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- Rudi, Thu Feb 1 13:27:15 MET 2007
Created the file HISTORY and the file README.DEV
- Pest, Thu Feb 1 20:45 MET 2007
Added description for attribute ,
- Rudi, Sun Feb 11 18:56:05 MET 2007
- showtime added for pgm2 (useful for FS20 piri display)
- defattr command added, it makes easier to assign room, type, etc for a group
of devices.
- em1010.pl added to the contrib directory. It seems that we are able
to read out the EM1010PC. Not verified with multiple devices.
- Pest, Thu Feb 11 23:35 MET 2007
- Added doc/linux.html (multiple USDB devices, udev links)
- Linked fhem.html and commandref.html to linux.html
- Martin Haas, Fri Feb 23 10:18 MET 2007
- ARM-Section (NSLU2) added to doc/linux.html
- Pest, Sat Feb 24 18:30 MET 2007
- doc/linux.html: Module build re-written.
- Rudi, Sun Mar 4 11:18:10 MET 2007
Reorganization. Goal: making attribute adding/deleting more uniform
possible (i.e. saving the configfile, list of possible devices etc).
Internal changes:
- %logmods,%devmods moved to %modules. Makes things more uniform
- %logs merged into %defs
- local state info (%readings) changed to global ($defs{$d}{READINGS})
-> No need for the listfn function in each module
-> User written scripts can more easily analyze device states
User visible changes:
- at/notify ,
modules. Now it is possible
- to have a further ,
(notify & filelog use the same interface)
- to have more than one notify for the same event
- to delete at commands without strange escapes.
The delete syntax changed (no more def/at/ntfy needed)
- at/notify can have attributes
Drawback: each at and notify must have a name, which is strange first.
- logfile/modpath/pidfile/port/verbose ,
Dumping and extending these attributes is easier, no special handling
required in the web-frontend.
- savefile renamed to ,
- configfile global attribute added.
- save command added, it writes the statefile and then the configfile.
- delattr added to delete single attributes
- list/xmllist format changed, they contain more information.
- ,
in the same format. This data is contained in the xmllist.
- disable attribute for at/notify/filelog
- rename added
- Rudi, Tue Mar 27 20:43:15 MEST 2007
fhemweb.pl (webpgm2) changes:
- adopted to the new syntax
- better commandline support (return <pre> formatted)
- FileLog attribute logtype added, and 4 logtypes (== gnuplot files)
defined: fs20, fht, ks300_1, ks300_2
- links in the commandref.html file added
- device dependent attribute and set support
- Pest, Sun Apr 08 17:55:15 MEST 2007
- Make difference between sensors 1..4 and 5..
- Checked values for sensor 5 (cur.energy + cur.power) - ok
- Checked values for sensor 5 cur.energy is ok, cur.power still off.
Correction factor needs to be determined.
- setTime: Without argument, now the current time of the PC is used.
- setRperKW: Factor of 10 required, 75 U/kWh -> 750.
- Pest, Tue Apr 10 20:31:22 MEST 2007
- Introduced new double-word function (dw)
- getDevStatus: energy values kWh/h, kWh/d, total.
- Rudi Sat Apr 14 10:34:36 MEST 2007
final documentations, release 4.0. Tagged as FHEM_4_0
- Pest, Sat Apr 14 14:21:00 MEST 2007
- doc: linux.html (private udev-rules, not 50-..., ATTRS)
- Pest, Sun Apr 15 14:54:30 MEST 2007
- doc: fhem.pl and commandref.html (notifyon -> notify, correction of examples)
- Rudi, Tue Apr 24 08:10:43 MEST 2007
- feature: modify command added. It helps change e.g. only the time component
for an at command, without deleting and creating it again and then
reapplying all the attributes.
- feature: the ,
instead. The - is used to separate ranges in the set command.
- Rudi, Sun May 27 12:51:52 MEST 2007
- Archiving FileLogs. Added fhemweb.pl (pgm2) code, to show logs from the
archive directory. See the attributes archivedir/archivecmd.
- Added EM1010PC suppoort (right now only with EM1000WZ). Support added
for displaying logs in the fhemweb.pl (webfrontends/pgm2)
- Pest, Mon May 28 19:39:22 MEST 2007
- Added 62_EMEM.pm to support EM1000-EM devices.
- doc: Update of commandref.htm (typos and EMEM).
