mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
1947 lines
58 KiB
1947 lines
58 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use MIME::Base64;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
#use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
use HttpUtils;
my $harmony_isFritzBox = undef;
$harmony_isFritzBox = int( qx( [ -f /usr/bin/ctlmgr_ctl ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ) ) if( !defined($harmony_isFritzBox) );
return $harmony_isFritzBox;
my ($data) = @_;
return eval { decode_json($data) } if( harmony_isFritzBox() );
return eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) };
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{ReadFn} = "harmony_Read";
$hash->{DefFn} = "harmony_Define";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "harmony_Notify";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "harmony_Undefine";
$hash->{SetFn} = "harmony_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "harmony_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "harmony_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1 nossl:1 $readingFnAttributes";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "harmony_detailFn";
$hash->{FW_showStatus} = 1;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> harmony [username password] ip" if(@a < 3 || @a > 5);
return "Usage: define <name> harmony [username password] ip" if(@a == 4 && $a[2] ne "DEVICE" );
delete( $hash->{helper}{username} );
delete( $hash->{helper}{password} );
my $name = $a[0];
if( @a == 3 ) {
my $ip = $a[2];
$hash->{ip} = $ip;
} elsif( @a == 4 ) {
my $id = $a[3];
return "$name: device '$id' already defined" if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$id}) );
$hash->{id} = $id;
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$id} = $hash;
} elsif( @a == 5 ) {
my $username = harmony_encrypt($a[2]);
my $password = harmony_encrypt($a[3]);
my $ip = $a[4];
$hash->{DEF} = "$username $password $ip";
$hash->{helper}{username} = $username;
$hash->{helper}{password} = $password;
$hash->{ip} = $ip;
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Initialized";
#$attr{$name}{nossl} = 1 if( !$init_done && harmony_isFritzBox() );
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
if( $init_done ) {
harmony_connect($hash) if( !defined($hash->{id}) );
return undef;
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global");
return if(!grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
harmony_connect($hash) if( !defined($hash->{id}) );
return undef;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
if( defined($hash->{id}) ) {
delete( $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$hash->{id}} );
return undef;
return undef;
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
return if( !defined( $hash->{discoveryinfo} ) );
my $clientId = $hash->{discoveryinfo}->{setupSessionClient};
$clientId =~ s/^\w*-//;
my $hubIP = $hash->{discoveryinfo}->{ip};
my $hubName = $hash->{discoveryinfo}->{friendlyName};
$hubName =~ s/ /%20/;
return "<a href=\"http://sl.dhg.myharmony.com/mobile/2/production/?locale=de-DE&clientId=$clientId&hubIP=$hubIP&hubName=$hubName&settings\" target=\"_blank\">myHarmony config</a><br>"
my ($hash, $label, $default) = @_;
my $quoted_label = $label;
$quoted_label =~ s/\./ /g;
$quoted_label = quotemeta($quoted_label);
foreach my $activity (@{$hash->{config}->{activity}}) {
return $activity->{id} if( $activity->{label} =~ m/^$label$/ );
return $activity->{id} if( $activity->{label} =~ m/^$quoted_label$/ );
return $default;
my ($hash, $id, $default) = @_;
foreach my $activity (@{$hash->{config}->{activity}}) {
return $activity->{label} if( $activity->{id} == $id );
return $default;
my ($hash, $id) = @_;
foreach my $activity (@{$hash->{config}->{activity}}) {
return $activity if( $activity->{id} == $id );
return undef;
my ($hash, $label, $default) = @_;
my $quoted_label = $label;
$quoted_label =~ s/\./ /g;
$quoted_label = quotemeta($quoted_label);
foreach my $device (@{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
return $device->{id} if( $device->{label} =~ m/^$label$/ );
return $device->{id} if( $device->{label} =~ m/^$quoted_label$/ );
return $default;
my ($hash, $id, $default) = @_;
return undef if( $id eq '<unknown>' );
return undef if( !defined($hash->{config}) );
foreach my $device (@{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
return $device->{label} if( $device->{id} == $id );
return $default;
my ($hash, $id) = @_;
return undef if( !defined($hash->{config}) );
foreach my $device (@{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
return $device if( $device->{id} == $id );
return undef;
my ($device, $command) = @_;
return undef if( ref($device) ne "HASH" );
$command = lc($command);
foreach my $group (@{$device->{controlGroup}}) {
foreach my $function (@{$group->{function}}) {
#if( lc($function->{name}) eq $command ) {
if( lc($function->{name}) =~ m/^$command$/ ) {
return harmony_decode_json($function->{action});
return undef;
my ($id) = @_;
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
next if( !defined($defs{$d}) );
next if( $defs{$d}->{TYPE} ne "harmony" );
next if( $defs{$d}->{id} );
next if( !harmony_deviceOfId($defs{$d}, $id) );
Log3 undef, 3, "harmony: IODev for device $id is $d" ;
return $d;
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my ($param_a, $param_h) = parseParams(\@params);
my ($param, $param2) = @{$param_a};
#$cmd = lc( $cmd );
my $list = "";
if( defined($hash->{id}) ) {
if( !$hash->{hub} ) {
$hash->{hub} = harmony_hubOfDevice($hash->{id});
return "no hub found for device $name ($hash->{id})" if( !$hash->{hub} );
if( $cmd ne "?" && !$param ) {
$cmd = "PowerOn" if( $cmd eq "on" );
$cmd = "PowerOff" if( $cmd eq "off" );
my $device = harmony_deviceOfId( $defs{$hash->{hub}}, $hash->{id} );
if( harmony_actionOfCommand( $device, $cmd ) ) {
$param = $cmd;
$cmd = "command";
if( $cmd eq "command" ) {
$param2 = $param;
$param = $hash->{id};
$hash = $defs{$hash->{hub}};
} elsif( $cmd eq "hidDevice" || $cmd eq "text" || $cmd eq "cursor" || $cmd eq "special" || $cmd eq "hid" ) {
my $id = $hash->{id};
$hash = $defs{$hash->{hub}};
my $device = harmony_deviceOfId( $hash, $id );
