Rollo schließt nicht bei Nacht wenn Fenster geschlossen wird und PrivacyPos angefahren #36

opened 2021-05-24 08:55:47 +00:00 by marko · 1 comment

ich habe folgendes Problem. Wenn das Fenster während "brightnessDriveDown" geöffnet ist, schließt das Rollo nicht, was soweit auch richtig ist. Wenn ich aber dann später das Fenster schließe wird die Schließfahrt nicht nachgeholt. Erst wenn das Roommate_Device absent ist, wird das Rollo geschlossen obwohl ASC_Mode_Down auf always steht. Was habe ich falsch eingestellt?

   FUUID      5e04f80a-f33f-26f5-faac-90e209b6de535a9c
   MID        da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
   NAME       ASC
   NOTIFYDEV  ASC,Daemmerungswert,ESP_Easy_Helligkeit,Regensor,Sonoff_Daemmerung,Wemos_Daemmerung,fenster_badezimmer,global,kuechen_fenster_carport,kuechen_fenster_strasse,lennart_fenster,rgr_asc,rr_Badezimmer,rr_asc,schlafzimmer_fenster,terrassen_tuer,wc_fenster,wohnzimmer_fenster,Rollo_Anbau,Rollo_BZ,Rollo_Kueche_Carport,Rollo_Kueche_Strasse,Rollo_Lennart,Rollo_SZ,Rollo_WC,Rollo_WZ
   NR         248
   STATE      shading out
   TYPE       AutoShuttersControl
   VERSION    v0.10.13
     2020-08-04 17:00:39   Rollo_ASC2_PosValue 0
     2020-08-23 21:04:50   Rollo_ASC2_lastDelayPosValue 70
     2020-08-26 09:30:01   Rollo_ASC2_lastPosValue 0
     2020-08-04 19:58:54   Rollo_ASC_PosValue 0
     2020-08-26 09:30:01   Rollo_ASC_lastPosValue 0
     2021-05-23 08:47:46   Rollo_Anbau_PosValue 0
     2020-05-08 21:30:51   Rollo_Anbau_lastDelayPosValue 70
     2021-05-23 08:47:16   Rollo_Anbau_lastPosValue 100
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   Rollo_Anbau_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2021-05-23 08:02:16   Rollo_BZ_PosValue 0
     2021-05-22 22:02:47   Rollo_BZ_lastDelayPosValue 5
     2021-05-23 08:01:55   Rollo_BZ_lastPosValue 100
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   Rollo_BZ_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2021-03-13 18:22:55   Rollo_Kueche_Carport Rollo_Kueche_Carport_lastPosValue 0
     2021-05-23 08:47:36   Rollo_Kueche_Carport_PosValue 0
     2021-05-22 22:02:47   Rollo_Kueche_Carport_lastDelayPosValue 5
     2021-05-23 08:47:15   Rollo_Kueche_Carport_lastPosValue 100
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   Rollo_Kueche_Carport_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2021-03-13 18:22:55   Rollo_Kueche_Strasse Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_lastPosValue 0
     2021-05-23 09:39:13   Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_PosValue 0
     2021-05-22 22:02:47   Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_lastDelayPosValue 5
     2021-05-23 09:39:05   Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_lastPosValue 40
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2020-10-12 07:54:14   Rollo_Lennart   Rollo_Lennart_lastPosValue 0
     2021-05-23 08:34:14   Rollo_Lennart_PosValue 0
     2020-09-27 19:15:01   Rollo_Lennart_lastDelayPosValue 40
     2021-05-23 09:00:05   Rollo_Lennart_lastPosValue 40
     2021-05-23 09:35:01   Rollo_Lennart_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 19:30
     2020-09-18 23:30:10   Rollo_PosValue  100
     2021-05-23 08:47:38   Rollo_SZ_PosValue 0
     2021-01-06 16:55:24   Rollo_SZ_lastDelayPosValue 70
     2021-05-23 08:47:16   Rollo_SZ_lastPosValue 100
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   Rollo_SZ_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2021-05-23 08:47:35   Rollo_WC_PosValue 0
     2021-05-21 22:00:22   Rollo_WC_lastDelayPosValue 70
     2021-05-23 08:47:16   Rollo_WC_lastPosValue 100
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   Rollo_WC_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2021-05-23 08:47:37   Rollo_WZ_PosValue 0
     2021-01-06 16:55:00   Rollo_WZ_lastDelayPosValue 70
     2021-05-23 08:47:16   Rollo_WZ_lastPosValue 100
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   Rollo_WZ_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2020-09-01 23:30:01   Rollo_lastDelayPosValue 10
     2020-09-18 12:54:03   Rollo_lastPosValue 0
     2020-08-31 08:15:02   ascEnable       on
     2021-05-16 13:54:58   controlShading  on
     2020-08-10 22:12:07   hardLockOut     off
     2020-04-05 20:50:27   partyMode       off
     2021-05-16 13:54:51   room_ASC_Badezimmer_Rollos_Tasmota Rollo_BZ
     2021-05-16 13:54:51   room_ASC_Rollos_Tasmota Rollo_Lennart
     2021-05-16 13:54:51   room_ASC_Rollos_Tasmota_WC Rollo_WC
     2021-05-16 13:54:51   room_ASC_Rollos_Tasmota_Wohnzimmer Rollo_WZ
     2021-05-16 13:54:51   room_Tasmota_ASC_Rollos Rollo_Anbau,Rollo_Kueche_Carport,Rollo_Kueche_Strasse,Rollo_SZ
     2020-06-02 12:16:45   selfDefense     on
     2021-05-23 09:39:13   state           shading out
     2020-09-12 20:47:15   sunriseTimeWeHoliday off
     2021-05-16 13:54:51   userAttrList    rolled out
       ASC        ASC_twilightDevice
       Rollo_BZ   ASC_BrightnessSensor
       Rollo_Kueche_Carport ASC_BrightnessSensor
       Rollo_Kueche_Strasse ASC_BrightnessSensor
       Rollo_Lennart ASC_BrightnessSensor
       ASC        ASC_rainSensor
       Rollo_Anbau ASC_BrightnessSensor
       Rollo_SZ   ASC_BrightnessSensor
       Rollo_WC   ASC_BrightnessSensor
       Rollo_WZ   ASC_BrightnessSensor
       Rollo_BZ   ASC_WindowRec
       Rollo_Kueche_Carport ASC_WindowRec
       Rollo_Kueche_Strasse ASC_WindowRec
       Rollo_Lennart ASC_WindowRec
       ASC        ASC_residentsDev
       Rollo_BZ   ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_Anbau ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_Kueche_Carport ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_Kueche_Strasse ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_Lennart ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_SZ   ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_WC   ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_WZ   ASC_Roommate_Device
       Rollo_SZ   ASC_WindowRec
       Rollo_Anbau ASC_WindowRec
       Rollo_WC   ASC_WindowRec
       Rollo_WZ   ASC_WindowRec
   ASC_brightnessDriveUpDown 15:4
   ASC_debug  0
   ASC_expert 1
   ASC_rainSensor Regensor:ASC_Value rain 45
   ASC_residentsDev rgr_asc:state
   ASC_tempSensor Temperatur_draussen
   ASC_twilightDevice Daemmerungswert
   alias      ASC
   devStateIcon { ShuttersControl_DevStateIcon($name) }
   icon       fts_shutter_automatic
   room       ASC,ASC-Beschattung,Rollos
   verbose    3
   CID        DVES_C8EDE7
   DEF        DVES_C8EDE7
   FUUID      5f0c8349-f33f-26f5-83df-a762d759522133b9
   IODev      Mosquitto_Broker
   LASTInputDev Mosquitto_Broker
   MSGCNT     4425
   Mosquitto_Broker_MSGCNT 4425
   Mosquitto_Broker_TIME 2021-05-23 12:33:27
   NAME       Rollo_BZ
   NR         417

     2020-08-20 19:09:00   ASC_Enable      on
     2020-08-02 19:48:44   ASC_ShadingMessage  WARN:  global shading active but ASC_Shading_Mode attribut is not set or off
     2021-05-23 08:02:16   ASC_ShuttersLastDrive maximum brightness threshold exceeded
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   ASC_Time_DriveDown 23.05.2021 - 22:30
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   ASC_Time_DriveUp 24.05.2021 - 09:30
     2021-05-23 09:30:01   ASC_Time_PrivacyDriveDown 23.05.2021 - 22:15
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   BASE            18
     2020-08-01 20:52:43   Backlog         ShutterOpenDuration1 20; ShutterCloseDuration1 20; ShutterInvert1 1; SaveData 1;
     2021-04-22 09:28:12   BlinkCount      10
     2021-04-22 09:28:25   BlinkTime       10
     2021-04-22 09:28:09   ButtonDebounce  50
     2020-10-09 21:33:47   Command         Unknown
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   FLAG            15
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   FallbackTopic   cmnd/DVES_C8EDE7_fb/
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Free            511
     2020-10-24 20:41:54   FullTopic       %prefix%/%topic%/
     2021-04-22 09:28:06   GPIO1_0         None
     2021-04-22 09:28:06   GPIO2_0         None
     2021-04-22 09:28:06   GPIO3_0         None
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_1          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_10         255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_11         255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_12         255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_13         255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_2          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_3          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_4          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_5          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_6          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_7          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_8          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   GPIO_9          255
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_0        None
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_10       Switch2
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_11       Switch3
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_12       Switch4
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_122      Button1i
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_123      Button2i
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_124      Button3i
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_125      Button4i
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_126      Button1in
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_127      Button2in
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_128      Button3in
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_129      Button4in
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_13       Switch5
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_14       Switch6
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_15       Switch7
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_150      Rotary1a
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_151      Rotary1b
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_16       Switch8
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_17       Button1
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_18       Button2
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_19       Button3
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_20       Button4
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_82       Switch1n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_83       Switch2n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_84       Switch3n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_85       Switch4n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_86       Switch5n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_87       Switch6n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_88       Switch7n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_89       Switch8n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_9        Switch1
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_90       Button1n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_91       Button2n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_92       Button3n
     2021-04-22 09:28:19   GPIOs1_93       Button4n
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_152      Rotary2a
