testing #29

marko merged 73 commits from testing into main 2023-01-07 12:49:01 +00:00
4 changed files with 156 additions and 46 deletions
Showing only changes of commit f79f0c6fa8 - Show all commits

@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
=item summary_DE stellt Wetterbericht und -vorhersage bereit
=begin html
<a name="Weather"></a>
<a id="Weather"></a>
Note: you need the JSON perl module. Use <code>apt-get install
@ -1148,8 +1148,8 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
Such a virtual Weather device periodically gathers current and forecast
weather conditions from the chosen weather API.<br><br>
<a name="Weatherdefine"></a>
<a id="Weather-define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Weather [API=&lt;API&gt;[,&lt;apioptions&gt;]] [apikey=&lt;apikey&gt;]
[location=&lt;location&gt;] [interval=&lt;interval&gt;] [lang=&lt;lang&gt;]</code><br><br>
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
API-specific documentation follows.<p>
<b>Dark Sky</b><p>
<h4>Dark Sky</h4><p>
@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
@ -1247,17 +1247,19 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
<a name="Weatherset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<a id="Weather-set"></a>
<a id="Weather-set-update"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; update</code><br><br>
<i>set &lt;name&gt; update</i><br><br>
Forces the retrieval of the weather data. The next automatic retrieval is scheduled to occur
<code>interval</code> seconds later.
<a id="Weather-set-newLocation"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; newLocation latitude,longitude</code><br><br>
<i>set &lt;name&gt; newLocation latitude,longitude</i><br><br>
set a new temporary location.
the value pair Latitude Longitude is separated by a comma.
@ -1266,39 +1268,65 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
<a name="Weatherget"></a>
<a id="Weather-get"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;reading&gt;</code><br><br>
Valid readings and their meaning (? can be one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and stands
for today, tomorrow, etc.):<br>
<a id="Weather-get-.license"></a>
<tr><td>.license</td><td>license of the API provider, if available</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-city"></a>
<tr><td>city</td><td>name of town returned for location</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-code"></a>
<tr><td>code</td><td>current condition code</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-condition"></a>
<tr><td>condition</td><td>current condition</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-current_date_time"></a>
<tr><td>current_date_time</td><td>last update of forecast on server</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_code"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_code</td><td>forecast condition code</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_condition"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_condition</td><td>forecast condition</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_day_of_week"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_day_of_week</td><td>day of week for day +?</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_high_c"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_high_c</td><td>forecasted daily high in degrees centigrade</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_icon"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_icon</td><td>forecast icon</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_low_c"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_low_c</td><td>forecasted daily low in degrees centigrade</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-humidity"></a>
<tr><td>humidity</td><td>current humidity in %</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-icon"></a>
<tr><td>icon</td><td>relative path for current icon</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-pressure"></a>
<tr><td>pressure</td><td>air pressure in hPa</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-pressure_trend"></a>
<tr><td>pressure_trend</td><td>air pressure trend (0= steady, 1= rising, 2= falling)</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-pressure_trend_txt"></a>
<tr><td>pressure_trend_txt</td><td>textual representation of air pressure trend</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-pressure_trend_sym"></a>
<tr><td>pressure_trend_sym</td><td>symbolic representation of air pressure trend</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-temperature"></a>
<tr><td>temperature</td><td>current temperature in degrees centigrade</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-temp_c"></a>
<tr><td>temp_c</td><td>current temperature in degrees centigrade</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-temp_f"></a>
<tr><td>temp_f</td><td>current temperature in degrees Fahrenheit</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-visibility"></a>
<tr><td>visibility</td><td>visibility in km</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind"></a>
<tr><td>wind</td><td>wind speed in km/h</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind_chill"></a>
<tr><td>wind_chill</td><td>wind chill in degrees centigrade</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind_condition"></a>
<tr><td>wind_condition</td><td>wind direction and speed</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind_direction"></a>
<tr><td>wind_direction</td><td>direction wind comes from in degrees (0 = north wind)</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind_speed"></a>
<tr><td>wind_speed</td><td>same as wind</td></tr>
@ -1311,15 +1339,19 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
<a name="Weatherattr"></a>
<a id="Weather-attr"></a>
<li>disable: disables the retrieval of weather data - the timer runs according to schedule,
<a id="Weather-attr-disable"></a>
<li><i>disable</i> - disables the retrieval of weather data - the timer runs according to schedule,
though no data is requested from the API.</li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li>forecast - hourly/daily, display of forecast data.</li>
<li>forecastLimit - Number of forecast data records which should be written as a reading.</li>
<li>alerts - 0/1 should alert messages be written similar to Unwetterwarnung</li>
<a id="Weather-attr-forecast"></a>
<li><i>forecast</i> - hourly/daily, display of forecast data.</li>
<a id="Weather-attr-forecastLimit"></a>
<li><i>forecastLimit</i> - Number of forecast data records which should be written as a reading.</li>
<a id="Weather-attr-alerts"></a>
<li><i>alerts</i> - 0/1 should alert messages be written similar to Unwetterwarnung</li>
