mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-06 00:26:35 +00:00
wherzig be120b3d66 correct PT2262 UNDEFINED receive
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@3278 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2013-06-12 15:13:24 +00:00

972 lines
33 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
# 46_TRX_LIGHT.pm
# FHEM module for lighting protocols:
# X10 lighting, ARC, ELRO AB400D, Waveman, Chacon EMW200,
# IMPULS, AC (KlikAanKlikUit, NEXA, CHACON, HomeEasy UK),
# HomeEasy EU, ANSLUT, Ikea Koppla
# Copyright (C) 2012,2013 by Willi Herzig
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# values for "set global verbose"
# 4: log unknown protocols
# 5: log decoding hexlines for debugging
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Debug this module? YES = 1, NO = 0
my $TRX_LIGHT_debug = 0;
my $time_old = 0;
my $TRX_LIGHT_type_default = "ds10a";
my $TRX_LIGHT_X10_type_default = "x10";
my $DOT = q{_};
my %light_device_codes = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME", "name of reading",
# 0x10: Lighting1
0x1000 => [ "X10", "light" ],
0x1001 => [ "ARC", "light" ],
0x1002 => [ "AB400D", "light" ],
0x1003 => [ "WAVEMAN", "light" ],
0x1004 => [ "EMW200", "light"],
0x1005 => [ "IMPULS", "light"],
0x1006 => [ "RISINGSUN", "light"],
0x1007 => [ "PHILIPS_SBC", "light"],
# 0x11: Lighting2
0x1100 => [ "AC", "light"],
0x1101 => [ "HOMEEASY", "light"],
0x1102 => [ "ANSLUT", "light"],
# 0x12: Lighting3
0x1200 => [ "KOPPLA", "light"], # IKEA Koppla
# 0x13: Lighting4
0x1300 => [ "PT2262", "light"], # PT2262 raw messages
# 0x14: Lighting5
0x1400 => [ "LIGHTWAVERF", "light"], # LightwaveRF
0x1401 => [ "EMW100", "light"], # EMW100
0x1402 => [ "BBSB", "light"], # BBSB
# 0x15: Lighting6
0x1500 => [ "BLYSS", "light"], # Blyss
my %light_device_commands = ( # HEXSTRING => commands
# 0x10: Lighting1
0x1000 => [ "off", "on", "dim", "bright", "", "all_off", "all_on"], # X10
0x1001 => [ "off", "on", "", "", "", "all_off", "all_on", "chime"], # ARC
0x1002 => [ "off", "on"], # AB400D
0x1003 => [ "off", "on"], # WAVEMAN
0x1004 => [ "off", "on"], # EMW200
0x1005 => [ "off", "on"], # IMPULS
0x1006 => [ "off", "on"], # RisingSun
0x1007 => [ "off", "on", "", "", "", "all_off", "all_on"], # Philips SBC
# 0x11: Lighting2
0x1100 => [ "off", "on", "level", "all_off", "all_on", "all_level"], # AC
0x1101 => [ "off", "on", "level", "all_off", "all_on", "all_level"], # HOMEEASY
0x1102 => [ "off", "on", "level", "all_off", "all_on", "all_level"], # ANSLUT
# 0x12: Lighting3
0x1200 => [ "bright", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "dim", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"on", "level1", "level2", "level3", "level4", "level5", "level6", "level7", "level8", "level9", "off", "", "program", "", "", "", "",], # Koppla
# 0x13: Lighting4
0x1300 => [ "Lighting4"], # Lighting4: PT2262
# 0x14: Lighting5
0x1400 => [ "off", "on", "all_off", "mood1", "mood2", "mood3", "mood4", "mood5", "reserved1", "reserved2", "unlock", "lock", "all_lock", "close", "stop", "open", "level"], # LightwaveRF, Siemens
0x1401 => [ "off", "on", "learn"], # EMW100 GAO/Everflourish
0x1402 => [ "off", "on", "all_off", "all_on"], # BBSB new types
# 0x15: Lighting6
0x1500 => [ "off", "on", "all_off", "all_on"], # Blyss
my %light_device_c2b; # DEVICE_TYPE->hash (reverse of light_device_codes)
my ($hash) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys %light_device_codes) {
$light_device_c2b{$light_device_codes{$k}->[0]} = $k;
$hash->{Match} = "^..(10|11|12|13|14).*";
$hash->{SetFn} = "TRX_LIGHT_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "TRX_LIGHT_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "TRX_LIGHT_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "TRX_LIGHT_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ignore:1,0 do_not_notify:1,0 ".
"loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ".
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
$val = $1 if($val =~ m/^(.*) \d+$/);
# to be done. Just accept everything right now.
#return "Undefined value $val" if(!defined($fs20_c2b{$val}));
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "Timespec (HH:MM[:SS]) needed for the on-till command" if(@a != 3);
my ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($a[2]);
return $err if($err);
my @lt = localtime;
my $hms_till = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hr, $min, $sec);
my $hms_now = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $lt[2], $lt[1], $lt[0]);
if($hms_now ge $hms_till) {
Log 4, "on-till: won't switch as now ($hms_now) is later than $hms_till";
return "";
my $tname = $hash->{NAME} . "_timer";
CommandDelete(undef, $tname) if($defs{$tname});
my @b = ($a[0], "on");
TRX_LIGHT_Set($hash, @b);
CommandDefine(undef, "$tname at $hms_till set $a[0] off");
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "Timespec (HH:MM[:SS]) needed for the on-for-timer command" if(@a != 3);
my ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($a[2]);
return $err if($err);
my $hms_for_timer = sprintf("+%02d:%02d:%02d", $hr, $min, $sec);
my $tname = $hash->{NAME} . "_timer";
CommandDelete(undef, $tname) if($defs{$tname});
my @b = ($a[0], "on");
TRX_LIGHT_Set($hash, @b);
CommandDefine(undef, "$tname at $hms_for_timer set $a[0] off");
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
my $na = int(@a);
return "no set value specified" if($na < 2 || $na > 3);
# look for device_type
my $name = $a[0];
my $command = $a[1];
my $command_state = $a[1];
my $level = 0;
my $arg3 = "";
# special for on-till
return TRX_LIGHT_Do_On_Till($hash, @a) if($command eq "on-till");
# special for on-for-timer
return TRX_LIGHT_Do_On_For_Timer($hash, @a) if($command eq "on-for-timer");
if ($na == 3) {
$arg3 = $a[2];
if ($na == 3 && $command eq "level" ) {
$level = $a[2];
my $device_type = $hash->{TRX_LIGHT_type};
my $deviceid = $hash->{TRX_LIGHT_deviceid};
if ($device_type eq "MS14A") {
return "No set implemented for $device_type";
if ( lc($hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "window" || lc($hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "door" ||
lc($hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "motion" ||
lc($hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "lightsensor" || lc($hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "photosensor" ||
lc($hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "lock"
) {
return "No set implemented for $device_type";
my $device_type_num = $light_device_c2b{$device_type};
if(!defined($device_type_num)) {
return "Unknown device_type, choose one of " .
