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ulimaass f5e5d1142b FLOORPLAN: bugfix for call of ext. javascripts
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@8062 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2015-02-22 08:18:15 +00:00

1319 lines
58 KiB

# $Id$
# Feedback: http://groups.google.com/group/fhem-users
# Define Custom Floorplans
# Released : 26.02.2012
# Version : 2.1
# Revisions:
# 0001: Released to testers
# 0002: use local FP_select and FP_submit after clash with FHEMWEB update
# 0003: FP_arrange_default repaired
# 0004: WebApp-enabled links in floorplanlist, fixed message 'use of uninitialized value' (FW_pO - $FP_name)
# 0005: Change arrange-mode: When selected, display device-name instead of selection
# 0006: kicked out various routines previously copied from FHEMWEB - now using FW_*-versions thanks to addtl. global variables $FW_RET, $FW_wname, $FW_subdir, %FW_pos
# 0007: Added fp_default
# 0008: Changed name of background-picture from <floorplan-name> to fp_<floorplan-name> to avoid display of picture in device-list at fhem-menu 'Everything'
# -> general release
# 0009: updated selection of add-device-list: suppress CUL$ only (instead of CUL.*)
# 0010: Added Style3, fp_stylesheetPrefix, fp_noMenu (Mar 13, 2012)
# 0011: Added Style4, code beautification, css review, minor $text2-fix (SVN 1342)
# 0012: Added startscreen-text when no floorplans defined, fixed startscreen-stylesheet, added div for bg-img, added arrangeByMouse (1368)
# 0013: implemented redirectCmd, fixed minor </td></tr>-error in html-output, fp_arrange for single web-devices, fp_arrange detail (Mar 23, 2012)
# 0014: deleted $data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{STYLESHEET} , added attr-values for FHEMWEB-detail-screen, adapted FHT-representation to FHT.pm updates (Apr 19, 2012)
# 0015: implemented Tobias' icon subfolder solution, fp_arrange detail always (fp_arrange detail deprecated, fp_arrange 1 shows all detail),
# changed backimg-size to 99% to avoid scrollbars , adopted slider & new FHT representation (May 1, 2012)
# 0016: Minor repair of html-output, allowed devices with dot in name (May 2, 2012)
# 0017: updating for changes in fhemweb: css-path, bgimg-path, deactivating rereadicons (July 30, 2012)
# 0018: Changes by Boris (icon-paths, fp_stylesheetPrefix -> stylesheet
# 0019: added fp_backgroundimg (October 15, 2012)
# 0020: moved creation of userattr to define, added slider and timepicker and setList, added style5 icon+commands, added style 6 readingstimestamp,
# added style-descriptions in fp-arrange (October 22, 2012)
# 0021: fixed http-header, unsetting FF-autocomplete, added attribute fp_setbutton (fixes by Matthias) (November 23, 2012)
# 0022: longpoll by Matthias Gehre (November 27, 2012)
# 0023: longpoll updates readings also - by Matthias Gehre; FW_longpoll is now a global variable (January 21, 2013)
# 0024: fix for readings longpoll, added js-extension from Dirk (February 16, 2013)
# 0025: Added fp_viewport-attribute from Jens (March 03, 2013)
# 0026: Adapted to FHEMWEB-changes re webCmdFn - fp_setbutton not functional (May 23, 2013)
# 0027: Added FP_detailFn(), added delete-button in arrange-menu, fixed link for pdf-docu, minor code cleanup, added get config (July 08, 2013)
# 0028: Implemented informid for longpoll, usage of @FW_fhemwebjs (July 19, 2013)
# 0029: Fixed floorplan-specific icons and eliminated FHT-text "desired-temp" - both due to changes in fhemweb (Sep 29, 2013)
# 0030: Style4 (S300TH) now works with longpoll without loosing its formatting (Dec 24, 2013)
# 0031: Text "desiredTemperature" will also be eliminated - for MAX devices (Dec 25, 2013)
# 0032: Ensure URL always contains floorplan-name (redirect if !htmlarg[0]) as basis for fp-specific icon-folder (Jan 06, 2014)
# 0033: Updated loglevel -> verbose, added fp_roomIcons (Feb 2, 2014)
# 0034: iOS fullscreen app - navigating to other floorplan doesn't open safari anymore (Feb 15, 2014)
# 0035: added allowedCommands-Attribute based on FHEMWEB (Feb 20, 2014)
# 0036: added style "commands only", changed html-method "get" to "$FW_formmethod" (June 19, 2014)
# 0037: updated to match fhemweb.js developments (Rudi, Jan 17, 2015)
# 0038: added arrange by drag&drop provided by Markus (mluckey), added longpollfilter (nesges),
# added processing of global userattr fp_<name> and their value per device for rename, copy, delete (Jan 31, 2015)
# 0039: added style 8 for commands-popup provided by André (justme68) (Feb 17, 2015)
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2012-2015 Copyright: Ulrich Maass
