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synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
2683 lines
94 KiB
Executable File
2683 lines
94 KiB
Executable File
# $Id$
# An FHEM Perl module for controlling Philips Audio Equipment connected to
# local network such as MCi, Streamium and Fidelio devices.
# The module provides basic functionality accessible through the port 8889
# of the device: (http://<device_ip>:8889/index)
# e.g. AW9000, NP3500, NP3700, NP3900
# Copyright by ra666ack
# (e-mail: ra666ack at g**glemail d*t c*m)
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday sleep);
use Time::Piece;
use POSIX qw{strftime};
use HttpUtils;
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_Initialize
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "PHILIPS_AUDIO_Define";
$hash->{GetFn} = "PHILIPS_AUDIO_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "PHILIPS_AUDIO_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "PHILIPS_AUDIO_Attr";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "PHILIPS_AUDIO_Undefine";
$hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:0,1 ".
"disable:0,1 ".
"autoGetPresets:0,1 ".
"autoGetFavorites:0,1 ".
"httpBufferTimeout ".
"maxListItems ".
"model ".
"playerBrowsingTimeout ".
"requestTimeout ".
my ($hash, $local) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $power;
$local = 0 unless(defined($local));
return if((!defined($hash->{IP_ADDRESS})) or (!defined($hash->{helper}{OFF_INTERVAL})) or (!defined($hash->{helper}{ON_INTERVAL})));
my $device = $hash->{IP_ADDRESS};
# First run
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle" if (not defined($hash->{helper}{networkRequest}));
# Try to get additional info from the device.
# Only if device already implemented.
# Otherwise possible timeout due to wrong ports and device description links
if(not defined($hash->{helper}{dInfo}{UUID}))
if (grep {$_ eq $hash->{MODEL}} @{$hash->{helper}{DevDescImplementedModels}})
if (not defined($hash->{helper}{playerState}))
# First run. Go to index.
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerState", "home", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "","home", "noArg");
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash); # getStatus
if($hash->{helper}{playerState} eq "home")
# Check if device playing. Might by activated by the remote control or app.
# If not, the device returns 'NOTHING';
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nowplay", "","nowplay", "noArg");
# Heartbeat
#PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/HOMESTATUS", "","homestatus", "noArg");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "-");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "no");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
elsif($hash->{helper}{playerState} eq "browsing")
# Do nothing and check for inactivity duration
$hash->{helper}{playerBrowsingTimeout} = 0 if(not defined ($hash->{helper}{playerBrowsingTimeout}));
$hash->{helper}{playerBrowsingTimeout} += $hash->{helper}{ON_INTERVAL};
# reset browsing state after 3 minutes inactivity in order to update the readings automatically again
if($hash->{helper}{playerBrowsingTimeout} >= int(AttrVal($name, "playerBrowsingTimeout", 180)))
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "-");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "no");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$hash->{helper}{playerBrowsingTimeout} = 0;
elsif($hash->{helper}{playerState} eq "playing")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/ELAPSE", "","elapse", "noArg");
# Check for Presets availability
(not defined($hash->{READINGS}{"totalPresets"})) and
(ReadingsVal($name, "presence", "no") eq "present") and
(AttrVal($name, "autoGetPresets", "0") eq "1")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Reading_presets" , "May take some time...", 1);
# Hierarchichal navigation through the contents mandatory
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 1;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "", "getPresets", "noArg") if((ReadingsVal($name, "playerListStatus", "ready") eq "ready") and (ReadingsVal($name, "readingPresets", "no") eq "no"));
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash, 10); # Scan takes approx 8 sec.
# Check for Favorites availability
(not defined($hash->{READINGS}{"totalFavorites"})) and
(ReadingsVal($name, "presence", "no") eq "present") and
(AttrVal($name, "autoGetFavorites", "0") eq "1")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Reading_favorites" , "May take some time...", 1);
# Hierarchichal navigation through the contents mandatory
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 1;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "", "getFavorites", "noArg") if((ReadingsVal($name, "playerListStatus", "ready") eq "ready") and (ReadingsVal($name, "readingFavorites", "no") eq "no"));
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash, 10); # Scan takes approx 8 sec.
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash) if(not ($local == 1)); # getStatus
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $what = $a[1];
my $return;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $address = $hash->{IP_ADDRESS};
$hash->{IP_ADDRESS} = $address;
return "Argument missing." if(int(@a) < 2);
if($what eq "reading")
return $hash->{READINGS}{$a[2]}{VAL};
return "No such reading: $what";
elsif($what eq "deviceInfo")
return "Device info:\n\n".
join("\n", map {sprintf("%-17s: %-17s", $_, $hash->{helper}{dInfo}{$_})} sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{dInfo}});
$return = "Unknown argument $what, choose one of"
." deviceInfo:noArg"
." reading:".(join(",",(sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}})));
return $return;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $port = $hash->{PORT};
my $address = $hash->{IP_ADDRESS};
if(not defined($hash->{MODEL}))
return "Please provide the model information as argument.";
return "No Argument given" if(!defined($a[1]));
my $what = $a[1];
my $usage = "";
my $model = $hash->{MODEL};
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{MODEL} = $model;
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{PORT} = $port;
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{IP_ADDRESS} = $address;
$usage = "Unknown argument $what, choose one of".
" volumeStraight:slider,0,1,64 ".
" volume:slider,0,1,100 ".
" volumeUp:noArg ".
" volumeDown:noArg ".
" standbyButton:noArg ".
" player:next,prev,play-pause,stop ".
" shuffle:on,off ".
" input:---,".
((uc($model) eq "AW9000") ? "analogAux," : ""). # Input implemented in AW9000 only
((uc($model) eq "AW9000") ? "digital1Coaxial," : ""). # Input implemented in AW9000 only
((uc($model) eq "AW9000") ? "digital2Optical," : ""). # Input implemented in AW9000 only
# Input not implemented in the AW9000. Only as DLNA renderer
((uc($model) ne "AW9000") ? "mediaLibrary," : "").
"internetRadio,onlineServices,mp3Link ". # Available in all devices
#" statusRequest:noArg".
" getPresets:noArg".
" getFavorites:noArg".
" getMediaRendererDesc:noArg".
" favoriteAdd:noArg".
" favoriteRemove:noArg".
" repeat:single,all,off".
#" home:noArg".
" mute:on,off ";
my @favoriteList;
my @favoriteNumber;
foreach my $readings (keys % {$hash->{READINGS}})
push @favoriteList,$1."_".substr($hash->{READINGS}{$readings}{VAL}, 0, 25) if($readings =~ m/^.inetRadioFavorite_(..)/);
push @favoriteNumber, $1 if($readings =~ m/^.inetRadioFavorite_(..)/);
(s/\*/\[asterisk\]/g) for @favoriteList; # '*' not shown correctly
(s/#/\[hash\]/g) for @favoriteList; # '#' not shown correctly
(s/[\\]//g) for @favoriteList;
(s/[ :;,']/_/g) for @favoriteList; # Replace not allowed characters
my @presetList;
my @presetNumber;
foreach my $readings (keys % {$hash->{READINGS}})
push @presetList, $1."_".substr($hash->{READINGS}{$readings}{VAL}, 0, 25) if($readings =~ m/^.inetRadioPreset_(..)/);
push @presetNumber, $1 if($readings =~ m/^.inetRadioPreset_(..)/);
(s/\*/\[asterisk\]/g) for @presetList; # '*' not shown correctly
(s/#/\[hash\]/g) for @presetList; # '#' not shown correctly
(s/[\\]//g) for @presetList; # Replace \
(s/[ :;,']/_/g) for @presetList; # Replace not allowed characters
$usage .= "selectFavorite:" .join(",",("---",(sort @favoriteList))) . " ";
$usage .= "selectPreset:" .join(",",("---",(sort @presetList))) . " ";
$usage .= "selectPresetByNumber:" .join(",",("---",(sort @presetNumber))) . " ";
$usage .= "selectFavoriteByNumber:".join(",",("---",(sort @favoriteNumber))) . " ";
# Direct stream selection if any
my @selectStream;
for(my $lvl = 1; $lvl < int(ReadingsVal($name, ".listDepthLevel", "1") - 1); $lvl++)
my $listLevelName = ReadingsVal($name, ".lvl_".$lvl."_name", "");
push @selectStream, "lvl_".$lvl."_".$listLevelName;
foreach my $readings (keys % {$hash->{READINGS}})
push @selectStream,$1."_".substr($hash->{READINGS}{$readings}{VAL}, 0, 25) if($readings =~ m/^listItem_(...)/);
@selectStream = sort map{s/\*/\[asterisk\]/g;$_;} grep/._..*$/, @selectStream; # Replace *
@selectStream = sort map{s/#/\[hash\]/g;$_;} grep/._..*$/, @selectStream; # Replace #
@selectStream = sort map{s/[\\]//g;$_;} grep/._..*$/, @selectStream; # Replace not allowed characters
@selectStream = sort map{s/[ :;,']/_/g;$_;} grep/._..*$/, @selectStream; # Replace not allowed characters
$usage .= "selectStream:".join(",",("---",(sort @selectStream))) . " ";
Log3 $name, 5, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - set ".join(" ", @a);
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
if($what =~ /input|selectStream|selectPreset|selectFavorite/)
