mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 16:16:36 +00:00
1241 lines
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1241 lines
37 KiB
# $Id$
# This modul supports the KOSTAL Piko Inverter.
# All Value of Piko's Home-page are captured.
# Futhermore the Global-Radion value is captured from http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter/<city>-Wetter-Heute.html
# so the expected energy ca be estimated
# 2013-06-28 john : added some snippets for getting all readings
# : added UndefFn
# 2013-06-28 john : global radiation support; updated hourly; needs attribute GR.Link
# the link must have the form of: http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter/<city>-Wetter-Heute.html
# take a look to the site http://www.proplanta.de
# you can calculate the expected daily power by using userReadings
# Daily.Energy.Last is updated once at the hour 23
# 2013-06-28 john : Delay.Counter added
# will be decremented until 0,
# if not 0, then only AC.Power is scanned, otherwise alle Values are scanned
# 2013-07-02 john : AC.Power.Fast added
# 2013-07-14 john : some fixes with minor priority
# 2014-06-01 john V2.00 : adaption to common developer standards
# attribute changes
# - verbose is supported instead of loglevel
# - disable is supported
# - new attribute : GRIntervall : intervall for capturing global radiation
# new software-design
# - non-blocking calls for capturing and parsing of html-pages
# - reducing side-effects for other devices due timeouts
# 2014-06-29 john V2.01 : supporting sensor values for http://<name>/Info.fhtml
# 2014-06-05 john V2.02 : supporting UV-Index and sunshine duration
# 2014-07-05 john V2.03 : fix: value extraction was faulty
# 2014-09-08 john V2.04 : fix: device name with dot made trouble (checked against Kostal Pikos Firmware 10.1)
# adjusting KOSTALPIKO_Log
# Inital Checkin to FHEM ; docu revised
# 2014-09-08 john V2.05 : support of battery option; developed by jannik_78
# 2014-12-22 john V2.06 : checked HTML
# 2015-01-25 john V2.07 : adjusted argument agent for http-request of proplanta (thanks to framller)
# 2016-02-25 john V2.08 : support of Piko 7 with only 2 strings instead of 3 (thanks to erwin)
# 2016-02-25 john V2.09 : substitution of term given/when with if/then
# 2017-19-26 john V2.10 : support of https
# --------------------------------------------
# parser for the site http://<ip-kostal>/index.fhtml
package MyParser;
use base qw(HTML::Parser);
our @texte = ();
my $isTD = 0;
my $takeNext = 0;
# is called if a text content is detected
# results in an array of string with alternating description / value
sub text
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
if ( $isTD == 1 ) # if we are inside a TD-Tag
$text =~ s/^\s+//; # trim string
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
if ( $takeNext == 1 ) # first text is description, next text is value
$takeNext = 0;
push( @texte, $text );
# filter only interesting captions
if ( $text eq "aktuell"
|| $text eq "Gesamtenergie"
|| $text eq "Tagesenergie"
|| $text eq "Status"
|| $text eq "Spannung"
|| $text eq "Strom"
|| $text eq "Leistung" )
$takeNext = 1; # expect next tag as value
push( @texte, $text );
# callback, if start tag is detected
sub start
my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_;
# we are only interested on TD-Tags
if ( $tagname eq 'td' )
$isTD = 1;
} else
$isTD = 0;
# after end-tag reset TD-marker
sub end
$isTD = 0;
# --------------------------------------------
# parser for the site http://<ip-kostal>/BA.fhtml
package MyBatteryParser;
use base qw(HTML::Parser);
our @texte = ();
my $isTD = 0;
my $isBold = 0;
my $takeNext = 0;
# is called if a text content is detected
# results in an array of string with alternating description / value
sub text
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
if ( $isTD == 1 ) # if we are inside a TD-Tag
# filter only interesting captions
if ( $text eq "Ladezustand:"
