diff --git a/59_Weather.pm b/59_Weather.pm
index ab2e6f4..c8c6731 100755
--- a/59_Weather.pm
+++ b/59_Weather.pm
@@ -269,8 +269,9 @@ sub Weather_Initialize($) {
     $hash->{SetFn}   = 'Weather_Set';
     $hash->{AttrList} =
         'disable:0,1 '
-      . 'forecast:hourly,daily,every,off '
+      . 'forecast:multiple-strict,hourly,daily '
       . 'forecastLimit '
+      . 'alerts:0,1 '
       . $readingFnAttributes;
     $hash->{NotifyFn} = 'Weather_Notify';
@@ -328,7 +329,12 @@ sub Weather_RetrieveCallbackFn($) {
 sub Weather_WriteReadings($$) {
     my ( $hash, $dataRef ) = @_;
-    my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+    my $name    = $hash->{NAME};
+    my $hourly  = ( AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', '' ) =~ m{hourly}xms ? 1: 0 );
+    my $daily   = ( AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', '' ) =~ m{daily}xms ? 1 : 0 );
+    my $alerts  = ( AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', '' ) =~ m{alerts}xms ? 1 : 0 );
     # delete some unused readings
@@ -381,16 +387,15 @@ sub Weather_WriteReadings($$) {
     ### forecast
-    if ( ref( $dataRef->{forecast} ) eq 'HASH'
-        and AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'every' ) ne 'off' )
+    if (  ref( $dataRef->{forecast} ) eq 'HASH'
+      and ($hourly or $daily) )
         ## hourly
         if (
                 defined( $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} )
             and ref( $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} ) eq 'ARRAY'
             and scalar( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} } ) > 0
-            and (  AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'every' ) eq 'every'
-                or AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'hourly' ) eq 'hourly' )
+            and $hourly
             my $i = 0;
@@ -445,8 +450,7 @@ sub Weather_WriteReadings($$) {
                 defined( $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} )
             and ref( $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} ) eq 'ARRAY'
             and scalar( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} } ) > 0
-            and (  AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'every' ) eq 'every'
-                or AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'daily' ) eq 'daily' )
+            and $daily
             my $i = 0;
@@ -496,6 +500,16 @@ sub Weather_WriteReadings($$) {
+    if (  ref( $dataRef->{alerts} ) eq 'HASH'
+      and $alerts )
+    {
+      while ( my ( $r, $v ) = each %{ $dataRef->{alerts} } ) {
+            readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $r, $v )
+              if (  ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'HASH'
+                and ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'ARRAY' );
+        }
+    }
     my $val = 'T: '
       . $dataRef->{current}->{temperature} . ' °C' . ' '
       . substr( $status_items_txt_i18n{1}, 0, 1 ) . ': '
@@ -529,7 +543,7 @@ sub Weather_GetUpdate($) {
         Weather_RearmTimer( $hash, gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL} );
     else {
-        #       Weather_RetrieveData($name, 0);
+        $hash->{fhem}->{api}->{exclude} = Weather_parseForcastAttr($hash);
@@ -537,6 +551,20 @@ sub Weather_GetUpdate($) {
+sub Weather_parseForcastAttr {
+    my $hash      = shift;
+    my $name      = $hash->{NAME};
+    my @exclude   = qw 'alerts minutely hourly daily';
+    my @forecast  = split(',',AttrVal($name,'forcast','') . (AttrVal($name,'alerts',0) ? ',alerts' : ''));
+    my %exclude =();
+    @exclude{@exclude} = @exclude;
+    delete @exclude{@forecast};
+    return join(',',keys %exclude);
 sub Weather_Get($@) {
     my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
@@ -712,6 +740,7 @@ sub Weather_Define($$) {
             location   => $hash->{fhem}->{LOCATION},
             apioptions => $hash->{APIOPTIONS},
             language   => $hash->{LANG}
+            exclude    => Weather_parseForcastAttr($hash),
@@ -1373,7 +1402,7 @@ sub WeatherCheckOptions($@) {
   "release_status": "stable",
   "license": "GPL_2",
-  "version": "v2.1.4",
+  "version": "v2.2.5",
   "author": [
     "Marko Oldenburg <leongaultier@gmail.com>"
diff --git a/OpenWeatherMapAPI.pm b/OpenWeatherMapAPI.pm
index 7fb5876..eb9b224 100644
--- a/OpenWeatherMapAPI.pm
+++ b/OpenWeatherMapAPI.pm
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ eval { use Readonly; 1 }
 Readonly my $URL => 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/';
 ## URL . 'weather?' for current data
-## URL . 'forecast?' for forecast data
+## URL . 'onecall?' for forecast data
 my %codes = (
     200 => 45,
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ sub new {
         long      => ( split( ',', $argsRef->{location} ) )[1],
         fetchTime => 0,
         endpoint  => 'none',
+        exclude   => $argsRef->{exclude},
     $self->{cachemaxage} = (
@@ -201,8 +202,9 @@ sub new {
         ? $apioptions->{cachemaxage}
         : 900
-    $self->{cached} = _CreateForecastRef($self);
+    $self->{cached} = _CreateForecastRef($self);
     bless $self, $class;
     return $self;
@@ -315,7 +317,8 @@ sub _RetrieveDataFromOpenWeatherMap {
           . $self->{long} . '&'
           . 'APPID='
           . $self->{key} . '&' . 'lang='
-          . $self->{lang};
+          . $self->{lang} . '&' . 'exclude='
+          . $self->{exclude};
@@ -369,7 +372,8 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
             else {
                 ### Debug
-                #                 print 'Response: ' . Dumper $data;
+                        # print '!!! DEBUG !!! - Endpoint: ' . $self->{endpoint} . "\n";
+                        # print '!!! DEBUG !!! - Response: ' . Dumper $data;
                 ###### Ab hier wird die ResponseHash Referenze für die Rückgabe zusammen gestellt
                 $self->{cached}->{current_date_time} =
                   strftimeWrapper( "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M",
@@ -489,7 +493,7 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
-                                                      ->{main}->{temp} - 273.15
+                                                      ->{temp} - 273.15
                                             ) + 0.5
@@ -498,52 +502,12 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
-                                                      ->{main}->{temp} - 273.15
-                                                )
-                                            ) + 0.5
-                                        ),
-                                        'low_c' => int(
-                                            sprintf(
-                                                "%.1f",
-                                                (
-                                                    $data->{hourly}->[$i]
-                                                      ->{main}->{temp_min} -
-                                                      273.15
-                                                )
-                                            ) + 0.5
-                                        ),
-                                        'high_c' => int(
-                                            sprintf(
-                                                "%.1f",
-                                                (
-                                                    $data->{hourly}->[$i]
-                                                      ->{main}->{temp_max} -
-                                                      273.15
-                                                )
-                                            ) + 0.5
-                                        ),
-                                        'tempLow' => int(
-                                            sprintf(
-                                                "%.1f",
-                                                (
-                                                    $data->{hourly}->[$i]
-                                                      ->{main}->{temp_min} -
-                                                      273.15
-                                                )
-                                            ) + 0.5
-                                        ),
-                                        'tempHigh' => int(
-                                            sprintf(