return "unknown device" if( !$device );
return "no keyboard associated with device $device->{label}" if( !$device->{IsKeyboardAssociated} );
if( !$hash->{hidDevice} || $hash->{hidDevice} ne $id ) {
$hash->{hidDevice} = $id;
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='harmony.engine?sethiddevice' token=''>deviceId=$id</oa>");
sleep( 3 );
return if( $cmd eq "hidDevice" );
} else {
$list = "command hidDevice:noArg text cursor:up,down,left,right,pageUp,pageDown,home,end special:previousTrack,nextTrack,stop,playPause,volumeUp,volumeDown,mute";
#my $device = harmony_deviceOfId( $defs{$hash->{hub}}, $hash->{id} );
#$list .= " on off" if( !defined($device->{isManualPower}) || $device->{isManualPower} eq "false" || !$device->{isManualPower} );
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
if( $cmd ne "?" && !$param ) {
if( $cmd eq 'off' ) {
$cmd = "activity";
$param = "-1";
} elsif( my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, $hash->{currentActivityID}) ) {
if( harmony_actionOfCommand( $activity, $cmd ) ) {
$param = $cmd;
$cmd = "command";
if( $cmd eq 'activity' ) {
$param = harmony_idOfActivity($hash, $param) if( $param && $param !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ );
return "unknown activity" if( !$param );
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "startactivity", "activityId=$param:timestamp=0");
delete $hash->{channelAfterStart};
$hash->{channelAfterStart} = $param2 if( $param2 );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "channel" ) {
delete $hash->{channelAfterStart};
return "no current activity" if( !defined($hash->{currentActivityID}) || $hash->{currentActivityID} == -1 );
my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, $hash->{currentActivityID});
return "no device with 'channel changing role' in current activity $activity->{label}" if( !$activity->{isTuningDefault} );
return "missing channel" if( !$param );
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "changeChannel", "channel=$param:timestamp=0");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "command" ) {
my $action;
if( !$param2 ) {
return "unknown activity" if( !$hash->{currentActivityID} );
return "unknown command" if( !$param );
my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, $hash->{currentActivityID});
return "unknown activity" if( !$activity );
$action = harmony_actionOfCommand( $activity, $param );
return "unknown command $param" if( !$action );
} else {
$param = harmony_idOfDevice($hash, $param) if( $param && $param !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ );
return "unknown device" if( !$param );
return "unknown command" if( !$param2 );
my $device = harmony_deviceOfId( $hash, $param );
return "unknown device" if( !$device );
$action = harmony_actionOfCommand( $device, $param2 );
return "unknown command $param2" if( !$action );
my $duration = $param_h->{duration};
return "duration musst be numeric" if( defined($duration) && $duration !~ m/^([\d.-])+$/ );
$duration = 0.1 if( !$duration || $duration < 0 );
$duration = 5 if $duration > 5;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: sending $action->{command} for ${duration}s for ". harmony_labelOfDevice($hash, $action->{deviceId} );
my $payload = "status=press:action={'command'::'$action->{command}','type'::'$action->{type}','deviceId'::'$action->{deviceId}'}:timestamp=0";
harmony_sendEngineRender($hash, "holdAction", $payload);
select(undef, undef, undef, ($duration));
$payload = "status=release:action={'command'::'$action->{command}','type'::'$action->{type}','deviceId'::'$action->{deviceId}'}:timestamp=".$duration*1000;
harmony_sendEngineRender($hash, "holdAction", $payload);
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "getCurrentActivity" ) {
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "getCurrentActivity");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "getConfig" ) {
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "hidDevice" ) {
my $id = $param;
if( !$id && $hash->{currentActivityID} ) {
my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, $hash->{currentActivityID});
return "unknown activity" if( !$activity );
return "no device with 'keyboard text entry role' in current activity $activity->{label}" if( !$activity->{KeyboardTextEntryActivityRole} );
$id = $activity->{KeyboardTextEntryActivityRole};
} else {
$id = harmony_idOfDevice($hash, $id) if( $id && $id !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ );
return "unknown device $param" if( $param && !$id );
my $device = harmony_deviceOfId( $hash, $id );
return "unknown device" if( !$device );
return "no keyboard associated with device $device->{label}" if( !$device->{IsKeyboardAssociated} );
$hash->{hidDevice} = $id;
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='harmony.engine?sethiddevice' token=''>deviceId=$id</oa>");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "hid" || $cmd eq "text" || $cmd eq "cursor" || $cmd eq "special" ) {
return "nothing to send" if( !$param );
return "unknown activity" if( !$hash->{currentActivityID} );
return "unknown command" if( !$param );
if( !$hash->{hidDevice} ) {
my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, $hash->{currentActivityID});
return "unknown activity" if( !$activity );
return "no device with 'keyboard text entry role' in current activity $activity->{label}" if( !$activity->{KeyboardTextEntryActivityRole} );
if( $cmd eq "text" ) {
$hash->{hid} = "" if( !$hash->{hid} );
$hash->{hid} .= join(' ', @params);
$param = undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "cursor" ) {
$param = lc( $param ) if( $param );
$param = "0700004A" if( $param eq "home" );
$param = "0700004B" if( $param eq "pageup" );
$param = "0700004D" if( $param eq "end" );
$param = "0700004E" if( $param eq "pagedown" );
$param = "0700004F" if( $param eq "right" );
$param = "07000050" if( $param eq "left" );
$param = "07000051" if( $param eq "down" );
$param = "07000052" if( $param eq "up" );
return "unknown cursor direction $param" if( $param !~ m/^07/ );
} elsif( $cmd eq "special" ) {
$param = lc( $param ) if( $param );
$param = "01000081" if( $param eq "systempower" );
$param = "01000082" if( $param eq "systemsleep" );