|| $text eq "Spannung:"
|| $text eq "Ladestrom:"
|| $text eq "Temperatur:"
|| $text eq "Zyklenanzahl:"
|| $text eq "Solargenerator:"
|| $text eq "Batterie:"
|| $text eq "Netz:"
|| $text eq "Phase 1:"
|| $text eq "Phase 2:"
|| $text eq "Phase 3:" )
$takeNext = 1; # expect next tag as value
push( @texte, $text );
if ( $isBold == 1 && $takeNext == 1 )
$takeNext = 0;
$text =~ s/[^0-9\.]//g;
push( @texte, $text );
# callback, if start tag is detected
sub start
my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_;
# we are only interested on TD-Tags
$isTD = 0;
$isBold = 0;
if ( $tagname eq 'td' )
$isTD = 1;
if ( $tagname eq 'b' )
$isBold = 1;
# after end-tag reset TD-marker
sub end
$isTD = 0;
# parser for the global radiation
package MyRadiationParser;
use base qw(HTML::Parser);
our @texte = ();
my $lookupTag = "span";
my $curTag = "";
my $takeNext = 0;
# here HTML::text/start/end are overridden
sub text
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
if ( $curTag eq $lookupTag )
$text =~ s/^\s+//; # trim string
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
if ( $takeNext == 1 )
$takeNext = 0;
push( @texte, $text );
if ( $text eq "Globalstrahlung" )
$takeNext = 1;
push( @texte, $text );
} elsif ( $text eq "UV-Index" )
$takeNext = 1;
push( @texte, $text );
} elsif ( $text eq "rel. Sonnenscheindauer" )
$takeNext = 1;
push( @texte, $text );
sub start
my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_;
$curTag = $tagname;
sub end
$curTag = "";
# parser for the site http://<kostal-piko-ip>/Info.fhtml with sensor values
package MyInfoParser;
use base qw(HTML::Parser);
our @texte = ();
my $isTD = 0;
my $isBold = 0;
my $takeNext = 0;
# is called if a text content is detected
sub text
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
if ( $isTD == 1 ) # if we are inside a TD-Tag
# filter only interesting captions
if ( $text =~ m/.*Eingang.*/ )
$takeNext = 1; # expect next tag as value
push( @texte, $text );
if ( $isBold == 1 && $takeNext == 1 )
$takeNext = 0;
$text =~ s/^\s+//; # trim string
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$text =~ m/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/; # find substring 0.00V : 0.00
my $value = $1;
push( @texte, $value );
# callback, if start tag is detected
sub start
my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_;
# we are only interested on TD-Tags
$isTD = 0;
$isBold = 0;
if ( $tagname eq 'td' )
$isTD = 1;
if ( $tagname eq 'b' )
$isBold = 1;
# after end-tag reset TD-marker
sub end
$isTD = 0;
package main;
use strict;
use feature qw/say switch/;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
require 'Blocking.pm';
require 'HttpUtils.pm';
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw(%defs);
my $KOSTAL_VERSION = "2.10";
sub KOSTALPIKO_Log($$$)
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub =~ s/KOSTALPIKO_//;
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $MODUL;
Log3 $hash, $loglevel, "$MODUL $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub KOSTALPIKO_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "KOSTALPIKO_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "KOSTALPIKO_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "KOSTALPIKO_Set";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"delay " . "delayCounter " . "GR.Link " . "GR.Interval " . "disable:0,1 " . "BAEnable:0,1 " . $readingFnAttributes;
sub KOSTALPIKO_Define($$)
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $host = $a[2];
my $user = $a[3];
my $pass = $a[4];
if ( int(@a) < 5 )
return "Wrong syntax: use define <name> KOSTALPIKO <ip-address> <user> <pass>";
$hash->{helper}{Host} = $host;
$hash->{helper}{User} = $user;
$hash->{helper}{Pass} = $pass;
$hash->{helper}{GRHour} = 25;
$hash->{helper}{TimerStatus} = $name . ".STATUS"; # like "Kostal.STATUS"
$hash->{helper}{TimerGR} = $name . ".GR";
