# $Id$
# - be able to use type "default" to let read from attr
# - forceType/forceDevice in user parameters
# - implement default messages in RESIDENTS using msg command
# - queue message until recipient is available again (e.g. when absent)
#   also see https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,69683.0.html
#   - new msgType "queue"
#   - escalation to type "queue" when n/a
#   - automatically trigger to release queue messages by arriving at home
#     (ROOMMATE)
# - allow some other ? to only reach people when they are at home
# - if ROOMMATE is asleep, queue message for next day
#   (usefull escalate for screen with PostMe?)
# - delivery options as attributes (like ! or ? to gateways, devices or types)
# - all messages should be queued and then delivered so a timer may come back
#   and check the gateway device for successful delivery
# - fix readings: store texts with \x{0000} notation
# - end user documentation / commandref !!
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use Encode;
use utf8;

# initialize ##################################################################
sub MSG_Initialize($$) {
    my %hash = (
        Fn  => "CommandMsg",
        Hlp =>
"[<type>] [<\@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message-text>",
    $cmds{msg} = \%hash;

    require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/msgSchema.pm";

# regular Fn ##################################################################
sub CommandMsg($$;$$);

sub CommandMsg($$;$$) {
    my ( $cl, $msg, $testMode ) = @_;
    my $return = "";

    if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
        my %dummy;
        my ( $err, @a ) = ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($msg) );
        $msg = join( " ", @a )
          unless ($err);

    # find existing msgConfig device or create a new instance
    my $globalDevName = "globalMsg";
    if ( defined( $modules{msgConfig}{defptr} ) ) {
        $globalDevName = $modules{msgConfig}{defptr}{NAME};
    else {
        fhem "define $globalDevName msgConfig";
        $return .=
          "Global configuration device $globalDevName was created.\n\n";

    if ( $msg eq "" || $msg =~ /^\?[\s\t ]*$/ || $msg eq "help" ) {
        return $return
          . "Usage: msg [<type>] [<\@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message>";

    # default settings
    my $cmdSchema = msgSchema::get();
    my $settings  = {
        audio => {
            typeEscalation => {
                gwUnavailable  => 'text',
                emergency      => 'text',
                residentGone   => 'text',
                residentAbsent => 'text',

        light => {
            typeEscalation => {
                gwUnavailable  => 'audio',
                emergency      => 'audio',
                residentGone   => 'audio',
                residentAbsent => 'audio',

        push => {
            typeEscalation => {
                gwUnavailable => 'mail',
                emergency     => 'mail',

        screen => {
            typeEscalation => {
                gwUnavailable  => 'light',
                emergency      => 'light',
                residentGone   => 'light',
                residentAbsent => 'light',


    ### extract message details

    my ( $msgA, $params ) = parseParams( $msg, "[^\\S\\n]", " " );

    # only use output from parseParams when
    # parameters where found
    if ( ref($params) eq "HASH" && keys %$params ) {
        if ( scalar @$msgA > 0 ) {
            $msg = join( " ", @$msgA );
        else {
            $msg = "";

    if ( defined( $params->{msgText} ) ) {
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5,
          "msg: Adding message text from given user parameters";
        $msg .= " " unless ( $msg eq "" );
        $msg .= $params->{msgText};
        delete $params->{msgText};

    return $return
      . "Usage: msg [<type>] [<\@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message>"
      if ( $msg =~ m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ );

    Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: Extracted user parameters\n" . Dumper($params)
      if ( ref($params) eq "HASH" && keys %$params );

    my $types       = "";
    my $recipients  = "";
    my $priority    = "";
    my $title       = "-";
    my $priorityCat = "";

    # check for message types
    if ( $params->{msgType} ) {
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given types=$params->{msgType}";
        $types = $params->{msgType};
        $types =~ s/[\s\t ]+//g;
        delete $params->{msgType};
    elsif ( $msg =~
s/^[\s\t ]*([a-z,]*!?(screen|light|audio|text|push|mail|queue)[\w,!?&|]*)[\s\t ]+//i
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found types=$1"
          unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
        $types = $1;

    # programatic exception:
    # e.g. recipients were given automatically from empty readings
    if (
        $msg =~ m/^[\s\t ]*([!]?(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])*@([,\-:|]+)))[\s\t ]+/
        || (   $params->{msgRcpt}
            && $params->{msgRcpt} =~
            m/^[\s\t ]*([!]?(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])*@([,\-:|]+)))[\s\t ]+/ )
        Log3 $globalDevName, 4,
            "msg: message won't be sent - recipient '$1' contains special"
          . " characters like ',-:|' or behind the @ character is simply"
          . " emptiness. This might be okay, e.g. if you are using something"
          . " like a reading from RESIDENTS/ROOMMATE/GUEST to address present"
          . " or absent residents and this list is simply empty at this time."
          . " ($msg)";

    # check for given recipients
    if ( $params->{msgRcpt} ) {
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given recipient=$params->{msgRcpt}";
        $recipients = $params->{msgRcpt};
        $recipients =~ s/[\s\t ]+//g;
        delete $params->{msgRcpt};
    elsif ( $msg =~
s/^[\s\t ]*([!]?(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])*@([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]+))[\w,@.!?|:]*)[\s\t ]+//
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found recipient=$1"
          unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
        $recipients = $1;

    # check for given priority
    if ( defined( $params->{msgPrio} ) ) {
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given priority=$params->{msgPrio}";
        $priority = $params->{msgPrio};
        $priority =~ s/[\s\t ]+//g;
        delete $params->{msgPrio};
    elsif ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t ]*([-+]{0,1}\d+[\.\d]*)[\s\t ]*// ) {
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found priority=$1"
          unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

        $priority = $1;
    $priority = int($priority) if ( $priority =~ /^[-+]{0,1}\d+\.\d*$/ );
    return "Invalid priority $priority: Needs to be an integer value"
      unless ( $priority eq "" || $priority =~ /^[-+]{0,1}\d+$/ );

    # check for given message title
    if ( defined( $params->{msgTitle} ) ) {
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given title=$params->{msgTitle}";
        $title = $params->{msgTitle};
        $title =~ s/^[\s\t ]*\|(.*?)\|[\s\t ]*/$1/;
        delete $params->{msgTitle};
    elsif ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t ]*\|(.*?)\|[\s\t ]*// ) {
        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found title=$1"
          unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

        $title = $1;

    # check for user parameters (DEPRECATED / legacy compatibility only)
    if ( $msg =~ s/[\s\t ]*O(\[\{.*\}\])[\s\t ]*$// ) {

        Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found options=$1"
          unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

        # Use JSON module if possible
        eval {
            require JSON::PP;
            import JSON::PP qw( decode_json );
        if ($@) {
            Log3 $globalDevName, 3,
              "msg: Error loading JSON::PP. "
              . "Please switch to new syntax to use user parameters";
        else {
            Log3 $globalDevName, 4,
              "msg: Please switch to new syntax to use user parameters";
            my $o;
            eval '$o = decode_json( encode_utf8($1) ); 1';
            if ($@) {
                Log3 $globalDevName, 5,
                  "msg: Error decoding JSON for user parameters: $@";
            elsif ( ref($o) eq "ARRAY" ) {

                for my $item (@$o) {
                    next unless ( ref($item) eq "HASH" );
                    for my $key ( keys(%$item) ) {
                        next if ( ref( $item->{$key} ) );
                        my $val = $item->{$key};
                        $params->{$key} = $item->{$key}
                          unless ( $params->{$key} );