-                                                "%.1f",
-                                                (
-                                                    $data->{hourly}->[$i]
-                                                      ->{main}->{temp_max} -
-                                                      273.15
+                                                      ->{temp} - 273.15
                                             ) + 0.5
                                         'humidity' =>
-                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{main}
+                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]
                                         'condition' => encode_utf8(
@@ -551,7 +515,7 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
                                         'pressure' => int(
                                             sprintf( "%.1f",
-                                                $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{main}
+                                                $data->{hourly}->[$i]
                                                   ->{pressure} ) + 0.5
                                         'wind' => int(
@@ -559,7 +523,7 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
-                                                      ->{wind}->{speed} * 3.6
+                                                      ->{wind_speed} * 3.6
                                             ) + 0.5
@@ -568,7 +532,7 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
-                                                      ->{wind}->{speed} * 3.6
+                                                      ->{wind_speed} * 3.6
                                             ) + 0.5
@@ -577,13 +541,13 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
-                                                      ->{wind}->{gust} * 3.6
+                                                      ->{wind_gust} * 3.6
                                             ) + 0.5
                                         'cloudCover' =>
-                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{clouds}
-                                          ->{all},
+                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]
+                                          ->{clouds},
                                         'code' => $codes{
@@ -592,13 +556,9 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
                                         'rain1h' =>
-                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{rain}->{'1h'},
-                                        'rain3h' =>
-                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{rain}->{'3h'},
+                                         $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{rain}->{'1h'},
                                         'snow1h' =>
-                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{snow}->{'1h'},
-                                        'snow3h' =>
-                                          $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{snow}->{'3h'},
+                                         $data->{hourly}->[$i]->{snow}->{'1h'},
@@ -673,6 +633,69 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
                                             ) + 0.5
+                                        'temperature_morn' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]
+                                                      ->{temp}->{morn} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
+                                        'temperature_eve' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]
+                                                      ->{temp}->{eve} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
+                                        'temperature_night' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]
+                                                      ->{temp}->{night} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
+                                        'tempFeelsLike_morn' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]
+                                                      ->{feels_like}->{morn} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
+                                        'tempFeelsLike_eve' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]
+                                                      ->{feels_like}->{eve} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
+                                        'tempFeelsLike_night' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]
+                                                      ->{feels_like}->{night} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
+                                        'tempFeelsLike_day' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]
+                                                      ->{feels_like}->{day} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
                                         'temp_c' => int(
@@ -718,6 +741,14 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
                                             ) + 0.5
+                                        'dew_point' => int(
+                                            sprintf(
+                                                "%.1f",
+                                                (
+                                                    $data->{daily}->[$i]->{dew_point} - 273.15
+                                                )
+                                            ) + 0.5
+                                        ),
                                         'humidity' =>
                                         'condition' => encode_utf8(
@@ -783,6 +814,47 @@ sub _ProcessingRetrieveData {
+                        if ( ref( $data->{alerts} ) eq "ARRAY"
+                            && scalar( @{ $data->{alerts} } ) > 0 )
+                        {
+                            ## löschen des alten Datensatzes
+                            delete $self->{cached}->{alerts};
+                            my $i = 0;
+                            for ( @{ $data->{alerts} } ) {
+                                push(
+                                    @{ $self->{cached}->{alerts} },
+                                    {
+                                        'warn_'.$i.'_End' => strftimeWrapper(
+                                            "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M",
+                                            localtime(
+                                                ( $data->{alerts}->[$i]->{end} )
+                                                - 3600
+                                            )
+                                        ),
+                                        'warn_'.$i.'_Start' => strftimeWrapper(
+                                            "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M",
+                                            localtime(
+                                                ( $data->{alerts}->[$i]->{start} )
+                                                - 3600
+                                            )
+                                        ),
+                                        'warn_'.$i.'_Description' => encode_utf8(
+                                            $data->{alerts}->[$i]->{description}
+                                        ),
+                                        'warn_'.$i.'_SenderName' => encode_utf8(
+                                            $data->{alerts}->[$i]->{sender_name}
+                                        ),
+                                        'warn_'.$i.'_Event' => encode_utf8(
+                                            $data->{alerts}->[$i]->{event}
+                                        ),
+                                    },
+                                );
+                                $i++;
+                            }
+                        }
diff --git a/fhem-2022-11.log b/fhem-2022-11.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dba360..0000000
--- a/fhem-2022-11.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1523 +0,0 @@
-!!!DEBUG!!! Endpoint ist: weather!!!DEBUG!!! Response DATA: $VAR1 = {
-          'id' => 2935132,
-          'main' => {