- Pest, Mon May 29 00:07:00 MEST 2007
- check-in changes of 60_EM.pm to make EMEM work.
- Mon Jun 4 08:23:43 MEST 2007
- Small changes for EM logging
- Pest Jun 10, 23:16:23 MEST 2007
- Set wrong values in 62_EMEM to -1
- Pest Jun 12, 21:33:00 MEST 2007
- in 62_EMEM.pm: added energy_today and energy_total
- Pest Jun 18, 20:06:23 MEST 2007
- in 62_EMEM.pm: Power units removed from value content added to name.
- Rudi Sun Aug 5 10:59:51 MEST 2007
- WS300 Loglevel changed for KS300 device (from 2 to GetLogLevel or 5)
- First version of the FritzBox port:
- Perl binary/ftdi_sio module
- EM: added setTime, reset
- docs/fritzbox.html. Note: The fb_fhem_0.1.tar.gz won't be part of CVS
as it contains largee binaries (swapfile, perl mipsel executable, etc).
- Rudi Mon Aug 6 20:15:00 MEST 2007
- archiving added to the main logs.
NOTE: The FileLog filename (INT attribute) is now also called logfile.
- Rudi Wed Aug 29 08:28:34 MEST 2007
- archive attributes clarified in the doc
- Rudi Mon Sep 3 15:47:59 MEST 2007
- 99_Sunrise_EL.pm checked in. Replaces 99_Sunrise.pm, and does not need
any Date module.
- Rudi Sun Sep 9 08:43:03 MEST 2007
- mode holiday_short added + documentation. Not tested.
any Date module.
- Rudi Wed Oct 3 18:21:36 MEST 2007
- weblinks added. Used by webpgm2 to display more than one plot at once
- webpgm2 output reformatted. Using CSS to divide the screen area in 3
parts: command line, room-list and rest
- Dirk Wed Oct 7 12:45:09 MEST 2007
- FHT lime-protection code discovered
- Dirk Wed Oct 18 23:28:00 MEST 2007
- Softwarebuffer for FHT devices with queuing unsent commands and
repeating commands by transmission failure
- FHT low temperatur warning and setting for lowtemp-offset
- Change naming for state into warnings
Tagged as dirkh_20071019_0
- Martin Fri Dec 21 13:39:17 CET 2007
- voip2fhem added (contrib/)
- Peter Sun Dec 23 19:59:00 MEST 2007
- linux.html: Introduction refinement.
- Rudi Sat Dec 29 16:27:14 MET 2007
- delattr renamed to deleteattr, as del should complete to delete and not to
- defattr renamed to setdefaultattr (same as before for def)
- devicespec introduced:
it may contain a list of devices, a range of devices, or multiple devices
identified by regexp. Following commands take a devicespec as argument:
attr, deleteattr, delete, get, list, set, setstate, trigger
- Boris Sat Dec 29 16:56:00 CET 2007
- %NAME, %EVENT, %TYPE parameters in notify definition, commandref.html update
- Boris Sun Dec 30 22:35:00 CET 2007
- added dblog/93_DbLog.pm and samples in contrib directory, commandref.html
- Rudi Mon Dec 31 15:37:19 MET 2007
- feature: webfrontend/pgm2 converted to a FHEM module
No more need for a webserver for basic WEB administration. For HTTPS or
password you still need apache or the like.
One step closer for complete fhem on the FritzBox.
- Boris Sun Jan 06 13:35:00 CET 2008
- bugfix: 62_EMEM.pm: changed reading energy_total_kWh to energy_kWh_w,
added energy_kWh (formerly energy_total_kWh)
- changed em1010.pl accordingly, added em1000em doc for getDevStatus reply
from device
- minor changes in fhem.html
- Rudi Tue Jan 8 21:13:08 MET 2008
- feature: attr global allowfrom <ip-adresses/hostnames>
If set, only connects from these addresses are allowed. This is to
"simulate" a little bit of security.
- Rudi Sat Jan 19 18:04:12 MET 2008
- FHT: multiple commands
Up to 8 commands in one set, these are transmitted at once to the FHT
- softbuffer changes
minfhtbuffer attribute, as otherwise nearly everything will be sent to
the FHT buffer, so ordering won't take effect.
- cmd rename
report1,report2. refreshvalues changed to report1 and report2. refreshvalues
won't be advertized but still replaced with "report1 255 report2 255"
- extensive documentation update for the FHT
- lime-protection changed, as it is an actuator subcommand. Further actuator
commands added.