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Usage
# Step-by-Step HowTo - mind all is case sensitive:
# Step 1:
# define <name> FLOORPLAN
# Example: define Groundfloor FLOORPLAN
# Step 2:
# store picture fp_<name>.png in your imagepath. This will be used as background-picture.
# Example: fhem/www/images/default/Groundfloor.png
# Step 3:
# Activate 'Arrange-Mode' to have user-friendly fields to move items:
# attr <floorplanname> fp_arrange 1
# Example: attr Groundfloor fp_arrange 1
# Delete this attribute when you're done with setup
# Arrange-Mode displays a popup to add and edit how devices will be shown. Arrange devices using drag&drop.
# When adding objects to your floorplan, they will thereby get assigned
# attr <device> fp_<name> <top>,<left>,<style>,<text>
# displays <device> on floorplan <name> at position top:<top>,left:<left> with style <style> and description <text>
# Example: attr lamp fp_Groundfloor 100,100,1,TableLamp #displays lamp at position 100px,100px
# Repeat step 3 to add further devices. Delete attr fp_arrange when all devices are arranged on your screen. Enjoy.
# Check the colorful pdf-docu in http://sourceforge.net/p/fhem/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/fhem/docs/fhem-floorplan-installation-guide_de.pdf
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%data);
use vars qw($FW_longpoll);
use vars qw(@FW_fhemwebjs); # List of fhemweb*js scripts to load - from FHEMWEB
# Forward declaration
sub FLOORPLAN_Initialize($); # Initialize
sub FP_define(); # define <name> FLOORPLAN
sub FP_undefine($$); # delete <name>
sub FP_rename($$); # rename <old> <new>
sub FP_copy($$); # copy <old> <new>
sub FP_copy_rename_delete($$$); # exec for copy, rename, delete
sub FP_Get($@); # get-command
sub FP_CGI(); # analyze URL
sub FP_digestCgi($); # digest CGI
sub FP_htmlHeader($); # html page - header
sub FP_menu(); # html page - menu left - floorplan-list
sub FP_menuArrange(); # html page - menu bottom - arrange-mode
sub FP_showstart(); # html page - startscreen
sub FP_show(); # produce floorplan
sub FP_input(@); # prepare selection list for forms
sub FP_detailFn($$$$); # floorplan-specific detail-screen in fhemweb
sub FP_getConfig($); # display floorplan configuration
sub FP_pOfill($@); # print line filled up with hash-signs
# Global variables
# $ret_html; # from FHEMWEB: Returned data (html)
my $FP_name; # current floorplan-name
my $FP_arrange; # arrange-mode
my $FP_arrange_selected; # device selected to be arranged
my $FP_arrange_default; # device selected in previous round
my %FP_webArgs = (); # sections of analyzed URL
my $FP_fwdetail; # set when floorplan is called from fhemweb-detailscreen
my $FP_viewport; # Define width for touchpad device
# $FW_ME # from FHEMWEB: fhem URL
# $FW_tp # from FHEMWEB: is touchpad
# $FW_ss # from FHEMWEB: is smallscreen
# $FW_longpoll; # from FHEMWEB: longpoll
# $FW_wname; # from FHEMWEB: name of web-instance
# %FW_pos=(); # from FHEMWEB: scroll position
# $FW_subdir # from FHEMWEB: path of floorplan-subdir - enables reusability of FHEMWEB-routines for sub-URLS like floorplan
# $FW_cname # from FHEMWEB: Current connection name
my $FW_encoding="UTF-8"; # like in FHEMWEB: encoding hardcoded
my $FW_plotmode=""; # like in FHEMWEB: SVG
my $FW_plotsize; # like in FHEMWEB: like in fhemweb dependent on regular/smallscreen/touchpad
my %FW_zoom; # copied from FHEMWEB - using local version to avoid global variable
my @FW_zoom; # copied from FHEMWEB - using local version to avoid global variable
my @styles = ("0 (Icon only)","1 (Name+Icon)","2 (Name+Icon+Commands)","3 (Device-Reading)","4 (S300TH-specific)","5 (Icon+Commands)",
"6 (Reading+Timestamp)","7 (Commands only)","8 (Icon+Commands popup)");
# method 'initialize'
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "FP_define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FP_undefine";
$hash->{RenameFn} = "FP_rename";
$hash->{CopyFn} = "FP_copy";
$hash->{GetFn} = "FP_Get";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "FP_detailFn"; #floorplan-specific detail-screen
$hash->{AttrList} = "refresh fp_arrange:1,detail,WEB,0 commandfield:1,0 fp_default:1,0 ".
"stylesheet fp_noMenu:1,0 fp_backgroundimg fp_setbutton:1,0 fp_viewport ".