                Log3 $globalDevName, 5,
                  "msg: Decoded user parameters\n" . Dumper($params)
                  if ($params);

    $types = "default"
      if ( $types eq "" );
    my $msgSent   = 0;
    my $forwarded = "";
    my %sentTypesPerDevice;
    my $sentCounter    = 0;
    my $msgID          = time();
    my $msgDateTime    = TimeNow();
    my $isTypeOr       = 1;
    my $isRecipientOr  = 1;
    my $hasTypeOr      = 0;
    my $hasRecipientOr = 0;
    my $softFail       = 0;
    $recipients = "\@" . $globalDevName if ( $recipients eq "" );

    ### recipient loop

    my @recipientsOr = split( /\|/, $recipients );
    Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
      "msg: recipientOr total is " . scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr )
      unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

    for (
        my $iRecipOr = 0 ;
        $iRecipOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) ;
        Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
          "msg: "
          . "running loop recipientsOr for recipient(s) $recipientsOr[$iRecipOr]"
          unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
        my $loopReturn1 = "";

        $hasRecipientOr = 1
          if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) > 1 );

        my @recipient = split( /,/, $recipientsOr[$iRecipOr] );
        foreach my $device (@recipient) {
            Log3 $globalDevName, 6, "msg: running loop for device $device"
              unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
            my $loopReturn2 = "";

            ### type loop

            my @typesOr = split( /\|/, $types );
            Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
              "msg: typeOr total is " . scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr )
              unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

            for (
                my $iTypesOr = 0 ;
                $iTypesOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) ;
                Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
                  "msg: running loop typeOr for type(s) $typesOr[$iTypesOr]"
                  unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
                my $loopReturn3 = "";

                $hasTypeOr = 1
                  if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) > 1 );

                my @type = split( /,/, lc( $typesOr[$iTypesOr] ) );
                for (
                    my $i = 0 ;
                    $i < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @type ) ;
                    Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
                      "msg: running loop for type $type[$i]"
                      unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
                    last unless ( defined( $type[$i] ) );

                    # check for correct type
                    my @msgCmds = (
                        "screen", "light", "audio", "text",
                        "push",   "mail",  "queue", "default"
                    unless ( grep { $type[$i] =~ /^$_/i } @msgCmds ) {
                        $loopReturn3 .= "Unknown message type $type[$i]\n";

                    ### /type loop

                    my @unavailabilityIndicators = (
                        "0",            "false",
                        "absent",       "disappeared",
                        "unauthorized", "unavailable",
                        "unreachable",  "disconnected"

                    my $logDevice;
                    $logDevice = $globalDevName;
                    $logDevice = $device
                      if (
                        MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "verbose", undef, undef ) );

                    my $msgSentDev  = 0;
                    my $gatewayDevs = "";
                    my $forceDevice = 0;
                    my $forceQueue  = 0;

                    # for device type
                    my $deviceType = "device";
                    if ( $device =~
                        m/^(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])+@+([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]*))$/ )
                        $gatewayDevs = $1;
                        $deviceType  = "email";
                    elsif ( $device =~
                        m/^@?([A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)([^A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)[\s\t ]*$/
                        $device = $1;

                        foreach ( split( /(\S)/, $2 ) ) {
                            $forceDevice = 1 if ( $_ eq "!" );
                            $softFail    = 1 if ( $_ eq "?" );
                            $forceQueue  = 1 if ( $_ eq "&" );

                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: forceDevice=$forceDevice (from device contact)"
                          if ($forceDevice);
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: softFail=$softFail (from device contact)"
                          if ($softFail);
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: forceQueue=$forceQueue (from device contact)"
                          if ($forceQueue);
                    elsif ( $device =~ /^@(.*)/ ) {
                        $device = $1;

                    # sub-recipient
                    my $subRecipient  = "";
                    my $termRecipient = "";
                    if ( $device =~
                        $device        = $1;
                        $subRecipient  = $2;
                        $termRecipient = $3;

                    # FATAL ERROR: device does not exist
                    if ( !IsDevice($device)
                        && $deviceType eq "device" )
                        $loopReturn3 .= "Device $device does not exist\n"
                          unless ($softFail);
                        unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" ) {
                            Log3 $logDevice, 2,
                              "msg $device: Device does not exist"
                              unless ($softFail);
                            Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                              "msg $device: Device does not exist"
                              if ($softFail);

                        my $regex1 =
                          "\\s*!?@?" . $device . "[,|]";    # at the beginning
                        my $regex2 = "[,|]!?@?" . $device . "\\s*"; # at the end
                        my $regex3 =
                          ",!?@?" . $device . ",";    # in the middle with comma
                        my $regex4 =
                          . $device
                          . "[\|,]";    # in the middle with pipe and/or comma

                        $recipients =~ s/^$regex1//gi;
                        $recipients =~ s/$regex2$/|/gi;
                        $recipients =~ s/$regex3/,/gi;
                        $recipients =~ s/$regex4/|/gi;


                    # Find custom types for devices
                    if ( $type[$i] eq "default" ) {
                        delete $typesOr[$iTypesOr]
                          if ( $typesOr[$iTypesOr] eq "default" );
                        delete $type[$i];
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                          "msg $device: msgType lookup for $device:";

                        my @t = split(
                                $device, "msgType", undef, "text"
                        $hasTypeOr = 1
                          if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @t ) > 1 );

                        foreach (@t) {
                            Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                              "msg $device:    Adding to \@typesOr: $_";

                            push @typesOr, $_;

                            foreach ( split( /,/, lc($_) ) ) {
                                Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                  "msg $device:       Adding to \@type: $_";
                                push @type, $_;

                    my $forceType = 0;
                    if ( $type[$i] =~
                        m/^([A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)([^A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)[\s\t ]*$/ )
                        $type[$i] = $1;

                        foreach ( split( /(\S)/, $2 ) ) {
                            $forceType  = 1 if ( $_ eq "!" );
                            $softFail   = 1 if ( $_ eq "?" );
                            $forceQueue = 1 if ( $_ eq "&" );

                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                          "msg $device: forceType=$forceType (from type)"
                          if ($forceType);
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                          "msg $device: softFail=$softFail (from type)"
                          if ($softFail);
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                          "msg $device: forceQueue=$forceQueue (from type)"
                          if ($forceQueue);

                    # next type loop if device is an email address
                    # and this is not the mail type loop run
                    if (   $deviceType eq "email"
                        && $type[$i] ne "mail"
                        && $type[$i] ne "text" )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                            "msg $device: "
                          . "Skipping loop for device type 'email' with unmatched message type '"
                          . $type[$i] . "'";

                    my $typeUc      = ucfirst( $type[$i] );
                    my $catchall    = 0;
                    my $useLocation = 0;

                    ### get target information from device location

                    # search for location references
                    my @locationDevs;
                    @locationDevs = split(
                            $device, "msgLocationDevs", $typeUc, ""

                    if ( $deviceType eq "device" ) {

                        # get device location
                        my $deviceLocation =
                          msgConfig_FindReadingsVal( $device, "location",
                            $typeUc, "" );

                        my $locationDev = "";
                        if ( $deviceLocation ne "" && $deviceType eq "device" )

                            # lookup matching location
                            foreach (@locationDevs) {

                                if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
                                    my %dummy;
                                    my ( $err, @a ) =
                                      ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($_) );
                                    $_ = join( " ", @a )
                                      unless ($err);

