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# $Id$
# configDB.pm
# A fhem library to enable configuration from sql database
# instead of plain text file, e.g. fhem.cfg
# Copyright: betateilchen ®
# e-mail: fhem.development@betateilchen.de
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ChangeLog
# 2014-03-01 - SVN 5080 - initial release of interface inside fhem.pl
# - initial release of configDB.pm
# 2014-03-02 - added template files for sqlite in contrib/configDB
# - updated commandref (EN) documentation
# - added commandref (DE) documentation
# 2014-03-03 - changed performance optimized by using version uuid table
# - updated commandref docu for migration
# - added cfgDB_svnId for fhem.pl CommandVersion
# - added cfgDB_List to show device info from database
# - updated commandref docu for cfgDB_List
# 2014-03-06 - added cfgDB_Diff to compare device in two versions
# 2014-03-07 - changed optimized cfgDB_Diff
# restructured libraray internally
# improved source code documentation
use DBI;
# Forward declarations for functions in fhem.pl
sub AnalyzeCommandChain($$;$);
sub AttrVal($$$);
sub Debug($);
sub Log3($$$);
# Forward declarations inside this library
sub _cfgDB_Connect;
sub _cfgDB_InsertLine($$$);
sub _cfgDB_Execute($@);
sub _cfgDB_ReadCfg(@);
sub _cfgDB_ReadState(@);
sub _cfgDB_Rotate($);
sub _cfgDB_Uuid;
# Read configuration file for DB connection
if(!open(CONFIG, 'configDB.conf')) {
Log3('configDB', 1, 'Cannot open database configuration file configDB.conf');
return 0;
my @config=<CONFIG>;
my %dbconfig;
eval join("", @config);
my $cfgDB_dbconn = $dbconfig{connection};
my $cfgDB_dbuser = $dbconfig{user};
my $cfgDB_dbpass = $dbconfig{password};
my $cfgDB_dbtype;
(%dbconfig, @config) = (undef,undef);
if($cfgDB_dbconn =~ m/pg:/i) {
$cfgDB_dbtype ="POSTGRESQL";
} elsif ($cfgDB_dbconn =~ m/mysql:/i) {
$cfgDB_dbtype = "MYSQL";
} elsif ($cfgDB_dbconn =~ m/sqlite:/i) {
$cfgDB_dbtype = "SQLITE";
} else {
$cfgDB_dbtype = "unknown";
# Basic functions needed for DB configuration
# directly called from fhem.pl
# cfgDB_Init, cfgDB_GlobalAttr, cfgDB_ReadAll
# cfgDB_SaveCfg, cfgDB_SaveState, cfgDB_svnId
# initialize database, create tables if necessary
sub cfgDB_Init {
# Create non-existing database tables
# Create default config entries if necessary
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
eval { $fhem_dbh->do("CREATE EXTENSION \"uuid-ossp\"") if($cfgDB_dbtype eq 'POSTGRESQL'); };
# create TABLE fhemversions ifnonexistent
# create TABLE fhemconfig if nonexistent
# check TABLE fhemconfig already populated
my $count = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT count(*) FROM fhemconfig');
if($count < 1) {
# insert default entries to get fhem running
my $uuid = _cfgDB_Uuid;
$fhem_dbh->do("INSERT INTO fhemversions values (0, '$uuid')");
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, '#created by cfgDB_Init');
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, 'attr global logfile ./log/fhem-%Y-%m-%d.log');
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, 'attr global modpath .');
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, 'attr global userattr devStateIcon devStateStyle icon sortby webCmd');
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, 'attr global verbose 3');
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, 'define telnetPort telnet 7072 global');
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, 'define WEB FHEMWEB 8083 global');
_cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, 'define Logfile FileLog ./log/fhem-%Y-%m-%d.log fakelog');
# create TABLE fhemstate if nonexistent
$fhem_dbh->do("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fhemstate(stateString TEXT)");
# close database connection
# read and set attributes for 'global'
sub cfgDB_GlobalAttr {
my ($sth, @line, $row, @dbconfig);