# GetStatus while manual operation causes the device to stuck. Supress.
# Change device state to "browsing" in order to suppress automatic update
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "browsing";
$hash->{helper}{manualOperation} = 1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerState", "browsing");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".manualOperation", "yes", 1);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
# Reset browsing timeout
$hash->{helper}{playerBrowsingTimeout} = 0;
if($what eq "standbyButton")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "input", "-", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/CTRL\$STANDBY", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "getMediaRendererDesc")
elsif($what eq "input")
if ($a[2] =~ /analogAux|mp3Link|digital1Coaxial|digital2Optical/)
# Delete List related readings
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /list/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
# Delete player related readings
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
if($a[2] eq "analogAux")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "input", "Aux-in (analog)", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/aux", "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "mp3Link")
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "MP3-Link");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if(uc($model) eq "AW9000")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/mp3link", "", $what, $a[2]);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/aux", "", $what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "digital1Coaxial")
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Digital-in 1 (coaxial)");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/digin_coaxial", "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "digital2Optical")
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Digital-in 2 (optical)");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/digin_optical", "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "mediaLibrary")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "busy", 1);
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "input", "Media Library", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$02\$01\$001\$0", "", $what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "internetRadio")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "busy", 1);
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "input", "Internet Radio", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$01\$001\$0", "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "onlineServices")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "busy", 1);
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "input", "Online Services", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$09\$01\$001\$0", "", $what, $a[2]);
return $usage;
elsif($what eq "home")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "busy", 1);
$hash->{header}{httpHeaderRefer} = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n";
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "shuffle")
if($a[2] eq "on")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerShuffle", "on", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/MODE\$SHUFFLE_ON", "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "off")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerShuffle", "off", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/MODE\$SHUFFLE_OFF", "",$what, $a[2]);
return $usage;
elsif($what eq "repeat")
if($a[2] eq "single")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerRepeat", "single", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/MODE\$REPEAT_SINGLE", "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "all")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerRepeat", "all", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/MODE\$REPEAT_ALL", "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] eq "off")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerRepeat", "off", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/MODE\$REPEAT_OFF", "",$what, $a[2]);
return $usage;
elsif($what eq "statusRequest")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nowplay", "","nowplay", "noArg");
elsif($what eq "favoriteAdd")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/CTRL\$ADD2FAV", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "favoriteRemove")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/CTRL\$REMFAV", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "mute")
if($a[2] eq "on")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "mute", "on", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/VOLUME\$MUTE", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($a[2] eq "off")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "mute", "off", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/VOLUME\$UNMUTE", "",$what, "noArg");
return $usage;
elsif($what eq "player")
if($a[2] eq "next")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/CTRL\$NEXT", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($a[2] eq "prev")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/CTRL\$PREV", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($a[2] eq "play-pause")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/CTRL\$PLAY_PAUSE", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($a[2] eq "stop")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/CTRL\$STOP", "",$what, "noArg");
return $usage;
elsif($what =~ m/^(selectPreset|selectPresetByNumber)/)
if($a[2] ne "---")
# Hierarchichal navigation through the contents mandatory
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 1;
my $presetNumber = substr($a[2], 0, 2); # Get 2 first digits
if($a[2] =~ m/empty/ or ReadingsVal($name, ".inetRadioPreset_$presetNumber","") eq "empty")
# Do nothing
$presetNumber =~ s/^0+//g; # Remove leading '0'
$hash->{helper}{inetRadioPreset} = $presetNumber;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "input", "Internet Radio", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "", $what, $a[2]);
elsif($what =~ m/^(selectFavorite|selectFavoriteByNumber)/)
if($a[2] ne "---")
# Hierarchichal navigation through the contents mandatory
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 1;
my $favoriteNumber = substr($a[2], 0, 2); # Get 2 first digits
if($a[2] =~ m/empty/ or ReadingsVal($name, ".inetRadioFavorite_$favoriteNumber","") eq "empty")
# Do nothing
$favoriteNumber =~ s/^0+//g; # Remove leading '0'
$hash->{helper}{inetRadioFavorite} = $favoriteNumber;
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "input", "Internet Radio", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "", $what, $a[2]);
elsif($what eq "volumeStraight")
if(($a[2] < 0) || ($a[2] > 64))
return "volumeStraight must be in the range 0...64.";
$hash->{helper}{targetVolume} = int($a[2]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_abs2rel($hash, $hash->{helper}{targetVolume}));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/VOLUME\$VAL\$".$a[2], "",$what, $a[2]);
elsif($what eq "volumeUp")
my $targetVolume = int(int(ReadingsVal($name, "volumeStraight", "0")) + 1);
if($targetVolume > 64)
$targetVolume = 64;
$hash->{helper}{targetVolume} = $targetVolume;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_abs2rel($hash, $hash->{helper}{targetVolume}));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/VOLUME\$VAL\$" . $hash->{helper}{targetVolume}, "",$what, $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
elsif($what eq "volumeDown")
my $targetVolume = int(int(ReadingsVal($name, "volumeStraight", "0")) - 1);
if($targetVolume < 0)
$targetVolume = 0;
$hash->{helper}{targetVolume} = $targetVolume;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_abs2rel($hash, $hash->{helper}{targetVolume}));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/VOLUME\$VAL\$" . $hash->{helper}{targetVolume}, "",$what, $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
elsif($what eq "volume")
if(($a[2] < 0) || ($a[2] > 100))
return "volumeStraight must be in the range 0...100.";
$hash->{helper}{targetVolume} = PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_rel2abs($hash, $a[2]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", $a[2]);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/VOLUME\$VAL\$".$hash->{helper}{targetVolume}, "",$what, $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
elsif($what eq "nowplay")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nowplay", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "homestatus")
$hash->{helper}{httpHeaderRefer} = "http://$hash->{IP_ADDRESS}:$hash->{PORT}/index\r\n";
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/HOMESTATUS", "",$what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "getPresets")
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "busy");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "readingPresets", "yes");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
# Delete old redings
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /.inetRadioPreset_..$/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
# Hierarchichal navigation through the contents mandatory
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 1;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "", $what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "getFavorites")
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "busy");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "readingFavorites", "yes");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
# Delete old redings
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /.inetRadioFavorite_..$/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
# Hierarchichal navigation through the contents mandatory
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 1;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "", $what, "noArg");
elsif($what eq "selectStream")
# The player list selection has been designed for a GUI/touchscreen
# Virtually scrolling down to last item and choosing the first one
# arises an error. Needs to navigate back to the corresponding page
# consisting of 8 items per page
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "busy", 1);
if($a[2] =~ /lvl_(.+?)/)
my $desiredLevel = $1;
my $currentUrl = $hash->{helper}{currentNavUrl};
my $newUrl = "";
my $currentLevel = "";
my $newLevel = "";
if($currentUrl =~ /\/nav\$(.*)\$(.*)\$(.*)\$(.*)/) # e.g. /nav$02$XX$001$0
$currentLevel = int($2);
$newLevel = sprintf("%02d", $currentLevel - ($currentLevel - $desiredLevel) + 1);
$newUrl = "/nav\$$1\$$newLevel\$$3\$0";
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, $newUrl, "", $what, $a[2]);
elsif($a[2] ne "---")
my $targetNr = substr($a[2], 0, 3);
my $currentUrl = $hash->{helper}{currentNavUrl};