-                      'grnd_level' => 996,
-                      'temp_min' => '275.94',
-                      'temp' => '276.64',
-                      'feels_like' => '271.67',
-                      'pressure' => 1002,
-                      'temp_max' => '277.57',
-                      'humidity' => 90,
-                      'sea_level' => 1002
-                    },
-          'cod' => 200,
-          'coord' => {
-                       'lat' => '52.3901',
-                       'lon' => '13.1968'
-                     },
-          'timezone' => 3600,
-          'weather' => [
-                         {
-                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                           'id' => 804,
-                           'icon' => '04n'
-                         }
-                       ],
-          'wind' => {
-                      'gust' => '12.2',
-                      'speed' => '7.14',
-                      'deg' => 103
-                    },
-          'name' => 'Dreilinden',
-          'clouds' => {
-                        'all' => 100
-                      },
-          'sys' => {
-                     'id' => 2038087,
-                     'sunrise' => 1668666709,
-                     'sunset' => 1668697964,
-                     'type' => 2,
-                     'country' => 'DE'
-                   },
-          'dt' => 1668708257,
-          'visibility' => 10000,
-          'base' => 'stations'
-        };
-!!!DEBUG!!! Endpoint ist: onecall!!!DEBUG!!! Response DATA: $VAR1 = {
-          'timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
-          'timezone_offset' => 3600,
-          'daily' => [
-                       {
-                         'sunset' => 1668697964,
-                         'moonrise' => 0,
-                         'humidity' => 76,
-                         'clouds' => 100,
-                         'wind_gust' => '13.89',
-                         'pressure' => 1003,
-                         'dt' => 1668679200,
-                         'moonset' => 1668690780,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'morn' => '272.6',
-                                           'eve' => '272.24',
-                                           'night' => '271.21',
-                                           'day' => '273.02'
-                                         },
-                         'dew_point' => '274.06',
-                         'sunrise' => 1668666709,
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'main' => 'Rain',
-                                          'description' => 'Leichter Regen',
-                                          'id' => 500,
-                                          'icon' => '10d'
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'rain' => '1.54',
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'morn' => '277.24',
-                                     'eve' => '277.13',
-                                     'max' => '278.68',
-                                     'night' => '275.86',
-                                     'min' => '275.86',
-                                     'day' => '277.91'
-                                   },
-                         'uvi' => '0.61',
-                         'wind_speed' => '7.97',
-                         'moon_phase' => '0.78',
-                         'pop' => '0.73',
-                         'wind_deg' => 109
-                       },
-                       {
-                         'moon_phase' => '0.81',
-                         'uvi' => '0.57',
-                         'wind_speed' => '6.3',
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'night' => '271.21',
-                                     'eve' => '274.04',
-                                     'morn' => '274.75',
-                                     'max' => '276.16',
-                                     'day' => '274.87',
-                                     'min' => '271.21'
-                                   },
-                         'wind_deg' => 80,
-                         'pop' => '0.64',
-                         'dew_point' => '266.1',
-                         'sunrise' => 1668753214,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'day' => '269.75',
-                                           'night' => '268.07',
-                                           'eve' => '269.54',
-                                           'morn' => '269.65'
-                                         },
-                         'moonset' => 1668777900,
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'icon' => '04d',
-                                          'id' => 804,
-                                          'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                          'description' => 'Bedeckt'
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'wind_gust' => 13,
-                         'clouds' => 88,
-                         'pressure' => 1008,
-                         'dt' => 1668765600,
-                         'sunset' => 1668784284,
-                         'humidity' => 52,
-                         'moonrise' => 1668726960
-                       },
-                       {
-                         'dew_point' => '266.22',
-                         'sunrise' => 1668839718,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'eve' => '269.78',
-                                           'morn' => '267.78',
-                                           'day' => '273.08',
-                                           'night' => '267.39'
-                                         },
-                         'moonset' => 1668865020,
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                          'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                          'id' => 804,
-                                          'icon' => '04d'
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'moon_phase' => '0.84',
-                         'wind_speed' => '2.23',
-                         'uvi' => '0.68',
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'min' => '270.22',
-                                     'day' => '273.08',
-                                     'max' => '274.08',
-                                     'morn' => '270.31',
-                                     'eve' => '271.57',
-                                     'night' => '270.35'
-                                   },
-                         'wind_deg' => 83,
-                         'pop' => 0,
-                         'sunset' => 1668870607,
-                         'humidity' => 60,
-                         'moonrise' => 1668817920,
-                         'wind_gust' => '3.93',
-                         'clouds' => 98,
-                         'pressure' => 1015,
-                         'dt' => 1668852000
-                       },
-                       {
-                         'wind_deg' => 163,
-                         'pop' => 0,
-                         'moon_phase' => '0.87',
-                         'wind_speed' => '3.12',
-                         'uvi' => '0.63',
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'night' => '273.94',
-                                     'eve' => '275.16',
-                                     'morn' => '269.75',
-                                     'max' => '275.87',
-                                     'day' => '272.53',
-                                     'min' => '269.57'
-                                   },
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'id' => 800,
-                                          'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                          'main' => 'Clear',
-                                          'icon' => '01d'
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'dew_point' => '267.18',
-                         'sunrise' => 1668926222,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'night' => '270.5',
-                                           'day' => '269.52',
-                                           'morn' => '266.49',
-                                           'eve' => '272.45'
-                                         },
-                         'moonset' => 1668952080,
-                         'dt' => 1668938400,
-                         'clouds' => 8,
-                         'pressure' => 1010,
