############################################################################### # # Developed with Kate # # (c) 2016-2020 Copyright: Marko Oldenburg (leongaultier at gmail dot com) # All rights reserved # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # $Id$ # ############################################################################### ################################# ######### Wichtige Hinweise und Links ################# ## Beispiel für Logausgabe # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,55756.msg508412.html#msg508412 ## # ################################ package main; use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use HttpUtils; my $version = "0.7.9"; my $bridgeapi = "1.9"; my %lockActionsSmartLock = ( 'unlock' => 1, 'lock' => 2, 'unlatch' => 3, 'locknGo' => 4, 'locknGoWithUnlatch' => 5 ); my %lockActionsOpener = ( 'activateRto' => 1, 'deactivateRto' => 2, 'electricStrikeActuation' => 3, 'activateContinuousMode' => 4, 'deactivateContinuousMode' => 5 ); # Declare functions sub NUKIBridge_Initialize ($); sub NUKIBridge_Define ($$); sub NUKIBridge_Undef ($$); sub NUKIBridge_Read($@); sub NUKIBridge_Attr(@); sub NUKIBridge_addExtension($$$); sub NUKIBridge_removeExtension($); sub NUKIBridge_Set($@); sub NUKIBridge_Get($@); sub NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive($); sub NUKIBridge_firstRun($); sub NUKIBridge_Write($@); sub NUKIBridge_Distribution($$$); sub NUKIBridge_ResponseProcessing($$$); sub NUKIBridge_CGI(); sub NUKIBridge_Autocreate($$;$); sub NUKIBridge_InfoProcessing($$); sub NUKIBridge_getLogfile($); sub NUKIBridge_getCallbackList($); sub NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($@); sub NUKIBridge_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Provider $hash->{WriteFn} = "NUKIBridge_Write"; $hash->{Clients} = ':NUKIDevice:'; $hash->{MatchList} = { '1:NUKIDevice' => '^{.*}$' }; my $webhookFWinstance = join( ",", devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') ); # Consumer $hash->{SetFn} = "NUKIBridge_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "NUKIBridge_Get"; $hash->{DefFn} = "NUKIBridge_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "NUKIBridge_Undef"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "NUKIBridge_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1 ". "webhookFWinstance:$webhookFWinstance ". "webhookHttpHostname ". $readingFnAttributes; foreach my $d(sort keys %{$modules{NUKIBridge}{defptr}}) { my $hash = $modules{NUKIBridge}{defptr}{$d}; $hash->{VERSION} = $version; } } sub NUKIBridge_Define($$) { my ( $hash, $def ) = @_; my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def ); return "too few parameters: define NUKIBridge " if( @a != 4 ); my $name = $a[0]; my $host = $a[2]; my $token = $a[3]; my $port = 8080; $hash->{HOST} = $host; $hash->{PORT} = $port; $hash->{TOKEN} = $token; $hash->{VERSION} = $version; $hash->{BRIDGEAPI} = $bridgeapi; $hash->{helper}{aliveCount} = 0; my $infix = "NUKIBridge"; Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - defined with host $host on port $port, Token $token"; $attr{$name}{room} = "NUKI" if( !defined( $attr{$name}{room} ) ); if ( NUKIBridge_addExtension( $name, "NUKIBridge_CGI", $infix . "-" . $host ) ) { $hash->{fhem}{infix} = $infix; } $hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} = "unregistered"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'Initialized', 1 ); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); if( $init_done ) { NUKIBridge_firstRun($hash) if( ($hash->{HOST}) and ($hash->{TOKEN}) ); } else { InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+15, 'NUKIBridge_firstRun', $hash, 0 ) if( ($hash->{HOST}) and ($hash->{TOKEN}) ); } $modules{NUKIBridge}{defptr}{$hash->{HOST}} = $hash; return undef; } sub NUKIBridge_Undef($$) { my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_; my $host = $hash->{HOST}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if ( defined( $hash->{fhem}{infix} ) ) { NUKIBridge_removeExtension( $hash->{fhem}{infix} ); } RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); delete $modules{NUKIBridge}{defptr}{$hash->{HOST}}; return undef; } sub NUKIBridge_Attr(@) { my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $orig = $attrVal; if( $attrName eq "disable" ) { if( $cmd eq "set" and $attrVal eq "1" ) { readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "disabled", 1 ); Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - disabled"; } elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) { readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "active", 1 ); Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - enabled"; } } if( $attrName eq "disabledForIntervals" ) { if( $cmd eq "set" ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - enable disabledForIntervals"; readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "Unknown", 1 ); } elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) { readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "active", 1 ); Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - delete disabledForIntervals"; } } ###################### #### webhook ######### return "Invalid value for attribute $attrName: can only by FQDN or IPv4 or IPv6 address" if ( $attrVal && $attrName eq "webhookHttpHostname" && $attrVal !~ /^([A-Za-z_.0-9]+\.[A-Za-z_.0-9]+)|[0-9:]+$/ ); return "Invalid value for attribute $attrName: FHEMWEB instance $attrVal not existing" if ( $attrVal && $attrName eq "webhookFWinstance" && ( !defined( $defs{$attrVal} ) || $defs{$attrVal}{TYPE} ne "FHEMWEB" ) ); return "Invalid value for attribute $attrName: needs to be an integer value" if ( $attrVal && $attrName eq "webhookPort" && $attrVal !