mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 08:36:36 +00:00
rudolfkoenig a1397d1c34 THE SPLIT
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@2076 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2012-11-04 13:49:43 +00:00

688 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
#use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
sub seekTo($$$$);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "FileLog_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "FileLog_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "FileLog_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FileLog_Undef";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "FileLog_Log";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "FileLog_Attr";
# logtype is used by the frontend
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 logtype nrarchive archivedir archivecmd";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $fh;
return "wrong syntax: define <name> FileLog filename regexp" if(int(@a) != 4);
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$a[3]$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
my @t = localtime;
my $f = ResolveDateWildcards($a[2], @t);
$fh = new IO::File ">>$f";
return "Can't open $f: $!" if(!defined($fh));
$hash->{FH} = $fh;
$hash->{REGEXP} = $a[3];
$hash->{logfile} = $a[2];
$hash->{currentlogfile} = $f;
$hash->{STATE} = "active";
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
my ($log) = @_;
my $fh = $log->{FH};
my @t = localtime;
my $cn = ResolveDateWildcards($log->{logfile}, @t);
if($cn ne $log->{currentlogfile}) { # New logfile
$fh = new IO::File ">>$cn";
if(!defined($fh)) {
Log(0, "Can't open $cn");
$log->{currentlogfile} = $cn;
$log->{FH} = $fh;
# Log is my entry, Dev is the entry of the changed device
my ($log, $dev) = @_;
my $ln = $log->{NAME};
return if($attr{$ln} && $attr{$ln}{disable});
my $n = $dev->{NAME};
my $re = $log->{REGEXP};
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
my $tn = TimeNow();
my $ct = $dev->{CHANGETIME};
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
$s = "" if(!defined($s));
my $t = (($ct && $ct->[$i]) ? $ct->[$i] : $tn);
if($n =~ m/^$re$/ || "$n:$s" =~ m/^$re$/ || "$t:$n:$s" =~ m/^$re$/) {
$t =~ s/ /_/; # Makes it easier to parse with gnuplot
my $fh = $log->{FH};
print $fh "$t $n $s\n";
$fh->sync if !($^O eq 'MSWin32'); #not implemented in Windows
return "";
my @a = @_;
my $do = 0;
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "disable") {
$do = (!defined($a[3]) || $a[3]) ? 1 : 2;
$do = 2 if($a[0] eq "del" && (!$a[2] || $a[2] eq "disable"));
return if(!$do);
$defs{$a[1]}{STATE} = ($do == 1 ? "disabled" : "active");
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "no set argument specified" if(int(@a) != 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of reopen"
if($a[1] ne "reopen");
my $fh = $hash->{FH};
my $cn = $hash->{currentlogfile};
$fh = new IO::File ">>$cn";
return "Can't open $cn" if(!defined($fh));
$hash->{FH} = $fh;
return undef;
# We use this function to be able to scroll/zoom in the plots created from the
# logfile. When outfile is specified, it is used with gnuplot post-processing,
# when outfile is "-" it is used to create SVG graphics
# Up till now following functions are impemented:
# - int (to cut off % from a number, as for the actuator)
# - delta-h / delta-d to get rain/h and rain/d values from continuous data.
# It will set the %data values
# min<x>, max<x>, avg<x>, cnt<x>, currdate<x>, currval<x>, sum<x>
# for each requested column, beginning with <x> = 1
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "Usage: get $a[0] <infile> <outfile> <from> <to> <column_spec>...\n".
" where column_spec is <col>:<regexp>:<default>:<fn>\n" .
" see the FileLogGrep entries in he .gplot files\n" .
" <infile> is without direcory, - means the current file\n" .
" <outfile> is a prefix, - means stdout\n"
if(int(@a) < 5);
shift @a;
my $inf = shift @a;
my $outf = shift @a;
my $from = shift @a;
my $to = shift @a; # Now @a contains the list of column_specs
my $internal;
if($outf eq "INT") {
$outf = "-";
$internal = 1;
if($inf eq "-") {
$inf = $hash->{currentlogfile};
} else {
# Look for the file in the log directory...
my $linf = "$1/$inf" if($hash->{currentlogfile} =~ m,^(.*)/[^/]*$,);
return undef if(!$linf);
if(!-f $linf) {
# ... or in the archivelog
$linf = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"archivedir",".") ."/". $inf;
return "Error: cannot access $linf" if(!-f $linf);
$inf = $linf;
my $ifh = new IO::File $inf;
seekTo($inf, $ifh, $hash, $from);