-                         'wind_gust' => '7.87',
-                         'humidity' => 67,
-                         'moonrise' => 1668908880,
-                         'sunset' => 1668956932
-                       },
-                       {
-                         'sunrise' => 1669012725,
-                         'dew_point' => '275.1',
-                         'moonset' => 1669039200,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'day' => '274.08',
-                                           'night' => '271.6',
-                                           'eve' => '274.02',
-                                           'morn' => '271.39'
-                                         },
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'id' => 804,
-                                          'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                          'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                          'icon' => '04d'
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'moon_phase' => '0.91',
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'day' => '276.85',
-                                     'min' => '274.31',
-                                     'night' => '274.53',
-                                     'max' => '277.63',
-                                     'morn' => '274.31',
-                                     'eve' => '276.43'
-                                   },
-                         'wind_speed' => '3.04',
-                         'uvi' => '0.58',
-                         'pop' => '0.02',
-                         'wind_deg' => 171,
-                         'sunset' => 1669043260,
-                         'moonrise' => 1669000020,
-                         'humidity' => 88,
-                         'clouds' => 100,
-                         'pressure' => 1009,
-                         'wind_gust' => '9.03',
-                         'dt' => 1669024800
-                       },
-                       {
-                         'sunset' => 1669129590,
-                         'humidity' => 82,
-                         'moonrise' => 1669091460,
-                         'clouds' => 48,
-                         'wind_gust' => '7.23',
-                         'pressure' => 1005,
-                         'dt' => 1669111200,
-                         'dew_point' => '272.56',
-                         'sunrise' => 1669099226,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'eve' => '273.5',
-                                           'morn' => '270.61',
-                                           'day' => '271.81',
-                                           'night' => '271.49'
-                                         },
-                         'moonset' => 1669126500,
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'id' => 802,
-                                          'description' => "M\x{e4}\x{df}ig bew\x{f6}lkt",
-                                          'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                          'icon' => '03d'
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'moon_phase' => '0.94',
-                         'wind_speed' => '3.77',
-                         'uvi' => '0.55',
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'day' => '275.39',
-                                     'min' => '273.06',
-                                     'night' => '274.03',
-                                     'morn' => '273.73',
-                                     'eve' => '276.24',
-                                     'max' => '278.19'
-                                   },
-                         'wind_deg' => 110,
-                         'pop' => 0
-                       },
-                       {
-                         'wind_gust' => '3.49',
-                         'clouds' => 100,
-                         'pressure' => 1007,
-                         'dt' => 1669197600,
-                         'sunset' => 1669215923,
-                         'humidity' => 78,
-                         'moonrise' => 1669183200,
-                         'moon_phase' => 0,
-                         'wind_speed' => '2.07',
-                         'uvi' => 1,
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'morn' => '273.32',
-                                     'eve' => '275.73',
-                                     'max' => '276.61',
-                                     'night' => '274.34',
-                                     'min' => '273.32',
-                                     'day' => '274.89'
-                                   },
-                         'wind_deg' => 103,
-                         'pop' => '0.02',
-                         'dew_point' => '271.43',
-                         'sunrise' => 1669185726,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'night' => '274.34',
-                                           'day' => '272.93',
-                                           'eve' => '275.73',
-                                           'morn' => '270.81'
-                                         },
-                         'moonset' => 1669214100,
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'icon' => '04d',
-                                          'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                          'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                          'id' => 804
-                                        }
-                                      ]
-                       },
-                       {
-                         'moonrise' => 1669275060,
-                         'humidity' => 79,
-                         'sunset' => 1669302259,
-                         'dt' => 1669284000,
-                         'pressure' => 1013,
-                         'clouds' => 73,
-                         'wind_gust' => '2.19',
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'icon' => '04d',
-                                          'id' => 803,
-                                          'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                          'description' => "\x{dc}berwiegend bew\x{f6}lkt"
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'moonset' => 1669302240,
-                         'feels_like' => {
-                                           'eve' => '275.96',
-                                           'morn' => '274.91',
-                                           'night' => '271.47',
-                                           'day' => '274.51'
-                                         },
-                         'dew_point' => '272.35',
-                         'sunrise' => 1669272225,
-                         'pop' => 0,
-                         'wind_deg' => 137,
-                         'temp' => {
-                                     'night' => '273.77',
-                                     'morn' => '274.91',
-                                     'eve' => '275.96',
-                                     'max' => '278.22',
-                                     'day' => '275.67',
-                                     'min' => '273.62'
-                                   },
-                         'uvi' => 1,
-                         'wind_speed' => '1.96',
-                         'moon_phase' => '0.02'
-                       }
-                     ],
-          'lon' => '13.1968',
-          'hourly' => [
-                        {
-                          'feels_like' => '271.67',
-                          'dew_point' => '275.16',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'icon' => '04n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '7.14',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '276.64',
-                          'wind_deg' => 103,
-                          'pop' => '0.42',
-                          'humidity' => 90,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.2',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1002,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668708000
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'feels_like' => '271.74',
-                          'dew_point' => '274.82',
-                          'rain' => {
-                                      '1h' => '0.42'
-                                    },
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '10n',
