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jpawlowski f75f1d6321 Unit.pm: first part to integration dimensions
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@12517 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2016-11-07 06:19:04 +00:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

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# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use UConv;
sub Unit_Initialize() {
# Functions used to make fhem-oneliners more readable,
# but also recommended to be used by modules
sub ReadingsUnit($$@) {
my ( $d, $n, $default, $lang, $format ) = @_;
my $ud;
$default = "" if ( !$default );
return ""
if ( !defined( $defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n} ) );
my $unitFromReading =
AttrVal( $d, "unitFromReading",
AttrVal( "global", "unitFromReading", undef ) );
# unit defined with reading
if ( defined( $defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}{U} ) ) {
$ud = Unit::GetDetails( $defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}{U}, $lang );
# calculate unit from readingname
elsif ( $unitFromReading && $unitFromReading ne "0" ) {
$ud = Unit::GetDetailsFromReadingname( $n, $lang );
return $ud->{unit_symbol}
if ( !$format && defined( $ud->{unit_symbol} ) );
return $ud->{unit} if ( !$format && defined( $ud->{unit} ) );
return $ud->{unit_long}
if ( $format && $format eq "1" && defined( $ud->{unit_long} ) );
return $ud->{unit_abbr}
if ( $format && $format eq "2" && defined( $ud->{unit_abbr} ) );
return $default;
sub ReadingsUnitLong($$@) {
my ( $d, $n, $default, $lang ) = @_;
$lang = "en" if ( !$lang );
return ReadingsUnit( $d, $n, $default, $lang, 1 );
sub ReadingsUnitAbbr($$@) {
my ( $d, $n, $default, $lang ) = @_;
$lang = "en" if ( !$lang );
return ReadingsUnit( $d, $n, $default, $lang, 2 );
sub ReadingsValUnit($$$@) {
my ( $d, $n, $default, $lang, $format ) = @_;
my $v = ReadingsVal( $d, $n, $default );
my $u = ReadingsUnitAbbr( $d, $n );
return Unit::GetValueWithUnit( $v, $u, $lang, $format );
sub ReadingsValUnitLong($$$@) {
my ( $d, $n, $default, $lang ) = @_;
return ReadingsValUnit( $d, $n, $default, $lang, 1 );
# Functions used by modules.
sub setReadingsUnit($$@) {
my ( $hash, $rname, $unit ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $unitDetails;
return "Cannot assign unit to undefined reading $rname for device $name"
if ( !$hash->{READINGS}{$rname}
|| !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rname} ) );
# check unit database for unit_abbr
if ($unit) {
$unitDetails = Unit::GetDetails($unit);
# find unit based on reading name
else {
$unitDetails = Unit::GetDetailsFromReadingname($rname);
if ( !$unitDetails || !defined( $unitDetails->{"unit_abbr"} ) );
"$unit is not a registered unit abbreviation and cannot be assigned to reading $name: $rname"
if ( !$unitDetails || !defined( $unitDetails->{"unit_abbr"} ) );
if (
&& ( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{U} )
|| $hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{U} ne $unitDetails->{"unit_abbr"} )
$hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{U} = $unitDetails->{"unit_abbr"};
return "Set auto-detected unit for reading $name $rname: "
. $unitDetails->{"unit_abbr"};
$hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{U} = $unitDetails->{"unit_abbr"};
sub removeReadingsUnit($$) {
my ( $hash, $rname ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "Cannot remove unit from undefined reading $rname for device $name"
if ( !$hash->{READINGS}{$rname}
|| !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rname} ) );
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{U} ) ) {
my $u = $hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{U};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{U};
return "Removed unit $u from reading $rname of device $name";
sub getMultiValStatus($$;$$) {
my ( $d, $rlist, $lang, $format ) = @_;
my $txt = "";
if ( !$format ) {
$format = "-1";
else {
foreach ( split( /\s+/, $rlist ) ) {
$_ =~ /^(\w+):?(\w+)?$/;
my $v = (
$format > -1
? ReadingsValUnit( $d, $1, "", $lang, $format )
: ReadingsVal( $d, $1, "" )
my $n = ( $2 ? $2 : Unit::GetShortReadingname($1) );
if ( $v ne "" ) {
$txt .= " " if ( $txt ne "" );
$txt .= "$n: $v";
return $txt;
# Wrappers for commonly used core functions in device-specific modules.
sub readingsUnitSingleUpdate($$$$$) {
my ( $hash, $reading, $value, $unit, $dotrigger ) = @_;
my $rv = readingsUnitBulkUpdate( $hash, $reading, $value, $unit );
readingsUnitEndUpdate( $hash, $dotrigger );
return $rv;
sub readingsUnitSingleUpdateIfChanged($$$$$) {
my ( $hash, $reading, $value, $unit, $dotrigger ) = @_;
return undef if ( $value eq ReadingsVal( $hash->{NAME}, $reading, "" ) );
my $rv = readingsUnitBulkUpdate( $hash, $reading, $value, $unit );
readingsUnitEndUpdate( $hash, $dotrigger );
return $rv;
sub readingsUnitBulkUpdateIfChanged($$$@) {
my ( $hash, $reading, $value, $unit, $changed ) = @_;
return undef if ( $value eq ReadingsVal( $hash->{NAME}, $reading, "" ) );
return readingsUnitBulkUpdate( $hash, $reading, $value, $unit, $changed );
sub readingsUnitBulkUpdate($$$@) {
my ( $hash, $reading, $value, $unit, $changed ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if ( !defined($reading) || !defined($value) );
# sanity check
if ( !defined( $hash->{".updateTimestamp"} ) ) {
Log 1,
"readingsUnitUpdate($name,$reading,$value,$unit) missed to call "
. "readingsUnitBeginUpdate first.";
my $return = readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $reading, $value, $changed );
return $return if !$return;