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "KOSTALPIKO_StatusTimer", $hash->{helper}{TimerStatus}, 0 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 20, "KOSTALPIKO_GrTimer", $hash->{helper}{TimerGR}, 0 );
return undef;
sub KOSTALPIKO_Undef($$)
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash->{helper}{TimerStatus} );
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash->{helper}{TimerGR} );
BlockingKill( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_STATUS} ) if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_STATUS} ) );
BlockingKill( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_GR} ) if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_GR} ) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
return undef;
sub KOSTALPIKO_Set($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $reUINT = '^([\\+]?\\d+)$';
my $usage = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of captureKostalData:noArg ";
my $URL = AttrVal( $name, 'GR.Link', "" );
if ($URL)
$usage .= "captureGlobalRadiation:noArg ";
# for debugging issues
# $usage .= "test:noArg sleeper ";
return $usage if ( @a < 2 );
my $cmd = lc( $a[1] );
if ( $cmd eq "?" )
return $usage;
} elsif ( $cmd eq "capturekostaldata" )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "set command: " . $a[1] . " para:" . $hash->{helper}{TimerStatus};
} elsif ( $cmd eq "captureglobalradiation" )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "set command: " . $a[1];
} elsif ( $cmd eq "test" )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "set command: " . $a[1];
} elsif ( $cmd eq "sleeper" )
return "Set sleeper needs a <value> parameter"
if ( @a != 3 );
my $value = $a[2];
$value = ( $value =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : undef;
return "value " . $a[2] . " is not a number"
if ( !defined($value) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "set command: " . $a[1] . " value:" . $a[2];
$hash->{helper}{Sleeper} = $a[2];
} else
return $usage;
# get hour as number, input is a serial date
sub KOSTAL_GetHourSD($)
my @t = localtime(shift);
return $t[2];
# current datetime round off to current hour
sub KOSTAL_GetDateTrunc($)
my @t = localtime(shift);
return sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $t[5] + 1900, $t[4] + 1, $t[3], $t[2], 0, 0 );
# converts string-datetime to serial-datetime
# input: datetime as string
# output: serial datetime
sub KOSTAL_DateStr2Serial($)
my $datestr = shift;
my ( $yyyy, $mm, $dd, $hh, $mi, $ss ) = $datestr =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+)[:](\d+)[:](\d+)/;
# months are zero based
my $t2 = fhemTimeLocal( $ss, $mi, $hh, $dd, $mm - 1, $yyyy - 1900 );
return $t2;
# acquires the sensor html page of kostalpiko
sub KOSTALPIKO_SensorHtmlAcquire($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
my $err_log = '';
my $URL =
"http://" . $hash->{helper}{User} . ":" . $hash->{helper}{Pass} . "\@" . $hash->{helper}{Host} . "/Info.fhtml";
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 4, "$URL";
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, timeout => 3 );
my $header = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $URL );
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $URL, $header );
my $response = $agent->request($request);
$err_log .= "Can't get $URL -- " . $response->status_line
unless $response->is_success;
if ( $err_log ne "" )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 1, $err_log;
return "";
return $response->content;
# acquires the battery html page of kostalpiko
sub KOSTALPIKO_BatteryHtmlAcquire($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
my $err_log = '';
my $URL =
"http://" . $hash->{helper}{User} . ":" . $hash->{helper}{Pass} . "\@" . $hash->{helper}{Host} . "/BA.fhtml";
# $URL = ""; # for testing only uncomment
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 4, "$URL";
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, timeout => 3 );