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_153      Rotary2b
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_157      LedLink
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_158      LedLinki
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_21       Relay1
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_22       Relay2
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_23       Relay3
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_24       Relay4
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_25       Relay5
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_26       Relay6
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_27       Relay7
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_28       Relay8
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_29       Relay1i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_30       Relay2i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_31       Relay3i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_32       Relay4i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_33       Relay5i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_34       Relay6i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_35       Relay7i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_36       Relay8i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_37       PWM1
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_38       PWM2
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_39       PWM3
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_40       PWM4
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_41       PWM5
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_42       Counter1
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_46       PWM1i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_47       PWM2i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_48       PWM3i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_49       PWM4i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_50       PWM5i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_52       Led1
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_53       Led2
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_54       Led3
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_55       Led4
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_56       Led1i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_57       Led2i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_58       Led3i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs2_59       Led4i
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_1        DHT11
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_111      SSPI MISO
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_112      SSPI MOSI
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_113      SSPI SCLK
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_114      SSPI CS
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_115      SSPI DC
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_140      SM16716 CLK
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_141      SM16716 DAT
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_142      SM16716 PWR
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_143      MY92x1 DI
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_144      MY92x1 DCKI
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_147      ALux IrRcv
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_148      Serial Tx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_149      Serial Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_159      ALux IrSel
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_160      Buzzer
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_161      Buzzeri
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_180      SM2135 Clk
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_192      DS18x20o
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_193      DHT11o
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_2        AM2301
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_3        SI7021
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_4        DS18x20
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_43       Counter2
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_44       Counter3
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_45       Counter4
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_5        I2C SCL
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_6        I2C SDA
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_7        WS2812
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_94       Counter1n
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_95       Counter2n
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_96       Counter3n
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs3_97       Counter4n
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_107      Tuya Tx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_108      Tuya Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_130      HLWBL SEL
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_131      HLWBL SELi
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_132      HLWBL CF1
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_133      HLW8012 CF
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_134      BL0937 CF
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_135      MCP39F5 Tx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_136      MCP39F5 Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_137      MCP39F5 Rst
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_145      CSE7766 Tx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_146      CSE7766 Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_156      ADE7953 IRQ
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_181      SM2135 Dat
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_182      DeepSleep
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_183      EXS Enable
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_201      MOODL Tx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_207      BL0940 Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_51       IRrecv
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_62       PZEM0XX Tx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_63       PZEM004 Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_71       SerBr Tx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_72       SerBr Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_8        IRsend
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_98       PZEM016 Rx
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   GPIOs4_99       PZEM017 Rx
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   GroupTopic      cmnd/tasmotas/
     2021-04-22 09:28:10   Groups          1,2
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Heap            27
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   Hostname        sonoff_rollo_badezimmer-3559
     2021-05-16 13:54:40   IODev           Mosquitto_Broker
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   IPAddress
     2021-04-22 09:28:10   Interlock       on
     2021-05-23 00:10:27   LWT             Online
     2020-08-01 20:52:28   LedState        2
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   LoadAvg         19
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem1           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem10           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem11           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem12           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem13           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem14           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem15           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem16           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem2           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem3           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem4           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem5           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem6           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem7           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem8           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Mem9           
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   Module          Sonoff T1 2CH
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_0      Generic
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_1      Sonoff Basic
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_10     Sonoff Touch
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_11     Sonoff LED
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_12     1 Channel
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_13     4 Channel
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_19     Sonoff Dev
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_2      Sonoff RF
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_21     Sonoff SC
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_22     Sonoff BN-SZ
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_23     Sonoff 4CH Pro
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_25     Sonoff Bridge
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_26     Sonoff B1
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_28     Sonoff T1 1CH
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_29     Sonoff T1 2CH
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_3      Sonoff SV
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_30     Sonoff T1 3CH
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_39     Sonoff Dual R2
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_4      Sonoff TH
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_41     Sonoff S31
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_43     Sonoff Pow R2
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_44     Sonoff iFan02
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_5      Sonoff Dual
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_6      Sonoff Pow
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_7      Sonoff 4CH
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_70     Sonoff L1
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_71     Sonoff iFan03
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_74     Sonoff D1
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_8      Sonoff S2X
     2021-04-22 09:28:14   Modules1_9      Slampher
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_14     Motor C/AC
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_15     ElectroDragon
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_16     EXS Relay(s)
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_17     WiOn
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_31     Supla Espablo
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_33     Yunshan Relay
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_35     Luani HVIO
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_45     BlitzWolf SHP
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_46     Shelly 1
