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# ##############################################################################
# $Id$
# FHEM Module for Squeezebox Players
# ##############################################################################
# used to interact with Squeezebox Player
# ##############################################################################
# Written by bugster_de
# Contributions from: Siggi85, Oliv06, ChrisD, Markus M., Matthew, KernSani,
# Heppel, Eberhard
# ##############################################################################
# This is absolutley open source. Please feel free to use just as you
# like. Please note, that no warranty is given and no liability
# granted
# ##############################################################################
# we have the following readings
# state on or off
# ##############################################################################
# we have the following attributes
# timer the time frequency how often we check
# volumeStep the volume delta when sending the up or down command
# timeout the timeout in seconds for the TCP connection
# ##############################################################################
# we have the following internals (all UPPERCASE)
# PLAYERIP the IP adress of the player in the network
# PLAYERID the unique identifier of the player. Mostly the MAC
# SERVER based on the IP and the port as given
# IP the IP of the server
# PLAYERNAME the name of the Player
# CONNECTION the connection status to the server
# CANPOWEROFF is the player supporting power off commands
# MODEL the model of the player
# DISPLAYTYPE what sort of display is there, if any
# ##############################################################################
# based on 98_SB_PLAYER.pm 9752 beta 0060 CD/MM/Matthew/Heppel
# ##############################################################################
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use URI::Escape;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
# include this for the self-calling timer we use later on
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
use constant { true => 1, false => 0 };
# the list of favorites
# CD 0010 moved to $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}, fixes problem on module reload
#my %SB_PLAYER_Favs;
# the list of sync masters
# CD 0010 moved to $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}, fixes problem on module reload
#my %SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters;
# the list of Server side playlists
# CD 0010 moved to $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Playlists}, fixes problem on module reload
#my %SB_PLAYER_Playlists;
# used for $hash->{helper}{ttsstate}
use constant TTS_IDLE => 0;
use constant TTS_TEXT2SPEECH_BUSY => 4;
use constant TTS_TEXT2SPEECH_ACTIVE => 6;
use constant TTS_WAITFORPOWERON => 10;
use constant TTS_SAVE => 20;
use constant TTS_UNSYNC => 30;
use constant TTS_SETVOLUME => 40;
use constant TTS_LOADPLAYLIST => 50;
use constant TTS_DELAY => 55;
use constant TTS_WAITFORPLAY => 60;
use constant TTS_PLAYING => 70;
use constant TTS_STOP => 80;
use constant TTS_RESTORE => 90;
use constant TTS_SYNC => 100;
use constant TTS_SYNCGROUPACTIVE => 1000;
use constant TTS_EXT_TEXT2SPEECH_BUSY => 2004;
use constant TTS_EXT_TEXT2SPEECH_ACTIVE => 2006;
my %ttsstates = ( 0 =>'idle',
4 =>'Text2Speech busy, waiting',
6 =>'Text2Speech active',
10 =>'wait for power on',
20 =>'save state',
30 =>'unsync player',
40 =>'set volume',
50 =>'load playlist',
55 =>'delay',
60 =>'wait for play',
70 =>'playing',
80 =>'stopped',
90 =>'restore state',
100 =>'sync',
2004=>'Text2Speech busy, waiting',
2006=>'Text2Speech active');
my $SB_PLAYER_hasDataDumper = 1; # CD 0036
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialisation routine called upon start-up of FHEM
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Initialize( $ ) {
my ($hash) = @_;
# the commands we provide to FHEM
# installs the respecitive call-backs for FHEM. The call back in quotes
# must be realised as a sub later on in the file
$hash->{DefFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Undef";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Shutdown";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Get";
# for the two step approach
$hash->{Match} = "^SB_PLAYER:";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Parse";
# CD 0007
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Attr";
# CD 0032
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Notify";
# the attributes we have. Space separated list of attribute values in
# the form name:default1,default2
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ignore:1,0 do_not_notify:1,0 ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "volumeStep volumeLimit ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttslanguage:de,en,fr ttslink ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "donotnotify:true,false ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "idismac:true,false ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "serverautoon:true,false ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "fadeinsecs ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "amplifier:on,play ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "coverartheight:50,100,200 ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "coverartwidth:50,100,200 ";
# CD 0028
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttsVolume ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttsOptions ";
# CD 0030
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttsDelay ";
# CD 0032
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttsPrefix "; # DJAlex 665
# CD 0033
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttsMP3FileDir ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttsAPIKey "; # CD 0045
# CD 0007
$hash->{AttrList} .= "syncVolume ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "amplifierDelayOff "; # CD 0012
$hash->{AttrList} .= "updateReadingsOnSet:true,false "; # CD 0017
$hash->{AttrList} .= "statusRequestInterval "; # CD 0037
$hash->{AttrList} .= "syncedNamesSource:LMS,FHEM "; # CD 0055
$hash->{AttrList} .= $readingFnAttributes;
# CD 0036 aus 37_sonosBookmarker
eval "use Data::Dumper";
$SB_PLAYER_hasDataDumper = 0 if($@);
# CD 0007 start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Attr functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Attr( @ ) {
my $cmd = shift( @_ );
my $name = shift( @_ );
my @args = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
Log( 4, "SB_PLAYER_Attr($name): called with @args" );
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "syncVolume" ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
if($args[1] eq "1") {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref syncVolume 1\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref syncVolume 0\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref syncVolume ?\n" );
} else {
# CD 0012 start - bei <20>nderung des Attributes Zustand <20>berpr<70>fen
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "amplifier" ) {
RemoveInternalTimer( "DelayAmplifier:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
"SB_PLAYER_tcb_DelayAmplifier", # CD 0014 Name ge<67>ndert
0 );
# CD 0043 start
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "amplifierDelayOff" ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
my @delays=split(',',$args[1]);
$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffStop}=$delays[0]+0 if defined($delays[0]);
$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffPower}=$delays[0]+0 if defined($delays[0]);
$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffPause}=$delays[1]+0 if defined($delays[1]);
} else {
return "missing value for amplifierDelayOff";
} else {
# CD 0043 end
# CD 0028
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "ttsVolume" ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
return "invalid value for ttsVolume" if(($args[1] < 0)||($args[1] > 100));
} else {
return "invalid value for ttsVolume";
} else {
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsVolume}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsVolume}));
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "ttsOptions" ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
my @options=split(',',$args[1]);
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}));
for my $opt (@options) {
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug}=1 if($opt=~ m/debug/);
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debugsaverestore}=1 if($opt=~ m/debugsaverestore/); # CD 0029
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{unsync}=1 if($opt=~ m/unsync/);
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{nosaverestore}=1 if($opt=~ m/nosaverestore/);
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{forcegroupon}=1 if($opt=~ m/forcegroupon/);
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{internalsave}=1 if($opt=~ m/internalsave/); # CD 0029
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{ignorevolumelimit}=1 if($opt=~ m/ignorevolumelimit/); # CD 0031
$hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{doubleescape}=1 if($opt=~ m/doubleescape/); # CD 0059
} else {
return "invalid value for ttsOptions";
} else {
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}));
# CD 0030
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "ttsDelay" ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
my @options=split(',',$args[1]);
if(defined($options[1])) {
} else {
} else {
return "invalid value for ttsDelay";
} else {
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsDelay}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsDelay}));
# CD 0037
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "statusRequestInterval" ) {
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $args[1],
0 ) if $args[1]>0;
} else {
return "missing value for statusRequestInterval";
} else {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 5,
0 );
# CD 0055 start
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "syncedNamesSource" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kcu\n" ) if ($init_done>0);
# CD 0055 end
# CD 0012
# CD 0007 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Definition of a module instance
# called when defining an element via fhem.cfg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Define( $$ ) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
# do we have the right number of arguments?
if( ( @a < 3 ) || ( @a > 5 ) ) {
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Define: falsche Anzahl an Argumenten" );
return( "wrong syntax: define <name> SB_PLAYER <playerid> " .
"<ampl:FHEM_NAME> <coverart:FHEMNAME>" );
# remove the name and our type
# my $name = shift( @a );
shift( @a ); # name
shift( @a ); # type
# needed for manual creation of the Player; autocreate checks in ParseFn
if( SB_PLAYER_IsValidMAC( $a[ 0] ) == 1 ) {
# the MAC adress is valid
$hash->{PLAYERMAC} = lc($a[ 0 ]); # CD 0026 lc added
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Define: playerid ist keine MAC Adresse " .
"im Format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx oder xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx";
Log3( $hash, 1, $msg );
return( $msg );
# shift the MAC away
shift( @a );
$hash->{AMPLIFIER} = "none";
$hash->{COVERARTLINK} = "none";
foreach( @a ) {
if( $_ =~ /^(ampl:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{AMPLIFIER} = $2;
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(coverart:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{COVERARTLINK} = $2;
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Define successfully called" );
# remove the : from the ID
my @idbuf = split( ":", $hash->{PLAYERMAC} );
my $uniqueid = join( "", @idbuf );
# our unique id
$hash->{FHEMUID} = $uniqueid;
# do the alarms fade in
#$hash->{ALARMSFADEIN} = "?"; # CD 0016 deaktiviert, -> Reading
# the number of alarms of the player
$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT} = 0; # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
# for the two step approach
$modules{SB_PLAYER}{defptr}{$uniqueid} = $hash;
AssignIoPort( $hash );
if (!defined($hash->{OLDDEF})) { # CD 0044
# preset the internals
# can the player power off
$hash->{CANPOWEROFF} = "?";
# graphical or textual display
$hash->{DISPLAYTYPE} = "?";
# which model do we see?
$hash->{MODEL} = "?";
# what's the ip adress of the player
$hash->{PLAYERIP} = "?";
# the name of the player as assigned by the server
$hash->{PLAYERNAME} = "?";
# the last alarm we did set
$hash->{LASTALARM} = 1;
# the reference to the favorites list
$hash->{FAVREF} = " ";
# the command for selecting a favorite
$hash->{FAVSET} = "favorites";
# the entry in the global hash table
$hash->{FAVSTR} = "not,yet,defined ";
# the selected favorites
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = "not";
# last received answer from the server
$hash->{LASTANSWER} = "none";
# for sync group (multi-room)
$hash->{SYNCMASTER} = "?";
$hash->{SYNCGROUP} = "?";
$hash->{SYNCED} = "?";
# seconds until sleeping
$hash->{WILLSLEEPIN} = "?";
# the list of potential sync masters
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} = "not,yet,defined";
# is currently playing a remote stream
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "?";
# the server side playlists
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} = "not,yet,defined";
# the URL to the artwork
$hash->{ARTWORKURL} = "?";
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "?";
$hash->{COVERID} = "?";
# the IP and Port of the Server
$hash->{SBSERVER} = "?";
# preset the attributes
# volume delta settings
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{volumeStep} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{volumeStep} = 10;
# Upper limit for volume setting
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{volumeLimit} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{volumeLimit} = 100;
# how many secs for fade in when going from stop to play
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{fadeinsecs} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{fadeinsecs} = "10";
# do not create FHEM notifies (true=no notifies)
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{donotnotify} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{donotnotify} = "true";
# is the ID the MAC adress
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{idismac} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{idismac} = "true";
# the language for text2speech
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{ttslanguage} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{ttslanguage} = "de";
# link to the text2speech engine
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{ttslink} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{ttslink} = "http://translate.google.com" .
"/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=<LANG>&q=<TEXT>&client=tw-ob"; # CD 0045 Format ge<67>ndert, &client=t&prev=input hinzugef<65>gt, CD 0048 client=tw-ob verwenden
# turn on the server when player is used
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{serverautoon} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{serverautoon} = "true";
# amplifier on/off when play/pause or on/off
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{amplifier} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{amplifier} = "play";
# height and width of the cover art for the URL
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{coverartwidth} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{coverartwidth} = 50;
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{coverartheight} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{coverartheight} = 50;
# Preset our readings if undefined
my $tn = TimeNow();
# according to development guidelines of FHEM AV Module
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{presence}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{presence}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{presence}{TIME} = $tn;
# according to development guidelines of FHEM AV Module
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{power}{TIME} = $tn;
# the last unkown command
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{lastunknowncmd}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{lastunknowncmd}{VAL} = "none";
$hash->{READINGS}{lastunknowncmd}{TIME} = $tn;
# the last unkown IR command
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{lastir}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{lastir}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{lastir}{TIME} = $tn;
# the id of the alarm we create # CD 0015 deaktiviert
# if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid1}{VAL} ) ) {
# $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid1}{VAL} = "none";
# $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid1}{TIME} = $tn;
# }
# if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid2}{VAL} ) ) {
# $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid2}{VAL} = "none";
# $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid2}{TIME} = $tn;
# }
# values according to standard
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{playStatus}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{playStatus}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{playStatus}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentArtist}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentArtist}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentArtist}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentAlbum}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentAlbum}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentAlbum}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{favorites}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{favorites}{VAL} = "not";
$hash->{READINGS}{favorites}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{playlists}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{playlists}{VAL} = "not";
$hash->{READINGS}{playlists}{TIME} = $tn;
# for the FHEM AV Development Guidelinses
# we use this to store the currently playing ID to later on return to
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentMedia}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentMedia}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentMedia}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistName}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistName}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistName}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistUrl}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistUrl}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistUrl}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{volume}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{volume}{VAL} = 0;
$hash->{READINGS}{volume}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{volumeStraight}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{volumeStraight}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{volumeStraight}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{connected}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{connected}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{connected}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{signalstrength}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{signalstrength}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{shuffle}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{shuffle}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{repeat}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{repeat}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = $tn;
# mrbreil 0047 start
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentTrackPosition}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTrackPosition}{VAL} = 0;
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTrackPosition}{TIME} = $tn;
# mrbreil 0047 end
$hash->{helper}{ttsstate}=TTS_IDLE; # CD 0028
if (!defined($hash->{OLDDEF})) { # CD 0044
SB_PLAYER_LoadPlayerStates($hash) if($SB_PLAYER_hasDataDumper==1); # CD 0036
$hash->{helper}{playerStatusOK}=0; # CD 0042
$hash->{helper}{playerStatusOKCounter}=0; # CD 0042
$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffStop}=0; # CD 0043
$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffPower}=0; # CD 0043
$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffPause}=0; # CD 0043
# do and update of the status
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10,
0 );
return( undef );
# CD 0002 start
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_QueryCoverArt($) { # CD 0014 Name ge<67>ndert
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
#Log 0,"delayed cover art query";
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status - 1 tags:Kcu\n" ); # CD 0030 u added to tags
# CD 0005 query cover art for synced players
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) { # CD 0018 none hinzugef<65>gt
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
foreach (@pl) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ status - 1 tags:Kcu\n" ); # CD 0039 u hinzugef<65>gt
# CD 0002 end
# CD 0014 start
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_DeleteRecallPause($) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
sub SB_PLAYER_QueryElapsedTime($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{lastTimeQuery})||($hash->{helper}{lastTimeQuery}<gettimeofday()-5)) {
#Log 0,"Querying time, last: $hash->{helper}{lastTimeQuery}, now: ".gettimeofday();
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} time ?\n" );
# CD 0014 end
# CD 0047 start
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_QueryElapsedTime( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
RemoveInternalTimer( "QueryElapsedTime:$name");
if (ReadingsVal($name,"playStatus","x") eq "playing") {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 5,
0 );
# CD 0047 end
# CD 0028 start
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_TTSRestore( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
# CD 0033 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsqueue})) {
} else {
# CD 0033 end
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{nosaverestore})) {
SB_PLAYER_Recall( $hash, "xxTTSxx del" );
} else {
# CD 0028 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# called from the global dispatch if new data is available
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Parse( $$ ) {
my ( $iohash, $msg ) = @_;
# we expect the data to be in the following format
# xxxxxxxxxxxx cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 ...
# where xxxxxxxxxxxx is derived from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
# that needs to be done by the server
Log3( $iohash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: called with $msg" );
# storing the last in an array is necessery, for tagged responses
my ( $modtype, $id, @data ) = split(":", $msg, 3 );
Log3( $iohash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: type:$modtype, ID:$id CMD:@data" );
if( $modtype ne "SB_PLAYER" ) {
# funny stuff happens at the disptach function
Log3( $iohash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: wrong type given." );
# let's see what we got. Split the data at the space
# necessery, for tagged responses
my @args = split( " ", join( " ", @data ) );
my $cmd = shift( @args );
my $hash = $modules{SB_PLAYER}{defptr}{$id};
if( !$hash ) {
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER Unknown device with ID $id, " .
"please define it");
# do the autocreate; derive the unique id (MAC adress)
my @playermac = ( $id =~ m/.{2}/g );
my $idbuf = join( ":", @playermac );
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER Dervived the following MAC $idbuf " );
if( SB_PLAYER_IsValidMAC( $idbuf ) == 1 ) {
# the MAC Adress is valid
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: the unknown ID $id is a valid " .
"MAC Adress" );
# this line supports autocreate
return( "UNDEFINED SB_PLAYER_$id SB_PLAYER $idbuf" );
} else {
# the MAC adress is not valid
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: the unknown ID $id is NOT " .