my $header = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $URL );
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $URL, $header );
my $response = $agent->request($request);
$err_log .= "Can't get $URL -- " . $response->status_line
unless $response->is_success;
if ( $err_log ne "" )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 1, $err_log;
return "";
return $response->content;
# acquires the html page of kostalpiko
sub KOSTALPIKO_StatusHtmlAcquire($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
my $err_log = '';
my $URL =
"http://" . $hash->{helper}{User} . ":" . $hash->{helper}{Pass} . "\@" . $hash->{helper}{Host} . "/index.fhtml";
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 4, "$URL";
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, timeout => 3 );
my $header = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $URL );
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $URL, $header );
my $response = $agent->request($request);
$err_log .= "Can't get $URL -- " . $response->status_line
unless $response->is_success;
if ( $err_log ne "" )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 1, $err_log;
return "";
return $response->content;
sub KOSTALPIKO_StatusStart($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
my $err_log = '';
my $sdCurTime = gettimeofday();
my $hour = KOSTAL_GetHourSD($sdCurTime);
my $disable = AttrVal( $name, "disable", 0 );
my $delay = AttrVal( $name, "delay", 300 );
while (1)
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- started ---";
# check disable attribute
if ( $disable == 1 )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "disabled";
if ( !defined( $hash->{helper}{delayCounter} ) )
$hash->{helper}{delayCounter} = AttrVal( $name, "delayCounter", "0" );
# wenn delayCounter aktiv
if ( $hash->{helper}{delayCounter} > 0 )
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_STATUS} = BlockingCall(
"KOSTALPIKO_StatusRun", # callback worker task
$name, # name of the device
"KOSTALPIKO_StatusDone", # callback result method
50, # timeout seconds
"KOSTALPIKO_StatusAborted", # callback for abortion
); # parameter for abortion
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
sub KOSTALPIKO_StatusRun($)
my ($string) = @_;
my ( $name, $server ) = split( "\\|", $string );
my $level = 5;
return unless ( defined($name) );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- started ---";
# acquire the html-page
my $response = KOSTALPIKO_StatusHtmlAcquire($hash);
# perform parsing
#KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, $level, "before parsing of response-Len:".length($response);
my $parser = MyParser->new;
@MyParser::texte = ();
# parsing the complete html-page-response, needs some time
# only <td> tags will be regarded
# for testing issues
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{Sleeper} ) )
my $sleep = $hash->{helper}{Sleeper};
$hash->{helper}{Sleeper} = 0;
sleep($sleep) if ( $sleep > 0 );
# pack the results in a single string
my $ptext = $name;
foreach my $text (@MyParser::texte)
$ptext = $ptext . "|" . $text;
#---------------------------- Sensor values
$response = KOSTALPIKO_SensorHtmlAcquire($hash);
$parser = MyInfoParser->new;
@MyInfoParser::texte = ();
foreach my $text (@MyInfoParser::texte)
$ptext = $ptext . "|" . $text;
#---------------------------- battery values
if ( AttrVal( $name, 'BAEnable', 0 ) == 1 )
$response = KOSTALPIKO_BatteryHtmlAcquire($hash);
$parser = MyBatteryParser->new;
@MyBatteryParser::texte = ();
foreach my $text (@MyBatteryParser::texte)
$ptext = $ptext . "|" . $text;
#------------------------------ aquire is finished
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
return $ptext;
# assyncronous callback by blocking
sub KOSTALPIKO_StatusDone($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless ( defined($string) );
# need to do this before split !!!
my @nVoltages = $string =~ m/Spannung/g; ##MH how often did we find the word Spannung?