$return = setReadingsUnit( $hash, $reading, $unit );
return $return;
# wrapper function for original readingsBeginUpdate
sub readingsUnitBeginUpdate($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( !$name ) {
Log 1, "ERROR: empty name in readingsUnitBeginUpdate";
return readingsBeginUpdate($hash);
# wrapper function for original readingsEndUpdate
sub readingsUnitEndUpdate($$) {
my ( $hash, $dotrigger ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return readingsEndUpdate( $hash, $dotrigger );
# Generalized function for DbLog unit support
sub Unit_DbLog_split($$) {
my ( $event, $device ) = @_;
my ( $reading, $value, $unit ) = "";
# exclude any multi-value events
if ( $event =~ /(.*: +.*: +.*)+/ ) {
Log3 $device, 5,
"Unit_DbLog_split $device: Ignoring multi-value event $event";
return undef;
# exclude sum/cum and avg events
elsif ( $event =~ /^(.*_sum[0-9]+m|.*_cum[0-9]+m|.*_avg[0-9]+m): +.*/ ) {
Log3 $device, 5,
"Unit_DbLog_split $device: Ignoring sum/avg event $event";
return undef;
# text conversions
elsif ( $event =~ /^(pressure_trend_sym): +(\S+) *(.*)/ ) {
$reading = $1;
$value = UConv::sym2pressuretrend($2);
elsif ( $event =~ /^(UVcondition): +(\S+) *(.*)/ ) {
$reading = $1;
$value = UConv::uvcondition2log($2);
elsif ( $event =~ /^(Activity): +(\S+) *(.*)/ ) {
$reading = $1;
$value = UConv::activity2log($2);
elsif ( $event =~ /^(condition): +(\S+) *(.*)/ ) {
$reading = $1;
$value = UConv::weathercondition2log($2);
elsif ( $event =~ /^(.*[Hh]umidity[Cc]ondition): +(\S+) *(.*)/ ) {
$reading = $1;
$value = UConv::humiditycondition2log($2);
# general event handling
elsif ( $event =~ /^(.+): +(\S+) *[\[\{\(]? *([\w\°\%\^\/\\]*).*/ ) {
$reading = $1;
$value = ReadingsNum( $device, $1, $2 );
$unit = ReadingsUnit( $device, $1, $3 );
if ( !Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value) ) {
Log3 $device, 5,
"Unit_DbLog_split $device: Ignoring event $event: value does not look like a number";
return undef;
Log3 $device, 5,
"Unit_DbLog_split $device: Splitting event $event > reading=$reading value=$value unit=$unit";
return ( $reading, $value, $unit );
# User commands
my %unithash = (
Fn => "CommandUnit",
Hlp => "[<devspec>] [<readingspec>],get unit for <devspec> <reading>",
$cmds{unit} = \%unithash;
sub CommandUnit($$) {
my ( $cl, $def ) = @_;
my $namedef =
"where <devspec> is a single device name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp. See the devspec section in the commandref.html for details.\n"
. "<readingspec> can be a single reading name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp.";
my @a = split( " ", $def, 2 );
return "Usage: unit [<name>] [<readingspec>]\n$namedef"
if ( $a[0] && $a[0] eq "?" );
$a[0] = ".*" if ( !$a[0] || $a[0] eq "" );
$a[1] = ".*" if ( !$a[1] || $a[1] eq "" );
my @rets;
foreach my $sdev ( devspec2array( $a[0], $cl ) ) {
if ( !defined( $defs{$sdev} ) ) {
push @rets, "Please define $sdev first";
my $readingspec = '^' . $a[1] . '$';
foreach my $reading (
grep { /$readingspec/ }
keys %{ $defs{$sdev}{READINGS} }
my $ret = ReadingsUnit( $sdev, $reading, undef, undef, 2 );
push @rets,
"$sdev $reading unit: $ret ("
. ReadingsValUnit( $sdev, $reading, "" ) . ")"
if ($ret);
return join( "\n", @rets );
my %setunithash = (
Fn => "CommandSetunit",
Hlp => "<devspec> <readingspec> [<unit>],set unit for <devspec> <reading>",
$cmds{setunit} = \%setunithash;
sub CommandSetunit($$$) {
my ( $cl, $def ) = @_;
my $namedef =
"where <devspec> is a single device name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp. See the devspec section in the commandref.html for details.\n"
. "<readingspec> can be a single reading name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp.";
my @a = split( " ", $def, 3 );
if ( $a[0] && $a[0] eq "?" ) {
$namedef .= "\n\n";
my $list = Unit::GetList( "en", $a[1] );
$namedef .= Dumper($list);
return "Usage: setunit <name> [<readingspec>] [<unit>]\n$namedef"
if ( @a < 1 || ( $a[0] && $a[0] eq "?" ) );
$a[1] = ".*" if ( !$a[1] || $a[1] eq "" );
my @rets;
foreach my $sdev ( devspec2array( $a[0], $cl ) ) {
if ( !defined( $defs{$sdev} ) ) {
push @rets, "Please define $sdev first";
my $readingspec = '^' . $a[1] . '$';
foreach my $reading (
grep { /$readingspec/ }
keys %{ $defs{$sdev}{READINGS} }
my $ret = setReadingsUnit( $defs{$sdev}, $reading, $a[2] );
push @rets, $ret if ($ret);
return join( "\n", @rets );
my %deleteunithash = (
Fn => "CommandDeleteunit",
Hlp => "<devspec> [<readingspec>],delete unit for <devspec> <reading>",
$cmds{deleteunit} = \%deleteunithash;
sub CommandDeleteunit($$$) {
my ( $cl, $def ) = @_;
my $namedef =
"where <devspec> is a single device name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp. See the devspec section in the commandref.html for details.\n"
. "<readingspec> can be a single reading name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp.";
my @a = split( " ", $def, 3 );
return "Usage: deleteunit <name> [<readingspec>]\n$namedef"
if ( @a < 1 || ( $a[0] && $a[0] eq "?" ) );
$a[1] = ".*" if ( !$a[1] || $a[1] eq "" );
my @rets;
foreach my $sdev ( devspec2array( $a[0], $cl ) ) {
if ( !defined( $defs{$sdev} ) ) {
push @rets, "Please define $sdev first";
my $readingspec = '^' . $a[1] . '$';
foreach my $reading (
grep { /$readingspec/ }
keys %{ $defs{$sdev}{READINGS} }
my $ret = removeReadingsUnit( $defs{$sdev}, $reading );
push @rets, $ret if ($ret);
return join( "\n", @rets );
# Package: Unit
package Unit;
my %autoscale = (
'0' => { format => '%i', scale => 1000, },
'0.001' => { format => '%i', scale => 1000, },
'0.1' => { format => '%.1f', scale => 1, },
'10' => { format => '%i', scale => 1, },