join(" ", sort keys %light_device_c2b);
my $protocol_type = $device_type_num >> 8; # high bytes
# Now check if the command is valid and retrieve the command id:
my $rec = $light_device_commands{$device_type_num};
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i <= $#$rec && ($rec->[$i] ne $command); $i++) { ;}
if($rec->[0] eq "Lighting4") { # for Lighting4
my $command_codes = $hash->{TRX_LIGHT_commandcodes}.",";
my $l = $command_codes;
$l =~ s/([0-9]*):([a-z]*),/$2 /g;
#Log 1,"PT2262: l=$l";
if (!($command =~ /^[0-2]*$/)) { # if it is base4 just accept it
if ($command ne "?" && $command_codes =~ /([0-9]*):$command,/ ) {
Log 1,"PT2262: arg=$command found=$1" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
$command = $1;
} else {
Log 1,"PT2262: else arg=$command l='$l'" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
my $error = "Unknown command $command, choose one of $l ";
Log 4, $error;
return $error;
} elsif ($i > $#$rec) {
my $l = join(" ", sort @$rec);
if ($device_type eq "AC" || $device_type eq "HOMEEASY" || $device_type eq "ANSLUT") {
$l =~ s/ level / level:slider,0,1,15 /;
#my $error = "Unknown command $command, choose one of $l";
my $error = "Unknown command $command, choose one of $l "."on-till on-for-timer";
Log 4, $error;
return $error;
my $seqnr = 0;
my $cmnd = $i;
my $hex_prefix;
my $hex_command;
if ($protocol_type == 0x10) {
my $house;
my $unit;
if ($deviceid =~ /(.)(.*)/ ) {
$house = ord("$1");
$unit = $2;
} else {
Log 4,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting1 wrong deviceid: name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid";
return "error set name=$name deviceid=$deviceid";
# lighting1
$hex_prefix = sprintf "0710";
$hex_command = sprintf "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x00", $device_type_num & 0xff, $seqnr, $house, $unit, $cmnd;
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid house=$house, unit=$unit command=$command" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set hexline=$hex_prefix$hex_command" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
} elsif ($protocol_type == 0x11) {
# lighting2
if (uc($deviceid) =~ /^[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]$/ ) {
} else {
Log 4,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting2 wrong deviceid: name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid";
return "error set name=$name deviceid=$deviceid";
$hex_prefix = sprintf "0B11";
$hex_command = sprintf "%02x%02x%s%02x%02x00", $device_type_num & 0xff, $seqnr, $deviceid, $cmnd, $level;
if ($command eq "level") {
$command .= sprintf " %d", $level;
$command_state = $command;
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting2 name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid command=$command" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting2 hexline=$hex_prefix$hex_command" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
} elsif ($protocol_type == 0x12) {
# lighting3
my $koppla_id = "";
if (uc($deviceid) =~ /^([0-1][0-9])([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])$/ ) {
# $1 = system, $2 = high bits channel, $3 = low bits channel
my $koppla_system = $1 - 1;
if ($koppla_system > 15) {
return "error set name=$name deviceid=$deviceid. system must be in range 01-16";
$koppla_id = sprintf("%02X",$koppla_system).$3."0".$2;
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting3: deviceid=$deviceid kopplaid=$koppla_id" if (1 || $TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
} else {
Log 4,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting3 wrong deviceid: name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid. Wrong deviceid must be 3 digits with range 0000 - f3FF";
return "error set name=$name deviceid=$deviceid. Wrong deviceid must be 5 digits consisting of 2 digit decimal value for system (01-16) and a 3 hex digit channel (000 - 3ff)";
$hex_prefix = sprintf "0812";
$hex_command = sprintf "%02x%02x%s%02x00", $device_type_num & 0xff, $seqnr, $koppla_id, $cmnd;
if ($command eq "level") {
$command .= sprintf " %d", $level;
$command_state = $command;
