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# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use HttpUtils;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday time);
use Scalar::Util;
sub VolumeLink_Initialize($$) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "VolumeLink_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "VolumeLink_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "VolumeLink_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = 'VolumeLink_Attr';
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,0 "
."ampInputReading "
."ampInputReadingVal "
."ampVolumeReading "
."ampVolumeCommand "
."ampMuteReading "
."ampMuteReadingOnVal "
."ampMuteReadingOffVal "
."ampMuteCommand "
."volumeRegexPattern "
."muteRegexPattern "
."httpNoShutdown:1,0 "
sub VolumeLink_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Wrong syntax: use define <name> VolumeLink <interval> <url> <ampDevice> [<timeout> [<httpErrorLoglevel> [<httpLoglevel>]]]" if(int(@a) < 5);
return "Wrong syntax: <interval> is not a number!" if(!looks_like_number($a[2]));
return "Wrong syntax: <interval> too small, must be at least 0.01" if($a[2] < 0.01);
return "Wrong syntax: <timeout> is not a number!" if($a[5] && !looks_like_number($a[5]));
return "Wrong syntax: <timeout> too small, must be at least 0.01" if($a[5] && $a[5] < 0.01);
return "Wrong syntax: <ampDevice> not defined! Define '$a[4]' first." if(!defined$defs{$a[4]});
my $name = $a[0];
%$hash = ( %$hash,
STARTED => $hash->{STARTED} || 0,
interval => $a[2],
url => $a[3],
ampDevice => $a[4],
timeout => $a[5] || 0.5,
httpErrorLoglevel => $a[6] || 4,
httpLoglevel => $a[7] || 5,
httpNoShutdown => ( defined($attr{$name}->{httpNoShutdown}) ) ? $attr{$name}->{httpNoShutdown} : 1,
volumeRegexPattern => $attr{$name}->{volumeRegexPattern} || 'current":\s*(\d+)',
muteRegexPattern => $attr{$name}->{muteRegexPattern} || 'muted":\s*(\w+|\d+)',
ampInputReading => ( defined($attr{$name}->{ampInputReading}) ) ? $attr{$name}->{ampInputReading} : 'currentTitle',
ampInputReadingVal => ( defined($attr{$name}->{ampInputReadingVal}) ) ? $attr{$name}->{ampInputReadingVal} : 'SPDIF-Wiedergabe|^$',
ampVolumeReading => $attr{$name}->{ampVolumeReading} || 'Volume',
ampVolumeCommand => $attr{$name}->{ampVolumeCommand} || 'Volume',
ampMuteReading => $attr{$name}->{ampMuteReading} || 'Mute',
ampMuteReadingOnVal => ( defined($attr{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOnVal}) ) ? $attr{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOnVal} : 1,
ampMuteReadingOffVal => ( defined($attr{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOffVal}) ) ? $attr{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOffVal} : 0,
ampMuteCommand => $attr{$name}->{ampMuteCommand} || 'Mute'
$hash->{httpParams} = {
fastRetryInterval => 0.1,
hash => $hash,
url => $hash->{url},
timeout => $hash->{timeout},
noshutdown => $hash->{httpNoShutdown},
loglevel => $hash->{httpLoglevel},
errorLoglevel => $hash->{httpErrorLoglevel},
method => 'GET',
callback => \&VolumeLink_ReceiveCommand
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'state','off',1) if($hash->{STARTED} == 0 && ReadingsVal($name,'state','') ne 'off');
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Defined with interval:$hash->{interval}, url:$hash->{url}, timeout:$hash->{timeout}, ampDevice:$hash->{ampDevice}";
return undef;
sub VolumeLink_Undef($$) {
my ($hash,$arg) = @_;
$hash->{STARTED} = 0;
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "$hash->{NAME}: STOPPED";
return undef;
sub VolumeLink_Set($@) {
my ($hash,@a) = @_;
return "\"set $hash->{NAME}\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 );
my ($name,$setName,$setVal) = @a;
if (AttrVal($name, "disable", 0)) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: set called with $setName but device is disabled" if ($setName ne "?");
return undef;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: set called with $setName " . ($setVal ? $setVal : "") if ($setName ne "?");
if($setName !~ /on|off/) {
return "Unknown argument $setName, choose one of on:noArg off:noArg";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "VolumeLink: set $name $setName";