"a valid MAC Adress" );
return( undef );
# so the data is for us
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name CMD:$cmd ARGS:@args..." );
# what ever we have received, signal it
$hash->{LASTANSWER} = "$cmd @args";
$hash->{helper}{ttsstate}=TTS_IDLE if(!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsstate})); # CD 0028
# signal the update to FHEM
readingsBeginUpdate( $hash );
if( $cmd eq "mixer" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "volume" ) {
# update the volume
if ($args[ 1 ] eq "?") {
# it is a request
} else {
# CD 0040 start
if( ( index( $args[ 1 ], "+" ) != -1 ) || ( index( $args[ 1 ], "-" ) != -1 ) ) {
# that was a relative value. We do nothing and fire an update
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume ?\n" );
} else {
# CD 0040 end
SB_PLAYER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $hash, $args[ 1 ], true );
# CD 0007 start
if((defined($hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume}) && ($hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume} != $args[ 1 ]))|| (!defined($hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume}))) {
SB_PLAYER_SetSyncedVolume($hash,$args[ 1 ]);
delete $hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume};
# CD 0007 end
} elsif( $cmd eq "remote" ) {
if( defined( $args[ 0 ] ) ) {
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "$args[ 0 ]";
} else {
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "0";
} elsif( $cmd eq "play" ) {
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{recallPause})) { # CD 0014
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} # CD 0014
} elsif( $cmd eq "stop" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "stopped" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "pause" ) {
if((defined($args[ 0 ])) && ( $args[ 0 ] eq "0" )) { # CD 0028 check if $args[0] exists
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "paused" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "mode" ) {
my $updateSyncedPlayers=0; # CD 0039
# a little more complex to fulfill FHEM Development guidelines
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse($name): mode:$cmd args:$args[0]" );
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "play" ) {
# CD 0014 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{recallPause})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1\n" );
} else {
# CD 0014 end
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
SB_PLAYER_QueryElapsedTime( $hash ); # CD 0014
# CD 0047 start
RemoveInternalTimer( "QueryElapsedTime:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 5,
0 );
# CD 0047 end
} # CD 0014
# CD 0029 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{logplay})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: mode play");
# CD 0029
# CD 0028 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPLAY) {
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_SYNCGROUPACTIVE) && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} eq $hash->{PLAYERMAC})) {
IOWrite( $hash, $hash->{helper}{ttsMaster} . " fhemrelay ttsplaying\n" );
# CD 0028 end
$updateSyncedPlayers=1; # CD 0039 gesyncte Player aktualisieren
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "stop" ) {
# CD 0028 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_PLAYING) {
# wenn tts auf Slave aktiv ist schickt der LMS den Stop nur an den Master
if (ReadingsVal($name,"presence","x") eq "present") { # CD 0056 Meldung nicht weiterschicken wenn der Master nicht 'present' ist
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_SYNCGROUPACTIVE) && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} eq $hash->{PLAYERMAC})) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
foreach (@pl) {
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} ne $_) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ fhemrelay ttsstopped\n" );
# CD 0028 end
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "stopped" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
RemoveInternalTimer( "QueryElapsedTime:$name"); # CD 0047
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentTrackPosition", 0 ); # CD 0047
$updateSyncedPlayers=1; # CD 0039 gesyncte Player aktualisieren
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "pause" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "paused" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
$updateSyncedPlayers=1; # CD 0039 gesyncte Player aktualisieren
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", $args[ 0 ] );
# CD 0039 gesyncte Player aktualisieren
if($updateSyncedPlayers==1) {
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
foreach (@pl) {
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} ne $_) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ mode ?\n" );
# CD 0039 end
} elsif( $cmd eq "newmetadata" ) {
# the song has changed, but we are easy and just ask the player
# sending the requests causes endless loop
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} artist ?\n" );
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} album ?\n" );
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} title ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} remote ?\n" );
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kc\n" );
#SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash ); # CD 0026 deaktiviert
} elsif( $cmd eq "playlist" ) {
my $queryMode=1; # CD 0014
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "newsong" ) {
# the song has changed, but we are easy and just ask the player
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} artist ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} album ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} title ?\n" );
# CD 0007 get playlist name
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist name ?\n" );
# CD 0014 get duration and index
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} duration ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist index ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} time ?\n" );
# CD 0002 Coverart anfordern, todo: Zeit variabel
$hash->{helper}{CoverOk}=0; # CD 0026 added # CD 0027 changed
# CD 0025 bei lokalen Playlisten schneller abfragen
if( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} eq "0" ) {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3,
0 );
} else {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10,
"SB_PLAYER_tcb_QueryCoverArt", # CD 0014 Name ge<67>ndert
"QueryCoverArt:$name", # CD 0014 Name ge<67>ndert
0 );
# CD 0002 zu fr<66>h, CoverArt ist noch nicht verf<72>gbar
# SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash );
# CD 0000 start - sync players in same group
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) { # CD 0018 none hinzugef<65>gt
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
foreach (@pl) {
#Log 0,"SB_Player to sync: $_";
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ artist ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ album ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ title ?\n" );
# CD 0010
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ playlist name ?\n" );
# CD 0014
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ duration ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ playlist index ?\n" );
# CD 0000 end
# CD 0014 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{recallPause})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1\n" );
RemoveInternalTimer( "recallPause:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.5,
0 );
# CD 0014 end
# the id is in the last return. ID not reported for radio stations
# so this will go wrong for e.g. Bayern 3
# if( $args[ $#args ] =~ /(^[0-9]{1,3})/g ) {
# readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", $1 );
# }
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "cant_open" ) {
#TODO: needs to be handled
# CD 0033 TTS abbrechen bei Fehler
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPLAY) {
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "open" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", "$args[1]" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash ); # CD 0014
# $args[ 2 ] =~ /^(file:)(.*)/g;
# if( defined( $2 ) ) {
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", $2 );
# }
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "repeat" ) {
if( $args[ 1 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "off" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "one" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "all" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "?" );
# CD 0039 <20>nderung am Master, gesyncte Player aktualisieren
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
foreach (@pl) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ playlist repeat ?\n" );
# CD 0039 end
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "shuffle" ) {
if( $args[ 1 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "off" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "song" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "album" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "?" );
# CD 0039 <20>nderung am Master, gesyncte Player aktualisieren
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
foreach (@pl) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ playlist shuffle ?\n" );
# CD 0039 end
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash ); # CD 0014
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "name" ) {
# CD 0014 start
if(!defined($args[ 1 ])) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistName","-");
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playlists","-");
#$hash->{FAVSELECT} = '-'; # CD 0021 deaktiviert
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "$hash->{FAVSET}", '-' ); # CD 0021 deaktiviert
# CD 0014 end
if(defined($args[ 1 ]) && ($args[ 1 ] ne '?')) { # CD 0009 check empty name - 0011 ignore '?'
shift( @args );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistName",
join( " ", @args ) );
my $pn=SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID(join( " ", @args )); # CD 0021 verschoben, decode hinzugef<65>gt # CD 0023 decode entfernt
# CD 0008 update playlists reading
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playlists", $pn); # CD 0021 $pn verwenden wegen Dropdown
# join( "_", @args ) ); # CD 0021 deaktiviert
# CD 0007 start - check if playlist == fav, 0014 removed debug info
if( defined($hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$pn}) && defined($hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$pn}{ID})) { # CD 0011 check if defined($hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$pn})
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = $pn;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "$hash->{FAVSET}", "$pn" );
} else {
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = '-'; # CD 0014
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "$hash->{FAVSET}", '-' ); # CD 0014
# CD 0007 end
# CD 0009 start
# CD 0021 start, update favorites if url matches
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "play" ) {
if(defined($args[ 1 ])) {
$args[ 1 ]=~s/\\/\//g;
foreach my $e ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}} ) {
if($args[ 1 ] eq $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$e}{URL}) {
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = $e;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "$hash->{FAVSET}", "$hash->{FAVSELECT}" );
# CD 0022 send to synced players # CD 0023 fixed
if( $hash->{SYNCED} eq "yes") {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP}.",".$hash->{SYNCMASTER});
foreach (@pl) {
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} ne $_) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ fhemrelay favorites $hash->{FAVSELECT}\n" );
# CD 0021 end
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "clear" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistName", "none" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playlists", "none" );
# CD 0009 end
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash ); # CD 0014
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "url" ) {
shift( @args );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistUrl",
join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "stop" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "stopped" ); # CD 0012 'power off' durch 'playStatus stopped' ersetzt
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
# CD 0014 start
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "index" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playlistCurrentTrack", $args[ 1 ] eq '?' ? 0 : $args[ 1 ]+1 ); # Heppel 0056
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "addtracks" ) {
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "delete" ) {
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm playlists 0 200\n" ); # CD 0016 get available elements for alarms # CD 0026 deaktiviert
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "load_done" ) {
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_PLAYING) {
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist index +0\n");
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play\n" );
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_LOADPLAYLIST) {
# CD 0030 start
if(SB_PLAYER_GetTTSDelay($hash)>0) {
RemoveInternalTimer( "TTSDelay:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + SB_PLAYER_GetTTSDelay($hash),
0 );
} else {
# CD 0030 end
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play\n" );
# CD 0038 Timeout hinzugef<65>gt
RemoveInternalTimer( "TimeoutTTSWaitForPlay:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10.00,
0 );
# CD 0038 end
# CD 0029 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{logloaddone})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: load_done");
# CD 0029 end
if(defined($hash->{helper}{recallPending})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play 300\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} time $hash->{helper}{recallPendingElapsedTime}\n" ); # CD 0047, Position setzen korrigiert
delete($hash->{helper}{recallPendingElapsedTime}); # CD 0047
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "loadtracks" ) {
if(defined($hash->{helper}{recallPending})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play 300\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} time $hash->{helper}{recallPendingElapsedTime}\n" ); # CD 0047, Position setzen korrigiert
delete($hash->{helper}{recallPendingElapsedTime}); # CD 0047
# CD 0014 end
# CD 0048 start
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "path" ) {
delete $hash->{helper}{path} if defined($hash->{helper}{path});
if(defined($args[ 1 ]) && ($args[ 1 ] eq "0")) {
$hash->{helper}{path}=$args[ 2 ] if defined($args[ 2 ]);
# CD 0048 end
} else {
# check if this caused going to play, as not send automatically
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{lastModeQuery})||($hash->{helper}{lastModeQuery} < gettimeofday()-0.05)) { # CD 0014 <20>berfl<66>ssige Abfragen begrenzen
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mode ?\n" ) if(!(defined($hash->{helper}{recallPending})||defined($hash->{helper}{recallPause})||($queryMode==0))); # CD 0014 if(... hinzugef<65>gt
$hash->{helper}{lastModeQuery} = gettimeofday(); # CD 0014
} # CD 0014
} elsif( $cmd eq "playlistcontrol" ) {
#playlistcontrol cmd:load artist_id:22 count:4
} elsif( $cmd eq "connected" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "connected", $args[ 0 ] );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "present" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "name" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERNAME} = join( " ", @args );
} elsif( $cmd eq "title" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentTitle", join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "artist" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentArtist", join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "album" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentAlbum", join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "player" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "model" ) {
$hash->{MODEL} = $args[ 1 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "canpoweroff" ) {
$hash->{CANPOWEROFF} = $args[ 1 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "ip" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERIP} = "$args[ 1 ]";
if( defined( $args[ 2 ] ) ) {
$hash->{PLAYERIP} .= ":$args[ 2 ]";
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "power" ) {
if( !( @args ) ) {
# no arguments were send with the Power command
# potentially this is a power toggle : should only happen
# when called with SB CLI
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "on" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "on" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "0" ) {
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent" ); # CD 0013 deaktiviert, power sagt nichts <20>ber presence
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "off" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
# should be "?" normally
} elsif( $cmd eq "displaytype" ) {
$hash->{DISPLAYTYPE} = $args[ 0 ];
} elsif( $cmd eq "signalstrength" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "wired" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "$args[ 0 ]" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "alarm" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "sound" ) {
# fired when an alarm goes off
DoTrigger($name,"alarmSound ".SB_PLAYER_FindAlarmId($hash, $args[ 1 ])) if (SB_PLAYER_check_eocr($hash,'alarmSound')); # CD 0046 # CD 0054 SB_PLAYER_check_eocr hinzugef<65>gt
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "end" ) {
# fired when an alarm ends
DoTrigger($name,"alarmEnd ".SB_PLAYER_FindAlarmId($hash, $args[ 1 ])) if (SB_PLAYER_check_eocr($hash,'alarmEnd')); # CD 0046 # CD 0054 SB_PLAYER_check_eocr hinzugef<65>gt
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "snooze" ) {
# fired when an alarm is snoozed by the user
DoTrigger($name,"alarmSnooze ".SB_PLAYER_FindAlarmId($hash, $args[ 1 ])) if (SB_PLAYER_check_eocr($hash,'alarmSnooze')); # CD 0046 # CD 0054 SB_PLAYER_check_eocr hinzugef<65>gt
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "snooze_end" ) {
# fired when an alarm comes back from snooze
DoTrigger($name,"alarmSnoozeEnd ".SB_PLAYER_FindAlarmId($hash, $args[ 1 ])) if (SB_PLAYER_check_eocr($hash,'alarmSnoozeEnd')); # CD 0046 # CD 0054 SB_PLAYER_check_eocr hinzugef<65>gt
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "add" ) {
# fired when an alarm has been added.
# this setup goes wrong, when an alarm is defined manually
# the last entry in the array shall contain th id
my $idstr = $args[ $#args ];
if( $idstr =~ /^(id:)([0-9a-zA-Z\.]+)/g ) {
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmid$hash->{LASTALARM}", $2 ); # CD 0015 deaktiviert
} else {
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm playlists 0 200\n" ) if (!defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})); # CD 0015 get available elements for alarms CD 0016 nur wenn nicht vorhanden abfragen # CD 0026 wird <20>ber Server verteilt
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarms 0 200 tags:all filter:all\n" ); # CD 0015 update alarm list
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "_cmd" ) {
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm playlists 0 200\n" ); # CD 0015 get available elements for alarms CD 0016 deaktiviert, nicht n<>tig
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarms 0 200 tags:all filter:all\n" ); # CD 0015 filter added
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "update" ) {
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm playlists 0 200\n" ) if (!defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})); # CD 0015 get available elements for alarms CD 0016 nur wenn nicht vorhanden abfragen # CD 0026 wird <20>ber Server verteilt
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarms 0 200 tags:all filter:all\n" ); # CD 0015 filter added
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "delete" ) {
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{deleteAllAlarms})) { # CD 0015 do not query while deleting all alarms
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarms 0 200 tags:all filter:all\n" ); # CD 0015 filter added
# CD 0015 start
# verf<72>gbare Elemente f<>r Alarme, zwischenspeichern f<>r Anzeige
# CD 0026 deaktiviert, kommt <20>ber Broadcast vom Server
#} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "playlists" ) {
# delete($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}));
# my @r=split("category:",join(" ",@args));
# foreach my $a (@r){
# my $i1=index($a," title:");
# my $i2=index($a," url:");
# my $i3=index($a," singleton:");
# if (($i1!=-1)&&($i2!=-1)&&($i3!=-1)) {
# my $url=substr($a,$i2+5,$i3-$i2-5);
# $url=substr($a,$i1+7,$i2-$i1-7) if ($url eq "");
# my $pn=SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID(decode('utf-8',$url)); # CD 0021 decode hinzugef<65>gt
# $hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$pn}{category}=substr($a,0,$i1);
# $hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$pn}{title}=substr($a,$i1+7,$i2-$i1-7);
# $hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$pn}{url}=$url;
# }
# }
# CD 0015
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "alarms" ) {
delete($hash->{helper}{deleteAllAlarms}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{deleteAllAlarms})); # CD 0015
SB_PLAYER_ParseAlarms( $hash, @args );
} elsif( $cmd eq "showbriefly" ) {
# to be ignored, we get two hashes
} elsif( ($cmd eq "unknownir" ) || ($cmd eq "ir" ) ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastir", $args[ 0 ] );
} elsif( $cmd eq "status" ) {
SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus( $hash, \@args );
} elsif( $cmd eq "client" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "new" ) {
# not to be handled here, should lead to a new FHEM Player
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "disconnect" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "off" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
# CD 0031 wenn Player w<>hrend TTS verschwindet Zustand zur<75>cksetzen
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}>TTS_IDLE)&&($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}<TTS_RESTORE)) {
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{power}="off" if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}));
RemoveInternalTimer( "TTSRestore:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
0 );
# CD 0031 end
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "reconnect" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kcu\n" ); # CD 0030 u added to tags
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "prefset" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "server" ) {
if( $args[ 1 ] eq "currentSong" ) {
# readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", $args[ 2 ] ); # CD 0014 deaktiviert
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "volume" ) {
SB_PLAYER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $hash, $args[ 2 ], true );
# CD 0000 start - handle 'prefset power' message for synced players
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "power" ) {
if( $args[ 2 ] eq "1" ) {
#Log 0,"$name power on";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "on" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "on" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
# CD 0038 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPOWERON) {
# CD 0042 readingsBulkUpdate abwarten
RemoveInternalTimer( "TTSStartAfterPowerOn:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
0 );
# CD 0038 end
# CD 0030 send play only after power is on
if(defined($hash->{helper}{playAfterPowerOn})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play ".$hash->{helper}{playAfterPowerOn}."\n" );
# CD 0030 end
} elsif( $args[ 2 ] eq "0" ) {
#Log 0,"$name power off";
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent" ); # CD 0013 deaktiviert, power sagt nichts <20>ber presence
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "off" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
delete($hash->{helper}{playAfterPowerOn}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{playAfterPowerOn})); # CD 0030
# CD 0031 wenn Player w<>hrend TTS ausgeschaltet wird nicht wieder einschalten
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}>TTS_IDLE)&&($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}<TTS_RESTORE)) {
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{power}="off" if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}));
RemoveInternalTimer( "TTSRestore:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
0 );
# CD 0031 end
# CD 0000 end
# CD 0010 start prefset server mute
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "mute" ) {
SB_PLAYER_SetSyncedVolume($hash, -1) if ($args[ 2 ] == 1);
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume ?\n" ) if ($args[ 2 ] == 0);
# CD 0010 end
# CD 0016 start
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "alarmTimeoutSeconds" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsTimeout", $args[ 2 ]/60 );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "alarmSnoozeSeconds" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsSnooze", $args[ 2 ]/60 );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "alarmDefaultVolume" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsDefaultVolume", $args[ 2 ] ); # CD 0052 fixed
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "alarmfadeseconds" ) {
if($args[ 2 ] eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsFadeIn", "on" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsFadeIn", "off" );
# CD 0016 end
# CD 0018 start
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "syncgroupid" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kcu\n" ); # CD 0030 u added to tags
# CD 0018 end
# CD 0039 f<>r gesyncte Player bei <20>nderung am Slave erh<72>lt der Master eine prefset Meldung, an alle Slaves weitergeben
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "repeat" ) {
if( $args[ 2 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "off" );
} elsif( $args[ 2 ] eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "one" );
} elsif( $args[ 2 ] eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "all" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "?" );
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
if(@pl>1) {
foreach (@pl) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ playlist repeat ?\n" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "shuffle" ) {
if( $args[ 2 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "off" );
} elsif( $args[ 2 ] eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "song" );
} elsif( $args[ 2 ] eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "album" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "?" );
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
if(@pl>1) {
foreach (@pl) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ playlist shuffle ?\n" );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
# CD 0039 end
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastunknowncmd",
$cmd . " " . join( " ", @args ) );
# CD 0007 start
} elsif( $cmd eq "playerpref" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "syncVolume" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
my $sva=AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "syncVolume", undef);
# force attribute
if (defined($sva)) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref syncVolume 0\n" ) if(($sva ne "1") && ($args[1] ne "0"));
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref syncVolume 1\n" ) if(($sva eq "1") && ($args[1] ne "1"));
# CD 0007 end
# CD 0016 start, von MM <20>bernommen, Namen Readings ge<67>ndert
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "alarmsEnabled" ) {
if (defined($args[1])) {
if( $args[1] eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsEnabled", "on" ); # CD 0016 Internal durch Reading ersetzt # CD 0017 'yes' durch 'on' ersetzt
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsEnabled", "off" ); # CD 0016 Internal durch Reading ersetzt # CD 0017 'no' durch 'off' ersetzt
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "alarmDefaultVolume" ) {
if (defined($args[1]) && ($args[1] ne "?")) { # CD 0016 R<>ckmeldung auf Anfrage ignorieren
#$hash->{ALARMSVOLUME} = $args[1]; # CD 0016 nicht ben<65>tigt
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsDefaultVolume", $args[ 1 ] );
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "alarmTimeoutSeconds" ) {
if (defined($args[1]) && ($args[1] ne "?")) { # CD 0016 R<>ckmeldung auf Anfrage ignorieren
#$hash->{ALARMSTIMEOUT} = $args[1]/60 . " min"; # CD 0016 nicht ben<65>tigt
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsTimeout", $args[ 1 ]/60 );
elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "alarmSnoozeSeconds" ) {
if (defined($args[1]) && ($args[1] ne "?")) { # CD 0016 R<>ckmeldung auf Anfrage ignorieren
#$hash->{ALARMSSNOOZE} = $args[1]/60 . " min"; # CD 0016 nicht ben<65>tigt
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsSnooze", $args[ 1 ]/60 );
# CD 0016 end
# CD 0014 start
} elsif( $cmd eq "duration" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "duration", $args[ 0 ] );
} elsif( $cmd eq "time" ) {
$args[0]=0 unless defined($args[ 0 ]); # CD 0059
$args[0]=0 if($args[ 0 ] eq '?'); # CD 0050
$hash->{helper}{elapsedTime}{VAL}=$args[ 0 ];
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentTrackPosition",int($args[ 0 ]+0.5)); # CD 0047
delete($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}) if (($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}));
} elsif( $cmd eq "playlist_tracks" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playlistTracks", $args[ 0 ] );
# CD 0014 end
# CD 0018 sync Meldungen auswerten, alle anderen Player abfragen
} elsif( $cmd eq "sync" ) {
foreach my $e ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}} ) {
IOWrite( $hash, $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}{$e}{MAC}." status 0 500 tags:Kcu\n" ) if defined($hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}{$e}{MAC}); # CD 0039 u hinzugef<65>gt # CD 0056 if defined hinzugef<65>gt
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kcu\n" ); # CD 0056 auch betroffenen Player abfragen
# CD 0018
# CD 0052 jivealarm Meldungen ignorieren
} elsif( $cmd eq "jivealarm" ) {
# CD 0018
# CD 0022 fhemrelay ist keine Meldung des LMS sondern eine Info die von einem anderen Player <20>ber 98_SB_PLAYER kommt
} elsif( $cmd eq "fhemrelay" ) {
if (defined($args[0])) {
# CD 0022 Favoriten vom Sync-Master <20>bernehmen
if ($args[0] eq "favorites") {
if (defined($args[1])) {
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = $args[1];
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "$hash->{FAVSET}", "$hash->{FAVSELECT}" );
# CD 0028 tts aktiv
elsif ($args[0] eq "ttsactive") {
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: fhemrelay ttsactive ".$hash->{helper}{ttsMaster} );
# CD 0031 Lautst<73>rke setzen
if(!defined($hash->{SYNCVOLUME}) || ($hash->{SYNCVOLUME}==0)) {
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsVolume})) {
my $vol=$hash->{helper}{ttsVolume};
$vol=AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) if(( $hash->{helper}{ttsVolume} > AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) )&&!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{ignorevolumelimit}));
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume ".$vol."\n" );
# CD 0031 end
elsif ($args[0] eq "ttsstopped") {
# CD 0056 Meldung ignorieren wenn Player Syncmaster ist
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $hash->{SYNCMASTER}) {
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: fhemrelay ttsstopped, ignoring" );
} else {
# CD 0056 end
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: fhemrelay ttsstopped" );
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_PLAYING) {
# CD 0034 delay ttsstopped
RemoveInternalTimer( "TTSStopped:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
0 );
elsif ($args[0] eq "ttsplaying") {
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: fhemrelay ttsplaying" );
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPLAY) {
elsif ($args[0] eq "ttsidle") {
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: fhemrelay ttsidle" );
# CD 0030 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttspoweroffafterstop})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 0\n" );
# CD 0030 end
# CD 0031 Lautst<73>rke zur<75>cksetzen
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsRestoreVolumeAfterStop})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume ".($hash->{helper}{ttsRestoreVolumeAfterStop})."\n" );
# CD 0031 end
elsif ($args[0] eq "ttsadd") {
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: fhemrelay ttsadd $args[1]" );
# CD 0030 start
elsif ($args[0] eq "ttsforcegroupon") {
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: fhemrelay ttsforcegroupon" );
if( $hash->{CANPOWEROFF} ne "0" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 1\n" );
# CD 0030 end
# CD 0022 end
} elsif( $cmd eq "NONE" ) {
# we shall never end up here, as cmd=NONE is used by the server for
# autocreate
} else {
# unknown command, we push it to the last command thingy
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastunknowncmd",
$cmd . " " . join( " ", @args ) );
# and signal the end of the readings update
if( AttrVal( $name, "donotnotify", "false" ) eq "true" ) {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 0 );
} else {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: leaving" );
return( $name );
# CD 0054
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if value is in 'event-on-change-reading' list
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_check_eocr($$) {
my ($hash,$reading) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $attreocr = $hash->{".attreocr"};
# determine whether the reading is listed in any of the attributes
my $eocr = $attreocr &&
( my @eocrv = grep { my $l = $_; $l =~ s/:.*//;
($reading=~ m/^$l$/) ? $_ : undef} @{$attreocr});
return !($attreocr) || ($eocr);
# CD 0030
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# delay TTS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_TTSDelay( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play\n" );
# CD 0038 Timeout hinzugef<65>gt
RemoveInternalTimer( "TimeoutTTSWaitForPlay:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10.00,
0 );
# CD 0038 end
# CD 0030
# CD 0038
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TTS 'wait for play' timeout
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_TimeoutTTSWaitForPlay( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPLAY) {
readingsBeginUpdate( $hash );
if( AttrVal( $name, "donotnotify", "false" ) eq "true" ) {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 0 );
} else {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TTS 'wait for power on' timeout
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_TimeoutTTSWaitForPowerOn( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPOWERON) {
# CD 0038
# CD 0034
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# delay ttsstopped
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_TTSStopped( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
readingsBeginUpdate( $hash );
if( AttrVal( $name, "donotnotify", "false" ) eq "true" ) {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 0 );
} else {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# CD 0034 end
# CD 0042
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# start tts after power on, wait if startup is not complete
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_TTSStartAfterPowerOn( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if(($hash->{helper}{playerStatusOK}==1)||($hash->{helper}{playerStatusOKCounter}>10)) {
} else {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 1,
0 );
# CD 0042 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# called when talk is stopped, check if there are queued elements
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_TTSStopped($) {
# readingsBulkUpdate muss aktiv sein
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsqueue})) {
SB_PLAYER_LoadTalk($hash); # CD 0033
} else {
RemoveInternalTimer( "TTSRestore:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
0 );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Undefinition of an SB_PLAYER
# called when undefining (delete) and element
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Undef( $$$ ) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Undef: called" );