                                my $lName =
                                  AttrVal( $_, "msgLocationName", "" );
                                if ( $lName ne "" && $lName eq $deviceLocation )
                                    $locationDev = $_;

                            if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
                                my %dummy;
                                my ( $err, @a ) =
                                  ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($locationDev) );
                                $locationDev = join( " ", @a )
                                  unless ($err);

                            # look for gateway device
                            $gatewayDevs =
                              MSG_FindAttrVal( $locationDev, "msgContact",
                                $typeUc, "" );

                            # at least one of the location gateways needs to
                            # be available. Otherwise we fall back to
                            # non-location contacts
                            if ( $gatewayDevs ne "" ) {

                                if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
                                    my %dummy;
                                    my ( $err, @a ) =
                                      ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0,
                                        ($gatewayDevs) );
                                    $gatewayDevs = join( " ", @a )
                                      unless ($err);

                                  my $gatewayDevOr ( split /\|/, $gatewayDevs )

                                    foreach my $gatewayDev ( split /,/,
                                        $gatewayDevOr )
                                        my $tmpSubRecipient;
                                        if ( $gatewayDev =~ /:(.*)/ ) {
                                            $tmpSubRecipient = $1;

                                        if (   $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                            && !IsDevice($gatewayDev)
                                            && $deviceType eq "device" )
                                            $useLocation = 2
                                              if ( $useLocation == 0 );
                                        elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                            && IsDisabled($gatewayDev) )
                                            $useLocation = 2
                                              if ( $useLocation == 0 );
                                        elsif (
                                            $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                            && (
                                                    grep {
                                                            "present" ) eq $_
                                                    } @unavailabilityIndicators

                                                || (
                                                    grep {
                                                            "present" ) eq $_
                                                    } @unavailabilityIndicators

                                                || (
                                                    && defined(
                                                    && (
                                                        grep {
                                                              {STATE} eq $_
                                                        } @unavailabilityIndicators

                                                || ReadingsVal(
                                                    $gatewayDev, "available",
                                                ) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i

                                                || ReadingsVal(
                                                    $gatewayDev, "reachable",
                                                ) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i
                                            $useLocation = 2
                                              if ( $useLocation == 0 );
                                        else {
                                            $useLocation = 1;



                                # use gatewayDevs from location only
                                # if it has been confirmed to be available
                                if ( $useLocation == 1 ) {
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: "
                                      . "Matching location definition found";
                                else {
                                    $gatewayDevs = "";

                    ### given device name is already a gateway device itself

                    my $deviceType2 = GetType($device);

                    if (
                           $gatewayDevs eq ""
                        && $deviceType eq "device"
                        && $deviceType2 ne ""
                        && (
                                $type[$i] eq "audio" && defined(
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
                            || (
                                $type[$i] eq "light"
                                && defined(
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
                            || (
                                $type[$i] eq "push"
                                && defined(
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
                            || (
                                $type[$i] eq "screen"
                                && defined(
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
                            || (
                                $type[$i] eq "queue"
                                && defined(
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                            "msg $device: Recipient type $deviceType2 "
                          . "is a gateway device itself for message type "
                          . $type[$i]
                          . ". Still checking for any delegates ..."
                          unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

                        $gatewayDevs =
                          MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgContact", $typeUc,
                            $device );

                    ### get target information from device

                    elsif ( $deviceType eq "device" && $gatewayDevs eq "" ) {

                        # look for gateway device
                        $gatewayDevs =
                          MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgContact", $typeUc, "" );

                        # fallback/catchall
                        if ( $gatewayDevs eq "" ) {
                            $catchall = 1
                              if ( $device ne $globalDevName );

                            Log3 $logDevice, 6,
                              "msg $device:			(No $typeUc contact defined, "
                              . "trying global instead)"
                              if ( $catchall == 1 );

                            $gatewayDevs =
                              MSG_FindAttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgContact",
                                $typeUc, "" );

                    # Find priority if none was explicitly specified
                    my $loopPriority = $priority;
                    $loopPriority =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgPriority$typeUc", $typeUc,
                        MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgPriority", $typeUc, 0 ) )
                      if ( $priority eq "" );

                    # check for available routes
                    my %routes;
                    $routes{screen} = 0;
                    $routes{light}  = 0;
                    $routes{audio}  = 0;
                    $routes{text}   = 0;
                    $routes{push}   = 0;
                    $routes{mail}   = 0;
                    $routes{queue}  = 1;

                    if (
                        || (   $testMode ne "1"
                            && $testMode ne "2" )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                          "msg $device: Checking for available routes "
                          . "(triggered by type $type[$i])";

                        $routes{screen} = 1
                          if (
                            $deviceType eq "device"
                            && CommandMsg( "screen",
                                "screen \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 )
                            eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE"

                        $routes{light} = 1
                          if (
                            $deviceType eq "device"
                            && CommandMsg( "light",
                                "light \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 )
                            eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE"

                        $routes{audio} = 1
                          if (
                            $deviceType eq "device"
                            && CommandMsg( "audio",
                                "audio \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 )
                            eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE"

                        if (
                            $deviceType eq "device"
                            && CommandMsg( "push",
                                "push \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq
                            $routes{push} = 1;
                            $routes{text} = 1;

                        if (
                            CommandMsg( "mail",
                                "mail \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq
                            $routes{mail} = 1;
                            $routes{text} = 1;

                        $routes{mail} = 1
                          if ( $deviceType eq "email" );

                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                            "msg $device: Available routes: screen="
                          . $routes{screen}
                          . " light="
                          . $routes{light}
                          . " audio="
                          . $routes{audio}
                          . " text="
                          . $routes{text}
                          . " push="
                          . $routes{push}
                          . " mail="
                          . $routes{mail};

                    ### dynamic routing for text (->push, ->mail)
                    if ( $type[$i] eq "text" ) {

                        # user selected emergency priority text threshold
                        my $prioThresTextEmg =
                          MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioTextEmergency",
                            $typeUc, 2 );

                        # user selected low priority text threshold
                        my $prioThresTextNormal =
                          MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioTextNormal",
                            $typeUc, -2 );

                        # Decide push and/or e-mail destination based
                        # on priorities
                        if (   $loopPriority >= $prioThresTextEmg
                            && $routes{push} == 1
                            && $routes{mail} == 1 )
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                              "msg $device: "
                              . "Text routing decision: push+mail(1)";
                            $forwarded .= ","
                              if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                            $forwarded .= "text>push+mail";
                            push @type, "push"
                              unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;
                            push @type, "mail"
                              unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
                        elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextEmg
                            && $routes{push} == 1
                            && $routes{mail} == 0 )
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                              "msg $device: Text routing decision: push(2)";
                            $forwarded .= ","
                              if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                            $forwarded .= "text>push";
                            push @type, "push"
                              unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;
                        elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextEmg
                            && $routes{push} == 0
                            && $routes{mail} == 1 )
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                              "msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(3)";
                            $forwarded .= ","
                              if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                            $forwarded .= "text>mail";
                            push @type, "mail"
                              unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
                        elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextNormal
                            && $routes{push} == 1 )
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                              "msg $device: Text routing decision: push(4)";
                            $forwarded .= ","
                              if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                            $forwarded .= "text>push";
                            push @type, "push"
                              unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;
                        elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextNormal
                            && $routes{mail} == 1 )
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                              "msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(5)";
                            $forwarded .= ","
                              if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                            $forwarded .= "text>mail";
                            push @type, "mail"
                              unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
                        elsif ( $routes{mail} == 1 ) {
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                              "msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(6)";
                            $forwarded .= ","
                              if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                            $forwarded .= "text>mail";
                            push @type, "mail"
                              unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
                        elsif ( $routes{push} == 1 ) {
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                              "msg $device: Text routing decision: push(7)";
                            $forwarded .= ","
                              if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                            $forwarded .= "text>push";
                            push @type, "push"
                              unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;

