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synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
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1176 lines
37 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
# See also https://avm.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Global/Service/Schnittstellen/AHA-HTTP-Interface.pdf
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
sub FBDECT_Parse($$@);
sub FBDECT_Set($@);
sub FBDECT_Get($@);
sub FBDECT_decodePayload($$$);
sub FBDECT_adjustHueSat($$);
sub FBDECT_colName($);
sub FBDECT_colVal($$$);
sub FBDECT_getDiscreteSat($$);
my @fbdect_models = qw(Powerline546E Dect200 CometDECT HAN-FUN);
my %fbdect_payload = (
7 => { n=>"connected" },
8 => { n=>"disconnected" },
10 => { n=>"configChanged" },
15 => { n=>"state", fmt=>'hex($pyld)?"on":"off"' },
16 => { n=>"relayTimes", fmt=>'FBDECT_decodeRelayTimes($pyld)' },
18 => { n=>"current", fmt=>'sprintf("%0.4f A", hex($pyld)/10000)' },
19 => { n=>"voltage", fmt=>'sprintf("%0.3f V", hex($pyld)/1000)' },
20 => { n=>"power", fmt=>'sprintf("%0.2f W", hex($pyld)/100)' },
21 => { n=>"energy", fmt=>'sprintf("%0.0f Wh",hex($pyld))' },
22 => { n=>"powerFactor", fmt=>'sprintf("%0.3f", hex($pyld))' },
23 => { n=>"temperature", fmt=>'FBDECT_decodeTemp($pyld, $hash, $addReading)' },
35 => { n=>"options", fmt=>'FBDECT_decodeOptions($pyld)' },
37 => { n=>"control", fmt=>'FBDECT_decodeControl($pyld)' },
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = ".*";
$hash->{SetFn} = "FBDECT_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "FBDECT_Get";
$hash->{DefFn} = "FBDECT_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FBDECT_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "FBDECT_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:1,0 dummy:1,0 showtime:1,0 ".
"disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals ".
"$readingFnAttributes " .
"model:".join(",", sort @fbdect_models);
{ "FBDECT.*" => {
GPLOT => "power4:Power,",
FILTER => "%NAME:power\\x3a.*",
ATTR => "event-min-interval:power:120" } };
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = shift @a;
my $type = shift(@a); # always FBDECT
my $u = "wrong syntax for $name: define <name> FBDECT [FBAHAname:]id props";
return $u if(int(@a) != 2);
my $ioNameAndId = shift @a;
my ($ioName, $id) = (undef, $ioNameAndId);
if($ioNameAndId =~ m/^([^:]*):(.*)$/) {
$ioName = $1; $id = $2;
$hash->{id} = $id;
$hash->{props} = shift @a;
$hash->{webCmd} = "desired-temp" if($hash->{props} =~ m/actuator/);
$modules{FBDECT}{defptr}{$ioNameAndId} = $hash;
AssignIoPort($hash, $ioName);
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my %cmd;
my $p = $hash->{props};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $unittype = ReadingsVal($name, "unittype", "");
$cmd{raw} = "textField";
if($p =~ m/switch/) {
$cmd{off} = $cmd{on} = $cmd{toggle} = "noArg";
if($p =~ m/actuator/) {
$cmd{"desired-temp"} = "slider,7.5,0.5,28.5,1";
$cmd{open} = $cmd{closed} = "noArg";
$cmd{windowopen} = $cmd{boost} = "textField";
if($p =~ m/dimmer/) {
$cmd{"dim"} = "slider,0,1,100,1";
if($p =~ m/HANFUNUnit/ && $unittype eq "BLIND") {
$cmd{open} = $cmd{closed} = $cmd{stop} = "noArg";
if($p =~ m/HANFUNUnit/ && $unittype eq "DIMMABLE_COLOR_BULB") {
$cmd{"color"} = "select,red,orange,yellow,lawngreen,green,turquoise,".
