat} eq 'error'
or $self->{long} eq 'error'
or $self->{key} eq 'none'
or $missingModul )
'The given location is invalid. (wrong latitude or longitude?) put both as an attribute in the global device or set define option location=[LAT],[LONG]',
) if ( $self->{lat} eq 'error' or $self->{long} eq 'error' );
_RetrieveDataFinished( $paramRef,
'No given api key. (define myWeather Weather apikey=[KEY])',
undef )
if ( $self->{key} eq 'none' );
_RetrieveDataFinished( $paramRef,
'Perl modul ' . $missingModul . ' is missing.', undef )
if ($missingModul);
else {
$paramRef->{url} =
. $paramRef->{endpoint} . '?' . 'lat='
. $self->{lat} . '&' . 'lon='
. $self->{long} . '&'
. 'APPID='
. $self->{key} . '&' . 'lang='
. $self->{lang};
sub _RetrieveDataFinished($$$) {
my ( $paramRef, $err, $response ) = @_;
my $self = $paramRef->{self};
if ( !$err ) {
$self->{cached}->{status} = 'ok';
$self->{cached}->{validity} = 'up-to-date', $self->{fetchTime} = time();
_ProcessingRetrieveData( $self, $response );
else {
$self->{fetchTime} = time() if ( not defined( $self->{fetchTime} ) );
_ErrorHandling( $self, $err );
_ProcessingRetrieveData( $self, $response );
$self->{endpoint} = $paramRef->{endpoint};
sub _ProcessingRetrieveData($$) {
my ( $self, $response ) = @_;
if ( $self->{cached}->{status} eq 'ok' and defined($response) ) {
my $data = eval { decode_json($response) };
# print 'Dumper1: ' . Dumper $data;
if ($@) {
_ErrorHandling( $self,
'OpenWeatherMap Weather decode JSON err ' . $@ );
elsif ( defined( $data->{cod} ) and defined( $data->{message} ) ) {
# print 'Dumper2: ' . Dumper $data;
_ErrorHandling( $self, $data->{cod} . ': ' . $data->{message} );
else {
# print Dumper $data; ## für Debugging
return if ( $self->{endpoint} eq 'forcast' );
$self->{cached}->{current_date_time} = strftime(
"%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M %p",
localtime( $self->{fetchTime} )
$self->{cached}->{country} = $data->{sys}->{country};
$self->{cached}->{city} = $data->{name};
$self->{cached}->{current} = {
'temperature' => int(
sprintf( "%.1f", ( $data->{main}->{temp} - 273.15 ) ) + 0.5
'temp_c' => int(
sprintf( "%.1f", ( $data->{main}->{temp} - 273.15 ) ) + 0.5
'low_c' => int(
sprintf( "%.1f", ( $data->{main}->{temp_min} - 273.15 ) ) +
'high_c' => int(
sprintf( "%.1f", ( $data->{main}->{temp_max} - 273.15 ) ) +
'tempLow' => int(
sprintf( "%.1f", ( $data->{main}->{temp_min} - 273.15 ) ) +
'tempHigh' => int(
sprintf( "%.1f", ( $data->{main}->{temp_max} - 273.15 ) ) +
'humidity' => $data->{main}->{humidity},
'condition' => encode_utf8( $data->{weather}[0]{description} ),
'pressure' => $data->{main}->{pressure},
'wind' => $data->{wind}->{speed},
'wind_speed' => $data->{wind}->{speed},
'wind_direction' => $data->{wind}->{deg},
'cloudCover' => $data->{clouds}->{all},
'visibility' => $data->{visibility},
'code' => $codes{ $data->{weather}[0]{id} },
'iconAPI' => $data->{weather}[0]{icon},
'sunsetTime' => strftime(
"%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M %p",
localtime( $data->{sys}->{sunset} )
'sunriseTime' => strftime(
"%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M %p",
localtime( $data->{sys}->{sunrise} )
'pubDate' =>
strftime( "%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M %p", localtime( $data->{dt} ) ),
if ( $self->{endpoint} eq 'weather' );
if ( $self->{endpoint} eq 'weather' );
$self->{endpoint} = 'none' if ( $self->{endpoint} eq 'forcast' );
sub _CallWeatherCallbackFn($) {
my $self = shift;
# ## Aufruf der callbackFn
main::Weather_RetrieveCallbackFn( $self->{devName} );
sub _ErrorHandling($$) {
my ( $self, $err ) = @_;
$self->{cached}->{current_date_time} =
strftime( "%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M %p", localtime( $self->{fetchTime} ) ),
$self->{cached}->{status} = $err;
$self->{cached}->{validity} = 'stale';
sub _CreateForcastRef($) {
my $self = shift;
my $forcastRef = (
lat => $self->{lat},
long => $self->{long},
apiMaintainer =>
'Leon Gaultier (<a href=https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?action=profile;u=13684>CoolTux</a>)',
return $forcastRef;