-                                           'id' => 500,
-                                           'description' => 'Leichter Regen',
-                                           'main' => 'Rain'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.88',
-                          'temp' => '276.62',
-                          'wind_deg' => 100,
-                          'pop' => '0.61',
-                          'humidity' => 88,
-                          'pressure' => 1002,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.71',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668711600
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'feels_like' => '271.59',
-                          'dew_point' => '274.76',
-                          'rain' => {
-                                      '1h' => '0.75'
-                                    },
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '10n',
-                                           'id' => 500,
-                                           'description' => 'Leichter Regen',
-                                           'main' => 'Rain'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '276.4',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.56',
-                          'pop' => '0.66',
-                          'wind_deg' => 98,
-                          'humidity' => 89,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.75',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1002,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668715200
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'pop' => '0.73',
-                          'wind_deg' => 97,
-                          'temp' => '276.07',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.28',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'main' => 'Rain',
-                                           'description' => 'Leichter Regen',
-                                           'id' => 500,
-                                           'icon' => '10n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'rain' => {
-                                      '1h' => '0.22'
-                                    },
-                          'feels_like' => '271.28',
-                          'dew_point' => '274.9',
-                          'visibility' => 7053,
-                          'dt' => 1668718800,
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.69',
-                          'pressure' => 1003,
-                          'humidity' => 92
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'pop' => '0.72',
-                          'wind_deg' => 94,
-                          'temp' => '275.86',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.85',
-                          'rain' => {
-                                      '1h' => '0.15'
-                                    },
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '10n',
-                                           'description' => 'Leichter Regen',
-                                           'main' => 'Rain',
-                                           'id' => 500
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '271.21',
-                          'dew_point' => '274.39',
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668722400,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.01',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1003,
-                          'humidity' => 90
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'dew_point' => '273.5',
-                          'feels_like' => '271.19',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'icon' => '04n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.62',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '275.76',
-                          'wind_deg' => 93,
-                          'pop' => '0.64',
-                          'humidity' => 85,
-                          'wind_gust' => '11.28',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1003,
-                          'dt' => 1668726000,
-                          'visibility' => 10000
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04n',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '271.25',
-                          'dew_point' => '272.46',
-                          'pop' => '0.6',
-                          'wind_deg' => 89,
-                          'temp' => '275.81',
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.63',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'humidity' => 79,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668729600,
-                          'wind_gust' => '10.97',
-                          'pressure' => 1003,
-                          'clouds' => 100
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'wind_gust' => '11.12',
-                          'pressure' => 1003,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668733200,
-                          'humidity' => 74,
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.94',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '275.68',
-                          'wind_deg' => 84,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'feels_like' => '270.94',
-                          'dew_point' => '271.41',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04n',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ]
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 72,
-                          'wind_gust' => '10.72',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1004,
-                          'dt' => 1668736800,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dew_point' => '270.95',
-                          'feels_like' => '271.04',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04n',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '275.45',
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.14',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 89
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'icon' => '04n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '270.61',
-                          'dew_point' => '270.75',
-                          'wind_deg' => 84,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.34',
-                          'temp' => '275.19',
-                          'humidity' => 73,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668740400,
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'wind_gust' => '10.26',
-                          'pressure' => 1004
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 77,
-                          'temp' => '274.75',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.17',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'icon' => '04n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'dew_point' => '270.39',
-                          'feels_like' => '269.65',
-                          'dt' => 1668744000,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'wind_gust' => '11.93',
-                          'pressure' => 1004,
-                          'humidity' => 73
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_deg' => 80,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.09',
-                          'temp' => '274.27',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04n',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'dew_point' => '269.84',
-                          'feels_like' => '269.08',
-                          'dt' => 1668747600,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.46',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1005,
-                          'humidity' => 72
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 72,
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.57',
-                          'pressure' => 1005,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668751200,
-                          'feels_like' => '268.51',
-                          'dew_point' => '269.29',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'icon' => '04n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.08',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '273.82',
-                          'wind_deg' => 80,
-                          'pop' => 0
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 69,
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'wind_gust' => 13,
-                          'pressure' => 1006,