'1.0e3' => { format => '%.1f', scale => 0.001, },
'2.0e3' => { format => '%i', scale => 0.001, },
'1.0e6' => { format => '%.1f', scale => 0.001, },
'2.0e6' => { format => '%i', scale => 0.001, },
my %scales_m = (
'1.0e-12' => {
'scale' => 'p',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Piko',
en => 'pico',
fr => 'pico',
nl => 'pico',
pl => 'pico',
'1.0e-9' => {
'scale' => 'n',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Nano',
en => 'nano',
fr => 'nano',
nl => 'nano',
pl => 'nano',
'1.0e-6' => {
'scale' => 'μ',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Mikro',
en => 'micro',
fr => 'micro',
nl => 'micro',
pl => 'micro',
'1.0e-3' => {
'scale' => 'm',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Milli',
en => 'mili',
fr => 'mili',
nl => 'mili',
pl => 'mili',
'1.0e-2' => {
'scale' => 'c',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Zenti',
en => 'centi',
fr => 'centi',
nl => 'centi',
pl => 'centi',
'1.0e-1' => {
'scale' => 'd',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Dezi',
en => 'deci',
fr => 'deci',
nl => 'deci',
pl => 'deci',
'1.0e0' => {
'scale' => '',
'scale_long' => '',
'1.0e1' => {
'scale' => 'da',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Deka',
en => 'deca',
fr => 'deca',
nl => 'deca',
pl => 'deca',
'1.0e2' => {
'scale' => 'h',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Hekto',
en => 'hecto',
fr => 'hecto',
nl => 'hecto',
pl => 'hecto',
'1.0e3' => {
'scale' => 'k',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Kilo',
en => 'kilo',
fr => 'kilo',
nl => 'kilo',
pl => 'kilo',
'1.0e6' => {
'scale' => 'M',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Mega',
en => 'mega',
fr => 'mega',
nl => 'mega',
pl => 'mega',
my %scales_sq = (
'scale' => '2',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Quadrat',
en => 'square',
fr => 'square',
nl => 'square',
pl => 'square',
my %scales_cu = (
'scale' => '3',
'scale_long' => {
de => 'Kubik',
en => 'cubic',
fr => 'cubic',
nl => 'cubic',
pl => 'cubic',
my %unit_base = (
# based on https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_physikalischer_Gr%C3%B6%C3%9Fen
0 => {
dimension => 'L',
formula_symbol => 'l',
base_unit => 'm',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Länge',
en => 'length',
fr => 'length',
nl => 'length',
pl => 'length',
1 => {
dimension => 'M',
formula_symbol => 'm',
base_unit => 'kg',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Masse',
en => 'mass',
fr => 'mass',
nl => 'mass',
pl => 'mass',
2 => {
dimension => 'T',
formula_symbol => 't',
base_unit => 's',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Zeit',
en => 'time',
fr => 'time',
nl => 'time',
pl => 'time',
3 => {
dimension => 'I',
formula_symbol => 'i',
base_unit => 'a',
base_parameter => {
de => 'elektrische Stromstärke',
en => 'electric current',
fr => 'electric current',
nl => 'electric current',
pl => 'electric current',
4 => {
dimension => 'θ',
formula_symbol => 'T',
base_unit => 'k',
base_parameter => {
de => 'absolute Temperatur',
en => 'absolute temperature',
fr => 'absolute temperature',
nl => 'absolute temperature',
pl => 'absolute temperature',
5 => {
dimension => 'N',
formula_symbol => 'n',
base_unit => 'mol',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Stoffmenge',
en => 'amount of substance',
fr => 'amount of substance',
nl => 'amount of substance',
pl => 'amount of substance',
6 => {
dimension => 'J',
formula_symbol => 'Iv',
base_unit => 'cd',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Lichtstärke',
en => 'luminous intensity',
fr => 'luminous intensity',
nl => 'luminous intensity',
pl => 'luminous intensity',
7 => {
dimension => 'M L^2 T^2',
formula_symbol => 'E',
base_unit => 'j',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Energie',
en => 'energy',
fr => 'energy',
nl => 'energy',
pl => 'energy',
8 => {
dimension => 'T^1',
formula_symbol => 'f',
base_unit => 'hz',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Frequenz',
en => 'frequency',
fr => 'frequency',
nl => 'frequency',
pl => 'frequency',
9 => {
dimension => 'M L^2 T^3',
formula_symbol => 'P',
base_unit => 'w',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Leistung',
en => 'power',
fr => 'power',
nl => 'power',
pl => 'power',
10 => {
dimension => 'M L^1 T^2',
formula_symbol => 'p',
base_unit => 'pa',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Druck',
en => 'pressure',
fr => 'pressure',
nl => 'pressure',
pl => 'pressure',
11 => {
dimension => 'M L^1 T^2',
formula_symbol => 'pabs',
base_unit => 'pabs',
base_parameter => {
de => 'absoluter Druck',
en => 'absolute pressure',
fr => 'absolute pressure',
nl => 'absolute pressure',
pl => 'absolute pressure',
12 => {
dimension => 'M L^1 T^2',
formula_symbol => 'pamb',
base_unit => 'pamb',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Luftdruck',
en => 'air pressure',
fr => 'air pressure',
nl => 'air pressure',
pl => 'air pressure',
13 => {
dimension => 'M L^2 T^3 I^1',
formula_symbol => 'U',
base_unit => 'v',
base_parameter => {
de => 'elektrische Spannung',
en => 'electric voltage',
fr => 'electric voltage',
nl => 'electric voltage',
pl => 'electric voltage',
14 => {
dimension => '1',
formula_symbol => '',
base_unit => 'rad',
base_parameter => {
de => 'ebener Winkel',
en => 'plane angular',
fr => 'plane angular',
nl => 'plane angular',
pl => 'plane angular',
15 => {
dimension => 'L T^1',
formula_symbol => 'v',
base_unit => 'kmh',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Geschwindigkeit',
en => 'speed',
fr => 'speed',
nl => 'speed',
pl => 'speed',
16 => {
dimension => 'L^2 J',
formula_symbol => 'Ev',