my $strangCount = int( @nVoltages / 2 ); # the number of strings
# all term are separated by "|" , the first ist the name of the instance
my ( $name, @values ) = split( "\\|", $string );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, '--- started --- with numStrings:' . $strangCount;
# show the values
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 5, "values:" . join( ', ', @values );
# delete the marker for running process
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_STATUS} );
while (1)
my $tag = ""; # der Name des parameters in der web site
my $index = 0; # laufindex von 1..4 f. String x und Lx
my $strang = 1; # gruppe String<n>/ L<n>
my $rdName = ""; # name for reading
my $rdValue; # value for reading
my %hashValues = (); # hash for name,value
my $sdCurTime = gettimeofday();
my $hour = KOSTAL_GetHourSD($sdCurTime);
foreach my $text (@values)
if ( $text eq "aktuell"
|| $text eq "Gesamtenergie"
|| $text eq "Tagesenergie"
|| $text eq "Status"
|| $text =~ m/.*analoger Eingang.*/
|| $text eq "Ladezustand:"
|| $text eq "Spannung:"
|| $text eq "Ladestrom:"
|| $text eq "Temperatur:"
|| $text eq "Zyklenanzahl:"
|| $text eq "Solargenerator:"
|| $text eq "Batterie:"
|| $text eq "Netz:"
|| $text eq "Phase 1:"
|| $text eq "Phase 2:"
|| $text eq "Phase 3:" )
$tag = $text; # remember the identifier
} elsif ( $text eq "Spannung" || $text eq "Strom" || $text eq "Leistung" )
# there are max 4 values per group
if ( $index > 4 )
$index = 1;
$tag = $text; # remember the identifier
} else
if ( $tag ne "" ) # last text was a identifier, so we expect a value
$rdValue = $text;
# translate the identifier of the html.page to internal identifiers
$rdName = "AC.Power" if ( $tag eq "aktuell" );
$rdName = "Total.Energy" if ( $tag eq "Gesamtenergie" );
$rdName = "Daily.Energy" if ( $tag eq "Tagesenergie" );
$rdName = "Mode" if ( $tag eq "Status" );
# MH change for PIKO7 (2 Strings only / should work for 3 string PIKO's
if ( $tag eq "Spannung" )
$rdName = "output.$strang.voltage" if ( $index == 2 );
if ( $index == 1 )
if ( $strang <= $strangCount )
$rdName = "generator.$strang.voltage";
} else
# useful for PIKO7 with 2 Strings only
$rdName = "output.$strang.voltage";
$rdName = "generator.$strang.current" if ( $tag eq "Strom" );
$rdName = "output.$strang.power" if ( $tag eq "Leistung" );
$rdName = "sensor.1" if ( $tag eq "1. analoger Eingang:" );
$rdName = "sensor.2" if ( $tag eq "2. analoger Eingang:" );
$rdName = "sensor.3" if ( $tag eq "3. analoger Eingang:" );
$rdName = "sensor.4" if ( $tag eq "4. analoger Eingang:" );
# BA.fhtml
$rdName = "Battery.StateOfCharge" if ( $tag eq "Ladezustand:" );
$rdName = "Battery.Voltage" if ( $tag eq "Spannung:" );
$rdName = "Battery.ChargeCurrent" if ( $tag eq "Ladestrom:" );
$rdName = "Battery.Temperature" if ( $tag eq "Temperatur:" );
$rdName = "Battery.CycleCount" if ( $tag eq "Zyklenanzahl:" );
$rdName = "Power.Solar" if ( $tag eq "Solargenerator:" );
$rdName = "Power.Battery" if ( $tag eq "Batterie:" );
$rdName = "Power.Net" if ( $tag eq "Netz:" );
$rdName = "Power.Phase1" if ( $tag eq "Phase 1:" );
$rdName = "Power.Phase2" if ( $tag eq "Phase 2:" );
$rdName = "Power.Phase3" if ( $tag eq "Phase 3:" );
# set 0, if "x x x" is given
$rdValue = 0 if ( index( $rdValue, "x x x" ) != -1 );
# add the pair of identifier and value to the hash
$hashValues{$rdName} = $rdValue;
#special treatment for fast value
$hashValues{ $rdName . ".Fast" } = $rdValue if ( $rdName eq "AC.Power" );
$tag = ""; # next text will be an identifier
$rdName = "";
} # foreach
# add the state for reading update
$rdValue = "W: " . $hashValues{"AC.Power"} . " - " . $hashValues{"Mode"};
$hashValues{state} = $rdValue;
# set the ModeNum
my $NMode = 9;
$rdValue = $hashValues{"Mode"};
$NMode = 0 if ( $rdValue eq "Aus" );
$NMode = 1 if ( $rdValue eq "Leerlauf" );
$NMode = 2 if ( $rdValue eq "Einspeisen MPP" );
$hashValues{ModeNum} = $NMode;
# Daily.Energy.Last, remember the last value of dayly energy
# check from 23 hour
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{"Daily.Energy"} ) && $hour == 23 )
my $ss = KOSTAL_GetDateTrunc($sdCurTime); # string date rounded to hour
my $sdDateTrunc = KOSTAL_DateStr2Serial($ss); # string date to serial date
$ss = ReadingsTimestamp( $name, "Daily.Energy.Last", $ss ); # determine reading timestamp