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_47     Shelly 2
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_49     Neo Coolcam
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_50     ESP Switch
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_51     OBI Socket
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_52     Teckin
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_53     AplicWDP303075
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_54     Tuya MCU
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_55     Gosund SP1 v23
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_56     ARMTR Dimmer
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_57     SK03 Outdoor
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_58     PS-16-DZ
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_59     Teckin US
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_60     Manzoku strip
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_61     OBI Socket 2
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_63     Digoo DG-SP202
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_64     KA10
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_65     Luminea ZX2820
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_67     SP10
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_68     WAGA CHCZ02MB
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_72     EXS Dimmer
     2021-04-22 09:28:15   Modules2_73     PWM Dimmer
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_18     Generic
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_20     H801
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_24     Huafan SS
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_27     AiLight
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_32     Witty Cloud
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_34     MagicHome
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_36     KMC 70011
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_37     Arilux LC01
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_38     Arilux LC11
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_40     Arilux LC06
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_42     Zengge WF017
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_48     Xiaomi Philips
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_62     YTF IR Bridge
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_66     Mi Desk Lamp
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   Modules3_69     SYF05
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   MqttCount       2
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   MqttLog         0
     2020-08-05 07:20:05   MqttRetry       600
     2021-04-22 09:28:04   NAME            Generic
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Once            off
     2020-10-20 21:44:27   OtaUrl
     2021-05-23 00:10:27   POWER           
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   POWER1          off
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   POWER2          off
     2021-04-22 09:28:12   PulseTime1_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:12   PulseTime1_Set  0
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   PulseTime2_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:20   PulseTime2_Set  0
     2021-04-22 09:28:12   PulseTime3_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:12   PulseTime3_Set  0
     2021-04-22 09:28:17   PulseTime4_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:17   PulseTime4_Set  0
     2021-04-22 09:28:13   PulseTime5_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:13   PulseTime5_Set  0
     2021-04-22 09:28:23   PulseTime6_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:23   PulseTime6_Set  0
     2021-04-22 09:28:13   PulseTime7_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:13   PulseTime7_Set  0
     2021-04-22 09:28:17   PulseTime8_Remaining 0
     2021-04-22 09:28:17   PulseTime8_Set  0
     2020-10-21 09:45:10   Restart         1
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   RestartReason   Software/System restart
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Rule1           off
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Rules           
     2020-12-22 19:48:16   STATUS13        {"StatusSHT":{"SHT0":{"Relay1":1,"Relay2":2,"Open":210,"Close":200,"50perc":50,"Delay":0,"Opt":"0001","Calib":"300:500:700:900:1000"}}
     2020-08-01 20:52:44   SaveData        on
     2020-08-01 20:52:28   SetOption26     on
     2020-08-17 21:08:05   SetOption56     on
     2020-08-17 21:16:12   SetOption57     on
     2020-08-01 20:52:28   SetOption80     on
     2020-08-01 20:52:29   SetOption81     on
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Shutter1_Direction 0
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Shutter1_Position 0
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Shutter1_Target 0
     2021-04-24 12:15:16   ShutterClose1   100
     2020-08-01 20:52:44   ShutterCloseDuration1 20.0
     2020-08-01 20:52:44   ShutterInvert1  1
     2021-04-22 08:48:52   ShutterOpen1    0
     2020-08-10 19:58:27   ShutterOpenDuration1 21.0
     2021-05-23 08:01:55   ShutterPosition1 0
     2020-08-10 19:55:18   ShutterStop1    33
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Sleep           50
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   SleepMode       Dynamic
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   StopOnError     off
     2021-04-22 09:28:16   SwitchDebounce  50
     2020-08-01 20:52:29   SwitchMode1     3
     2020-08-01 20:52:30   SwitchMode2     3
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T1              0
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T2              0
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T3              0
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T4              0
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T5              0
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T6              0
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T7              0
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   T8              0
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Time            2021-05-23T11:33:27
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers          off
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer1_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer2_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer3_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers1_Timer4_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer5_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer6_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer7_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers2_Timer8_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer10_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer11_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer12_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers3_Timer9_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer13_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer14_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer15_Window 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Action 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Arm 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Days 0000000
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Mode 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Output 1
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Repeat 0
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Time 00:00
     2020-10-12 21:18:40   Timers4_Timer16_Window 0
     2020-10-20 21:44:27   Upgrade         Version from
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Uptime          7T12:30:13
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   UptimeSec       649813
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var1           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var10           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var11           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var12           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var13           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var14           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var15           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var16           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var2           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var3           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var4           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var5           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var6           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var7           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var8           
     2020-10-12 21:18:44   Var9           
     2020-10-20 21:46:07   Vcc             3.432
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   Version         8.5.0(tasmota)
     2021-05-16 00:03:23   WebServerMode   Admin
     2020-10-04 21:32:15   WifiConfig_2    WifiManager
     2020-08-17 21:07:28   WifiConfig_4    Retry
     2020-09-09 20:26:33   WifiConfig_7    ManagerRst
     2020-08-17 21:07:48   WifiPower       17.0
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_AP         1
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_BSSId      D8:47:32:3B:3D:24
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_Channel    11
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_Downtime   0T00:00:31
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_LinkCount  4
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_RSSI       58
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_SSId       TP-Link Repeater
     2021-05-23 12:33:27   Wifi_Signal     -71
     2021-05-16 13:54:52   associatedWith  ASC
     2020-08-01 20:52:25   attrTemplateVersion 20200522 or prior
     2020-08-02 11:03:32   brightness      100
     2020-08-01 21:00:16   command         announce
     2020-08-02 11:51:42   event           
     2020-08-02 11:51:42   event_cnt       0
     2020-08-02 11:51:42   input_0         0
     2020-08-02 11:09:00   longpush_0      0
     2020-08-02 11:07:06   longpush_1      1
     2021-05-23 08:02:16   pct             0
     2020-08-02 11:51:42   relay_0         off
     2020-08-01 21:06:17   relay_0_command off
     2021-05-23 08:02:16   state           0
     2020-08-02 11:03:32   turn            on
   ASC        1
   ASC_BrightnessSensor ESP_Easy_Helligkeit:Lux 15:4
   ASC_Down   brightness
   ASC_DriveUpMaxDuration 26
   ASC_LockOut soft
   ASC_Mode_Down always
   ASC_Mode_Up home
   ASC_Pos_Reading pct
   ASC_PrivacyDownValue_beforeNightClose 900:45
   ASC_PrivacyDown_Pos 40
   ASC_Roommate_Device rr_Badezimmer
   ASC_ShuttersPlace window
   ASC_Time_Down_Late 22:30
   ASC_Time_Up_Early 05:00
   ASC_Time_Up_Late 09:30
   ASC_Up     brightness
   ASC_Ventilate_Pos 5
   ASC_Ventilate_Window_Open on
   ASC_WindowRec fenster_badezimmer
   IODev      Mosquitto_Broker
   alexaName  Rollo Badezimmer
   alias      Rollo Badezimmer
   cmdIcon    open:fts_shutter_up close:fts_shutter_down stop:fts_shutter_manual half:fts_shutter_50
   comment    After applying the template set "ShutterOpenDuration1" and "ShutterCloseDuration1" first.