# Remark TODO...
if($a[2] =~ /(\d{3})_(.+?)_(.*)/)
my $currentListLevel = ReadingsVal($name, ".listDepthLevel", "");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".lvl_".$currentListLevel."_name", "$2_$3", 1);
if(int(ReadingsVal($name, "playerListTotalCount", "8")) > 8)
if($currentUrl =~ /\/nav\$(.*)\$(.*)\$(.*)\$(.*)/)
# Virtually scroll back to the first line
my $scrollUrl = "\/nav\$$1\$$2\$001\$$4";
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, $scrollUrl, "", "selectStream", "scroll");
# int(($targetNr / 8) + 0.5) -> Round up
for(my $i = 1; $i < (int(($targetNr / 8) + 0.5) + 1); $i += 8) # Max 8 items in the actual list
my $scrollUrl = "\/nav\$$1\$$2\$".sprintf("%003s", ($i + 8))."\$$4";
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, $scrollUrl, "", "selectStream", "scroll");
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, ReadingsVal($name, ".listItemTarget_$targetNr", ""), "", $what, $a[2]);
return $usage;
return $usage;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash); # Reset timer for the next loop
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# Implemented devices for reading Device Description
@{$hash->{helper}{DevDescImplementedModels}} = qw( AW9000 NP3500 NP3700 NP3900 );
$hash->{helper}{sendCommandBuffer} = [];
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
if(! @a >= 4)
my $msg = "Wrong syntax: define <name> PHILIPS_AUDIO <model> <ip-or-hostname> [<ON-statusinterval>] [<OFF-statusinterval>] ";
Log3 $name, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{MODEL} = uc($a[2]);
# Used by 'fheminfo' command for statistics
$attr{$name}{"model"} = $hash->{MODEL};
$hash->{IP_ADDRESS} = $a[3];
$hash->{PORT} = 8889;
# if an update interval >= 5 use it.
if(defined($a[4]) and $a[4] > 0)
$hash->{helper}{OFF_INTERVAL} = $a[4];
# Minimum interval 5 sec
if($hash->{helper}{OFF_INTERVAL} < 5)
$hash->{helper}{OFF_INTERVAL} = 5;
$hash->{helper}{OFF_INTERVAL} = 30;
if(defined($a[5]) and $a[5] > 0)
$hash->{helper}{ON_INTERVAL} = $a[5];
# Minimum interval 5 sec
if($hash->{helper}{ON_INTERVAL} < 5)
$hash->{helper}{ON_INTERVAL} = 5;
$hash->{helper}{ON_INTERVAL} = $hash->{helper}{OFF_INTERVAL};
unless(exists($hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE}) and ($hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} == 0))
$hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} = 1;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "presence", "present", 1);
# start the status update timer
$hash->{helper}{DISABLED} = 0 unless(exists($hash->{helper}{DISABLED}));
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash, 0);
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if($attrName eq "disable")
if ($cmd eq "set")
$hash->{helper}{DISABLED} = $attrVal;
if ($attrVal eq "0")
PHILIPS_AUDIO_GetStatus($hash, 1);
$hash->{helper}{DISABLED} = 0;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_GetStatus($hash, 1);
elsif($attrName eq "maxListItems" && defined($attrVal))
if ($cmd eq "set" && (($attrVal < 8) || ($attrVal > 999)))
return "$attrName must be between 8 and 999";
elsif($attrName eq "httpBufferTimeout" && defined($attrVal))
if ($cmd eq "set" && (($attrVal < 10) || ($attrVal > 15)))
return "$attrName must be between 10 and 15";
elsif($attrName eq "requestTimeout" && defined($attrVal))
if ($cmd eq "set" && (($attrVal < 10) || ($attrVal > 15)))
return "$attrName must be between 10 and 15";
elsif($attrName eq "autoGetPresets" && defined($attrVal))
if ($cmd eq "set" && (($attrVal < 0) || ($attrVal > 1)))
return "$attrName must be between 0 or 1";
elsif($attrName eq "autoGetFavorites" && defined($attrVal))
if ($cmd eq "set" && (($attrVal < 0) || ($attrVal > 1)))
return "$attrName must be between 0 or 1";
elsif($attrName eq "playerBrowsingTimeout" && defined($attrVal))
if ($cmd eq "set" && (($attrVal < 60) || ($attrVal > 600)))
return "$attrName must be between 60 or 600";
# Start/Stop Timer according to new disabled-Value
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_Undefine
my($hash, $name) = @_;
# Stop the internal GetStatus-Loop and exit
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_GetStatus");
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommandBuffer
# Function called by an internal timer in case device busy
my ($hash) = @_;
my $firstCommand = "";
my ($url, $data, $cmd, $arg) = ("", "", "", "");
# Get first command from buffer
$firstCommand = shift(@{$hash->{helper}{sendCommandBuffer}});
$url = $firstCommand->{url};
$data = $firstCommand->{data};
$cmd = $firstCommand->{cmd};
$arg = $firstCommand->{arg};
# Only send in case buffer not empty
if(($url ne "") and ($cmd ne "") and ($arg ne "")) # $data may be empty
$hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer} = 1;
# Check if buffer empty
# Come back
# -> try again after 1 sec delay and process buffer.
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommandBuffer");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommandBuffer", $hash);
# Do nothing.
# Reset flag in case buffer empty
$hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer} = 0;
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand
my ($hash, $url, $data, $cmd, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $address = $hash->{IP_ADDRESS};
my $port = $hash->{PORT};
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle" if(not defined($hash->{helper}{networkRequest})); # First run
$hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer} = 0 if(not defined($hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer})); # First run
# buffer command and wait a second in case device busy
if ($hash->{helper}{networkRequest} eq "busy")
my $httpBufferData =
url => $url,
data => $data,
cmd => $cmd,
arg => $arg
# Append to buffer only if not coming from itself
# Or put to first position for resending
# add remove start end
# push X X
# pop X X
# unshift X X
# shift X X
if($hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer} == 0)
push @{$hash->{helper}{sendCommandBuffer}}, $httpBufferData;
unshift @{$hash->{helper}{sendCommandBuffer}}, $httpBufferData;
if($hash->{helper}{timeoutCounter} >= AttrVal($name, "httpBufferTimeout", 10))
# X seconds timeout. Something went wrong. Clear buffer. Release "busy"
# Delete all remaining commands
$hash->{helper}{timeoutCounter} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
$hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer} = 0;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "networkRequest", "idle");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "networkError", "buffer timed out");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
Log3 $name, 3, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - HTTP buffer timeout. Please, check your network connection, ip-address etc. Device switched off?";