$cmd{"satindex"} = "slider,1,1,3,1";
$cmd{"colortemperature"} = "colorpicker,CT,2700,100,6500";
$cmd{"hue"} = "colorpicker,HUE,0,1,359";
$cmd{"saturation"} = "slider,0,1,255";
$cmd{off} = $cmd{on} = $cmd{toggle} = "noArg";
if(!$cmd{$a[1]}) {
my $cmdList = join(" ", map { "$_:$cmd{$_}" } sort keys %cmd);
return SetExtensions($hash, $cmdList, @a)
my $cmd = $a[1];
return "" if(IsDisabled($name));
Log3 $name, 3, "FBDECT set $name $cmd";
my $ain = ReadingsVal($name,"AIN",0);
if($cmd =~ m/^(on|off|toggle)$/) {
IOWrite($hash, $ain, "setswitch$cmd");
my $state = ($cmd eq "toggle" ? ($hash->{STATE} eq "on" ? "off":"on"):$cmd);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $state, 1);
return undef;
if($cmd =~ m/^(open|closed|desired-temp)$/ && $p =~ m/actuator/) {
if($cmd eq "desired-temp") {
return "Usage: set $name desired-temp value" if(int(@a) != 3);
return "desired-temp must be between 7.5 and 28.5"
if($a[2] !~ m/^[\d.]+$/ || $a[2] < 7.5 || $a[2] > 28.5)
my $a2 = ($a[2] ? $a[2] : 0);
my $val = ($cmd eq "open" || $a2==28.5) ? 254 :
($cmd eq "closed"|| $a2== 7.5) ? 253: int(2*$a2);
IOWrite($hash, $ain,"sethkrtsoll¶m=$val");
return undef;
if($cmd =~ m/^(boost|windowopen)$/ && $p =~ m/actuator/) {
return "Usage: set $name $cmd duration" if(int(@a) != 3);
return "duration must be between 0 (deactivate) and 86400 (+24h)"
if($a[2] !~ m/^\d+$/ || $a[2] > 86400);
my $endtimestamp = ($a[2] == 0 ? 0 : (time() + $a[2]));
if($cmd eq "boost") {
Log3 $name,5, "$name: raw sethkrboost&endtimestamp=$endtimestamp";
IOWrite($hash, $ain, "sethkrboost&endtimestamp=$endtimestamp");
} elsif ($cmd eq "windowopen") {
Log3 $name,5, "$name: raw sethkrwindowopen&endtimestamp=$endtimestamp";
IOWrite($hash, $ain, "sethkrwindowopen&endtimestamp=$endtimestamp");
return undef;
if($cmd eq "dim") {
return "Usage: set $name dim value"
if(int(@a) != 3 || $a[2] !~ m/^\d+$/ || !($a[2]>=0 && $a[2]<=100));
IOWrite($hash, $ain,"setlevelpercentage&level=$a[2]");
return undef;
if($cmd =~ m/^(open|closed|stop)$/ &&
$p =~ m/HANFUNUnit/ && $unittype eq "BLIND") {
IOWrite($hash, $ain,"setblind&target=$cmd");
return undef;
if($cmd eq "raw") {
shift @a; shift @a;
return "Usage set $name raw <arguments>" if(!@a);
IOWrite($hash, $ain, join("&", @a));
return undef;
if($cmd eq "color") {
return "Usage: set $name color [colorname]"
if(int(@a) != 2 && int(@a) != 3);
my $color = defined($a[2]) ? $a[2] : FBDECT_colVal($hash,"color","yellow");
my $satindex = FBDECT_colVal($hash, "satindex", 1);
my ($hue, $saturation) = FBDECT_adjustHueSat($color, $satindex);
$hash->{hue} = $hue;
$hash->{saturation} = $saturation;
$hash->{color} = $color;
Log3 $name,5,
"$name: raw setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0";
IOWrite($hash, $ain, "setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0");
return undef;
if($cmd eq "satindex") {
return "Usage: set $name satindex [saturation-index]"
if(int(@a) != 2 && int(@a) != 3);
my $satindex = defined($a[2]) ? $a[2] : FBDECT_colVal($hash, "satindex", 1);
my $color = FBDECT_colVal($hash, "color", "yellow");
my ($hue, $saturation) = FBDECT_adjustHueSat($color,$satindex);
$hash->{saturation} = $saturation;
$hash->{satindex} = $satindex;
Log3 $name,5,
"$name: raw setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0";
IOWrite($hash, $ain, "setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0");
return undef;
if($cmd eq "saturation") {
return "Usage: set $name saturation value"
if(int(@a) != 3 || $a[2] !~ m/^\d+$/ || !($a[2]>=0 && $a[2]<=255));
my $color = FBDECT_colVal($hash, "color", "yellow");
my $hue = FBDECT_colVal($hash, "hue", 52);
my $saturation = $a[2];
my $satindex;
($satindex, $saturation) = FBDECT_getDiscreteSat($color, $saturation);
$hash->{saturation} = $saturation;
$hash->{satindex} = $satindex;
Log3 $name,5,
"$name: raw setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0";
IOWrite($hash, $ain, "setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0");
return undef;
if($cmd eq "colortemperature") {
return "Usage: set $name colortemperature [temperature]"
if(int(@a) != 2 && int(@a) != 3);
my $initialTemperature = FBDECT_colVal($hash, "colortemperature", 4200);
my $setTemperature = defined($a[2]) ? $a[2] : $initialTemperature;
my $tempunit = "kelvin";
my $colortemperature = $setTemperature;
if($setTemperature < 2000) { # get temp in Kelvin if given in mireds
$tempunit = "mired";
$colortemperature = int(1000000 / $setTemperature + 0.5);
my @discreteTemp = (2700,3000,3400,3800,4200,4700,5300,5900,6500,99999);
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@discreteTemp)-1; $i++) {
if($colortemperature <
$discreteTemp[$i] + ($discreteTemp[$i+1]-$discreteTemp[$i])/2 ) {
$colortemperature = $discreteTemp[$i];
# sending setcolortemperature will switch the mode to white. Homebridge
# sends ct (mireds) along with hue when in color mode => only
# setcolortemperature if kelvin or if temp changed
if($colortemperature != $initialTemperature || $tempunit eq "kelvin") {
$hash->{colortemperature} = $colortemperature;
Log3 $name,5, "$name: raw setcolortemperature&".