if ($setName eq 'on') {
if($hash->{STARTED} == 0) {
$hash->{STARTED} = 1;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: STARTED";
elsif ($setName eq 'off') {
if($hash->{STARTED} == 1) {
$hash->{STARTED} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: STOPPED";
return undef;
sub VolumeLink_Attr(@) {
my ($cmd,$name,$attr_name,$attr_value) = @_;
if($cmd eq "set") {
if($attr_name eq "disable" && $attr_value == 1) {
CommandSet(undef, $name.' off');
$defs{$name}->{ampInputReading} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampInputReading');
$defs{$name}->{ampInputReadingVal} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampInputReadingVal');
$defs{$name}->{ampVolumeReading} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampVolumeReading');
$defs{$name}->{ampVolumeCommand} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampVolumeCommand');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteReading} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteReading');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOnVal} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteReadingOnVal');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOffVal} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteReadingOffVal');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteCommand} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteCommand');
$defs{$name}->{volumeRegexPattern} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'volumeRegexPattern');
$defs{$name}->{muteRegexPattern} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'muteRegexPattern');
$defs{$name}->{httpNoShutdown} = $attr_value if($attr_name eq 'httpNoShutdown');
if($attr_name eq 'httpNoShutdown') {
$defs{$name}->{httpNoShutdown} = $attr_value;
$defs{$name}->{httpParams}->{noshutdown} = $defs{$name}->{httpNoShutdown};
elsif($cmd eq "del") {
$defs{$name}->{ampInputReading} = 'currentTitle' if($attr_name eq 'ampInputReading');
$defs{$name}->{ampInputReadingVal} = 'SPDIF-Wiedergabe|^$' if($attr_name eq 'ampInputReadingVal');
$defs{$name}->{ampVolumeReading} = 'Volume' if($attr_name eq 'ampVolumeReading');
$defs{$name}->{ampVolumeCommand} = 'Volume' if($attr_name eq 'ampVolumeCommand');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteReading} = 'Mute' if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteReading');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOnVal} = 1 if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteReadingOnVal');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteReadingOffVal} = 0 if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteReadingOffVal');
$defs{$name}->{ampMuteCommand} = 'Mute' if($attr_name eq 'ampMuteCommand');
$defs{$name}->{volumeRegexPattern} = 'current":\s*(\d+)' if($attr_name eq 'volumeRegexPattern');
$defs{$name}->{muteRegexPattern} = 'muted":\s*(\w+|\d+)' if($attr_name eq 'muteRegexPattern');
if($attr_name eq 'httpNoShutdown') {
$defs{$name}->{httpNoShutdown} = 1;
$defs{$name}->{httpParams}->{noshutdown} = $defs{$name}->{httpNoShutdown};
return undef;
sub VolumeLink_SendCommand($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "$hash->{NAME}: SendCommand - executed";
return undef;
sub VolumeLink_ReceiveCommand($) {
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $name = $param->{hash}->{NAME};
my $interval = $param->{hash}->{interval};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ReceiveCommand - executed";
if($err ne "") {
if($interval > $param->{fastRetryInterval} && $err =~ /timed.out/ && $param->{HTTP_ERROR_COUNT} < 3) {
$interval = $param->{fastRetryInterval};
readingsSingleUpdate($param->{hash},'lastHttpError',"$err #$param->{HTTP_ERROR_COUNT} of 3, do fast-retry in $interval sec.",0);
Log3 $name, $param->{errorLoglevel}, "$name: Error while requesting ".$param->{url}." - $err - Fast-retry #$param->{HTTP_ERROR_COUNT} of 3 in $interval seconds.";
else {
readingsSingleUpdate($param->{hash},'lastHttpError',"$err, retry in $interval sec.",0);
Log3 $name, $param->{errorLoglevel}, "$name: Error while requesting ".$param->{url}." - $err - Retry in $interval seconds.";