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting3 name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid command=$command" if (1 ||$TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting3 hexline=$hex_prefix$hex_command" if (1 || $TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
} elsif ($protocol_type == 0x13) {
# lighting4 (PT2262)
my $pt2262_cmd;
my $base_4;
my $bindata;
my $hexdata;
if ($command =~ /^[0-3]*$/) { # if it is base4 just append it
$pt2262_cmd = $deviceid.$command;
} else {
return "-999- set PT2262: cmd=$command name=$name not found";
if (uc($pt2262_cmd) =~ /^[0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3][0-3]$/ ) {
$base_4 = $pt2262_cmd;
# convert base4 to binary:
my %b42b = (0 => "00", 1 => "01", 2 => "10", 3 => "11");
($bindata = $base_4) =~ s/(.)/$b42b{lc $1}/g;
$hexdata = unpack("H*", pack("B*", $bindata));
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set PT2262: base4='$base_4', binary='$bindata' hex='$hexdata'" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
} else {
Log 4,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting4:PT2262 cmd='$pt2262_cmd' needs to be base4 and has 12 digits (name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid)";
return "error set name=$name deviceid=$pt2262_cmd (needs to be base4 and has 12 digits)";
$hex_prefix = sprintf "0913";
$hex_command = sprintf "00%02x%s015E00", $seqnr, $hexdata;
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting4:PT2262 name=$name cmd=$command cmd_state=$command_state hexdata=$hexdata" if (1 || $TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting4:PT2262 hexline=$hex_prefix$hex_command" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
} elsif ($protocol_type == 0x14) {
# lighting5
if (uc($deviceid) =~ /^[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]$/ ) {
} else {
Log 4,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting5 wrong deviceid: name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid";
return "error set name=$name deviceid=$deviceid";
$hex_prefix = sprintf "0A14";
$hex_command = sprintf "%02x%02x%s%02x%02x00", $device_type_num & 0xff, $seqnr, $deviceid, $cmnd, $level;
if ($command eq "level") {
$command .= sprintf " %d", $level;
$command_state = $command;
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting5 name=$name device_type=$device_type, deviceid=$deviceid command=$command" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT_Set lighting5 hexline=$hex_prefix$hex_command" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
} else {
return "No set implemented for $device_type . Unknown protocol type";
IOWrite($hash, $hex_prefix, $hex_command);
my $tn = TimeNow();
$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $command_state;
$hash->{STATE} = $command_state;
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $command_state;
return $ret;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $a = int(@a);
my $type = "";
my $deviceid = "";
my $devicelog = "";
my $commandcodes = "";
if (int(@a) > 2 && uc($a[2]) eq "PT2262") {
if (int(@a) != 3 && int(@a) != 6) {
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT wrong syntax '@a'. \nCorrect syntax is 'define <name> TRX_LIGHT PT2262 [<deviceid> <devicelog> <commandcodes>]'";
return "wrong syntax: define <name> TRX_LIGHT PT2262 [<deviceid> <devicelog> [<commandcodes>]]";
} elsif(int(@a) != 5 && int(@a) != 7) {
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT wrong syntax '@a'. \nCorrect syntax is 'define <name> TRX_LIGHT <type> <deviceid> <devicelog> [<deviceid2> <devicelog2>]'";
return "wrong syntax: define <name> TRX_LIGHT <type> <deviceid> <devicelog> [<deviceid2> <devicelog2>]";
my $name = $a[0];
$type = uc($a[2]) if (int(@a) > 2);
$deviceid = $a[3] if (int(@a) > 3);
$devicelog = $a[4] if (int(@a) > 4);
$commandcodes = $a[5] if ($type eq "PT2262" && int(@a) > 5);
if ($type ne "X10" && $type ne "ARC" && $type ne "MS14A" && $type ne "AB400D" && $type ne "WAVEMAN" && $type ne "EMW200" && $type ne "IMPULS" && $type ne "RISINGSUN" && $type ne "PHILIPS_SBC" && $type ne "AC" && $type ne "HOMEEASY" && $type ne "ANSLUT" && $type ne "KOPPLA" && $type ne "LIGHTWAVERF" && $type ne "EMW100" && $type ne "BBSB" && $type ne "PT2262") {