"CssFiles JavaScripts fp_roomIcons ";
my $name = "floorplan";
my $fhem_url = "/" . $name ;
$data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{FUNC} = "FP_CGI";
$data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{LINK} = $name;
$data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{NAME} = "Floorplans";
$modules{_internal_}{AttrList} .= " VIEW_CSS"; # Global-Config for CSS
my $n = 0;
@FW_zoom = ("qday", "day","week","month","year"); #copied from FHEMWEB - using local version to avoid global variable
%FW_zoom = map { $_, $n++ } @FW_zoom; #copied from FHEMWEB - using local version to avoid global variable
return undef;
# method 'define'
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
$hash->{STATE} = 'Defined';
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (AttrVal("global","userattr","") !~ m/fp_$name/) {
addToAttrList("fp_$name"); # create userattr fp_<name> if it doesn't exist yet
Log3 $name, 3, "Floorplan - added global userattr fp_$name";
return undef;
# method 'undefine'
FP_undefine($$) {
my ($hash,$arg) = @_;
return undef;
# FLOORPLAN rename
FP_rename($$) {
my ($new,$old) = @_;
return undef;
FP_copy($$) {
my ($old,$new) = @_;
return undef;
# FLOORPLAN copy_rename_delete
FP_copy_rename_delete($$$) {
my ($cmd,$old,$new) = @_;
my $aold = "fp_$old";
my $anew = $new ? "fp_$new" : '';
Log3 $old, 3, "Floorplan - $cmd $old - processing...";
if ( ($cmd =~ m/(copy|rename)/) && (AttrVal("global","userattr","") !~ m/$anew/) ) {
addToAttrList("$anew"); # create userattr fp_<name> if it doesn't exist yet for $new
Log3 $old, 3, "Floorplan - added global userattr $anew";
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
next if (!$attr{$d}{"$aold"} && !$attr{$d}{"$anew"});
if ($cmd =~ m/(copy|rename)/) {
AnalyzeCommand(undef, "attr $d $anew ".AttrVal($d,$aold,""),AttrVal($FW_wname,"allowedCommands",undef));
Log3 $new, 3, "Floorplan - added attr $d $anew ".AttrVal($d,$anew,"");
if ($cmd =~ m/(rename|delete)/) {
Log3 $old, 3, "Floorplan - deleted attr $d $aold ".AttrVal($d,$aold,"");
AnalyzeCommand(undef, "deleteattr $d $aold",AttrVal($FW_wname,"allowedCommands",undef));
if ($cmd =~ m/(rename|delete)/) {
my $ua = $attr{global}{userattr};
$ua =~ s/ $aold//;
AnalyzeCommand(undef, "attr global userattr $ua",AttrVal($FW_wname,"allowedCommands",undef));
Log3 $old, 3, "Floorplan - deleted global userattr $aold"; # delete the global userattr if $old gets deleted
Log3 $old, 3, "Floorplan - $cmd $old - complete.";
return undef;
FP_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $arg = (defined($a[1]) ? $a[1] : ""); #command
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "use command: get <dev> getConfig" if ($#a != 1 || $arg ne "config");
return FP_getConfig( $name ) if ($arg eq "config");
# FP MAIN: Answer URL call
my ($htmlarg) = @_; #URL
## reset parameters
$FP_name = undef;
my ($p,$v) = ("",""); #parameter and value of analyzed URL
$FW_RET = ""; # blank out any html-code written so far by fhemweb
$FW_subdir = "";
$FW_longpoll = AttrVal($FW_wname, "longpoll", undef); # longpoll
$FW_plotmode = AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotmode", "SVG");
$FW_plotsize = AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotsize", $FW_ss ? "480,160" :
$FW_tp ? "640,160" : "800,160");
$htmlarg =~ s/^\///; # eliminate leading /
## derive floorplan-name
my @params = split(/\//,$htmlarg); # split URL by /
if ($params[2]) { # URL with CGI-parameters has addtl / -> use $FP_name
$FP_name = $params[1];
$params[1] = $params[2];
my @htmlpart = split("\\?", $params[1]) if ($params[1]); # split URL by ? -> htmlpart[0] = FP_name, htmlpart[1] = commandstring
if (!$htmlpart[1] && $htmlpart[0] && $htmlpart[0] !~ "\\?") { # in case of 'post' URL does not contain ?
$htmlpart[0] =~ /([a-z0-9.:_]+)&(.*)/i;
$htmlpart[1] = $2 if ($2);
$htmlpart[1] =~ s/\\+/&/g if ($htmlpart[1]);
$htmlpart[0] = $1 if ($1);
$FP_name = $htmlpart[0] if (!$FP_name);
### set global parameters, check floorplan-name
if ($FP_name) { # floorplan-name is part of URL
if(!defined($defs{$FP_name}) && $FP_name ne "floorplanstartpage"){
$FW_RET = "ERROR: Floorplan $FP_name not defined \n"; # check for typo in URL
return ("text/plain; charset=$FW_encoding", $FW_RET);
$FP_arrange = AttrVal($FP_name, "fp_arrange", 0); # set arrange mode
$FP_viewport = AttrVal($FP_name, "fp_viewport", "width=768") if ($FP_name); # viewport definition
$FW_subdir = "/floorplan/$FP_name";
} else { # no floorplan-name in URL....