IOWrite($hash, $ain,
return undef;
if($cmd eq "hue") {
return "Usage: set $name hue huevalue"
if(int(@a) != 3 || $a[2] !~ m/^\d+$/ || !($a[2]>=0 && $a[2]<=359));
my $satindex = FBDECT_colVal($hash, "satindex", 1);
my $hue = $a[2];
my $saturation;
my @discreteHue = (35,52,92,120,160,195,212,225,266,296,335,358,9999);
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@discreteHue)-1; $i++) {
if($hue < $discreteHue[$i] + ($discreteHue[$i+1]-$discreteHue[$i])/2 ) {
$hue = $discreteHue[$i];
my $color = FBDECT_colName($hue);
($hue, $saturation) = FBDECT_adjustHueSat($color,$satindex);
$hash->{color} = $color;
$hash->{hue} = $hue;
$hash->{saturation} = $saturation;
Log3 $name,5,
"$name: raw setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0";
IOWrite($hash, $ain, "setcolor&hue=$hue&saturation=$saturation&duration=0");
return undef;
return "Internal Error, unknown command $cmd";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my %sets = ("on"=>1, "off"=>1, "msgInterval"=>1);
return FBDECT_SetHttp($hash, @a)
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}{TYPE} eq "FBAHAHTTP");
my $ret = undef;
my $cmd = $a[1];
if(!$sets{$cmd}) {
my $usage = join(" ", sort keys %sets);
return SetExtensions($hash, $usage, @a);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(IsDisabled($name));
Log3 $name, 3, "FBDECT set $name $cmd";
my $relay;
if($cmd eq "on" || $cmd eq "off") {
my $relay = sprintf("%08x%04x0000%08x", 15, 4, $cmd eq "on" ? 1 : 0);
my $msg = sprintf("%04x0000%08x$relay", $hash->{id}, length($relay)/2);
IOWrite($hash, "07", $msg);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set_$cmd", 1);
if($cmd eq "msgInterval") {
return "msgInterval needs seconds as parameter"
if(!defined($a[2]) || $a[2] !~ m/^\d+$/);
foreach my $i (24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32) {
my $txt = sprintf("%08x%04x0000%08x", $i, 4, $a[2]);
my $msg = sprintf("%04x0000%08x$txt", $hash->{id}, length($txt)/2);
IOWrite($hash, "07", $msg);
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
my $cmd = ($a[1] ? $a[1] : "");
my %gets = ("devInfo"=>1);
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}{TYPE} eq "FBAHA") {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".join(" ",sort keys %gets)
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ";
if($cmd eq "devInfo") {
my @answ = FBAHA_getDevList($hash->{IODev}, $hash->{id});
return $answ[0] if(@answ == 1);
if($answ[0] &&
$answ[0] =~ m/NAME:(.*), ID:(.*), (.*), TYPE:(.*) PROP:(.*)/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "FBNAME", $1, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "FBTYPE", $4, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "FBPROP", $5, 1);
my $d = pop @answ;
while($d) {
my ($ptyp, $plen, $pyld) = FBDECT_decodePayload($d, $hash, 0);
Log3 $hash, 4, "Payload: $d -> $ptyp: $pyld";
last if($ptyp eq "");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ptyp, $pyld, 1);
push @answ, " $ptyp: $pyld";
$d = substr($d, 16+$plen*2);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return join("\n", @answ);
return undef;
my %fbhttp_readings = (
absenk => 'sprintf("night-temp:%.1f C", $val/2)',
batterylow => '"batterylow:$val"',
celsius => 'sprintf("temperature:%.1f C (measured)", $val/10)',
energy => 'sprintf("energy:%d Wh", $val)',
etsideviceid => '"etsideviceid:$val"',
functionbitmask => '"FBPROP:$fbprop"',
fwversion => '"fwversion:$val"',
id => '"ID:$val"',
identifier => '"AIN:$val"',
komfort => 'sprintf("day-temp:%.1f C", $val/2)',
level => '"level:$val"',
levelpercentage => '"dim:$val"',
lock => '"locked:".($val ? "yes":"no")',
mode => '"mode:$val"',
name => '"FBNAME:$val"',
offset => 'sprintf("tempadjust:%.1f C", $val/10)', # ??