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
# to be reviewed if that works.
# check for uc()
# what is $hash->{DEF}?
delete $modules{SB_PLAYER}{defptr}{uc($hash->{DEF})};
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shutdown function - called before fhem shuts down
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Shutdown( $$ ) {
my ($hash, $dev) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Shutdown: called" );
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get of a module
# called upon get <name> cmd, arg1, arg2, ....
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Get( $@ ) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_PLAYER_Get: called with @a" );
if( @a < 2 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Get: $name: wrong number of arguments";
Log3( $hash, 5, $msg );
return( $msg );
#my $name = shift( @a );
shift( @a ); # name
my $cmd = shift( @a );
if( $cmd eq "?" ) {
my $res = "Unknown argument ?, choose one of " .
"volume " . $hash->{FAVSET} . " savedStates alarmPlaylists"; # CD 0045 alarmPlaylists hinzugef<65>gt
return( $res );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "volume" ) || ( $cmd eq "volumeStraight" ) ) {
return( scalar( ReadingsVal( "$name", "volumeStraight", 25 ) ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq $hash->{FAVSET} ) {
return( "$hash->{FAVSELECT}" );
# CD 0036 start
} elsif( $cmd eq 'savedStates' ) {
my $out="";
if (defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState})) {
foreach my $pl ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}} ) {
$out.=$pl."\n" unless ($pl=~/xxTTSxx/);
return( $out );
# CD 0036 end
# CD 0045 start
} elsif( $cmd eq 'alarmPlaylists' ) {
my $out="";
if (defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})) {
foreach my $e ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}} ) {
return( $out );
# CD 0045 end
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Get: $name: unkown argument";
Log3( $hash, 5, $msg );
return( $msg );
return( undef );
# CD 0030 start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate delay for TTS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_GetTTSDelay( $ ) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# todo synced players
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsDelay})) {
if(ReadingsVal($name,"power","x") eq "on") {
return $hash->{helper}{ttsDelay}{PowerIsOn}
} else {
return $hash->{helper}{ttsDelay}{PowerIsOff}
} else {
return 0;
# CD 0030 end
# CD 0033 start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# called after Text2Speech has finished, start talk
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_StartT2STalk( $ ) {
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_TEXT2SPEECH_ACTIVE) {
# talk ist nicht aktiv
# CD 0033 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the Notify function
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Notify( $$ ) {
my ( $hash, $dev_hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # own name / hash
my $devName = $dev_hash->{NAME}; # Device that created the events
if ($dev_hash->{NAME} eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED$|^REREADCFG$/,@{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}})){
# CD 0036 start
if( grep(m/^SAVE$|^SHUTDOWN$/, @{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}}) ) { # CD 0043 auch bei SHUTDOWN speichern
SB_PLAYER_SavePlayerStates($hash) if($SB_PLAYER_hasDataDumper==1);
# CD 0036 end
# CD 0033 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{text2speech}{name}) && ($hash->{helper}{text2speech}{name} eq $devName)) {
$hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}=TTS_IDLE if(!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}));
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_TEXT2SPEECH_ACTIVE)||($hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}==TTS_EXT_TEXT2SPEECH_ACTIVE)) {
foreach my $line (@{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}}) {
my @args=split(' ',$line);
if ($args[0] eq $name) {
if($args[1] eq "ttsadd") {
elsif($args[1] eq 'ttsdone') {
RemoveInternalTimer( "StartTalk:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
0 );
} elsif (($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_TEXT2SPEECH_BUSY)||($hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}==TTS_EXT_TEXT2SPEECH_BUSY)) {
# versuchen Text2Speech zu belegen
if(defined($dev_hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER}) || (defined($dev_hash->{helper}{Text2Speech}) && @{$dev_hash->{helper}{Text2Speech}} > 0)) {
# zu sp<73>t, weiter warten
} else {
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_TEXT2SPEECH_BUSY) {
} else {
fhem("set $devName tts ".($hash->{helper}{text2speech}{text}));
# CD 0033 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set of a module
# called upon set <name> cmd, arg1, arg2, ....
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Set( $@ ) {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @arg ) = @_;
#my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set: called with $cmd");
# check if we have received a command
if( !defined( $cmd ) ) {
my $msg = "$name: set needs at least one parameter";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
# now parse the commands
if( $cmd eq "?" ) {
# this one should give us a drop down list
my $res = "Unknown argument ?, choose one of " .
"on off stop:noArg play:noArg pause:noArg " .
"save " . # CD 0014 # CD 0036 removed :noArg
"volume:slider,0,1,100 " .
"volumeStraight:slider,0,1,100 " .
"volumeUp:noArg volumeDown:noArg " .
"mute:noArg repeat:off,one,all show statusRequest:noArg " .
"shuffle:off,song,album next:noArg prev:noArg playlist sleep " . # CD 0017 song und album hinzugef<65>gt # CD 0052 shuffle on entfernt
"allalarms:enable,disable,statusRequest,delete,add " . # CD 0015 alarm1 alarm2 entfernt
"alarmsSnooze:slider,0,1,30 alarmsTimeout:slider,0,5,90 alarmsDefaultVolume:slider,0,1,100 alarmsFadeIn:on,off alarmsEnabled:on,off " . # CD 0016, von MM <20>bernommen, Namen ge<67>ndert
"cliraw talk sayText " . # CD 0014 sayText hinzugef<65>gt
"unsync:noArg " .
"currentTrackPosition " . # CD 0047 hinzugef<65>gt
"snooze:noArg " . # CD 0052 hinzugef<65>gt
"resetTTS:noArg "; # CD 0028 hinzugef<65>gt
# add the favorites
$res .= $hash->{FAVSET} . ":-," . $hash->{FAVSTR} . " "; # CD 0014 '-' hinzugef<65>gt
# add the syncmasters
$res .= "sync:" . $hash->{SYNCMASTERS} . " ";
# add the playlists
$res .= "playlists:-," . $hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} . " "; # CD 0014 '-' hinzugef<65>gt
# add player saved lists # CD 0036
my $out="";
if (defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState})) {
foreach my $pl ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}} ) {
$out.=$pl."," unless ($pl=~/xxTTSxx/);
$res .= "recall:$out ";
# CD 0016 start {ALARMSCOUNT} verschieben nach reload
if (defined($hash->{ALARMSCOUNT})) {
# CD 0016 end
# CD 0015 - add the alarms
if (defined($hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT})&&($hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT}>0)) { # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
for(my $i=1;$i<=$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT};$i++) { # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
$res .="alarm$i ";
return( $res );
# CD 0038 Befehle ignorieren wenn Player nicht vorhanden ist
# CD 0040 wieder deaktiviert
# if(ReadingsVal($name,"presence","x") ne "present") {
# return "$name: player is not available";
# }
# CD 0038 end
my $updateReadingsOnSet=AttrVal($name, "updateReadingsOnSet", false); # CD 0017
my $donotnotify=AttrVal($name, "donotnotify", "true"); # CD 0017 # CD 0028 added "
# as we have some other command, we need to turn on the server
#if( AttrVal( $name, "serverautoon", "true" ) eq "true" ) {
#SB_PLAYER_ServerTurnOn( $hash );
if( ( $cmd eq "Stop" ) || ( $cmd eq "STOP" ) || ( $cmd eq "stop" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} stop\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "Play" ) || ( $cmd eq "PLAY" ) || ( $cmd eq "play" ) ) {
my @secbuf = split(',',AttrVal( $name, "fadeinsecs", '10,10' )); # CD 0050 split hinzugef<65>gt
$secbuf[1]=$secbuf[0] if (@secbuf==1); # CD 0051
# CD 0030 wait until power on
if(ReadingsVal($name,"power","x") eq "on") {
# CD 0051 2. Wert von fadeinsecs bei pause -> play verwenden
if (ReadingsVal($name,"playStatus","?") eq 'paused') {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play ".$secbuf[1]."\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play ".$secbuf[0]."\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 1\n" );
# CD 0030 end
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "Pause" ) || ( $cmd eq "PAUSE" ) || ( $cmd eq "pause" ) ) {
my @secbuf = split(',',AttrVal( $name, "fadeinsecs", '10,10' )); # CD 0050 split hinzugef<65>gt
$secbuf[1]=$secbuf[0] if (@secbuf==1); # CD 0050
if( @arg == 1 ) {
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "1" ) {
# pause the player
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1\n" );
} else {
# unpause the player
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 0 ".$secbuf[1]."\n" );
} else {
# IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause $secbuf\n" ); # CD 0050 deaktiviert, funktioniert so nicht, wenn $secbuf verwendet wird muss 0 oder 1 davorstehen
# CD 0050 start
if (ReadingsVal($name,"playStatus","?") eq 'playing') {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 0 ".$secbuf[1]."\n" );
# CD 0050 end
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "next" ) || ( $cmd eq "NEXT" ) || ( $cmd eq "Next" ) ||
( $cmd eq "channelUp" ) || ( $cmd eq "CHANNELUP" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist jump %2B1\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "prev" ) || ( $cmd eq "PREV" ) || ( $cmd eq "Prev" ) ||
( $cmd eq "channelDown" ) || ( $cmd eq "CHANNELDOWN" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist jump %2D1\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "volume" ) || ( $cmd eq "VOLUME" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Volume" ) ||( $cmd eq "volumeStraight" ) ) {
if(( @arg != 1 )&&( @arg != 2 )) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for Vol given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
# set the volume to the desired level. Needs to be 0..100
# no error checking here, as the server does this
if( $arg[ 0 ] <= AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume $arg[ 0 ]\n" );
# CD 0007
SB_PLAYER_SetSyncedVolume($hash,$arg[0]) if (!defined($arg[1]));
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume " .
AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 50 ) . "\n" );
# CD 0007
SB_PLAYER_SetSyncedVolume($hash,AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 50 )) if (!defined($arg[1]));
} elsif( $cmd eq $hash->{FAVSET} ) {
if ($arg[0] ne '-') { # CD 0014
if( defined( $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$arg[0]}{ID} ) ) {
my $fid = $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$arg[0]}{ID};
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} favorites playlist " .
"play item_id:$fid\n" );
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = $arg[ 0 ];
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "$hash->{FAVSET}", "$arg[ 0 ]", 1 );
# SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash ); # CD 0021 deaktiviert, zu fr<66>h
} # CD 0014
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "volumeUp" ) || ( $cmd eq "VOLUMEUP" ) ||
( $cmd eq "VolumeUp" ) ) {
# increase volume
if( ( ReadingsVal( $name, "volumeStraight", 50 ) +
AttrVal( $name, "volumeStep", 10 ) ) <=
AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) ) {
my $volstr = sprintf( "+%02d", AttrVal( $name, "volumeStep", 10 ) );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume $volstr\n" );
# CD 0007
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume " .
AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 50 ) . "\n" );
# CD 0007
SB_PLAYER_SetSyncedVolume($hash,AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 50 ));
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "volumeDown" ) || ( $cmd eq "VOLUMEDOWN" ) ||
( $cmd eq "VolumeDown" ) ) {
my $volstr = sprintf( "-%02d", AttrVal( $name, "volumeStep", 10 ) );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume $volstr\n" );
# CD 0007
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "mute" ) || ( $cmd eq "MUTE" ) || ( $cmd eq "Mute" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer muting toggle\n" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "on" ) {
if( $hash->{CANPOWEROFF} eq "0" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 1\n" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "off" ) {
# off command to go here
if( $hash->{CANPOWEROFF} eq "0" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} stop\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 0\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "repeat" ) || ( $cmd eq "REPEAT" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Repeat" ) ) {
if( @arg != 1 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for repeat given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "off" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 0\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "off", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "one" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 1\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "one", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "all" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 2\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "all", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unknown argument for repeat given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "shuffle" ) || ( $cmd eq "SHUFFLE" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Shuffle" ) ) {
if( @arg != 1 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for shuffle given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "off" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist shuffle 0\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "off", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif(( $arg[ 0 ] eq "on" ) || ($arg[ 0 ] eq "song" )) { # CD 0017 'song' hinzugef<65>gt
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist shuffle 1\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "song", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
# CD 0017 start
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "album" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist shuffle 2\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "album", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet);
# CD 0017 end
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unknown argument for shuffle given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "show" ) ||
( $cmd eq "SHOW" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Show" ) ) {
# set <name> show line1:text line2:text duration:ss
my $v = join( " ", @arg );
my @buf = split( "line1:", $v );
@buf = split( "line2:", $buf[ 1 ] );
my $line1 = uri_escape( $buf[ 0 ] );
@buf = split( "duration:", $buf[ 1 ] );
my $line2 = uri_escape( $buf[ 0 ] );
my $duration = $buf[ 1 ];
my $cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} display $line1 $line2 $duration\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "talk" ) ||
( $cmd eq "TALK" ) ||
( $cmd eq "talk" ) ||
( lc($cmd) eq "saytext" ) ) { # CD 0014 hinzugef<65>gt
$hash->{helper}{ttsstate}=TTS_IDLE if(!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}));
$hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}=TTS_IDLE if(!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}));