                        # FATAL ERROR: routing decision failed
                        else {
                            Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                                "msg $device: "
                              . "Text routing FAILED - priority=$loopPriority push="
                              . $routes{push}
                              . " mail="
                              . $routes{mail};

                            $loopReturn3 .=
                              "ERROR: Could not find any Push or Mail contact "
                              . "for device $device - set attributes: msgContactPush "
                              . "| msgContactMail | msgContactText | msgRecipientPush "
                              . "| msgRecipientMail | msgRecipientText | msgRecipient\n";


                    # FATAL ERROR: we could not find any targets for
                    # user specified device...
                    if (   $gatewayDevs eq ""
                        && $device ne $globalDevName )
                        $loopReturn3 .=
                            "ERROR: Could not find any $typeUc contact "
                          . "for device $device - set attributes: msgContact$typeUc | msgRecipient$typeUc | msgRecipient\n"
                          unless ( $type[$i] eq "queue" );

                    # FATAL ERROR: we could not find any targets at all
                    elsif ( $gatewayDevs eq "" ) {
                        $loopReturn3 .=
                          "ERROR: Could not find any general $typeUc contact. "
                          . "Please specify a destination device or set attributes in general msg configuration device $globalDevName : msgContact$typeUc | msgRecipient$typeUc | msgRecipient\n"
                          unless ( $type[$i] eq "queue" );

                    # user selected audio-visual announcement state
                    my $annState = ReadingsVal(
                            $device, "msgSwitcherDev", $typeUc, ""
                        "state", "long"

                    # user selected emergency priority audio threshold
                    my $prioThresAudioEmg =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioAudioEmergency",
                        $typeUc, 2 );

                    # user selected high priority audio threshold
                    my $prioThresAudioHigh =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioAudioHigh", $typeUc,
                        1 );

                    # user selected high priority threshold
                    my $prioThresHigh =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioHigh", $typeUc, 2 );

                    # user selected normal priority threshold
                    my $prioThresNormal =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioNormal", $typeUc, 0 );

                    if ( $type[$i] eq "audio" ) {
                        if (   $annState eq "long"
                            || $forceType == 1
                            || $forceDevice == 1
                            || $loopPriority >= $prioThresAudioEmg )
                            $priorityCat = "";
                        elsif ( $loopPriority >= $prioThresAudioHigh ) {
                            $priorityCat = "ShortPrio";
                        else {
                            $priorityCat = "Short";
                    else {
                        if ( $loopPriority >= $prioThresHigh ) {
                            $priorityCat = "High";
                        elsif ( $loopPriority >= $prioThresNormal ) {
                            $priorityCat = "";
                        else {
                            $priorityCat = "Low";

                    # get resident presence information
                    my $residentDevState    = "";
                    my $residentDevPresence = "";

                    # device
                    if ( ReadingsVal( $device, "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) {
                        $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( $device, "state", "" );
                        $residentDevPresence =
                          ReadingsVal( $device, "presence", "" );

                    # device indirect
                    if (
                               $residentDevState eq ""
                            || $residentDevPresence eq ""
                        && ReadingsVal(
                            AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ),
                            "presence", "-" ) ne "-"
                        $residentDevState =
                            AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ),
                            "state", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
                        $residentDevPresence =
                            AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ),
                            "presence", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );

                    # device indirect general
                    if (
                               $residentDevState eq ""
                            || $residentDevPresence eq ""
                        && ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ),
                            "presence", "-" ) ne "-"
                        $residentDevState =
                          ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ),
                            "state", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
                        $residentDevPresence =
                          ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ),
                            "presence", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );

                    # device explicit
                    if (
                               $residentDevState eq ""
                            || $residentDevPresence eq ""
                        && ReadingsVal(
                            AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
                            "presence", "-" ) ne "-"
                        $residentDevState =
                            AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
                            "state", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
                        $residentDevPresence =
                            AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
                            "presence", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );

                    # global indirect
                    if (
                               $residentDevState eq ""
                            || $residentDevPresence eq ""
                        && ReadingsVal(
                                $globalDevName, "msgRecipient$typeUc", ""
                        ) ne "-"
                        $residentDevState = ReadingsVal(
                                $globalDevName, "msgRecipient$typeUc", ""
                            "state", ""
                        ) if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
                        $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal(
                                $globalDevName, "msgRecipient$typeUc", ""
                        ) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );

                    # global indirect general
                    if (
                               $residentDevState eq ""
                            || $residentDevPresence eq ""
                        && ReadingsVal(
                            AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgRecipient", "" ),
                            "presence", "-" ) ne "-"
                        $residentDevState =
                            AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgRecipient", "" ),
                            "state", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
                        $residentDevPresence =
                            AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgRecipient", "" ),
                            "presence", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );

                    # global explicit
                    if (
                               $residentDevState eq ""
                            || $residentDevPresence eq ""
                        && ReadingsVal(
                            AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
                            "presence", "-" ) ne "-"
                        $residentDevState =
                            AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
                            "state", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
                        $residentDevPresence =
                            AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
                            "presence", "" )
                          if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );

                    ### Send message

                    my $queued = 0;

                    # user selected emergency priority text threshold
                    my $prioThresGwEmg =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioGwEmergency",
                        $typeUc, 2 );

                    if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
                        my %dummy;
                        my ( $err, @a ) =
                          ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($gatewayDevs) );
                        $gatewayDevs = join( " ", @a )
                          unless ($err);

                    my %gatewaysStatus;
                    $gatewayDevs = $globalDevName if ( $type[$i] eq "queue" );

                    foreach my $gatewayDevOr ( split /\|/, $gatewayDevs ) {
                        foreach my $gatewayDev ( split /,/, $gatewayDevOr ) {

                            if ( $gatewayDev =~
                                $gatewayDev    = $1;
                                $subRecipient  = $2 if ( $subRecipient eq "" );
                                $termRecipient = $3 if ( $termRecipient eq "" );

                            my $logMsg =
                                "msg $device: "
                              . "Trying to send message via gateway $gatewayDev";
                            $logMsg .= " to recipient $subRecipient"
                              if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
                            $logMsg .= ", terminal device $termRecipient"
                              if ( $termRecipient ne "" );
                            Log3 $logDevice, 5, $logMsg
                              unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

                           # check for gateway availability and set route status

                            my $routeStatus = "OK";
                            if ( $type[$i] eq "queue" ) {
                                $routeStatus = "OK_QUEUE";

                            elsif ($type[$i] ne "mail"
                                && !IsDevice($gatewayDev)
                                && $deviceType eq "device" )
                                $routeStatus = "UNDEFINED";

                            elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                && IsDisabled($gatewayDev) )
                                $routeStatus = "DISABLED";

                            elsif (
                                $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                && (
                                        grep {
                                            ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev,
                                                "presence", "present" ) eq $_
                                        } @unavailabilityIndicators