$FP_arrange_default = undef;
$FP_arrange_selected = undef;
my $dev = undef;
my $tmpname = undef;
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $fp (keys %defs) {
next if ($defs{$fp}{TYPE} ne "FLOORPLAN");
if (AttrVal($fp, "fp_default", undef)) { # use floorplan with attr fp_default
$FP_name = $fp;
} else {
$FP_name = $tmpname if (!$FP_name && $cnt==1); # otherwise, if only one floorplan, use that one
$FP_name = "floorplanstartpage" if (!$FP_name); # otherwise go to startpage
$FW_subdir = "/floorplan/$FP_name";
$FP_arrange = AttrVal($FP_name, "fp_arrange", 0);
### process cgi
my $commands = FP_digestCgi($htmlpart[1]) if $htmlpart[1]; # analyze URL-commands
my $FP_ret = AnalyzeCommand(undef, $commands,
AttrVal($FW_wname,"allowedCommands",undef)) ; # Execute commands
Log3 "FLOORPLAN", 1, "FLOORPLAN: regex-error. commands: $commands, FP_name: $FP_name, FP_ret: $FP_ret" if($FP_ret && ($FP_ret =~ m/regex/ )); #errormessage
### redirect URL - either back to fhemweb-detailscreen, or for redirectCmds to suppress repeated execution of commands upon browser refresh
my $me = $defs{$FW_cname}; # from FHEMWEB: Current connection name
my $tgt = undef;
if( !$htmlpart[0] || (AttrVal($FW_wname, "redirectCmds", 1) && $me && $commands && !$FP_ret)) {
if($FP_name) {
$tgt = "/floorplan/$FP_name"
} else {
$FW_RET = 'ERROR: floorplan-name could not be derived from URL, fp_default or single floorplanname.';
return ("text/plain; charset=$FW_encoding", $FW_RET);
$tgt = "?detail=$FP_fwdetail" if ($FP_fwdetail); #return to fhemweb-detail-screen if coming from there
if ($tgt) {
my $tgt = $FW_ME.$tgt;
my $c = $me->{CD};
print $c "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n",
"Content-Length: 0\r\n",
"Location: $tgt\r\n",
### output html-pages
if($FP_name eq "floorplanstartpage") {
FP_showStart(); # show Startscreen if zero or more than one floorplan, and none with fp_default assigned
} else {
FP_show(); # show floorplan
# finish HTML & leave back to FHEMWEB
FW_pO "</html>\n";
$FW_subdir = "";
return ("text/html; charset=$FW_encoding", $FW_RET); # $FW_RET composed by FW_pO, FP_pH etc
# Digest CGI parameters - portion after '?' in URL
FP_digestCgi($) {
my ($arg) = @_;
my (%arg, %val, %dev, %deva, %attr, %top, %left, %style, %text);
my ($cmd, $c) = ("","","");
%FW_pos = ();
%FP_webArgs = ();
$FP_fwdetail = undef;
$arg =~ s,^[?/],,;
foreach my $pv (split("&", $arg)) { # per each URL-section devided by &
next if($pv eq ""); # happens when post forgot to set FW_ME
$pv =~ s/\+/ /g;
$pv =~ s/%([\dA-F][\dA-F])/chr(hex($1))/ige;
my ($p,$v) = split("=",$pv, 2); # $p = parameter, $v = value
$v =~ s/[\r]\n/\\\n/g if($v && $p && $p ne "data"); # Multiline: escape the NL for fhem
$FP_webArgs{$p} = $v;
if($p eq "arr.dev") { $v =~ m,^([\.\w]*)\s\(,; $v = $1 if ($1); $FP_arrange_selected = $v; $FP_arrange_default = $v; }
if($p eq "add.dev") { $v =~ m,^([\.\w]*)\s\(,; $v = $1 if ($1); $cmd = "attr $v fp_$FP_name 50,200,1"; }
if($p eq "cmd") { $cmd = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^cmd\.(.*)$/) { $cmd = $v; $c = $1; }
if($p =~ m/^detl\.(.*)$/) { $FP_fwdetail = $1; }
if($p =~ m/^dev\.(.*)$/) { $dev{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^arg\.(.*)$/) { $arg{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^val\.(.*)$/) { $val{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^deva\.(.*)$/) { $deva{$1} = $v; $FP_arrange_selected = undef; }
if($p =~ m/^attr\.(.*)$/) { $attr{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^top\.(.*)$/) { $top{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^left\.(.*)$/) { $left{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^style\.(.*)$/) { $style{$1} = int(substr($v,0,2)); }
if($p =~ m/^text\.(.*)$/) { $text{$1} = $v; }
if($p eq "pos") { %FW_pos = split(/[=;]/, $v); }