# CD 0032 - Text2Speech verwenden ?
# CD 0033 - <20>berarbeitet
my $useText2Speech=0;
my $errMsg;
if(AttrVal( $name, "ttslink", "none" )=~m/^Text2Speech/) {
my @extTTS=split(":",AttrVal( $name, "ttslink", "none" ));
# Device <20>berhaupt verwendbar ?
if(defined($extTTS[1]) && defined($defs{$extTTS[1]})) {
my $ttshash=$defs{$extTTS[1]};
if(defined($ttshash->{TYPE}) && (($ttshash->{TYPE} eq 'Text2SpeechSB') || (($ttshash->{TYPE} eq 'Text2Speech') && defined($ttshash->{helper}{supportsSBPlayer})))) { # CD 0048 Text2Speech (ohne SB) unterst<73>tzen
if(defined($ttshash->{ALSADEVICE}) && ($ttshash->{ALSADEVICE} eq 'SB_PLAYER')) {
if ((AttrVal($ttshash->{NAME}, "TTS_Ressource", "x") =~ m/^(Google|VoiceRSS|SVOX-pico)$/)) { # CD 0049 $ttshash korrigiert
$hash->{helper}{text2speech}{pathPrefix}=join(':',@extTTS[2..$#extTTS]) if defined($extTTS[2]);
# Zustand Text2Speech ?
if(defined($ttshash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER}) || (defined($ttshash->{helper}{Text2Speech}) && @{$ttshash->{helper}{Text2Speech}} > 0)) {
# Text2Speech besetzt, warten
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_IDLE) {
} else {
$hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}=TTS_EXT_TEXT2SPEECH_BUSY if($hash->{helper}{ttsExtstate}==TTS_IDLE);
if(defined($hash->{helper}{text2speech}{text})) {
$hash->{helper}{text2speech}{text}.=" " . join( " ", @arg );
} else {
$hash->{helper}{text2speech}{text}=join( " ", @arg );
} else {
# Text2Speech belegen
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_IDLE) {
} else {
fhem("set $extTTS[1] tts ".join( " ", @arg ));
} else {
$errMsg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: ".$extTTS[1].": Text2Speech uses unsupported TTS_Ressource ".AttrVal($ttshash->{NAME}, "TTS_Ressource", "x"); # CD 0049 $ttshash korrigiert
} else {
$errMsg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: ".$extTTS[1].": Text2Speech uses unsupported ALSADEVICE";
} else {
$errMsg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: ".$extTTS[1].": unsupported Text2Speech device";
} else {
$errMsg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: invalid Text2Speech device";
if(defined($errMsg)) {
Log3( $hash, 1, $errMsg );
return( $errMsg );
# CD 0028 start - komplett <20>berarbeitet
# prepare text
my $ttstext=join( " ", @arg );
$ttstext = AttrVal( $name, "ttsPrefix", "" )." ".$ttstext; # CD 0032
my %Sonderzeichen = ("<22>" => "ae", "<22>" => "Ae", "<22>" => "ue", "<22>" => "Ue", "<22>" => "oe", "<22>" => "Oe", "<22>" => "ss",
"<22>" => "e", "<22>" => "e", "<22>" => "e", "<22>" => "a", "<22>" => "c" );
my $Sonderzeichenkeys = join ("|", keys(%Sonderzeichen));
if (length($ttstext)==0) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no text passed for synthesis.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
$ttstext .= "." unless ($ttstext =~ m/^.+[.,?!:;]$/);
my @textlines;
my $tl='';
# CD 0033 Unterst<73>tzung f<>r Dateien und URLs hinzugef<65>gt, teilweise aus 00_SONOS <20>bernommen
my $targetSpeakMP3FileDir = AttrVal( $name, "ttsMP3FileDir", "" ); # CD 0033
my $filename; # CD 0038
if (length($ttstext)>0) {
my @words=split(' ',$ttstext);
for my $w (@words) {
# CD 0033 Datei ?, teilweise aus 00_SONOS <20>bernommen
if ($w =~ m/\|(.*)\|/) {
push(@textlines,$tl) if($tl ne '');
$filename = $1;
$filename = $targetSpeakMP3FileDir.'/'.$filename if ($filename !~ m/^(\/|[a-z]:)/i);
$filename = $filename.'.mp3' if ($filename !~ m/\.mp3$/i);
push(@textlines, '|'.$filename.'|');
# CD 0038 Leerzeichen in Dateinamen zulassen
} elsif ($w =~ m/^\|(.*)/) {
$filename = $1;
} elsif (($w =~ m/(.*)\|/) && defined($filename)) {
$filename .= " ".$1;
push(@textlines,$tl) if($tl ne '');
$filename = $targetSpeakMP3FileDir.'/'.$filename if ($filename !~ m/^(\/|[a-z]:)/i);
$filename = $filename.'.mp3' if ($filename !~ m/\.mp3$/i);
push(@textlines, '|'.$filename.'|');
# CD 0038
} else {
$w =~ s/[\\|*~<>^\n\(\)\[\]\{\}[:cntrl:]]/ /g;
$w =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$w =~ s/^\s|\s$//g;
$w =~ s/($Sonderzeichenkeys)/$Sonderzeichen{$1}/g if(AttrVal( $name, "ttslink", "x" ) !~ m/voicerss/i); # CD 0045 Sonderzeichen f<>r VoiceRSS nicht ersetzen
$w = uri_escape( $w ) if defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{doubleescape}); # CD 0060
# CD 0032 end
if((length($tl)+length($w)+1)<100) {
$tl.=' ' if(length($tl)>0);
} else {
push(@textlines,$tl) if($tl ne '');
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_IDLE) {
# talk ist nicht aktiv
# CD 0038 Player zuerst einschalten
if(ReadingsVal($name,"power","x") ne "on") {
RemoveInternalTimer( "TimeoutTTSWaitForPowerOn:$name");
if($hash->{helper}{playerStatusOK}==1) { # CD 0042
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 1\n" );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 5.00,
0 );
# CD 0042 start
} else {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10.00,
0 );
# CD 0042 end
} else {
# CD 0038 end
} else {
for my $outstr (@textlines) {
if ($outstr =~ m/\|(.*)\|/) { # CD 0033
Log3($hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6,"SB_PLAYER_Set: $name: add to ttsqueue: $1"); # CD 0036
push(@{$hash->{helper}{ttsqueue}},uri_escape(decode('utf-8',$1))); # CD 0033 # CD 0038 uri_escape(decode... hinzugef<65>gt
} else {
$outstr =~ s/\s/+/g;
# CD 0054 versuchen Format zu erraten, funktioniert nicht f<>r telnet
if (decode("utf8",$outstr)=~m/\x{fffd}/) {
Log3($hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6,"SB_PLAYER_Set: $name: string is not utf-8, using iso-8859-1");
$outstr = uri_escape( $outstr );
#$outstr = uri_escape( $outstr ) if defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{doubleescape}); # CD 0059 # CD 0060 zu sp<73>t nach oben verschoben
# CD 0045
my $ttslink=AttrVal( $name, "ttslink", "" );
if(defined($ttslink)) {
# Profile
my $lang=AttrVal( $name, "ttslanguage", "de" );
if ($ttslink =~ m/voicerss/i) { # CD 0047 Sprache auch bei voicerss innerhalb der URL anpassen
$lang="de-de" if($lang eq "de");
$lang="en-us" if($lang eq "en");
$lang="fr-fr" if($lang eq "fr");
$ttslink="http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=<LANG>&q=<TEXT>&client=tw-ob" if ($ttslink eq 'http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8'); # CD 0047, CD 0048 client=tw-ob verwenden
$ttslink="http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=<LANG>&q=<TEXT>&client=tw-ob" if ($ttslink eq "Google"); # CD 0048 client=tw-ob verwenden
$ttslink="http://api.voicerss.org/?key=<APIKEY>&src=<TEXT>&hl=<LANG>" if ($ttslink eq "VoiceRSS");
# alte Links anpassen
if($ttslink !~ m/<TEXT>/) {
$ttslink.="&tl=<LANG>" if($ttslink !~ m/<LANG>/);
$ttslink =~ s/<LANG>/$lang/;
$ttslink =~ s/<TEXT>/$outstr/;
my $apikey=AttrVal( $name, "ttsAPIKey", undef );
if(($ttslink =~ m/<APIKEY>/) && !defined($apikey)) {
Log3($hash, 2,"SB_PLAYER_Set: $name: talk - missing API key");
} else {
$ttslink =~ s/<APIKEY>/$apikey/;
Log3($hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6,"SB_PLAYER_Set: $name: add to ttsqueue: $ttslink"); # CD 0036
SB_PLAYER_LoadTalk($hash) if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_LOADPLAYLIST); # CD 0033 # CD 0038 auf TTS_LOADPLAYLIST pr<70>fen
# CD 0028 end
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "playlist" ) ||
( $cmd eq "PLAYLIST" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Playlist" ) ) {
#if( ( @arg != 2 ) && ( @arg != 3 ) ) { # CD 0014 deaktiviert
if( @arg < 2) { # CD 0014
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for Playlist given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
# CD 0014 start
if (@arg>1) {
my $outstr = uri_escape(decode('utf-8',join( " ", @arg[1..$#arg]))); # CD 0017
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set($name): playlists command = $arg[ 0 ] param = $outstr" );
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "track" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"track.titlesearch:$outstr\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "album" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"album.titlesearch:$outstr\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "artist" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"contributor.namesearch:$outstr\n" ); # CD 0014 'titlesearch' durch 'namesearch' ersetzt
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "play" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist play $outstr\n" );
# CD 0038 start
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "add" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist add $outstr\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "insert" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist insert $outstr\n" );
# CD 0038 end
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "year" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"track.year:$outstr\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "genre" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"genre.namesearch:$outstr\n" );
#} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "comment" ) { # CD 0014 funktioniert nicht
# IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
# "comments.value:$outstr\n" );
# CD 0038 loadalbum wieder hergestellt und <20>berarbeitet
} else {
my $genre='*';
my $album='*';
my $artist='*';
my $t=0;
foreach( @arg ) {
if( $_ =~ /^(genre:)(.*)/ ) {
} elsif ( $_ =~ /^(album:)(.*)/ ) {
} elsif ( $_ =~ /^(artist:)(.*)/ ) {
} else {
$genre.=" ".$_ if($t==1);
$album.=" ".$_ if($t==2);
$artist.=" ".$_ if($t==3);
if( $t>0 ) {
$genre=uri_escape(decode('utf-8',$genre)) if($genre ne '*');
$album=uri_escape(decode('utf-8',$album)) if($album ne '*');
$artist=uri_escape(decode('utf-8',$artist)) if($artist ne '*');
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadalbum " .
"$genre $artist $album\n" );
# CD 0038 end
# CD 0014 end
} else {
# what the f... we checked beforehand
} elsif( $cmd eq "allalarms" ) {
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "enable" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmsEnabled 1\n" ); # MM 0016
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsEnabled", "on", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "disable" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmsEnabled 0\n" ); # MM 0016
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsEnabled", "off", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "statusRequest" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarms 0 200 tags:all filter:all\n" ); # CD 0015 filter added
# CD 0016 start
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmsEnabled ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmDefaultVolume ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmTimeoutSeconds ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmSnoozeSeconds ?\n" );
# CD 0016 end
# CD 0015 start
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "delete" ) {
for(my $i=1;$i<=$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT};$i++) { # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm delete id:". ReadingsVal($name,"alarm".$i."_id","0"). "\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarms 0 200 tags:all filter:all\n" ); # CD 0015 filter added
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "add" ) {
$arg[ 0 ]="set";
SB_PLAYER_Alarm( $hash, 0, @arg );
# CD 0015 end
} else {
# CD 0016 start, von MM <20>bernommen, Namen ge<67>ndert
} elsif( index( $cmd, "alarms" ) != -1 ) {
if($cmd eq "alarmsSnooze") {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmSnoozeSeconds ". $arg[0]*60 ."\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsSnooze", $arg[ 0 ], $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif($cmd eq "alarmsTimeout") {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmTimeoutSeconds ". $arg[0]*60 ."\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsTimeout", $arg[ 0 ], $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif($cmd eq "alarmsDefaultVolume") {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmDefaultVolume ". $arg[0] ."\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsDefaultVolume", $arg[ 0 ], $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif($cmd eq "alarmsFadeIn") {
if($arg[0] eq 'on') {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmfadeseconds 1\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsFadeIn", "on", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmfadeseconds 0\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsFadeIn", "off", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif($cmd eq "alarmsEnabled") {
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "on" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmsEnabled 1\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsEnabled", "on", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmsEnabled 0\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmsEnabled", "off", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
# CD 0016
} elsif( index( $cmd, "alarm" ) != -1 ) {
my $alarmno = int( substr( $cmd, 5 ) ) + 0;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set: $name: alarmid:$alarmno" );
return( SB_PLAYER_Alarm( $hash, $alarmno, @arg ) );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "sleep" ) || ( $cmd eq "SLEEP" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Sleep" ) ) {
# split the time string up
my @buf = split( ":", $arg[ 0 ] );
if( scalar( @buf ) != 3 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: please use hh:mm:ss for sleep time.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
my $secs = ( $buf[ 0 ] * 3600 ) + ( $buf[ 1 ] * 60 ) + $buf[ 2 ];
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} sleep $secs\n" );
return( undef );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "cliraw" ) || ( $cmd eq "CLIRAW" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Cliraw" ) ) {
# write raw messages to the CLI interface per player
my $v = join( " ", @arg );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set: cliraw: $v " );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} $v\n" );
return( undef );
# CD 0014 start
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "save" ) || ( $cmd eq "SAVE" ) ) {
if(defined($arg[0])) {
SB_PLAYER_Save($hash, $arg[0]);
} else {
SB_PLAYER_Save($hash, "");
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "recall" ) || ( $cmd eq "RECALL" ) ) {
if(defined($arg[0])) {
SB_PLAYER_Recall($hash, join(" ", @arg));
} else {
SB_PLAYER_Recall($hash, "");
# CD 0014 end
} elsif( $cmd eq "statusRequest" ) {
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "sync" ) {
# CD 0018 wenn der Player bereits in einer Gruppe ist und 'new' ist vorhanden, wird der Player zuerst aus der Gruppe entfernt
if(( @arg == 2) && ($arg[1] eq "new") && ($hash->{SYNCED} eq 'yes')) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} sync -\n" );
# CD 0028 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_SYNCGROUPACTIVE) {
# CD 0028 end
# CD 0018 end
# CD 0018 Synchronisation mehrerer Player
if(( @arg == 1 ) || ( @arg == 2)) {
my $msg;
my $dev;
my @dvs=();
my $doGetStatus=0;
foreach (@dvs) {
my $dev=$_;
my $mac;
# CD 0018 end
if( defined( $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}{$dev}{MAC} ) ) {
} else {
# CD 0038 Player nicht gefunden, testen ob Name zu einem FHEM-Ger<65>t passt
if(defined($defs{$dev}) && defined($defs{$dev}{TYPE}) && ($defs{$dev}{TYPE} eq 'SB_PLAYER') && defined($defs{$dev}{PLAYERMAC})) {
} else {
# CD 0038 end
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no MAC for player ".$dev.".";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
#return( $msg ); # CD 0018 wenn keine MAC vorhanden weitermachen
if(defined($mac)) {
# CD 0038 wenn asSlave angegeben ist, wird der erste Player zur Gruppe des 2. hinzugef<65>gt
if((@arg == 2) && ($arg[1] eq "asSlave")) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$mac sync " .
"$hash->{PLAYERMAC}\n" );
} else {
# CD 0038 end
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} sync " .
"$mac\n" );
} # CD 0018
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash ) if($doGetStatus==1);
# CD 0018 end
} elsif( $cmd eq "unsync" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} sync -\n" );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
# CD 0028 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_SYNCGROUPACTIVE) {
# CD 0028 end
} elsif( $cmd eq "playlists" ) {
if( @arg == 1 ) {
my $msg;
if( defined( $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Playlists}{$arg[0]}{ID} ) ) {
$msg = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlistcontrol cmd:load " .
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set($name): playlists command = " .
$msg . " ........ with $arg[0]" );
IOWrite( $hash, $msg . "\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "playlists", "$arg[ 0 ]", 1 );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} else {
$msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no name for playlist defined.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for playlists given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( $cmd eq "resetTTS" ) {
delete($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{saveLocked})); # CD 0056
# CD 0047 start
} elsif( lc($cmd) eq "currenttrackposition" ) {
if(defined($arg[0])) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} time $arg[0]\n" );
# CD 0047 end
# CD 0052 start
} elsif( lc($cmd) eq "snooze" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} jivealarm snooze:1\n" );
# CD 0052 end
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unsupported command given";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
return( undef );
# CD 0033 hinzugef<65>gt
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add talk segments to playlist
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_LoadTalk($) {
# gespeicherte Elemente in Playlist einf<6E>gen
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsqueue})) {
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_LOADPLAYLIST)||($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_SYNCGROUPACTIVE)) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist clear\n" ) if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_LOADPLAYLIST);
for (@{$hash->{helper}{ttsqueue}}) {
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_LOADPLAYLIST) {
# ich bin Master und talk ist nicht aktiv
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist add " . $_ . "\n" );
} else {
# talk ist aktiv und ein anderer Player ist Master
IOWrite( $hash, $hash->{helper}{ttsMaster}." fhemrelay ttsadd ".$_."\n" );
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}!=TTS_SYNCGROUPACTIVE) {
# andere Player in Gruppe informieren
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP}.",".$hash->{SYNCMASTER});
foreach (@pl) {
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} ne $_) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ fhemrelay ttsactive ".$hash->{PLAYERMAC}."\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ fhemrelay ttsforcegroupon\n" ) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{forcegroupon})); # CD 0030
} else {
# talk ist aktiv und ich bin Master
# warten bis stop
# CD 0033 hinzugef<65>gt
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# prepare player for talk
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_PrepareTalk($) {
# kein readingsBulkUpdate
# aktuellen Stand abspeichern, playlist l<>schen, Lautst<73>rke setzen
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# talk ist nicht aktiv
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{nosaverestore})) {
SB_PLAYER_Save( $hash, "xxTTSxx" ) if(!defined($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}));
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 0\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist clear\n" );
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsVolume})) {
my $vol=$hash->{helper}{ttsVolume};
$vol=AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) if(( $hash->{helper}{ttsVolume} > AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) )&&!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{ignorevolumelimit})); # CD 0031
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume ".$vol."\n" );
# CD 0014 start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# recall player state
# CD 0036 added $statename
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Recall($$) {
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_; # CD 0036
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# CD 0036 start
my $del=0;
my $delonly=0;
my $forceoff=0;
my $forceon=0;
my $forceplay=0;
my $forcestop=0;
my $statename;
my @args=split " ",$arg;
if(defined($args[0])) {
} else {
# Optionen auswerten
for my $opt (@args) {
$del=1 if($opt=~ m/^del$/);
$delonly=1 if($opt=~ m/^delonly$/);
$forceoff=1 if($opt=~ m/^off$/);
$forceon=1 if(($opt=~ m/^on$/)||($opt=~ m/^play$/));
$forceplay=1 if($opt=~ m/^play$/);
$forcestop=1 if($opt=~ m/^stop$/);
$forceoff=0 if($forceon==1);
$forcestop=0 if($forceplay==1);