~ /^\d+$/ ); if ( $attrName =~ /^webhook.*/ ) { my $webhookHttpHostname = ( $attrName eq "webhookHttpHostname" ? $attrVal : AttrVal( $name, "webhookHttpHostname", "" ) ); my $webhookFWinstance = ( $attrName eq "webhookFWinstance" ? $attrVal : AttrVal( $name, "webhookFWinstance", "" ) ); $hash->{WEBHOOK_URI} = "/" . AttrVal( $webhookFWinstance, "webname", "fhem" ) . "/NUKIBridge" . "-" . $hash->{HOST}; $hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT} = ( $attrName eq "webhookPort" ? $attrVal : AttrVal( $name, "webhookPort", InternalVal( $webhookFWinstance, "PORT", "" )) ); $hash->{WEBHOOK_URL} = ""; $hash->{WEBHOOK_COUNTER} = "0"; if ( $webhookHttpHostname ne "" && $hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT} ne "" ) { $hash->{WEBHOOK_URL} = "http://" . $webhookHttpHostname . ":" . $hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT} . $hash->{WEBHOOK_URI}; my $url = "http://$webhookHttpHostname" . ":" . $hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT} . $hash->{WEBHOOK_URI}; Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - URL ist: $url"; NUKIBridge_Write($hash,"callback/add",$url,undef,undef ) if( $init_done ); $hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} = "sent"; } else { $hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} = "incomplete_attributes"; } } return undef; } sub NUKIBridge_addExtension($$$) { my ( $name, $func, $link ) = @_; my $url = "/$link"; Log3 $name, 2, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Registering NUKIBridge for webhook URI $url ..."; $data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName} = $name; $data{FWEXT}{$url}{FUNC} = $func; $data{FWEXT}{$url}{LINK} = $link; return 1; } sub NUKIBridge_removeExtension($) { my ($link) = @_; my $url = "/$link"; my $name = $data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName}; Log3 $name, 2, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Unregistering NUKIBridge for webhook URL $url..."; delete $data{FWEXT}{$url}; } sub NUKIBridge_Set($@) { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_; my ($arg, @params) = @args; if($cmd eq 'autocreate') { return "usage: autocreate" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_Write($hash,"list",undef,undef,undef) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); return undef; } elsif($cmd eq 'info') { return "usage: statusRequest" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_Write($hash,"info",undef,undef,undef) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); return undef; } elsif($cmd eq 'fwUpdate') { return "usage: fwUpdate" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($hash,"fwupdate",undef) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); return undef; } elsif($cmd eq 'reboot') { return "usage: reboot" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($hash,"reboot",undef) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); return undef; } elsif($cmd eq 'clearLog') { return "usage: clearLog" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($hash,"clearlog",undef) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); } elsif($cmd eq 'factoryReset') { return "usage: clearLog" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($hash,"factoryReset",undef) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); } elsif($cmd eq 'callbackRemove') { return "usage: callbackRemove" if( @args != 1 ); my $id = "id=" . join( " ", @args ); my $resp = NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($hash,"callback/remove",$id) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); if( ($resp->{success} eq "true" or $resp->{success} == 1) and !IsDisabled($name) ) { return "Success Callback $id removed"; } else { return "remove Callback failed"; } } else { my $list = ""; $list .= "info:noArg autocreate:noArg callbackRemove:0,1,2 "; $list .= "clearLog:noArg fwUpdate:noArg reboot:noArg factoryReset:noArg" if( ReadingsVal($name,'bridgeType','Software') eq 'Hardware' ); return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } } sub NUKIBridge_Get($@) { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_; my ($arg, @params) = @args; if($cmd eq 'logFile') { return "usage: logFile" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_getLogfile($hash) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); } elsif($cmd eq 'callbackList') { return "usage: callbackList" if( @args != 0 ); NUKIBridge_getCallbackList($hash) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); } else { my $list = ""; $list .= "callbackList:noArg "; $list .= "logFile:noArg" if( ReadingsVal($name,'bridgeType','Software') eq 'Hardware' ); return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } } sub NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive"; if( !IsDisabled($name) ) { NUKIBridge_Write($hash,'info',undef,undef,undef); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - run NUKIBridge_Write"; } InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+15+int(rand(45)), 'NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive', $hash, 1 ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Call InternalTimer for NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive"; } sub NUKIBridge_firstRun($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); NUKIBridge_Write($hash,'list',undef,undef,undef) if( !IsDisabled($name) ); InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+15, 'NUKIBridge_GetCheckBridgeAlive', $hash, 1 ); return undef; } sub NUKIBridge_Write($@) { my ($hash,$path,$lockAction,$nukiId,$deviceType) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $host = $hash->{HOST}; my $port = $hash->{PORT}; my $token = $hash->{TOKEN}; my $uri = "http://" . $hash->{HOST} . ":" . $port; $uri .