power => 'sprintf("power:%.2f W", $val/1000)',
present => '"present:".($val?"yes":"no")',
productname => '"FBTYPE:$val"',
rel_humidity => '"rel_humidity:$val %"',
state => '"state:".($val?"on":"off")',
voltage => 'sprintf("voltage:%.3f V", $val/1000)',
# tist => 'sprintf("temperature:%.1f C (measured)", $val/2)', # Forum #57644
tsoll => 'sprintf("desired-temp:%s", $val)',
members => '"members:$val"',
devicelock => '"devicelock:".($val ? "yes":"no")',
unittype => '"unittype:".($unittype{$val} ? $unittype{$val} : $val)',
errorcode => '"errorcode:".($ecTxt{$val} ? $ecTxt{$val} : ">$val<")',
windowopenactiv => '"windowopenactiv:".($val ? "yes":"no")',
battery => 'sprintf("battery:%s %%", $val)',
endperiod => 'sprintf("nextPeriodStart:%s", FmtDateTime($val))',
tchange => 'sprintf("nextPeriodTemp:%0.1f C", $val/2)',
summeractive => '"summeractive:".($val ? "yes":"no")',
holidayactive => '"holidayactive:".($val ? "yes":"no")',
lastpressedtimestamp => '"lastpressedtimestamp:".($val=~m/^\d{10}$/ ? FmtDateTime($val) : "N/A")',
lastpressedtimestamp_kurz => '"lastpressedtimestamp_kurz:$val"',
lastpressedtimestamp_lang => '"lastpressedtimestamp_lang:$val"',
lastpressedtimestamp_Oben_rechts =>'"lastpressedtimestamp_oben_rechts:$val"',
lastpressedtimestamp_Oben_links =>'"lastpressedtimestamp_oben_links:$val"',
hue => '"hue:$val"',
current_mode => '"current_mode:$val"',
saturation => '"saturation:$val"',
temperature => '"colortemperature:$val"',
windowopenactiveendtime => '"windowopenactiveendtime:".($val=~m/^\d{10}$/ ? FmtDateTime($val) : "N/A")',
boostactive => '"boostactive:".($val ? "yes":"no")',
boostactiveendtime => '"boostactiveendtime:".($val=~m/^\d{10}$/ ? FmtDateTime($val) : "N/A")',
masterdeviceid => '"groupmasterid:$val"',
lastalertchgtimestamp => '"lastalertchgtimestamp:".($val=~m/^\d{10}$/ ? FmtDateTime($val) : "N/A")',
my ($iodev, $msg, $type) = @_;
my $ioName = $iodev->{NAME};
my %h;
my $omsg;
$omsg = $msg;
$omsg =~ s,<([^/>]+?)>([^<]+?)<,$h{$1}=$2 if(!$h{$1}),ge; # Quick & Dirty:Tags
$omsg = $msg;
$omsg =~ s, ([a-z_]+?)="([^"]*)",$h{$1}=$2 if(!$h{$1}),ge; # Attributes
if($h{lastpressedtimestamp}) { # Dect400/#94700, 440/#118303
sub FBDECT_ParseTimestamp {
my ($txt,$h,$ln) = (@_);
$txt =~ s#<([^/\s>]+?)[^/]*?>(.*?)</\g1>#
my ($n,$c) = ($1,$2);
$ln = makeReadingName($1) if($n eq "name" && $c =~ m/:\s*(.*)$/);
if($n eq "lastpressedtimestamp" && $ln) {
$h->{"${n}_$ln"} = ($c =~ m/^\d{10}$/ ? FmtDateTime($c) : "N/A");
FBDECT_ParseTimestamp($c, $h) if($c && $c =~ m/^<.*>$/);
FBDECT_ParseTimestamp($msg, \%h);
my $ain = $h{identifier};
$ain =~ s/[-: ]/_/g;
my %ll = (
0 => "HANFUN",
2 => "lightSwitch",
4 => "alarmSensor",
5 => "avmButton",
6 => "actuator",
7 => "powerMeter",
8 => "tempSensor",
9 => "switch",
10 => "repeater",
11 => "microphone",
13 => "HANFUNUnit",
15 => "switch",
16 => "dimmer",
17 => "colorswitch",
my %ecTxt = (0 => "noError (0)",
1 => "notMounted (1)",
2 => "valveShortOrBatteryEmpty (2)",
3 => "valveStuck (3)",
4 => "installationPreparation (4)",
5 => "installationInProgress (5)",
6 => "installationIsAdapting (6)");
my %unittype = (
262 => "AC_OUTLET",
264 => "SIMPLE_LIGHT",
277 => "COLOR_BULB",
281 => "BLIND",
282 => "LAMELLAR",
640 => "SIREN",
my $lsn = int($h{functionbitmask});
my @fb;
map { push @fb, $ll{$_} if((1<<$_) & $lsn) } sort keys %ll;
my $fbprop = join(",", @fb);
$fbprop = "none" if(!$fbprop); # 85930
my $dp = $modules{FBDECT}{defptr};
my $hash = $dp->{"$ioName:$ain"};
$hash = $dp->{$ain} if(!$hash);
$hash = $dp->{"$ioName:$h{id}"} if(!$hash);