# CD 0036 end
# wurde <20>berhaupt etwas gespeichert ?
if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}) && defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename})) {
if($delonly==0) {
# CD 0029 start
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}!=TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debugsaverestore})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Recall: $name: restoring...");
# CD 0029 end
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist shuffle 0\n");
if (defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlistIds})) {
# wegen Shuffle Playlist neu erzeugen
# CD 0030 start
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist clear\n");
my @playlistIds=split(',',$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlistIds});
my $f=0; # CD 0048
for my $id (@playlistIds) {
if($id>=0) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlistcontrol cmd:add track_id:".$id."\n");
} else {
if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlistUrls}) && defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlistUrls}{$id})) {
if (defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{path}) && ($f==0)) { # CD 0048
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist add ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{path}."\n"); # CD 0048
} else { # CD 0048
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist add ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlistUrls}{$id}."\n");
} # CD 0048
} else {
Log3( $hash, 2, "SB_PLAYER_Recall: $name: no url found for id ".$id);
$f=1; # CD 0048
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist index ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlistCurrentTrack}."\n");
# CD 0030 end
} else {
# auf dem Server gespeicherte Playlist fortsetzen
if( $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playStatus} eq "playing" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume fhem_$hash->{NAME}_$statename\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume fhem_$hash->{NAME}_$statename noplay:1\n" );
if ($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{volumeStraight} ne '?') {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{volumeStraight}\n" );
if ($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{repeat} ne ReadingsVal($name,"repeat","?")) {
if( $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{repeat} eq "off" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 0\n" );
} elsif( $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{repeat} eq "one" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 1\n" );
} elsif( $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{repeat} eq "all" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 2\n" );
# CD 0028 start
if ((($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{power} eq "off") && ($forceon!=1))||($forceoff==1)) { # CD 0036 added $forceon and $forceoff
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 0\n" );
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_RESTORE) {
delete($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{saveLocked})); # CD 0056
} else {
# CD 0028 end
if ((($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playStatus} eq "stopped" ) && ($forceplay!=1))||($forcestop==1)) { # CD 0036 added $forceplay and $forcestop
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} stop\n" );
# CD 0028 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_RESTORE) {
delete($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{saveLocked})); # CD 0056
# CD 0028 end
} elsif(( $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playStatus} eq "playing" )||($forceplay==1)) { # CD 0036 added $forceplay
my @secbuf = split(',',AttrVal( $name, "fadeinsecs", '10,10' )); # CD 0050 split hinzugef<65>gt
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play ".$secbuf[0]."\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} time $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{elapsedTime}\n" ) if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{elapsedTime}));
# CD 0028 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_RESTORE) {
# CD 0028 end
} elsif( $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playStatus} eq "paused" ) {
# paused kann nicht aus stop erreicht werden -> Playlist starten und dann pausieren
$hash->{helper}{recallPendingElapsedTime}=$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{elapsedTime}; # CD 0047
# CD 0028 restore names
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,"playlists", $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlist},(AttrVal($name, "donotnotify", "true") eq "true")?0:1) if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlist}));
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,"favorites", $hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{favorite},(AttrVal($name, "donotnotify", "true") eq "true")?0:1) if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{favorite}));
delete($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}) if(($del==1)||($delonly==1));
} else {
# CD 0056 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_RESTORE) {
delete($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}));
# CD 0056 end
sub SB_PLAYER_SetTTSState($$$$) {
my ( $hash, $state, $bulk, $broadcast ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if($state eq $hash->{helper}{ttsstate});
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_SetTTSState: $name: ttsstate: ".$ttsstates{$hash->{helper}{ttsstate}} );
if($bulk==1) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash,"talkStatus", $ttsstates{$hash->{helper}{ttsstate}} );
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,"talkStatus", $ttsstates{$hash->{helper}{ttsstate}},(AttrVal($name, "donotnotify", "true") eq "true")?0:1);
if($broadcast==1) {
if($state==TTS_IDLE) {
if (defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP}) && ($hash->{SYNCGROUP} ne '?') && ($hash->{SYNCMASTER} ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP}.",".$hash->{SYNCMASTER});
foreach (@pl) {
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} ne $_) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ fhemrelay ttsidle\n" );
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsqueue}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsqueue}) && ($state==TTS_IDLE));
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsPowerWasOff}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{ttsPowerWasOff}) && ($state==TTS_IDLE));
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# save player state
# CD 0036 added $statename
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Save($$) {
my ( $hash, $statename ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$statename='default' unless defined($statename);
delete($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}) && defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}));
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{power}=ReadingsVal($name,"power","on"); # CD 0028
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{power}="off" if(($statename eq "xxTTSxx") && defined($hash->{helper}{ttsPowerWasOff})); # CD 0038
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{SYNCGROUP}=$hash->{SYNCGROUP} if(defined($hash->{SYNCGROUP})); # CD 0028
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{SYNCMASTER}=$hash->{SYNCMASTER} if(defined($hash->{SYNCMASTER})); # CD 0028
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{path}=$hash->{helper}{path}; # CD 0048
# CD 0029 start
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{logloaddone}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{logloaddone}));
delete($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{logplay}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{logplay}));
# CD 0029 end
# CD 0036 immer intern speichern
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}!=TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debugsaverestore})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: saving {helper}{playlistIds}: ".$hash->{helper}{playlistIds}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{playlistIds}));
# CD 0036
# CD 0036, alte Version, deaktivert
# ---------------------------------
if(1==0) {
# nur 1 Track -> playlist save verwenden
if((ReadingsVal($name,"playlistTracks",1)<=1)&&(!defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{internalsave}))) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist save fhem_$hash->{NAME}_$statename silent:1\n" );
# CD 0029 start
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}!=TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debugsaverestore})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: 1 track in playlist, using playlist save");
# CD 0029 end
} else {
# mehr als 1 Track, auf shuffle pr<70>fen (playlist resume funktioniert nicht richtig wenn shuffle nicht auf off steht)
# bei negativen Ids (Remote-Streams) und shuffle geht die vorherige Reihenfolge verloren, kein Workaround bekannt
# es werden maximal 500 Ids gespeichert, bei mehr als 500 Eintr<74>gen in der Playlists geht die vorherige Reihenfolge verloren (zu <20>ndern)
if (( (ReadingsVal($name,"shuffle","?") eq "off") ||
(!defined($hash->{helper}{playlistIds})) ||
($hash->{helper}{playlistIds}=~ /-/) ||
(ReadingsVal($name,"playlistTracks",0)>500)) && !defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{internalsave})) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist save fhem_$hash->{NAME}_$statename silent:1\n" );
# CD 0029 start
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}!=TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debugsaverestore})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: multiple tracks in playlist, using playlist save");
# CD 0029 end
} else {
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}!=TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debugsaverestore})) {
# CD 0029 start
if(defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{internalsave})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: forcing {helper}{playlistIds}: ".$hash->{helper}{playlistIds}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{playlistIds})); # CD 0033 if added
#Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: warning - negative playlist ids cannot be restored") if ($hash->{helper}{playlistIds}=~ /-/);
} else {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: multiple tracks in playlist, shuffle active, using {helper}{playlistIds} (".$hash->{helper}{playlistIds}.")");
# CD 0029 end
# ---------------------------------
# CD 0029 start
if(($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}!=TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debugsaverestore})) {
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: power ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{power} );
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: elapsedTime ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{elapsedTime} ) if (defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{elapsedTime} ));
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: playlistCurrentTrack ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlistCurrentTrack} );
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: playStatus ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playStatus} );
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: repeat ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{repeat} );
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: volumeStraight ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{volumeStraight} );
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: playlist ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{playlist} );
Log3( $hash, 0, "SB_PLAYER_Save: $name: favorite ".$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}{$statename}{favorite} );
# CD 0029 end
# CD 0014 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set Alarms of the Player
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CD 0015 angepasst f<>r gr<67><72>ere Anzahl an Alarmen
sub SB_PLAYER_Alarm( $$@ ) {
my ( $hash, $n, @arg ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# CD 0015 deaktiviert
#if( ( $n != 1 ) && ( $n != 2 ) ) {
# Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Alarm: $name: wrong ID given. Must be 1|2" );
# return;
my $id = ReadingsVal( "$name", "alarm".$n."_id", "none" ); # CD 0015 angepasst
my $updateReadingsOnSet=AttrVal($name, "updateReadingsOnSet", false); # CD 0017
my $donotnotify=AttrVal($name, "donotnotify", true); # CD 0017
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Alarm: $name: ID:$id, N:$n" );
my $cmdstr = "";
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "set" ) {
# set <name> alarm set 0..6 hh:mm:ss playlist
if( ( @arg != 4 ) && ( @arg != 3 ) ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: not enough arguments for alarm given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
if( $id ne "none" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm delete id:$id\n" ); # CD 0020 'id' fehlt
# readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmid$n", "none", 0 ); # CD 0015 deaktiviert
my $dow = SB_PLAYER_CheckWeekdays($arg[ 1 ]); # CD 0016 hinzugef<65>gt
# split the time string up
my @buf = split( ":", $arg[ 2 ] );
$buf[ 2 ] = 0 if( scalar( @buf ) == 2 ); # CD 0016, von MM <20>bernommen, ge<67>ndert
if( scalar( @buf ) != 3 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: please use hh:mm:ss for alarm time.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
my $secs = ( $buf[ 0 ] * 3600 ) + ( $buf[ 1 ] * 60 ) + $buf[ 2 ];
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm add dow:$dow repeat:0 enabled:1";
if( defined( $arg[ 3 ] ) ) {
# CD 0015 start
my $url=join( " ", @arg[3..$#arg]);
if (defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})) {
foreach my $e ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}} ) {
if($url eq $hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$e}{title}) {
# CD 0015 end
# CD 0034 <20>berpr<70>fen ob g<>ltige url, wenn nicht, versuchen file:// anzuh<75>ngen
if($url !~ /:\/\//) {
$url='/' . $url if ($url =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:\\/); # f<>r Windows
$url=~ s/\\/\//g;
$url='file://' . $url;
# CD 0034 end
$cmdstr .= " url:" . uri_escape(decode('utf-8',$url)); # CD 0015 uri_escape und join hinzugef<65>gt # CD 0020 decode hinzugef<65>gt # CD 0034 playlist: in url: ge<67>ndert
$cmdstr .= " time:$secs\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
$hash->{LASTALARM} = $n;
} elsif(( $arg[ 0 ] eq "enable" )||( $arg[ 0 ] eq "on" )) { # CD 0015 'on' hinzugef<65>gt
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
$cmdstr .= "enabled:1\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_state", "on", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif(( $arg[ 0 ] eq "disable" )||( $arg[ 0 ] eq "off" )) { # CD 0015 'off' hinzugef<65>gt
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
$cmdstr .= "enabled:0\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_state", "off", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "volume" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
$cmdstr .= "volume:" . $arg[ 1 ] . "\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_volume", $arg[ 1 ], $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
# CD 0015 start
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "sound" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
if( defined($arg[ 1 ]) ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
my $url=join( " ", @arg[1..$#arg]);
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_sound", $url, $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
if (defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})) {
foreach my $e ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}} ) {
if($url eq $hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$e}{title}) {
# CD 0034 <20>berpr<70>fen ob g<>ltige url, wenn nicht, versuchen file:// anzuh<75>ngen
if($url !~ /:\/\//) {
$url='/' . $url if ($url =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:\\/); # f<>r Windows
$url=~ s/\\/\//g;
$url='file://' . $url;
# CD 0034 end
$cmdstr .= "url:" . uri_escape(decode('utf-8',$url)); # CD 0017 decode hinzugef<65>gt # CD 0034 playlist: in url: ge<67>ndert
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr . "\n" ); # CD 0017 reaktiviert # CD 0034 \n hinzugef<65>gt
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: alarm, no value for sound.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "repeat" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
if( defined($arg[ 1 ]) ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
if(($arg[ 1 ] eq "1")||($arg[ 1 ] eq "on")||($arg[ 1 ] eq "yes")) {
$cmdstr .= "repeat:1\n";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_repeat", "on", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
} else {
$cmdstr .= "repeat:0\n";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_repeat", "off", $donotnotify ) if($updateReadingsOnSet); # CD 0017
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: alarm, no value for repeat.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "wdays" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
if( defined($arg[ 1 ]) ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
my $dow=SB_PLAYER_CheckWeekdays(join( "", @arg[1..$#arg])); # CD 0017
$cmdstr .= "dow:" . $dow . "\n"; # CD 0016 SB_PLAYER_CheckWeekdays verwenden
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
# CD 0017 start
if($updateReadingsOnSet) {
my $rdaystr="";
if ($dow ne "") {
$rdaystr = "Mo" if( index( $dow, "1" ) != -1 );
$rdaystr .= " Tu" if( index( $dow, "2" ) != -1 );
$rdaystr .= " We" if( index( $dow, "3" ) != -1 );
$rdaystr .= " Th" if( index( $dow, "4" ) != -1 );
$rdaystr .= " Fr" if( index( $dow, "5" ) != -1 );
$rdaystr .= " Sa" if( index( $dow, "6" ) != -1 );
$rdaystr .= " Su" if( index( $dow, "0" ) != -1 );
} else {
$rdaystr = "none";
$rdaystr =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_wdays", $rdaystr, $donotnotify );
# CD 0017 end
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no weekdays specified for alarm.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "time" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
# split the time string up
if( !defined($arg[ 1 ]) ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no alarm time given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
my @buf = split( ":", $arg[ 1 ] );
$buf[ 2 ] = 0 if( scalar( @buf ) == 2 ); # CD 0016, von MM <20>bernommen, ge<67>ndert
if( scalar( @buf ) != 3 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: please use hh:mm:ss for alarm time.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
my $secs = ( $buf[ 0 ] * 3600 ) + ( $buf[ 1 ] * 60 ) + $buf[ 2 ];
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
$cmdstr .= "time:" . $secs . "\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
# CD 0017 start
if($updateReadingsOnSet) {
my $buf = sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d",
int( scalar( $secs ) / 3600 ),
int( ( $secs % 3600 ) / 60 ),
int( $secs % 60 ) );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$n."_time", $buf, $donotnotify );
# CD 0017 end
# CD 0015 end
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "delete" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm delete id:$id\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
# readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmid$n", "none", 1 ); # CD 0015 deaktiviert
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unkown argument ".$arg[ 0 ]." for alarm given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
return( undef );
# CD 0016, neu, von MM <20>bernommen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check weekdays string
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_CheckWeekdays( $ ) {
my ($wdayargs) = @_;
my $weekdays = '';
if(index($wdayargs,"Mo") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"1") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"Tu") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"Di") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"2") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"We") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"Mi") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"3") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"Th") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"Do") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"4") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"Fr") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"5") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"Sa") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"6") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"Su") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"So") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"0") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"all") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"daily") != -1 || index($wdayargs,"7") != -1)
if(index($wdayargs,"none") != -1) # || index($wdayargs,"once") != -1) # CD 0016 once funktioniert so nicht, muss <20>ber repeat gemacht werden
$weekdays=~ s/,$//; # CD 0019 letztes , entfernen
return $weekdays;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Status update - just internal use and invoked by the timer
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $ ) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $strbuf = "";
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_GetStatus: called" );
# CD 0014 start - Anzahl Anfragen begrenzen
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{lastGetStatus})||($hash->{helper}{lastGetStatus}<gettimeofday()-0.5)) {
#Log 0,"Querying status, last: $hash->{helper}{lastGetStatus}, now: ".gettimeofday();
# we fire the respective questions and parse the answers in parse
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} artist ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} album ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} title ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist url ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} remote ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kcu\n" ); # CD 0030 u added to tags
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm playlists 0 200\n" ) if (!defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})); # CD 0016 get available elements for alarms before querying the alarms # CD 0026 wird <20>ber Server verteilt
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarms 0 200 tags:all filter:all\n" ); # CD 0015 filter added
# MM 0016 start
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmsEnabled ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmDefaultVolume ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmTimeoutSeconds ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref alarmSnoozeSeconds ?\n" );
# MM 0016 end
# CD 0007
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playerpref syncVolume ?\n" );
# CD 0009
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist name ?\n" );
# CD 0048
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist path 0 ?\n" );
# CD 0014
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} duration ?\n" );
} # CD 0014 end
# the other values below are provided by our server. we don't
# need to ask again
if( $hash->{PLAYERIP} eq "?" ) {
# the server doesn't care about us
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} player ip ?\n" );
if( $hash->{MODEL} eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} player model ?\n" );
if( $hash->{CANPOWEROFF} eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} player canpoweroff ?\n" );
if( $hash->{PLAYERNAME} eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} name ?\n" );
if( ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "?" ) eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power ?\n" );
if( ReadingsVal( $name, "connected", "?" ) eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} connected ?\n" );
# do and update of the status
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); # CD 0014
my $iv=AttrVal($name, "statusRequestInterval", 300); # CD 0037
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $iv,
0 ) if $iv>0;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_GetStatus: leaving" );
return( );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# called from the IODev for Broadcastmessages
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_RecBroadcast( $$@ ) {
my ( $hash, $cmd, $msg, $bin ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Broadcast($name): called with $msg" );
# let's see what we got. Split the data at the space
my @args = split( " ", $msg );
if( $cmd eq "SERVER" ) {
# a message from the server
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "OFF" ) {
# the server is off, so are we
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "off", 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "off", 1 );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "ON" ) {
# the server is back
#readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "on", 1 ); # CD 0011 ob der Player eingeschaltet ist, ist hier noch nicht bekannt, SB_PLAYER_GetStatus abwarten
#readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "on", 1 ); # CD 0011 ob der Player eingeschaltet ist, ist hier noch nicht bekannt, SB_PLAYER_GetStatus abwarten
# do and update of the status
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); # CD 0016
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10,
0 );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "IP" ) {
$hash->{SBSERVER} = $args[ 1 ];
# CD 0043 bei <20>nderung von Adresse oder Port COVERART aktualisieren
readingsBeginUpdate( $hash );
SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash );
if( AttrVal( $name, "donotnotify", "false" ) eq "true" ) {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 0 );
} else {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# CD 0043 end
} else {
# unkown broadcast message
} elsif( $cmd eq "FAVORITES" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "ADD" ) {
# format: ADD IODEVname ID shortentry
$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$args[3]}{ID} = $args[ 2 ];
$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}{$args[3]}{URL} = $args[ 4 ]; # CD 0021 hinzugef<65>gt
if( $hash->{FAVSTR} eq "" ) {
$hash->{FAVSTR} = $args[ 3 ]; # CD Test f<>r Leerzeichen join("&nbsp;",@args[ 4..$#args ]);
} else {
$hash->{FAVSTR} .= "," . $args[ 3 ]; # CD Test f<>r Leerzeichen join("&nbsp;",@args[ 4..$#args ]);
# CD 0016 start, provisorisch um alarmPlaylists zu aktualisieren, TODO: muss von 97_SB_SERVER kommen
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); # CD 0016
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3,
0 );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "FLUSH" ) {
undef( %{$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Favs}} );
$hash->{FAVSTR} = "";
delete($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})); # CD 0016
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "SYNCMASTER" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "ADD" ) {
if(( $args[ 1 ] ne $hash->{PLAYERNAME} ) || ( $args[ 2 ] ne $hash->{PLAYERMAC} )) { # CD 0056 Name oder MAC m<>ssen unterschiedlich sein
# CD 0056 mehrere Player haben gleichen Namen -> Namen anpassen
if(( $args[ 1 ] eq $hash->{PLAYERNAME} ) || (defined($hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}{$args[1]}))) {
$args[ 1 ]=$args[ 1 ] . "_MAC_" . $args[ 3 ];
# CD 0056 Ende
$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}{$args[1]}{MAC} = $args[ 2 ];
if( $hash->{SYNCMASTERS} eq "" ) {
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} = $args[ 1 ];
} else {
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} .= "," . $args[ 1 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "FLUSH" ) {
undef( %{$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}} );
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} = "";
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "PLAYLISTS" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "ADD" ) {
# CD 0014 Playlists mit fhem_* ignorieren
if($args[3]=~/^fhem_.*/) {
# CD 0036 start
if($args[3]=~/$name/) {
my $plname=$args[1];
# kein Name ?
if($args[1]=~/^fhem_$name$/) {
} else {
Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_PLAYER_RecbroadCast($name): - adding - PLAYLISTS ADD " .
"name:$args[1] id:$args[2] uid:$plname" );
$hash->{helper}{myPlaylists}{$plname}{ID} = $args[ 2 ];
$hash->{helper}{myPlaylists}{$plname}{NAME} = $args[ 1 ];
} else {
# CD 0036 end
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_RecbroadCast($name): - ignoring - PLAYLISTS ADD " .
"name:$args[1] id:$args[2] uid:$args[3]" );
} else {
# CD 0014 end
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_RecbroadCast($name): PLAYLISTS ADD " .