= "/" . $path if( defined $path); $uri .= "?token=" . $token if( defined($token) ); $uri .= "&action=" . $lockActionsSmartLock{$lockAction} if( defined($lockAction) and $path ne "callback/add" and $deviceType == 0 ); $uri .= "&action=" . $lockActionsOpener{$lockAction} if( defined($lockAction) and $path ne "callback/add" and $deviceType == 2 ); $uri .= "&url=" . $lockAction if( defined($lockAction) and $path eq "callback/add" ); $uri .= "&nukiId=" . $nukiId if( defined($nukiId) ); $uri .= "&deviceType=" . $deviceType if( defined($deviceType) ); HttpUtils_NonblockingGet( { url => $uri, timeout => 60, hash => $hash, nukiId => $nukiId, endpoint => $path, header => "Accept: application/json", method => "GET", callback => \&NUKIBridge_Distribution, } ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Send HTTP POST with URL $uri"; } sub NUKIBridge_Distribution($$$) { my ( $param, $err, $json ) = @_; my $hash = $param->{hash}; my $doTrigger = $param->{doTrigger}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $host = $hash->{HOST}; my $dhash = $hash; $dhash = $modules{NUKIDevice}{defptr}{ $param->{'nukiId'} } unless ( not defined( $param->{'nukiId'} ) ); my $dname = $dhash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Response JSON: $json"; Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Response ERROR: $err"; Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Response CODE: $param->{code}" if( defined($param->{code}) and ($param->{code}) ); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); if( defined( $err ) ) { if ( $err ne "" ) { if ($param->{endpoint} eq "info") { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "not connected") if( $hash->{helper}{aliveCount} > 1 ); Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Bridge ist offline"; $hash->{helper}{aliveCount} = $hash->{helper}{aliveCount} + 1; } readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastError", $err ) if( ReadingsVal($name,"state","not connected") eq "not connected" ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - error while requesting: $err"; readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); return $err; } } if( $json eq "" and exists( $param->{code} ) and $param->{code} ne 200 ) { if( $param->{code} eq 503 ) { # NUKIDevice_Parse($dhash,$param->{code}) if( $hash != $dhash ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - smartlock is offline"; readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); return "received http code ".$param->{code}.": smartlock is offline"; } readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastError", "Internal error, " .$param->{code} ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - received http code " .$param->{code}." without any data after requesting"; readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); return "received http code ".$param->{code}." without any data after requesting"; } if( ( $json =~ /Error/i ) and exists( $param->{code} ) ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastError", "invalid API token" ) if( $param->{code} eq 401 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastError", "action is undefined" ) if( $param->{code} eq 400 and $hash == $dhash ); ###### Fehler bei Antwort auf Anfrage eines logischen Devices ###### # NUKIDevice_Parse($dhash,$param->{code}) if( $param->{code} eq 404 ); # NUKIDevice_Parse($dhash,$param->{code}) if( $param->{code} eq 400 and $hash != $dhash ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - invalid API token" if( $param->{code} eq 401 ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - nukiId is not known" if( $param->{code} eq 404 ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - action is undefined" if( $param->{code} eq 400 and $hash == $dhash ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); return $param->{code}; } readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); if( $hash == $dhash ) { NUKIBridge_ResponseProcessing($hash,$json,$param->{endpoint}); } else { my $decode_json = eval{decode_json($json)}; if($@){ Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - JSON error while request: $@"; return; } $decode_json->{nukiId} = $param->{nukiId}; $json = encode_json($decode_json); Dispatch($hash,$json,undef); } return undef; } sub NUKIBridge_ResponseProcessing($$$) { my ($hash,$json,$path) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $decode_json; if( !$json ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - empty answer received"; return undef; } elsif( $json =~ m'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) { Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - empty answer received"; return undef; } elsif( $json !~ m/^[\[{].