# -> try again after 1 sec delay and process buffer.
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommandBuffer");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommandBuffer", $hash);
if($url =~ /\/nav(.*)/)
$hash->{helper}{currentNavUrl} = $url;
$hash->{helper}{currentUrl} = $url;
if(ReadingsVal($name, "presence", "absent") ne "absent")
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "busy";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "networkRequest", "busy", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash); # getStatus
$hash->{helper}{timeoutCounter} = 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - Executing nonblocking \"$cmd".(defined($arg) ? " ".(split("\\|", $arg))[0] : "")."\" on $name: $data";
# Reset flag if successfully sent
$hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer} = 0;
url => "http://".$address.":".$port."".$url,
timeout => AttrVal($name, "requestTimeout", 10),
noshutdown => 1,
data => $data,
loglevel => ($hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} ? undef : 5),
hash => $hash,
cmd => $cmd,
arg => $arg,
method => "GET",
httpversion => "1.1",
keepalive => 1, # Philips app always uses keep-alive
header => $hash->{helper}{httpHeaderRefer},
callback => \&PHILIPS_AUDIO_ParseResponse
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_ParseResponse
my ($param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash ->{NAME};
my $cmd = $param->{cmd};
my $arg = $param->{arg};
Log3 $name, 5, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - received HTTP code ".$param->{code}." for command \"$cmd".(defined($arg) ? " ".(split("\\|", $arg))[0] : "")."\"";
if($err ne "")
Log3 $name, 5, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - Could not execute command \"$cmd".(defined($arg) ? " ".(split("\\|", $arg))[0] : "")."\": $err";
# Release the busy flag
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "networkRequest", "idle");
if((not exists($hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE})) or (exists($hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE}) and $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} == 1))
Log3 $name, 3, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - Could not execute HTTP request. Please, check your network connection, ip-address etc. Device switched off? ($err)";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "networkError", "$err");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "presence", "absent");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "absent");
$hash->{STATE} = "absent";
$hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{timeoutCounter} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{comeFromSendBuffer} = 0;
# Close HTTP connection
# Force "home" state
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
# Device firware "somehow buggy".
# Try to reanimate the device after timeout.
# Go to /index
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/index", "","home", "noArg");
elsif($data ne "")
Log3 $name, 5, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - got response for \"$cmd".(defined($arg) ? " ".(split("\\|", $arg))[0] : "")."\": $data";
delete $hash->{READINGS}{networkError};
if (defined($hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE}) and $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} eq 0)
Log3 $name, 3, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - device $name reappeared";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "presence", "present");
$hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} = 1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "power", "on");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state","on");
$hash->{STATE} = "on";
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if($cmd eq "standbyButton")
if($data =~ /SUCCESS/)
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "power", "on");
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state","on");
elsif($cmd eq "home")
if($data =~ /'devicename'/) # Device responded correctly
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
elsif($cmd eq "mute")
if($data =~ /SUCCESS/)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "mute", "on", 1);
elsif($cmd eq "unmute")
if($data =~ /SUCCESS/)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "mute", "off", 1);
elsif($cmd eq "favoriteRemove")
# replace \n by ""
$data =~ s/\n//g;
if($data =~ /{'command':'MESSAGE','value':'(.+)'}/)
# Do nothing
elsif($cmd eq "favoriteAdd")
# replace \n by ""
$data =~ s/\n//g;
if($data =~ /{'command':'MESSAGE','value':'(.+)'}/)
# Do nothing
elsif($cmd =~ m/^(selectPreset|inetRadioPreset)/)
# This command must be processed hierarchicaly through the navigation path
if($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 1)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 2;
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
# Internet radio
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$01\$001\$0", "", "selectPreset", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioPreset});
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 2)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 3;
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
# Presets
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$02\$001\$0", "","selectPreset", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioPreset});
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 3)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 4;
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
# Preset select
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$03\$".sprintf("%03d", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioPreset})."\$1", "","selectPreset", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioPreset});
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "playing";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerState", "playing", 1);
elsif($cmd =~ m/^(selectFavorite|inetRadioFavorite)/)
# This command must be processed hierarchicaly through the navigation path
if($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 1)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 2;
# Internet radio favorite# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$01\$001\$0", "", "selectFavorite", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioFavorite});
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 2)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 3;
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
# Favorite Presets
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$02\$002\$0", "","selectFavorite", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioFavorite});
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 3)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 4;
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
# Favorite Preset select
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$03\$".sprintf("%03d", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioFavorite})."\$1", "","selectFavorite", $hash->{helper}{inetRadioFavorite});
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "playing";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerState", "playing", 1);
elsif($cmd eq "play_pause")
if($data =~ /SUCCESS/)
if(ReadingsVal($name, "playerPlaying", "") eq "no")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "yes", 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "no");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "-");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
elsif($cmd eq "stop")
if($data =~ /STOP/)
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "no");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "-");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
elsif($cmd =~ m/^(volumeStraight|volumeUp|volumeDown)/)
if($data =~ /SUCCESS/)
my $targetVolume = $hash->{helper}{targetVolume};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", $hash->{helper}{targetVolume});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_abs2rel($hash, $targetVolume));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
elsif($cmd eq "elapse")
if($data =~ /'command':'(.+)',/)
if($1 eq "NOWPLAY")
# New player status information available
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "yes", 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nowplay", "","nowplay", "noArg");
elsif($1 eq "ELAPSE")
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "yes");
if($data =~ /'value':(.+),/)
# Sometimes the device does not refresh the ELAPSE -> NOWPLAY request
# Showing the current stream position.
# Check for a new song.
$hash->{helper}{elapseValueOld} = "0" if(not defined($hash->{helper}{elapseValueOld}));
if (int($1) < int($hash->{helper}{elapseValueOld})) # New song
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nowplay", "","nowplay", "noArg");
$hash->{helper}{elapseValueOld} = $1;
if(int($1) < 3600)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerPlayTime", strftime("%M:\%S", gmtime($1)));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerPlayTime", strftime("\%H:\%M:\%S", gmtime($1)));
if($data =~ /'mute':(.+),/)
if(int($1) == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "mute", "on");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "mute", "off");
if($data =~ /'shuffle':(.+),/)
if(int($1) == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerShuffle", "on");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerShuffle", "off");
if($data =~ /'repeat':(.+),/)
if(int($1) == 0)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerRepeat", "off");
elsif(int($1) == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerRepeat", "single");
elsif(int($1) == 2)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerRepeat", "all");
if($data =~ /'rating':(.+),/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerStreamRating", $1);
if($data =~ /'favstatus':(.+)}/)
if(int($1) == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerStreamFavorite", "yes");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerStreamFavorite", "no");
if($data =~ /'volume':(.+),/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", $1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_abs2rel($hash, $1));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if($data =~ /'play':(.+),/)
if(int($1) == 1)
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "playing";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerPlaying", "yes");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerState", "playing");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerPlaying", "no");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
elsif($cmd eq "nowplay")
if($data =~ /'command':'(.+)',/)
if($1 eq "NOTHING")
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerPlaying", "no");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
elsif($data =~ /window.location = \"\/index\"/)
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "home";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerPlaying", "no");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerState", "home");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "playing";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerPlaying", "yes");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerState", "playing");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
if($data =~ /'devicename':'(.*?)'/)
if(not defined ($hash->{FRIENDLY_NAME}))
$hash->{FRIENDLY_NAME} = $1;
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{FRIENDLY_NAME} = $1;
if ($data =~ /'defaultAlbumArt':'res\/Internet_radio.jpg'/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Internet Radio");
if($data =~ /'defaultAlbumArt':'res\/Media_library.jpg'/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Media Library");
if($data =~ /'defaultAlbumArt':'res\/Home_AUX_nowplaying.jpg'/)
if($hash->{MODEL} eq "AW9000")
if($data =~ />Aux-in</)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Aux-in (analog)");
elsif($data =~ />Digital-in 1(.+)</)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Digital-in 1 (coaxial)");
elsif($data =~ />Digital-in 2(.+)</)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Digital-in 2 (optical)");
elsif($data =~ />MP3-Link</)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "MP3-Link");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "MP3-Link");
if($data =~ /'defaultAlbumArt':'res\/spot_Nowplaying_AA.png'/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Spotify");
if($data =~ /'defaultAlbumArt':'res\/Home_OnlineServices.png'/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "input", "Online Services");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if($data =~ /'title':'\\'(.+)\\''/)
if((ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Media Library") or (ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Spotify"))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerTitle", PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerRadioStationInfo};
elsif(ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Internet Radio")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerRadioStationInfo", PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerTitle};
elsif($data =~ /'title':'(.+)'/)
if((ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Media Library") or (ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Spotify"))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerTitle", PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerRadioStationInfo};
elsif(ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Internet Radio")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerRadioStationInfo", PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerTitle};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerTitle};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerRadioStationInfo};
if($data =~ /'subTitle':'(.+)'/)
if((ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Media Library") or (ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Spotify"))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerAlbum", PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerRadioStation};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerRadioStation", PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerAlbum};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerRadioStation};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerAlbum};
if($data =~ /'albumArt':'(.+)'/)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerAlbumArt", $1, 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerAlbumArt};
if($data =~ /'volume':(.+),/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", $1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_abs2rel($hash, $1));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volumeStraight", "0");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", "0");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if($data =~ /'elapsetime':(.+),/)
if(int($1) < 3600)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerPlayTime", strftime("%M:\%S", gmtime($1)), 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerPlayTime", strftime("\%H:\%M:\%S", gmtime($1)), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerPlayTime};
if($data =~ /'totaltime':(.+),/)
# Playing radio delivers that total time
if($1 eq "65535")
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerTotalPlayTime};
elsif(int($1) < 3600)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerTotalPlayTime", strftime("%M:\%S", gmtime($1)), 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerTotalPlayTime", strftime("\%H:\%M:\%S", gmtime($1)), 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{playerTotalPlayTime};
if($data =~ /'muteStatus':(.+),/)
if($1 == 1)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "mute", "on", 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "mute", "off", 1);