Use the "set x_configuration" Option. Example: "set x_configuration ShutterOpenDuration1 35"
Shutter specific commands available: ShutterOpenDuration1, ShutterCloseDuration1, ShutterRelay1, ShutterSetHalfway1, ShutterSetClose1, ShutterInvert1, ShutterMotordelay1, ShutterCalibration1; you may use this for general setOptions in tasmota also.
commands may need restart to take effect.
For calibration, use of more than one shutter device and further information on the available commands see Tasmota wiki.
   devStateIcon opening:fts_shutter_up@red closing:fts_shutter_down@red Online:10px-kreis-gruen Offline:10px-kreis-rot 100:fts_shutter_100 0:fts_shutter_10 9\d.*:fts_shutter_90 8\d.*:fts_shutter_80 7\d.*:fts_shutter_70 6\d.*:fts_shutter_60 5\d.*:fts_shutter_50 4\d.*:fts_shutter_40 3\d.*:fts_shutter_30 2\d.*:fts_shutter_20 1\d.*:fts_shutter_10 \b\d\b.*:fts_shutter_10 set_.*:fts_shutter_updown
   event-on-change-reading ASC_.*,pct,state,Shutter.*,POWER.*,LWT
   genericDeviceType blind
   group      Rollos
   homebridgeMapping clear CurrentPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=10,invert=1
   icon       scene_bathroom
   model      tasmota_2ch_shutter_invert_1
   readingList tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/LWT:.* LWT
   stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/RESULT:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) }
   stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER1:.* POWER1
   stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER1:on {{'state' => 'opening'}}
   stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER2:.* POWER2
   stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER2:on {{'state' => 'closing'}}
   stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/SHUTTER1:.* state
   stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/SHUTTER1:.* pct
   tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/RESULT:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) }
   tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/STATE:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) }
   tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/SENSOR:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) }
   tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/INFO.:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) }
   tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/UPTIME:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) }
cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/Backlog:.* Backlog
cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/Restart:.* Restart
cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER:.* POWER
cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterClose1:.* ShutterClose1
cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterOpen1:.* ShutterOpen1
cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterPosition1:.* ShutterPosition1
   room       ASC,Badezimmer,Rollos,Tasmota
   setList    close:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterClose1
   open:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterOpen1
   half:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterPosition1 50
   pct:slider,0,1,100 cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterPosition1 $EVTPART1
   stop:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterStop1
   resetClose:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterSetClose1
   x_configuration cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/$EVTPART1 $EVTPART2
   setStateList open close half stop pct

   userattr   ASC_Adv:on,off ASC_Antifreeze:off,soft,hard,am,pm ASC_Antifreeze_Pos:5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100 ASC_AutoAstroModeEvening:REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC,HORIZON ASC_AutoAstroModeEveningHorizon:-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ASC_AutoAstroModeMorning:REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC,HORIZON ASC_AutoAstroModeMorningHorizon:-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ASC_BlockingTime_afterManual ASC_BlockingTime_beforDayOpen ASC_BlockingTime_beforNightClose ASC_BrightnessSensor ASC_Closed_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_ComfortOpen_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Down:time,astro,brightness,roommate ASC_DriveUpMaxDuration ASC_Drive_Delay ASC_Drive_DelayStart ASC_ExternalTrigger ASC_GuestRoom:on,off ASC_LockOut:soft,hard,off ASC_LockOut_Cmd:inhibit,blocked,protection ASC_Mode_Down:absent,always,off,home ASC_Mode_Up:absent,always,off,home ASC_Open_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Partymode:on,off ASC_Pos_Reading ASC_PrivacyDownValue_beforeNightClose ASC_PrivacyDown_Pos ASC_PrivacyUpValue_beforeDayOpen ASC_PrivacyUp_Pos ASC_RainProtection:on,off ASC_Roommate_Device ASC_Roommate_Reading ASC_Self_Defense_AbsentDelay ASC_Self_Defense_Mode:absent,gone,off ASC_Shading_BetweenTheTime ASC_Shading_InOutAzimuth ASC_Shading_MinMax_Elevation ASC_Shading_Min_OutsideTemperature ASC_Shading_Mode:absent,always,off,home ASC_Shading_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Shading_StateChange_SunnyCloudy ASC_Shading_WaitingPeriod ASC_Shutter_IdleDetection ASC_ShuttersPlace:window,terrace,awning ASC_SlatPosCmd_SlatDevice ASC_Sleep_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_TempSensor ASC_Time_Down_Early ASC_Time_Down_Late ASC_Time_Up_Early ASC_Time_Up_Late ASC_Time_Up_WE_Holiday ASC_Up:time,astro,brightness,roommate ASC_Ventilate_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Ventilate_Window_Open:on,off ASC_WiggleValue ASC_WindParameters ASC_WindProtection:on,off ASC_WindowRec ASC_WindowRec_PosAfterDayClosed:open,lastManual ASC_WindowRec_subType:twostate,threestate room_map structexclude
   webCmd     :open:close:half:stop:pct
ich habe folgendes Problem. Wenn das Fenster während "brightnessDriveDown" geöffnet ist, schließt das Rollo nicht, was soweit auch richtig ist. Wenn ich aber dann später das Fenster schließe wird die Schließfahrt nicht nachgeholt. Erst wenn das Roommate_Device absent ist, wird das Rollo geschlossen obwohl ASC_Mode_Down auf always steht. Was habe ich falsch eingestellt? ``` Internals: FUUID 5e04f80a-f33f-26f5-faac-90e209b6de535a9c FVERSION MID da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 NAME ASC NOTIFYDEV ASC,Daemmerungswert,ESP_Easy_Helligkeit,Regensor,Sonoff_Daemmerung,Wemos_Daemmerung,fenster_badezimmer,global,kuechen_fenster_carport,kuechen_fenster_strasse,lennart_fenster,rgr_asc,rr_Badezimmer,rr_asc,schlafzimmer_fenster,terrassen_tuer,wc_fenster,wohnzimmer_fenster,Rollo_Anbau,Rollo_BZ,Rollo_Kueche_Carport,Rollo_Kueche_Strasse,Rollo_Lennart,Rollo_SZ,Rollo_WC,Rollo_WZ NR 248 NTFY_ORDER 51-ASC STATE shading out TYPE AutoShuttersControl VERSION v0.10.13 OLDREADINGS: READINGS: 2020-08-04 17:00:39 Rollo_ASC2_PosValue 0 2020-08-23 21:04:50 Rollo_ASC2_lastDelayPosValue 70 2020-08-26 09:30:01 Rollo_ASC2_lastPosValue 0 2020-08-04 19:58:54 Rollo_ASC_PosValue 0 2020-08-26 09:30:01 Rollo_ASC_lastPosValue 0 2021-05-23 08:47:46 Rollo_Anbau_PosValue 0 2020-05-08 21:30:51 Rollo_Anbau_lastDelayPosValue 70 2021-05-23 08:47:16 Rollo_Anbau_lastPosValue 100 2021-05-23 09:30:01 Rollo_Anbau_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2021-05-23 08:02:16 Rollo_BZ_PosValue 0 2021-05-22 22:02:47 Rollo_BZ_lastDelayPosValue 5 2021-05-23 08:01:55 Rollo_BZ_lastPosValue 100 2021-05-23 09:30:01 Rollo_BZ_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2021-03-13 18:22:55 Rollo_Kueche_Carport Rollo_Kueche_Carport_lastPosValue 0 2021-05-23 08:47:36 Rollo_Kueche_Carport_PosValue 0 2021-05-22 22:02:47 Rollo_Kueche_Carport_lastDelayPosValue 5 2021-05-23 08:47:15 Rollo_Kueche_Carport_lastPosValue 100 2021-05-23 09:30:01 Rollo_Kueche_Carport_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2021-03-13 18:22:55 Rollo_Kueche_Strasse Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_lastPosValue 0 2021-05-23 09:39:13 Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_PosValue 0 2021-05-22 22:02:47 Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_lastDelayPosValue 5 2021-05-23 09:39:05 Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_lastPosValue 40 2021-05-23 09:30:01 Rollo_Kueche_Strasse_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2020-10-12 07:54:14 Rollo_Lennart Rollo_Lennart_lastPosValue 0 2021-05-23 08:34:14 Rollo_Lennart_PosValue 0 2020-09-27 19:15:01 Rollo_Lennart_lastDelayPosValue 40 2021-05-23 09:00:05 Rollo_Lennart_lastPosValue 40 2021-05-23 09:35:01 