base_unit => 'lx',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Beleuchtungsstärke',
en => 'illumination intensity',
fr => 'illumination intensity',
nl => 'illumination intensity',
pl => 'illumination intensity',
17 => {
dimension => 'J',
formula_symbol => 'F',
base_unit => 'lm',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Lichtstrom',
en => 'luminous flux',
fr => 'luminous flux',
nl => 'luminous flux',
pl => 'luminous flux',
18 => {
dimension => 'L^3',
formula_symbol => 'V',
base_unit => 'm3',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Volumen',
en => 'volume',
fr => 'volume',
nl => 'volume',
pl => 'volume',
19 => {
dimension => '1',
formula_symbol => 'B',
base_unit => 'b',
base_parameter => {
de => 'Logarithmische Größe',
en => 'logarithmic level',
fr => 'logarithmic level',
nl => 'logarithmic level',
pl => 'logarithmic level',
20 => {
dimension => 'I T',
formula_symbol => 'C',
base_unit => 'coul',
base_parameter => {
de => 'elektrische Ladung',
en => 'electric charge',
fr => 'electric charge',
nl => 'electric charge',
pl => 'electric charge',
21 => {
dimension => '',
formula_symbol => 'F',
base_unit => 'far',
base_parameter => {
de => 'elektrische Kapazität',
en => 'electric capacity',
fr => 'electric capacity',
nl => 'electric capacity',
pl => 'electric capacity',
22 => {
dimension => '',
formula_symbol => 'F',
base_unit => 'far',
base_parameter => {
de => 'elektrische Widerstand',
en => 'electric resistance',
fr => 'electric resistance',
nl => 'electric resistance',
pl => 'electric resistance',
#TODO really translate all languages
my %unitsDB = (
pct => {
unit_symbol => '%',
unit_long => {
de => 'Prozent',
en => 'percent',
fr => 'percent',
nl => 'percent',
pl => 'percent',
txt_format => '%value% %unit_symbol%',
gon => {
base_ref => 14,
unit_symbol => '°',
unit => 'gon',
unit_long => {
de => 'Grad',
en => 'gradians',
fr => 'gradians',
nl => 'gradians',
pl => 'gradians',
txt_format => '%value%%unit_symbol%',
rad => {
base_ref => 14,
unit => 'rad',
unit_long => {
de => 'Radiant',
en => 'radiant',
fr => 'radiant',
nl => 'radiant',
pl => 'radiant',
# temperature
c => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_symbol => chr(0xC2) . chr(0xB0) . 'C',
unit => 'C',
unit_long => {
de => 'Grad Celsius',
en => 'Degrees Celsius',
fr => 'Degrees Celsius',
nl => 'Degrees Celsius',
pl => 'Degrees Celsius',
txt_format => '%value%%unit_symbol%',
f => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_symbol => chr(0xC2) . chr(0xB0) . 'F',
unit => 'F',
unit_long => {
de => 'Grad Fahrenheit',
en => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
fr => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
nl => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
pl => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
txt_format => '%value% %unit_symbol%',
k => {
base_ref => 2,
unit => 'K',
unit_long => {
de => 'Kelvin',
en => 'Kelvin',
fr => 'Kelvin',
nl => 'Kelvin',
pl => 'Kelvin',
# pressure
bar => {
base_ref => 10,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'bar',
unit_long => {
de => 'Bar',
en => 'Bar',
fr => 'Bar',
nl => 'Bar',
pl => 'Bar',
mbar => {
unit_ref => 'bar',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
pa => {
base_ref => 10,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'Pa',
unit_long => {
de => 'Pascal',
en => 'Pascal',
fr => 'Pascal',
nl => 'Pascal',
pl => 'Pascal',
hpa => {
unit_ref => 'pa',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e2',
pamb => {
base_ref => 12,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'Pa',
unit_long => {
de => 'Pascal',
en => 'Pascal',
fr => 'Pascal',
nl => 'Pascal',
pl => 'Pascal',
hpamb => {
unit_ref => 'pamb',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e2',
inhg => {
base_ref => 12,
unit => 'inHg',
unit_long => {
de => 'Zoll Quecksilbersäule',
en => 'Inches of Mercury',
fr => 'Inches of Mercury',
nl => 'Inches of Mercury',
pl => 'Inches of Mercury',
mmhg => {
base_ref => 12,
unit => 'mmHg',
unit_long => {
de => 'Millimeter Quecksilbersäule',
en => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
fr => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
nl => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
pl => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
# length
km => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e3',
hm => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e2',
dam => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e1',
m => {
base_ref => 0,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'm',
unit_long => {
de => 'Meter',
en => 'meter',
fr => 'meter',
nl => 'meter',
pl => 'meter',
dm => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-1',
cm => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-2',
mm => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
um => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-6',
nm => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-9',
pm => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-12',
fm => {
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-15',
in => {
base_ref => 4,
unit_symbol => '″',
unit => 'in',
unit_long => {
de => 'Zoll',
en => 'inch',
fr => 'inch',
nl => 'inch',
pl => 'inch',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Zoll',
en => 'inches',
fr => 'inches',
nl => 'inches',
pl => 'inches',
txt_format => '%value%%unit_symbol%',
txt_format_long => '%value% %unit_long%',
txt_format_long_pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl%',
ft => {
base_ref => 0,
unit_symbol => '',
unit => 'ft',
unit_long => {
de => 'Fuss',
en => 'foot',
fr => 'foot',