my $dele = ($cmd =~ m/^deleteattr/);
$cmd.=" $dev{$c}" if(defined($dev{$c})); # FHT device
$cmd.=" $arg{$c}" if(defined($arg{$c})&&
($arg{$c} ne "state" || $cmd !~ m/^set/)); # FHT argument (e.g. desired-temp)
$cmd.=" $val{$c}" if(defined($val{$c})); # FHT value
$cmd.=" $deva{$c}" if(defined($deva{$c})); # arrange device
$cmd.=" $attr{$c}" if(defined($attr{$c})); # arrange attr
$cmd.=" $top{$c}" if(defined($top{$c}) && !$dele); # arrange top
$cmd.=",$left{$c}" if(defined($left{$c}) && !$dele); # arrange left
$cmd.=",$style{$c}" if(defined($style{$c})&& !$dele); # arrange style
$cmd.=",$text{$c}" if(defined($text{$c}) && !$dele); # arrange text
return $cmd;
# Page header, set webapp & css
FP_htmlHeader($) {
my $title = shift;
$title = "FHEM floorplan" if (!$title);
### Page start
$FW_RET = "";
$FW_RET .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'."\n";
$FW_RET .= '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'."\n";
FW_pO "<head root=\"$FW_ME\">\n<title>$title</title>";
FW_pO "<meta charset=\"$FW_encoding\">"; # Forum 28666
# Enable WebApp
if($FW_tp || $FW_ss) {
FW_pO "<link rel=\"apple-touch-icon-precomposed\" href=\"" . FW_IconURL("fhemicon") . "\"/>";
FW_pO "<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\"/>";
if($FW_ss) {
FW_pO "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=320\"/>";
} elsif($FW_tp) {
FW_pO "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"".$FP_viewport."\"/>";
# refresh-value
my $rf = AttrVal($FW_wname, "refresh", "");
FW_pO "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$rf\">" if($rf); # use refresh-value from Web-Instance
my $cssTemplate = "<link href=\"$FW_ME/%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>";
#FW_pO sprintf($cssTemplate, "pgm2/style.css");
FW_pO sprintf($cssTemplate, "pgm2/jquery-ui.min.css");
map { FW_pO sprintf($cssTemplate, $_); }
split(" ", AttrVal($FP_name, "CssFiles", ""));
my $defaultcss = AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "") . "floorplanstyle.css";
my $css= AttrVal($FP_name, "stylesheet", $defaultcss);
FW_pO "<link href=\"$FW_ME/css/$css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>";
# JavaScripts
my $jsTemplate = '<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>';
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "$FW_ME/pgm2/jquery.min.js");
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "$FW_ME/pgm2/jquery-ui.min.js");
# FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "$FW_ME/pgm2/floorplan_click.js"); #enlarge clickable area per widget
if ($FP_arrange && ($FP_arrange eq "1" || ($FP_arrange eq $FW_wname) || $FP_arrange eq "detail")) {
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "$FW_ME/pgm2/floorplan_drag.js") ; #arrange-mode drag&drop
# Other JavaScripts + their Attributes
map { FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "$FW_ME/pgm2/$_") } @FW_fhemwebjs;
$jsTemplate = '<script attr=\'%s\' type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>'."\n";
map {
my $n = $_; $n =~ s+.*/++; $n =~ s/.js$//; $n =~ s/fhem_//; $n .= "Param";
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, AttrVal($FP_name, $n, ""), "$FW_ME/$_");
} split(" ", AttrVal($FP_name, "JavaScripts", ""));
# FW Extensions
if(defined($data{FWEXT})) {
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$data{FWEXT}}) {
my $h = $data{FWEXT}{$k};
next if($h !~ m/HASH/ || !$h->{SCRIPT} || $h->{SCRIPT} =~ m+pgm2/jquery+);
my $script = $h->{SCRIPT};
$script = ($script =~ m,^/,) ? "$FW_ME$script" : "$FW_ME/pgm2/$script";
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "", $script) if ($script);
my $csrf= ($FW_CSRF ? "fwcsrf='$defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}'" : "");
my $gen = 'generated="'.(time()-1).'"';
my $lp = 'longpoll="'.AttrVal($FW_wname,"longpoll",1).'"';