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM fhemconfig WHERE DEVICE = 'global'" );
while (@line = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$row = "$line[0] $line[1] $line[2] $line[3]";
$line[3] =~ s/#.*//;
$line[3] =~ s/ .*$//;
$attr{global}{$line[2]} = $line[3];
# read and execute all commands from
# fhemconfig and fhemstate
sub cfgDB_ReadAll($){
my ($cl) = @_;
my $ret;
# add Config Rows to commandfile
my @dbconfig = _cfgDB_ReadCfg(@dbconfig);
# add State Rows to commandfile
@dbconfig = _cfgDB_ReadState(@dbconfig);
# AnalyzeCommandChain for all entries
$ret .= _cfgDB_Execute($cl, @dbconfig);
return $ret if($ret);
return undef;
# rotate all older versions to versionnumber+1
# save running configuration to version 0
sub cfgDB_SaveCfg {
my (%devByNr, @rowList);
map { $devByNr{$defs{$_}{NR}} = $_ } keys %defs;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $devcount; $i++) {
my ($h, $d);
if($comments{$i}) {
$h = $comments{$i};
} else {
$d = $devByNr{$i};
next if(!defined($d) ||
$defs{$d}{TEMPORARY} || # e.g. WEBPGM connections
$defs{$d}{VOLATILE}); # e.g at, will be saved to the statefile
$h = $defs{$d};
if(!defined($d)) {
push @rowList, $h->{TEXT};
if($d ne "global") {
my $def = $defs{$d}{DEF};
if(defined($def)) {
$def =~ s/;/;;/g;
$def =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
} else {
$dev = "";
push @rowList, "define $d $defs{$d}{TYPE} $def";
foreach my $a (sort keys %{$attr{$d}}) {
next if($d eq "global" &&
($a eq "configfile" || $a eq "version"));
my $val = $attr{$d}{$a};
$val =~ s/;/;;/g;
$val =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
push @rowList, "attr $d $a $val";
# Insert @rowList into database table
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
my $uuid = _cfgDB_Rotate($fhem_dbh);
$t = localtime;
$out = "#created $t";
push @rowList, $out;
foreach (@rowList) { _cfgDB_InsertLine($fhem_dbh, $uuid, $_); }
return 'configDB saved.';
# save statefile
sub cfgDB_SaveState {
my ($out,$val,$r,$rd,$t,@rowList);
$t = localtime;
$out = "#$t";
push @rowList, $out;
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
next if($defs{$d}{TEMPORARY});
if($defs{$d}{VOLATILE}) {
$out = "define $d $defs{$d}{TYPE} $defs{$d}{DEF}";
push @rowList, $out;
$val = $defs{$d}{STATE};
if(defined($val) &&
$val ne "unknown" &&
$val ne "Initialized" &&
$val ne "???") {
$val =~ s/;/;;/g;
$val =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
$out = "setstate $d $val";
push @rowList, $out;
$r = $defs{$d}{READINGS};
if($r) {
foreach my $c (sort keys %{$r}) {
$rd = $r->{$c};
if(!defined($rd->{TIME})) {
Log3(undef, 4, "WriteStatefile $d $c: Missing TIME, using current time");
$rd->{TIME} = TimeNow();
if(!defined($rd->{VAL})) {
Log3(undef, 4, "WriteStatefile $d $c: Missing VAL, setting it to 0");
$rd->{VAL} = 0;
$val = $rd->{VAL};
$val =~ s/;/;;/g;
$val =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
$out = "setstate $d $rd->{TIME} $c $val";
push @rowList, $out;
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
$fhem_dbh->do("DELETE FROM fhemstate");
my $sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO fhemstate values ( ? )');
foreach (@rowList) { $sth->execute( $_ ); }
# return SVN Id, called by fhem's CommandVersion
sub cfgDB_svnId {
return "# ".'$Id$'
# Basic functions needed for DB configuration
# but not called from fhem.pl directly
# connect do database
sub _cfgDB_Connect {
my $fhem_dbh = DBI->connect(
{ AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 },
) or die $DBI::errstr;
return $fhem_dbh;
# add configuration entry into fhemconfig
sub _cfgDB_InsertLine($$$) {
my ($fhem_dbh, $uuid, $line) = @_;
my ($c,$d,$p1,$p2) = split(/ /, $line, 4);
my $sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO fhemconfig values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
$sth->execute($c, $d, $p1, $p2, -1, $uuid);
# pass command table to AnalyzeCommandChain
sub _cfgDB_Execute($@) {
my ($cl, @dbconfig) = @_;