$param = "01000083" if( $param eq "systemwake" );
$param = "0C0000B5" if( $param eq "nexttrack" );
$param = "0C0000B6" if( $param eq "previoustrack" );
$param = "0C0000B7" if( $param eq "stop" );
$param = "0C0000CD" if( $param eq "playpause" );
$param = "0C0000E9" if( $param eq "volumeup" );
$param = "0C0000EA" if( $param eq "volumedown" );
$param = "0C0000E2" if( $param eq "mute" );
return "unknown special key $param" if( $param !~ m/^0(1|C)/ );
harmony_sendHID($hash, $param);
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "reconnect" ) {
delete $hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken} if( $param && $param eq "all" );
delete $hash->{identity} if( $param && $param eq "all" );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "autocreate" ) {
return harmony_autocreate($hash,$param);
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "sleeptimer" ) {
my $interval = $param?$param*60:60*60;
$interval = -1 if( $interval < 0 );
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='harmony.engine?setsleeptimer'>interval=$interval</oa>", "setsleeptimer");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "sync" ) {
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='setup.sync' token=''/>");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "update" ) {
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?update' token=''>format=json</oa>");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "active" ) {
return "can't activate disabled hub." if(AttrVal($name, "disable", undef));
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Disconnected";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $hash->{ConnectionState}, 1 );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "inactive" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "inactive", 1);
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq "xxx" ) {
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?check' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?status' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?update' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='harmony.automation?notify' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='harmony.automation?getState' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='harmony.automation.state?notify' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'/>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items'/>");
return undef;
if( $hash->{config} ) {
return undef if( !defined($hash->{config}) );
my $activities;
if( $hash->{config}->{activity} ) {
foreach my $activity (sort { ($a->{activityOrder}||0) <=> ($b->{activityOrder}||0) } @{$hash->{config}->{activity}}) {
next if( $activity->{id} == -1 );
$activities .= "," if( $activities );
$activities .= $activity->{label};
if( my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, -1) ) {
$activities .= "," if( $activities );
$activities .= $activity->{label};
if( $activities ) {
$activities =~ s/ /./g;
$list .= " activity:$activities";
my $hidDevices;
my $autocreateDevices;
if( $hash->{config}->{device} ) {
foreach my $device (sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
if( $device->{IsKeyboardAssociated} ) {
$hidDevices .= "," if( $hidDevices );
$hidDevices .= harmony_labelOfDevice($hash, $device->{id} );
if( !defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{id}}) ) {
$autocreateDevices .= "," if( $autocreateDevices );
$autocreateDevices .= harmony_labelOfDevice($hash, $device->{id} );
if( $hidDevices ) {
$hidDevices =~ s/ /./g;
$list .= " hidDevice:,$hidDevices";
if( $autocreateDevices ) {
$autocreateDevices =~ s/ /./g;
$list .= " autocreate:$autocreateDevices,";
$list .= " channel" if( defined($hash->{currentActivityID}) && $hash->{currentActivityID} != -1 );
$list .= " command active:noArg inactive:noArg getConfig:noArg getCurrentActivity:noArg off:noArg reconnect:noArg sleeptimer sync:noArg text cursor:up,down,left,right,pageUp,pageDown,home,end special:previousTrack,nextTrack,stop,playPause,volumeUp,volumeDown,mute";
$list .= " update:noArg" if( $hash->{hubUpdate} );
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my ($hash) = @_;
#return if( defined($hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken}) );
if( 0 ) {
my $https = "https";
$https = "http" if( AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "nossl", 0) );
my $json = encode_json( { clientId => '',
clientTypeId => 'ControlApp' } );
my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({
url => "$https://svcs.myharmony.com/discovery/Discovery.svc/json/GetJson2Uris",
timeout => 10,
#noshutdown => 1,
#httpversion => "1.1",
header => "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8",
data => $json,
harmony_dispatch( {hash=>$hash,type=>'GetJson2Uris'},$err,$data );
return if( defined($hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken}) );
if( 1 || !$hash->{helper}{username} ) {
$hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken} = "";
my $https = "https";
$https = "http" if( AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "nossl", 0) );
my $json = encode_json( { email => harmony_decrypt($hash->{helper}{username}),
password => harmony_decrypt($hash->{helper}{password}) } );
my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({
url => "$https://svcs.myharmony.com/CompositeSecurityServices/Security.svc/json/GetUserAuthToken",
timeout => 10,
#noshutdown => 1,
#httpversion => "1.1",
header => "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8",
data => $json,
harmony_dispatch( {hash=>$hash,type=>'token'},$err,$data );
my ($attr) = @_;
my @args = split(' ', $attr);
my %params = ();
while (@args) {
my $arg = shift(@args);
my ($name,$value) = split("=", $arg,2);
while( $value && $value =~ m/^'/ && $value !~ m/'$/ ) {
my $next = shift(@args);
last if( !defined($next) );
$value .= " ". $next;
$params{$name} = substr( $value, 1, -1 );
return \%params;
my ($cdata) = @_;
my @args = split(':', $cdata);
my %params = ();
while (@args) {
my $arg = shift(@args);
my ($name,$value) = split("=", $arg,2);
#fix for updates=table: 0x...
if( $args[0] && $args[0] !~ m/=/ ) {
my $next = shift(@args);
last if( !defined($next) );
$value .= ":". $next;
##fix for http://...