-                          'dt' => 1668754800,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dew_point' => '268.4',
-                          'feels_like' => '268.05',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.12',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '273.47',
-                          'wind_deg' => 79,
-                          'pop' => 0
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'dew_point' => '267.74',
-                          'feels_like' => '268.16',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'icon' => '04d'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '273.49',
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.94',
-                          'uvi' => '0.06',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 80,
-                          'humidity' => 65,
-                          'clouds' => 99,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.76',
-                          'pressure' => 1007,
-                          'dt' => 1668758400,
-                          'visibility' => 10000
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_deg' => 80,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.08',
-                          'uvi' => '0.16',
-                          'temp' => '274.01',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'dew_point' => '266.97',
-                          'feels_like' => '268.75',
-                          'dt' => 1668762000,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'clouds' => 98,
-                          'wind_gust' => '12.35',
-                          'pressure' => 1008,
-                          'humidity' => 59
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_deg' => 82,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'uvi' => '0.47',
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.28',
-                          'temp' => '274.87',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '269.75',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.1',
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668765600,
-                          'pressure' => 1008,
-                          'wind_gust' => '10.99',
-                          'clouds' => 88,
-                          'humidity' => 52
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => "\x{dc}berwiegend bew\x{f6}lkt",
-                                           'id' => 803
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '270.78',
-                          'dew_point' => '265.68',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 80,
-                          'temp' => '275.68',
-                          'uvi' => '0.57',
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.3',
-                          'humidity' => 48,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668769200,
-                          'wind_gust' => '9.62',
-                          'clouds' => 75,
-                          'pressure' => 1008
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 803,
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => "\x{dc}berwiegend bew\x{f6}lkt",
-                                           'icon' => '04d'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '271.45',
-                          'dew_point' => '265.86',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 79,
-                          'temp' => '276.11',
-                          'uvi' => '0.51',
-                          'wind_speed' => '6.01',
-                          'humidity' => 47,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668772800,
-                          'clouds' => 63,
-                          'wind_gust' => '8.61',
-                          'pressure' => 1009
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668776400,
-                          'wind_gust' => '7.9',
-                          'clouds' => 2,
-                          'pressure' => 1009,
-                          'humidity' => 48,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 78,
-                          'temp' => '276.16',
-                          'uvi' => '0.44',
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.55',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'icon' => '01d'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '271.73',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.24'
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '01d',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'id' => 800
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '271.33',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.57',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 76,
-                          'temp' => '275.71',
-                          'uvi' => '0.21',
-                          'wind_speed' => '5.21',
-                          'humidity' => 51,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668780000,
-                          'clouds' => 4,
-                          'wind_gust' => '8.05',
-                          'pressure' => 1009
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'icon' => '01d'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'dew_point' => '266.69',
-                          'feels_like' => '270.22',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 72,
-                          'temp' => '274.72',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '4.96',
-                          'humidity' => 55,
-                          'dt' => 1668783600,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'wind_gust' => '9.04',
-                          'clouds' => 4,
-                          'pressure' => 1010
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 59,
-                          'pressure' => 1011,
-                          'wind_gust' => '9.44',
-                          'clouds' => 4,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668787200,
-                          'feels_like' => '269.54',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.84',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '01n',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'id' => 800
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '4.66',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '274.04',
-                          'wind_deg' => 71,
-                          'pop' => 0
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 61,
-                          'wind_gust' => '9.44',
-                          'clouds' => 4,
-                          'pressure' => 1011,
-                          'dt' => 1668790800,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dew_point' => '267.02',
-                          'feels_like' => '269.16',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '01n',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '273.61',
-                          'wind_speed' => '4.42',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 69
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_deg' => 70,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '4.1',
-                          'temp' => '273.15',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'icon' => '01n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'dew_point' => '267.15',
-                          'feels_like' => '268.8',
-                          'dt' => 1668794400,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'wind_gust' => '9.24',
-                          'clouds' => 4,
-                          'pressure' => 1012,
-                          'humidity' => 64
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 73,
-                          'temp' => '272.53',
-                          'wind_speed' => '3.54',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '01n',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '268.45',
-                          'dew_point' => '267.17',
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668798000,
-                          'clouds' => 5,
-                          'wind_gust' => '8.35',
-                          'pressure' => 1012,
-                          'humidity' => 67
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'icon' => '01n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'dew_point' => '267.15',
-                          'feels_like' => '268.23',
-                          'wind_deg' => 73,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '2.94',
