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743 lines
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Executable File
# $Id$
# 98_structure.pm
# Copyright by
# e-mail:
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;
sub structure_getChangedDevice($);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "structure_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "structure_Undef";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "structure_Notify";
$hash->{SetFn} = "structure_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "structure_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "clientstate_priority ".
"clientstate_behavior:relative,relativeKnown,absolute,last ".
my %ahash = ( Fn=>"CommandAddStruct",
Hlp=>"<structure> <devspec>,add <devspec> to <structure>" );
$cmds{addstruct} = \%ahash;
my %dhash = ( Fn=>"CommandDelStruct",
Hlp=>"<structure> <devspec>,delete <devspec> from <structure>");
$cmds{delstruct} = \%dhash;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> structure <struct-type> [device ...]";
return $u if(int(@a) < 4);
my $devname = shift(@a);
my $modname = shift(@a);
my $stype = shift(@a);
addToAttrList($stype . "_map");
$hash->{ATTR} = $stype;
my %list;
foreach my $a (@a) {
foreach my $d (devspec2array($a)) {
$list{$d} = 1;
$hash->{CONTENT} = \%list;
@a = ( "set", $devname, $stype, $devname );
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = ( "del", $hash->{NAME}, $hash->{ATTR} );
return undef;
# returns the really changed Device
my ($dev) = @_;
my $lastDevice = ReadingsVal($dev, "LastDevice", undef);
$dev = structure_getChangedDevice($lastDevice)
if($lastDevice && $defs{$dev}->{TYPE} eq "structure");
return $dev;
sub structure_Notify($$)
my ($hash, $dev) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $devmap = $hash->{ATTR}."_map";
if( $dev->{NAME} eq "global" ) {
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
$s = "" if(!defined($s));
if($s =~ m/^RENAMED ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)$/) {
my ($old, $new) = ($1, $2);
if( defined($hash->{CONTENT}{$old}) ) {
$hash->{DEF} =~ s/(\s+)$old(\s*)/$1$new$2/;
delete( $hash->{CONTENT}{$old} );
$hash->{CONTENT}{$new} = 1;
} elsif($s =~ m/^DELETED ([^ ]*)$/) {
my ($name) = ($1);
if( defined($hash->{CONTENT}{$name}) ) {
$hash->{DEF} =~ s/(\s+)$name(\s*)/ /;
$hash->{DEF} =~ s/^ //;
$hash->{DEF} =~ s/ $//;
delete( $hash->{CONTENT}{$name} );
return "" if(AttrVal($me,"disable", undef));
#pruefen ob Devices welches das notify ausgeloest hat Mitglied dieser
# Struktur ist
return "" if (!$hash->{CONTENT}->{$dev->{NAME}});
# lade das Verhalten, Standard ist absolute
my $behavior = AttrVal($me, "clientstate_behavior", "absolute");
my %clientstate;
my @structPrio = attrSplit($attr{$me}{clientstate_priority})
return "" if($hash->{INSET}); # Do not trigger for our own set
if($hash->{INNTFY}) {
Log3 $me, 1, "ERROR: endless loop detected in structure_Notify $me";
return "";
$hash->{INNTFY} = 1;
my %priority;
my (@priority, @foo);
for (my $i=0; $i<@structPrio; $i++) {
@foo = split(/\|/, $structPrio[$i]);
for (my $j=0; $j<@foo;$j++) {
$priority{$foo[$j]} = $i+1;
my $minprio = 99999;
my $devstate;
foreach my $d (sort keys %{ $hash->{CONTENT} }) {
next if(!$defs{$d});
if($attr{$d} && $attr{$d}{$devmap}) {
my @gruppe = attrSplit($attr{$d}{$devmap});
my @value;
for (my $i=0; $i<@gruppe; $i++) {
@value = split(":", $gruppe[$i]);
if(@value == 1) { # value[0]:.* -> .*
$devstate = ReadingsVal($d, $value[0], undef);
} elsif(@value == 2) { # state:value[0] -> value[1]
$devstate = ReadingsVal($d, "state", undef);
if(defined($devstate) && $devstate =~ m/^$value[0]/){
$devstate = $value[1];
$i=99999; # RKO: ??