Log 1,"TRX_LIGHT define: wrong type: $type";
return "TRX_LIGHT: wrong type: $type";
my $my_type;
if ($type eq "MS14A") {
$my_type = "X10"; # device will be received as X10
} else {
$my_type = $type;
my $device_name = "TRX".$DOT.$my_type;
if ($deviceid ne "") { $device_name .= $DOT.$deviceid };
$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_deviceid} = $deviceid;
$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog} = $devicelog;
$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_commandcodes} = $commandcodes if ($type eq "PT2262");
$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_type} = $type;
#$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_CODE} = $deviceid;
$modules{TRX_LIGHT}{defptr}{$device_name} = $hash;
if (int(@a) == 7) {
# there is a second deviceid:
my $deviceid2 = $a[5];
my $devicelog2 = $a[6];
my $device_name2 = "TRX".$DOT.$my_type.$DOT.$deviceid2;
$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_deviceid2} = $deviceid2;
$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog2} = $devicelog2;
#$hash->{TRX_LIGHT_CODE2} = $deviceid2;
$modules{TRX_LIGHT}{defptr2}{$device_name2} = $hash;
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
# T R X _ L I G H T _ p a r s e _ X 1 0 ( )
sub TRX_LIGHT_parse_X10 {
my $bytes = shift;
my $error = "";
#my $device;
my $type = $bytes->[0];
my $subtype = $bytes->[1];
my $dev_type;
my $dev_reading;
my $rest;
my $type_subtype = ($type << 8) + $subtype;
if (exists $light_device_codes{$type_subtype}) {
my $rec = $light_device_codes{$type_subtype};
($dev_type, $dev_reading) = @$rec;
} else {
$error = sprintf "TRX_LIGHT: error undefined type=%02x, subtype=%02x", $type, $subtype;
Log 1, $error;
return $error;
if ($dev_type eq "BBSB") { return " "; } # ignore BBSB messages temporarily because of receiving problems
my $device;
my $data;
if ($type == 0x10) {
my $dev_first = "?";
my %x10_housecode =
0x41 => "A",
0x42 => "B",
0x43 => "C",
0x44 => "D",
0x45 => "E",
0x46 => "F",
0x47 => "G",
0x48 => "H",
0x49 => "I",
0x4A => "J",
0x4B => "K",
0x4C => "L",
0x4D => "M",
0x4E => "N",
0x4F => "O",
0x50 => "P",
my $devnr = $bytes->[3]; # housecode
if (exists $x10_housecode{$devnr}) {
$dev_first = $x10_housecode{$devnr};
} else {
$error = sprintf "TRX_LIGHT: x10_housecode wrong housecode=%02x", $devnr;
Log 1, $error;
return $error;
my $unit = $bytes->[4]; # unitcode
$device = sprintf '%s%0d', $dev_first, $unit;
$data = $bytes->[5];
} elsif ($type == 0x11) {
$device = sprintf '%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x', $bytes->[3], $bytes->[4], $bytes->[5], $bytes->[6], $bytes->[7];
$data = $bytes->[8];
} elsif ($type == 0x14) {
$device = sprintf '%02x%02x%02x%02x', $bytes->[3], $bytes->[4], $bytes->[5], $bytes->[6];
$data = $bytes->[7];
} elsif ($type == 0x15) {
$device = sprintf '%02x%02x%c%d', $bytes->[3], $bytes->[4], $bytes->[5], $bytes->[6];
$data = $bytes->[7];
} else {
$error = sprintf "TRX_LIGHT: wrong type=%02x", $type;
Log 1, $error;
return $error;
my $hexdata = sprintf '%02x', $data;
my $command = "";
if (exists $light_device_commands{$type_subtype}) {
my $code = $light_device_commands{$type_subtype};
if (exists $code->[$data]) {
$command = $code->[$data];
} else {
$error = sprintf "TRX_LIGHT: unknown cmd type_subtype=%02x cmd=%02x", $type_subtype, $data;
Log 1, $error;
return $error;
} else {
$error = sprintf "TRX_LIGHT: unknown type_subtype %02x data=%02x", $type_subtype, $data;
Log 1, $error;
return $error;
#my @res;
my $current = "";
my $device_name = "TRX".$DOT.$dev_type.$DOT.$device;
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: device_name=$device_name data=$hexdata" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
my $firstdevice = 1;
my $def = $modules{TRX_LIGHT}{defptr}{$device_name};
if(!$def) {
$firstdevice = 0;
$def = $modules{TRX_LIGHT}{defptr2}{$device_name};
if (!$def) {
Log 1, "UNDEFINED $device_name TRX_LIGHT $dev_type $device $dev_reading" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