# Digest the input.
# last1: first delta value after d/h change
# last2: last delta value recorded (for the very last entry)
# last3: last delta timestamp (d or h)
my (@d, @fname);
my (@min, @max, @sum, @cnt, @lastv, @lastd);
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@a); $i++) {
my @fld = split(":", $a[$i], 4);
my %h;
if($outf ne "-") {
$fname[$i] = "$outf.$i";
$h{fh} = new IO::File "> $fname[$i]";
$h{re} = $fld[1]; # Filter: regexp
$h{df} = defined($fld[2]) ? $fld[2] : ""; # default value
$h{fn} = $fld[3]; # function
$h{didx} = 10 if($fld[3] && $fld[3] eq "delta-d"); # delta idx, substr len
$h{didx} = 13 if($fld[3] && $fld[3] eq "delta-h");
if($fld[0] =~ m/"(.*)"/o) {
$h{col} = $1;
$h{type} = 0;
} else {
$h{col} = $fld[0]-1;
$h{type} = 1;
if($h{fn}) {
$h{type} = 4;
$h{type} = 2 if($h{didx});
$h{type} = 3 if($h{fn} eq "int");
$h{ret} = "";
$d[$i] = \%h;
$min[$i] = 999999;
$max[$i] = -999999;
$sum[$i] = 0;
$cnt[$i] = 0;
$lastv[$i] = 0;
$lastd[$i] = "undef";
my %lastdate;
my $d; # Used by eval functions
my ($rescan, $rescanNum, $rescanIdx, @rescanArr);
$rescan = 0;
for(;;) {
my $l;
if($rescan) {
last if($rescanIdx<1 || !$rescanNum);
$l = $rescanArr[$rescanIdx--];
} else {
$l = <$ifh>;
last if(!$l);
next if($l lt $from && !$rescan);
last if($l gt $to);
my @fld = split("[ \r\n]+", $l); # 40% CPU
for my $i (0..int(@a)-1) { # Process each req. field
my $h = $d[$i];
next if($rescan && $h->{ret});
my @missingvals;
next if($h->{re} && $l !~ m/$h->{re}/); # 20% CPU
my $col = $h->{col};
my $t = $h->{type};
my $val = undef;
my $dte = $fld[0];
if($t == 0) { # Fixed text
$val = $col;
} elsif($t == 1) { # The column
$val = $fld[$col] if(defined($fld[$col]));
} elsif($t == 2) { # delta-h or delta-d
my $hd = $h->{didx}; # TimeStamp-Length
my $ld = substr($fld[0],0,$hd); # TimeStamp-Part (hour or date)
if(!defined($h->{last1}) || $h->{last3} ne $ld) {
if(defined($h->{last1})) {
my @lda = split("[_:]", $lastdate{$hd});
my $ts = "12:00:00"; # middle timestamp
$ts = "$lda[1]:30:00" if($hd == 13);
my $v = $fld[$col]-$h->{last1};
$v = 0 if($v < 0); # Skip negative delta
$dte = "$lda[0]_$ts";
$val = sprintf("%0.1f", $v);
if($hd == 13) { # Generate missing 0 values / hour
my @cda = split("[_:]", $ld);
for(my $mi = $lda[1]+1; $mi < $cda[1]; $mi++) {
push @missingvals, sprintf("%s_%02d:30:00 0\n", $lda[0], $mi);
$h->{last1} = $fld[$col];
$h->{last3} = $ld;
$h->{last2} = $fld[$col];
$lastdate{$hd} = $fld[0];
} elsif($t == 3) { # int function
$val = $1 if($fld[$col] =~ m/^(\d+).*/o);
} else { # evaluate
$val = eval($h->{fn});
next if(!defined($val) || $val !~ m/^[-\.\d]+$/o);
$min[$i] = $val if($val < $min[$i]);
$max[$i] = $val if($val > $max[$i]);
$sum[$i] += $val;
$lastv[$i] = $val;
$lastd[$i] = $dte;
map { $cnt[$i]++; $min[$i] = 0 if(0 < $min[$i]); } @missingvals;
if($outf eq "-") {
$h->{ret} .= "$dte $val\n";
map { $h->{ret} .= $_ } @missingvals;
} else {
my $fh = $h->{fh}; # cannot use $h->{fh} in print directly
print $fh "$dte $val\n";
map { print $fh $_ } @missingvals;
last if(!$rescanNum);
# If no value found for some of the required columns, then look for the last
# matching entry outside of the range. Known as the "window left open
# yesterday" problem
if(!$rescan) {
$rescanNum = 0;