*[}\]]$/ ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - invalid json detected: $json"; return "NUKIBridge ($name) - invalid json detected: $json"; } $decode_json = eval{decode_json($json)}; if($@){ Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - JSON error while request: $@"; return; } if( ref($decode_json) eq "ARRAY" and scalar(@{$decode_json}) > 0 and $path eq "list" ) { my @buffer = split( '\[', $json ); my ( $json, $tail ) = NUKIBridge_ParseJSON( $hash, $buffer[1] ); while ($json) { Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Decoding JSON message. Length: " . length($json) . " Content: " . $json; Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Vor Sub: Laenge JSON: " . length($json) . " Content: " . $json . " Tail: " . $tail; Dispatch( $hash, $json, undef ) unless ( not defined($tail) and not($tail) ); ( $json, $tail ) = NUKIBridge_ParseJSON( $hash, $tail ); Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Nach Sub: Laenge JSON: " . length($json) . " Content: " . $json . " Tail: " . $tail; } # NUKIBridge_Write($hash,"info",undef,undef,undef) # if( !IsDisabled($name) ); } elsif( $path eq "info" ) { readingsBeginUpdate( $hash ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "connected" ); Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Bridge ist online"; readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); $hash->{helper}{aliveCount} = 0; NUKIBridge_InfoProcessing($hash,$decode_json); } else { Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Rückgabe Path nicht korrekt: $json"; return; } return undef; } sub NUKIBridge_CGI() { my ($request) = @_; my $hash; my $name; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{ $modules{NUKIBridge}{defptr} } ) { $hash = $modules{NUKIBridge}{defptr}{$key}; $name = $hash->{NAME}; } return "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK - No IODev found" unless (defined($hash) and defined($name) ); my $json = (split("&",$request,2))[1]; if( !$json ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK ($name) - empty message received"; return undef; } elsif( $json =~ m'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) { Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK ($name) - empty answer received"; return undef; } elsif( $json !~ m/^[\[{].*[}\]]$/ ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK ($name) - invalid json detected: $json"; return "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK ($name) - invalid json detected: $json"; } Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK ($name) - Webhook received with JSON: $json"; # my $decode_json = eval{decode_json($json)}; # if($@){ # Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK ($name) - JSON error while request: $@"; # return; # } if( $json =~ m/^\{.*\}$/ ) { $hash->{WEBHOOK_COUNTER}++; $hash->{WEBHOOK_LAST} = TimeNow(); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK ($name) - Received webhook for matching NukiId at device $name"; Dispatch($hash,$json,undef); return ( undef, undef ); } # no data received else { Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge WEBHOOK - received malformed request\n$request"; } return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Call failure: " . $request ); } sub NUKIBridge_Autocreate($$;$) { my ($hash,$decode_json,$force)= @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if( !$force ) { foreach my $d (keys %defs) { next if($defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "autocreate"); return undef if(AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME},"disable",undef)); } } my $autocreated = 0; my $nukiSmartlock; my $nukiId; my $nukiType; my $nukiName; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach $nukiSmartlock (@{$decode_json}) { $nukiId = $nukiSmartlock->{nukiId}; $nukiType = $nukiSmartlock->{deviceType}; $nukiName = $nukiSmartlock->{name}; my $code = $name ."-".$nukiId; if( defined($modules{NUKIDevice}{defptr}{$code}) ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIDevice ($name) - NukiId '$nukiId' already defined as '$modules{NUKIDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}'"; next; } my $devname = "NUKIDevice" . $nukiId; my $define= "$devname NUKIDevice $nukiId IODev=$name $nukiType"; Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIDevice ($name) - create new device '$devname' for address '$nukiId'"; my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define); if($cmdret) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIDevice ($name) - Autocreate: An error occurred while creating device for nukiId '$nukiId': $cmdret"; } else { $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias $nukiName"); $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room NUKI"); $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name"); } $defs{$devname}{helper}{fromAutocreate} = 1 ; readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "${autocreated}_nukiId", $nukiId ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "${autocreated}_name", $nukiName ); $autocreated++; readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "smartlockCount", $autocreated ); } readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); if( $autocreated ) { Log3 $name, 2, "NUKIDevice ($name) - autocreated $autocreated devices"; CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) ); } return "created $autocreated devices"; } sub NUKIBridge_InfoProcessing($$) { my ($hash,$decode_json) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $nukiId; my $scanResults; my %response_hash; my $dname; my $dhash; my %bridgeType = ( '1' => 'Hardware', '2' => 