my $lpf = 'longpollfilter="fp_'.$FP_name.'=.%2B"'; #longpollfilter - only devices present on this floorplan shall be notified
$lpf =~ s/:/%3/g;
FW_pO "</head>\n<body name=\"$title\" $gen $lp $lpf $csrf>";
# show startscreen
FP_showStart() {
FP_htmlHeader("Floorplans"); # incl. body-tag
FW_pO "<div id=\"logo\"></div>";
FW_pO "<div class=\"screen\" id=\"hdr\">";
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" action=\"" . $FW_ME . "\">";
FW_pO "<table WIDTH=\"100%\"><tr>";
FW_pO "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" size=\"30\"/></td>"; #input-field
FW_pO "</tr></table>";
FW_pO "</form></div>";
# no floorplans defined? -> show message
my $count=0;
foreach my $f (sort keys %defs) {
next if ($defs{$f}{TYPE} ne "FLOORPLAN");
if ($count == 0) {
FW_pO '<div id="startcontent">';
FW_pO "<br><br><br><br>No floorplans have been defined yet. For definition, enter<br>";
FW_pO "<ul><code>define &lt;name&gt; FLOORPLAN</code></ul>";
FW_pO "Also check the <a href=\"$FW_ME/docs/commandref.html#FLOORPLAN\">commandref</a><br>";
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_pO "</body>";
# show floorplan
### Page start
FP_htmlHeader("$FP_name"); ## incl. body-tag
my $onload = $FW_longpoll ? "onload=\"FW_delayedStart()\"" : "";
FW_pO "<div id=\"backimg\" style=\"width: 99%; height: 99%;\">";
FW_pO FW_makeImage(AttrVal($FP_name, "fp_backgroundimg", "fp_$FP_name"));
FW_pO "</div>\n";
## menus
FP_menuArrange() if ($FP_arrange && ($FP_arrange eq "1" || ($FP_arrange eq $FW_wname) || $FP_arrange eq "detail")); #shows the arrange-menu
## start floorplan
FW_pO "<div class=\"screen\" id=\"floorplan\">";
FW_pO "<div id=\"logo\"></div>";
## commandfield in floorplan
if (AttrVal("$FP_name", "commandfield", undef)) {
FW_pO "<div id=\"hdr\">\n";
FW_pO " <form>";
FW_pO " <input type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" size=\"30\"/>\n"; #fhem-commandfield
FW_pO " </form>";
FW_pO "</div>\n";
## let's go
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { # loop all devices
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
my $attr = AttrVal("$d","fp_$FP_name", undef);
next if(!$attr || $type eq "weblink"); # skip if device-attribute not set for current floorplan-name
my ($top, $left, $style, $text, $text2) = split(/,/ , $attr);
# $top = position in px, top
# $left = position in px, left
# $style = style (0=icon only, 1=name+icon, 2=name+icon+commands, 3=device-Reading + name from $text2, 4=S300TH, 5=icon+commands, 6 device-Reading+timestamp, 7 command only, 8 icon+commands popup)
# $text = alternativeCaption
# $text2 = special for style3+6: $text = ReadingID, $text2=alternativeCaption
$left = 0 if (!$left);
$style = 0 if (!$style);
# start device-specific table
my $t2 = $text2 ? $text2 : " ";
# wrapper-div needed for floorplan_drag.js and for positioning
FW_pO "\n<div fp_style=\"$style\" fp_text=\"$text\" fp_text2=\"$t2\" fp_name=\"$FP_name\" class=\"fp_device_div\" style=\"position:absolute; top:".$top."px; left:".$left."px;\" id=\"div-$d\">";
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" action=\"$FW_ME/floorplan/$FP_name/$d\" autocomplete=\"off\">";
FW_pO " <table class=\"$type fp_$FP_name\" id=\"table-$d\" align=\"center\">"; # Main table per device
my ($allSets, $cmdlist, $txt) = FW_devState($d, "");
$allSets = FW_widgetOverride($d, $allSets);
$txt = ReadingsVal($d, $text, "Undefined Reading $d-<b>$text</b>") if ($style == 3 || $style == 6); # Style3+6 = DeviceReading given in $text
my $cols = ($cmdlist ? (split(":", $cmdlist)) : 0); # Need command-count for colspan of devicename+state
# Device-name per device
if ($style gt 0 && $style ne 5 && $style ne 7) {
FW_pO " <tr class=\"devicename fp_$FP_name\" id=\"$d-devicename\">"; # For css: class=devicename, id=<devicename>-devicename
my $devName = "";
if ($style == 3 || $style == 6) {