Rollo_Lennart_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 19:30 2020-09-18 23:30:10 Rollo_PosValue 100 2021-05-23 08:47:38 Rollo_SZ_PosValue 0 2021-01-06 16:55:24 Rollo_SZ_lastDelayPosValue 70 2021-05-23 08:47:16 Rollo_SZ_lastPosValue 100 2021-05-23 09:30:01 Rollo_SZ_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2021-05-23 08:47:35 Rollo_WC_PosValue 0 2021-05-21 22:00:22 Rollo_WC_lastDelayPosValue 70 2021-05-23 08:47:16 Rollo_WC_lastPosValue 100 2021-05-23 09:30:01 Rollo_WC_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2021-05-23 08:47:37 Rollo_WZ_PosValue 0 2021-01-06 16:55:00 Rollo_WZ_lastDelayPosValue 70 2021-05-23 08:47:16 Rollo_WZ_lastPosValue 100 2021-05-23 09:30:01 Rollo_WZ_nextAstroTimeEvent 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2020-09-01 23:30:01 Rollo_lastDelayPosValue 10 2020-09-18 12:54:03 Rollo_lastPosValue 0 2020-08-31 08:15:02 ascEnable on 2021-05-16 13:54:58 controlShading on 2020-08-10 22:12:07 hardLockOut off 2020-04-05 20:50:27 partyMode off 2021-05-16 13:54:51 room_ASC_Badezimmer_Rollos_Tasmota Rollo_BZ 2021-05-16 13:54:51 room_ASC_Rollos_Tasmota Rollo_Lennart 2021-05-16 13:54:51 room_ASC_Rollos_Tasmota_WC Rollo_WC 2021-05-16 13:54:51 room_ASC_Rollos_Tasmota_Wohnzimmer Rollo_WZ 2021-05-16 13:54:51 room_Tasmota_ASC_Rollos Rollo_Anbau,Rollo_Kueche_Carport,Rollo_Kueche_Strasse,Rollo_SZ 2020-06-02 12:16:45 selfDefense on 2021-05-23 09:39:13 state shading out 2020-09-12 20:47:15 sunriseTimeWeHoliday off 2021-05-16 13:54:51 userAttrList rolled out helper: shuttersList: Rollo_Anbau Rollo_BZ Rollo_Kueche_Carport Rollo_Kueche_Strasse Rollo_Lennart Rollo_SZ Rollo_WC Rollo_WZ monitoredDevs: Daemmerungswert: ASC ASC_twilightDevice ESP_Easy_Helligkeit: Rollo_BZ ASC_BrightnessSensor Rollo_Kueche_Carport ASC_BrightnessSensor Rollo_Kueche_Strasse ASC_BrightnessSensor Rollo_Lennart ASC_BrightnessSensor Regensor: ASC ASC_rainSensor Rollo_Anbau: Rollo_BZ: Rollo_Kueche_Carport: Rollo_Kueche_Strasse: Rollo_Lennart: Rollo_SZ: Rollo_WC: Rollo_WZ: Sonoff_Daemmerung: Rollo_Anbau ASC_BrightnessSensor Rollo_SZ ASC_BrightnessSensor Wemos_Daemmerung: Rollo_WC ASC_BrightnessSensor Rollo_WZ ASC_BrightnessSensor fenster_badezimmer: Rollo_BZ ASC_WindowRec kuechen_fenster_carport: Rollo_Kueche_Carport ASC_WindowRec kuechen_fenster_strasse: Rollo_Kueche_Strasse ASC_WindowRec lennart_fenster: Rollo_Lennart ASC_WindowRec rgr_asc: ASC ASC_residentsDev rr_Badezimmer: Rollo_BZ ASC_Roommate_Device rr_asc: Rollo_Anbau ASC_Roommate_Device Rollo_Kueche_Carport ASC_Roommate_Device Rollo_Kueche_Strasse ASC_Roommate_Device Rollo_Lennart ASC_Roommate_Device Rollo_SZ ASC_Roommate_Device Rollo_WC ASC_Roommate_Device Rollo_WZ ASC_Roommate_Device schlafzimmer_fenster: Rollo_SZ ASC_WindowRec terrassen_tuer: Rollo_Anbau ASC_WindowRec wc_fenster: Rollo_WC ASC_WindowRec wohnzimmer_fenster: Rollo_WZ ASC_WindowRec Attributes: ASC_brightnessDriveUpDown 15:4 ASC_debug 0 ASC_expert 1 ASC_rainSensor Regensor:ASC_Value rain 45 ASC_residentsDev rgr_asc:state ASC_tempSensor Temperatur_draussen ASC_twilightDevice Daemmerungswert alias ASC devStateIcon { ShuttersControl_DevStateIcon($name) } icon fts_shutter_automatic room ASC,ASC-Beschattung,Rollos verbose 3 ``` ``` Internals: CID DVES_C8EDE7 DEF DVES_C8EDE7 DEVICETOPIC Rollo_BZ FUUID 5f0c8349-f33f-26f5-83df-a762d759522133b9 IODev Mosquitto_Broker LASTInputDev Mosquitto_Broker MSGCNT 4425 Mosquitto_Broker_MSGCNT 4425 Mosquitto_Broker_TIME 2021-05-23 12:33:27 NAME Rollo_BZ NR 417 STATE Online 0 TYPE MQTT2_DEVICE READINGS: 2020-08-20 19:09:00 ASC_Enable on 2020-08-02 19:48:44 ASC_ShadingMessage WARN: global shading active but ASC_Shading_Mode attribut is not set or off 2021-05-23 08:02:16 ASC_ShuttersLastDrive maximum brightness threshold exceeded 2021-05-23 09:30:01 ASC_Time_DriveDown 23.05.2021 - 22:30 2021-05-23 09:30:01 ASC_Time_DriveUp 24.05.2021 - 09:30 2021-05-23 09:30:01 ASC_Time_PrivacyDriveDown 23.05.2021 - 22:15 2021-04-22 09:28:04 BASE 18 2020-08-01 20:52:43 Backlog ShutterOpenDuration1 20; ShutterCloseDuration1 20; ShutterInvert1 1; SaveData 1; 2021-04-22 09:28:12 BlinkCount 10 2021-04-22 09:28:25 BlinkTime 10 2021-04-22 09:28:09 ButtonDebounce 50 2020-10-09 21:33:47 Command Unknown 2021-04-22 09:28:04 FLAG 15 2021-05-16 00:03:23 FallbackTopic cmnd/DVES_C8EDE7_fb/ 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Free 511 2020-10-24 20:41:54 FullTopic %prefix%/%topic%/ 2021-04-22 09:28:06 GPIO1_0 None 2021-04-22 09:28:06 GPIO2_0 None 2021-04-22 09:28:06 GPIO3_0 None 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_1 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_10 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_11 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_12 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_13 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_2 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_3 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_4 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_5 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_6 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_7 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_8 255 2021-04-22 09:28:04 GPIO_9 255 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_0 None 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_10 Switch2 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_11 Switch3 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_12 Switch4 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_122 Button1i 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_123 Button2i 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_124 Button3i 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_125 Button4i 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_126 Button1in 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_127 Button2in 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_128 Button3in 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_129 Button4in 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_13 Switch5 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_14 Switch6 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_15 Switch7 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_150 Rotary1a 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_151 Rotary1b 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_16 Switch8 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_17 Button1 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_18 Button2 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_19 Button3 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_20 Button4 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_82 Switch1n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_83 Switch2n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_84 Switch3n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_85 Switch4n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_86 Switch5n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_87 Switch6n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_88 Switch7n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_89 Switch8n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_9 Switch1 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_90 Button1n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_91 Button2n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_92 Button3n 2021-04-22 09:28:19 GPIOs1_93 Button4n 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_152 Rotary2a 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_153 Rotary2b 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_157 LedLink 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_158 LedLinki 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_21 Relay1 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_22 Relay2 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_23 Relay3 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_24 Relay4 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_25 Relay5 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_26 Relay6 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_27 Relay7 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_28 Relay8 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_29 Relay1i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_30 Relay2i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_31 Relay3i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_32 Relay4i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_33 