# typo in the (buggy) Streamium firmware...
if($data =~ /'playStaus':(.+),/)
if($1 == 1)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "yes", 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "no", 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /player/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerPlaying", "no", 1);
elsif($cmd eq "homestatus")
# Homestatus answers with
# {'command':'NOTHING',\n'value':0}
# Do nothing ?
elsif ($cmd eq "getMediaRendererDesc")
if($data =~ /<manufacturer>(.+)<\/manufacturer>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{MANUFACTURER} = $1;
if($data =~ /<manufacturerURL>(.+)<\/manufacturerURL>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{MANUFACTURER_URL} = $1;
if($data =~ /<manufacturerURL>(.+)<\/manufacturerURL>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{MANUFACTURER_URL} = $1;
if($data =~ /<presentationURL>(.+)<\/presentationURL>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{PRESENTATION_URL} = $1;
if($data =~ /<deviceType>(.+)<\/deviceType>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{UPNP_DEVICE_TYPE} = $1;
if($data =~ /<friendlyName>(.+)<\/friendlyName>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{FRIENDLY_NAME} = $1;
if($data =~ /<UDN>(.+)<\/UDN>/)
my $uuid = uc($1);
$uuid =~ s/UUID://g;
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{UUID} = $uuid;
if($data =~ /<UPC>(.+)<\/UPC>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{UPC} = $1;
if($data =~ /<modelName>(.+)<\/modelName>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{MODEL_NAME} = $1;
if($data =~ /<modelNumber>(.+)<\/modelNumber>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{MODEL_NUMBER} = $1;
if($data =~ /<serialNumber>(.+)<\/serialNumber>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{SERIAL_NUMBER} = uc($1);
if($data =~ /<modelDescription>(.+)<\/modelDescription>/)
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{MODEL_DESCRIPTION} = $1;
# Replace \n, \r, \t from the string for XML parsing
# replace \n by ""
$data =~ s/\n//g;
# replace \t by ""
$data =~ s/\t//g;
# replace \r by ""
$data =~ s/\r//g;
if($data =~ /<iconList>(.+?)<\/iconList>/)
my $address = $hash->{IP_ADDRESS};
my $port = "";
if (uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "NP3700")
$port = 7123;
(uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "NP3500") or
(uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "NP3900") or
(uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "AW9000")
$port = 49153;
my $i = 1;
while ($data =~ /<url>(.+?)<\/url>/g)
# May have several urls according to the UPNP/DLNA standard
$hash->{helper}{dInfo}{"DEVICE_ICON_$i"} = "http://$address:$port/$1";
elsif ($cmd eq "getPresets")
$hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOPRESETS} = 0 if(not defined($hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOPRESETS}));
# This command must be processed hierarchicaly through the navigation path
if($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 1)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 2;
# Internet radio
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$01\$001\$0", "","getPresets", "noArg");
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 2)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 3;
# Presets
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$02\$001\$0", "","getPresets", "noArg");
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 3)
my $listedItems; # Visible Items in the display. Max 8
my $nextreqURL;
my $i;
my $presetID = 0;
my $presetName;
# Parse first 8 Presets
if($data =~ /<title>Error<\/title>/)
# In case on presets defined the player returns an Error
# Do nothing
$hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOPRESETS} = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "totalPresets", "0", 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{Reading_presets};
if ($data =~ /'nextrequrl':'(.+?)',/)
$nextreqURL = $1;
#Log3 $name, 5, "NextreqURL: $nextreqURL";
if ($data =~ /'totalListCount':(.+),/)
$hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOPRESETS} = $1;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "totalPresets", $1, 1);
#Log3 $name, 5, "ListedItems: $listedItems";
$data =~ s/\R//g; # Remove new lines
while ($data =~ /{'title':'(.+?)',/g)
$presetName = $1;
if($data =~ /'id':(.+?),/g)
$presetID = $1;
if ($presetID ne "" and $presetName ne "")
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, sprintf(".inetRadioPreset_%02d", $presetID), $presetName);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if($presetID < ($hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOPRESETS})) # Maximum listed items = 8. Get the next items by sending the nextreqURL
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, $nextreqURL, "","getPresets", "noArg");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready", 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{Reading_presets};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{readingPresets};
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 4;
# Finished
elsif ($cmd eq "getFavorites")
$hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOFAVORITES} = 0 if(not defined($hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOFAVORITES}));
# This command must be processed hierarchicaly through the navigation path
if($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 1)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 2;
# Internet radio
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$01\$001\$0", "","getFavorites", "noArg");
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 2)
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 3;
# Favorites
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nav\$03\$02\$002\$0", "","getFavorites", "noArg");
elsif($hash->{helper}{cmdStep} == 3)
if($data =~ /<title>Error<\/title>/)
# In case on presets defined the player returns an Error
# Do nothing
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "totalFavorites", "0", 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{Reading_favorites};
my $listedItems; # Visible Items in the display. Max 8
my $nextreqURL;
my $i;
my $favoriteID = 0;
my $favoriteName;
# Parse first 8 Presets
if ($data =~ /'nextrequrl':'(.+?)',/)
$nextreqURL = $1;
#Log3 $name, 5, "NextreqURL: $nextreqURL";
if ($data =~ /'totalListCount':(.+),/)
$hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOFAVORITES} = $1;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "totalFavorites", $1, 1);
$data =~ s/\R//g; # Remove new lines
while($data =~ /{'title':'(.+?)',/g)
$favoriteName = $1;
if($data =~ /'id':(.+?),/g)
$favoriteID = $1;
if ($favoriteID ne "" and $favoriteName ne "")
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, sprintf(".inetRadioFavorite_%02d", $favoriteID), $favoriteName);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
#Log3 $name, 5, "FavoriteIDNachLoop: $favoriteID";
if($favoriteID < ($hash->{helper}{TOTALINETRADIOFAVORITES})) # Maximum listed items = 8. Get the next items by sending the nextreqURL
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, $nextreqURL, "","getFavorites", "noArg");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready", 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{Reading_favorites};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{readingFavorites};
$hash->{helper}{cmdStep} = 4;
# Finished
elsif($cmd =~ /input|selectStream/)
$data =~ s/\R//g; # Remove new lines for regex
if($arg eq "---")
# Do nothing
elsif($arg =~ /internetRadio|onlineServices|mediaLibrary|(\d{3})_(.+?)_|lvl_(.+?)/) # 000_[c|i]_******
# don't update menu content if playable item was chosen
if (defined $1)
if ($2 eq "i")
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
$hash->{helper}{playerState} = "playing";