-                          'temp' => '271.92',
-                          'humidity' => 70,
-                          'dt' => 1668801600,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'clouds' => 3,
-                          'wind_gust' => '7.03',
-                          'pressure' => 1013
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_speed' => '2.48',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '271.4',
-                          'wind_deg' => 76,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'feels_like' => '268.08',
-                          'dew_point' => '267.11',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '01n',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'clouds' => 4,
-                          'wind_gust' => '5.24',
-                          'pressure' => 1013,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668805200,
-                          'humidity' => 73
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 74,
-                          'wind_gust' => '4.22',
-                          'clouds' => 22,
-                          'pressure' => 1013,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668808800,
-                          'feels_like' => '268.07',
-                          'dew_point' => '267.07',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 801,
-                                           'description' => 'Ein paar Wolken',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'icon' => '02n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '2.29',
-                          'temp' => '271.21',
-                          'wind_deg' => 82,
-                          'pop' => 0
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'dew_point' => '267.06',
-                          'feels_like' => '268.01',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '03n',
-                                           'id' => 802,
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => "M\x{e4}\x{df}ig bew\x{f6}lkt"
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '271.1',
-                          'wind_speed' => '2.23',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 83,
-                          'humidity' => 74,
-                          'wind_gust' => '3.93',
-                          'pressure' => 1014,
-                          'clouds' => 27,
-                          'dt' => 1668812400,
-                          'visibility' => 10000
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 76,
-                          'clouds' => 24,
-                          'wind_gust' => '3.47',
-                          'pressure' => 1014,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668816000,
-                          'feels_like' => '267.7',
-                          'dew_point' => '267.03',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 801,
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Ein paar Wolken',
-                                           'icon' => '02n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '2.22',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '270.82',
-                          'wind_deg' => 77,
-                          'pop' => 0
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'feels_like' => '267.7',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.98',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'icon' => '01n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '270.64',
-                          'wind_speed' => '2.05',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 77,
-                          'humidity' => 76,
-                          'clouds' => 5,
-                          'wind_gust' => '3.07',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668819600
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'clouds' => 5,
-                          'wind_gust' => '2.83',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'dt' => 1668823200,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'humidity' => 77,
-                          'temp' => '270.51',
-                          'wind_speed' => 2,
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 76,
-                          'dew_point' => '266.93',
-                          'feels_like' => '267.62',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '01n',
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'main' => 'Clear'
-                                         }
-                                       ]
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'dew_point' => '266.86',
-                          'feels_like' => '267.66',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 800,
-                                           'main' => 'Clear',
-                                           'description' => 'Klarer Himmel',
-                                           'icon' => '01n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.88',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '270.4',
-                          'wind_deg' => 83,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'humidity' => 77,
-                          'wind_gust' => '2.57',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'clouds' => 5,
-                          'dt' => 1668826800,
-                          'visibility' => 10000
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 77,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668830400,
-                          'wind_gust' => '2.32',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'clouds' => 12,
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'description' => 'Ein paar Wolken',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 801,
-                                           'icon' => '02n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '267.78',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.78',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 79,
-                          'temp' => '270.31',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.73'
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 76,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668834000,
-                          'clouds' => 30,
-                          'wind_gust' => '2.17',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 802,
-                                           'description' => "M\x{e4}\x{df}ig bew\x{f6}lkt",
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'icon' => '03n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '268.16',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.72',
-                          'wind_deg' => 100,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.58',
-                          'temp' => '270.43'
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'temp' => '270.22',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.41',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 91,
-                          'dew_point' => '266.64',
-                          'feels_like' => '268.22',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 802,
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => "M\x{e4}\x{df}ig bew\x{f6}lkt",
-                                           'icon' => '03n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'clouds' => 41,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.88',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'dt' => 1668837600,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'humidity' => 77
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.24',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'temp' => '270.4',
-                          'wind_deg' => 106,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'feels_like' => '270.4',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.59',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.75',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668841200,
-                          'humidity' => 76
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668844800,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.9',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'humidity' => 71,
-                          'wind_deg' => 130,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'uvi' => '0.15',
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.18',
-                          'temp' => '271.29',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '271.29',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.61'