elsif($data ne "") {
Log3 $name, $param->{loglevel}, "$name: url ".$param->{url}." returned: $data";
$param->{HTTP_ERROR_COUNT} = 0;
my ($vol) = $data =~ /$param->{hash}->{volumeRegexPattern}/si;
my ($mute) = $data =~ /$param->{hash}->{muteRegexPattern}/si;
if (!defined($vol)) {$vol = '';}
if (!defined($mute)) {$mute = '';}
Log3 $name, 5, "$name - volumeRegexPattern: m/$param->{hash}->{volumeRegexPattern}/si - returned:'$vol'";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name - muteRegexPattern: m/$param->{hash}->{muteRegexPattern}/si - returned:'$mute'";
if(looks_like_number($vol)) {
if($mute =~ /true|false|0|1/i) {
$vol = int($vol);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Values O.K. - currentVolume:'$vol' - muted:'$mute' - Set it now...";
readingsBulkUpdate($param->{hash}, 'volume', $vol );
readingsBulkUpdate($param->{hash}, 'mute', $mute );
readingsEndUpdate($param->{hash}, 0);
if( !defined($defs{$param->{hash}->{ampDevice}}) ) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: FAILURE, configured <ampDevice> '$param->{hash}->{ampDevice}' is not defined. End now...";
CommandSet(undef, $name.' off');
my $ampMute = ReadingsVal($param->{hash}->{ampDevice},$param->{hash}->{ampMuteReading},'N/A');
my $ampVol = ReadingsVal($param->{hash}->{ampDevice},$param->{hash}->{ampVolumeReading},'N/A');
my $ampTitle = ( $param->{hash}->{ampInputReading} ) ? ReadingsVal($param->{hash}->{ampDevice},$param->{hash}->{ampInputReading},'N/A') : 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Fetched amp-readings - ampMute:'$ampMute' - ampVol:'$ampVol' - ampInput:'$ampTitle'";
if($ampMute eq 'N/A' || $ampVol eq 'N/A' || $ampTitle eq 'N/A') {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: FAILURE, can not fetch an amp-reading! End now... - ampMute:'$ampMute' - ampVol:'$ampVol' - ampInput:'$ampTitle' ";
CommandSet(undef, $name.' off');
if($ampTitle =~ /$param->{hash}->{ampInputReadingVal}/i || !$param->{hash}->{ampInputReading}) {
if($vol ne $ampVol) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Set Volume on ampDevice '$param->{hash}->{ampDevice}' - newVolume:'$vol' - oldVolume:'$ampVol'.";
CommandSet(undef, $param->{hash}->{ampDevice}.' '.$param->{hash}->{ampVolumeCommand}.' '.$vol);
if($mute =~ /true|1/i && $ampMute eq $param->{hash}->{ampMuteReadingOffVal}) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Set MuteOn on ampDevice '$param->{hash}->{ampDevice}'.";
CommandSet(undef, $param->{hash}->{ampDevice}.' '.$param->{hash}->{ampMuteCommand}.' '.$param->{hash}->{ampMuteReadingOnVal});
if($mute =~ /false|0/i && $ampMute eq $param->{hash}->{ampMuteReadingOnVal}) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Set MuteOff on ampDevice '$param->{hash}->{ampDevice}'.";
CommandSet(undef, $param->{hash}->{ampDevice}.' '.$param->{hash}->{ampMuteCommand}.' '.$param->{hash}->{ampMuteReadingOffVal});
}else {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: current amp-input: '$ampTitle' not match configured input.' - Skip setting volume in this turn...";
else {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: FAILURE, muteRegexPattern 'm/$param->{hash}->{muteRegexPattern}/si' delivers bad mute-state! Must be 0, 1, true, or false. End now... - returned:'$mute'";
CommandSet(undef, $name.' off');
else {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: FAILURE, volumeRegexPattern 'm/$param->{hash}->{volumeRegexPattern}/si' delivers bad volume-level (Not a number)! End now... - returned:'$vol'";
CommandSet(undef, $name.' off');
if($param->{hash}->{STARTED} == 1) {
InternalTimer(time()+$interval, 'VolumeLink_SendCommand', $param->{hash}, 0);
return undef;
=item device
=item summary Bind volume of a physical device to a fhem device.
=item summary_DE Verbindet die Lautstaerke eines physischen Geraets mit einem Fhem Geraet.
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<a name="VolumeLink"></a>
VolumeLink links the volume-level & mute-state from a physical device (e.g. a Philips-TV) with the volume & mute control of a fhem device (e.g. a SONOS-Playbar, Onkyo, Yamaha or Denon Receiver, etc.).