'Software' ); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"appVersion",$decode_json->{versions}->{appVersion}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"firmwareVersion",$decode_json->{versions}->{firmwareVersion}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"wifiFirmwareVersion",$decode_json->{versions}->{wifiFirmwareVersion}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"bridgeType",$bridgeType{$decode_json->{bridgeType}}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"hardwareId",$decode_json->{ids}{hardwareId}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"serverId",$decode_json->{ids}{serverId}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"uptime",$decode_json->{uptime}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"currentTime",$decode_json->{currentTime}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"serverConnected",$decode_json->{serverConnected}); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); foreach $scanResults (@{$decode_json->{scanResults}}) { if( ref($scanResults) eq "HASH" ) { if ( defined( $modules{NUKIDevice}{defptr} ) ) { while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{ $modules{NUKIDevice}{defptr} } ) { $dhash = $modules{NUKIDevice}{defptr}{$key}; $dname = $dhash->{NAME}; $nukiId = InternalVal( $dname, "NUKIID", undef ); next if ( !$nukiId or $nukiId ne $scanResults->{nukiId} ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIDevice ($dname) - Received scanResults for matching NukiID $nukiId at device $dname"; %response_hash = ('name'=>$scanResults->{name}, 'rssi'=>$scanResults->{rssi},'paired'=>$scanResults->{paired}); NUKIDevice_Parse($dhash,encode_json \%response_hash); } } } } } sub NUKIBridge_getLogfile($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $decode_json = NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($hash,"log",undef); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Log data are collected and processed"; if( ref($decode_json) eq "ARRAY" and scalar(@{$decode_json}) > 0 ) { Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - created Table with log file"; my $ret = ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= ''; foreach my $logs (@{$decode_json}) { $ret .= ''; if($logs->{timestamp}) { $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ''; } if($logs->{type}) { $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ''; } foreach my $d (reverse sort keys %{$logs}) { next if( $d eq "type" ); next if( $d eq "timestamp" ); $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ''; } $ret .= ''; } $ret .= '
timestamp: $logs->{timestamp} type: $logs->{type} $d: $logs->{$d}
'; return $ret; } } sub NUKIBridge_getCallbackList($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $decode_json = NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($hash,"callback/list",undef); return unless ( ref($decode_json) eq 'HASH' ); Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Callback data is collected and processed"; if( ref($decode_json->{callbacks}) eq "ARRAY" and scalar(@{$decode_json->{callbacks}}) > 0 ) { Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - created Table with log file"; my $ret = ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ''; foreach my $cb (@{$decode_json->{callbacks}}) { $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ''; } $ret .= '
Callback-ID Callback-URL
$cb->{id} $cb->{url}
'; return $ret; } return "No callback data available or error during processing"; } sub NUKIBridge_CallBlocking($@) { my ($hash,$path,$obj) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $host = $hash->{HOST}; my $port = $hash->{PORT}; my $token = $hash->{TOKEN}; my $url = "http://" . $hash->{HOST} . ":" . $port; $url .= "/" . $path if( defined $path); $url .= "?token=" . $token if( defined($token) ); $url .= "&" . $obj if( defined($obj) ); my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({ url => $url, timeout => 3, method => "GET", header => "Content-Type: application/json", }); if( !$data ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIDevice ($name) - empty answer received for $url"; return undef; } elsif( $data =~ m'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) { Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIDevice ($name) - empty answer received for $url"; return undef; } elsif( $data !~ m/^[\[{].*[}\]]$/ and $path ne "log" ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIDevice ($name) - invalid json detected for $url: $data"; return "NUKIDevice ($name) - invalid json detected for $url: $data"; } my $decode_json = eval{decode_json($data)}; if($@){ Log3 $name, 3, "NUKIBridge ($name) - JSON error while request: $@"; return; } return undef if( !$decode_json ); Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Data: $data"; Log3 $name, 4, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Blocking HTTP Query finished"; return ($decode_json); } sub NUKIBridge_ParseJSON($$) { my ( $hash, $buffer ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $open = 0; my $close = 0; my $msg = ''; my $tail = ''; if ($buffer) { foreach my $c ( split //, $buffer ) { if ( $open == $close and $open > 0 ) { $tail .= $c; Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - $open == $close and $open > 0"; } elsif ( ( $open == $close ) and ( $c ne '{' ) ) { Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - Garbage character before message: " . $c; } else { if ( $c eq '{' ) { $open++; } elsif ( $c eq '}' ) { $close++; } $msg .= $c; } } if ( $open != $close ) { $tail = $msg; $msg = ''; } } Log3 $name, 5, "NUKIBridge ($name) - return msg: $msg and tail: $tail"; return ( $msg, $tail ); } 1; =pod =item device =item summary Modul to control the Nuki Smartlock's over the Nuki Bridge. =item summary_DE Modul zur Steuerung des Nuki Smartlock über die Nuki Bridge. =begin html