} else {
$devstate = undef;
} elsif(@value == 3) { # value[0]:value[1] -> value[2]
$devstate = ReadingsVal($d, $value[0], undef);
if(defined($devstate) && $devstate =~ m/^$value[1]/){
$devstate = $value[2];
} else {
$devstate = undef;
if(defined($devstate)) {
if(!$priority{$devstate} && $behavior eq "relativeKnown") {
return "";
$minprio = $priority{$devstate}
if($priority{$devstate} && $priority{$devstate} < $minprio);
$clientstate{$devstate} = 1;
} else {
$devstate = ReadingsVal($d, "state", undef);
if(defined($devstate)) {
if(!$priority{$devstate} && $behavior eq "relativeKnown") {
return "";
$minprio = $priority{$devstate}
if($priority{$devstate} && $priority{$devstate} < $minprio);
$clientstate{$devstate} = 1;
my $newState = "undefined";
if($behavior eq "absolute"){
my @cKeys = keys %clientstate;
$newState = (@cKeys == 1 ? $cKeys[0] : "undefined");
} elsif($behavior =~ "^relative" && $minprio < 99999) {
$newState = $priority[$minprio];
} elsif($behavior eq "last"){
$newState = ReadingsVal($dev->{NAME}, "state", undef);
Log3 $me, 5, "Update structure '$me' to $newState" .
" because device $dev->{NAME} has changed";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "LastDevice", $dev->{NAME});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "LastDevice_Abs",
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $newState);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
my ($cl, $param) = @_;
my @a = split(" ", $param);
if(int(@a) != 2) {
return "Usage: addstruct <structure_device> <devspec>";
my $name = shift(@a);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if(!$hash || $hash->{TYPE} ne "structure") {
return "$a is not a structure device";
foreach my $d (devspec2array($a[0])) {
$hash->{CONTENT}{$d} = 1;
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{ATTR} . " " . join(" ",sort keys %{$hash->{CONTENT}});
@a = ( "set", $hash->{NAME}, $hash->{ATTR}, $hash->{NAME} );
return undef;
my ($cl, $param) = @_;
my @a = split(" ", $param);
if(int(@a) != 2) {
return "Usage: delstruct <structure_device> <devspec>";
my $name = shift(@a);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if(!$hash || $hash->{TYPE} ne "structure") {
return "$a is not a structure device";
foreach my $d (devspec2array($a[0])) {
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{ATTR} . " " . join(" ",sort keys %{$hash->{CONTENT}});
@a = ( "del", $hash->{NAME}, $hash->{ATTR} );
return undef;
my ($hash, @list) = @_;
my $ret = "";
my %pars;
$hash->{INSET} = 1;
my $filter;
if($list[1] ne "?") {
$hash->{STATE} = join(" ", @list[1..@list-1]);
if( $hash->{STATE} =~ /^\[(FILTER=.*)]/ ) {
$filter = $1;
@list = split(" ",
$list[0] ." ". substr($hash->{STATE}, length($filter)+2));
foreach my $d (sort keys %{ $hash->{CONTENT} }) {
next if(!$defs{$d});
if($defs{$d}{INSET}) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "ERROR: endless loop detected for $d in " . $hash->{NAME};
if($attr{$d} && $attr{$d}{structexclude}) {
my $se = $attr{$d}{structexclude};
next if($hash->{NAME} =~ m/$se/);
$list[0] = $d;
my $sret;
if($filter) {
my $ret = AnalyzeCommand(undef,
"set $list[0]:$filter ". join(" ", @list[1..@list-1]) );
$sret .= $ret if( $ret );
} else {
$sret .= CommandSet(undef, join(" ", @list));
if($sret) {
$ret .= "\n" if($ret);
$ret .= $sret;
if($list[1] eq "?") {
$sret =~ s/.*one of //;
map { $pars{$_} = 1 } split(" ", $sret);
Log3 $hash, 5, "SET: $ret" if($ret);
return $list[1] eq "?"
? "Unknown argument ?, choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys(%pars))
: undef;
my ($type, @list) = @_;
my %ignore = ("alias"=>1, "room"=>1, "group"=>1, "icon"=>1,
"devStateIcon"=>1, "webCmd"=>1, "stateFormat"=>1 );
return undef if($ignore{$list[1]} || $list[1] =~ m/clientstate/);
my $me = $list[0];
my $hash = $defs{$me};
if($hash->{INATTR}) {
Log3 $me, 1, "ERROR: endless loop detected in structure_Attr for $me";
$hash->{INATTR} = 1;
my $ret = "";
foreach my $d (sort keys %{ $hash->{CONTENT} }) {
next if(!$defs{$d});
if($attr{$d} && $attr{$d}{structexclude}) {
my $se = $attr{$d}{structexclude};
next if("$me:$list[1]" =~ m/$se/);
$list[0] = $d;
my $sret;
if($type eq "del") {
$sret .= CommandDeleteAttr(undef, join(" ", @list));
} else {
$sret .= CommandAttr(undef, join(" ", @list));
if($sret) {
$ret .= "\n" if($ret);
$ret .= $sret;
Log3 $me, 4, "Stucture attr $type: $ret" if($ret);
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="structure"></a>
<a name="structuredefine"></a>
<code>define <name> structure <struct_type> <dev1> <dev2> ...</code>
The structure device is used to organize/structure devices in order to
set groups of them at once (e.g. switching everything off in a house).<br>
The list of attached devices can be modified through the addstruct /
delstruct commands. Each attached device will get the attribute
<struct_type>=<name><br> when it is added to the list, and the
attribute will be deleted if the device is deleted from the structure.