"name:$args[1] id:$args[2] uid:$args[3]" );
$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Playlists}{$args[3]}{ID} = $args[ 2 ];
$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Playlists}{$args[3]}{NAME} = $args[ 1 ];
if( $hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} eq "" ) {
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} = $args[ 3 ];
} else {
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} .= "," . $args[ 3 ];
} # CD 0014
# CD 0016 start, provisorisch um alarmPlaylists zu aktualisieren, TODO: muss von 97_SB_SERVER kommen
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); # CD 0016
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3,
0 );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "FLUSH" ) {
undef( %{$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_Playlists}} );
undef( %{$hash->{helper}{myPlaylists}} ); # CD 0036
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} = "";
delete($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists})); # CD 0016
} else {
# CD 0026 start
} elsif( $cmd eq "ALARMPLAYLISTS" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "ADD" ) {
$hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$args[ 1 ]}{$args[ 2 ]}=join( " ", @args[3..$#args]);
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "FLUSH" ) {
delete($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}));
# CD 0026 end
} else {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# parse the return on the alarms status
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# wird von SB_PLAYER_Parse aufgerufen, readingsBeginUpdate ist aktiv
sub SB_PLAYER_ParseAlarms( $@ ) {
my ( $hash, @data ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# CD 0016 start {ALARMSCOUNT} verschieben nach reload
if (defined($hash->{ALARMSCOUNT})) {
# CD 0016
my $lastAlarmCount=$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT}; # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
shift( @data );
if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
shift( @data );
fhem( "deletereading $name alarmid.*" ); # CD 0015 alte readings entfernen
my $alarmcounter=0; # CD 0015
foreach( @data ) {
if( $_ =~ /^(id:)(\S{8})/ ) {
# id is 8 non-white-space characters
# example: id:0ac7f3a2
$alarmcounter+=1; # CD 0015
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_id", $2 ); # CD 0015
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(dow:)([0-9,]*)/ ) { # C 0016 + durch * ersetzt, f<>r dow: ohne Tage
# example: dow:1,2,4,5,6
my $rdaystr=""; # CD 0015
if ($2 ne "") { # CD 0016
if( index( $2, "1" ) != -1 ) {
$rdaystr = "Mo"; # CD 0015
if( index( $2, "2" ) != -1 ) {
$rdaystr .= " Tu"; # CD 0015
if( index( $2, "3" ) != -1 ) {
$rdaystr .= " We"; # CD 0015
if( index( $2, "4" ) != -1 ) {
$rdaystr .= " Th"; # CD 0015
if( index( $2, "5" ) != -1 ) {
$rdaystr .= " Fr"; # CD 0015
if( index( $2, "6" ) != -1 ) {
$rdaystr .= " Sa"; # CD 0015
if( index( $2, "0" ) != -1 ) {
$rdaystr .= " Su"; # CD 0015
} else { # CD 0016
$rdaystr = "none"; # CD 0016
} # CD 0016
$rdaystr =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # CD 0015
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_wdays", $rdaystr ); # CD 0015
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(enabled:)([0|1])/ ) {
# example: enabled:1
if( $2 eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_state", "on" ); # CD 0015
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_state", "off" ); # CD 0015
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(repeat:)([0|1])/ ) {
# example: repeat:1
if( $2 eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_repeat", "yes" ); # CD 0015
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_repeat", "no" ); # CD 0015
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(time:)([0-9]+)/ ) {
# example: time:25200
my $buf = sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d",
int( scalar( $2 ) / 3600 ),
int( ( $2 % 3600 ) / 60 ),
int( $2 % 60 ) );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_time", $buf ); # CD 0015
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(volume:)(\d{1,2})/ ) {
# example: volume:50
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_volume", $2 ); # CD 0015
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(url:)(\S+)/ ) {
# CD 0015 start
my $pn=SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID(uri_unescape($2));
&& defined($hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$pn})) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_sound", $hash->{helper}{alarmPlaylists}{$pn}{title} );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarm".$alarmcounter."_sound", $2 );
# CD 0015 end
# CD 0016 start
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(filter:)(\S+)/ ) {
# CD 0016 end
# MM 0016 start
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(tags:)(\S+)/ ) {
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(fade:)([0|1])/ ) {
# example: fade:1
if( $2 eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsFadeIn", "on" ); # CD 0016 von MM <20>bernommen, Namen ge<67>ndert
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmsFadeIn", "off" ); # CD 0016 von MM <20>bernommen, Namen ge<67>ndert
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(count:)([0-9]+)/ ) {
$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT} = $2; # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
} else {
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Alarms($name): Unknown data ($_)");
# MM 0016 end
# CD 0015 nicht mehr vorhandene Alarme l<>schen
if ($lastAlarmCount>$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT}) { # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
for(my $i=$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT}+1;$i<=$lastAlarmCount;$i++) { # CD 0016 ALARMSCOUNT nach {helper} verschoben
fhem( "deletereading $name alarm".$i."_.*" );
# CD 0046 start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# search for LMS alarm id, return FHEM alarm number
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_FindAlarmId( $$ ) {
my ( $hash, $id ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $n=0;
for (my $i=0;$i<=$hash->{helper}{ALARMSCOUNT};$i++) {
if (ReadingsVal($name,"alarm".$i."_id","xxxx") eq $id) {
return $n;
# CD 0046
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# used for checking, if the string contains a valid MAC adress
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_IsValidMAC( $ ) {
my $instr = shift( @_ );
my $d = "[0-9A-Fa-f]";
my $dd = "$d$d";
if( $instr =~ /($dd([:-])$dd(\2$dd){4})/og ) {
if( $instr =~ /^(00[:-]){5}(00)$/) { # CD 0032 00:00:00:00:00:00 is not a valid MAC
return( 0 );
} else {
return( 1 );
} else {
return( 0 );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# used to turn on our server
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_ServerTurnOn( $ ) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $servername;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_ServerTurnOn($name): please implement me" );
fhem( "set $servername on" );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# used to turn on a connected amplifier
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CD 0012 start
sub SB_PLAYER_tcb_DelayAmplifier( $ ) { # CD 0014 Name ge<67>ndert
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
#Log 0,"SB_PLAYER_DelayAmplifier";
# CD 0012 end
sub SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $ ) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( ( $hash->{AMPLIFIER} eq "none" ) ||
( !defined( $defs{$hash->{AMPLIFIER}} ) ) ) {
# amplifier not specified
delete($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERDELAYOFF}) if defined($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERDELAYOFF}); # CD 0012
my $setvalue = "off";
my $delayAmp=0.01; # CD 0043
Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): called" );
if( AttrVal( $name, "amplifier", "play" ) eq "play" ) {
my $thestatus = ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "pause" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): with mode play " .
"and status:$thestatus" );
if( ( $thestatus eq "playing" ) || (( $thestatus eq "paused" ) && ($hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffPause}==0)) ) { # CD 0043 DelayOffPause abfragen
$setvalue = "on";
# CD 0043 start
} elsif(( $thestatus eq "paused" ) && ($hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffPause}>0)) {
$setvalue = "off";
# CD 0043 end
} elsif( $thestatus eq "stopped" ) {
$setvalue = "off";
$delayAmp=$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffStop}; # CD 0043
} else {
$setvalue = "off";
} elsif( AttrVal( $name, "amplifier", "on" ) eq "on" ) {
my $thestatus = ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "off" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): with mode on " .
"and status:$thestatus" );
if( $thestatus eq "on" ) {
$setvalue = "on";
} else {
$setvalue = "off";
$delayAmp=$hash->{helper}{amplifierDelayOffPower}; # CD 0043
} else {
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): ATTR amplifier " .
"set to wrong value [on|play]" );
my $actualState = ReadingsVal( "$hash->{AMPLIFIER}", "state", "off" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): actual:$actualState " .
"and set:$setvalue" );
if ( $actualState ne $setvalue) {
# CD 0012 start - Abschalten <20>ber Attribut verz<72>gern, generell verz<72>gern damit set-Event funktioniert
# my $delayAmp=($setvalue eq "off")?AttrVal( $name, "amplifierDelayOff", 0 ):0.1; # CD 0043 deaktiviert, wird oben behandelt
$delayAmp=0.01 if($delayAmp==0);
if (!defined($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERDELAYOFF})) {
# CD 0043 Timer nicht neu starten wenn Zustand sich nicht ge<67>ndert hat
if ((!defined($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERACTIVETIMER})) || ($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERACTIVETIMER} ne ($actualState.$setvalue))) {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): delaying amplifier on/off by $delayAmp" );
RemoveInternalTimer( "DelayAmplifier:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $delayAmp,
"SB_PLAYER_tcb_DelayAmplifier", # CD 0014 Name ge<67>ndert
0 );
$hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERACTIVETIMER}=$actualState.$setvalue; # CD 0043
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): delay already active" );
# CD 0012 end
fhem( "set $hash->{AMPLIFIER} $setvalue" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): amplifier changed to " .
$setvalue );
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): no amplifier " .
"state change" );
delete($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERDELAYOFF}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERDELAYOFF}));
delete($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERACTIVETIMER}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{AMPLIFIERACTIVETIMER})); # CD 0043
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# update the coverart image
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $ ) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# return if (defined($hash->{helper}{CoverOk}) && ($hash->{helper}{CoverOk} == 1) && ( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} eq "0" )); # CD 0026 added # CD 0027 removed
# CD 0003 fix missing server
if(!defined($hash->{SBSERVER})||($hash->{SBSERVER} eq '?')) {
if ((defined($hash->{IODev})) && (defined($hash->{IODev}->{IP}))) {
$hash->{SBSERVER}=$hash->{IODev}->{IP} . ":" . AttrVal( $hash->{IODev}, "httpport", "9000" );
# CD 0003 end
my $lastCoverartUrl=$hash->{COVERARTURL}; # CD 0013
# compile the link to the album cover
if(( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} eq "0" ) || ($hash->{ARTWORKURL} =~ /imageproxy%2F/)) { # CD 0026 LMS 7.8/7.9
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://" . $hash->{SBSERVER} . "/music/" .
"current/cover_" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 ) .
"x" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 ) .
".jpg?player=$hash->{PLAYERMAC}&x=".int(rand(100000)); # CD 0025 added rand() to force browser refresh
$hash->{helper}{CoverOk}=1; # CD 0026 added
} elsif( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} eq "1" ) { # CD 0017 Abfrage || ( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} == 1 ) entfernt
# CD 0011 <20>berpr<70>fen ob <20>berhaupt eine URL vorhanden ist
if($hash->{ARTWORKURL} ne "?") {
# CD 0034 Abfrage f<>r Spotify und LMS < 7.8, ungetest, #674, KernSani
# CD 0035 Code von KernSani <20>bernommen, #676
if ($hash->{ARTWORKURL} =~ /spotifyimage%2Fspotify/) {
my $cover = "cover.jpg";
my $coverArtWithSize = "cover_".AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 )."x".AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 )."_o.jpg";
$hash->{ARTWORKURL} =~ s/$cover/$coverArtWithSize/g;
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://" . $hash->{SBSERVER} . "/" . uri_unescape($hash->{ARTWORKURL});
} else {
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://www.mysqueezebox.com/public/" .
"imageproxy?u=" . $hash->{ARTWORKURL} .
"&h=" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 ) .
"&w=". AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 );
} else {
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://" . $hash->{SBSERVER} . "/music/" .
$hash->{COVERID} . "/cover_" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 ) .
"x" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 ) . ".jpg";
# CD 0011 Ende
} else {
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://" . $hash->{SBSERVER} . "/music/" .
$hash->{COVERID} . "/cover_" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 ) . # CD 0011 -160206228 durch $hash->{COVERID} ersetzt
"x" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 ) . ".jpg";
# CD 0004, url as reading
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "coverarturl", $hash->{COVERARTURL});
if( ( $hash->{COVERARTLINK} eq "none" ) ||
( !defined( $defs{$hash->{COVERARTLINK}} ) ) ||
( $hash->{COVERARTURL} eq "?" ) ) {
# weblink not specified
} else {
if ($lastCoverartUrl ne $hash->{COVERARTURL}) { # CD 0013 nur bei <20>nderung aktualisieren
fhem( "modify " . $hash->{COVERARTLINK} . " image " .
$hash->{COVERARTURL} );
} # CD 0013
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle the return for a playerstatus query
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus( $$ ) {
my( $hash, $dataptr ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $leftover = "";
my $cur = "";
my $playlistIds = ""; # CD 0014
my $refreshIds=0; # CD 0014
# typically the start index being a number
if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
shift( @{$dataptr} );
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus($name): entry is " .
"not the start number" );
# typically the max index being a number
if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
if($dataptr->[ 0 ]>1) {
$refreshIds=1; # CD 0014
delete($hash->{helper}{playlistUrls}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{playlistUrls})); # CD 0030
shift( @{$dataptr} );
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus($name): entry is " .
"not the end number" );
my $datastr = join( " ", @{$dataptr} );
# replace funny stuff
# CD 0006 all keywords with spaces must be converted here
$datastr =~ s/mixer volume/mixervolume/g;
# CD 0006 replaced mixertreble with mixer treble
$datastr =~ s/mixer treble/mixertreble/g;
$datastr =~ s/mixer bass/mixerbass/g;
$datastr =~ s/mixer pitch/mixerpitch/g;
$datastr =~ s/playlist repeat/playlistrepeat/g;
$datastr =~ s/playlist shuffle/playlistshuffle/g;
$datastr =~ s/playlist index/playlistindex/g;
# CD 0003
$datastr =~ s/playlist mode/playlistmode/g;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus($name): data to parse: " .
$datastr );
my @data1 = split( " ", $datastr );
# the rest of the array should now have the data, we're interested in
# CD 0006 - deaktiviert, SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus kann nur von SB_PLAYER_Parse aufgerufen werden, dort ist readingsBeginUpdate aber bereits aktiv
#readingsBeginUpdate( $hash );
# set default values for stuff not always send
my $oldsyncmaster=$hash->{SYNCMASTER}; # CD 0056
my $oldsyncgroup=$hash->{SYNCGROUP}; # CD 0056
$hash->{SYNCMASTER} = "none";
$hash->{SYNCGROUP} = "none";
$hash->{SYNCMASTERPN} = "none"; # CD 0018
$hash->{SYNCGROUPPN} = "none"; # CD 0018
$hash->{SYNCED} = "no";
$hash->{COVERID} = "?";
$hash->{ARTWORKURL} = "?";
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "0";
# needed for scanning the MAC Adress
my $d = "[0-9A-Fa-f]";
my $dd = "$d$d";
# needed for scanning the IP adress
my $e = "[0-9]";
my $ee = "$e$e";
# CD 0003 start, fix handling of spaces
my @data2;
my $last_d="";
# loop through the results
foreach( @data1 ) {
if( index( $_, ":" ) < 2 ) {
$last_d = $last_d . " " . $_;
if( $last_d ne "" ) {
push @data2,$last_d;
if( $last_d ne "" ) {
push @data2,$last_d;
# CD 0003 end
my $lastId=0; # CD 0030
# loop through the results
foreach( @data2 ) {
my $cur=$_;
if( $cur =~ /^(player_connected:)([0-9]*)/ ) {
if( $2 == "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "connected", $2 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "present" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "connected", $3 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent" );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(player_ip:)(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d{3,5})/ ) {
if( $hash->{PLAYERIP} ne "?" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERIP} = $2;
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(player_name:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $hash->{PLAYERNAME} ne "?" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERNAME} = $2;
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(power:)([0-9\.]*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "on" ); # CD 0041 hinzugef<65>gt
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "on" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
# CD 0042 start
if($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPOWERON) {
RemoveInternalTimer( "TTSStartAfterPowerOn:$name");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 0.01,
0 );
# CD 0042 end
} else {
# CD 0042 start
if(($hash->{helper}{playerStatusOK}==0) && ($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_WAITFORPOWERON)) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 1\n" );
# CD 0042 end
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "off" ); # CD 0041 hinzugef<65>gt
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(signalstrength:)([0-9\.]*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "wired" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "$2" );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(mode:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "play" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $2 eq "stop" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "stopped" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $2 eq "pause" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "paused" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
# unkown
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(sync_master:)($dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd)/ ) {
# CD 0056 <20>berpr<70>fen ob Syncmaster gewechselt hat (passiert z.B. bei stop->play wenn aktueller Syncmaster aus ist)
my $sm=$2;
if ($oldsyncmaster ne "none") {
if ($oldsyncmaster ne $2) {
Log3( $hash, defined($hash->{helper}{ttsOptions}{debug})?0:6, "SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus: $name: Syncmaster changed from $oldsyncmaster to $sm" );
if (defined($oldsyncgroup) && ($oldsyncgroup ne '?') && ($oldsyncmaster ne 'none')) {
my @pl=split(",",$oldsyncgroup.",".$oldsyncmaster);
foreach (@pl) {
if ($hash->{PLAYERMAC} ne $_) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$_ status 0 500 tags:Kcu\n" );
# CD 0056 end
$hash->{SYNCMASTER} = $sm;
$hash->{SYNCED} = "yes";
$hash->{SYNCMASTERPN} = SB_PLAYER_MACToLMSPlayername($hash,$sm); # CD 0018
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(sync_slaves:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{SYNCGROUP} = $2;
# CD 0018 start
my @macs=split(",",$hash->{SYNCGROUP});
my $syncgroup;
foreach ( @macs ) {
my $mac=$_;
my $dev=SB_PLAYER_MACToLMSPlayername($hash,$mac);
$syncgroup.="," if(defined($syncgroup));
if(defined($dev)) {
} else {
if($mac eq $hash->{PLAYERMAC}) {
$syncgroup.=$hash->{PLAYERNAME}; # CD 0055 FIX: PLAYERNAME verwenden
} else {
$hash->{SYNCGROUPPN} = $syncgroup;
# CD 0018 end
# CD 0055 start
if(AttrVal($name, "syncedNamesSource", "LMS") eq "FHEM") {
my @pn=split ',',"$hash->{SYNCMASTERPN},$hash->{SYNCGROUPPN}";
my @players=devspec2array("TYPE=SB_PLAYER");
foreach(@players) {
my $pn=$_;
my $phash=$defs{$_};
if($phash->{PLAYERNAME} ~~ @pn) {
$syncgroup.="," if(defined($syncgroup));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "synced", $syncgroup );
} else {
# CD 0055 end
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "synced", "$hash->{SYNCMASTERPN},$hash->{SYNCGROUPPN}" ); # Matthew 0019 hinzugef<65>gt
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(will_sleep_in:)([0-9\.]*)/ ) {
$hash->{WILLSLEEPIN} = "$2 secs";
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(mixervolume:)(.*)/ ) {
if( ( index( $2, "+" ) != -1 ) || ( index( $2, "-" ) != -1 ) ) {
# that was a relative value. We do nothing and fire an update
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume ?\n" );
} else {
SB_PLAYER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $hash, $2, true );
# CD 0007 start
if((defined($hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume}) && ($hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume} != $2))|| (!defined($hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume}))) {
delete $hash->{helper}{setSyncVolume};
# CD 0007 end
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(playlistshuffle:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "off" );
} elsif( $2 eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "song" );
} elsif( $2 eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "album" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "?" );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(playlistrepeat:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "off" );
} elsif( $2 eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "one" );
} elsif( $2 eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "all" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "?" );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(playlistname:)(.*)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistName", $2 );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(artwork_url:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{ARTWORKURL} = uri_escape( $2 );
#Log 0,"Update Artwork: ".$hash->{ARTWORKURL};
#SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(coverid:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{COVERID} = $2;
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(remote:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = $2;
# CD 0014 start
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(duration:)(.*)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "duration", $2 );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(time:)(.*)/ ) {
delete($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}) if (($hash->{helper}{ttsstate}==TTS_IDLE) && defined($hash->{helper}{saveLocked}));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentTrackPosition", int($2+0.5) ); # CD 0047
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(playlist_tracks:)(.*)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playlistTracks", $2 );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(playlist_cur_index:)(.*)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playlistCurrentTrack", $2+1 );
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(id:)(.*)/ ) {
if($refreshIds==1) {
if($playlistIds) {
} else {
$lastId=$2; # CD 0030
# CD 0030 start
} elsif( $cur =~ /^(url:)(.*)/ ) {
if($refreshIds==1) {
if ($lastId<0) {
# CD 0030 end
# CD 0014 end
} else {
$hash->{helper}{playerStatusOK}=1; # CD 0042
# Matthew 0019 start
if( $hash->{SYNCED} ne "yes") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "synced", "none" );
# Matthew 0019 end
# CD 0003 moved before readingsEndUpdate
# update the cover art
SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash );
# CD 0006 - deaktiviert, SB_PLAYER_ParsePlayerStatus kann nur von SB_PLAYER_Parse aufgerufen werden, dort ist readingsBeginUpdate aber bereits aktiv
#readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# CD 0018 start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert MAC to (LMS) playername
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_MACToLMSPlayername( $$ ) {
my( $hash, $mac ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return $hash->{PLAYERNAME} if($hash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $mac);
my $dev;
foreach my $e ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}} ) {
if(defined($hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}{$e}{MAC})&&($mac eq $hash->{helper}{SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters}{$e}{MAC})) { # 0056 defined hinzugef<65>gt
return $dev;
# CD 0018 end
# CD 0014 start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# estimate elapsed time
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_EstimateElapsedTime( $ ) {
my( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $d=ReadingsVal($name,"duration",0);
# nur wenn duration>0
if(($d ne '?')&&($d>0)) { # CD 0033 check for '?'