                                    || (
                                        grep {
                                            ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state",
                                                "present" ) eq $_
                                        } @unavailabilityIndicators

                                    || (
                                        && defined( $defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} )
                                        && (
                                            grep {
                                                $defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} eq $_
                                            } @unavailabilityIndicators

                                    || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "available",
                                        "yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i

                                    || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable",
                                        "yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i
                                $routeStatus = "UNAVAILABLE";

                            elsif (
                                $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                && (
                                    ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "presence",
                                        "present" ) =~
                                    || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state",
                                        "present" ) =~
                                    || (   IsDevice($gatewayDev)
                                        && defined( $defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} )
                                        && $defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} =~
                                    || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "available",
                                        "yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|off|false)$/i
                                    || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable",
                                        "yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|off|false)$/i
                                $routeStatus = "UNAVAILABLE";

                            elsif ( $type[$i] eq "screen"
                                && ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "power", "on" ) =~
                                m/^(0|off)$/i )
                                $routeStatus = "OFF";

                            elsif ($type[$i] eq "audio"
                                && $annState ne "long"
                                && $annState ne "short" )
                                $routeStatus = "USER_DISABLED";

                            elsif ( $type[$i] eq "light" && $annState eq "off" )
                                $routeStatus = "USER_DISABLED";

                            elsif ($type[$i] ne "push"
                                && $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                && $residentDevPresence eq "absent" )
                                $routeStatus = "USER_ABSENT";

                            elsif ($type[$i] ne "push"
                                && $type[$i] ne "mail"
                                && $residentDevState eq "asleep" )
                                $routeStatus = "USER_ASLEEP";

                            # enforce by user request
                            if (
                                       $routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED"
                                    || $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT"
                                    || $routeStatus eq "USER_ASLEEP"
                                && ( $forceType == 1 || $forceDevice == 1 )
                                $routeStatus = "OK_ENFORCED";

                            # enforce by priority
                            if (
                                       $routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED"
                                    || $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT"
                                    || $routeStatus eq "USER_ASLEEP"
                                && $loopPriority >= $prioThresGwEmg
                                $routeStatus = "OK_EMERGENCY";

                            # add location status
                            if ( $useLocation == 2 ) {
                                $routeStatus .= "+LOCATION-UNAVAILABLE";
                            elsif ( $useLocation == 1 ) {
                                $routeStatus .= "+LOCATION";

                            # # add to queue
                            # if (
                            #     (
                            #            $routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED"
                            #         || $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT"
                            #         || $routeStatus eq "USER_ASLEEP"
                            #     )
                            #     && $routeStatus !~ /^OK/
                            #     && !$softFail
                            #   )
                            # {
                            #     $routeStatus .= "+QUEUE";
                            # }

                            my $gatewayType =
                              $type[$i] eq "mail"
                              ? "fhemMsgMail"
                              : GetType( $gatewayDev, "UNDEFINED" );

                            my $defTitle = "";
                            $defTitle =
                              $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                              if (
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                                && $priorityCat ne ""
                            $defTitle =
                              $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                              if (
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                                && $priorityCat eq ""

                            Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                              "msg $device: "
                              . "Determined default title: $defTitle"
                              unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );

                            # use title from device, global or internal default
                            my $loopTitle = $title;
                            $loopTitle = MSG_FindAttrVal(
                                        $device, "msgTitle",
                                        $typeUc, $defTitle
                            ) if ( $title eq "-" );

                            $loopTitle = ""
                              if ( $loopTitle eq "none"
                                || $loopTitle eq "-" );

                            my $loopMsg = $msg;
                            if ( $catchall == 1 && $type[$i] ne "queue" ) {
                                $loopTitle = "Fw: $loopTitle"
                                  if ( $loopTitle ne ""
                                    && $type[$i] !~ /^(audio|screen)$/ );
                                $loopMsg = "Forwarded Message: $loopMsg"
                                  if ( $loopTitle eq "" );
                                if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" ) {
                                    $loopMsg .=
                                        "\n\n-- \nMail catched "
                                      . "from device $device";
                                elsif ( $type[$i] !~ /^(audio|screen)$/ ) {
                                    $loopMsg .=
                                      " ### (Catched from device $device)";

                            my $loopMsgShrt =
                              defined( $params->{msgTextShrt} )
                              ? $params->{msgTextShrt}
                              : $msg;

                            # correct message format

                            # Remove Sonos Speak commands
                            $loopMsg =~ s/(\s*\|\w+\|\s*)/\\n\\n/gi
                              if ( $type[$i] ne "audio" );
                            $loopMsgShrt =~ s/(\s*\|\w+\|\s*)/\\n\\n/gi
                              if ( $type[$i] ne "audio" );

                            # Replace new line with HTML break
                            # for e-mails
                            $loopMsg =~ s/\n/<br \/>\n/gi
                              if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" );
                            $loopMsgShrt =~ s/\n/<br \/>\n/gi
                              if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" );

                           # use command from device, global or internal default
                            my $defCmd = "";
                            $defCmd =
                              $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                              if (
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                                && $priorityCat ne ""
                            $defCmd =
                              $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}{Normal}
                              if (
                                    $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                                && $priorityCat eq ""
                            my $cmd =

                              # gateway device
                                $gatewayDev, "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat",

                                    $device, "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat",
                                    $typeUc, $defCmd

                            if ( $cmd eq "" && $type[$i] ne "queue" ) {
                                Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                                  "$gatewayDev: Unknown command schema "
                                  . "for gateway device type $gatewayType. Use manual definition by userattr msgCmd*"
                                  unless ( defined($testMode)
                                    && $testMode eq "1" );
                                $loopReturn3 .=
                                    "$gatewayDev: Unknown command schema "
                                  . "for gateway device type $gatewayType. Use manual definition by userattr msgCmd*\n";

                            # ReplaceSetMagic
                            my $replaceError;
                            if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
                                my %dummy;
                                my ( $err, @a );

                                # TITLE
                                ( $err, @a ) =
                                  ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($loopTitle) );
                                $replaceError .=
                                  "ReplaceSetMagic failed for TITLE: $err\n"
                                  if ($err);
                                $loopTitle = join( " ", @a )
                                  unless ($err);

                                # RECIPIENT
                                if ( $subRecipient ne "" ) {
                                    ( $err, @a ) =
                                      ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0,
                                        ($subRecipient) );
                                    $replaceError .=
                                        "ReplaceSetMagic failed "
                                      . "for RECIPIENT: $err\n"
                                      if ($err);
                                    $subRecipient = join( " ", @a )
                                      unless ($err);

                                # TERMINAL
                                if ( $termRecipient ne "" ) {
                                    ( $err, @a ) =
                                      ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0,
                                        ($termRecipient) );
                                    $replaceError .=
                                        "ReplaceSetMagic failed "
                                      . "for TERMINAL: $err\n"
                                      if ($err);
                                    $termRecipient = join( " ", @a )
                                      unless ($err);

                            $cmd =~ s/%PRIORITY%/$loopPriority/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%PRIOCAT%/$priorityCat/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%MSG%/$loopMsg/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%MSGSHRT%/$loopMsgShrt/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%MSGID%/$msgID.$sentCounter/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%TITLE%/$loopTitle/gi;

                            my $loopTitleShrt =
                              defined( $params->{msgTitleShrt} )
                              ? $params->{msgTitleShrt}
                              : MSG_FindAttrVal(
                                        $device, "msgTitleShrt",
                                        $typeUc, $loopTitle