<code>define <name> VolumeLink <interval> <url> <ampDevice> [<timeout> [<httpErrorLoglevel> [<httpLoglevel>]]]</code>
<code>interval to fetch current volume & mute level from physical-device.</code><br>
<code>url to fetch volume & mute level, see Example below. (Example applies to many Philips TV's)</code><br>
<code>the target fhem-device.</code><br>
<code>optional: timeout of a http-get. default: 0.5 seconds</code><br>
<code>optional: loglevel of http-errors. default: 4</code><br>
<code>optional: loglevel of http-messages. default: 5</code><br>
<code>define tvVolume_LivingRoom VolumeLink 0.2 Sonos_LivingRoom</code><br>
<code>set tvVolume_LivingRoom on</code><br>
- This example will work out of the box with many Philips TV's and a SONOS-Playbar as fhem-device.<br>
- Pre 2014 Philips TV's use another protocoll, which can be accessed on http://<ip>/1/audio/volume
<code>set <name> <on|off></code><br>
Set on or off, to start or to stop.
<h4>Get</h4> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
- All Attributes takes effect immediately.<br>
- The default value of volumeRegexPattern & muteRegexPattern applies to many Philips-TV's, otherwise it must be configured.<br>
- The default values of amp* applies to a SONOS-Playbar, otherwise it must be configured.<br>
- If you don't receive a result from url, or the lastHttpErrorMessage shows every time 'timed out', try setting attribute 'httpNoShutdown' to 0.<br>
<li>disable <1|0><br>
With this attribute you can disable the whole module. <br>
If set to 1 the module will be stopped and no volume will be fetched from physical-device or transfer to the amplifier-device. <br>
If set to 0 you can start the module again with: set <name> on.</li>
<li>httpNoShutdown <1|0><br>
If set to 0 VolumeLink will tell the http-server to explicit close the connection.<br>
<i>Default: 1</i>
<li>ampInputReading <value><br>
Name of the Input-Reading on amplifier-device<br>
To disable the InputCheck if your amplifier-device does not support this, set this attribute to 0.<br>
<i>Default (which applies to SONOS-Player's): currentTitle</i></li>
<li>ampInputReadingVal <RegEx><br>
RegEx for the Reading value of the corresponding Input-Channel on amplifier-device<br>
<i>Default (which applies to a SONOS-Playbar's SPDIF-Input and if no Input is selected): SPDIF-Wiedergabe|^$</i></li>
<li>ampVolumeReading <value><br>
Name of the Volume-Reading on amplifier-device<br>
<i>Default: Volume</i></li>
<li>ampVolumeCommand <value><br>
Command to set the volume on amplifier device<br>
<i>Default: Volume</i></li>
<li>ampMuteReading <value><br>
Name of the Mute-Reading on amplifier-device<br>
<i>Default: Mute</i></li>
<li>ampMuteReadingOnVal <value><br>
Reading value if muted<br>
<i>Default: 1</i></li>
<li>ampMuteReadingOffVal <value><br>
Reading value if not muted<br>
<i>Default: 0</i></li>
<li>ampMuteCommand <value><br>
Command to mute the amplifier device<br>
<i>Default: Mute</i></li>
<li>volumeRegexPattern <RegEx><br>
RegEx which is applied to url return data. Must return a number for volume-level. <br>
<i>Default (which applies to many Phlips-TV's): current":\s*(\d+)</i></li>
<li>muteRegexPattern <RegEx><br>
RegEx which is applied to url return data. Must return true, false, 1 or 0 as mute-state. <br>
<i>Default (which applies to many Phlips-TV's): muted":\s*(\w+|\d+)</i></li>
Note: All VolumeLink Readings except of 'state' does not generate events!<br>
The last HTTP-Error will be recorded in this reading.<br>
Define httpErrorLoglevel, httpLoglevel or attribute <a href="#verbose">verbose</a> for more information.<br>
Note: Attr <a href="#verbose">verbose</a> will not output all HTTP-Messages, define httpLoglevel for this.</li>
The current mute-state fetched from physical device.</li>
The current volume-level fetched from physical device.</li>
on if VolumeLink is running, off if VolumeLink is stopped.</li>
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