Log 3, "TRX_LIGHT: TRX_LIGHT Unknown device $device_name, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $device_name TRX_LIGHT $dev_type $device $dev_reading";
# Use $def->{NAME}, because the device may be renamed:
my $name = $def->{NAME};
return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: $name devn=$device_name first=$firstdevice command=$command, cmd=$hexdata" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
my $n = 0;
my $tm = TimeNow();
my $val = "";
my $device_type = $def->{TRX_LIGHT_type};
my $sensor = "";
if ($device_type eq "MS14A") {
# for ms14a behave like x10
$device_type = "X10";
if (lc($def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "window" || lc($def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "door") {
$command = ($command eq "on") ? "Open" : "Closed" ;
} elsif (lc($def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "motion") {
$command = ($command eq "on") ? "alert" : "normal" ;
} elsif (lc($def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "lightsensor" || lc($def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "photosensor") {
$command = ($command eq "on") ? "dark" : "bright" ;
} elsif (lc($def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog}) eq "lock") {
$command = ($command eq "on") ? "Closed" : "Open" ;
if ($type == 0x10 || $type == 0x11 || $type == 0x14) {
# try to use it for all types:
$current = $command;
if ($type == 0x11 && $command eq "level") {
# append level number
my $level = $bytes->[9];
$current .= sprintf " %d", $level;
} elsif ($type == 0x14 && $command eq "level") {
# append level number
my $level = $bytes->[8];
$current .= sprintf " %d", $level;
$sensor = $firstdevice == 1 ? $def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog} : $def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog2};
$val .= $current;
readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $current);
} else {
$error = sprintf "TRX_LIGHT: error unknown sensor type=%x device_type=%s devn=%s first=%d command=%s", $type, $device_type, $device_name, $firstdevice, $command;
Log 1, $error;
return $error;
if (($firstdevice == 1) && $val) {
#$def->{STATE} = $val;
readingsBulkUpdate($def, "state", $val);
readingsEndUpdate($def, 1);
return $name;
# T R X _ L I G H T _ p a r s e _ P T 2 2 6 2 ( )
sub TRX_LIGHT_parse_PT2262 {
my $bytes = shift;
my $error = "";
#my $device;
my $type = $bytes->[0];
my $subtype = $bytes->[1];
my $dev_type;
my $dev_reading;
my $rest;
my $type_subtype = ($type << 8) + $subtype;
if (exists $light_device_codes{$type_subtype}) {
my $rec = $light_device_codes{$type_subtype};
($dev_type, $dev_reading) = @$rec;
} else {
$error = sprintf "TRX_LIGHT: PT2262 error undefined type=%02x, subtype=%02x", $type, $subtype;
Log 1, $error;
return $error;
my $device;
$device = "";
my $command = "error";
my $current = "";
my $hexdata = sprintf '%02x%02x%02x', $bytes->[3], $bytes->[4], $bytes->[5];
my $hex_length = length($hexdata);
my $bin_length = $hex_length * 4;
my $bindata = unpack("B$bin_length", pack("H$hex_length", $hexdata));
#my @a = ($bindata =~ /[0-1]{2}/g);
my $base_4 = $bindata;
$base_4 =~ s/(.)(.)/$1*2+$2/eg;
my $codes = $base_4;
#$codes =~ tr/0123/UMED/; # Up,Middle,Error,Down
$codes =~ s/0/up /g; #
$codes =~ s/1/middle /g; #
$codes =~ s/2/err /g; #
$codes =~ s/3/down /g; #
my $device_name = "TRX".$DOT.$dev_type;
my $command_codes = "";
my $command_rest = "";
my $def;
# look for defined device with longest ID matching first:
for (my $i=11; $i>0;$i--){
if ($modules{TRX_LIGHT}{defptr}{$device_name.$DOT.substr($base_4,0,$i)}) {
$device = substr($base_4,0,$i);
$def = $modules{TRX_LIGHT}{defptr}{$device_name.$DOT.substr($base_4,0,$i)};
$command_codes = $def->{TRX_LIGHT_commandcodes};
$command_rest = substr($base_4,$i);
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: PT2262 found device_name=$device_name i=$i code=$base_4 commandcodes='$command_codes' command_rest='$command_rest' " if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
if ($device ne "") {
# found a device
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: PT2262 found device_name=$device_name data=$hexdata" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