- Rudi Sun Jan 27 18:12:42 MET 2008
- em1010PC: sending a "67" after a reset skips the manual interaction:
automatic reset is now possible.
- Peter S. Sat Feb 16 22:22:21 MET 2008
- linux.html: Note on kernel (includes our changes)
- Peter S. Wed Mar 19 08:24:00 MET 2008
- 00_FHZ.pm: DoTriger -> DoTrigger
- Rudi Fri May 9 20:00:00 MEST 2008
- feature: FHEM modules may live on a filesystem with "ignorant" casing (FAT)
If you install FHEM on a USB-Stick (e.g. for the FritzBox) it may happen
that the filename casing is different from the function names inside the
-> Fhem won't find the <module>_Initialize function. Fixed by searching all
function-names for a match with "ignore-case"
- feature: FileLog function "set reopen" impemented. In case you want to
delete some wrong entries from a current logfile, you must tell fhem to
reopen the file again
- feature: multiline commands are supported through the command line
Up till now multiline commands were supported only by "include". Now they
are supprted from the (tcp/ip) connection too, so they can be used by the
web frontends.
- feature: pgm2 installation changes, multiple instances, external css
pgm2 (FHEMWEB) is now a "real" fhem module:
- the configuration takes place via attributes
- the css file is external, and each FHEMWEB instance can use its own set
- the default location for pictures, gnuplot scripts and css is the FHEM
module directory
- multiline support for notify and at scripts.
- feature: FileLog "set reopen" for manual tweaking of logfiles.
- feature: multiline commands are supported through the command line
- feature: pgm2 installation changes, multiple instances, external css
-tdressler Sa May 10 23:00:00 MEST 2008
- feature:add WS2000 Support new modul 87_ws2000.pm and standalone
reader/server ws2000_reader.pl
- doc: modified fhem.html/commandref.html reflectiing ws2000 device and
added windows support (tagged:before tdressler_20080510_1, after
-tdressler So May 11 19:30:00 MEST 2008
- feature: add ReadyFn to fhem.pl in main loop to have an alternative for
select, which is not working on windows (thomas 11.05)
- feature: set timeout to 0.2s, if HandleTimeout returns undef=forever
(tagged tdressler_20080511_1/2)
- bugfix : WS2000:fixed serial port access on windows by replacing FD with
- bugfix : FileLog: dont use FH->sync on windows (not implemented there)
- feature: EM, WS300, FHZ:Add Switch for Device::SerialPort and
Win32::SerialPort to get it running in Windows (sorry, untestet)
-tdressler So May 11 23:30:00 MEST 2008
- bugfix: FileLog undefined $data in FileLog_Get
- feature: fhem.pl check modules for compiletime errors and do not initialize
them if any
- bugfix: EM, WS300, FHZ scope of portobj variable
-tdressler Mo May 12 14:00:00 MEST 2008
- bugfix: FHZ with windows, use there ReadyFn if windows; small cosmetic
- doc: add hint to virtual com port driver, modification for FHZ to use
default FTDI driver
-tdressler Mo May 12 19:00:00 MEST 2008
- feature : add windows support to M232
-tdressler So May 18 13:30:00 MEST 2008
- feature : add ELV IPWE1 support
- Peter S. Mon Jun 02 00:39 MET 2008
- linux.html: openSUSE 11 contains our changes.
- Thu Jun 12 07:15:03 MEST 2008
- feature: FileLog get to read logfiles / webpgm2: gnuplot-scroll mode to
navigate/zoom in logfiles
webpgm2 uses the FileLog get to grep data for a given data range from a
logfile. Using this grep scrolling to a different date range / zooming
to another resolution (day/week/month/year) can be implemented.
The logfiles should be large, as scrolling across logfiles is not
implemented. To speed up the grep, a binary search with seek is used, and
seek positions are cached.
- Thu Jul 11 07:15:03 MEST 2008
- feature: 99_SVG.pm for webpgm2: generates SVG from the logfile.
Generating SVG is configurable, the "old" gnuplot mode is still there.
Downside of the SVG: the browser must support SVG (Firefox/Opera does,
I.E. with the Adobe plugin), and the browsesr consumes more memory.
Upside: no gnuplot needed on the server, faster(?), less data to transfer
for daily data.