#if( $args[0] && $args[0] =~ m/^\/\// ) {
# my $next = shift(@args);
# last if( !defined($next) );
# $value .= ":". $next;
#fix for json {...<key>:<value>...}
while( $value && $value =~ m/^{/ && $value !~ m/}$/ ) {
my $next = shift(@args);
last if( !defined($next) );
$value .= ":". $next;
$params{$name} = $value if( $name );
return \%params;
use constant { CTRL => 0x01,
SHIFT => 0x02,
ALT => 0x04,
GUI => 0x08,
RIGHT_CTRL => 0x10,
RIGHT_SHIFT => 0x20,
RIGHT_ALT => 0x40,
RIGHT_GUI => 0x80,
my %keys = ( '1' => '0702001E',
'2' => '0702001F',
'3' => '07020020',
'4' => '07020021',
'5' => '07020022',
'6' => '07020023',
'7' => '07020024',
'8' => '07020025',
'9' => '07020026',
'0' => '07020027',
'\\n'=> '07000028',
'\\e'=> '07000029',
'\\t'=> '0700002B',
' ' => '0700002C',
'!' => '0702001E',
'"' => '0702001F',
'§' => '07020020',
'$' => '07020021',
'%' => '07020022',
'&' => '07020023',
'/' => '07020024',
'(' => '07020025',
')' => '07020026',
'=' => '07020027',
'ß' => '0700002D',
'´' => '0700002E',
'ü' => '0700002F',
'+' => '07000030',
'#' => '07000031',
'ö' => '07000033',
'ä' => '07000034',
'<' => '07000035',
',' => '07000036',
'.' => '07000037',
'-' => '07000038',
'?' => '0702002D',
'`' => '0702002E',
'Ü' => '0702002F',
'*' => '07020030',
"'" => '07020031',
'Ö' => '07020033',
'Ä' => '07020034',
'>' => '07020035',
';' => '07020036',
':' => '07020037',
'_' => '07020038',
'F1' => '0700003A',
'F2' => '0700003B',
'F3' => '0700003C',
'F4' => '0700003D',
'F5' => '0700003E',
'F6' => '0700003F',
'F7' => '07000040',
'F8' => '07000041',
'F9' => '07000042',
'F10' => '07000043',
'F11' => '07000044',
'F12' => '07000045',
'KP/' => '07000054',
'KP*' => '07000055',
'KP-' => '07000056',
'KP+' => '07000057',
'KP\\n' => '07000058',
'KP1' => '07000059',
'KP2' => '0700005A',
'KP3' => '0700005C',
'KP4' => '0700005C',
'KP5' => '0700005D',
'KP6' => '0700005E',
'KP7' => '0700005F',
'KP8' => '07000060',
'KP9' => '07000061',
'KP0' => '07000062',
my ($char) = @_;
my $ret;
if( $char ge '1' && $char le '9' ) {
$ret = sprintf( "070000%02X", 0x1E + ord($char) - ord('1') );
} elsif( $char ge 'a' && $char le 'z' ) {
$ret = sprintf( "070000%02X", 0x04 + ord($char) - ord('a') );
} elsif( $char ge 'A' && $char le 'Z' ) {
$ret = sprintf( "070200%02X", 0x04 + ord($char) - ord('A') );
} elsif( defined( $keys{$char} ) ) {
$ret = $keys{$char};
return $ret;
my ($hash,$id,$modifier) = @_;
$modifier = "" if( !$modifier );
if( $hash->{currentActivityID} && $hash->{currentActivityID} ne $id ) {
my $id = $hash->{currentActivityID};
$hash->{previousActivityID} = $id;
my $previous = harmony_labelOfActivity($hash,$id,$id);
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "previousActivity", $previous, 0 );
if( !$modifier && defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}) ) {
if( my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, $id)) {
foreach my $id (keys %{$activity->{fixit}}) {
if( my $hash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$id} ) {
my $state = $activity->{fixit}->{$id}->{Power};
$state = "Manual" if( !$state );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", lc($state), 1 );
$hash->{currentActivityID} = $id;
my $activity = harmony_labelOfActivity($hash,$id,$id);
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "currentActivity", "$modifier$activity", 1 );
$activity =~ s/ /./g;
if( !$modifier && $activity ne ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},"activity", "" ) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "activity", $activity, 1 );
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "changeChannel", "channel=$hash->{channelAfterStart}:timestamp=0") if( $hash->{channelAfterStart} );
delete $hash->{channelAfterStart};
delete $hash->{hidDevice} if( $id == -1 );
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($hash->{CD}, $buf, 1024*1024);
if(!defined($ret) || $ret <= 0) {
harmony_disconnect( $hash );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2, "harmony_connect", $hash, 0);
my $data = $hash->{helper}{PARTIAL};
$data .= $buf;
#FIXME: should use real xmpp/xml parser
# see forum https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,14163.msg575033.html#msg575033
$data =~ s/<iq\/>//g;
$data =~ s/<\/iq><iq/<\/iq>\n<iq/g;
my @lines = split( "\n", $data );
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if( $line =~ m/^<(\w*)\s*([^>]*)?\/>(.*)?/ ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: tag: $1, attr: $2";
$data = $3;
if( $line eq "<success xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'/>" ) {
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "LoggedIn";
if( $hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken} ) {
} else {
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.ping?get' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.system?systeminfo' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.deviceinfo?get' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.setup/vnd.logitech.account?getProvisionInfo' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.statedigest?get' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?check' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?status' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?update' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='proxy.resource?get' token=''>hetag= :uri=dynamite:://HomeAutomationService/Config/:encode=true</oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='harmony.automation?getstate' token=''></oa>");
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.pair'>name=1vm7ATw/tN6HXGpQcCs/A5MkuvI#iOS6.0.1#iPhone</oa>");
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='connect.discoveryinfo?get'>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+50, "harmony_ping", $hash, 0);
$line = $3;
if( $line =~ m/^<(\w*)([^>]*)>(.*)<\/\1>(.*)?/ ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: tag: $1, attr: $2";
#Log3 $name, 5, " data: $3";
$data = $4;
my $tag = $1;
my $attr = $2;
my $content = $3;
#if( $content =~ m/^<(\w*)([^>]*)>(.*)<\/\1>(.*)?/ ) {
# Log3 $name, 1, "$name: tag: $1, attr: $2";
# Log3 $name, 1, Dumper harmony_attr2hash($2);
if( $content =~ m/<!\[CDATA\[(.*)\]\]>/ ) {
my $cdata = $1;
my $json;
my $decoded;
if( $cdata =~ m/^{.*}$/ ) {
$json = harmony_decode_json($cdata);
$decoded = $json;
} else {
$decoded = harmony_CDATA2hash($cdata);
my $error = $decoded->{errorCode};
if( $error && $error != 200 ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: error ($error): $decoded->{errorString}";
if( ($tag eq "iq" && $content =~ m/statedigest\?get'/)