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'humidity' => 65,
-                          'dt' => 1668848400,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'clouds' => 97,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.69',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'dew_point' => '266.47',
-                          'feels_like' => '272.33',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 134,
-                          'temp' => '272.33',
-                          'uvi' => '0.36',
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.25'
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'clouds' => 98,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.48',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668852000,
-                          'humidity' => 60,
-                          'temp' => '273.08',
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.18',
-                          'uvi' => '0.57',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 140,
-                          'feels_like' => '273.08',
-                          'dew_point' => '266.22',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'icon' => '04d'
-                                         }
-                                       ]
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'feels_like' => '273.67',
-                          'dew_point' => '265.95',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.02',
-                          'uvi' => '0.68',
-                          'temp' => '273.67',
-                          'wind_deg' => 156,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'humidity' => 56,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.09',
-                          'clouds' => 98,
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668855600
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_deg' => 154,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '0.98',
-                          'uvi' => '0.62',
-                          'temp' => '273.98',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'icon' => '04d'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'feels_like' => '273.98',
-                          'dew_point' => '265.74',
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668859200,
-                          'clouds' => 99,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.17',
-                          'pressure' => 1015,
-                          'humidity' => 54
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.15',
-                          'uvi' => '0.41',
-                          'temp' => '274.08',
-                          'wind_deg' => 149,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'dew_point' => '265.58',
-                          'feels_like' => '274.08',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04d',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.38',
-                          'clouds' => 100,
-                          'pressure' => 1014,
-                          'dt' => 1668862800,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'humidity' => 53
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'feels_like' => '273.78',
-                          'dew_point' => '265.76',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'icon' => '04d'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '273.78',
-                          'uvi' => '0.19',
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.23',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 149,
-                          'humidity' => 55,
-                          'clouds' => 99,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.71',
-                          'pressure' => 1014,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668866400
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'temp' => '272.43',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.43',
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 153,
-                          'dew_point' => '265.65',
-                          'feels_like' => '270.69',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => 'Bedeckt',
-                                           'id' => 804,
-                                           'icon' => '04d'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'pressure' => 1014,
-                          'wind_gust' => '2.08',
-                          'clouds' => 86,
-                          'dt' => 1668870000,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'humidity' => 60
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.95',
-                          'clouds' => 68,
-                          'pressure' => 1014,
-                          'dt' => 1668873600,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'humidity' => 64,
-                          'temp' => '271.57',
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.39',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 159,
-                          'dew_point' => '265.63',
-                          'feels_like' => '269.78',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'icon' => '04n',
-                                           'id' => 803,
-                                           'description' => "\x{dc}berwiegend bew\x{f6}lkt",
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds'
-                                         }
-                                       ]
-                        },
-                        {
-                          'feels_like' => '269.44',
-                          'dew_point' => '265.63',
-                          'weather' => [
-                                         {
-                                           'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                           'description' => "\x{dc}berwiegend bew\x{f6}lkt",
-                                           'id' => 803,
-                                           'icon' => '04n'
-                                         }
-                                       ],
-                          'temp' => '271.2',
-                          'wind_speed' => '1.35',
-                          'uvi' => 0,
-                          'pop' => 0,
-                          'wind_deg' => 154,
-                          'humidity' => 66,
-                          'clouds' => 55,
-                          'wind_gust' => '1.89',
-                          'pressure' => 1014,
-                          'visibility' => 10000,
-                          'dt' => 1668877200
-                        }
-                      ],
-          'current' => {
-                         'wind_deg' => 103,
-                         'temp' => '276.64',
-                         'uvi' => 0,
-                         'wind_speed' => '7.14',
-                         'weather' => [
-                                        {
-                                          'icon' => '04n',
-                                          'id' => 804,
-                                          'main' => 'Clouds',
-                                          'description' => 'Bedeckt'
-                                        }
-                                      ],
-                         'feels_like' => '271.67',
-                         'dew_point' => '275.16',
-                         'sunrise' => 1668666709,
-                         'visibility' => 10000,
-                         'dt' => 1668708257,
-                         'wind_gust' => '12.2',
-                         'pressure' => 1002,
-                         'clouds' => 100,
-                         'humidity' => 90,
-                         'sunset' => 1668697964
-                       },
-          'lat' => '52.3901',
-          'alerts' => [
-                        {
-                          'tags' => [
-                                      'Extreme temperature value'
-                                    ],
-                          'end' => 1668769200,
-                          'description' => "There is a risk of frost (Level 1 of 2).
-Minimum temperature: 0 - -3 \x{b0}C",
-                          'sender_name' => 'Deutscher Wetterdienst',
-                          'start' => 1668718800,
-                          'event' => 'frost'
-                        }
-                      ]
-        };
\ No newline at end of file