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# $Id$
# vim: ts=2:et
# (c) 2012 Copyright: Martin Fischer (m_fischer at gmx dot de)
# All rights reserved
# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub CommandBackup($$);
sub parseConfig($);
sub readModpath($$);
sub createArchiv($$);
my @pathname;
my %hash = ( Fn => "CommandBackup",
Hlp => ",create a backup of fhem configuration, state and modpath" );
$cmds{backup} = \%hash;
my ($cl, $param) = @_;
my $modpath = $attr{global}{modpath};
my $configfile = AttrVal("global", "configfile", undef);
my $statefile = AttrVal("global", "statefile", undef);
my $msg;
my $ret;
Log 1, "NOTE: make sure you have a database backup!" if(configDBUsed());
# set backupdir
my $backupdir;
if (!defined($attr{global}{backupdir})) {
$backupdir = "$modpath/backup";
} else {
if ($attr{global}{backupdir} =~ m/^\/.*/) {
$backupdir = $attr{global}{backupdir};
} elsif ($attr{global}{backupdir} =~ m/^\.+\/.*/) {
$backupdir = "$modpath/$attr{global}{backupdir}";
} else {
$backupdir = "$modpath/$attr{global}{backupdir}";
# create backupdir if not exists
if (!-d $backupdir) {
Log 4, "backup create backupdir: '$backupdir'";
$ret = `(mkdir -p $backupdir) 2>&1`;
if ($ret) {
chomp $ret;
$msg = "backup: $ret";
return $msg;
if(configDBUsed()) {
# add configDB configuration file
push @pathname, 'configDB.conf';
Log 4, "backup include: 'configDB.conf'";
} else {
# get pathnames to archiv
push @pathname, $configfile;
Log 4, "backup include: '$configfile'";
$ret = parseConfig($configfile);
push @pathname, $statefile;
Log 4, "backup include: '$statefile'";
$ret = readModpath($modpath,$backupdir);
# create archiv
$ret = createArchiv($backupdir, $cl);
@pathname = [];
undef @pathname;
return $ret;
my $configfile = shift;
my $fh;
my $msg;
my $ret;
if (!open($fh,$configfile)) {
$msg = "Can't open $configfile: $!";
Log 1, "backup $msg";
return $msg;
while (my $l = <$fh>) {
$l =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
if ($l =~ m/^\s*include\s+(\S+)\s*.*$/) {
if (-e $1) {
push @pathname, $1;
Log 4, "backup include: '$1'";
$ret = parseConfig($1);
} else {
Log 1, "backup configfile: '$1' does not exists! File not included."
close $fh;
return $ret;
my ($modpath,$backupdir) = @_;
my $msg;
my $ret;
if (!opendir(DH, $modpath)) {
$msg = "Can't open $modpath: $!";
Log 1, "backup $msg";
return $msg;
my @files = <$modpath/*>;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file eq $backupdir && (-d $file || -l $file)) {
Log 4, "backup exclude: '$file'";
} else {
Log 4, "backup include: '$file'";
push @pathname, $file;
return $ret;
my ($backupdir,$cl) = @_;
my $backupcmd = (!defined($attr{global}{backupcmd}) ? undef : $attr{global}{backupcmd});
my $symlink = (!defined($attr{global}{backupsymlink}) ? "no" : $attr{global}{backupsymlink});
my $tarOpts;
my $msg;
my $ret;
my $dateTime = TimeNow();
$dateTime =~ s/ /_/g;
$dateTime =~ s/(:|-)//g;
my $cmd="";
if (!defined($backupcmd)) {
if (lc($symlink) eq "no") {
$tarOpts = "cf";
} else {
$tarOpts = "chf";
# prevents tar's output of "Removing leading /" and return total bytes of archive
$cmd = "tar -$tarOpts - @pathname |gzip > $backupdir/FHEM-$dateTime.tar.gz";
} else {
$cmd = "$backupcmd \"@pathname\"";
Log 2, "Backup with command: $cmd";
if($cl && ref($cl) eq "HASH" && $cl->{TYPE} && $cl->{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB") {
system("($cmd; echo Backup done) 2>&1 &");
return "Started the backup in the background, watch the log for details";
$ret = `($cmd) 2>&1`;
if($ret) {
chomp $ret;
Log 1, "backup $ret";
if (!defined($backupcmd) && -e "$backupdir/FHEM-$dateTime.tar.gz") {
my $size = -s "$backupdir/FHEM-$dateTime.tar.gz";
$msg = "backup done: FHEM-$dateTime.tar.gz ($size Bytes)";
Log 1, $msg;
$ret .= "\n".$msg;
return $ret;
=begin html
<a name="backup"></a>
The complete FHEM directory (containing the modules), the WebInterface
pgm2 (if installed) and the config-file will be saved into a .tar.gz
file by default. The file is stored with a timestamp in the
<a href="#modpath">modpath</a>/backup directory or to a directory
specified by the global attribute <a href="#backupdir">backupdir</a>.<br>
Note: tar and gzip must be installed to use this feature.
If you need to call tar with support for symlinks, you could set the
global attribute <a href="#backupsymlink">backupsymlink</a> to everything
else as "no".
You could pass the backup to your own command / script by using the
global attribute <a href="#backupcmd">backupcmd</a>.
=end html