$devName = $text2 ? $text2 : ""; # Style 3 = Reading - use last part of comma-separated description
} else {
$devName = ($text ? $text : AttrVal($d, "alias", $d));
if ($style == 4 && $txt =~ /T: ([\-0-9\.]+)[ ]+H: ([\-0-9\.]+).*/) { # S300TH-specific
$txt = "<span class='fp_tempvalue' display=inline><span informId=$d-temperature>".$1."</span>&deg;C</span><BR><span class='fp_humvalue'><span informId=$d-humidity>".$2."</span>%</span>";
FW_pO "<td colspan=\"$cols\">";
FW_pO "$devName" ;
FW_pO "</td></tr>";
# Device-state per device
if ($style != 7) {
if ($style == 3 || $style == 6) {
FW_pO "<tr class=\"devicereading fp_$FP_name\" id=\"$d"."-$text\">"; # For css: class=devicereading, id=<devicename>-<reading>
} else {
FW_pO "<tr class=\"devicestate fp_$FP_name\" id=\"$d\">"; # For css: class=devicestate, id=<devicename>
$txt =~ s/measured-temp: ([\.\d]*) \(Celsius\)/$1/; # format FHT-temperature
### use device-specific icons according to userattr fp_image or fp_<floorplan>.image
my $fp_image = AttrVal("$d", "fp_image", undef); # floorplan-independent icon
my $fp_fpimage = AttrVal("$d","fp_$FP_name".".image", undef); # floorplan-dependent icon
if ($fp_image) {
my $state = ReadingsVal($d, "state", undef);
$fp_image =~ s/\{state\}/$state/; # replace {state} by actual device-status
$txt =~ s/\<img\ src\=\"(.*)\"/\<img\ src\=\"\/fhem\/icons\/$fp_image\"/; # replace icon-link in html
$txt =~ s/\<img\ (.*) src\=\"(.*)\"/\<img\ $1 src\=\"\/fhem\/images\/default\/$fp_image\"/; # replace icon-link in html (new)
if ($fp_fpimage) {
my $state = ReadingsVal($d, "state", undef);
$fp_fpimage =~ s/\{state\}/$state/; # replace {state} by actual device-status
$txt =~ s/\<img\ src\=\"(.*)\"/\<img\ src\=\"\/fhem\/icons\/$fp_fpimage\"/; # replace icon-link in html
$txt =~ s/\<img\ (.*) src\=\"(.*)\"/\<img\ $1 src\=\"\/fhem\/images\/default\/$fp_fpimage\"/; # replace icon-link in html (new)
if ($style == 3 || $style == 6) {
FW_pO "<td><div informId=\"$d-$text\">$txt</div>"; # reading
} elsif ($style == 4) {
FW_pO "<td>$txt"; # state style4
} elsif ($cmdlist && $style == 8) {
# first collect the popup data
} else {
FW_pO "<td informId=\"$d\" colspan=\"$cols\">$txt"; # state
FW_pO "</td></tr>";
if ($style == 6) { # add ReadingsTimeStamp for style 6
FW_pO "<tr class=\"devicetimestamp fp_$FP_name\" id=\"$d-devicetimestamp\">"; # For css: class=devicetimestamp, id=<devicename>-devicetimestamp
$txt = ReadingsTimestamp($d, $text, "Undefined Reading $d-<b>$text</b>"); # Style3+6 = DeviceReading given in $text
FW_pO "<td><div colspan=\"$cols\" informId=\"$d-$text-ts\">$txt</div>";
FW_pO "</td></tr>";
# Commands per device
if($cmdlist && ( $style == 2 || $style == 5 || $style == 7 || $style == 8) ) {
my @cList = split(":", $cmdlist);
my @rList = map { ReplaceEventMap($d,$_,1) } @cList;
my $firstIdx = 0;
FW_pO " <tr class=\"devicecommands\" id=\"$d-devicecommands\">";
my $oldMe = $FW_ME;
my $h = "";
foreach my $cmd (sort @cList) {
# Special handling (slider, dropdown, timepicker, ...)
my $htmlTxt;
my @c = split(' ', $cmd);
if(int(@c) && $allSets && $allSets =~ m/\b$c[0]:([^ ]*)/) {
my $values = $1;
$FW_ME = "$FW_ME/floorplan/$FP_name";
foreach my $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
my $FW_room = ''; ##needed to be able to reuse code from FHEMWEB
no strict "refs";
$htmlTxt = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_ME,
$d, $FW_room, $cmd, $values);
use strict "refs";
last if(defined($htmlTxt));
if( $style == 8 ) {
if( $htmlTxt ) {
$h .= "<p>$htmlTxt</p>";
} elsif($cmd) {
my $link = "cmd.$d=set $d $cmd";
$h .= "<p><a href='$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link$FW_CSRF'>$cmd</a></p>";
} else {
if(defined($htmlTxt)) {
$htmlTxt =~ s/>desired-temp/>/; #for FHT
$htmlTxt =~ s/>desiredTemperature/>/; #for MAX!
FW_pO $htmlTxt;