|| ($tag eq "message" && $content =~ m/type="connect.stateDigest\?notify"/) ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: statedigest: $cdata";
if( $decoded ) {
if( defined($decoded->{syncStatus}) ) {
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config") if( $hash->{syncStatus} && !$decoded->{syncStatus} );
$hash->{syncStatus} = $decoded->{syncStatus};
if( defined($decoded->{hubUpdate}) && $decoded->{hubUpdate} eq "true" && !$hash->{hubUpdate} ) {
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?check' token=''>format=json</oa>");
$hash->{activityStatus} = $decoded->{activityStatus} if( defined($decoded->{activityStatus}) );
$hash->{hubSwVersion} = $decoded->{hubSwVersion} if( defined($decoded->{hubSwVersion}) );
$hash->{hubUpdate} = ($decoded->{hubUpdate} eq 'true'?1:0) if( defined($decoded->{hubUpdate}) );
my $modifier = "";
$modifier = "starting " if( $hash->{activityStatus} == 1 );
$modifier = "stopping " if( $hash->{activityStatus} == 3 );
harmony_updateActivity($hash, $decoded->{activityId}, $modifier) if( defined($decoded->{activityId}) );
if( defined($decoded->{sleepTimerId}) ) {
if( $decoded->{sleepTimerId} == -1 ) {
delete $hash->{sleeptimer};
DoTrigger( $name, "sleeptimer: expired" );
} else {
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "gettimerinterval", "timerId=$decoded->{sleepTimerId}");
} elsif( $tag eq "message" ) {
if( $content =~ m/type="harmony.engine\?startActivityFinished"/ ) {
if( my $id = $decoded->{activityId} ) {
if( harmony_activityOfId($hash, $id) ) {
if( $id == -1 && $hash->{helper}{ignorePowerOff} ) {
delete $hash->{helper}{ignorePowerOff};
} else {
harmony_updateActivity($hash, $id);
} else {
$hash->{helper}{ignorePowerOff} = 1;
} elsif( $content =~ m/type="vnd.logitech.harmony\/vnd.logitech.control.button\?pressType"/ ) {
DoTrigger( $name, "vnd.logitech.control.button: $decoded->{type}" );
} elsif( $content =~ m/type="automation.state\?notify"/ ) {
DoTrigger( $name, "automation.state: $cdata" );
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: unknown message: $content";
} elsif( $tag eq "iq" ) {
if( $content =~ m/errorcode='(\d*)'.*errorstring='(.*)'/ && $1 != 100 && $1 != 200 ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: error ($1): $2";
} elsif( $content =~ m/vnd.logitech.pair/ ) {
if( !$hash->{identity} && $decoded->{identity} ) {
$hash->{identity} = $decoded->{identity};
} else {
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='connect.discoveryinfo?get'>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config");
} elsif( $content =~ m/\?startactivity/i ) {
if( $cdata =~ m/done=(\d*):total=(\d*)(:deviceId=(\d*))?/ ) {
my $done = $1;
my $total = $2;
my $id = $4;
$id = "<unknown>" if( !defined($id) );
my $label = harmony_labelOfDevice($hash,$id,$id);
if( $done == $total ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: done starting/stopping device: $label";
} elsif( $done == 1 ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: starting/stopping device: $label";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: starting/stopping device ($done/$total): $label";
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: unknown startactivity message: $content";
} elsif( $content =~ m/discoveryinfo\?get/ && $decoded ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: ". Dumper $decoded;
$hash->{discoveryinfo} = $decoded;
#$hash->{current_fw_version} = $decoded->{current_fw_version} if( defined($decoded->{current_fw_version}) );
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config");
} elsif( $content =~ m/engine\?changeChannel/ && $decoded ) {
} elsif( $content =~ m/engine\?gettimerinterval/ && $decoded ) {
$hash->{sleeptimer} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() + $decoded->{interval} );
DoTrigger( $name, "sleeptimer: $hash->{sleeptimer}" );
} elsif( $content =~ m/firmware\?/ && $decoded ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: firmware: $cdata";
if( $decoded->{status} && $decoded->{newVersion} ) {
$hash->{newVersion} = $decoded->{newVersion};
my $txt = $decoded->{newVersion};
$txt .= ", isCritical: $decoded->{isCritical}";
$txt .= ", bytes: $decoded->{totalBytes}";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "newVersion", $txt, 1 ) if( $txt ne ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},"newVersion", "" ) );
} else {
delete $hash->{newVersion};
} elsif( $content =~ m/\?config/ && $decoded ) {
$hash->{config} = $decoded;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: new config ";
#Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ". Dumper $json;
#my $station = $hash->{config}->{content}->{contentImageHost};
#$station =~ s/{stationId}/4faa0c3b7232c50c26001b86/;
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='proxy.resource?get' token=''>hetag= :uri=content:://1.0/user;$station:encode=true</oa>");
#foreach my $device (sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
# my $content = $hash->{config}->{content}->{contentDeviceHost};
# $content =~ s/{deviceProfileUri}/$device->{deviceProfileUri}/;
# harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='proxy.resource?get' token=''>hetag= :uri=content:://1.0/user;$content:encode=true</oa>");
# last;
#harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='proxy.resource?get' token=''>hetag= :uri=content:://1.0/user;$hash->{config}->{content}->{householdUserProfileUri}:encode=true</oa>");
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.statedigest?get' token=''>format=json</oa>");
#harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "getCurrentActivity");
} elsif( $cdata =~ m/result=(.*)/ ) {
my $result = $1;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: got result $1";
if( $content =~ m/getCurrentActivity/ ) {
harmony_updateActivity($hash, $result);
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: unknown result: $content";
} elsif( $content =~ m/mime='hid.report'/ ) {
harmony_sendHID($hash) if( $hash->{hid} );
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: unknown iq: $content";
Log 3, Dumper $decoded;
Log 3, Dumper harmony_decode_json($decoded->{resource}) if( !$json && $decoded->{resource} && $decoded->{resource} =~ m/^{.*}$/ );
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: unhandled tag: $line";
} elsif( $content =~ m/mime='hid.report'/ ) {
harmony_sendHID($hash) if( $hash->{hid} );
} elsif( $line =~ m/<iq id='ping-(\d+)' type='result'><\/iq>/ ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: got ping response $1";