$hash = $dp->{$h{id}} if(!$hash);
if(!$hash) {
my $ret = "UNDEFINED FBDECT_${ioName}_$ain FBDECT $ioName:$ain $fbprop";
Log3 $ioName, 3, "$ret, please define it";
DoTrigger("global", $ret);
return "";
$hash->{props} = $fbprop; # replace values from define
$hash->{webCmd} = "desired-temp" if($hash->{props} =~ m/actuator/);
Log3 $hash, 5, $hash->{NAME};
foreach my $n (keys %h) {
Log3 $hash, 5, " $n = $h{$n}";
next if(!$fbhttp_readings{$n});
my $val = $h{$n};
$val = ($val == 254 ? 28.5:
$val == 253 ? 7.5 : sprintf("%0.1f C",$val/2))
if($n eq "tsoll");
$val = $type if($n eq "productname" && $val eq "");
my ($ptyp,$pyld) = split(":", eval $fbhttp_readings{$n}, 2);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "$ptyp: $pyld") if($n eq "tsoll");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ptyp, $pyld);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "batteryState", $pyld ? "low" : "ok")
if($ptyp eq "batterylow");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "batteryPercent", $val) # 87575/96302
if($ptyp eq "battery");
if($val && $ptyp eq "colortemperature") {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "colortemperaturemireds",
$val>0 ? int(1000000/$val+0.5) : "");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ptyp, $val);
$hash->{$ptyp} = $val;
if($val && $ptyp eq "hue") {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "color", FBDECT_colName($val));
$hash->{color} = FBDECT_colName($val);
$hash->{hue} = $val;
if ($val && $ptyp eq "saturation") {
my $color = FBDECT_colVal($hash, "color", "yellow");
my ($satindex, $sat) = FBDECT_getDiscreteSat($color, $val);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "satindex", $satindex);
$hash->{saturation} = $val;
$hash->{satindex} = $satindex;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "colormode", $val eq "1" ? "color" : "white")
if($ptyp eq "current_mode");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return $hash->{NAME};
FBDECT_renameIoDev($$) # Called from FBAHAHTTP
my ($new, $old) = @_;
my $dp = $modules{FBDECT}{defptr};
for my $ok (keys %{$dp}) {
my $nk = $ok;
$nk =~ s/^$old:/$new:/;
next if($nk eq $ok);
$dp->{$nk} = $dp->{$ok};
delete $dp->{$ok};
my ($iodev, $msg, $local) = @_;
return FBDECT_ParseHttp($iodev, $msg, $1) if($msg =~ m/^<(device|group) /);
my $mt = substr($msg, 0, 2);
my $ioName = $iodev->{NAME};
if($mt ne "07" && $mt ne "04") {
Log3 $ioName, 1, "FBDECT: unknown message type $mt";
return ""; # Nobody else is able to handle this
my $id = hex(substr($msg, 16, 4));
my $hash = $modules{FBDECT}{defptr}{"$ioName:$id"};
$hash = $modules{FBDECT}{defptr}{$id} if(!$hash);
if(!$hash) {
my $ret = "UNDEFINED FBDECT_${ioName}_$id FBDECT $ioName:$id switch";
Log3 $ioName, 3, "$ret, please define it";
DoTrigger("global", $ret);
return "";
if($mt eq "07") {
my $d = substr($msg, 32);
while($d) {
my ($ptyp, $plen, $pyld) = FBDECT_decodePayload($d, $hash, 1);
Log3 $hash, 4, "Payload: $d -> $ptyp: $pyld";
last if($ptyp eq "");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ptyp, $pyld);
$d = substr($d, 16+$plen*2);
if($mt eq "04") {
my @answ = FBAHA_configInd(substr($msg,16), $id);
my $state = "";
if($answ[0] =~ m/ inactive,/) {
$state = "inactive";
} else {
my $d = pop @answ;
while($d) {
if(length($d) <= 16) {
push @answ, "FBDECT_DECODE_ERROR:short payload $d";
my ($ptyp, $plen, $pyld) = FBDECT_decodePayload($d, $hash, 1);
last if($ptyp eq "");
push @answ, " $ptyp: $pyld";
$d = substr($d, 16+$plen*2);
Log3 $iodev, 4, "FBDECT PARSED: ".join(" / ", @answ);