$device_name .= $DOT.$device
} else {
# no specific device found. Using generic one:
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: PT2262 device_name=$device_name data=$hexdata" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
$def = $modules{TRX_LIGHT}{defptr}{$device_name};
if(!$def) {
$dev_reading = "";
Log 1, "UNDEFINED $device_name TRX_LIGHT $dev_type $device $dev_reading" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
Log 3, "TRX_LIGHT: TRX_LIGHT Unknown device $device_name, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $device_name TRX_LIGHT $dev_type $device $dev_reading";
# Use $def->{NAME}, because the device may be renamed:
my $name = $def->{NAME};
return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: PT2262 $name devn=$device_name command=$command, cmd=$hexdata" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
my $n = 0;
my $val = "";
my $device_type = $def->{TRX_LIGHT_type};
my $sensor = $def->{TRX_LIGHT_devicelog};
$current = $command;
if ($device eq "") {
#readingsBulkUpdate($def, "hex", $hexdata);
#readingsBulkUpdate($def, "bin", $bindata);
#readingsBulkUpdate($def, "base_4", $base_4);
#readingsBulkUpdate($def, "codes", $codes);
$val = $base_4;
} else {
# look for command code:
$command_codes .= ",";
#if ($command_codes =~ /$command_rest:(.*),/o ) {
if ($command_codes =~ /$command_rest:([a-z|A-Z]*),/ ) {
Log 1,"PT2262: found=$1" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
$command = $1;
Log 1,"PT2622 readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $command)" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
$val = $command;
readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $val);
readingsBulkUpdate($def, "state", $val);
readingsEndUpdate($def, 1);
return $name;
# T R X _ L I G H T _ P a r s e ( )
my ($iohash, $hexline) = @_;
my $time = time();
# convert to binary
my $msg = pack('H*', $hexline);
if ($time_old ==0) {
Log 5, "TRX_LIGHT: decoding delay=0 hex=$hexline";
} else {
my $time_diff = $time - $time_old ;
Log 5, "TRX_LIGHT: decoding delay=$time_diff hex=$hexline";
$time_old = $time;
# convert string to array of bytes. Skip length byte
my @rfxcom_data_array = ();
foreach (split(//, substr($msg,1))) {
push (@rfxcom_data_array, ord($_) );
my $num_bytes = ord($msg);
if ($num_bytes < 3) {
return "";
my $type = $rfxcom_data_array[0];
#Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: num_bytes=$num_bytes hex=$hexline type=$type" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
my $res = "";
if ($type == 0x10 || $type == 0x11 || $type == 0x12 || $type == 0x14) {
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: X10 num_bytes=$num_bytes hex=$hexline" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
$res = TRX_LIGHT_parse_X10(\@rfxcom_data_array);
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: unsupported hex=$hexline" if ($res eq "");
return $res;
} elsif ($type == 0x13) {
#Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: Lighting4/PT2262 num_bytes=$num_bytes hex=$hexline";
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: Lighting4/PT2262 num_bytes=$num_bytes hex=$hexline" if ($TRX_LIGHT_debug == 1);
$res = TRX_LIGHT_parse_PT2262(\@rfxcom_data_array);
Log 1, "TRX_LIGHT: unsupported hex=$hexline" if ($res eq "");
return $res;
} else {
Log 0, "TRX_LIGHT: not implemented num_bytes=$num_bytes hex=$hexline";
return "";
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<a name="TRX_LIGHT"></a>
The TRX_LIGHT module receives and sends X10, ARC, ELRO AB400D, Waveman, Chacon EMW200, IMPULS, RisingSun, AC, HomeEasy EU and ANSLUT lighting devices (switches and remote control). Allows to send Philips SBC (receive not possible). ARC is a protocol used by devices from HomeEasy, KlikAanKlikUit, ByeByeStandBy, Intertechno, ELRO, AB600, Duewi, DomiaLite and COCO with address code wheels. AC is the protocol used by different brands with units having a learning mode button:
KlikAanKlikUit, NEXA, CHACON, HomeEasy UK. <br> You need to define an RFXtrx433 transceiver receiver first.
See <a href="#TRX">TRX</a>.