} elsif( $line ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: unknown (no cdata): $line";
} elsif( $line =~ m/^<\?xml.*id='([\w-]*).*error.*>/ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: error: $1" if( $1 );
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: $line";
} elsif( $line =~ m/^<\?xml.*PLAIN.*>/ ) {
my $identity = $hash->{identity}?$hash->{identity}:"guest";
my $auth = encode_base64("\0$identity\@connect.logitech.com\0gatorade.",'');
harmony_send($hash, "<auth xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' mechanism='PLAIN'>$auth</auth>");
$data = "";
} elsif( $line =~ m/^<.*>$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: unknown: $line";
} elsif( $line ) {
#Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $line";
$hash->{helper}{PARTIAL} = $data;
#Log 3, "length: ". length($hash->{helper}{PARTIAL});
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Disconnected";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $hash->{ConnectionState}, 1 ) if( $hash->{ConnectionState} ne ReadingsVal($name, "state", "" ) );
return if( !$hash->{CD} );
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: disconnect";
close($hash->{CD}) if($hash->{CD});
$hash->{LAST_DISCONNECT} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if( IsDisabled($name) );
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: connect";
if( defined($hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken}) ) {
my $timeout = $hash->{TIMEOUT} ? $hash->{TIMEOUT} : 3;
my $conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$hash->{ip}:5222", Timeout => $timeout);
if( $conn ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: connected";
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Connected";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $hash->{ConnectionState}, 1 ) if( $hash->{ConnectionState} ne ReadingsVal($name, "state", "" ) );
$hash->{LAST_CONNECT} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
$hash->{FD} = $conn->fileno();
$hash->{CD} = $conn; # sysread / close won't work on fileno
$selectlist{$name} = $hash;
$hash->{helper}{PARTIAL} = "";
harmony_send($hash, "<stream:stream to='connect.logitech.com' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' xmlns='jabber:client' xml:lang='en' version='1.0'>");
} else {
harmony_disconnect( $hash );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "harmony_connect", $hash, 0);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $unique_id = '1vm7ATw/tN6HXGpQcCs/A5MkuvI';
my $device = 'iOS6.0.1#iPhone';
harmony_sendPair($hash, "token=$hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken}:name=$unique_id#$device");
my ($hash, $data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if( !$hash->{CD} );
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: send: $data";
syswrite $hash->{CD}, $data;
my $id = 0;
my ($hash, $xml, $type) = @_;
$type = 'get' if ( !$type );
my $iq = "<iq type='$type' id='$id' from='guest'>$xml</iq>";
$iq = "<iq type='$type' id='$id'>$xml</iq>";
my ($hash, $payload) = @_;
$payload = '' if ( !$payload );
my $xml = "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.pair'>$payload</oa>";
my ($hash, $endpoint, $payload) = @_;
$payload = '' if ( !$payload );
my $xml = "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?$endpoint'>$payload</oa>";
my ($hash, $code) = @_;
if( !$code ) {
return if( !$hash->{hid} );
my $char = substr($hash->{hid}, 0, 1);
$hash->{hid} = substr($hash->{hid}, 1);
if( $char eq '\\' || ord($char) == 0xC3 ) {
$char .= substr($hash->{hid}, 0, 1);
$hash->{hid} = substr($hash->{hid}, 1);
$code = harmony_char2hid( $char );
my $xml = "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='hid.report' token=''>{'code':'$code'}</oa>";
my ($hash, $endpoint, $payload) = @_;
#my $xml = "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?$endpoint' token=''>$payload</oa>";
my $xml = "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?$endpoint'>$payload</oa>";
harmony_sendIq($hash,$xml, "render");
my( $hash ) = @_;
return if( $hash->{ConnectionState} eq "Disconnected" );
harmony_send($hash, "<iq type='get' id='ping-$id'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+50, "harmony_ping", $hash, 0);
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( $err ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: http request failed: $err";
} elsif( $data ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: $data";
if( $data !~ m/^{.*}$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: invalid json detected: $data";
return undef;
my $json = harmony_decode_json($data);
if( $param->{type} eq 'token' ) {
harmony_parseToken($hash, $json);
} elsif( $param->{type} eq 'GetJson2Uris' ) {
Log 1, Dumper $json;
my($hash, $param) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if( !defined($hash->{config}) );
my $id = $param;
$id = harmony_idOfDevice($hash, $id) if( $id && $id !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ );
return "unknown device $param" if( $param && !$id );
#foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
# next if($defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "autocreate");
# return undef if( IsDisabled($defs{$d}{NAME} ) );
my $autocreated = 0;
foreach my $device (@{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
next if( $id && $device->{id} != $id );
if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{id}}) ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: device '$device->{id}' already defined";
my $devname = "harmony_". $device->{id};
my $define = "$devname harmony DEVICE $device->{id}";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: create new device '$devname' for device '$device->{id}'";
my $cmdret = CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if($cmdret) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Autocreate: An error occurred while creating device for id '$device->{id}': $cmdret";
} else {
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias $device->{label}") if( defined($device->{label}) );
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname event-on-change-reading .*");
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room $hash->{TYPE}");
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname stateFormat power");
#$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name");
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( $autocreated && AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
return "created $autocreated devices";