Relay5i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_34 Relay6i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_35 Relay7i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_36 Relay8i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_37 PWM1 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_38 PWM2 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_39 PWM3 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_40 PWM4 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_41 PWM5 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_42 Counter1 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_46 PWM1i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_47 PWM2i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_48 PWM3i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_49 PWM4i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_50 PWM5i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_52 Led1 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_53 Led2 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_54 Led3 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_55 Led4 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_56 Led1i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_57 Led2i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_58 Led3i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs2_59 Led4i 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_1 DHT11 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_111 SSPI MISO 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_112 SSPI MOSI 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_113 SSPI SCLK 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_114 SSPI CS 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_115 SSPI DC 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_140 SM16716 CLK 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_141 SM16716 DAT 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_142 SM16716 PWR 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_143 MY92x1 DI 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_144 MY92x1 DCKI 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_147 ALux IrRcv 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_148 Serial Tx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_149 Serial Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_159 ALux IrSel 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_160 Buzzer 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_161 Buzzeri 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_180 SM2135 Clk 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_192 DS18x20o 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_193 DHT11o 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_2 AM2301 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_3 SI7021 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_4 DS18x20 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_43 Counter2 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_44 Counter3 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_45 Counter4 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_5 I2C SCL 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_6 I2C SDA 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_7 WS2812 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_94 Counter1n 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_95 Counter2n 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_96 Counter3n 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs3_97 Counter4n 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_107 Tuya Tx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_108 Tuya Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_130 HLWBL SEL 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_131 HLWBL SELi 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_132 HLWBL CF1 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_133 HLW8012 CF 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_134 BL0937 CF 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_135 MCP39F5 Tx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_136 MCP39F5 Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_137 MCP39F5 Rst 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_145 CSE7766 Tx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_146 CSE7766 Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_156 ADE7953 IRQ 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_181 SM2135 Dat 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_182 DeepSleep 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_183 EXS Enable 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_201 MOODL Tx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_207 BL0940 Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_51 IRrecv 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_62 PZEM0XX Tx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_63 PZEM004 Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_71 SerBr Tx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_72 SerBr Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_8 IRsend 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_98 PZEM016 Rx 2021-04-22 09:28:20 GPIOs4_99 PZEM017 Rx 2021-05-16 00:03:23 GroupTopic cmnd/tasmotas/ 2021-04-22 09:28:10 Groups 1,2 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Heap 27 2021-05-16 00:03:23 Hostname sonoff_rollo_badezimmer-3559 2021-05-16 13:54:40 IODev Mosquitto_Broker 2021-05-16 00:03:23 IPAddress 2021-04-22 09:28:10 Interlock on 2021-05-23 00:10:27 LWT Online 2020-08-01 20:52:28 LedState 2 2021-05-23 12:33:27 LoadAvg 19 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem1 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem10 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem11 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem12 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem13 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem14 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem15 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem16 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem2 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem3 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem4 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem5 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem6 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem7 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem8 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Mem9 2021-05-16 00:03:23 Module Sonoff T1 2CH 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_0 Generic 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_1 Sonoff Basic 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_10 Sonoff Touch 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_11 Sonoff LED 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_12 1 Channel 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_13 4 Channel 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_19 Sonoff Dev 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_2 Sonoff RF 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_21 Sonoff SC 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_22 Sonoff BN-SZ 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_23 Sonoff 4CH Pro 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_25 Sonoff Bridge 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_26 Sonoff B1 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_28 Sonoff T1 1CH 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_29 Sonoff T1 2CH 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_3 Sonoff SV 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_30 Sonoff T1 3CH 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_39 Sonoff Dual R2 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_4 Sonoff TH 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_41 Sonoff S31 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_43 Sonoff Pow R2 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_44 Sonoff iFan02 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_5 Sonoff Dual 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_6 Sonoff Pow 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_7 Sonoff 4CH 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_70 Sonoff L1 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_71 Sonoff iFan03 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_74 Sonoff D1 