map { $rescanNum++ if(!$d[$_]->{count} && $d[$_]->{df} eq "") } (0..$#a);
if($rescanNum) {
my $buf;
my $end = $hash->{pos}{"$inf:$from"};
my $start = $end - 1024;
$start = 0 if($start < 0);
$ifh->seek($start, 0);
sysread($ifh, $buf, $end-$start);
@rescanArr = split("\n", $buf);
$rescanIdx = $#rescanArr;
goto RESCAN;
my $ret = "";
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@a); $i++) {
my $h = $d[$i];
my $hd = $h->{didx};
if($hd && $lastdate{$hd}) {
my $val = defined($h->{last1}) ? $h->{last2}-$h->{last1} : 0;
$min[$i] = $val if($min[$i] == 999999);
$max[$i] = $val if($max[$i] == -999999);
$lastv[$i] = $val if(!$lastv[$i]);
$sum[$i] = ($sum[$i] ? $sum[$i] + $val : $val);
my @lda = split("[_:]", $lastdate{$hd});
my $ts = "12:00:00"; # middle timestamp
$ts = "$lda[1]:30:00" if($hd == 13);
my $line = sprintf("%s_%s %0.1f\n", $lda[0],$ts, $h->{last2}-$h->{last1});
if($outf eq "-") {
$h->{ret} .= $line;
} else {
my $fh = $h->{fh};
print $fh $line;
if($outf eq "-") {
$h->{ret} .= "$from $h->{df}\n" if(!$h->{ret} && $h->{df} ne "");
$ret .= $h->{ret} if($h->{ret});
$ret .= "#$a[$i]\n";
} else {
my $fh = $h->{fh};
if(!$h->{count} && $h->{df} ne "") {
print $fh "$from $h->{df}\n";
my $j = $i+1;
$data{"min$j"} = $min[$i] == 999999 ? "undef" : $min[$i];
$data{"max$j"} = $max[$i] == -999999 ? "undef" : $max[$i];
$data{"avg$j"} = $cnt[$i] ? sprintf("%0.1f", $sum[$i]/$cnt[$i]) : "undef";
$data{"sum$j"} = $sum[$i];
$data{"cnt$j"} = $cnt[$i] ? $cnt[$i] : "undef";
$data{"currval$j"} = $lastv[$i];
$data{"currdate$j"} = $lastd[$i];
if($internal) {
$internal_data = \$ret;
return undef;
return ($outf eq "-") ? $ret : join(" ", @fname);
my ($fname, $fh, $hash, $ts) = @_;
# If its cached
if($hash->{pos} && $hash->{pos}{"$fname:$ts"}) {
$fh->seek($hash->{pos}{"$fname:$ts"}, 0);
$fh->seek(0, 2); # Go to the end
my $upper = $fh->tell;
my ($lower, $next, $last) = (0, $upper/2, 0);
my $div = 2;
while() { # Binary search
$fh->seek($next, 0);
my $data = <$fh>;
if(!$data) {
$last = $next;
if($data !~ m/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d:\d\d:\d\d /o) {
$next = $fh->tell;
$data = <$fh>;
if(!$data) {
$last = $next;
# If the second line is longer then the first,
# binary search will never get it:
if($next eq $last && $data ge $ts && $div < 8192 && $next < 1024) {
$last = 0;
$div *= 2;
if($next eq $last) {
$fh->seek($next, 0);
$last = $next;
if(!$data || $data lt $ts) {
($lower, $next) = ($next, int(($next+$upper)/$div));
} else {
($upper, $next) = ($next, int(($lower+$next)/$div));
$hash->{pos}{"$fname:$ts"} = $last;
=begin html
<a name="FileLog"></a>
<a name="FileLogdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; FileLog &lt;filename&gt; &lt;regexp&gt;</code>
Log events to <code>&lt;filename&gt;</code>. The log format is
YYYY:MM:DD_HH:MM:SS &lt;device&gt; &lt;event&gt;</pre>
The regexp will be checked against the device name
devicename:event or timestamp:devicename:event combination.
The regexp must match the complete string, not just a part of it.
<code>&lt;filename&gt;</code> may contain %-wildcards of the
POSIX strftime function of the underlying OS (see your strftime manual).
Common used wildcards are:
<li><code>%d</code> day of month (01..31)</li>
<li><code>%m</code> month (01..12)</li>
<li><code>%Y</code> year (1970...)