my $ret;
foreach (@dbconfig){
my $l = $_;
$l =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
$ret .= AnalyzeCommandChain($cl, $l);
return $ret if($ret);
return undef;
# read all entries from fhemconfig
# and add them to command table for execution
sub _cfgDB_ReadCfg(@) {
my (@dbconfig) = @_;
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
my ($sth, @line, $row);
# using a join would be much nicer, but does not work due to sort of join's result
my $uuid = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT versionuuid FROM fhemversions WHERE version = 0');
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM fhemconfig WHERE versionuuid = '$uuid'" );
while (@line = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$row = "$line[0] $line[1] $line[2] $line[3]";
push @dbconfig, $row;
return @dbconfig;
# read all entries from fhemstate
# and add them to command table for execution
sub _cfgDB_ReadState(@) {
my (@dbconfig) = @_;
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
my ($sth, $row);
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM fhemstate" );
while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
push @dbconfig, $row;
return @dbconfig;
# rotate all versions to versionnum + 1
# return uuid for new version 0
sub _cfgDB_Rotate($) {
my ($fhem_dbh) = @_;
my $uuid = _cfgDB_Uuid;
$fhem_dbh->do("UPDATE fhemversions SET VERSION = VERSION+1");
$fhem_dbh->do("INSERT INTO fhemversions values (0, '$uuid')");
return $uuid;
# return a UUID based on DB-model
sub _cfgDB_Uuid{
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
my $uuid;
$uuid = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array('select lower(hex(randomblob(16)))') if($cfgDB_dbtype eq 'SQLITE');
$uuid = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array('select uuid()') if($cfgDB_dbtype eq 'MYSQL');
$uuid = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array('select uuid_generate_v4()') if($cfgDB_dbtype eq 'POSTGRESQL');
return $uuid;
sub _cfgDB_backupdata {
my (undef, $cfgDB_dblocation) = split(/=/,$cfgDB_dbconn);
return ($cfgDB_dbtype,$cfgDB_dblocation);
# Tools / Additional functions
# not called from fhem.pl directly
# migrate existing fhem config into database
sub cfgDB_Migrate {
Log3('configDB',4,'Starting migration.');
Log3('configDB',4,'Processing: cfgDB_Init.');
Log3('configDB',4,'Processing: cfgDB_SaveCfg.');
Log3('configDB',4,'Processing: cfgDB_SaveState.');
Log3('configDB',4,'Migration finished.');
return " Result after migration:\n".cfgDB_Info;
# show database statistics
sub cfgDB_Info {
my ($l, @r);
for my $i (1..65){ $l .= '-';}
# $l .= "\n";
push @r, $l;
push @r, " configDB Database Information";
push @r, $l;
push @r, " ".cfgDB_svnId;
push @r, $l;
push @r, " dbconn: $cfgDB_dbconn";
push @r, " dbuser: $cfgDB_dbuser" if !$attr{configDB}{private};
push @r, " dbpass: $cfgDB_dbpass" if !$attr{configDB}{private};
push @r, " dbtype: $cfgDB_dbtype";
push @r, " Unknown dbmodel type in configuration file." if $dbtype eq 'unknown';
push @r, " Only Mysql, Postgresql, SQLite are fully supported." if $dbtype eq 'unknown';
push @r, $l;
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
my ($sql, $sth, @line, $row);
# read versions table statistics
my $count;
$count = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT count(*) FROM fhemconfig');
push @r, " fhemconfig: $count entries\n";
# read versions creation time
$sql = "SELECT * FROM fhemconfig as c join fhemversions as v on v.versionuuid=c.versionuuid ".
"WHERE COMMAND like '#created%' ORDER by v.VERSION";
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare( $sql );
while (@line = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$row = " Ver $line[6] saved: $line[1] $line[2] $line[3] def: ".
$fhem_dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) from fhemconfig where COMMAND = 'define' and VERSIONUUID = '$line[5]'");
$row .= " attr: ".