my $sdEnergyLast = KOSTAL_DateStr2Serial($ss); # serial format
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 5, "DateTrunc : $ss sdDateTrunc: $sdDateTrunc sdEnergyLast:$sdEnergyLast";
if ( $sdEnergyLast <= $sdDateTrunc )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 4, "update Daily.Energy.Last with " . $hash->{READINGS}{"Daily.Energy"}{VAL};
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Daily.Energy.Last", $hash->{READINGS}{"Daily.Energy"}{VAL}, 1 );
# update readings
my $upd;
foreach my $xxx ( sort keys %hashValues )
$upd = 0;
# update if reading not exists or if new/old value differs
if ( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$xxx}{VAL} ) || $hash->{READINGS}{$xxx}{VAL} ne $hashValues{$xxx} )
# AC.Power.FAst will every time updated, the others only, if delaycount is 0
if ( $xxx eq "AC.Power.Fast" || $hash->{helper}{delayCounter} == 0 )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $xxx, $hashValues{$xxx} );
$upd = 1;
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 4, "$xxx: $hashValues{ $xxx } upd:$upd";
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# wir arbeiten mit delay counter
if ( AttrVal( $name, "delayCounter", "0" ) ne "0" && $hash->{helper}{delayCounter} == 0 )
$hash->{helper}{delayCounter} = AttrVal( $name, "delayCounter", "0" );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "delayCounter restarted";
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
sub KOSTALPIKO_StatusAborted($)
my ($hash) = @_;
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_STATUS} );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
sub KOSTALPIKO_StatusTimer($)
my ($timerpara) = @_;
#my ( $name, $func ) = split( /\./, $timerpara );
my $index = rindex( $timerpara, "." ); # rechter punkt
my $func = substr $timerpara, $index + 1, length($timerpara); # function extrahieren
my $name = substr $timerpara, 0, $index; # name extrahieren
my $hash = $defs{$name};
#KOSTALPIKO_Log "", 3, "--- started --- name:$name";
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- started ---";
$hash->{helper}{TimerInterval} = AttrVal( $name, "delay", 60 );
# setup timer
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash->{helper}{TimerStatus} );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $hash->{helper}{TimerInterval},
"KOSTALPIKO_StatusTimer", $hash->{helper}{TimerStatus}, 0 );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
# acquires the html page of Global radiation
sub KOSTALPIKO_GrHtmlAcquire($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
my $URL = AttrVal( $name, 'GR.Link', "" );
# abbrechen, wenn wichtig parameter nicht definiert sind
return "" if ( !defined($URL) );
return "" if ( $URL eq "" );
my $err_log = "";
# my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, timeout => 3 );
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
env_proxy => 1,
keep_alive => 1,
protocols_allowed => ['http','https'],
timeout => 10,
agent => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) [de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4]"
my $header = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $URL );
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET', $URL, $header );
my $response = $agent->request($request);
$err_log = "Can't get $URL -- " . $response->status_line
unless $response->is_success;
if ( $err_log ne "" )
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 1, "Error: $err_log";
return "";
return $response->content;
sub KOSTALPIKO_GrStart($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
return if ( AttrVal( $name, 'GR.Link', "" ) eq "" );
while (1)
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- started ---";
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_GR} = BlockingCall(
"KOSTALPIKO_GrRun", # callback worker task
$name, # name of the device
"KOSTALPIKO_GrDone", # callback result method
50, # timeout seconds
"KOSTALPIKO_GrAborted", # callback for abortion
); # parameter for abortion
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
my ($string) = @_;
my ( $name, $server ) = split( "\\|", $string );
my $ptext = $name;
return unless ( defined($name) );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- started ---";
while (1)
# acquire the html-page
my $response = KOSTALPIKO_GrHtmlAcquire($hash);