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_8 Sonoff S2X 2021-04-22 09:28:14 Modules1_9 Slampher 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_14 Motor C/AC 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_15 ElectroDragon 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_16 EXS Relay(s) 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_17 WiOn 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_31 Supla Espablo 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_33 Yunshan Relay 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_35 Luani HVIO 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_45 BlitzWolf SHP 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_46 Shelly 1 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_47 Shelly 2 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_49 Neo Coolcam 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_50 ESP Switch 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_51 OBI Socket 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_52 Teckin 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_53 AplicWDP303075 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_54 Tuya MCU 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_55 Gosund SP1 v23 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_56 ARMTR Dimmer 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_57 SK03 Outdoor 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_58 PS-16-DZ 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_59 Teckin US 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_60 Manzoku strip 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_61 OBI Socket 2 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_63 Digoo DG-SP202 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_64 KA10 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_65 Luminea ZX2820 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_67 SP10 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_68 WAGA CHCZ02MB 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_72 EXS Dimmer 2021-04-22 09:28:15 Modules2_73 PWM Dimmer 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_18 Generic 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_20 H801 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_24 Huafan SS 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_27 AiLight 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_32 Witty Cloud 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_34 MagicHome 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_36 KMC 70011 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_37 Arilux LC01 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_38 Arilux LC11 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_40 Arilux LC06 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_42 Zengge WF017 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_48 Xiaomi Philips 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_62 YTF IR Bridge 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_66 Mi Desk Lamp 2021-04-22 09:28:16 Modules3_69 SYF05 2021-05-23 12:33:27 MqttCount 2 2021-04-22 09:28:16 MqttLog 0 2020-08-05 07:20:05 MqttRetry 600 2021-04-22 09:28:04 NAME Generic 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Once off 2020-10-20 21:44:27 OtaUrl 2021-05-23 00:10:27 POWER 2021-05-23 12:33:27 POWER1 off 2021-05-23 12:33:27 POWER2 off 2021-04-22 09:28:12 PulseTime1_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:12 PulseTime1_Set 0 2021-04-22 09:28:20 PulseTime2_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:20 PulseTime2_Set 0 2021-04-22 09:28:12 PulseTime3_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:12 PulseTime3_Set 0 2021-04-22 09:28:17 PulseTime4_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:17 PulseTime4_Set 0 2021-04-22 09:28:13 PulseTime5_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:13 PulseTime5_Set 0 2021-04-22 09:28:23 PulseTime6_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:23 PulseTime6_Set 0 2021-04-22 09:28:13 PulseTime7_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:13 PulseTime7_Set 0 2021-04-22 09:28:17 PulseTime8_Remaining 0 2021-04-22 09:28:17 PulseTime8_Set 0 2020-10-21 09:45:10 Restart 1 2021-05-16 00:03:23 RestartReason Software/System restart 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Rule1 off 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Rules 2020-12-22 19:48:16 STATUS13 {"StatusSHT":{"SHT0":{"Relay1":1,"Relay2":2,"Open":210,"Close":200,"50perc":50,"Delay":0,"Opt":"0001","Calib":"300:500:700:900:1000"}} 2020-08-01 20:52:44 SaveData on 2020-08-01 20:52:28 SetOption26 on 2020-08-17 21:08:05 SetOption56 on 2020-08-17 21:16:12 SetOption57 on 2020-08-01 20:52:28 SetOption80 on 2020-08-01 20:52:29 SetOption81 on 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Shutter1_Direction 0 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Shutter1_Position 0 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Shutter1_Target 0 2021-04-24 12:15:16 ShutterClose1 100 2020-08-01 20:52:44 ShutterCloseDuration1 20.0 2020-08-01 20:52:44 ShutterInvert1 1 2021-04-22 08:48:52 ShutterOpen1 0 2020-08-10 19:58:27 ShutterOpenDuration1 21.0 2021-05-23 08:01:55 ShutterPosition1 0 2020-08-10 19:55:18 ShutterStop1 33 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Sleep 50 2021-05-23 12:33:27 SleepMode Dynamic 2020-10-12 21:18:44 StopOnError off 2021-04-22 09:28:16 SwitchDebounce 50 2020-08-01 20:52:29 SwitchMode1 3 2020-08-01 20:52:30 SwitchMode2 3 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T1 0 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T2 0 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T3 0 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T4 0 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T5 0 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T6 0 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T7 0 2020-10-12 21:18:44 T8 0 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Time 2021-05-23T11:33:27 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers off 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer1_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer2_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer3_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers1_Timer4_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer5_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer6_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer7_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers2_Timer8_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer10_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer11_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer12_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers3_Timer9_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer13_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer14_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer15_Window 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Action 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Arm 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Days 0000000 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Mode 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Output 1 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Repeat 0 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Time 00:00 2020-10-12 21:18:40 Timers4_Timer16_Window 0 2020-10-20 21:44:27 Upgrade Version from 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Uptime 7T12:30:13 2021-05-23 12:33:27 UptimeSec 649813 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var1 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var10 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var11 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var12 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var13 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var14 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var15 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var16 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var2 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var3 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var4 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var5 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var6 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var7 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var8 2020-10-12 21:18:44 Var9 2020-10-20 21:46:07 Vcc 