Tested with Firefox 3.0.
Todo: Test with IE+Adobe Plugin/Opera.
- feature: HOWTO for webpgm2 (first chapter)
- Fri Jul 25 18:14:26 MEST 2008
- Autoloading modules. In order to make module installation easier and
to optimize memory usage, modules are loaded when the first device of a
certain category is defined. Exceptions are the modules prefixed with 99,
these are considered "utility" modules and are loaded at the beginning.
Some of the older 99_x modules were renamed (99_SVG, 99_dummy), and most
contrib modules were moved to the main FHEM directory.
- Boris Sat Nov 01 CET 2008
- feature: new commands fullinit and reopen for FHZ, commandref.html update
- bugfix: avoid access to undefined NotifyFn in hash in fhem.pl
- Boris Sun Nov 02 CET 2008
- feature: new modules 00_CM11.pm and 20_X10.pm for integration of X10
devices in fhem
- feature: X10 support for pgm3
- Sat Nov 15 10:23:56 MET 2008 (Rudi)
- Watchdog crash fixed: watchdog could insert itself more than once in the
internal timer queue. The first one deletes all occurances from the list,
but the loop over the list works on the cached keys -> the function/arg for
the second key is already removed.
- feature: X10 support for pgm3
- Boris Sat Nov 15 CET 2008
- bugfix: correct correction factors for EMEM in 15_CUL_EM.pm
- Wed Dec 3 18:36:56 MET 2008 (Rudi)
- reorder commandref.html, so that all aspects of a device
(define/set/get/attributes) are in one block. This makes possible to
"outsource" device documentation
- added "mobile" flag to the CUL definition, intended for a CUR, which is
a remote with a battery, so it is not connected all the time to fhem.
Without the flag fhem will block when the CUR is disconnected.
Note: we have to sleep after disconnect for 5 seconds, else the Linux
kernel sends us a SIGSEGV, and the USB device is gone till the next reboot.
- the fhem CUL part documented
- Sun Dec 7 21:09 (Boris)
- reworked 15_CUL_EM.pm to account for timer wraparounds, more readings added
- speed gain through disabled refreshvalues query to all FHTs at definition;
if you want it back at a "set myFHT report1 255 report2 255" command to the
config file.
- Mon Dec 8 21:26 MET 2008 (Rudi)
- Modules can now modify the cmds hash, i.e. modules can add / overwrite /
delete internal fhem commands. See 99_XmlList.pm for an example. Since this
modules is called 99_xxx, it will be always loaded, but user of webpgm2 do
not need it.
- Wed Dec 17 19:48 (Boris)
- attribute rainadjustment for KS300 in 13_KS300.pm to account for random
switches in the rain counter (see commandref.html)
- Fri Jan 2 10:29 2009 (Rudi)
- 00_CUL responds to CUR request. These are sent as long FS20 messages, with
a housecode stored in CUR_id_list attribute of the CUL device. If the ID
matches, the message is analyzed, and an FS20 message to the same address
is sent back. The CUR must have reception enabled.
Right now status/set time/set FHT desired temp are implemented.
- Fri Jan 6 (Boris)
- daily/monthly cumulated values for EMWZ/EMGZ/EMWM with 15_CUL_EM by Klaus
- Fri Jan 9
- Added a unified dispatch for CUL/FHZ and CM11, since all of them used the
same code.
- Addedd IODev attribute to FS20/FHT/HMS/KS300/CUL_WS/CUL/EMWZ/EMGZ/EMEM
- Sun Jan 11 (Klaus)
- Added fixedrange option day|week|month|year (for pgm2)
e.g.: attr wlEnergiemonat fixedrange month
- Added multiple room assignments for one device (for pgm2):
e.g.: attr Heizvorlauftemp room Energie,Heizung
- Added attr title and label(s) for more flexible .gplot files (for pgm2)
e.g.: attr wl_KF title "Fenster:".$value{KellerFenster}.", Entfeuchter: ".$value{Entfeuchter}
.gplot: <TL> (is almost there!)
attr wl_KF label "Fenster":"Entfeuchter"
.gplot: <L0> ... <L9> (constant text is to be replaced individually)
- Added attr global logdir, used by wildcard %ld in perl.pm
e.g.: attr global logdir /var/tmp
define emGaslog FileLog %ld/emGas.log emGas:.*CNT.*
- Sat Feb 15 2009 (Boris)
- added counter differential per time in 81_M232Counter.pm, commandref.html
- Thu Mar 29 2009 (MartinH)
- pgm3: bugfix, format table for userdef
- pgm3: feature X10_support, taillogorder optional with date
- pgm3: HMS100CO added, fhem.html relating pgm3 updated
- Sat May 30 2009 (Rudi)
- 99_SUNRISE_EL: sunrise/sunset called in "at" computes correctly the next
event. New "sunrise()/sunset()" calls added, min max optional parameter.