The structure devices can also be added to a structure, e.g. you can have
a building consisting of levels which consists of rooms of devices.
<li>define kitchen structure room lamp1 lamp2</li>
<li>addstruct kitchen TYPE=FS20</li>
<li>delstruct kitchen lamp1</li>
<li>define house structure building kitchen living</li>
<li>set house off</li>
<a name="structureset"></a>
Every set command is propagated to the attached devices. Exception: if an
attached device has an attribute structexclude, and the attribute value
matches (as a regexp) the name of the current structure.<br>
If the set is of the form <code>set <structure> [FILTER=<filter>] <type-specific></code>
then :FILTER=<filter> will be appended to the device name in the propagated set for
the attached devices like this: <code>set <devN>:FILTER=<filter> <type-specific></code>
<a name="structureget"></a>
get is not supported through a structure device.
<a name="structureattr"></a>
<a name="clientstate_behavior"></a>
The backward propagated status change from the devices to this structure
works in two different ways.
The structure status will changed to the common device status of all
defined devices to this structure if all devices are identical.
Otherwise the structure status is "undefined".
See below for clientstate_priority.
Like relative, but do not trigger on events not described in
clientstate_priority. Needed e.g. for HomeMatic devices.
The structure state corresponds to the state of the device last changed.
<a name="clientstate_priority"></a>
If clientstate_behavior is set to relative, then you have to set the
attribute "clientstate_priority" with all states of the defined devices
to this structure in descending order. Each group is delemited by
space or /. Each entry of one group is delimited by "pipe". The status
represented by the structure is the first entry of each group.
<li>attr kitchen clientstate_behavior relative</li>
<li>attr kitchen clientstate_priority An|On|on Aus|Off|off</li>
<li>attr house clientstate_priority Any_On|An All_Off|Aus</li>
In this example the status of kitchen is either on or off. The status
of house is either Any_on or All_off.
With this attribute, which has to specified for the structure-
<b>member</b>, you can redefine the value reported by a specific
structure-member for the structure value. The attribute has three
take the value from readingName instead of state.
if the state reading matches oldVal, then replace it with newVal
if readingName matches oldVal, then replace it with newVal
<li>define door OWSWITCH <ROMID></li>
<li>define lamp1 dummy</li>
<li>attr lamp1 cmdlist on off</li>
<li>define kitchen structure struct_kitchen lamp1 door</li>
<li>attr kitchen clientstate_priority An|on OK|Aus|off</li>
<li>attr lamp1 struct_kitchen_map on:An off:Aus</li>
<li>attr door struct_kitchen_map A:open:on A:closed:off</li>
<li>attr door2 struct_kitchen_map A</li>
<a name="structexclude"></a>
exclude the device from set/notify or attribute operations. For the set
and notify the value of structexclude must match the structure name,
for the attr/deleteattr commands ist must match the combination of
structure_name:attribute_name. Examples:<br>
define kitchen structure room lamp1 lamp2<br>
attr lamp1 structexclude kitchen<br>
attr lamp1 structexclude kitchen:stateFormat<br>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="structure"></a>
<a name="structuredefine"></a>
<code>define <name> structure <struct_type> <dev1>
<dev2> ...</code> <br><br>
Mit dem Device "Structure" werden Strukturen/Zusammenstellungen von anderen
Devices erstellt um sie zu Gruppen zusammenzufassen. (Beispiel: im Haus
alles ausschalten) <br>
Die Liste der Devices die einer Struktur zugeordnet sind kann duch das
Kommando <code>addstruct / delstruct</code> im laufenden Betrieb
verändert werden. Es können sowohl einzelne Devices als auch
Gruppen von Devices (TYPE=FS20) zugefügt werden. Jedes zugefügt
Device erhält zwei neue Attribute <struct_type>=<name>
sowie <struct_type>_map wenn es zu einer Struktur zugefügt
wurde. Diese Attribute werden wieder automatisch entfernt, sobald das
Device von der Struktur entfernt wird.<br>
Eine Struktur kann ebenfalls zu einer anderen Struktur zugefügt
werden. Somit können z b. kaskadierende Strukturen erstellt werden.