nl => 'foot',
pl => 'foot',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Fuss',
en => 'feet',
fr => 'feet',
nl => 'feet',
pl => 'feet',
txt_format => '%value%%unit_symbol%',
txt_format_long => '%value% %unit_long%',
txt_format_long_pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl%',
yd => {
base_ref => 0,
unit => 'yd',
unit_long => {
de => 'Yard',
en => 'yard',
fr => 'yard',
nl => 'yard',
pl => 'yard',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Yards',
en => 'yards',
fr => 'yards',
nl => 'yards',
pl => 'yards',
mi => {
base_ref => 0,
unit => 'mi',
unit_long => {
de => 'Meilen',
en => 'miles',
fr => 'miles',
nl => 'miles',
pl => 'miles',
# time
sec => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_scale_t => '1',
unit => {
de => 's',
en => 's',
fr => 's',
nl => 'sec',
pl => 'sec',
unit_long => {
de => 'Sekunde',
en => 'second',
fr => 'second',
nl => 'second',
pl => 'second',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Sekunden',
en => 'seconds',
fr => 'seconds',
nl => 'seconds',
pl => 'seconds',
min => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_scale_t => '60',
unit => {
de => 'Min',
en => 'min',
fr => 'min',
nl => 'min',
pl => 'min',
unit_long => {
de => 'Minute',
en => 'minute',
fr => 'minute',
nl => 'minute',
pl => 'minute',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Minuten',
en => 'minutes',
fr => 'minutes',
nl => 'minutes',
pl => 'minutes',
hr => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_scale_t => '3600',
unit => 'h',
unit_long => {
de => 'Stunde',
en => 'hour',
fr => 'hour',
nl => 'hour',
pl => 'hour',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Stunden',
en => 'hours',
fr => 'hours',
nl => 'hours',
pl => 'hours',
d => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_scale_t => '86400',
unit => {
de => 'T',
en => 'd',
fr => 'd',
nl => 'd',
pl => 'd',
unit_long => {
de => 'Tag',
en => 'day',
fr => 'day',
nl => 'day',
pl => 'day',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Tage',
en => 'days',
fr => 'days',
nl => 'days',
pl => 'days',
w => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_scale_t => '604800',
unit => {
de => 'W',
en => 'w',
fr => 'w',
nl => 'w',
pl => 'w',
unit_long => {
de => 'Woche',
en => 'week',
fr => 'week',
nl => 'week',
pl => 'week',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Wochen',
en => 'weeks',
fr => 'weeks',
nl => 'weeks',
pl => 'weeks',
mon => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_scale_t => '2592000',
unit => {
de => 'M',
en => 'm',
fr => 'm',
nl => 'm',
pl => 'm',
unit_long => {
de => 'Monat',
en => 'month',
fr => 'month',
nl => 'month',
pl => 'month',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Monate',
en => 'Monat',
fr => 'Monat',
nl => 'Monat',
pl => 'Monat',
y => {
base_ref => 2,
unit_scale_t => '31536000',
unit => {
de => 'J',
en => 'y',
fr => 'y',
nl => 'y',
pl => 'y',
unit_long => {
de => 'Jahr',
en => 'year',
fr => 'year',
nl => 'year',
pl => 'year',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Jahre',
en => 'years',
fr => 'years',
nl => 'years',
pl => 'years',
# speed
bft => {
base_ref => 15,
unit => 'bft',
unit_long => {
de => 'Windstärke',
en => 'wind force',
fr => 'wind force',
nl => 'wind force',
pl => 'wind force',
txt_format_long => '%unit_long% %value%',
kn => {
base_ref => 15,
unit => 'kn',
unit_long => {
de => 'Knoten',
en => 'knots',
fr => 'knots',
nl => 'knots',
pl => 'knots',
fts => {
base_ref => 15,
unit_ref => 'ft',
unit_ref_t => 'sec',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_t%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
mph => {
base_ref => 15,
unit_ref => 'mi',
unit_ref_t => 'hr',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_t%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
kmh => {
base_ref => 15,
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_ref_t => 'hr',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e3',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_t%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
mps => {
base_ref => 15,
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_ref_t => 'sec',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_t%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
# weight
mol => {
base_ref => 5,
unit => 'mol',
pg => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e-12",
ng => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e-9",
ug => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e-6",
mg => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e-3",
cg => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e-2",
dg => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e-1",
g => {
base_ref => 1,
unit_scale_m => "1.0e0",
unit => 'g',
unit_long => {
de => 'Gramm',
en => 'gram',
fr => 'gram',
nl => 'gram',
pl => 'gram',
kg => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e3",
t => {
unit_ref => 'g',
unit_scale_m => "1.0e6",
unit => 't',
unit_long => {
de => 'Tonne',
en => 'ton',
fr => 'ton',
nl => 'ton',
pl => 'ton',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Tonnen',
en => 'tons',
fr => 'tons',
nl => 'tons',
pl => 'tons',
lb => {
base_ref => 1,
unit => 'lb',
unit_long => {
de => 'Pfund',
en => 'pound',
fr => 'pound',
nl => 'pound',
pl => 'pound',
lbs => {
base_ref => 1,
unit => 'lbs',
unit_long => {
de => 'Pfund',
en => 'pound',
fr => 'pound',
nl => 'pound',
pl => 'pound',
# luminous intensity
cd => {
base_ref => 6,
unit => 'cd',
unit_long => {
de => 'Candela',
en => 'Candela',
fr => 'Candela',
nl => 'Candela',
pl => 'Candela',
# illumination intensity
lx => {
base_ref => 16,