# Ignore the rest, is too confusing.
@answ = grep /state:/, @answ;
(undef, $state) = split(": ", $answ[0], 2) if(@answ > 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $state) if($state);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
Log3 $iodev, 5, "FBDECT_Parse for device $hash->{NAME} done";
return $hash->{NAME};
my ($p) = @_;
return "unknown" if(length($p) < 16);
return "disabled" if(substr($p, 12, 4) eq "0000");
return $p;
my ($p, $hash, $addReading) = @_;
my $v = hex(substr($p,0,8));
$v = -(4294967296-$v) if($v > 2147483648);
$v /= 10;
if(hex(substr($p,8,8))+0) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tempadjust", sprintf("%0.1f C", $v))
return "";
return sprintf("%0.1f C (measured)", $v);
my ($p) = @_;
my @opts;
return "uninitialized" if($p eq "0000ffff");
if(length($p) >= 8) {
my $o = hex(substr($p,0,8));
push @opts, "powerOnState:".($o==0 ? "off" : ($o==1?"on" : "last"));
if(length($p) >= 16) {
my $o = hex(substr($p,8,8));
my @lo;
push @lo, "none" if($o == 0);
push @lo, "webUi" if($o & 1);
push @lo, "remoteFB" if($o & 2);
push @lo, "button" if($o & 4);
push @opts, "lock:".join(",", @lo);
return join(",", @opts);
my ($p) = @_;
my @ctrl;
for(my $off=8; $off+28<=length($p)/2; $off+=28) {
if(substr($p,($off+ 8)*2,24) eq "000000050000000000000000") {
push @ctrl, "disabled";
my ($n, $s);
$s = "on";
$n = hex(substr($p,($off+ 4)*2,8));
$s .= " ".($fbdect_payload{$n} ? $fbdect_payload{$n}{n} : "fn=$n");
my %tbl = (3=>">", 4=>"=>", 5=>"<", 6=>"<=");
$n = hex(substr($p,($off+ 8)*2,8));
$s .= " ".($tbl{$n} ? $tbl{$n} : "rel=$n");
$n = hex(substr($p,($off+12)*2,8));
$s .= sprintf(" %0.2f", $n/100);
$n = hex(substr($p,($off+16)*2,8));
$s .= " delay:${n}sec";
$n = hex(substr($p,($off+20)*2,8));
$s .= " do:".($fbdect_payload{$n} ? $fbdect_payload{$n}{n} : "fn=$n");
$n = hex(substr($p,($off+24)*2,8));
$s .= " ".($n==0 ? "off" : "on");
push @ctrl, $s;
return join(",", @ctrl);
my ($d, $hash, $addReading) = @_;
if(length($d) < 12) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "FBDECT ignoring payload: data too short";
return ("", "", "");
my $ptyp = hex(substr($d, 0, 8));
my $plen = hex(substr($d, 8, 4));
if(length($d) < 16+$plen*2) {
Log3 $hash, 4,
"FBDECT ignoring payload: data shorter than given length($plen)";
return ("", "", "");
my $pyld = substr($d, 16, $plen*2);
if($fbdect_payload{$ptyp}) {
$cmdFromAnalyze = $fbdect_payload{$ptyp}{fmt};
$pyld = eval $cmdFromAnalyze if($cmdFromAnalyze);
$cmdFromAnalyze = undef;
$ptyp = ($pyld ? $fbdect_payload{$ptyp}{n} : "");
return ($ptyp, $plen, $pyld);
# Color helpers
my %colordefaults = (
red => { hue=>358, sat=>[180, 112, 54] },
orange => { hue=> 35, sat=>[214, 140, 72] },
yellow => { hue=> 52, sat=>[153, 102, 51] },
lawngreen => { hue=> 92, sat=>[123, 79, 38] },
green => { hue=>120, sat=>[160, 82, 38] },
turquoise => { hue=>160, sat=>[145, 84, 41] },
cyan => { hue=>195, sat=>[179, 118, 59] },
azure => { hue=>212, sat=>[169, 110, 56] },
blue => { hue=>225, sat=>[204, 135, 67] },
violet => { hue=>266, sat=>[169, 110, 54] },
magenta => { hue=>296, sat=>[140, 92, 46] },
pink => { hue=>335, sat=>[180, 107, 51] }
my ($color, $satindex) = @_;
return FBDECT_adjustHueSat("yellow", $satindex) if(!$colordefaults{$color});
return FBDECT_adjustHueSat($color, 1) if($satindex < 1 || $satindex > 3);
return ($colordefaults{$color}{hue},$colordefaults{$color}{sat}[$satindex-1]);
my ($hue) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys %colordefaults) {
return $k if($hue eq $colordefaults{$k}{hue});
return "yellow";
my ($hash,$cname,$default) = @_;
return $hash->{$cname} if($hash->{$cname});
return ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, $cname, $default);
my ($color, $saturation) = @_;
my $satindex = 3;
$color = "yellow" if(!$colordefaults{$color});
my @discreteSat = reverse (9999, @{$colordefaults{$color}{sat}});
for(my $i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
if($saturation <
$discreteSat[$i] + ($discreteSat[$i+1]-$discreteSat[$i])/2 ) {
$saturation = $discreteSat[$i];
$satindex = 3 - $i;
return ($satindex, $saturation);
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $homeId = $hash->{homeId};
my $id = $hash->{id};
delete $modules{FBDECT}{defptr}{$id};
return undef;
=item summary DECT devices connected via the Fritz!OS AHA Server
=item summary_DE über den Fritz!OS AHA Server angebundene DECT Geräte
=begin html
<a name="FBDECT"></a>
This module is used to control AVM FRITZ!DECT devices via FHEM, see also the
<a href="#FBAHA">FBAHA</a> or <a href="#FBAHAHTTP">FBAHAHTTP</a> module for
the base.