$fhem_dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) from fhemconfig where COMMAND = 'attr' and VERSIONUUID = '$line[5]'");
push @r, $row;
push @r, $l;
# read state table statistics
$count = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT count(*) FROM fhemstate');
# read state table creation time
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM fhemstate WHERE STATESTRING like '#%'" );
while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
(undef,$row) = split(/#/,$row);
$row = " fhemstate: $count entries saved: $row";
push @r, $row;
push @r, $l;
return join("\n", @r);
# recover former config from database archive
sub cfgDB_Recover($) {
my ($version) = @_;
my ($cmd, $count, $ret);
if($version > 0) {
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
$cmd = "SELECT count(*) FROM fhemconfig WHERE VERSIONUUID in (select versionuuid from fhemversions where version = $version)";
$count = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array($cmd);
if($count > 0) {
my $fromuuid = $fhem_dbh->selectrow_array("select versionuuid from fhemversions where version = $version");
my $touuid = _cfgDB_Uuid;
# Delete current version 0
$fhem_dbh->do("DELETE FROM fhemconfig WHERE VERSIONUUID in (select versionuuid from fhemversions where version = 0)");
$fhem_dbh->do("update fhemversions set versionuuid = '$touuid' where version = 0");
# Copy selected version to version 0
my ($sth, $sth2, @line);
$cmd = "SELECT * FROM fhemconfig WHERE VERSIONUUID = '$fromuuid'";
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare($cmd);
$sth2 = $fhem_dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO fhemconfig values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
while (@line = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$sth2->execute($line[0], $line[1], $line[2], $line[3], -1, $touuid);
# Inform user about restart or rereadcfg needed
$ret = "Version 0 deleted.\n";
$ret .= "Version $version copied to version 0\n\n";
$ret .= "Please use rereadcfg or restart to activate configuration.";
} else {
$ret = "No entries found in version $version.\nNo changes committed to database.";
} else {
$ret = 'Please select version 1..n for recovery.';
return $ret;
# delete old configurations
sub cfgDB_Reorg(;$) {
my ($lastversion) = @_;
$lastversion = ($lastversion > 0) ? $lastversion : 3;
Log3('configDB', 4, "DB Reorg started, keeping last $lastversion versions.");
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
$fhem_dbh->do("delete FROM fhemconfig where versionuuid in (select versionuuid from fhemversions where version > $lastversion)");
$fhem_dbh->do("delete from fhemversions where version > $lastversion");
return " Result after database reorg:\n".cfgDB_Info;
# list device(s) from given version
sub cfgDB_List(;$$) {
my ($search,$searchversion) = @_;
$search = $search ? $search : "%";
$searchversion = $searchversion ? $searchversion : 0;
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
my ($sql, $sth, @line, $row, @result, $ret);
$sql = "SELECT command, device, p1, p2 FROM fhemconfig as c join fhemversions as v ON v.versionuuid=c.versionuuid ".
"WHERE v.version = '$searchversion' AND command not like '#create%' AND device like '$search%' ORDER BY lower(device),command DESC";
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare( $sql);
push @result, "search result for device: $search in version: $searchversion";
push @result, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
while (@line = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$row = "$line[0] $line[1] $line[2] $line[3]";
push @result, "$row";
$ret = join("\n", @result);
return $ret;
# called from cfgDB_Diff
sub _cfgDB_Diff($$$) {
my ($fhem_dbh,$search,$searchversion) = @_;
my ($sql, $sth, @line, $ret);
$sql = "SELECT command, device, p1, p2 FROM fhemconfig as c join fhemversions as v ON v.versionuuid=c.versionuuid ".
"WHERE v.version = '$searchversion' AND device = '$search' ORDER BY command DESC";
$sth = $fhem_dbh->prepare( $sql);
while (@line = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$ret .= "$line[0] $line[1] $line[2] $line[3]\n";
return $ret;
# compare device configurations from 2 versions
sub cfgDB_Diff($$) {
my ($search,$searchversion) = @_;
eval {
use Text::Diff;
my ($ret, $v0, $v1);
my $fhem_dbh = _cfgDB_Connect;
$v0 = _cfgDB_Diff($fhem_dbh,$search,0);