unit => 'lx',
unit_long => {
de => 'Lux',
en => 'Lux',
fr => 'Lux',
nl => 'Lux',
pl => 'Lux',
# luminous flux
lm => {
base_ref => 17,
unit => 'lm',
unit_long => {
de => 'Lumen',
en => 'Lumen',
fr => 'Lumen',
nl => 'Lumen',
pl => 'Lumen',
uvi => {
unit => 'UVI',
unit_long => {
de => 'UV-Index',
en => 'UV-Index',
fr => 'UV-Index',
nl => 'UV-Index',
pl => 'UV-Index',
txt_format => '%unit% %value%',
txt_format_long => '%unit_long% %value%',
txt_format_long_pl => '%unit_long% %value%',
# volume
cm3 => {
base_ref => 18,
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_cu => '1.0e-2',
m3 => {
base_ref => 18,
unit_ref => 'm',
unit_scale_cu => '1.0e0',
ml => {
unit_ref => 'l',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
l => {
base_ref => 18,
unit => 'l',
unit_long => {
de => 'Liter',
en => 'liter',
fr => 'liter',
nl => 'liter',
pl => 'liter',
unit_long_pl => {
de => 'Liter',
en => 'liters',
fr => 'liters',
nl => 'liters',
pl => 'liters',
hl => {
unit_ref => 'l',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e2',
b => {
base_ref => 19,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'B',
unit_long => {
de => 'Bel',
en => 'Bel',
fr => 'Bel',
nl => 'Bel',
pl => 'Bel',
db => {
unit_ref => 'b',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-1',
ua => {
unit_ref => 'a',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-6',
ma => {
unit_ref => 'a',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
a => {
base_ref => 3,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'A',
unit_long => {
de => 'Ampere',
en => 'Ampere',
fr => 'Ampere',
nl => 'Ampere',
pl => 'Ampere',
uv => {
unit_ref => 'v',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-6',
mv => {
unit_ref => 'v',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
v => {
base_ref => 13,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'V',
unit_long => {
de => 'Volt',
en => 'Volt',
fr => 'Volt',
nl => 'Volt',
pl => 'Volt',
uj => {
unit_ref => 'j',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-6',
mj => {
unit_ref => 'j',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
j => {
base_ref => 7,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'J',
unit_long => {
de => 'Joule',
en => 'Joule',
fr => 'Joule',
nl => 'Joule',
pl => 'Joule',
uw => {
unit_ref => 'j',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-6',
mw => {
unit_ref => 'j',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
w => {
base_ref => 9,
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit => 'Watt',
unit_long => {
de => 'Watt',
en => 'Watt',
fr => 'Watt',
nl => 'Watt',
pl => 'Watt',
va => {
unit_ref => 'w',
uwpscm => {
unit_ref => 'w',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-6',
unit_ref_sq => 'm',
unit_scale_sq => '1.0e-2',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_sq%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
uwpsm => {
unit_ref => 'w',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-6',
unit_ref_sq => 'm',
unit_scale_sq => '1.0e0',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_sq%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
mwpscm => {
unit_ref => 'w',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
unit_ref_sq => 'm',
unit_scale_sq => '1.0e-2',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_sq%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
mwpsm => {
unit_ref => 'w',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e-3',
unit_ref_sq => 'm',
unit_scale_sq => '1.0e0',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_sq%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
wpscm => {
unit_ref => 'w',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit_ref_sq => 'm',
unit_scale_sq => '1.0e-2',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_sq%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
wpsm => {
unit_ref => 'w',
unit_scale_m => '1.0e0',
unit_ref_sq => 'm',
unit_scale_sq => '1.0e0',
txt_format => '%value% %unit%/%unit_sq%',
txt_format_long => {
de => '%value% %unit_long% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long% per %unit_long_t%',
txt_format_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %unit_long_pl% pro %unit_long_t%',
en => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
fr => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
nl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
pl => '%value% %unit_long_pl% per %unit_long_t%',
coul => {
base_ref => 20,
unit => 'C',
unit_long => {
de => 'Coulomb',
en => 'Coulomb',
fr => 'Coulomb',
nl => 'Coulomb',
pl => 'Coulomb',
far => {
base_ref => 21,
unit => 'F',
unit_long => {
de => 'Farad',
en => 'Farad',
fr => 'Farad',
nl => 'Farad',
pl => 'Farad',
ohm => {
base_ref => 22,
unit_symbol => 'Ω',
unit => 'Ohm',
unit_long => {
de => 'Ohm',
en => 'Ohm',
fr => 'Ohm',
nl => 'Ohm',
pl => 'Ohm',
my %readingsDB = (
airpress => {
unified => 'pressure_hpa', # link only
azimuth => {
short => 'AZ',
unit => 'gon',
compasspoint => {
short => 'CP',
dewpoint => {
unified => 'dewpoint_c', # link only
dewpoint_c => {
short => 'D',
unit => 'c',
dewpoint_f => {
short => 'Df',
unit => 'f',
dewpoint_k => {
short => 'Dk',
unit => 'k',
elevation => {
short => 'EL',
unit => 'gon',
feelslike => {
unified => 'feelslike_c', # link only
feelslike_c => {
short => 'Tf',
unit => 'c',
feelslike_f => {
short => 'Tff',
unit => 'f',
heat_index => {
unified => 'heat_index_c', # link only
heat_index_c => {
short => 'HI',
unit => 'c',
heat_index_f => {
short => 'HIf',
unit => 'f',
high => {
unified => 'high_c', # link only
high_c => {
short => 'Th',
unit => 'c',
high_f => {
short => 'Thf',
unit => 'f',