<a name="FBDECTdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> FBDECT [<FBAHAname>:]<id> props</code>
<code>define lamp FBDECT 16 switch,powerMeter</code><br>
<b>Note:</b>Usually the device is created via
<a href="#autocreate">autocreate</a>. If you rename the corresponding FBAHA
device, take care to modify the FBDECT definitions, as it is not done
<a name="FBDECTset"></a>
Note: not all commands are supported for all devices.
set the device on or off.
<li>dim <value><br>
dim the device (if it is supported), value is between 0 and 100 (in %)
set the blind correspondingly
<li>desired-temp <value><br>
set the desired temp on a Comet DECT (FBAHAHTTP IOdev only). The value 7.5
corresponds to off, and 28.5 to on.
<li>boost <duration><br>
set the boost mode on a Comet/Fritz DECT 301 (FBAHAHTTP IOdev only) for
duration in seconds.
The value 0 means deactivate previously set boost mode.
<li>windowopen <duration><br>
set the windowopen mode on a Comet/Fritz DECT (FBAHAHTTP IOdev only) for
duration in seconds.
The value 0 means deactivate previously set windowopen mode.
<li><a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> are supported.
<li>msgInterval <sec><br>
Number of seconds between the sensor messages (FBAHA IODev only).
<li>color <colorname><br>
Color name for color bulbs: red, orange, yellow, lawngreen, green,
turquoise, cyan, azure, blue, violet, magenta, pink.
If the bulb was in "white" mode, it will change to "color" mode.
<li>colortemperature <temperature><br>
Color temperature in Kelvin (> 2000) otherwise micro-reciprocal degrees
(mired). If temperature is not given, it will only change from "color" to
"white" mode. As the Fritzbox only accepts pre-defined values, it will be
set back to the nearest authorized value in Kelvin (run <i>set
<devicename> raw getcolordefaults</i> to know the accepted values).
If the bulb was in "color" mode, it will change to "white" mode, except if
temperature given in mireds leads to no change of temperature in Kelvin.
<li>sat_index <index><br>
Index from 1 to 3 of accepted saturation levels. Sets the bulb to the
corresponding saturation for the set color.
If the bulb was in "white" mode, it will change to "color" mode.
<li>hue <huevalue><br>
Hue value from 0 to 359. As the Fritzbox only accepts pre-defined values,
it will be set back to the nearest authorized value. (run <i>set
<devicename> raw getcolordefaults</i> to know the accepted values).
The saturation will change to the accepted saturation for the color and
sat_index set. If the bulb was in "white" mode, it will change to "color"
mode. </li>
<li>saturation <value><br>
Color saturation from 0 to 255. As the Fritzbox only accepts pre-defined
values, it will be set back to the nearest authorized value for the set
color (run <i>set <devicename> raw getcolordefaults</i> to know the
accepted values for each color). If the bulb was in "white" mode, it will
change to "color" mode. </li>
<li>raw ...<br>
Used for debugging.<br>
Sends switchcmd=..., further parameters are joined with &.
<a name="FBDECTget"></a>
report device information (FBAHA IODev only)
<a name="FBDECTattr"></a>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<li><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#dummy">dummy</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a href="#model">model</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="FBDECTevents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
<li>current: $v A</li>
<li>voltage: $v V</li>
<li>power: $v W</li>
<li>energy: $v Wh</li>
<li>powerFactor: $v"</li>
<li>temperature: $v C (measured)</li>
<li>tempadjust: $v C</li>
<li>options: uninitialized</li>
<li>options: powerOnState:[on|off|last],lock:[none,webUi,remoteFb,button]</li>
<li>control: disabled</li>
<li>control: on power < $v delay:$d sec do:state [on|off]</li>
<li>relaytimes: disabled</li>
<li>relaytimes: HEX</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="FBDECT"></a>
Dieses Modul wird verwendet, um AVM FRITZ!DECT Geräte via FHEM zu
steuern, siehe auch das <a href="#FBAHA">FBAHA</a> oder <a
href="#FBAHAHTTP">FBAHAHTTP</a> Modul für die Anbindung an das FRITZ!Box.