@ -1328,7 +1360,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="Weather"></a>
<a id="Weather"></a>
Hinweis: es wird das Perl-Modul JSON ben&ouml;tigt. Mit <code>apt-get install
@ -1345,9 +1377,8 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
Eine solche virtuelle Wetterstation sammelt periodisch aktuelle Wetterdaten
und Wettervorhersagen aus dem verwendeten API.<br><br>
<a name="Weatherdefine"></a>
<a id="Weather-define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Weather [API=&lt;API&gt;[,&lt;apioptions&gt;]] [apikey=&lt;apikey&gt;]
[location=&lt;location&gt;] [interval=&lt;interval&gt;] [lang=&lt;lang&gt;]</code><br><br>
@ -1383,7 +1414,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
Es folgt die API-spezifische Dokumentation.<p>
<b>Dark Sky</b><p>
<h4>Dark Sky</h4><p>
@ -1397,7 +1428,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
@ -1418,7 +1449,7 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
@ -1455,55 +1486,76 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
<a name="Weatherset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<a id="Weather-set"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; update</code><br><br>
<a id="Weather-set-update"></a>
<li><i>set &lt;name&gt; update</i><br><br>
Erzwingt eine Abfrage der Wetterdaten. Die darauffolgende Abfrage
wird gem&auml;&szlig; dem eingestellten
Intervall <code>interval</code> Sekunden sp&auml;ter durchgef&uuml;hrt.
<a id="Weather-set-newLocation"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; newLocation latitude,longitude</code><br><br>
<i>set &lt;name&gt; newLocation latitude,longitude</i><br><br>
Gibt die M&ouml;glichkeit eine neue tempor&auml;re Location zu setzen.
Das Wertepaar Latitude Longitude wird durch ein Komma getrennt &uuml;bergeben.
Wird kein Wert mitgegebn (leere &Uuml;bergabe) wird automatisch die per Definition erkannte Location genommen<br><br>
<a name="Weatherget"></a>
<a id="Weather-get"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;reading&gt;</code><br><br>
G&uuml;ltige ausgelesene Daten (readings) und ihre Bedeutung (das ? kann einen der Werte 1, 2, 3 , 4 oder 5 annehmen und steht f&uuml;r heute, morgen, &uuml;bermorgen etc.):<br><br>
<a id="Weather-get-.license"></a>
<tr><td>.license</td><td>Lizenz des jeweiligen API-Anbieters, sofern vorhanden</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-city"></a>
<tr><td>city</td><td>Name der Stadt, der f&uuml;r die location &uuml;bermittelt wird</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-code"></a>
<tr><td>code</td><td>Code f&uuml;r die aktuellen Wetterverh&auml;ltnisse</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-condition"></a>
<tr><td>condition</td><td>aktuelle Wetterverh&auml;ltnisse</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-current_date_time"></a>
<tr><td>current_date_time</td><td>Zeitstempel der letzten Aktualisierung der Wetterdaten vom Server</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_code"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_code</td><td>Code f&uuml;r die vorhergesagten Wetterverh&auml;ltnisse</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_condition"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_condition</td><td>vorhergesagte Wetterverh&auml;ltnisse</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_day_of_week"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_day_of_week</td><td>Wochentag des Tages, der durch ? dargestellt wird</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_high_c"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_high_c</td><td>vorhergesagte maximale Tagestemperatur in Grad Celsius</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_icon"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_icon</td><td>Icon f&uuml;r Vorhersage</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-fc?_low_c"></a>
<tr><td>fc?_low_c</td><td>vorhergesagte niedrigste Tagestemperatur in Grad Celsius</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-humidity"></a>
<tr><td>humidity</td><td>gegenw&auml;rtige Luftfeuchtgkeit in %</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-icon"></a>
<tr><td>icon</td><td>relativer Pfad f&uuml;r das aktuelle Icon</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-pressure"></a>
<tr><td>pressure</td><td>Luftdruck in hPa</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-temperature"></a>
<tr><td>temperature</td><td>gegenw&auml;rtige Temperatur in Grad Celsius</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-temp_c"></a>
<tr><td>temp_c</td><td>gegenw&auml;rtige Temperatur in Grad Celsius</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-temp_f"></a>
<tr><td>temp_f</td><td>gegenw&auml;rtige Temperatur in Grad Celsius</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-visibility"></a>
<tr><td>visibility</td><td>Sichtweite in km</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind"></a>
<tr><td>wind</td><td>Windgeschwindigkeit in km/h</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind_condition"></a>
<tr><td>wind_condition</td><td>Windrichtung und -geschwindigkeit</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind_direction"></a>
<tr><td>wind_direction</td><td>Gradangabe der Windrichtung (0 = Nordwind)</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-wind_speed"></a>
<tr><td>wind_speed</td><td>Windgeschwindigkeit in km/h (mit wind identisch)</td></tr>
<a id="Weather-get-validity"></a>
<tr><td>validity</td><td>stale, wenn der Ver&ouml;ffentlichungszeitpunkt auf dem entfernten Server vor dem Zeitpunkt der aktuellen Daten (readings) liegt</td></tr>
@ -1515,16 +1567,20 @@ sub Weather_CheckOptions {
<a name="Weatherattr"></a>
<a id="Weather-attr"></a>
<li>disable: stellt die Abfrage der Wetterdaten ab - der Timer l&auml;ft
<a id="Weather-attr-disable"></a>
<li><i>disable</i> - stellt die Abfrage der Wetterdaten ab - der Timer l&auml;ft
gem&auml;&szlig Plan doch es werden keine Daten vom
API angefordert.</li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li>forecast - hourly/daily, Anzeige von forecast Daten.</li>
<li>forecastLimit - Anzahl der Forecast-Datens&auml;tze welche als Reading geschrieben werden sollen.</li>
<li>alerts - 0/1 Sollen Alert Meldungen &auml;nlich Unwetterwarnung geschrieben werden.</li>
<a id="Weather-attr-forecast"></a>
<li><i>forecast</i> - hourly/daily, Anzeige von forecast Daten.</li>
<a id="Weather-attr-forecastLimit"></a>
<li><i>forecastLimit</i> - Anzahl der Forecast-Datens&auml;tze welche als Reading geschrieben werden sollen.</li>
<a id="Weather-attr-alerts"></a>
<li><i>alerts</i> - 0/1 Sollen Alert Meldungen &auml;nlich Unwetterwarnung geschrieben werden.</li>