# Stream selected. Manual operation finished.
$hash->{helper}{manualOperation} = 0;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "networkRequest", "idle");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerState", "playing");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, ".manualOperation", "no");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "/nowplay", "","nowplay", "noArg");
# Stream selected trigger getStatus
PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer($hash); # getStatus
if ($data =~ /{'command':'NOTHING','value':0}|<title>Error<\/title>/)
my $errorMessage = "Player responded with unspecified error";
if($data =~ /alert\(\'(.*?)\'\);|\'command\':\'(.*?)\'/)
$errorMessage = $1;
# Delete old readings
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /listItem_...$/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /.listItemTarget_...$/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
$hash->{helper}{manualOperation} = 0;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "networkRequest", "idle");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "listItem_001", "$errorMessage");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, ".listItemTarget_001", "$hash->{helper}{currentNavUrl}");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, ".manualOperation", "no");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
return "Player response: $errorMessage.";
my $listDepthLevel = 0;
my $playerListTotalCount = 0;
my $listId = 0;
my $listItems = "";
if($data =~ /var listdetails = \{(.*)\};/)
my $listdetails_temp = $1;
my $listdetails = $listdetails_temp;
if($listdetails =~ /'totalitems':(.*?),/)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listTotalItems", "$1");
$listdetails = $listdetails_temp;
if($listdetails =~ /'totalListCount':(.*?),/)
$playerListTotalCount = $1;
$hash->{helper}{playerListTotalCount} = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerListTotalCount", "$1");
$listdetails = $listdetails_temp;
if($listdetails =~ /'depthlevel':(.*?),/)
$listDepthLevel = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listDepthLevel", "$1");
if($data =~ /var listItem = \{(.*)\};/)
my $listItems_temp = $1;
$listItems = $listItems_temp;
if($listItems =~ /'nextrequrl':'(.*?)'/)
$hash->{helper}{nextUrl} = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listNextUrl", "$1");
$listItems = $listItems_temp;
if($listItems =~ /'prevUrl':'(.*?)',/)
if($1 ne "")
$hash->{helper}{prevUrl} = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listPrevUrl", "$1");
$hash->{helper}{prevUrl} = "-";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listPrevUrl", "-");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$listItems = $listItems_temp;
if($listItems =~ /'items': \[(.*)\]/)
# Delete old readings
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /listItem_...$/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} foreach (grep /.listItemTarget_...$/, keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
# Predefine all listItem readings with "reading..."
for(my $i = 1; ($i < int($hash->{helper}{playerListTotalCount}) + 1) and ($i < AttrVal($name, "maxListItems", 100) + 1); $i++)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "listItem_".sprintf("%03s", $i), "reading...");
my $items = $1;
while ($items =~ /\{(.*?)\}/g)
my $item = $1;
my $title = "";
if($item =~ /'title':'(.*?)',/)
$title = PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1);
if($item =~ /'id':(.*?),/)
$listId = $1;
my $itemTarget = "";
if($item =~ /'target':'(.*?)'/)
$itemTarget = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listItemTarget_".sprintf("%03s", int($listId)), $1);
if(substr($itemTarget, -1) eq "1")
$title = "i_" . $title; # item
$title = "c_" . $title; # container
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "listItem_".sprintf("%03s", int($listId)), $title);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if($listId < $hash->{helper}{playerListTotalCount})
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "$hash->{helper}{nextUrl}", "", "selectStream", "list");
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "networkRequest", "idle");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
elsif($arg =~ /list/)
if ($data =~ /{'command':'NOTHING','value':0}|<title>Error<\/title>/)
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "networkRequest", "idle", 1);
Log3 $name, 3, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - Player response: Media Library change not successful.";
return "Player response: Media Library change not successful.";
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "busy";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "networkRequest", "busy");
$data =~ s/\R//g; # Remove new lines for regex
my $listDepthLevel = 0;
my $playerListTotalCount = 0;
my $listId = 0;
my $listItems = "";
$listItems = $data;
if($listItems =~ /'nextrequrl':'(.*?)'/)
$hash->{helper}{nextUrl} = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listNextUrl", "$1");
$listItems = $data;
if($listItems =~ /'prevUrl':'(.*?)',/)
if($1 ne "")
$hash->{helper}{prevUrl} = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listPrevUrl", "$1");
$hash->{helper}{prevUrl} = "-";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listPrevUrl", "-");
$listItems = $data;
if($listItems =~ /'items': \[(.*)\]/)
my $items = $1;
while ($items =~ /\{(.*?)\}/g)
my $item_temp = $1;
my $item = $item_temp;
my $title = "";
if($item =~ /'title':'(.*?)',/)
$title = PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt($1);
$item = $item_temp;
if($item =~ /'id':(.*?),/)
$listId = $1;
$item = $item_temp;
my $itemTarget = "";
if($item =~ /'target':'(.*?)'/)
$itemTarget = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".listItemTarget_".sprintf("%03s", int($listId)), $1);
if(substr($itemTarget, -1) eq "1")
$title = "i_" . $title; # item
$title = "c_" . $title; # container
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "listItem_".sprintf("%03s", int($listId)), $title);
last if($listId eq AttrVal($name, "maxListItems", 100));
if(($listId < $hash->{helper}{playerListTotalCount}) && ($listId < AttrVal($name, "maxListItems", 100)))
# External Command. Not from buffer timer.
$hash->{helper}{fromSendCommandBuffer} = 0;
PHILIPS_AUDIO_SendCommand($hash, "$hash->{helper}{nextUrl}", "", "selectStream", "list");
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "networkRequest", "idle");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playerListStatus", "ready");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$hash->{helper}{networkRequest} = "idle";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "networkRequest", "idle", 1);
# converts straight volume in percentage volume (volumestraightmin .. volumestraightmax => 0 .. 100%)
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_rel2abs
my ($hash, $percentage) = @_;
return int($percentage * 64 / 100);
# converts relative volume to "straight" volume (0 .. 100% => volumestraightmin .. volumestraightmax)
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_volume_abs2rel
my ($hash, $absolute) = @_;
return int($absolute * 100 / 64);
# Restarts the internal status request timer according to the given interval or current receiver state
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_ResetTimer
my ($hash, $interval) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_GetStatus");
if($hash->{helper}{DISABLED} == 0)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $interval, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_GetStatus", $hash);
elsif((exists($hash->{READINGS}{presence}{VAL}) and $hash->{READINGS}{presence}{VAL} eq "present") and (exists($hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL}) and $hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} eq "on"))