my($hash, $json) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $error = $json->{ErrorCode};
if( $error && $error != 200 ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: error ($error): $json->{Message}";
$hash->{lastError} = $json->{Message};
my $had_token = $hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken};
$hash->{helper}{AccountId} = $json->{GetUserAuthTokenResult}->{AccountId};
$hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken} = $json->{GetUserAuthTokenResult}->{UserAuthToken};
if( $hash->{helper}{UserAuthToken} ) {
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "GotToken";
} else {
$hash->{STATE} = "Error";
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Error";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+60, "harmony_connect", $hash, 0);
my ($data) = @_;
return "" if( !defined($data) );
return $data if( !ref($data) );
return $data if( ref($data) =~ m/JSON::..::Boolean/ );
return "[". join(',', @{$data}) ."]" if(ref($data) eq "ARRAY");
return Dumper $data;
my ($hash, $activity) = @_;
my $power = "";
return $power if( !defined($activity->{fixit}) );
foreach my $id (keys %{$activity->{fixit}}) {
my $label = harmony_labelOfDevice($hash, $id);
my $state = $activity->{fixit}->{$id}->{Power};
$state = "Manual" if( !$state );
$power .= "\n\t\t\t$label: $state";
return $power;
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my ($param) = @params;
#$cmd = lc( $cmd );
my $list = "";
if( defined($hash->{id}) ) {
if( !$hash->{hub} ) {
$hash->{hub} = harmony_hubOfDevice($hash->{id});
return "no IODev found for device $name ($hash->{id})" if( !$hash->{hub} );
if( $cmd eq "commands" || $cmd eq "deviceCommands" ) {
$cmd = "deviceCommands";
$param = $hash->{id};
$hash = $defs{$hash->{hub}};
} else {
$list = "commands:noArg";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my $ret;
if( $cmd eq "activities" ) {
return "no activities found" if( !defined($hash->{config}) || !defined($hash->{config}->{activity}) );
my $ret = "";
foreach my $activity (sort { ($a->{activityOrder}||0) <=> ($b->{activityOrder}||0) } @{$hash->{config}->{activity}}) {
next if( $activity->{id} == -1 );
$ret .= "\n" if( $ret );
$ret .= sprintf( "%s\t%-24s", $activity->{id}, $activity->{label});
foreach my $param (@params) {
$ret .= "\t". harmony_data2string($activity->{$param}) if( $param && defined($activity->{$param}) );
if( $param && $param eq "power" ) {
my $power = harmony_GetPower($hash, $activity);
$ret .= $power if( $power );
if( my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, -1) ) {
$ret .= "\n-1\t\t$activity->{label}";
if( $param && $param eq "power" ) {
my $power = harmony_GetPower($hash, $activity);
$ret .= $power if( $power );
#$ret = sprintf("%s\t\t%-24s\n", "ID", "LABEL"). $ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif( $cmd eq "devices" ) {
return "no devices found" if( !defined($hash->{config}) || !defined($hash->{config}->{device}) );
my $ret = "";
foreach my $device (sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
$ret .= "\n" if( $ret );
$ret .= sprintf( "%s\t%-20s\t%-20s\t%-15s\t%-15s", $device->{id}, $device->{label}, $device->{type}, $device->{manufacturer}, $device->{model});
foreach my $param (@params) {
$ret .= "\t". harmony_data2string($device->{$param}) if( $param && defined($device->{$param}) );
#$ret = sprintf("%s\t\t%-20s\t%-20s\t%-15s\t%-15s\n", "ID", "LABEL", "TYPE", "MANUFACTURER", "MODEL"). $ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif( $cmd eq "commands" ) {
return "no commands found" if( !defined($hash->{config}) || !defined($hash->{config}->{activity}) );
my $id = $param;
$id = harmony_idOfActivity($hash, $id) if( $id && $id !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ );
return "unknown activity $param" if( $param && !$id );
my $ret = "";
foreach my $activity (sort { ($a->{activityOrder}||0) <=> ($b->{activityOrder}||0) } @{$hash->{config}->{activity}}) {
next if( $activity->{id} == -1 );
next if( $id && $activity->{id} != $id );
$ret .= "$activity->{label}\n";
#$ret .= "$device->{label}\t$device->{manufacturer}\t$device->{model}\n";
foreach my $group (@{$activity->{controlGroup}}) {
$ret .= "\t$group->{name}\n";
foreach my $function (@{$group->{function}}) {
my $action = harmony_decode_json($function->{action});
$ret .= sprintf( "\t\t%-20s\t%s (%s)\n", $function->{name}, $function->{label}, harmony_labelOfDevice($hash, $action->{deviceId}, $action->{deviceId}) );
return $ret;
} elsif( $cmd eq "deviceCommands" ) {
return "no commands found" if( !defined($hash->{config}) || !defined($hash->{config}->{device}) );
my $id = $param;
$id = harmony_idOfDevice($hash, $id) if( $id && $id !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ );
return "unknown device $param" if( $param && !$id );
my $ret = "";
foreach my $device (sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
next if( $id && $device->{id} != $id );
$ret .= "$device->{label}\t$device->{manufacturer}\t$device->{model}\n";
foreach my $group (@{$device->{controlGroup}}) {
$ret .= "\t$group->{name}\n";
foreach my $function (@{$group->{function}}) {
$ret .= sprintf( "\t\t%-20s\t%s\n", $function->{name}, $function->{label} );
return "no commands found" if( !$ret );
return $ret;
} elsif( $cmd eq "activityDetail"
|| $cmd eq "deviceDetail" ) {
return undef if( !defined($hash->{config}) );
$param = harmony_idOfActivity($hash, $param) if( $param && $param !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ && $cmd eq "activityDetail" );
$param = harmony_idOfDevice($hash, $param) if( $param && $param !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ && $cmd eq "deviceDetail" );
my $var;
$var = $hash->{config}->{activity} if( $cmd eq "activityDetail" );
$var = $hash->{config}->{device} if( $cmd eq "deviceDetail" );
if( $param ) {
foreach my $v (@{$var}) {
if( $v->{id} eq $param ) {
$var = $v;
return Dumper $var;
} elsif( $cmd eq "configDetail" ) {
return undef if( !defined($hash->{config}) );
return Dumper $hash->{config};
} elsif( $cmd eq "currentActivity" ) {
return "unknown activity" if( !$hash->{currentActivityID} );
my $activity = harmony_activityOfId($hash, $hash->{currentActivityID});
return "unknown activity" if( !$activity );
return $activity->{label};
$list .= "activities:noArg devices:noArg";
if( $hash->{config} ) {
return undef if( !defined($hash->{config}) );
my $activities;
foreach my $activity (sort { ($a->{activityOrder}||0) <=> ($b->{activityOrder}||0) } @{$hash->{config}->{activity}}) {
next if( $activity->{id} == -1 );
$activities .= "," if( $activities );