$v1 = _cfgDB_Diff($fhem_dbh,$search,$searchversion);
$ret = diff \$v0, \$v1, { STYLE => "Table" };
$ret = "\nNo differences found!" if !$ret;
$ret = "compare device: $search in current version 0 (left) to version: $searchversion (right)\n$ret\n";
return "error: Please install Text::Diff!" if($@);
return $ret;
=begin html
<a name="configDB"></a>
Starting with version 5079, fhem can be used with a configuration database instead of a plain text file (e.g. fhem.cfg).<br/>
This offers the possibility to completely waive all cfg-files, "include"-problems and so on.<br/>
Furthermore, configDB offers a versioning of several configuration together with the possibility to restore a former configuration.<br/>
Access to database is provided via perl's database interface DBI.<br/>
<b>Prerequisits / Installation</b><br/>
<li>You must have access to a SQL database. Supported database types are SQLITE, MYSQL and POSTGRESQL.</li><br/>
<li>The corresponding DBD module must be available in your perl environment,<br/>
e.g. sqlite3 running on a Debian systems requires package libdbd-sqlite3-perl</li><br/>
<li>Create an empty database, e.g. with sqlite3:<br/>
mba:fhem udo$ sqlite3 configDB.db
SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-07-17 17:46:21
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> pragma auto_vacuum=2;
sqlite> .quit
mba:fhem udo$
<li>The database tables will be created automatically.</li><br/>
<li>Create a configuration file containing the connection string to access database.<br/>
<li>This file <b>must</b> be named "configDB.conf"</li>
<li>This file <b>must</b> be located in your fhem main directory, e.g. /opt/fhem</li>
## for MySQL
#%dbconfig= (
# connection => "mysql:database=configDB;host=db;port=3306",
# user => "fhemuser",
# password => "fhempassword",
## for PostgreSQL
#%dbconfig= (
# connection => "Pg:database=configDB;host=localhost",
# user => "fhemuser",
# password => "fhempassword"
## for SQLite (username and password stay empty for SQLite)
#%dbconfig= (
# connection => "SQLite:dbname=/opt/fhem/configDB.db",
# user => "",
# password => ""
<b>Start with a complete new "fresh" fhem Installation</b><br/>
It's easy... simply start fhem by issuing following command:<br/><br/>
<ul><code>perl fhem.pl configDB</code></ul><br/>
<b>configDB</b> is a keyword which is recognized by fhem to use database for configuration.<br/>
<b>That's all.</b> Everything (save, rereadcfg etc) should work as usual.
<b>Migrate your existing fhem configuration into the database</b><br/>
It's easy, too... <br/>
<li>start your fhem the last time with fhem.cfg<br/><br/>
<ul><code>perl fhem.pl fhem.cfg</code></ul></li><br/>
<li>transfer your existing configuration into the database<br/><br/>
<ul>enter <code>{use configDB;; cfgDB_Migrate}</code><br/>
into frontend's command line</ul><br/></br>
Be patient! Migration can take some time, especially on mini-systems like RaspberryPi or Beaglebone.<br/>
Completed migration will be indicated by showing database statistics.<br/>
Your original configfile will not be touched or modified by this step.</li><br/>
<li>shutdown fhem</li><br/>
<li>restart fhem with keyword configDB<br/><br/>
<ul><code>perl fhem.pl configDB</code></ul></li><br/>
<b>configDB</b> is a keyword which is recognized by fhem to use database for configuration.<br/>
<b>That's all.</b> Everything (save, rereadcfg etc) should work as usual.
<b>Additional functions provided</b><br/>
You can define an extension with module <a href="#configDBwrap">98_configDBwrap</a><br/>
to gain access to some additional functionality.
<b>Author's notes</b><br/>
<li>You can find two template files for datebase and configfile (sqlite only!) for easy installation.<br/>
Just copy them to your fhem installation directory (/opt/fhem) and have fun.</li>
<li>The frontend option "Edit files"->"config file" will be removed when running configDB.</li>
<li>Please be patient when issuing a "save" command
(either manually or by clicking on "save config").<br/>
This will take some moments, due to writing version informations.<br/>
Finishing the save-process will be indicated by a corresponding message in frontend.</li>
<li>You may need to install perl package Text::Diff to use cfgDB_Diff()</li>
<li>There still will be some more (planned) development to this extension,
especially regarding some perfomance issues.</li>