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{helper}{ON_INTERVAL}, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_GetStatus", $hash);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{helper}{OFF_INTERVAL}, "PHILIPS_AUDIO_GetStatus", $hash);
# convert all HTML entities into UTF-8 equivalent
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_html2txt
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s/(&amp;quot;|&quot;|"|\\")/\"/g;
$string =~ s/(&amp;|&)/&/g;
$string =~ s/ / /g;
$string =~ s/('|\\'|\')/'/g;
$string =~ s/(\xe4|ä)/ä/g;
$string =~ s/(\xc4|Ä)/Ä/g;
$string =~ s/(\xf6|ö)/ö/g;
$string =~ s/(\xd6|Ö)/Ö/g;
$string =~ s/(\xfc|ü)/ü/g;
$string =~ s/(\xdc|Ü)/Ü/g;
$string =~ s/(\xdf|ß)/ß/g;
return $string;
sub PHILIPS_AUDIO_getMediaRendererDesc
# queries the addition model descriptions
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "PHILIPS_AUDIO ($name) - execute nonblocking \"MediaRendererDesc\"";
my $url = "";
my $port = "";
if(uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "NP3700")
$url = "http://$hash->{IP_ADDRESS}:7123/DeviceDescription.xml";
(uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "NP3500") or
(uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "NP3900") or
(uc($hash->{MODEL}) eq "AW9000")
$url = "http://$hash->{IP_ADDRESS}:49153/nmrDescription.xml";
return "Unknown Device.";
url => $url,
timeout => AttrVal($name, "requestTimeout", 10),
noshutdown => 1,
data => "",
loglevel => ($hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} ? undef : 5),
hash => $hash,
cmd => "getMediaRendererDesc",
arg => "noArg",
callback => \&PHILIPS_AUDIO_ParseResponse
=item device
=item summary controls a Philips Streamium Network Player in a local network
=item summary_DE steuert einen Philips Streamium Netzwerkplayer im lokalen Netzwerk
=begin html
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIO"></a>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOdefine"></a>
define <name> PHILIPS_AUDIO <device model> <ip-address> [<status_interval>]<br><br>
define <name> PHILIPS_AUDIO <device model> [<off_status_interval>] [<on_status_interval>]
This module controls a Philips Audio Player e.g. MCi, Streamium or Fidelio and potentially any other device controlled by the "myRemote" app.<br>
You might also check, opening the following URL in the browser: http://[ip number of your device]:8889/index
(Tested on: AW9000, NP3500, NP3700 and NP3900)
define player PHILIPS_AUDIO NP3900<br><br>
# With custom status interval of 60 seconds<br>
define PHAUDIO_player PHILIPS_AUDIO NP3900 <b>60</b><br><br>
# With custom "off"-interval of 60 seconds and "on"-interval of 10 seconds<br>
define PHAUDIO_player PHILIPS_AUDIO NP3900 <b>60 10</b><br>
<i>Note: Due to slow command processing by the player itself the minimum interval is <b>limited to 5 seconds</b>. More frequent polling might cause device freezes.</i>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOset"></a>
set <name> <command> [<parameter>]
<i>Note: Commands and parameters are case sensitive.</i><br>
<li><b>favoriteAdd</b> – Adds currently played Internet Radio stream to favorites</li>
<li><b>favoriteRemove</b> – Removes currently played Internet Radio stream from favorites</li>
<li><b>getFavorites</b> – Reads stored favorites from the device (may take some time...)</li>
<li><b>getMediaRendererDesc</b> – Reads device specific information (stored in the deviceInfo reading)</li>
<li><b>getPresets</b> – Reads stored presets from the device (may take some time...)</li>
<li><b>input</b> – Selects the following input</li>
<li><b>analogAux</b> – Selects the analog AUX input (AW9000 only)</li>
<li><b>digital1Coaxial</b> – Selects the digital coaxial input (AW9000 only)</li>
<li><b>digital2Optical</b> – Selects the digital optical input (AW9000 only)</li>
<li><b>internetRadio</b> – Selects the Internet Radio input</li>
<li><b>mediaLibrary</b> – Selects the Media Library input (UPnP/DLNA server) (not available on AW9000)</li>
<li><b>mp3Link</b> – Selects the analog MP3 Link input (not available on AW9000)</li>
<li><b>onlineServices</b> – Selects the Online Services input</li>
<li><b>mute [ on | off ]</b> – Mutes/unmutes the device</li>
<li><b>player</b> – Player related commands</li>
<li><b>next</b> – Selects next audio stream</li>
<li><b>prev</b> – Selects previous audio stream</li>
<li><b>play-pause</b> – Plays/pauses the current audio stream</li>
<li><b>stop</b> – Stops the current audio stream</li>
<li><b>repeat [ single | all | off]</b> – Selects the repeate mode</li>
<li><b>selectFavorite [ name ]</b> – Selects a favorite. Empty if no favorites found. (see also getFavorites)</li>
<li><b>selectFavoriteByNumber [ number ]</b> – Selects a favorite by its number. Empty if no favorites found. (see also getFavorites)</li>
<li><b>selectPreset [ name ]</b> – Selects a preset. Empty if no presets found. (see also getPresets)</li>
<li><b>selectPresetByNumber [ number ]</b> – Selects a preset by its number. Empty if no presets found. (see also getPresets)</li>
<li><b>selectStream [ name ]</b> – Context-sensitive. Selects a stream depending on the current input and player list content. A 'c'-prefix represents a 'container' (directory). An 'i'-prefix represents an 'item' (audio stream).</li>
<li><b>shuffle [ on | off ]</b> – Sets the shuffle mode</li>
<li><b>standbyButton</b> – Emulates the standby button. Toggles between standby and power on</li>
<li><b>volume</b> – Sets the relative volume 0...100%</li>
<li><b>volumeDown</b> – Sets the device specific volume by one decrement</li>
<li><b>volumeStraight</b> – Sets the device specific absolute volume 0...64</li>
<li><b>volumeUp</b> – Sets the device specific volume by one increment</li>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOget"></a>
get <name> <reading> <reading name>
<li><b>deviceInfo</b> – Returns device specific information</li>
<li><b>input</b> – Returns current input or '-' if not playing</li>
<li><b>listItem_xxx</b> – Returns player list item (limited to 999 entries)</li>
<li><b>networkError</b> – Shows an occured current network error</li>
<li><b>networkRequest</b> – Shows current network activity (idle/busy)</li>
<li><b>power</b> – Returns power status (on/off)</li>
<li><b>playerAlbum</b> – Returns the album name of played stream</li>
<li><b>playerAlbumArt</b> – Returns the album art of played audio stream</li>
<li><b>playerListStatus</b> – Returns current player list status (busy/ready)</li>
<li><b>playerListTotalCount</b> – Returns number of player list entries</li>
<li><b>playerPlayTime</b> – Returns audio stream duration</li>
<li><b>playerPlaying</b> – Returns current player playing state (yes/no)</li>
<li><b>playerRadioStation</b> – Returns the name of played radio station</li>
<li><b>playerRadioStationInfo</b> – Returns additional info of the played radio station</li>
<li><b>playerRepeat</b> – Returns current repeat mode (off/single/all)</li>
<li><b>playerShuffle</b> – Returns current shuffle mode (on/off)</li>
<li><b>playerState</b> – Returns current player state (home/browsing/playing)</li>
<li><b>playerStreamFavorite</b> – Shows if audio stream is a favorite (yes/no)</li>
<li><b>playerStreamRating</b> – Shows rating of the audio stream</li>
<li><b>playerTitle</b> – Returns audio stream's title</li>
<li><b>playerTotalTime</b> – Shows audio stream's total time</li>
<li><b>presence</b> – Returns peresence status (present/absent)</li>
<li><b>state</b> – Returns current state (on/off)</li>
<li><b>totalFavorites</b> – Returns total number of stored favorites (see getFavorites)</li>
<li><b>totalPresets</b> – Returns total number of stored presets (see getPresets)</li>
<li><b>volume</b> – Returns current relative volume (0...100%)</li>
<li><b>volumeStraight</b> – Returns current device absolute volume (0...64)</li>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOattr"></a>