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
UPD 2023-01-05_18:36:31 55320 FHEM/59_Weather.pm
UPD 2023-01-07_13:19:38 57768 FHEM/59_Weather.pm
UPD 2023-01-04_16:37:24 49883 lib/FHEM/APIs/Weather/DarkSkyAPI.pm
UPD 2023-01-05_19:39:00 33259 lib/FHEM/APIs/Weather/OpenWeatherMapAPI.pm
UPD 2023-01-05_19:42:34 33259 lib/FHEM/APIs/Weather/OpenWeatherMapAPI.pm
UPD 2023-01-04_16:37:24 36090 lib/FHEM/APIs/Weather/wundergroundAPI.pm

hooks/commit-msg Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# An example hook script to check the commit log message.
# Called by "git commit" with one argument, the name of the file
# that has the commit message. The hook should exit with non-zero
# status after issuing an appropriate message if it wants to stop the
# commit. The hook is allowed to edit the commit message file.
# To enable this hook, rename this file to "commit-msg".
# Uncomment the below to add a Signed-off-by line to the message.
# Doing this in a hook is a bad idea in general, but the prepare-commit-msg
# hook is more suited to it.
# SOB=$(git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT | sed -n 's/^\(.*>\).*$/Signed-off-by: \1/p')
# grep -qs "^$SOB" "$1" || echo "$SOB" >> "$1"
# This example catches duplicate Signed-off-by lines.
commit_msg=$(cat "${1:?Missing commit message file}")
test "" = "$(grep '^Signed-off-by: ' "$1" |
sort | uniq -c | sed -e '/^[ ]*1[ ]/d')" || {
echo >&2 Duplicate Signed-off-by lines.
exit 1
if ! echo "$commit_msg" | grep -Eq "^(build|chore|ci|docs|feat|feat!|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\(.+\))?: .*$" ; then
echo "Invalid commit message"
exit 1
echo "Commit message is valid!"

hooks/post-commit Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
set -eu
# destination of the final changelog file
# generate the changelog
git --no-pager log --no-merges --format="### %s%d%n>%aD%n%n>Author: %aN (%aE)%n%n>Commiter: %cN (%cE)%n%n%b%n%N%n" > $OUTPUT_FILE
# prevent recursion!
# since a 'commit --amend' will trigger the post-commit script again
# we have to check if the changelog file has changed or not
res=$(git status --porcelain | grep -c ".\$OUTPUT_FILE$")
if [ "$res" -gt 0 ]; then
git add $OUTPUT_FILE
git commit --amend
echo "Populated Changelog in $OUTPUT_FILE"