<a name="FBDECTdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> FBDECT [<FBAHAname>:]<id> props</code>
<code>define lampe FBDECT 16 switch,powerMeter</code><br>
<b>Achtung:</b>FBDECT Einträge werden normalerweise per
<a href="#autocreate">autocreate</a> angelegt. Falls sie die zugeordnete
FBAHA oder FBAHAHTTP Instanz umbenennen, dann muss die FBDECT Definition
manuell angepasst werden.
<a name="FBDECTset"></a>
Gerät einschalten bzw. ausschalten.</li>
<li>desired-temp <value><br>
Gewünschte Temperatur beim Comet DECT setzen. 7.5 entspricht aus, 28.5
bedeutet an.
<li>boost <Dauer><br>
Versetzt den Comet/Fritz DECT 301 in boost Modus für Dauer in Sekunden.
0 deaktiviert den boost Modus.
<li>windowopen <Dauer><br>
Versetzt den Comet/Fritz DECT 301 in windowopen Modus für Dauer in
Sekunden. 0 deaktiviert den windowopen Modus.
<li>dim <value><br>
Helligkeit oder Rolladenstand (zwischen 0 und 100, in Prozent) setzen.
Rollade öffnen, schließen oder stoppen.
Die <a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> werden
<li>msgInterval <sec><br>
Anzahl der Sekunden zwischen den Sensornachrichten (nur mit FBAHA als
<li>color <colorname><br>
Farbname für Farbbirnen: rot, orange, gelb, grassgrün, grün,
türkis, cyan, himmelblau, blau, violett, magenta, rosa . Wenn die
Glühbirne im "white" Modus war, wechselt sie in den Modus "color"
<li>colortemperature <Temperatur><br>
Farbtemperatur in Kelvin wenn > 2000 sonst mireds. Da die Fritzbox nur
vordefinierte Werte unterstützt, wird sie auf den nächstliegenden
unterstützten Wert in Kelvin zurückgesetzt (um die
unterstützte Werte zu kennen, <i>set <devicename> raw
getcolordefaults</i> ausführen). Wenn die Glühbirne im "color" Modus
war, wechselt sie in den Modus "white", ausser wenn die in mireds
eingegebene Temperatur zu keine Aenderung der Temperatur in Kelvin
führt. </li>
<li>sat_index <index><br>
Index von 1 bis 3 der akzeptierten Sättigungsstufen. Setzt die
Glühbirne auf die entsprechende Sättigung für die
eingestellte Farbe. Wenn die Glühbirne im "white" Modus war, wechselt
sie in den Modus "color" </li>
<li>hue <huevalue><br>
Hue Wert von 0 bis 359. Da die Fritzbox nur vordefinierte Werte
unterstützt, wird sie auf den nächstliegenden unterstützten
Wert zurückgesetzt (um die unterstützte Werte zu kennen, <i>set
<devicename> raw getcolordefaults</i> ausführen). Die
Sättigung wird auf die für die Farbe und sat_index akzeptierte
Sättigung geändert. Wenn die Glühbirne im "white" Modus
war, wechselt sie in den Modus "color" </li>
<li>saturation <Wert><br>
Farbsättigung von 0 bis 255. Da die Fritzbox nur vordefinierte Werte
unterstützt, wird sie auf den nächstliegenden unterstützten
Wert zurückgesetzt (um die unterstützte Werte zu kennen, <i>set
<devicename> raw getcolordefaults</i> ausführen). Wenn die
Glühbirne im "white" Modus war, wechselt sie in den Modus "color"
<li>raw ...<br>
Dient zum debuggen.<br>
Sendet switchcmd=..., weitere Parameter werden per & zusammengeklebt.
<a name="FBDECTget"></a>
meldet Geräte-Informationen (nur mit FBAHA als IODev)</li>
<a name="FBDECTattr"></a>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<li><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#dummy">dummy</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a href="#model">model</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="FBDECTevents"></a>
<b>Generierte events:</b>
<li>current: $v A</li>
<li>voltage: $v V</li>
<li>power: $v W</li>
<li>energy: $v Wh</li>
<li>powerFactor: $v"</li>
<li>temperature: $v C ([measured|corrected])</li>
<li>options: uninitialized</li>
<li>options: powerOnState:[on|off|last],lock:[none,webUi,remoteFb,button]</li>
<li>control: disabled</li>
<li>control: on power < $v delay:$d sec do:state [on|off]</li>
<li>relaytimes: disabled</li>
<li>relaytimes: HEX</li>
=end html_DE