    NUKIBridge - controls the Nuki Smartlock over the Nuki Bridge
    The Nuki Bridge module connects FHEM to the Nuki Bridge and then reads all the smartlocks available on the bridge. Furthermore, the detected Smartlocks are automatically created as independent devices.


      define <name> NUKIBridge <HOST> <API-TOKEN>


        define NBridge1 NUKIBridge F34HK6

      This statement creates a NUKIBridge device with the name NBridge1 and the IP as well as the token F34HK6.
      After the bridge device is created, all available Smartlocks are automatically placed in FHEM.

    • 0_nukiId - ID of the first found Nuki Smartlock
    • 0_name - Name of the first found Nuki Smartlock
    • smartlockCount - number of all found Smartlocks
    • bridgeAPI - API Version of bridge
    • bridgeType - Hardware bridge / Software bridge
    • currentTime - Current timestamp
    • firmwareVersion - Version of the bridge firmware
    • hardwareId - Hardware ID
    • lastError - Last connected error
    • serverConnected - Flag indicating whether or not the bridge is connected to the Nuki server
    • serverId - Server ID
    • uptime - Uptime of the bridge in seconds
    • wifiFirmwareVersion- Version of the WiFi modules firmware

    • The preceding number is continuous, starts with 0 und returns the properties of one Smartlock.