<li><b>autoGetFavorites</b> – Automatically read favorites from device if none available (default off)</li>
<li><b>autoGetPresets</b> – Automatically read presets from device if none available (default off)</li>
<li><b>httpBufferTimeout</b> – Optional attribute defing the internal http buffer timeount (default 10)</li>
<li><b>maxListItems</b> – Defines max. number of player list items (default 100)</li>
<li><b>playerBrowsingTimeout</b> – Defines the inactivity timeout for browsing. After that timeout the player returns to the state 'home' in which the readings are updated automaically again. (default 180 seconds)</li>
<li><b>requestTimeout</b> – Optional attribute defining the http response timeout (default 4 seconds)</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIO"></a>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOdefine"></a>
define <name> PHILIPS_AUDIO <device model> <ip-address> [<status_interval>]<br><br>
define <name> PHILIPS_AUDIO <device model> [<off_status_interval>] [<on_status_interval>]
Mit Hilfe dieses Moduls lassen sich Philips Audio Netzwerk Player wie z.B. MCi, Streamium oder Fidelio im lokalen Netzwerk steuern.<br>
Geräte, die über die myRemote App oder einen internen HTTP Server am Port 8889 sollten theoretisch ebenfalls bedient werden können.<br>
(http://[ip Nummer des Gerätes]:8889/index)<br>
(Getestet mit: AW9000, NP3500, NP3700 und NP3900)
define PHAUDIO_player PHILIPS_AUDIO NP3900
# 60 Sekunden Intervall<br>
define PHAUDIO_player PHILIPS_AUDIO NP3900 <b>60</b>
# 60 Sekunden Intervall für "off" und 10 Sekunden für "on"<br>
define PHAUDIO_player PHILIPS_AUDIO NP3900 <b>60 10</b>
<i>Bemerkung: Aufgrund der relativ langsamen Verarbeitung von Befehlen durch den Player selbst wurde das minimale Intervall <b>auf 5 Sekunden limitiert</b>. Dadurch sollten potentielle Gerätefreezes reduziert werden.</i>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOset"></a>
set <name> <command> [<parameter>]
<i>Bemerkung: Befehle und Parameter sind case-sensitive</i><br>
<li><b>favoriteAdd</b> – Fügt den aktuellen Audiostream zu Favoriten hinzu</li>
<li><b>favoriteRemove</b> – Löscht den aktuellen Audiostream aus den Favoriten</li>
<li><b>getFavorites</b> – Liest aus die gespeicherten Favoriten aus dem Gerät (kann einige Zeit dauern...)</li>
<li><b>getMediaRendererDesc</b> – Liest aus Gerätspezifische Informationen aus (siehe auch deviceInfo reading)</li>
<li><b>getPresets</b> – Liest aus die gespeicherten Presets aus dem Gerät (kann einige Zeit dauern...)</li>
<li><b>input</b> – Schaltet auf den folgenden Eingang</li>
<li><b>analogAux</b> – AUX input (nur AW9000)</li>
<li><b>digital1Coaxial</b> – digital coaxial input (nur AW9000)</li>
<li><b>digital2Optical</b> – digital optical input (nur AW9000)</li>
<li><b>internetRadio</b> – Internet Radio</li>
<li><b>mediaLibrary</b> – Media Library (UPnP/DLNA server) (nicht verfügbar beim AW9000)</li>
<li><b>mp3Link</b> – Analoger MP3 Link (nicht verfügbar beim AW9000)</li>
<li><b>onlineServices</b> – Online Services</li>
<li><b>mute [ on | off ]</b> – Stummschaltung (an/aus)</li>
<li><b>player</b> – Player-Befehle</li>
<li><b>next</b> – Nächstee Audiostream</li>
<li><b>prev</b> – Letzter Audiostream</li>
<li><b>play-pause</b> – Play/pause des aktuellen Audiostreams</li>
<li><b>stop</b> – Stoppt das Abspielen des aktuellen Audiostreams</li>
<li><b>repeat [ single | all | off]</b> – Stellt den repeat mode ein</li>
<li><b>selectFavorite [ name ]</b> – Wählt einen Favoriten. Leer falls keine Favoriten vorhanden (s. getFavorites)</li>
<li><b>selectFavoriteByNumber [ number ]</b> – Wählt einen Favoriten anhand seiner Speichernummer. Leer falls keine Favoriten vorhanden (s. getFavorites)</li>
<li><b>selectPreset [ name ]</b> – Wählt einen Preset. Leer falls keine Presets vorhanden (s. getPresets)</li>
<li><b>selectPresetByNumber [ number ]</b> – Wählt einen Preset anhand seiner Speichernummer. Leer falls keine Presets vorhanden (see also getPresets)</li>
<li><b>selectStream [ name ]</b> – Context-sensitive. Wählt einen Audiostream. Hängt vom aktuellen Inhalt der Playerlist ab. Ein 'c'-Präfix repräsentiert einen 'Container' (Directory). ein 'i'-Präfix repräsentiert ein 'Item' (audio stream).</li>
<li><b>shuffle [ on | off ]</b> – Wählt den gewünschten Shuffle Modus</li>
<li><b>standbyButton</b> – Emuliert den standby-Knopf. Toggelt zwischen standby und power on</li>
<li><b>volume</b> – Setzt die relative Lautstärke 0...100%</li>
<li><b>volumeDown</b> – Setzt die Lautstärke um ein Dekrement herunter</li>
<li><b>volumeStraight</b> – Setzt die devicespezifische Lautstärke 0...64</li>
<li><b>volumeUp</b> – Setzt die Lautstärke um ein Inkrement herauf</li>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOget"></a>
get <name> <reading> <reading name>
<li><b>deviceInfo</b> – Liefert devicespezifische Information</li>
<li><b>input</b> – Liefert den aktuellen Eingang oder '-' falls kein Audiostream aktiv</li>
<li><b>listItem_xxx</b> – Liefert Einträge der Playerliste (limitiert auf 999 Einträge)</li>
<li><b>networkError</b> – Liefert einen potentiellen Netzwerkfehler</li>
<li><b>networkRequest</b> – Liefert die aktuelle Netzwerkaktivität (idle/busy)</li>
<li><b>power</b> – Liefert den Power-Status (on/off)</li>
<li><b>playerAlbum</b> – Liefert den Albumnamen des aktiven Audiostreams</li>
<li><b>playerAlbumArt</b> – Liefert die Albumart des aktiven Audiostreams</li>
<li><b>playerListStatus</b> – Liefert den aktuellen Zusatand der Playlist (busy/ready)</li>
<li><b>playerListTotalCount</b> – Liefert die Anzahl der Playlisteinträge</li>
<li><b>playerPlayTime</b> – Liefert die aktuell Audiostreamspieldauer</li>
<li><b>playerPlaying</b> – Zeigt an, ob Audiostream abgespielt wird (yes/no)</li>
<li><b>playerRadioStation</b> – Liefert den Stationsnamen des Radiosenders</li>
<li><b>playerRadioStationInfo</b> – Liefert zusätzliche Informationen des Radiosenders</li>
<li><b>playerRepeat</b> – Zeigt den Reapeat Mode an (off/single/all)</li>
<li><b>playerShuffle</b> – Zeigt den aktuellen Shuffle mode an (on/off)</li>
<li><b>playerState</b> – Zeigt den Playerzustand an (home/browsing/playing)</li>
<li><b>playerStreamFavorite</b> – Zeigt an, ob aktueller Audiostream ein Favorit ist (yes/no)</li>
<li><b>playerStreamRating</b> – Zeigt das rating des Audiostreams</li>
<li><b>playerTitle</b> – Zeigt den Titel des Audiostreams an</li>
<li><b>playerTotalTime</b> – Zeigt die Audiostreamdauer an</li>
<li><b>presence</b> – Liefert den presence status (present/absent)</li>
<li><b>state</b> – Lifert den aktuellen Gerätestatus (on/off)</li>
<li><b>totalFavorites</b> – Liefert die Anzahl gepseicherter Favoriten (s. getFavorites)</li>
<li><b>totalPresets</b> – Liefert die Anzahl gepseicherter Presets (see getPresets)</li>
<li><b>volume</b> – Liefert die relative Lutstärke (0...100%)</li>
<li><b>volumeStraight</b> – Liefert die devicespezifische Lautstärke (0...64)</li>
<a name="PHILIPS_AUDIOattr"></a>
<li><b>autoGetFavorites</b> – Automatisches Auslesen der Favoriten beim Modulstart falls keine vorhanden (default off)</li>
<li><b>autoGetPresets</b> – Automatisches Auslesen der Presets beim Modulstart falls keine vorhanden (default off)</li>
<li><b>httpBufferTimeout</b> – Optionalles Attribut für den internen http buffer timeount (default 10 Sekunden)</li>
<li><b>maxListItems</b> – Definiert die max. Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Playerlisteinträge (default 100)</li>
<li><b>playerBrowsingTimeout</b> – Definiert den Inaktivitäts-Timeout beim Browsen der Playerlist. Nach diesem Timeout fällt das Modul in den "home"-State zurück. Die Playerreadings werden wieder aktualisiert (default 180 Sekunden)</li>
<li><b>requestTimeout</b> – Optionalles Attribut für http responses (default 4 Sekunden)</li>
=end html_DE