                            $loopTitleShrt =
                              substr( $loopTitleShrt, 0, 37 ) . "..."
                              if ( length($loopTitleShrt) > 40 );
                            $cmd           =~ s/%TITLESHRT%/$loopTitleShrt/gi;
                            $loopTitleShrt =~ s/ /_/;
                            $cmd           =~ s/%TITLESHRT2%/$loopTitleShrt/gi;
                            $loopTitleShrt =~ s/^([\s\t ]*\w+).*/$1/g;
                            $loopTitleShrt =
                              substr( $loopTitleShrt, 0, 17 ) . "..."
                              if ( length($loopTitleShrt) > 20 );
                            $cmd =~ s/%TITLESHRT3%/$loopTitleShrt/gi;

                            my $deviceName = AttrVal(
                                    AttrVal( $device, "rr_realname", "group" )
                                AttrVal( $device, "alias", $device )
                            my $deviceName2 = $deviceName;
                            $deviceName2 =~ s/ /_/;

                            $cmd =~ s/%SOURCE%/$device/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%SRCALIAS%/$deviceName/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%SRCALIAS2%/$deviceName2/gi;

                            my $gatewayDevName = AttrVal(
                                        $gatewayDev, "rr_realname", "group"
                                AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "alias", $gatewayDev )
                            my $gatewayDevName2 = $gatewayDevName;
                            $gatewayDevName2 =~ s/ /_/;

                            $cmd =~ s/%DEVICE%/$gatewayDev/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%DEVALIAS%/$gatewayDevName/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%DEVALIAS2%/$gatewayDevName2/gi;

                            my $loopMsgDateTime = $msgDateTime;
                            $loopMsgDateTime .= ".$sentCounter"
                              if ($sentCounter);
                            my $loopMsgDateTime2 = $loopMsgDateTime;
                            $loopMsgDateTime2 =~ s/ /_/;

                            $cmd =~ s/%MSGDATETIME%/$loopMsgDateTime/gi;
                            $cmd =~ s/%MSGDATETIME2%/$loopMsgDateTime2/gi;

                            my $subRecipientName =
                              $subRecipient eq ""
                              ? ""
                              : AttrVal(
                                        $subRecipient, "rr_realname",
                                    $subRecipient, "alias", $subRecipient
                            my $subRecipientName2 = $subRecipientName;
                            $subRecipientName2 =~ s/ /_/;

                            $cmd =~ s/%RECIPIENT%/$subRecipient/gi
                              if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
                            $cmd =~ s/%RCPTNAME%/$subRecipientName/gi
                              if ( $subRecipientName ne "" );
                            $cmd =~ s/%RCPTNAME2%/$subRecipientName2/gi
                              if ( $subRecipientName2 ne "" );
                            $cmd =~ s/%TERMINAL%/$termRecipient/gi
                              if ( $termRecipient ne "" );

                            my $paramsA;

                            unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" ) {

                                # user parameters from message
                                if ( ref($params) eq "HASH" ) {
                                    for my $key ( keys %$params ) {
                                        next if ( ref( $params->{$key} ) );
                                        my $val = $params->{$key};
                                        $cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
                                        $cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
                                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                          "msg $device: User parameters: "
                                          . "replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";

                                # user parameters from attributes
                                my $paramsAttr1 =
                                  AttrVal( $gatewayDev,
                                    "msgParams$typeUc$priorityCat", undef );
                                my $paramsAttr2 =
                                  AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "msgParams$typeUc",
                                    undef );
                                my $paramsAttr3 =
                                  AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "msgParams", undef );
                                my $paramsAttr4 =
                                  MSG_FindAttrVal( $device,
                                    $typeUc, undef );
                                my $paramsAttr5 =
                                  MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgParams$typeUc",
                                    $typeUc, undef );
                                my $paramsAttr6 =
                                  MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgParams",
                                    $typeUc, undef );

                                foreach (
                                    $paramsAttr1, $paramsAttr2, $paramsAttr3,
                                    $paramsAttr4, $paramsAttr5, $paramsAttr6
                                    next unless ($_);
                                    if (   $_ =~ m/^{.*}$/s
                                        && $_ =~ m/=>/
                                        && $_ !~ m/\$/ )
                                        my $av = eval $_;
                                        if ($@) {
                                            Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                              "msg $device: "
                                              . "ERROR while reading attribute msgParams";
                                        else {
                                            $paramsA = $av;
                                    else {
                                        my ( $a, $h ) = parseParams($_);
                                        $paramsA = $h;

                                    next unless ref($paramsA) eq "HASH";

                                    if ( ref($paramsA) eq "HASH" ) {
                                        for my $key ( keys %$paramsA ) {
                                            next if ( ref( $params->{$key} ) );
                                            my $val = $paramsA->{$key};
                                            $cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
                                            $cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
                                            Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                              "msg $device: "
                                              . "msgParams: replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";

                                # user parameters from command schema hash
                                if (
                                    $priorityCat ne ""
                                    && defined(
                                        $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}

                                    for my $item (
                                        $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                                        {defaultValues}{$priorityCat} )
                                        for my $key ( keys(%$item) ) {
                                            my $val = $item->{$key};
                                            $cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
                                            $cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
                                            Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                              "msg $device: "
                                              . "msgSchema: replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";

                                elsif (
                                    $priorityCat eq ""
                                    && defined(
                                        $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}

                                    for my $item (
                                        $cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
                                        {defaultValues}{Normal} )
                                        for my $key ( keys(%$item) ) {
                                            my $val = $item->{$key};
                                            $cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
                                            $cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
                                            Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                              "msg $device: "
                                              . "msgSchema: replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";




                            if ( $routeStatus =~ /^OK\w*/ ) {

                                my $error = 0;

                                unless ( defined($testMode)
                                    && $testMode eq "1" )

                                    # ReplaceSetMagic
                                    if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7
                                        && !$replaceError )
                                        my %dummy;
                                        my ( $err, @a ) =
                                          ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($cmd) );
                                        $replaceError .=
                                            "ReplaceSetMagic failed for CMD: "
                                          . "$err\n"
                                          if ($err);
                                        $cmd = join( " ", @a )
                                          unless ($err);

                                    # add user parameters
                                    # if gateway supports parseParams
                                    my $gatewayDevType = GetType($gatewayDev);
                                    if (
                                        && ref($params) eq "HASH"
                                        && ( $modules{$gatewayDevType}
                                            || $modules{$gatewayDevType}
                                            || $modules{$gatewayDevType}
                                            ->{'.msgParams'}{parseParams} )
                                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                          "msg $device: "
                                          . "parseParams support: Handing over user parameters to other device";

                                        my ( $a, $h ) = parseParams($cmd);

                                        keys %$params;
                                        while ( ( my $key, my $value ) =
                                            each %$params )
                                            # Compatibility to legacy schema:
                                            # lowercase after _
                                            my $s = $gatewayDevType
                                              . "[\_\/-]([A-Z0-9_-]+)";
                                            $key =~ s/^$s$/\L$1/;

                                            # remove gateway TYPE when
                                            # used as prefix
                                            $s = $gatewayDevType . "[_\/-]";
                                            $key =~ s/^$s//;
                                            $cmd .= " $key='$value'"
                                              if ( !defined( $h->{$key} )
                                                || $h->{$key} =~
                                                m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ );

                                        keys %$paramsA;
                                        while ( ( my $key, my $value ) =
                                            each %$paramsA )
                                            # Compatibility to legacy schema:
                                            # lowercase after _
                                            my $s = $gatewayDevType
                                              . "[\_\/-]([A-Z0-9_-]+)";
                                            $key =~ s/^$s$/\L$1/;

                                            # remove gateway TYPE when
                                            # used as prefix
                                            $s = $gatewayDevType . "[_\/-]";
                                            $key =~ s/^$s//;
                                            $cmd .= " $key='$value'"
                                              if ( !defined( $h->{$key} )
                                                || $h->{$key} =~
                                                m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ );


                                    # excplicitly queue message
                                    if ( $routeStatus eq "OK_QUEUE" ) {
                                        $queued = msgConfig_QueueAdd(
                                            $msgA,          $params,
                                            $msgDateTime,   $msgID,
                                            $sentCounter,   $type[$i],
                                            $device,        $subRecipient,
                                            $termRecipient, $priority,
                                            $loopTitle,     $loopMsg
                                        ) ? 1 : 0;

                                    # run command
                                    elsif ($replaceError) {
                                        $error = 2;
                                        $loopReturn3 .= $replaceError;
                                    elsif ( $cmd =~ /^\s*\{.*\}\s*$/ ) {
                                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                          "msg $device: "
                                          . "$type[$i] route command (Perl): $cmd";

                                        #eval $cmd;
                                        my $ret =
                                          AnalyzePerlCommand( undef, $cmd );
                                        unless ( !$ret
                                            || $ret =~ m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ )
                                            $error = 1;
                                            $loopReturn3 .=
                                              "$gatewayDev: $ret\n";
                                    else {
                                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                                          "msg $device: "
                                          . "$type[$i] route command (fhem): $cmd";
                                        my $ret =
                                          AnalyzeCommandChain( undef, $cmd );
                                        unless ( !$ret
                                            || $ret =~ m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ )
                                            $error = 1;
                                            $loopReturn3 .=
                                              "$gatewayDev: $ret\n";

                                    $routeStatus = "ERROR"
                                      if ( $error == 1 );
                                    $routeStatus = "ERROR_EVAL"
                                      if ( $error == 2 );

                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority($priorityCat) "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
                                      . "MSG='$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $priorityCat ne ""
                                        && $subRecipient ne "" );
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
                                      . "MSG='$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $priorityCat eq ""
                                        && $subRecipient ne "" );
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority($priorityCat) "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
                                      . "MSG='$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $priorityCat ne ""
                                        && $subRecipient eq "" );
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
                                      . "MSG='$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $priorityCat eq ""
                                        && $subRecipient eq "" );


                                $msgSent    = 1 if ( $error == 0 );
                                $msgSentDev = 1 if ( $error == 0 );

                                if ( $subRecipient ne "" ) {
                                      = $routeStatus
                                      if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
                                    $gatewaysStatus{"$device:$subRecipient"} =
                                      if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );
                                else {
                                    $gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
                                      if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
                                    $gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
                                      if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );

                            elsif ( $routeStatus =~ /\+QUEUE/ || $forceQueue ) {
                                unless ( defined($testMode)
                                    && $testMode eq "1" )
                                    if ( !( grep { "queue" eq $_ } @type ) ) {
                                        $queued = msgConfig_QueueAdd(
                                            $msgA,          $params,
                                            $msgDateTime,   $msgID,
                                            $sentCounter,   $type[$i],
                                            $device,        $subRecipient,
                                            $termRecipient, $priority,
                                            $loopTitle,     $loopMsg
                                        ) ? 1 : 0;

                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $subRecipient eq "" );

                                $msgSent    = 3 if ( $msgSent != 1 );
                                $msgSentDev = 3 if ( $msgSentDev != 1 );

                                $gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
                                  if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
                                $gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
                                  if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );

                            elsif ($routeStatus eq "UNAVAILABLE"
                                || $routeStatus eq "UNDEFINED" )
                                unless ( defined($testMode)
                                    && $testMode eq "1" )
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $subRecipient eq "" );

                                $gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
                                  if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
                                $gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
                                  if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );

                            else {
                                unless ( defined($testMode)
                                    && $testMode eq "1" )
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
                                    Log3 $logDevice, 3,
                                        "msg $device: "
                                      . "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
                                      . "TYPE=$type[$i] "
                                      . "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
                                      . "STATUS=$routeStatus "
                                      . "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
                                      . "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
                                      if ( $subRecipient eq "" );

                                $msgSent    = 2 if ( $msgSent != 1 );
                                $msgSentDev = 2 if ( $msgSentDev != 1 );

                                $gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
                                  if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
                                $gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
                                  if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );


                        last if ( $msgSentDev == 1 || $msgSentDev == 3 );

                    # return if we are in routing target test mode
                    if ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" ) {
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                          "msg $device:		"
                          . "$type[$i] route check result: ROUTE_AVAILABLE"
                          if ( $loopReturn3 eq "" );
                        Log3 $logDevice, 5,
                          "msg $device:		"
                          . "$type[$i] route check result: ROUTE_UNAVAILABLE"
                          if ( $loopReturn3 ne "" );
                        return "ROUTE_AVAILABLE"   if ( $loopReturn3 eq "" );
                        return "ROUTE_UNAVAILABLE" if ( $loopReturn3 ne "" );

                    if ( $catchall == 0 ) {
                        if ( !defined( $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} ) ) {
                            $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} = "";
                        else {
                            $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} .= " ";

                        $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} .=
                          $type[$i] . ":" . $msgSentDev;
                    else {
                        if ( !defined( $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} ) ) {
                            $sentTypesPerDevice{$globalDevName} = "";
                        else {
                            $sentTypesPerDevice{$globalDevName} .= " ";

                        $sentTypesPerDevice{$globalDevName} .=
                          $type[$i] . ":" . $msgSentDev;

                    # update device readings
                    my $readingsDev = $defs{$device};
                    $readingsDev = $defs{$globalDevName}
                      if ( $catchall == 1 || $deviceType eq "email" );

                    readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev, "fhemMsg" . $typeUc,
                        $msg );
                    readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
                        "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Title", $title );
                    readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
                        "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Prio",
                        $loopPriority );

                    my $gwStates = "-";

                    keys %gatewaysStatus;
                    while ( ( my $gwName, my $gwState ) = each %gatewaysStatus )
                        $gwStates = "" if $gwStates eq "-";
                        $gwStates .= " " if $gwStates ne "-";
                        $gwStates .= "$gwName:$gwState";
                    readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
                        "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Gw", $gwStates );
                    readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
                        "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "State", $msgSentDev );

                    # suppress errors when there are still alternatives
                    if (   $hasTypeOr == 1
                        && $isTypeOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) )
                        $loopReturn3 = "";

                    ### Implicit forwards based on priority or presence

                    # Skip if typeOr is defined
                    # and this is not the last type entry
                    if (   $msgSentDev != 3
                        && $msgSentDev != 1
                        && $hasTypeOr == 1
                        && $isTypeOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                          "msg $device: "
                          . "Skipping implicit forward due to typesOr definition";

                        # remove recipient from list to avoid
                        # other interaction when using recipientOr in parallel
                        if (   $hasRecipientOr == 1
                            && $isRecipientOr <
                            scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) )
                            my $regex1 =
                              "\\s*!?@?" . $device . "[,|]";  # at the beginning
                            my $regex2 =
                              "[,|]!?@?" . $device . "\\s*";    # at the end
                            my $regex3 =
                              . $device
                              . ",";    # in the middle with comma
                            my $regex4 =
                              . $device
                              . "[\|,]";  # in the middle with pipe and/or comma