humidity => {
short => 'H',
unit => 'pct',
humidityabs => {
unified => 'humidityabs_c', # link only
humidityabs_c => {
short => 'Ha',
unit => 'c',
humidityabs_f => {
short => 'Haf',
unit => 'f',
humidityabs_k => {
short => 'Hak',
unit => 'k',
horizon => {
short => 'HORIZ',
unit => 'gon',
indoordewpoint => {
unified => 'indoordewpoint_c', # link only
indoordewpoint_c => {
short => 'Di',
unit => 'c',
indoordewpoint_f => {
short => 'Dif',
unit => 'f',
indoordewpoint_k => {
short => 'Dik',
unit => 'k',
indoorhumidity => {
short => 'Hi',
unit => 'pct',
indoorhumidityabs => {
unified => 'indoorhumidityabs_c', # link only
indoorhumidityabs_c => {
short => 'Hai',
unit => 'c',
indoorhumidityabs_f => {
short => 'Haif',
unit => 'f',
indoorhumidityabs_k => {
short => 'Haik',
unit => 'k',
indoortemperature => {
unified => 'indoortemperature_c', # link only
indoortemperature_c => {
short => 'Ti',
unit => 'c',
indoortemperature_f => {
short => 'Tif',
unit => 'f',
indoortemperature_k => {
short => 'Tik',
unit => 'k',
israining => {
short => 'IR',
level => {
short => 'LVL',
unit => 'pct',
low => {
unified => 'low_c', # link only
low_c => {
short => 'Tl',
unit => 'c',
low_f => {
short => 'Tlf',
unit => 'f',
luminosity => {
short => 'L',
unit => 'lx',
pct => {
short => 'PCT',
unit => 'pct',
pressure => {
unified => 'pressure_hpa', # link only
pressure_hpa => {
short => 'P',
unit => 'hpamb',
pressure_in => {
short => 'Pin',
unit => 'inhg',
pressure_mm => {
short => 'Pmm',
unit => 'mmhg',
pressure_psi => {
short => 'Ppsi',
unit => 'psi',
pressure_psig => {
short => 'Ppsi',
unit => 'psig',
pressureabs => {
unified => 'pressureabs_hpamb', # link only
pressureabs_hpa => {
short => 'Pa',
unit => 'hpamb',
pressureabs_in => {
short => 'Pain',
unit => 'inhg',
pressureabs_mm => {
short => 'Pamm',
unit => 'mmhg',
pressureabs_psi => {
short => 'Ppsia',
unit => 'psia',
pressureabs_psia => {
short => 'Ppsia',
unit => 'psia',
rain => {
unified => 'rain_mm', # link only
rain_mm => {
short => 'R',
unit => 'mm',
rain_in => {
short => 'Rin',
unit => 'in',
rain_day => {
unified => 'rain_day_mm', # link only
rain_day_mm => {
short => 'Rd',
unit => 'mm',
rain_day_in => {
short => 'Rdin',
unit => 'in',
rain_night => {
unified => 'rain_night_mm', # link only
rain_night_mm => {
short => 'Rn',
unit => 'mm',
rain_night_in => {
short => 'Rnin',
unit => 'in',
rain_week => {
unified => 'rain_week_mm', # link only
rain_week_mm => {
short => 'Rw',
unit => 'mm',
rain_week_in => {
short => 'Rwin',
unit => 'in',
rain_month => {
unified => 'rain_month_mm', # link only
rain_month_mm => {
short => 'Rm',
unit => 'mm',
rain_month_in => {
short => 'Rmin',
unit => 'in',
rain_year => {
unified => 'rain_year_mm', # link only
rain_year_mm => {
short => 'Ry',
unit => 'mm',
rain_year_in => {
short => 'Ryin',
unit => 'in',
snow => {
unified => 'snow_cm', # link only
snow_cm => {
short => 'S',
unit => 'cm',
snow_in => {
short => 'Sin',
unit => 'in',
snow_day => {
unified => 'snow_day_cm', # link only
snow_day_cm => {
short => 'Sd',
unit => 'cm',
snow_day_in => {
short => 'Sdin',
unit => 'in',
snow_night => {
unified => 'snow_night_cm', # link only
snow_night_cm => {
short => 'Sn',
unit => 'cm',
snow_night_in => {
short => 'Snin',
unit => 'in',
sunshine => {
unified => 'solarradiation', # link only
solarradiation => {
short => 'SR',
unit => 'wpsm',
temp => {
unified => 'temperature_c', # link only
temp_c => {
unified => 'temperature_c', # link only
temp_f => {
unified => 'temperature_f', # link only
temp_k => {
unified => 'temperature_k', # link only
temperature => {
unified => 'temperature_c', # link only
temperature_c => {
short => 'T',
unit => 'c',
temperature_f => {
short => 'Tf',
unit => 'f',
temperature_k => {
short => 'Tk',
unit => 'k',
uv => {
unified => 'uvi', # link only
uvi => {
short => 'UV',
unit => 'uvi',
uvr => {
short => 'UVR',
unit => 'uwpscm',
valvedesired => {
unified => 'valve', # link only
valvepos => {
unified => 'valve', # link only
valveposition => {
unified => 'valve', # link only
valvepostc => {
unified => 'valve', # link only
valve => {
short => 'VAL',
unit => 'pct',
visibility => {
unified => 'visibility_km', # link only
visibility_km => {
short => 'V',
unit => 'km',
visibility_mi => {
short => 'Vmi',
unit => 'mi',
wind_chill => {
unified => 'wind_chill_c', # link only
wind_chill_c => {
short => 'Wc',
unit => 'c',
wind_chill_f => {
short => 'Wcf',
unit => 'f',
wind_chill_k => {
short => 'Wck',
unit => 'k',
wind_compasspoint => {
short => 'Wdc',
windspeeddirection => {
unified => 'wind_compasspoint', # link only
winddirectiontext => {
unified => 'wind_compasspoint', # link only
wind_direction => {
short => 'Wd',
unit => 'gon',
wind_dir => {
unified => 'wind_direction', # link only
winddir => {
unified => 'wind_direction', # link only
winddirection => {
unified => 'wind_direction', # link only
wind_gust => {
unified => 'wind_gust_kmh', # link only
wind_gust_kmh => {
short => 'Wg',
unit => 'kmh',
wind_gust_bft => {
short => 'Wgbft',
unit => 'bft',
wind_gust_fts => {
short => 'Wgfts',
unit => 'fts',
wind_gust_kn => {
short => 'Wgkn',
unit => 'kn',
wind_gust_mph => {
short => 'Wgmph',
unit => 'mph',
wind_gust_mps => {
short => 'Wgmps',
unit => 'mps',
wind_speed => {
unified => 'wind_speed_kmh', # link only
wind_speed_kmh => {
short => 'Ws',
unit => 'kmh',
wind_speed_bft => {
short => 'Wsbft',
unit => 'bft',
wind_speed_fts => {
short => 'Wsfts',
unit => 'fts',
wind_speed_kn => {
short => 'Wskn',
unit => 'kn',
wind_speed_mph => {
short => 'Wsmph',
unit => 'mph',
wind_speed_mps => {
short => 'Wsmps',
unit => 'mps',
# Get unit list in local language as hash
sub GetList (@) {