(Z.b. KG,EG,OG, Haus)
<li>define Kueche structure room lampe1 lampe2</li>
<li>addstruct Kueche TYPE=FS20</li>
<li>delstruct Kueche lampe1</li>
<li>define house structure building kitchen living</li>
<li>set house off</li>
<a name="structureset"></a>
Jedes set Kommando wird an alle Devices dieser Struktur weitergegeben.<br>
Aussnahme: das Attribut structexclude ist in einem Device definiert und
dessen Attributwert matched als Regexp zum Namen der aktuellen Struktur.<br>
Wenn das set Kommando diese Form hat <code>set <structure> [FILTER=<filter>] <type-specific></code>
wird :FILTER=<filter> bei der Weitergebe der set an jeden Devicenamen wie folgt angehängt:
<code>set <devN>:FILTER=<filter> <type-specific></code>
<a name="structureget"></a>
Get wird im Structur-Device nicht unterstützt.
<a name="structureattr"></a>
<a name="clientstate_behavior"></a>
Der Status einer Struktur hängt von den Stati der zugefügten
Devices ab. Dabei wird das propagieren der Stati der Devices in zwei
Gruppen klassifiziert und mittels diesem Attribut definiert:
Die Struktur wird erst dann den Status der zugefügten Devices
annehmen, wenn alle Devices einen identischen Status vorweisen. Bei
unterschiedlichen Devictypen kann dies per Attribut
<struct_type>_map pro Device beinflusst werden. Andernfalls hat
die Struktur den Status "undefined".
S.u. clientstate_priority.
wie relative, reagiert aber nicht auf unbekannte, in
clientstate_priority nicht beschriebene Ereignisse. Wird für
HomeMatic Geräte benötigt.
Die Struktur übernimmt den Status des zuletzt geänderten
<a name="clientstate_priority"></a>
Wird die Struktur auf ein relatives Verhalten eingestellt, so wird die
Priorität der Devicestati über das Attribut
<code>clientstate_priority</code> beinflusst. Die Prioritäten sind
in absteigender Reihenfolge anzugeben. Dabei können Gruppen mit
identischer Priorität angegeben werden, um zb. unterschiedliche
Devicetypen zusammenfassen zu können. Jede Gruppe wird durch
Leerzeichen oder /, jeder Eintrag pro Gruppe durch Pipe getrennt. Der
Status der Struktur ist der erste Eintrag in der entsprechenden Gruppe.
<li>attr kueche clientstate_behavior relative</li>
<li>attr kueche clientstate_priority An|On|on Aus|Off|off</li>
<li>attr haus clientstate_priority Any_On|An All_Off|Aus</li>
In diesem Beipiel nimmt die Struktur <code>kueche</code>entweder den
Status <code>An</code> oder <code>Aus</code> an. Die Struktur
<code>haus</code> nimmt entweder den Status <code>Any_on</code> oder
<code>All_off</code> an. Sobald ein Device der Struktur
<code>haus</code> den Status <code>An</code> hat nimmt die Struktur den
Status <code>Any_On</code> an. Um dagegen den Status <code>All_off</code>
anzunehmen, müssen alle Devices dieser Struktur auf <code>off</code>
Mit diesem Attribut, das dem Struktur-<b>Mitglied</b> zugewiesen werden
muss, koennen die Werte, die die einzelnen Struktur- Mitglieder melden,
umdefiniert werden, damit man unterschiedliche Geraeteklassen
zusammenfassen kann. Es existieren drei Varianten:
nehme den Wert von readingName anstatt von state
falls der Wert der state Reading oldVal (als regex) ist, dann ersetze
diesen mit newVal.
falls der Wert der readingName oldVal (als regex) ist, dann ersetze
diesen mit newVal.
<li>define tuer OWSWITCH <ROMID></li>
<li>define lampe1 dummy</li>
<li>attr lampe1 cmdlist on off</li>
<li>define kueche structure struct_kitchen lamp1 door</li>
<li>attr kueche clientstate_priority An|on OK|Aus|off</li>
<li>attr lampe1 struct_kitchen_map on:An off:Aus</li>
<li>attr tuer struct_kitchen_map A:open:on A:closed:off</li>
<li>attr tuer2 struct_kitchen_map A</li>
Bei gesetztem Attribut wird set, attr/deleteattr ignoriert. Dies
trifft ebenfalls auf die Weitergabe des Devicestatus an die Struktur zu.
Fuer set und fuer die Status-Weitergabe muss der Wert den Strukturnamen
matchen, bei einem Attribut-Befehl die Kombination
define kitchen structure room lamp1 lamp2<br>
attr lamp1 structexclude kitchen<br>
attr lamp1 structexclude kitchen:stateFormat<br>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html_DE