# wenn {helper}{elapsedTime} bekannt ist als Basis verwenden
if((defined($hash->{helper}{elapsedTime}))&&($hash->{helper}{elapsedTime}{VAL}>0)) {
} else {
my $dTS=time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($name,"duration",0));
my $n=gettimeofday();
if(($n-$dTS)<=$d) {
} else {
} else {
delete($hash->{helper}{elapsedTime}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{elapsedTime}));
# CD 0014 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# update the volume readings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $$$ ) {
my( $hash, $vol, $bulk ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$vol = int($vol); # MM 0016, Fix wegen AirPlay-Plugin
if( $bulk == true ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "volumeStraight", $vol );
if( $vol > 0 ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "volume", $vol );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "volume", "muted" );
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volumeStraight", $vol, 0 );
if( $vol > 0 ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volume", $vol, 0 );
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volume", "muted", 0 );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set volume of synced players
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_SetSyncedVolume( $$ ) {
my( $hash, $vol ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if (!defined($hash->{SYNCED}) || ($hash->{SYNCED} ne "yes"));
my $sva=AttrVal($name, "syncVolume", undef);
my $t=$hash->{SYNCGROUP}.",".$hash->{SYNCMASTER};
$vol = int($vol); # MM 0016, Fix wegen AirPlay-Plugin
if(defined($sva) && ($sva ne "0") && ($sva ne "1")) {
my @pl=split(",",$t);
my @chlds=devspec2array("TYPE=SB_PLAYER");
foreach (@pl) {
if (($_ ne "?") && ($_ ne $hash->{PLAYERMAC})) {
my $mac=$_;
foreach(@chlds) {
my $chash=$defs{$_};
if(defined($chash) && defined($chash->{PLAYERMAC}) && ($chash->{PLAYERMAC} eq $mac)) {
my $sva2=AttrVal($chash->{NAME}, "syncVolume", undef);
if (defined($sva2) && ($sva eq $sva2)) {
if ($vol>0) { # CD 0010
if(ReadingsVal($chash->{NAME}, "volumeStraight", $vol)!=$vol) {
#Log 0,$chash->{NAME}." setting volume to ".$vol." (from ".$hash->{NAME}.")";
fhem "set ".$chash->{NAME}." volumeStraight ".$vol." x";
# CD 0010 start
} else {
if(ReadingsVal($chash->{NAME}, "volume", "x") ne "muted") {
#Log 0,$chash->{NAME}." muting (from ".$hash->{NAME}.")";
IOWrite( $chash, "$chash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer muting 1\n" );
# CD 0010 end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# load/save player state
# CD 0036
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_PlayerStatefileName($)
my( $name ) = @_;
my $statefile = $attr{global}{statefile};
$statefile = substr $statefile,0,rindex($statefile,'/')+1;
return $statefile ."sbps_$name.dd.save";
sub SB_PLAYER_SavePlayerStates($)
my( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "No saved playlists found" unless(defined($hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState}));
return "No statefile specified" if(!$attr{global}{statefile});
my $statefile = SB_PLAYER_PlayerStatefileName($name);
if(open(FH, ">$statefile")) {
my $t = localtime;
print FH "#$t\n";
my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new([]);
print FH $dumper->Dump;
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_SavePlayerStates: Cannot open $statefile: $!";
Log3 $hash, 1, $msg;
return undef;
sub SB_PLAYER_LoadPlayerStates($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "No statefile specified" if(!$attr{global}{statefile});
my $statefile = SB_PLAYER_PlayerStatefileName($name);
if(open(FH, "<$statefile")) {
my $encoded;
while (my $line = <FH>) {
chomp $line;
next if($line =~ m/^#.*$/);
$encoded .= $line;
return if( !defined($encoded) );
my $decoded = eval $encoded;
$hash->{helper}{savedPlayerState} = $decoded;
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_LoadPlayerStates: no playlists file found";
Log3 undef, 4, $msg;
return undef;
# ##############################################################################
# No PERL code beyond this line
# ##############################################################################
=item device
=item summary control Squeezebox Media Players
=item summary_DE Ansteuerung von Squeezebox Media Playern
=begin html
<a name="SB_PLAYER"></a>
<a name="SBplayerdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SB_PLAYER &lt;player_mac_address&gt; [ampl:&lt;ampl&gt;] [coverart:&lt;coverart&gt;]</code>
This module controls Squeezebox Media Players connected to a defined Logitech Media Server (LMS). A SB_SERVER device is required.<br>
Usually SB_PLAYER devices are created automatically by autocreate.<br><br>
<li><code>&lt;player_mac_address&gt;</code>: Mac address of player as seen by LMS.</li>
<li><code>&lt;[ampl]&gt;</code>: A FHEM device to switch on or off when relevant events are received. The attribute
<a href="#SBplayeramplifier">amplifier</a> specifies whether to switch this device upon reception of on/off or play/pause/stop events.</li>
<li><code>&lt;[coverart]&gt;</code>: A FHEM weblink to be updated with the current coverart.
This may be used to show coverart in a floorplan.</li>
<a name="SBplayerset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;command&gt; [&lt;parameter&gt;]</code>
SB_Player related commands:<br><br>
<li><b>play</b> - start playback (might not work unless previously paused).</li>
<li><b>pause [0|1]</b> - toggle between play and pause states. &ldquo;pause 1&rdquo; and &ldquo;pause 0&rdquo; respectively pause and resume play unconditionally.</li>
<li><b>stop</b> - stop playback</li>
<li><b>next|channelUp</b> - next track</li>
<li><b>prev|channelDown</b> - previous track or the beginning of the current track.</li>
<li><b>mute</b> - toggle mute.</li>
<li><b>volume &lt;n&gt;</b> - set volume to &lt;n&gt;. &lt;n&gt; must be a number between 0 and 100</li>
<li><b>volumeStraight &lt;n&gt;</b> - same as volume</li>
<li><b>volumeDown</b> - reduce the volume by a number of steps given with the attribute volumeStep; default 10 steps</li>
<li><b>volumeUp</b> - increase the volume by a number of steps given with the attribute volumeStep; default 10 steps</li>
<li><b>on</b> - turn player on if possible. Issue play command otherwise.</li>
<li><b>off</b> - turn player off if possible. Issue stop command otherwise.</li>
<li><b>shuffle off|song|album</b> - enable/disable shuffle mode.</li>
<li><b>repeat one|all|off</b> - Set repeat mode.</li>
<li><b>sleep &lt;timespec&gt;</b> - Set player off after &lt;timespec&gt; has expired, fading player volume down. &lt;timespec&gt;'s format is hh:mm:ss.
&lt;timespec&gt; is a relative time specification. That means: <code>set &lt;myPlayer&gt; sleep 22:00:00</code> doesn<73>t switch the player off at 10pm but after 22 hours</li>
<li><b>favorites &lt;favorite&gt;</b> - Empty current playlist and start &lt;favorite&gt;.
&lt;favorite&gt; is a selected favorite from out of the favorite-list. The frontend may make favorites selectable by a dropdown list.</li>
<li><b>talk|sayText &lt;text&gt;</b> - Save the playlist, speak &lt;text&gt; using Google TTS and resume saved playlist.</li>
<li><b>playlist track|album|artist|genre|year &lt;x&gt;</b> - Empty current playlist and play given argument.</li>
<li><b>playlist genre:&lt;genre&gt; artist:&lt;artist&gt; album:&lt;album&gt;</b> - Empty current playlist and play all tracks matching the parameters. A * acts as a wildcard for everything.</li>
<code>set myplayer playlist genre:* artist:Whigfield album:*</code><br><br>
<li><b>playlist play &lt;filename|playlistname&gt;</b> - Empty current playlist and start the track or playlist.</li>
<li><b>playlist add &lt;filename|playlistname&gt;</b> - Add the specified file or playlist at the end of the current playlist.</li>
<li><b>playlist insert &lt;filename|playlistname&gt;</b> - Insert specified file or playlist after the current track into
the current playlist.</li>
<li><b>statusRequest</b> - Update all readings.</li>
<li><b>sync &lt;playerName[,playerName...]&gt; [new|asSlave]</b> - Put playerName(s) into this player's multiroom group. Remove playerName(s) from their existing group(s) if necessary. Options:</li>
<li>new - create a new group, removing this/these player(s) from any group.</li>
<li>asSlave - add this player to a player or existing group</li>
<code>set playerA sync playerB</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;add playerB to playerA's group, both playing the content of playerA<br>
<code>set playerA sync playerB,playerC,playerD</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;add playerB, C and D to playerA's group, all playing the content of playerA<br>
<code>set playerA sync playerB new</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;create a new group with playerA and B, both playing playerA<72>s content<br>
<code>set playerA sync playerB asSlave</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;add playerA to playerB's group, both playing now playerB<72>s content<br><br>
<li><b>unsync</b> - Remove this player from any multiroom group</li>
<li><b>playlists &lt;name&gt;</b> - Empty current playlist and start selected playlist.</li>
<li><b>cliraw &lt;command&gt;</b> - Tell LMS to execute &lt;command&gt; using its command line interface.
The answer of the LMS ist written to the internal LASTANSWER.</li>
<li><b>save [&lt;name&gt;]</b> - Save player state</li>
<li><b>recall [&lt;name&gt;] [options] </b> - Recall a saved player state. Options:</li>
<li>del - delete saved state after restore</li>
<li>delonly - delete saved state without restoring</li>
<li>off - ignore saved power setting, turn player off after restore</li>
<li>on - ignore saved power setting, turn player on after restore</li>
<li>play - ignore saved play state, start playing after restore</li>
<li>stop - ignore saved play state, stop playing after restore</li>
<li><b>show line1:&lt;line1&gt; line2:[&lt;line2&gt;] duration:&lt;duration&gt;</b> - show text on the display of the player for a certain duration.
If no 2. row should be displayed, the command however must contain 'line2:'</li>
<li>line1 - Text to be displayed in the first line</li>
<li>line2 - Text to be displayed in the second line</li>
<li>duration - Duration of display in seconds</li>
<li><b>CurrentTrackPosition &lt;TimePosition&gt;</b> - Sets the current timeposition inside the title to the given value.</li>
<li><b>resetTTS</b> - Resets TTS, can be necessary if the output via Google blocks.</li>
Multiple alarms may be defined.
<li><b>allalarms add &lt;weekdays&gt; &lt;alarm time&gt; [&lt;playlist|URL&gt;]</b> - Add a new alarm</li>
<br>&lt;weekdays&gt; - Active days for this alarm. Format: 0..7|daily|all<br>
0..6 for Sunday (0) through Saturday (6), 7 for every day<br>
The first two letters of the english or german names may be used to specify days instead of a single digit. (Su/So, Mo, Tu/Di, We/Mi, Th/Do, Fr, Sa)<br>
&lt;alarm time&gt; Alarm time specified as hh:mm[:ss]<br>&lt;playlist|URL&gt; If this parameter in not set, the playlist CURRENT is used.<br><br>
<code>set player allalarms add 1DiWe 06:30 AlarmPlaylist</code> - Add a new alarm to sound playlist AlarmPlaylist every Monday through Wednesday at 06:30<br><br>
<li><b>allalarms enable|disable</b> - Set global enable/disable flag. Setting this to "disable" effectively
turns off all alarms. Setting this to "enable" allows alarms to honor their individual flags.
Identical to command alarmsEnabled on|off.</li>
<li><b>allalarms delete</b> - Delete all alarms.</li>
<li><b>allalarms statusRequest</b> - Update status of all alarms.</li>
<li><b>alarmsSnooze &lt;minutes&gt;</b> - Set duration of any snooze in minutes.</li>
<li><b>alarmsTimeout &lt;minutes&gt;</b> - Set duration of alarms in minutes. Setting this to 0 will disable the automatic timeout.</li>
<li><b>alarmsDefaultVolume &lt;vol&gt;</b> - Set default volume level (0-100) of alarms. This can be overridden by individual levels per alarm.</li>
<li><b>alarmsFadeIn on|off</b> - Whether alarms should fade in on this player</li>
<li><b>alarmsEnabled on|off</b> - Whether any alarm can sound on this player. Set to off to prevent any alarm from sounding; on to allow them to sound</li>
<li><b>snooze</b> - Switch off a running alarm and start again after a certain time, defined by the reading alarmsSnooze.</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; delete</b> - Delete alarm &lt;X&gt;</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; volume &lt;n&gt;</b> - Set volume for alarm &lt;X&gt; to &lt;n&gt;</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; enable|disable</b> - Enable or disable alarm &lt;X&gt;</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; sound &lt;playlist|URL&gt;</b> - Define playlist or URL to be sounded by alarm &lt;X&gt;</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; repeat 0|off|no|1|on|yes</b> - Specify one-shot or repeating alarm</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; wdays &lt;weekdays&gt;</b> - Specify active days for alarm &lt;X&gt;. Format: 0..7|daily|all<br>
0..6 for Sunday (0) through Saturday (6), 7 for every day<br>
The first two letters of the english or german names may be used to specify days instead of a single digit. (Su/So, Mo, Tu/Di, We/Mi, Th/Do, Fr, Sa)</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; time hh:mm[:ss]</b> - Define alarm time</li>
<a name="SBplayerattr"></a>
<li>IODev &lt;servername&gt;<br>
FHEM-Name of the SB_SERVER device controlling this player.</li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a> true|false<br>
Disable FileLog/notify/inform notification for a device. This affects the received signal, the set and trigger commands.
Possible values are true|false</li>
<li><a name="SBplayeramplifier">amplifier</a> on|play<br>
Configure trigger for amplifier device. Possible values:
<li><code>on</code>: Switch on "on" and "off" events.</li>
<li><code>play</code>: Switch on "play", "pause" and "stop" events.</li>
<li>amplifierDelayOff &lt;sec1&gt;[,&lt;sec2&gt;]<br>
Delay in seconds before turning the amplifier off after the player has stopped or been turned off. A second comma separated delay optionally enables switching off the amplifier after receiving a pause event.</li>
<li>coverartheight 50|100|200<br>Display the coverart with a height of 50, 100 or 200 pixels</li>
<li>coverartwidth 50|100|200<br>Display the coverart with a width of 50, 100 or 200 pixels</li>
<li><a href="#event-on-change-reading">event-on-change-reading</a> &lt;expression&gt;<br><br>
<code>attr &lt;playername&gt; event-on-change-reading currentAlbum, currentArtist, currentTitle</code><br>
Only changes in the readings currentAlbum, currentArtist, currentTitle cause an event.</li><br>
<li>fadeinsecs &lt;sec1&gt;[,&lt;sec2&gt;]<br>
Fade-in period in seconds. A second comma separated value optionally specifies the period to use on unpause.</li>
<li>idismac true|false<br>
Determines if the MAC-adress should be the unique identifier</li>
<li>statusRequestInterval &lt;sec&gt;<br>
Interval in seconds for automatic status requests. Default: 300</li>
<li>syncedNamesSource FHEM|LMS<br>
Determines if the synced reading contains the LMS or FHEM names of the players</li>
<li>syncVolume 0|1<br>
Defines whether the loudness of this player is synchronized with the other players of its group</li>
<li>ttsAPIKey &lt;API-key&gt;<br>
For the use of T2Speech from the company VoiceRSS (voicerss.org) an API-key is needed. Not needed with Google<6C>s T2Speech.</li>
<li>ttsDelay &lt;sec1&gt;[,&lt;sec2&gt;]<br>
Delay in seconds before starting text to speech playback. A second comma separated delay may optionally be given to be used if the player is off.</li>
<li>ttslanguage de|en|fr<br>
Specifies the language of the voice output. A complete list of available languages using Google<6C>s TTS can be found at wikipedia.org.</li>
<li>ttslink &lt;link&gt;<br>
Enter the link to the TTS-Funktion. Google, VoiceRSS and <20>with reservations- Text2Speech are supported.<br><br>
Example of using Google<6C>s TTS:<br>
<code>attr &lt;playername&gt; ttslink http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=&lt;LANG&gt;&q=&lt;TEXT&gt;&client=tw-ob</code></li><br>
<li>ttsMP3FileDir &lt;directory&gt;<br>
Directory to be used by default for text-embedded MP3-Files.</li><br>
<code>attr &lt;SB_device&gt; ttsMP3FileDir /volume1/music/sounds</code><br><br>
<li>ttsOptions &lt;options&gt;<br>various options, comma-separated, for TTS-output.
<li>debug - Write additional information into the FHEM-logfile</li>
<li>debugsaverestore - Additional information about loading/saving of player<65>s status are written into the logfile</li>
<li>nosaverestore - Do not save and restore the status of the player, thereby the normal playing stops after using TTS.</li>
<li>forcegroupon - Switch on all players of the group.</li>
<li>ignorevolumelimit - Ignore the attribute volumeLimit while using TTS-output</li>
<li>doubleescape - Alternative encoding for letters with accents</li>
<li>ttsPrefix &lt;text&gt;<br>
Text prepended to every text to speech output</li>
<li>ttsVolume &lt;value&gt;<br>
Volume for text to speech. Defaults to current volume. If the attribute <code>ttsoptions</code> contains <code>ignorevolumelimit</code>
any volume limit will be ignored for text to speech. Possible values: 0-100</li>
<li>updateReadingsOnSet true|false<br>
If set to true, most readings are immediately updated when a set command is executed without waiting for a reply from the server.</li>
<li>volumeLimit &lt;value&gt;<br>
Upper limit for volume setting by FHEM.</li>
<li>volumeStep &lt;value&gt;<br>
Sets the volume adjustment to a granularity given by &lt;value&gt;. Possible values: 1<>100. Default value: 10</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SB_PLAYER"></a>
<a name="SBplayerdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SB_PLAYER &lt;player_mac_address&gt; [ampl:&lt;ampl&gt;] [coverart:&lt;coverart&gt;]</code>
Dieses Modul steuert Squeezebox-Player, die mit einem bereits definiertem
Logitech Media Server (LMS) verbunden sind. Ein SB_SERVER-Device ist erforderlich.
Normalerweise wird das SB_PLAYER Device automatisch durch autocreate erzeugt.<br><br>
<li><code>&lt;player_mac_address&gt;</code>: Die MAC-Adresse, wie der LMS den Player sieht.</li>
<li><code>&lt;[ampl]&gt;</code>: Ein FHEM-Device welches ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden soll, wenn
ein passendes Event empfangen wird. Das Attribut
<a href="#SBplayeramplifier">amplifier</a> gibt an, ob das passende Event on/off oder play/pause sein soll.</li>
<li><code>&lt;[coverart]&gt;</code>: Unter &lt;coverart&gt; gibt man den Namen eines FHEM weblink image
Elementes an. Der Player aktualisiert dann jeweils den Link auf das aktuelle Coverart Bild, so dass
man dieses z.B. im Floorplan anzeigen kann.</li>
<a name="SBplayerset"></a>
<code>set &lt;Name&gt; &lt;Befehl&gt; [&lt;Parameter&gt;]</code>
Befehle zur Steuerung des Players:<br><br>
<li><b>play</b> - Startet die Wiedergabe (Es kann sein, dass die Wiedergabe nicht funktioniert,
wenn kein pause-Befehl vorangegangen ist).</li>
<li><b>pause [0|1]</b> - Schaltet zwischen play und pause hin und her (Toggle-Funktion).