<li><code>%w</code> day of week (0..6); 0 represents Sunday
<li><code>%j</code> day of year (001..366)
<li><code>%U</code> week number of year with Sunday as first day of week (00..53)
<li><code>%W</code> week number of year with Monday as first day of week (00..53)
FHEM also replaces <code>%L</code> by the value of the global logdir attribute.<br>
Before using <code>%V</code> for ISO 8601 week numbers check if it is
correctly supported by your system (%V may not be replaced, replaced by an
empty string or by an incorrect ISO-8601 week number, especially
at the beginning of the year)
If you use <code>%V</code> you will also have to use %G
instead of %Y for the year!<br>
<code>define lamplog FileLog %L/lamp.log lamp</code><br>
<code>define wzlog FileLog /var/tmp/wz-%Y-%U.log
With ISO 8601 week numbers, if supported:<br>
<code>define wzlog FileLog /var/tmp/wz-%G-%V.log
<a name="FileLogset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; reopen</code><br>
Used to reopen a FileLog after making some manual changes to the logfile.
<a name="FileLogget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;infile&gt; &lt;outfile&gt; &lt;from&gt;
&lt;to&gt; &lt;column_spec&gt; </code>
Read data from the logfile, used by frontends to plot data without direct
access to the file.<br>
Name of the logfile to grep. "-" is the current logfile, or you can
specify an older file (or a file from the archive).</li>
If it is "-", you get the data back on the current connection, else it
is the prefix for the output file. If more than one file is specified,
the data is separated by a comment line for "-", else it is written in
separate files, numerated from 0.
<li>&lt;from&gt; &lt;to&gt;<br>
Used to grep the data. The elements should correspond to the
timeformat or be an initial substring of it.</li>
For each column_spec return a set of data in a separate file or
separated by a comment line on the current connection.<br>
Syntax: &lt;col&gt;:&lt;regexp&gt;:&lt;default&gt;:&lt;fn&gt;<br>
The column number to return, starting at 1 with the date.
If the column is enclosed in double quotes, then it is a fix text,
not a column nuber.</li>
If present, return only lines containing the regexp. Case sensitive.
If no values were found and the default value is set, then return
one line containing the from value and this default. We need this
feature as gnuplot aborts if a dataset has no value at all.
One of the following:
Extract the integer at the beginning og the string. Used e.g.
for constructs like 10%</li>
<li>delta-h or delta-d<br>
Return the delta of the values for a given hour or a given day.
Used if the column contains a counter, as is the case for the
KS300 rain column.</li>
<li>everything else<br>
The string is evaluated as a perl expression. @fld is the
current line splitted by spaces. Note: The string/perl
expression cannot contain spaces, as the part after the space
will be considered as the next column_spec.</li>
<pre>get outlog out-2008.log - 2008-01-01 2008-01-08 4:IR:int: 9:IR::</pre>
<a name="FileLogattr"></a>
<a name="archivedir"></a>
<a name="archivecmd"></a>
<a name="nrarchive"></a>
<li>archivecmd / archivedir / nrarchive<br>
When a new FileLog file is opened, the FileLog archiver wil be called.
This happens only, if the name of the logfile has changed (due to
time-specific wildcards, see the <a href="#FileLog">FileLog</a>
section), and there is a new entry to be written into the file.
If the attribute archivecmd is specified, then it will be started as a
shell command (no enclosing " is needed), and each % in the command
will be replaced with the name of the old logfile.<br>
If this attribute is not set, but nrarchive and/or archivecmd are set,
then nrarchive old logfiles are kept along the current one while older
ones are moved to archivedir (or deleted if archivedir is not set).
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<a name="logtype"></a>
Used by the pgm2 webfrontend to offer gnuplot/SVG images made from the
logs. The string is made up of tokens separated by comma (,), each
token specifies a different gnuplot program. The token may contain a
colon (:), the part before the colon defines the name of the program,
the part after is the string displayed in the web frontend. Currently
following types of gnuplot programs are implemented:<br>
Plots on as 1 and off as 0. The corresponding filelog definition
for the device fs20dev is:<br>
define fslog FileLog log/fs20dev-%Y-%U.log fs20dev
Plots the measured-temp/desired-temp/actuator lines. The
corresponding filelog definitions (for the FHT device named
fht1) looks like:<br>
<code>define fhtlog1 FileLog log/fht1-%Y-%U.log fht1:.*(temp|actuator).*</code>
Plots the temperature and rain (per hour and per day) of a
ks300. The corresponding filelog definitions (for the KS300
device named ks300) looks like:<br>
define ks300log FileLog log/fht1-%Y-%U.log ks300:.*H:.*
Plots the humidity and wind values of a
ks300. The corresponding filelog definition is the same as
above, both programs evaluate the same log.
Shows the logfile as it is (plain text). Not gnuplot definition
is needed.
attr ks300log1 logtype temp4rain10:Temp/Rain,hum6wind8:Hum/Wind,text:Raw-data
=end html