last if ( $response eq "" );
my $parser = MyRadiationParser->new;
@MyRadiationParser::texte = ();
# parsing the complete html-page-response, needs some time
# only <td> tags will be regarded
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 4, "parsed terms:" . @MyRadiationParser::texte;
# pack the results in a single string
foreach my $text (@MyRadiationParser::texte)
$ptext = $ptext . "|" . $text;
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
return $ptext;
# assyncronous callback by blocking
sub KOSTALPIKO_GrDone($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless ( defined($string) );
# all term are separated by "|" , the first ist the name of the instance
my ( $name, @values ) = split( "\\|", $string );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- started ---";
# show the values
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 5, "values:" . join( ', ', @values );
# delete the marker for running process
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_GR} );
my $tag = "";
my $rdName = "";
my $rdValue = "";
my %hashValues = ();
# nach myRadiation suchen
foreach my $text (@values)
if ( $text eq "Globalstrahlung" || $text eq "UV-Index" || $text eq "rel. Sonnenscheindauer" )
$tag = $text;
} else
if ( $tag ne "" )
$rdValue = $text;
$rdValue =~ tr/,/./; # komma gegen punkt tauschen
$rdValue =~ m/([-,\+]?\d+\.?\d*)/; # zahl extrahieren
$rdValue = $1;
$rdName = $tag;
$rdName = "Global.Radiation" if ( $tag eq "Globalstrahlung" );
$rdName = "UV.Index" if ( $tag eq "UV-Index" );
$rdName = "sunshine.duration" if ( $tag eq "rel. Sonnenscheindauer" );
$hashValues{$rdName} = $rdValue;
$tag = "";
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 5, "tag:$rdName value:$rdValue";
my $upd = 1;
# hash sortieren und ausgeben, immer updaten, damit kurve angezeigt wird
foreach my $xxx ( sort keys %hashValues ) # alle schluessel abfragen
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $xxx, $hashValues{$xxx} ); # alten zustand merken
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 5, "$xxx: $hashValues{ $xxx } upd:$upd";
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
sub KOSTALPIKO_GrAborted($)
my ($hash) = @_;
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_GR} );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
sub KOSTALPIKO_GrTimer($)
my ($timerpara) = @_;
# my ( $name, $func ) = split( /\./, $timerpara );
my $index = rindex( $timerpara, "." ); # rechter punkt
my $func = substr $timerpara, $index + 1, length($timerpara); # function extrahieren
my $name = substr $timerpara, 0, $index; # name extrahieren
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return unless ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- started ---";
$hash->{helper}{TimerGRInterval} = AttrVal( $name, "GR.Interval", 3600 );
# setup timer
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash->{helper}{TimerGR} );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $hash->{helper}{TimerGRInterval}, "KOSTALPIKO_GrTimer", $hash->{helper}{TimerGR}, 0 );
KOSTALPIKO_Log $hash, 3, "--- done ---";
=item summary Module for Kostal Piko Inverter
=begin html
<a name="KOSTALPIKO"></a>
<a name="KOSTALPIKOdefine" id="KOSTALPIKOdefine"></a> <b>Define</b>
<br />
<code>define <name> KOSTALPIKO <ip-address> <user> <password></code><br />
<br />
The module reads the current values from web page of a Kostal Piko inverter.<br />
It can also be used, to capture the values of global radiation, UV-index and sunshine duration<br />
from a special web-site (proplanta) regardless of the existence of the inverter.<br />
<br />
<b>Parameters:</b><br />
<li><b><ip-address></b> - the ip address of the inverter</li>
<li><b><user></b> - the login-user for the inverter's web page</li>
<li><b><password></b> - the login-password for the inverter's web page</li>
</ul><br />
<br />
<b>Example:</b><br />
<code>define Kostal KOSTALPIKO pvserver pvwr</code><br />
</div><br />
<a name="KOSTALPIKOset" id="KOSTALPIKOset"></a> <b>Set-Commands</b>
<br />
<code>set <name> captureGlobalRadiation</code><br />
The values for global radiation, UV-index and sunshine duration are immediately polled.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> captureKostalData</code><br />
All values of the inverter are immediately polled.