                            $recipients =~ s/^$regex1//;
                            $recipients =~ s/$regex2$/|/gi;
                            $recipients =~ s/$regex3/,/gi;
                            $recipients =~ s/$regex4/|/gi;


                    # Skip if recipientOr is defined
                    # and this is not the last device entry
                    if (   $msgSentDev != 3
                        && $msgSentDev != 1
                        && $hasRecipientOr == 1
                        && $isRecipientOr <
                        scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                          "msg $device: "
                          . "Skipping implicit forward due to recipientOr definition";

                    # Skip if softFail
                    elsif ( $msgSentDev != 3 && $msgSentDev != 1 && $softFail )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                          "msg $device: Skipping implicit forward";
                        $loopReturn3 = "";

                    # priority forward thresholds

                    ### emergency
                    my $msgFwPrioEmergency =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioEmergency$typeUc",
                        $typeUc, 2 );

                    ### absent
                    my $msgFwPrioAbsent =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioAbsent$typeUc",
                        $typeUc, 0 );

                    ### gone
                    my $msgFwPrioGone =
                      MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioGone$typeUc",
                        $typeUc, 1 );

                    my $fw_gwUnavailable =
                        $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{gwUnavailable}
                      ? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{gwUnavailable}
                      : "";
                    my $fw_emergency =
                        $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{emergency} )
                      ? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{emergency}
                      : "";
                    my $fw_residentAbsent =
                        $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentAbsent}
                      ? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentAbsent}
                      : "";
                    my $fw_residentGone =
                        $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentGone} )
                      ? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentGone}
                      : "";

                    # Forward message
                    # if no gateway device for this type was available
                    if (   $msgSentDev == 0
                        && $fw_gwUnavailable ne ""
                        && !( grep { $fw_gwUnavailable eq $_ } @type )
                        && $routes{$fw_gwUnavailable} == 1 )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                            "msg $device: "
                          . "Implicit forwards: No $type[$i] gateway device available for recipient $device ($gatewayDevs). Trying alternative message type "
                          . $fw_gwUnavailable;

                        push @type, $fw_gwUnavailable;
                        $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                        $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_gwUnavailable;

                    # Forward message
                    # if emergency priority
                    if (   $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioEmergency
                        && $fw_emergency ne ""
                        && !( grep { $fw_emergency eq $_ } @type )
                        && $routes{$fw_emergency} == 1 )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                            "msg $device: "
                          . "Implicit forwards: Escalating high priority $type[$i] message via "
                          . $fw_emergency;

                        push @type, $fw_emergency;
                        $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                        $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_emergency;

                    # Forward message
                    # if high priority and residents are
                    # constantly not at home
                    if (   $residentDevPresence eq "absent"
                        && $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioGone
                        && $fw_residentGone ne ""
                        && !( grep { $fw_residentGone eq $_ } @type )
                        && $routes{$fw_residentGone} == 1 )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                            "msg $device: "
                          . "Implicit forwards: Escalating high priority $type[$i] message via "
                          . $fw_residentGone;

                        push @type, $fw_residentGone;
                        $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                        $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentGone;

                    # Forward message
                    # if priority is normal or higher and residents
                    # are not at home but nearby
                    if (  !$forceQueue
                        && $residentDevState eq "absent"
                        && $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioAbsent
                        && $fw_residentAbsent ne ""
                        && !( grep { $fw_residentAbsent eq $_ } @type )
                        && $routes{$fw_residentAbsent} == 1 )
                        Log3 $logDevice, 4,
                            "msg $device: "
                          . "Implicit forwards: Escalating $type[$i] message via "
                          . $fw_residentAbsent
                          . " due to absence";

                        push @type, $fw_residentAbsent;
                        $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
                        $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentAbsent;


                $loopReturn2 .= $loopReturn3 unless ($softFail);
                last if ( $msgSent == 1 );


            $loopReturn1 .= $loopReturn2;

        $return .= $loopReturn1;
        last if ( $msgSent == 1 );


    # finalize device readings
    keys %sentTypesPerDevice;
    while ( ( my $device, my $types ) = each %sentTypesPerDevice ) {
        $device = $globalDevName
          if ( $device =~ /^(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])+@+([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]*))$/ );

        readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgStateTypes", $types )
          if ( $forwarded eq "" );
        readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgStateTypes",
            $types . " forwards:" . $forwarded )
          if ( $forwarded ne "" );
        readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgState", $msgSent );
        readingsEndUpdate( $defs{$device}, 1 );

    $return .= "However, message was still sent to some recipients!"
      if ( $msgSent == 1 && $return ne "" );

    $return .=
      "FATAL ERROR: Message NOT sent. No gateway device was available."
      if ( !$softFail && $msgSent == 2 );

    return $return;



=item command
=item summary dynamic routing of messages to FHEM devices and modules
=item summary_DE dynamisches Routing f&uuml;r Nachrichten an FHEM Ger&auml;te und Module
=begin html

<a id="MSG"></a>
  <p>For documentation in german see <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39983.0.html">FHEM Forum</a> or <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Msg">FHEM Wiki</a></p>
  Syntax is:<br>
  <code>msg [&lt;type&gt;] [&lt;@device&gt;|&lt;e-mail address&gt;] [&lt;priority&gt;] [|&lt;title&gt;|] &lt;message&gt;</code>
  Except for <i>message</i> all parameters are optional, for configuration of the entire messageing logics see also <a href="#msgConfig">msgConfig</a>.<br>
  Basic idea behind the command (and msgConfig) is to establish a central logic for dispatching messages to be sent to the user, so e.g. in case an address of an recipient changes, you only have to change one single point in your entire configuration.<br>
  Parameters are as follows:<br>
      Is optional and one of <i>text</i>, <i>audio</i>, <i>light</i> or <i>screen</i>. If ommitted, it defaults to <i>text</i>.<br>
      You may provide more than one type by providing a comma-seperated list.
    <li>@device or e-mail address<br>
      For <i>@device</i> you may opt for any instance of a messenger service available in <i>mscConfig</i>, by default <a href="#Pushover">Pushover</a> will be used (if available). <br>
      For emailing, per default <code>system()</code> command per <code>/usr/bin/mail</code> is issued.
      You may provide more than one recipent by providing a comma-seperated list here (also mixed).
      Is also optional. You may any (nummeric) value understood by your addressed messaging device, good idea is to use values common in the Pushover API (-2 to 2). 
      Is also optional, but when given, it has to be enclosed in <i>pipe</i> characters.

=end html
=begin html_old_DE

<a id="MSG"></a>
  <code>msg [&lt;type&gt;] [&lt;@device&gt;|&lt;e-mail address&gt;] [&lt;priority&gt;] [|&lt;title&gt;|] &lt;message&gt;</code>
  Bisher keine Dokumentation hier, sorry.<br>
  <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39983.0.html">FHEM Forum</a>

=end html_old_DE

=for :application/json;q=META.json 75_MSG.pm
  "author": [
    "Julian Pawlowski <julian.pawlowski@gmail.com>"
  "x_fhem_maintainer": [
  "x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
  "keywords": [
    "audio router",
=end :application/json;q=META.json