<li>Have fun!</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="configDB"></a>
Seit version 5079 unterstützt fhem die Verwendung einer SQL Datenbank zum Abspeichern der kompletten Konfiguration<br/>
Dadurch kann man auf alle cfg Dateien, includes usw. verzichten und die daraus immer wieder resultierenden Probleme vermeiden.<br/>
Desweiteren gibt es damit eine Versionierung von Konfigurationen und die Möglichkeit,
jederzeit eine ältere Version wiederherstellen zu können.<br/>
Der Zugriff auf die Datenbank erfolgt über die perl-eigene Datenbankschnittstelle DBI.<br/>
<b>Voraussetzungen / Installation</b><br/>
<li>Es muss eine SQL Datenbank verfügbar sein, untsrstützt werden SQLITE, MYSQL und POSTGRESQLL.</li><br/>
<li>Das zum Datenbanktype gehörende DBD Modul muss in perl installiert sein,<br/>
für sqlite3 auf einem Debian System z.B. das Paket libdbd-sqlite3-perl</li><br/>
<li>Eine leere Datenbank muss angelegt werden, z.B. in sqlite3:<br/>
mba:fhem udo$ sqlite3 configDB.db
SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-07-17 17:46:21
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> pragma auto_vacuum=2;
sqlite> .quit
mba:fhem udo$
<li>Die benötigten Datenbanktabellen werden automatisch angelegt.</li><br/>
<li>Eine Konfigurationsdatei für die Verbindung zur Datenbank muss angelegt werden.<br/>
<li>Diese Datei <b>muss</b> den Namen "configDB.conf" haben</li>
<li>Diese Datei <b>muss</b> im fhem Verzeichnis liegen, z.B. /opt/fhem</li>
## für MySQL
#%dbconfig= (
# connection => "mysql:database=configDB;host=db;port=3306",
# user => "fhemuser",
# password => "fhempassword",
## für PostgreSQL
#%dbconfig= (
# connection => "Pg:database=configDB;host=localhost",
# user => "fhemuser",
# password => "fhempassword"
## für SQLite (username and password bleiben bei SQLite leer)
#%dbconfig= (
# connection => "SQLite:dbname=/opt/fhem/configDB.db",
# user => "",
# password => ""
<b>Aufruf mit einer vollständig neuen fhem Installation</b><br/>
Sehr einfach... fhem muss lediglich folgendermassen gestartet werden:<br/><br/>
<ul><code>perl fhem.pl configDB</code></ul><br/>
<b>configDB</b> ist das Schlüsselwort, an dem fhem erkennt, <br/>
dass eine Datenbank für die Konfiguration verwendet werden soll.<br/>
<b>Das war es schon.</b> Alle Befehle (save, rereadcfg etc) arbeiten wie gewohnt.
<b>übertragen einer bestehenden fhem Konfiguration in die Datenbank</b><br/>
Auch sehr einfach... <br/>
<li>fhem wird zum letzten Mal mit der fhem.cfg gestartet<br/><br/>
<ul><code>perl fhem.pl fhem.cfg</code></ul></li><br/>
<li>Bestehende Konfiguration in die Datenbank übertragen<br/><br/>
<ul><code>{use configDB;; cfgDB_Migrate}</code><br/>
in die Befehlszeile der fhem-Oberfläche eingeben</ul><br/></br>
Nicht die Geduld verlieren! Die Migration eine Weile dauern, speziell bei Mini-Systemen wie<br/>
RaspberryPi or Beaglebone.<br/>
Am Ende der Migration wird eine aktuelle Datenbankstatistik angezeigt.<br/>
Die ursprüngliche Konfigurationsdatei wird bei diesem Vorgang nicht angetastet.</li><br/>
<li>fhem beenden.</li><br/>
<li>fhem mit dem Schlüsselwort configDB starten<br/><br/>
<ul><code>perl fhem.pl configDB</code></ul></li><br/>
<b>configDB</b> ist das Schlüsselwort, an dem fhem erkennt, <br/>
dass eine Datenbank für die Konfiguration verwendet werden soll.<br/>
<b>Das war es schon.</b> Alle Befehle (save, rereadcfg etc) arbeiten wie gewohnt.
<b>Zusätzliche Funktionen</b><br/>
Es kann mit Hilfe des Moduls <a href="#configDBwrap">98_configDBwrap</a> eine Erweiterung <br/>
definiert werden, die zusätzliche Funktionen bereitstellt.
<li>Im Verzeichnis contrib/configDB befinden sich zwei Vorlagen für Datenbank und Konfiguration,<br/>
die durch einfaches Kopieren in das fhem Verzeichnis sofort verwendet werden können (Nur für sqlite!).</li>
<li>Der Menüpunkt "Edit files"->"config file" wird bei Verwendung von configDB nicht mehr angezeigt.</li>
<li>Beim Speichern einer Konfiguration nicht ungeduldig werden (egal ob manuell oder durch Klicken auf "save config")<br/>
Durch das Schreiben der Versionsinformationen dauert das ein paar Sekunden.<br/>
Der Abschluss des Speichern wird durch eine entsprechende Meldung angezeigt.</li>
<li>Diese Erweiterung wird laufend weiterentwickelt. Speziell an der Verbesserung der Performance wird gearbeitet.</li>
<li>Viel Spass!</li>
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