</div><br />
</div><a name="KOSTALPIKOattr" id="KOSTALPIKOattr"></a> <b>Attributes</b><br />
<br />
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li><b>BAEnable</b> - if 1, data from ../BA.fhtml site is captured</li>
<li><b>GR.Interval</b> - poll interval for global radiation in seconds</li>
<li><b>GR.Link</b> - regionalised link the to the proplanta web page (global radiation, UV-index and sunshine
duration)<br />
(see Wiki for further information)</li>
<li><b>delay</b> - poll interval for the values of the inverter in seconds</li>
<b>delayCounter</b> - delay counter for poll of invert's values beside AC.Power;<br />
needed for fast acquisition scenarios to limit the log-output.
<li><b>disable</b> - if disable=1, the poll of inverter's values is disabled,<br /> ut not the the poll of proplanta-values</li>
</ul><br />
<br />
<a name="KOSTALPIKOreading" id="KOSTALPIKOreading"></a> <b>Generated Readings/Events</b><br />
<br />
<li><b>AC.Power</b> - the current power, captured only if the internal delayCounter = 0</li>
<li><b>AC.Power.Fast</b> - the current power, on each poll cycle; used for fast acquisition scenarios</li>
<li><b>Daily.Energie</b> - the current procduced energie of the day</li>
<li><b>Daily.Energie.Last</b> - the value of daily energy at 23:00 clock</li>
<li><b>Global.Radiation</b> - the value of global radiation (proplanta);useful for determing the expected energy amount of the day</li>
<li><b>ModeNum</b> - the current processing state of the inverter (1=off 2=idle 3=active)</li>
<li><b>Mode</b> - the german term for the current ModeNum</li>
<li><b>Total.Energy</b> - the total produced energie</li>
<li><b>generator.1.current</b> - the electrical current at string 1</li>
<li><b>generator.2.current</b> - the electrical current at string 2</li>
<li><b>generator.3.current</b> - the electrical current at string 3</li>
<li><b>generator.1.voltage</b> - the voltage at string 1</li>
<li><b>generator.2.voltage</b> - the voltage at string 2</li>
<li><b>generator.3.voltage</b> - the voltage at string 3</li>
<li><b>output.1.voltage</b> - the voltage at output 1</li>
<li><b>output.2.voltage</b> - the voltage at output 2</li>
<li><b>output.3.voltage</b> - the voltage at output 3</li>
<li><b>output.1.power</b> - the power at output 1</li>
<li><b>output.2.power</b> - the power at output 2</li>
<li><b>output.3.power</b> - the power at output 3</li>
<li><b>sensor.1</b> - the voltage at analog input 1</li>
<li><b>sensor.2</b> - the voltage at analog input 2</li>
<li><b>sensor.3</b> - the voltage at analog input 3</li>
<li><b>sensor.4</b> - the voltage at analog input 4</li>
<li><b>UV.Index</b> - the UV Index (proplanta)</li>
<li><b>sunshine.duration</b> - the sunshine duration (proplanta)</li>
</ul><br />
<b>Additional Readings/Events, if BAEnable=1</b><br />
<br />
<li><b>Battery.CycleCount</b> - count of charge cycles</li>
<li><b>Battery.StateOfCharge</b> - State of charge for the battery in percent</li>
<li><b>Battery.Voltage</b> - the voltage of the battery</li>
<li><b>Battery.ChargeCurrent</b> - the charge current of the battery</li>
<li><b>Battery.Temperature</b> - the temperature of the battery</li>
<li><b>Power.Solar</b> - the sum of the power produced by the solarinverter</li>
<li><b>Power.Battery</b> - the power drawn from the battery</li>
<li><b>Power.Net</b> - the power drawn from the main</li>
<li><b>Power.Phase1</b> - the power used on phase L1</li>
<li><b>Power.Phase2</b> - the power used on phase L2</li>
<li><b>Power.Phase3</b> - the power used on phase L3</li>
</ul><br />
<br />
<b>Additional information</b><br />
<br />
<li><a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,24409.msg175253.html#msg175253">Discussion in FHEM forum</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/KostalPiko#FHEM-Modul">Information in FHEM Wiki</a></li>
=end html