    • autocreate - Prompts to re-read all Smartlocks from the bridge and if not already present in FHEM, create the autimatic.
    • callbackRemove - Removes a previously added callback
    • clearLog - Clears the log of the Bridge (only hardwarebridge)
    • factoryReset - Performs a factory reset (only hardwarebridge)
    • fwUpdate - Immediately checks for a new firmware update and installs it (only hardwarebridge)
    • info - Returns all Smart Locks in range and some device information of the bridge itself
    • reboot - reboots the bridge (only hardwarebridge)

    • callbackList - List of register url callbacks. The Bridge register up to 3 url callbacks.
    • logFile - Retrieves the log of the Bridge

    • disable - disables the Nuki Bridge
    • webhookFWinstance - Webinstanz of the Callback
    • webhookHttpHostname - IP or FQDN of the FHEM Server Callback

=end html =begin html_DE


    NUKIBridge - Steuert das Nuki Smartlock über die Nuki Bridge
    Das Nuki Bridge Modul verbindet FHEM mit der Nuki Bridge und liest dann alle auf der Bridge verfügbaren Smartlocks ein. Desweiteren werden automatisch die erkannten Smartlocks als eigenständige Devices an gelegt.


      define <name> NUKIBridge <HOST> <API-TOKEN>


        define NBridge1 NUKIBridge F34HK6

      Diese Anweisung erstellt ein NUKIBridge Device mit Namen NBridge1 und der IP sowie dem Token F34HK6.
      Nach dem anlegen des Bridge Devices werden alle zur verfügung stehende Smartlock automatisch in FHEM an gelegt.

    • 0_nukiId - ID des ersten gefundenen Nuki Smartlocks
    • 0_name - Name des ersten gefunden Nuki Smartlocks
    • smartlockCount - Anzahl aller gefundenen Smartlock
    • bridgeAPI - API Version der Bridge
    • bridgeType - Hardware oder Software/App Bridge
    • currentTime - aktuelle Zeit auf der Bridge zum zeitpunkt des Info holens
    • firmwareVersion - aktuell auf der Bridge verwendete Firmwareversion
    • hardwareId - ID der Hardware Bridge
    • lastError - gibt die letzte HTTP Errormeldung wieder
    • serverConnected - true/false gibt an ob die Hardwarebridge Verbindung zur Nuki-Cloude hat.
    • serverId - gibt die ID des Cloudeservers wieder
    • uptime - Uptime der Bridge in Sekunden
    • wifiFirmwareVersion- Firmwareversion des Wifi Modules der Bridge

    • Die vorangestellte Zahl ist forlaufend und gibt beginnend bei 0 die Eigenschaften Eines Smartlocks wieder.

    • autocreate - Veranlasst ein erneutes Einlesen aller Smartlocks von der Bridge und falls noch nicht in FHEM vorhanden das autimatische anlegen.
    • callbackRemove - Löschen einer Callback Instanz auf der Bridge. Die Instanz ID kann mittels get callbackList ermittelt werden
    • clearLog - löscht das Logfile auf der Bridge
    • fwUpdate - schaut nach einer neueren Firmware und installiert diese sofern vorhanden
    • info - holt aktuellen Informationen über die Bridge
    • reboot - veranlässt ein reboot der Bridge

    • callbackList - Gibt die Liste der eingetragenen Callback URL's wieder. Die Bridge nimmt maximal 3 auf.
    • logFile - Zeigt das Logfile der Bridge an

    • disable - deaktiviert die Nuki Bridge
    • webhookFWinstance - zu verwendene Webinstanz für den Callbackaufruf
    • webhookHttpHostname - IP oder FQDN vom FHEM Server für den Callbackaufruf

=end html_DE =cut