<a name="TRX_LIGHTdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; TRX_LIGHT &lt;type&gt; &lt;deviceid&gt; &lt;devicelog&gt; [&lt;deviceid2&gt; &lt;devicelog2&gt;] </code> <br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; TRX_LIGHT PT2262 &lt;deviceid&gt; &lt;devicelog&gt; &lt;commandcodes&gt;</code> <br>
specifies the type of the device: <br>
X10 lighting devices:
<li> <code>MS14A</code> (X10 motion sensor. Reports [normal|alert] on the first deviceid (motion sensor) and [on|off] for the second deviceid (light sensor)) </li>
<li> <code>X10</code> (All other x10 devices. Report [off|on|dim|bright|all_off|all_on] on both deviceids.)</li>
<li> <code>ARC</code> (ARC devices. ARC is a protocol used by devices from HomeEasy, KlikAanKlikUit, ByeByeStandBy, Intertechno, ELRO, AB600, Duewi, DomiaLite and COCO with address code wheels. Report [off|on|all_off|all_on|chime].)</li>
<li> <code>AB400D</code> (ELRO AB400D devices. Report [off|on].)</li>
<li> <code>WAVEMAN</code> (Waveman devices. Report [off|on].)</li>
<li> <code>EMW200</code> (Chacon EMW200 devices. Report [off|on|all_off|all_on].)</li>
<li> <code>IMPULS</code> (IMPULS devices. Report [off|on].)</li>
<li> <code>RISINGSUN</code> (RisingSun devices. Report [off|on].)</li>
<li> <code>PHILIPS_SBC</code> (Philips SBC devices. Send [off|on|all_off|all_on].)</li>
<li> <code>AC</code> (AC devices. AC is the protocol used by different brands with units having a learning mode button: KlikAanKlikUit, NEXA, CHACON, HomeEasy UK. Report [off|on|level &lt;NUM&gt;|all_off|all_on|all_level &lt;NUM&gt;].)</li>
<li> <code>HOMEEASY</code> (HomeEasy EU devices. Report [off|on|level|all_off|all_on|all_level].)</li>
<li> <code>ANSLUT</code> (Anslut devices. Report [off|on|level|all_off|all_on|all_level].)</li>
<li> <code>PT2262</code> (Devices using PT2262/PT2272 (coder/decoder) chip. To use this enable Lighting4 in RFXmngr. Please note that this disables ARC. For more information see <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/RFXtrx#PT2262_empfangen_und_senden_mit_TRX_LIGHT.pm">FHEM-Wiki</a>
specifies the first device id of the device. <br>
A lighting device normally has a house code A..P followed by a unitcode 1..16 (example "B1").<br>
For AC, HomeEasy EU and ANSLUT it is a 10 Character-Hex-String for the deviceid, consisting of <br>
- unid-id: 8-Char-Hex: 00000001 to 03FFFFFF<br>
- unit-code: 2-Char-Hex: 01 to 10 <br>
is the name of the Reading used to report. Suggested: "motion" for motion sensors.
is optional and specifies the second device id of the device if it exists. For example ms14a motion sensors report motion status on the first deviceid and the status of the light sensor on the second deviceid.
is optional for the name used for the Reading of <code>&lt;deviceid2&gt;</code>.
is used for PT2262 and specifies the possible base4 digits for the command separated by : and a string that specifies a string that is the command. Example '<code>0:off,1:on</code>'.
Example: <br>
<code>define motion_sensor2 TRX_LIGHT MS14A A1 motion A2 light</code>
<code>define Steckdose TRX_LIGHT ARC G2 light</code>
<code>define light TRX_LIGHT AC 0101010101 light</code>
<a name="TRX_LIGHTset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;value&gt; [&lt;levelnum&gt;]</code>
where <code>value</code> is one of:<br>
dim # only for X10, KOPPLA
bright # only for X10, KOPPLA
all_off # only for X10, ARC, EMW200, AC, HOMEEASY, ANSLUT
all_on # only for X10, ARC, EMW200, AC, HOMEEASY, ANSLUT
chime # only for ARC
level &lt;levelnum&gt; # only AC, HOMEEASY, ANSLUT: set level to &lt;levelnum&gt; (range: 0=0% to 15=100%)
on-till # Special, see the note
on-for-timer # Special, see the note
Example: <br>
<code>set Steckdose on</code>
<li><code>on-till</code> requires an absolute time in the "at" format
(HH:MM:SS, HH:MM) or { &lt;perl code&gt; }, where the perl code
returns a time specification).
If the current time is greater than the specified time, then the
command is ignored, else an "on" command is generated, and for the
given "till-time" an off command is scheduleld via the at command.
<li><code>on-for-timer</code> requires a relative time in the "at" format
(HH:MM:SS, HH:MM) or { &lt;perl code&gt; }, where the perl code
returns a time specification).
<a name="TRX_LIGHTget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="TRX_LIGHTattr"></a>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
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