3.432 2021-05-16 00:03:23 Version 8.5.0(tasmota) 2021-05-16 00:03:23 WebServerMode Admin 2020-10-04 21:32:15 WifiConfig_2 WifiManager 2020-08-17 21:07:28 WifiConfig_4 Retry 2020-09-09 20:26:33 WifiConfig_7 ManagerRst 2020-08-17 21:07:48 WifiPower 17.0 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_AP 1 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_BSSId D8:47:32:3B:3D:24 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_Channel 11 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_Downtime 0T00:00:31 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_LinkCount 4 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_RSSI 58 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_SSId TP-Link Repeater 2021-05-23 12:33:27 Wifi_Signal -71 2021-05-16 13:54:52 associatedWith ASC 2020-08-01 20:52:25 attrTemplateVersion 20200522 or prior 2020-08-02 11:03:32 brightness 100 2020-08-01 21:00:16 command announce 2020-08-02 11:51:42 event 2020-08-02 11:51:42 event_cnt 0 2020-08-02 11:51:42 input_0 0 2020-08-02 11:09:00 longpush_0 0 2020-08-02 11:07:06 longpush_1 1 2021-05-23 08:02:16 pct 0 2020-08-02 11:51:42 relay_0 off 2020-08-01 21:06:17 relay_0_command off 2021-05-23 08:02:16 state 0 2020-08-02 11:03:32 turn on Attributes: ASC 1 ASC_BrightnessSensor ESP_Easy_Helligkeit:Lux 15:4 ASC_Down brightness ASC_DriveUpMaxDuration 26 ASC_LockOut soft ASC_Mode_Down always ASC_Mode_Up home ASC_Pos_Reading pct ASC_PrivacyDownValue_beforeNightClose 900:45 ASC_PrivacyDown_Pos 40 ASC_Roommate_Device rr_Badezimmer ASC_ShuttersPlace window ASC_Time_Down_Late 22:30 ASC_Time_Up_Early 05:00 ASC_Time_Up_Late 09:30 ASC_Up brightness ASC_Ventilate_Pos 5 ASC_Ventilate_Window_Open on ASC_WindowRec fenster_badezimmer IODev Mosquitto_Broker alexaName Rollo Badezimmer alias Rollo Badezimmer cmdIcon open:fts_shutter_up close:fts_shutter_down stop:fts_shutter_manual half:fts_shutter_50 comment After applying the template set "ShutterOpenDuration1" and "ShutterCloseDuration1" first. Use the "set x_configuration" Option. Example: "set x_configuration ShutterOpenDuration1 35" Shutter specific commands available: ShutterOpenDuration1, ShutterCloseDuration1, ShutterRelay1, ShutterSetHalfway1, ShutterSetClose1, ShutterInvert1, ShutterMotordelay1, ShutterCalibration1; you may use this for general setOptions in tasmota also. commands may need restart to take effect. For calibration, use of more than one shutter device and further information on the available commands see Tasmota wiki. devStateIcon opening:fts_shutter_up@red closing:fts_shutter_down@red Online:10px-kreis-gruen Offline:10px-kreis-rot 100:fts_shutter_100 0:fts_shutter_10 9\d.*:fts_shutter_90 8\d.*:fts_shutter_80 7\d.*:fts_shutter_70 6\d.*:fts_shutter_60 5\d.*:fts_shutter_50 4\d.*:fts_shutter_40 3\d.*:fts_shutter_30 2\d.*:fts_shutter_20 1\d.*:fts_shutter_10 \b\d\b.*:fts_shutter_10 set_.*:fts_shutter_updown event-on-change-reading ASC_.*,pct,state,Shutter.*,POWER.*,LWT genericDeviceType blind group Rollos homebridgeMapping clear CurrentPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=10,invert=1 TargetPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=10,cmd=pct,invert=1 icon scene_bathroom model tasmota_2ch_shutter_invert_1 readingList tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/LWT:.* LWT stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/RESULT:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) } stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER1:.* POWER1 stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER1:on {{'state' => 'opening'}} stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER2:.* POWER2 stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER2:on {{'state' => 'closing'}} stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/SHUTTER1:.* state stat/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/SHUTTER1:.* pct tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/RESULT:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) } tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/STATE:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) } tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/SENSOR:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) } tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/INFO.:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) } tele/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/UPTIME:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) } cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/Backlog:.* Backlog cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/Restart:.* Restart cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/POWER:.* POWER cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterClose1:.* ShutterClose1 cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterOpen1:.* ShutterOpen1 cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterPosition1:.* ShutterPosition1 room ASC,Badezimmer,Rollos,Tasmota setList close:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterClose1 open:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterOpen1 half:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterPosition1 50 pct:slider,0,1,100 cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterPosition1 $EVTPART1 stop:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterStop1 resetClose:noArg cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/ShutterSetClose1 x_configuration cmnd/sonoff_rollo_badezimmer/$EVTPART1 $EVTPART2 setStateList open close half stop pct stateFormat LWT state userattr ASC_Adv:on,off ASC_Antifreeze:off,soft,hard,am,pm ASC_Antifreeze_Pos:5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100 ASC_AutoAstroModeEvening:REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC,HORIZON ASC_AutoAstroModeEveningHorizon:-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ASC_AutoAstroModeMorning:REAL,CIVIL,NAUTIC,ASTRONOMIC,HORIZON ASC_AutoAstroModeMorningHorizon:-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ASC_BlockingTime_afterManual ASC_BlockingTime_beforDayOpen ASC_BlockingTime_beforNightClose ASC_BrightnessSensor ASC_Closed_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_ComfortOpen_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Down:time,astro,brightness,roommate ASC_DriveUpMaxDuration ASC_Drive_Delay ASC_Drive_DelayStart ASC_ExternalTrigger ASC_GuestRoom:on,off ASC_LockOut:soft,hard,off ASC_LockOut_Cmd:inhibit,blocked,protection ASC_Mode_Down:absent,always,off,home ASC_Mode_Up:absent,always,off,home ASC_Open_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Partymode:on,off ASC_Pos_Reading ASC_PrivacyDownValue_beforeNightClose ASC_PrivacyDown_Pos ASC_PrivacyUpValue_beforeDayOpen ASC_PrivacyUp_Pos ASC_RainProtection:on,off ASC_Roommate_Device ASC_Roommate_Reading ASC_Self_Defense_AbsentDelay ASC_Self_Defense_Mode:absent,gone,off ASC_Shading_BetweenTheTime ASC_Shading_InOutAzimuth ASC_Shading_MinMax_Elevation ASC_Shading_Min_OutsideTemperature ASC_Shading_Mode:absent,always,off,home ASC_Shading_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Shading_StateChange_SunnyCloudy ASC_Shading_WaitingPeriod ASC_Shutter_IdleDetection ASC_ShuttersPlace:window,terrace,awning ASC_SlatPosCmd_SlatDevice ASC_Sleep_Pos:0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_TempSensor ASC_Time_Down_Early ASC_Time_Down_Late ASC_Time_Up_Early ASC_Time_Up_Late ASC_Time_Up_WE_Holiday ASC_Up:time,astro,brightness,roommate ASC_Ventilate_Pos:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ASC_Ventilate_Window_Open:on,off ASC_WiggleValue ASC_WindParameters ASC_WindProtection:on,off ASC_WindowRec ASC_WindowRec_PosAfterDayClosed:open,lastManual ASC_WindowRec_subType:twostate,threestate room_map structexclude webCmd :open:close:half:stop:pct ```
marko added the
label 2021-05-24 08:55:47 +00:00
marko self-assigned this 2021-05-24 08:55:47 +00:00
marko referenced this issue from a commit 2021-05-24 09:16:55 +00:00

Wenn das Fenster "open" ist, dann nicht. Das habe ich aber bewusst durch "ASC_LockOut soft" eingestellt. Ich vermute, dass es damit zusammenhängt das auch die Nachtfahrt nicht nachgeholt wird.

Wenn das Fenster "open" ist, dann nicht. Das habe ich aber bewusst durch "ASC_LockOut soft" eingestellt. Ich vermute, dass es damit zusammenhängt das auch die Nachtfahrt nicht nachgeholt wird.
marko closed this issue 2021-05-27 07:00:55 +00:00
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Reference: FHEM/mod-AutoShuttersControl#36
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