&ldquo;pause 1&rdquo; und &ldquo;pause 0&rdquo; schaltet bedingungslos auf Pause resp. Wiedergabe.</li>
<li><b>stop</b> - Stoppt die Wiedergabe</li>
<li><b>next|channelUp</b> - Springt zum n&auml;chsten Track</li>
<li><b>prev|channelDown</b> - Springt zum vorherigen Track bzw. zum Anfang des gegenw&auml;rtig gespielten Tracks.</li>
<li><b>mute</b> - Toggelt die Lautst&auml;rke stumm und wieder zur&uuml;ck.</li>
<li><b>volume &lt;n&gt;</b> - Stellt die Lautst&auml;rke auf einen Wert &lt;n&gt; ein. Dabei muss &lt;n&gt;
eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 100 sein.</li>
<li><b>volumeStraight &lt;n&gt;</b> - mit volume identisch</li>
<li><b>volumeDown</b> - Verringert die Lautst&auml;rke um eine bestimmte Anzahl von Schritten die mit dem Attribut
<a href="#SBplayervolumeStep">volumeStep</a> vorgegeben werden. Wird nichts vorgegeben, werden 10 Schritte verwendet</li>
<li><b>volumeUp</b> - Erh&ouml;ht die Lautst&auml;rke um eine bestimmte Anzahl von Schritten, die mit dem Attribut
<a href="#SBplayervolumeStep">volumeStep</a> vorgegeben werden. Wird nichts vorgegeben, werden 10 Schritte verwendet</li>
<li><b>on</b> - Schaltet den Player ein. Ist das nicht m&ouml;glich, wird ein play-Befehl gesendet.</li>
<li><b>off</b> - Schaltet den Player aus. Ist das nicht m&ouml;glich, wird ein stop-Befehl gesendet.</li>
<li><b>shuffle off|song|album</b> - Schaltet die zuf&auml;llige Wiedergabe aus (off); f&uuml;r Songs einer Wiedergabeliste (song)
ein oder f&uuml;r eine Liste von Alben ein(album).</li>
<li><b>repeat one|all|off</b> - Schaltet die Wiederholung von Tracks einer Wiedergabeliste aus (off), f&uuml;r ein Track
ein (one) oder f&uuml;r alle St&uuml;cke der Wiedergabeliste ein (all).</li>
<li><b>sleep &lt;timespec&gt;</b> - Dauer, nach der sich der Player ausschalten soll,
Format hh:mm[:ss]. Bei der Zeitangabe handelt es sich um eine relative Zeitangabe ab
dem Aufruf. Das bedeutet:
<code>set &lt;myPlayer&gt; sleep 22:00:00</code> schaltet den Player nicht um 10 Uhr abends aus,
sondern erst 22 Stunden nach dem Aufruf!</li>
<li><b>favorites &lt;favorite&gt;</b> - L&ouml;scht die aktuelle Wiedergabeliste und startet den Favoriten &lt;favorite&gt;.
&lt;favorite&gt; ist der ausgew&auml;hlte Favorit aus einer Favoritenliste. Das Frontend kann eine
Dropdownliste zur Verf&uuml;gung stellen, aus der der Favorit ausgew&auml;hlt werden kann.</li>
<li><b>talk|sayText &lt;text&gt;</b> - Speichert den aktuellen Stand der Playlist, sagt den Text
&lt;text&gt; unter Zuhilfenahme von GoogleTTS oder VoiceRSS an und setzt die Wiedergabe ab dem
gespeicherten Punkt fort.</li>
<li><b>playlist track|album|artist|genre|year &lt;x&gt;</b> - L&ouml;scht die aktuelle Wiedergabeliste
und gibt das vorgegebene Argument &lt;x&gt; wieder.</li>
<li><b>playlist genre:&lt;genre&gt; artist:&lt;artist&gt; album:&lt;album&gt;</b> -
L&ouml;scht die aktuelle Wiedergabeliste und gibt alle Tracks wieder, die den angegebenen Kriterien entsprechen.
Ein * steht f&uuml;r beliebige Angaben.</li>
<code>set myplayer playlist genre:* artist:Whigfield album:*</code><br><br>
<li><b>playlist play &lt;filename|playlistname&gt;</b> - L&ouml;scht die aktuelle Wiedergabeliste und
startet die Wiedergabe eines Track oder einer Playlist.</li>
<li><b>playlist add &lt;filename|playlistname&gt;</b> - H&auml;ngt die angegebene Datei oder Playlist
an das Ende der aktuellen Playlist an.</li>
<li><b>playlist insert &lt;filename|playlistname&gt;</b> - F&uuml;gt die angegebene Datei oder Playlist
hinter der aktuellen Datei oder Playlist in der aktuellen Playlist ein.</li>
<li><b>statusRequest</b> - Aktualisierung aller Readings.</li>
<li><b>sync &lt;playerName[,playerName...]&gt; [new|asSlave]</b> - F&uuml;gt den/die Player mit dem/den Namen
&lt;playerName&gt; der Multiroom-Gruppe desjenigen Players hinzu, der diesen Befehl aufgerufen hat;
entfernt aber bei Bedarf den Player &lt;playerName&gt; aus seiner bisherigen Gruppe.<br>Optionen:</li>
<li>new - Bildet eine neue Gruppe und entfernt den/die Player aus seiner/ihren bisherigen Gruppe/n</li>
<li>asSlave - F&uuml;gt diesen Player zu einem anderen Player oder einer vorhandenen Gruppe hinzu.</li>
<code>set playerA sync playerB</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F&uuml;gt PlayerB der Gruppe von PlayerA hinzu;
beide geben den Inhalt von PlayerA wieder.<br>
<code>set playerA sync playerB,playerC,playerD</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F&uuml;gt PlayerB, C and D der
Gruppe von PlayerA hinzu; alle geben den Inhalt von PlayerA wieder.<br>
<code>set playerA sync playerB new</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bildet eine neue Gruppe mit PlayerA
und PlayerB, beide geben den Inhalt von PlayerA wieder.<br>
<code>set playerA sync playerB asSlave</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F&uuml;gt PlayerA der Gruppe von
PlayerB hinzu; beide geben den Inhalt von PlayerB wieder.<br><br>
<li><b>unsync</b> - Entfernt diesen Player aus allen Multiroom-Gruppen</li>
<li><b>playlists &lt;name&gt;</b> - L&ouml;scht die aktuelle Playlist und startet die ausgew&auml;hlte Playlist.</li>
<li><b>cliraw &lt;command&gt;</b> - Kann direkte Befehle an das CLI Interface schicken. Die Antwort
steht dann im Internal LASTANSWER.</li>
<li><b>save [&lt;name&gt;]</b> - Speichert den derzeitigen Player-Status unter dem Namen &lt;name&gt;.</li>
<li><b>recall [&lt;name&gt;] [options] </b> - Ruft einen gespeicherten Player-Status auf.<br>Optionen:</li>
<li>del - L&ouml;scht nach dem Restore den gespeicherten Status</li>
<li>delonly - L&ouml;scht den gespeicherten Status ohne vorherigem Restore</li>
<li>off - Beachtet die gespeicherten Einstellungen zum Betriebszustand nicht
sondern schaltet den Player nach Restore aus.</li>
<li>on - Beachtet die gespeicherten Einstellungen zum Betriebszustand nicht
sondern schaltet den Player nach Restore ein.</li>
<li>play - Beachtet den gespeicherten play-Status nicht sondern startet die Wiedergabe nach Restore.</li>
<li>stop - Beachtet den gespeicherten play-Status nicht sondern stoppt die Wiedergabe nach Restore.</li>
<li><b>show line1:&lt;text1&gt; line2:[&lt;text2&gt;] duration:&lt;duration&gt;</b> - Zeigt
einen beliebigen Text auf dem Display f&uuml;r eine vorgegebene Dauer an. Wenn keine 2. Zeile
angezeigt werden sollen, muss trotzdem 'line2:' im Aufruf enthalten sein</li>
<li>text1 - Inhalt der ersten Zeile</li>
<li>text2 - Inhalt der zweiten Zeile</li>
<li>duration - Dauer der Anzeige auf dem Display in Sekunden</li>
<li><b>CurrentTrackPosition &lt;TimePosition&gt;</b> - Setzt die Abspielposition innerhalb des
Liedes auf den angegebenen Zeitwert (z.B. 0:01:15).</li>
<li><b>resetTTS</b> - TTS zur&uuml;cksetzen, kann n&ouml;tig sein wenn die Ausgabe <20>ber Google h&auml;ngt.</li>
<br>Befehlsliste zur Steuerung der Wecker, mehrere Wecker k&ouml;nnen definiert werden.<br><br>
<li><b>allalarms add &lt;weekdays&gt; &lt;alarm time&gt; [&lt;playlist|URL&gt;]</b> - F&uuml;gt einen neuen Wecker hinzu.</li>
<br>&lt;weekdays&gt; - Aktive Tage f&uuml;r diesen Wecker. Format: [0..7|daily|all]
0 bis 6 f&uuml;r Sonntag bis Samstag. 7, daily und all f&uuml;r t&auml;gliches Wecken.
Die Wochentage k&ouml;nnen ebenfalls durch die ersten zwei Buchstaben des
Wochentages sowohl in deutscher und englischer Sprache angegeben werden
(Su/So, Mo, Tu/Di, We/Mi, Th/Do, Fr, Sa).<br><br>
&lt;alarm time&gt; Weckzeit im Format hh:mm[:ss]<br>
&lt;playlist|URL&gt; Weckton, wenn dieser Parameter nicht gesetzt wird, wird die aktuelle Playlist verwendet.<br><br>
<code>set player allalarms add 1DiWe 06:30 AlarmPlaylist</code> - F&uuml;gt einen
neuen Wecker hinzu. Der Wecker startet jeden Montag bis Mittwoch um 6:30 Uhr
und spielt die Playlist AlarmPlaylist ab.<br><br>
<li><b>allalarms enable|disable</b> - Setzt das globale einable/disable Flag f&uuml;r alle Wecker.
"disable" deaktiviert alle Wecker. <20>enable" gestattet allen
Weckern sich nach den individuellen Flags zu richten. Identisch mit dem Befehl alarmsEnabled on|off.</li>
<li><b>allalarms delete</b> - L&ouml;scht alle Wecker.</li>
<li><b>allalarms statusRequest</b> - Aktualisiert den Zustand aller Wecker.</li>
<li><b>alarmsSnooze &lt;minutes&gt;</b> - Setzt die Dauer der Weckwiederholung (in Minuten).</li>
<li><b>alarmsTimeout &lt;minutes&gt;</b> - Bestimmt, wie lange ein Wecker l&auml;uft
bevor er automatisch beendet wird. Ist der Wert 0, l&auml;uft der Wecker, bis er manuell beendet wird.</li>
<li><b>alarmsDefaultVolume &lt;vol&gt;</b> - Legt die generelle Lautst&auml;rke (0-100) f&uuml;r den Wecker fest.
Dieser Wert kann durch eine individuelle Lautst&auml;rkeangabe je Alarm &uuml;berschrieben werden (siehe auch
<a href="#SBplayeralarmxvolume">alarm&lt;X&gt; volume &lt;n&gt;</a>)</li>
<li><b>alarmsFadeIn on|off</b> - Schaltet fadeIn f&uuml;r die Wecker ein (on) oder aus (off)</li>
<li><b>alarmsEnabled on|off</b> - Gibt an, ob die eingetragenen Wecker &uuml;berhaupt abgespielt
werden sollen (on) oder nicht (off).</li>
<li><b>snooze</b> - Schaltet einen gerade laufenden Wecker aus und nach einer durch
das Reading alarmsSnooze definierten Zeit wieder ein..</li>
Befehle f&uuml;r einzelne Wecker (X entspricht der Nummer des Weckers)
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; delete</b> - L&ouml;scht den Wecker &lt;X&gt; aus der Weckerliste.</li>
<li><b><a name="SBplayeralarmxvolume">alarm&lt;X&gt; volume &lt;n&gt;</a></b> - Stellt
die Lautst&auml;rke des Weckers &lt;X&gt; auf den Wert &lt;n&gt;.</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; enable|disable</b> - Aktiviert bzw. deaktiviert den Wecker &lt;X&gt;</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; sound &lt;playlist|URL&gt;</b> - Bestimmt eine Playlist oder URL, die
beim Wecker &lt;X&gt; abgespielt werden soll.</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; repeat 0|off|no|1|on|yes</b> - Bestimmt, ob Wecker &lt;X&gt; einmalig
(0|off|no) oder mehrfach (1|on|yes) ausgel&ouml;st werden soll.</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; wdays &lt;weekdays&gt;</b> - Aktive Tage f&uuml;r diesen Wecker.
&lt;weekdays&gt; hat die m&ouml;glichen Inhalte 0 bis 6 f&uuml;r Sonntag bis Samstag, 7,
daily und all f&uuml;r t&auml;gliches Wecken. Die Wochentage k&ouml;nnen ebenfalls durch die ersten
zwei Buchstaben des Wochentages sowohl in deutscher und englischer Sprache angegeben
werden (Su/So, Mo, Tu/Di, We/Mi, Th/Do, Fr, Sa).</li>
<li><b>alarm&lt;X&gt; time hh:mm[:ss]</b> - Weckzeit im Format hh:mm[:ss].</li>
<a name="SBplayerattr"></a>
<li>IODev &lt;servername&gt;<br>
FHEM-Name des SB_SERVERS.</li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a> true|false<br>
Mit diesem Attribut kann man einstellen, ob der Player ein FHEM Notify bei jeder &auml;nderung eines Readings lostritt oder nicht.</li>
<li><a name="SBplayeramplifier">amplifier</a> on|play<br>
Gibt an, mit welcher Funktion ein zuschaltbarer Verst&auml;rkers eingeschaltet werden soll, entweder bei einem
Einschaltvorgang (on) oder bei einen Startvorgang zum Abspielen eines Files (play).
<li>amplifierDelayOff &lt;sec1&gt;[,&lt;sec2&gt;]<br>
Stellt eine Verz&ouml;gerung zwischen dem Ausschaltvorgang des Players und des Verst&auml;rkers in Sekunden ein.
Wird eine optionale zweite Zeit durch Komma getrennt angegeben, so wird diese bei Pause verwendet. Fehlt
die zweite Zeitangabe, wird bei Pause nicht abgeschaltet.</li>
<li>coverartheight 50|100|200<br>Stellt das Cover mit einer vertikalen Aufl&ouml;sung von 50, 100 oder 200 Pixel dar.</li>
<li>coverartwidth 50|100|200<br>Stellt das Cover mit einer horizontalen Aufl&ouml;sung von 50, 100 oder 200 Pixel dar.</li>
<li><a href="#event-on-change-reading">event-on-change-reading</a> &lt;expression&gt;<br>Wird <a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a>
auf false gesetzt, veranlasst jede &Auml;nderung eines Readings ein Notify. Mit diesem Attribut k&ouml;nnen
ausl&ouml;sende Ereignisse gefiltert werden.<br><br>
<code>attr &lt;playername&gt; event-on-change-reading currentAlbum, currentArtist, currentTitle</code><br>
Nur &auml;nderungen der Readings currentAlbum, currentArtist, currentTitle erzeugen Events.</li><br>
<li>fadeinsecs &lt;sec1&gt;[,&lt;sec2&gt;]<br>
Fade in f&uuml;r Beginn von Playlisten und neuen Soundfiles. Bezeichnet die Dauer des Vorganges, in der die
Lautst&auml;rke auf den vorgegebenen Wert ansteigt und wird in Sekunden angegeben. Ein zweiter, durch Komma
getrennter optionaler Wert, gibt die Dauer des Fadein beim Verlassen des Pausenzustandes an.</li>
<li>idismac true|false<br>
Soll die MAC-Adresse des Players als ID genommen werden, muss true (default) eingetragen werden, sonst false.</li>
<li>statusRequestInterval &lt;sec&gt;<br>
Aktualisierungsintervall der automatischen Status-Abfrage. Default: 300</li>
<li>syncedNamesSource FHEM|LMS<br>
Legt fest ob die FHEM-Ger&auml;tenamen oder die LMS-Namen der Player im synced-Reading verwendet werden.</li>
<li>syncVolume 0|1<br>
Legt fest ob die Lautst&auml;rke des Players mit anderen Playern aus der Gruppe synchronisiert wird.</li>
<li>ttsAPIKey &lt;API-key&gt;<br>
F&uuml;r die Benutzung von T2Speech der Firma VoiceRSS (voicerss.org) ist ein API-Key erforderlich.
F&uuml;r Googles T2Speech ist kein Key notwendig.</li>
<li>ttsDelay &lt;sec1&gt;[,&lt;sec2&gt;]<br>
Wartezeit in Sekunden bevor die TTS-Ausgabe gestartet wird. Optional kann eine 2. Zeit durch
Komma getrennt angegeben werden. In diesem Fall wird die 1. Zeit verwendet wenn der Player
eingeschaltet ist und die 2. wenn er ausgeschaltet ist.</li>
<li>ttslanguage de|en|fr<br>
Stellt die gew&uuml;nschte Sprache f&uuml;r die Text-to-Speech Funktion ein. Eine vollst&auml;ndige Liste
der verf&uuml;gbaren Sprachen findet sich in wikipedia.org</li>
<li>ttslink &lt;link&gt;<br>
Link zur TTS-Funktion. Unterst&uuml;tzt werden: Google, VoiceRSS (API-Key wird ben&ouml;tigt) und mit Einschr&auml;nkungen Text2Speech.<br><br>
Beispiel f&uuml;r Google<6C>s TTS:<br>
<code>attr &lt;playername&gt; ttslink http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=&lt;LANG&gt;&q=&lt;TEXT&gt;&client=tw-ob</code></li><br>
<li>ttsMP3FileDir &lt;directory&gt;<br>
Standard-Verzeichnis f&uuml;r Musik- und Sprachdateien (z.B. Gong, Sirene, Ansagen,...)
im mp3-Format, die beim TTS eingebunden werden sollen.</li><br>
<code>attr &lt;SB_device&gt; ttsMP3FileDir /volume1/music/sounds</code><br><br>
<li>ttsOptions &lt;Optionen&gt;<br>Verschiedene durch Komma getrennte Optionen f&uuml;r die TTS-Ausgabe.
<li>debug - Schreibt zus&auml;tzliche Meldungen zum TTS ins Log.</li>
<li>debugsaverestore - Schreibt zus&auml;tzliche Meldungen zum Speichern/Laden des Playerzustandes ins Log.</li>
<li>nosaverestore - Zustand des Players nicht sichern und wiederherstellen, dadurch stoppt die Wiedergabe nach Abspielen des TTS.</li>
<li>forcegroupon - Player in der Gruppe werden eingeschaltet.</li>
<li>ignorevolumelimit - Attribut volumeLimit f&uuml;r die TTS-Ausgabe ignorieren</li>
<li>doubleescape - alternative Codierung der Sonderzeichen</li>
<li>ttsPrefix &lt;text&gt;<br>
Text, der vor jede TTS-Ausgabe gehangen wird</li>
<li>ttsVolume &lt;value&gt;<br>
Lautst&auml;rke f&uuml;r die TTS-Ausgabe. Standardwert ist die gegenw&auml;rtige Lautst&auml;rke. Wenn das Attribut
ttsOption ignorevolumelimit angegeben worden ist, wird das eingestellte Lautst&auml;rkelimit bei
TTS nicht beachtet.</li>
<li>updateReadingsOnSet true|false<br>
Wird ein Befehl ausgef&uuml;hrt, werden die Readings erst aktualisiert, wenn die Antwort des LMS eintrifft.
Ist dieses Attribut auf true gesetzt, wird die Antwort nicht abgewartet, sondern die Readings werden
soweit wie m&ouml;glich sofort aktualisiert.</li>
<li>volumeLimit &lt;value&gt;<br>
Oberer Grenzwert zur Lautst&auml;rkeeinstellung durch FHEM.</li>
<li>volumeStep &lt;value&gt;<br>
Hier wird die Granularit&auml;t der Lautst&auml;rkeregelung festgelegt. Default ist 10</li>
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