my ( $lang, $type ) = @_;
my $l = ( $lang ? lc($lang) : "en" );
my %list;
foreach my $u ( keys %unitsDB ) {
my $details = GetDetails( $u, $lang );
my $tn = (
? $details->{base_parameter}
: "others"
$list{$tn}{$u} = $details
if ( !$type || lc($type) eq $tn );
return \%list;
# Get unit details in local language as hash
sub GetDetails ($@) {
my ( $unit, $lang ) = @_;
my $u = lc($unit);
my $l = ( $lang ? lc($lang) : "en" );
my %details;
return {} if ( !$unit || $unit eq "" );
if ( defined( $unitsDB{$u} ) ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $unitsDB{$u} } ) {
$details{$k} = $unitsDB{$u}{$k};
$details{unit_abbr} = $u;
foreach ( 'unit_ref', 'unit_ref_t', 'unit_ref_sq', 'unit_ref_cu' ) {
my $suffix = $_;
$suffix =~ s/^[a-z]+_[a-z]+//;
if ( defined( $details{$_} ) ) {
my $ref = $details{$_};
if ( !defined( $unitsDB{$ref} ) ) {
::Log 1, "Unit::GetDetails($unit) broken reference $_";
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $unitsDB{$ref} } ) {
next if ( $k =~ /^unit_scale/ );
if ( !defined( $details{$k} ) ) {
$details{$k} = $unitsDB{$ref}{$k};
else {
$details{ $k . $suffix } = $unitsDB{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $details{ $k . $suffix } ) );
if ( $details{unit_scale_m} ) {
my $ref = $details{unit_scale_m};
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $scales_m{$ref} } ) {
$details{ $k . '_m' } = $scales_m{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $details{ $k . '_m' } ) );
if ( $details{unit_scale_sq} ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %scales_sq ) {
$details{ $k . "_sq" } = $scales_sq{$k}
if ( !defined( $details{ $k . "_sq" } ) );
if ( $details{unit_scale_cu} ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %scales_cu ) {
$details{ $k . "_cu" } = $scales_cu{$k}
if ( !defined( $details{ $k . "_cu" } ) );
if ( defined( $details{base_ref} ) ) {
my $ref = $details{base_ref};
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $unit_base{$ref} } ) {
$details{$k} = $unit_base{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $details{$k} ) );
if ($lang) {
$details{"lang"} = $l;
foreach ( keys %details ) {
if ( $details{$_}
&& ref( $details{$_} ) eq "HASH" )
my $v;
$v = $details{$_}{$l}
if ( $details{$_}{$l} );
delete $details{$_};
$details{$_} = $v if ($v);
$details{unit} = $details{scale_m} . $details{unit}
if ( $details{scale_m} );
$details{unit_long} =
$details{scale_long_m} . lc( $details{unit_long} )
if ( $details{scale_long_m} );
$details{unit_sq} = $details{unit_sq} . $details{scale_sq}
if ( $details{scale_sq} );
$details{unit_long_sq} =
$details{scale_long_sq} . lc( $details{unit_long_sq} )
if ( $details{scale_long_sq} );
$details{unit_cu} = $details{unit_cu} . $details{scale_cu}
if ( $details{scale_cu} );
$details{unit_long_cu} =
$details{scale_long_cu} . lc( $details{unit_long_cu} )
if ( $details{scale_long_cu} );
return \%details;
# Get unit details in local language from reading name as hash
sub GetDetailsFromReadingname ($@) {
my ( $reading, $lang ) = @_;
my $details;
my $r = $reading;
my $l = ( $lang ? lc($lang) : "en" );
my $u;
my %return;
# remove some prefix or other values to
# flatten reading name
$r =~ s/^fc\d+_//i;
$r =~ s/_(min|max|avg|sum|cum|avg\d+m|sum\d+m|cum\d+m)_/_/i;
$r =~ s/^(min|max|avg|sum|cum|avg\d+m|sum\d+m|cum\d+m)_//i;
$r =~ s/_(min|max|avg|sum|cum|avg\d+m|sum\d+m|cum\d+m)$//i;
$r =~ s/.*[-_](temp)$/$1/i;
# rename capital letter containing readings
if ( !$readingsDB{ lc($r) } ) {
$r =~ s/^([A-Z])(.*)/\l$1$2/;
$r =~ s/([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)[\/\|\-_]?/_$1/g;
$r = lc($r);
# known alias reading names
if ( $readingsDB{$r}{"unified"} ) {
my $dr = $readingsDB{$r}{"unified"};
$return{"unified"} = $dr;
$return{"short"} = $readingsDB{$dr}{"short"};
$u = (
? $readingsDB{$dr}{"unit"}
: "-"
# known standard reading names
elsif ( $readingsDB{$r}{"short"} ) {
$return{"unified"} = $reading;
$return{"short"} = $readingsDB{$r}{"short"};
$u = (
? $readingsDB{$r}{"unit"}
: "-"
# just guessing the unit from reading name format
elsif ( $r =~ /_([a-z]+)$/ ) {
$u = lc($1);
return {} if ( !%return && !$u );
return \%return if ( !$u );
my $unitDetails = GetDetails( $u, $l );
if ( ref($unitDetails) eq "HASH" ) {
$return{"unified"} = $reading if ( !$return{"unified"} );
$return{"unit_guess"} = "1" if ( !$return{"short"} );
foreach my $k ( keys %{$unitDetails} ) {
$return{$k} = $unitDetails->{$k};
return \%return;
# Get value + unit combined string
sub GetValueWithUnit ($$@) {
my ( $value, $unit, $lang, $format ) = @_;
my $l = ( $lang ? lc($lang) : "en" );
my $return = GetDetails( $unit, $l );
my $txt;
return $value if ( !$return->{"unit"} );
$return->{"value"} = $value;
# long plural
if ( $format
&& Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value)
&& $value > 1
&& $return->{"unit_long_pl"} )
$txt = '%value% %unit_long_pl%';
$txt = $return->{"txt_format_long_pl"}
if ( $return->{"txt_format_long_pl"} );
# long singular
elsif ( $format && $return->{"unit_long"} ) {
$txt = '%value% %unit_long%';
$txt = $return->{"txt_format_long"}
if ( $return->{"txt_format_long"} );
# short
else {
$txt = '%value% %unit%';
$txt = $return->{"txt_format"} if ( $return->{"txt_format"} );
foreach my $k ( keys %{$return} ) {
$txt =~ s/%$k%/$return->{$k}/g;
return $txt;
# Get reading short name from reading name
sub GetShortReadingname($) {
my ($reading) = @_;
my $r = lc($reading);
if ( $readingsDB{$r}{"short"} ) {
return $readingsDB{$r}{"short"};
elsif ( $readingsDB{$r}{"unified"} ) {
my $dr = $readingsDB{$r}{"unified"};
return $readingsDB{$dr}{"short"};
return $reading;