$activities .= $activity->{label};
if( $activities ) {
$activities =~ s/ /./g;
$list .= " commands:,$activities";
my $devices;
foreach my $device (sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$hash->{config}->{device}}) {
$devices .= "," if( $devices );
$devices .= $device->{label};
if( $devices ) {
$devices =~ s/ /./g;
$list .= " deviceCommands:,$devices";
if( $cmd eq 'showAccount' ) {
my $user = $hash->{helper}{username};
my $password = $hash->{helper}{password};
return 'no user set' if( !$user );
return 'no password set' if( !$password );
$user = harmony_decrypt( $user );
$password = harmony_decrypt( $password );
return "user: $user\npassword: $password";
$list .= " showAccount";
$list .= " currentActivity:noArg";
$list =~ s/^ //;
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $orig = $attrVal;
if( $attrName eq "disable" ) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq "set" && $attrVal ne "0" ) {
$attrVal = 1;
} else {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = 0;
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if( !defined($orig) || $orig ne $attrVal ) {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
return $attrName ." set to ". $attrVal;
my ($decoded) = @_;
my $key = getUniqueId();
my $encoded;
return $decoded if( $decoded =~ /^crypt:(.*)/ );
for my $char (split //, $decoded) {
my $encode = chop($key);
$encoded .= sprintf("%.2x",ord($char)^ord($encode));
$key = $encode.$key;
return 'crypt:'. $encoded;
my ($encoded) = @_;
my $key = getUniqueId();
my $decoded;
$encoded = $1 if( $encoded =~ /^crypt:(.*)/ );
for my $char (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($encoded =~ /(..)/g)) {
my $decode = chop($key);
$decoded .= chr(ord($char)^ord($decode));
$key = $decode.$key;
return $decoded;
=item summary module for logitech harmony hub based remots
=item summary_DE Modul für Logitech Harmony Hub basierte Fernbedienungen
=begin html
<a name="harmony"></a>
Defines a device to integrate a Logitech Harmony Hub based remote control into fhem.<br><br>
It is possible to: start and stop activities, send ir commands to devices, send keyboard input by bluetooth and
smart keyboard usb dongles.<br><br>
You probably want to use it in conjunction with the <a href="#fakeRoku">fakeRoku</a> module.<br><br>
<li>JSON has to be installed on the FHEM host.</li>
<li>For hubs with firmware version 3.x.y <username> and <password> are not required as no authentication
with the logitech myharmony server is needed for the full functionality of this module.</li>
<li>For hubs with firmware version 4.x.y <username> and <password> are required for device level control.
Activit level control is (currently) still possible without authentication.</li>
<li>activity and device names can be given as id or name. names can be given as a regex and spaces in names musst be replaced by a single '.' (dot).</li>
<a name="harmony_Define"></a>
<code>define <name> harmony [<username> <password>] <ip></code><br>
Defines a harmony device.<br><br>
<code>define hub harmony</code><br>
<a name="harmony_Readings"></a>
the name of the currently selected activity.</li>
the name of the previous selected activity. does not trigger an event.</li>
will be set if a new firmware version is avaliable.</li>
<a name="harmony_Internals"></a>
the id of the currently selected activity.</li>
the id of the previous selected activity.</li>
timeout for sleeptimer if any is set.</li>
<a name="harmony_Set"></a>
<li>activity <id>|<name> [<channel>]<br>
switch to this activit and optionally switch to <channel></li>
<li>channel <channel><br>
switch to <channel> in the current activity</li>
<li>command [<id>|<name>] <command> [duration=<duration>]<br>
send the given ir command for the current activity or for the given device</li>
request the configuration from the hub</li>
request the current activity from the hub</li>
switch current activity off</li>
<li>reconnect [all]<br>
close connection to the hub and reconnect, if <code>all</code> is given also reconnect to the logitech server</li>
<li>sleeptimer [<timeout>]<br>
<timeout> -> timeout in minutes<br>
-1 -> timer off<br>
default -> 60 minutes</li>
syncs the hub to the myHarmony config</li>
<li>hidDevice [<id>|<name>]<br>
sets the target device for keyboard commands, if no device is given -> set the target to the
default device for the current activity.</li>
<li>text <text><br>
sends <text> by bluetooth/smart keaboard dongle. a-z ,A-Z ,0-9, \n, \e, \t and space are currently possible</li>
<li>cursor <direction><br>
moves the cursor by bluetooth/smart keaboard dongle. <direction> can be one of: up, down, left, right, pageUp, pageDown, home, end.</li>
<li>special <key><br>
sends special key by bluetooth/smart keaboard dongle. <key> can be one of: previousTrack, nextTrack, stop, playPause, volumeUp, volumeDown, mute.</li>
<li>autocreate [<id>|<name>]<br>
creates a fhem device for a single/all device(s) in the harmony hub. if activities are startet the state
of these devices will be updatet with the power state defined in these activites.</li>
triggers a firmware update. only available if a new firmware is available.</li>
inactivates the current device. note the slight difference to the
disable attribute: using set inactive the state is automatically saved
to the statefile on shutdown, there is no explicit save necesary.<br>
this command is intended to be used by scripts to temporarily
deactivate the harmony device.<br>
the concurrent setting of the disable attribute is not recommended.</li>
activates the current device (see inactive).</li>
The command, hidDevice, text, cursor and special commmands are also available for the autocreated devices. The <id>|<name> paramter hast to be omitted.<br><br>
<a name="harmony_Get"></a>
<li>activites [<param>]<br>
lists all activities<br>
parm = power -> list power state for each device in activity</li>
<li>devices [<param>]<br>
lists all devices</li>
<li>commands [<id>|<name>]<br>
lists the commands for the specified activity or for all activities</li>
<li>deviceCommands [<id>|<name>]<br>
lists the commands for the specified device or for all devices</li>
<li>activityDetail [<id>|<name>]</li>
<li>deviceDetail [<id>|<name>]</li>
returns the current activity name</li>
display obfuscated user and password in cleartext</li>
The commands commmand is also available for the autocreated devices. The <id>|<name> paramter hast to be omitted.<br><br>
<a name="harmony_Attr"></a>
1 -> disconnect from the hub</li>
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