- Sun May 31 2009 (Boris)
- 81_M232Counter.pm: counter stops at 65536; workaround makes counter wraparound
- Mon Jun 01 2009 (Boris)
- 59_Weather.pm: new virtual device for weather forecasts, documentation
- Tue Jun 09 2009 (Boris)
- 11_FHT.pm: lazy attribute for FHT devices
- Sun Jun 14 2009 (Rudi)
- 11_FHT.pm: tmpcorr attribute for FHT devices
- Sat Jun 20 2009 (Boris)
- 09_USF1000.pm: new module to support USF1000S devices.
- Fri Aug 08 2009 (Boris)
- 09_USF1000.pm: suppress inplausible readings from USF1000
- Sat Sep 12 2009 (Boris)
- 00_CM11.pm: feature: get time, fwrev, set reopen for CM11 (Boris 2009-09-12)
- Sun Sep 20 2009 (Boris)
- Module 09_BS.pm for brightness sensor added (Boris 2009-09-20)
- Sat Oct 03 2009 (Boris)
- bugfix: missing blank in attribute list for FHT; exclude report from lazy
- typos and anchors in documentation corrected
- Sun Oct 11 2009 (Boris)
- finalized 09_BS.pm and documentation
- Tue Nov 10 2009 (Martin Haas)
- Bugfix: pgm3: Pulldown-Menu without selected FHTDEV not possible any more
- Thu Nov 12 2009 (Rudi)
- The duplicate pool added. The check routine is called from the Dispatch
routine (so it will affecc CUL/FHZ and CM11), and for FS20 calls from
the CUL and FHZ Write function.
Duplicates within 0.5 seconds are filtered if they are not reported by the
same IO Unit. Existing check for IODev removed from BS USF1000 FS20 FHT HMS
- Mon Nov 16 2009 (MartinH)
- pgm3: Google-Weather-Api added. Display of all Logs including the
FS20-devices (grep on fhem.log) The status of the batteries of FHT and HMS
are shown in the graphics. php4 disabled. Now only php5 is supported. A
lot of examples of the UserDefs are added. The pgm3-section of fhem.html was
- Sat Dec 19 2009 (MartinH)
- pgm3: Automatic support for CUL_WS (S300TH) added
- Mon Dec 21 2009 (Rudi)
- In order to support automatic device creation (coming 98_autocreate.pm),
the return value in case of an undefined device should contain parameters
for a correct define statement.
- Fri Jan 1 2010
- my %defptr is no $modules{modname}{defptr} in order for CommandReload to
work. There is also a second parameter $modules{modname}{ldata} which will
be saved over a Reload, used by the FS20 for the follow feature.
- ignore attribute added to ignore devices of the neighbour
- Fri Jan 8 2010 (MartinH)
Interface to fhem changes to stream_socket_client. Table-format on
Android-Browser optimized. Optimized for smartphones. Rooms possible for
Webcam and Google-Weather. Output of html better formated and skinable --
change the colors.
- Sat Feb 6 2010 (Boris)
- feature: on-for-timer added for X10 modules and bug fixed for overlapping
on-till and on-for-timer commands (Boris)
- Thu Jun 30 2011 (Maz Rashid)
- Introducing 00_TUL.pm and 10_EIB.pm modules for connecting FHEM on EIB.
- Thu Aug 04 2011 (Boris)
- enabled logging for 59_Weather.pm
- Thu Dec 01 2011 (Martin F.)
- Move JsonList from contrib to main modules. Jsonlist output is optimized
and now be more structured.
- Sun Jan 29 2012 (Maz Rashid)
- Improving 10_EIB.pm by introducing Get and interpreting received value according
to the selected model (based on datapoint types.)
- Introduced documentation for TUL / EIB modules.
- Fr Feb 24 2012 (Willi)
- New modules TRX for RFXCOM RFXtrx transceiver