# END # Special handling (slider, dropdown, timepicker, ...)
} else {
FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cmd",
$FW_ME = $oldMe;
if( $style == 8 ) {
$h =~ s/'/\\"/g;
if( $txt =~ m/<div([^>]*)><a[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>/ ) {
$txt = "<div $1><a onClick='FW_okDialog(\"$h\",this.children[0]);\$(\"a[href]\").each(function() { FW_replaceLink(this); })'\><div informId=\"$d\">$2</div></a></div>";
} else {
FW_pO "<td><div informId=\"$d-$text\">$txt</div>"; # reading
FW_pO "<td><div informId=\"$d-$text\">$txt</div>"; # reading
FW_pO "</tr>";
} elsif($type eq "FileLog") {
# $row = FW_dumpFileLog($d, 1, $row);
FW_pO "</table></form>";
FW_pO "</div>\n";
} #end loop all decives
# Finally the weblinks
my $buttons = 1;
my @list = (keys %defs);
foreach my $d (sort @list) {
my $attr = AttrVal("$d","fp_$FP_name", undef);
next if(IsIgnored($d) || !$attr);
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
next if(!$type);
next if($type ne "weblink");
# set position per weblink
my ($top, $left, $style, $text, $text2) = split(/,/ , AttrVal("$d", "fp_$FP_name", undef));
$text = "" if (!$text);
$text2 = "" if (!$text2);
$left = 0 if (!$left);
$style = 0 if (!$style);
FW_pO "\n<div fp_style=\"$style\" fp_text=\"$text\" fp_text2=\"$text2\" fp_name=\"$FP_name\" class=\"fp_weblink_div style_$style\" style=\"position:absolute; top:".
$top."px; left:".$left."px\" id = \"div-$d\">"; # div to position the weblink
FW_pO "<div class = \"fp_$type fp_$FP_name weblink\" id = \"$d\">"; # div to make it accessible to arrangeByMouse
# print weblink
$buttons = FW_showWeblink($d, $defs{$d}{LINK}, $defs{$d}{WLTYPE}, $buttons);
FW_pO "</div></div>";
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_pO "</body>\n";
# Floorplan menu left
FP_menu() {
return if ($FP_name && AttrVal($FP_name, "fp_noMenu", 0)); # fp_noMenu suppresses menu
FW_pO "<div class=\"floorplan\" id=\"menu\">";
# List FPs
FW_pO "<table class=\"start\" id=\"floorplans\">";
FW_pO "<tr>";
FW_pH "$FW_ME", "fhem", 1;
FW_pO "</tr>";
foreach my $f (sort keys %defs) {
next if (!$defs{$f}{TYPE} || $defs{$f}{TYPE} ne "FLOORPLAN");
FW_pO "<tr>";
my $icoName = "ico$f";
map { my ($n,$v) = split(":",$_); $icoName=$v if($f =~ m/$n/); }
split(" ", AttrVal($FP_name, "fp_roomIcons", ""));
my $icon = FW_iconName($icoName) ? FW_makeImage($icoName,$icoName,"icon")."&nbsp;" : "";
FW_pH "$FW_ME/floorplan/$f", "$icon$f", 1;
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table><br>";
FW_pO "</div>\n";
# Arrange-menu
FP_menuArrange() {
my %desc=();
## collect data
$FP_arrange_default = "" if (!$FP_arrange_default);
my @fpl; # devices assigned to floorplan
my @nfpl; # devices not assigned to floorplan
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { # loop all devices
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
$type = '?' if (!$type);
# exclude these types from list of available devices
next if ($type =~ m/^(WEB|CUL$|FHEM2FHEM|FHEMWEB|FileLog|PachLog|PID|SUNRISE.*|FLOORPLAN|holiday|Global|notify|autocreate)/ );
my $disp = $d;
$disp .= ' (' . AttrVal($d,"room","Unsorted").") $type";
my $alias = AttrVal($d, "alias", undef);
$disp .= ' (' . $alias . ')' if ($alias);
$desc{$d} = $disp;
if (AttrVal("$d","fp_$FP_name", undef)) {
push(@fpl, $disp); # all devices on floorplan
} else {
push(@nfpl, $disp); # all devices not on floorplan
my $d = $FP_arrange_selected;
my $attrd = AttrVal($d, "fp_$FP_name", undef) if ($d);
if ( $FP_arrange_selected && !$attrd) { # arrange-selected, but device is not part of fp now chosen -> reset arrange-selected
$FP_arrange_selected = undef;
FW_pO "<div style=\"z-index:999\" class=\"fp_arrange\" id=\"fpmenu\">";
# add device to floorplan
if (!defined($FP_arrange_selected)) {
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" action=\"$FW_ME/floorplan/$FP_name\">"; #form1
FW_pO "<div class=\"menu-add\" id=\"fpmenu\">\n" .
($FP_fwdetail?FP_input("detl.$FP_fwdetail", $FP_fwdetail, "hidden") . "\n" :"") .
FW_select("","add.dev", \@nfpl, "", "menu-add") .
FW_submit("ccc.one", "add");
FW_pO "</div></form>\n"; #form1
# select device to be arranged
if (!defined($FP_arrange_selected)) {
my $dv = $FP_arrange_default;
$dv = $desc{$dv} if ($dv);
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" action=\"$FW_ME/floorplan/$FP_name\">"; #form2
FW_pO "<div class=\"menu-select\" id=\"fpmenu\">\n" .
($FP_fwdetail?FP_input("detl.$FP_fwdetail", $FP_fwdetail, "hidden") . "\n" :"") .
FW_select("","arr.dev", \@fpl, $dv, "menu-select") .
FW_submit("ccc.one", "select");
FW_pO "</div></form>"; #form2
# fields for top,left,style,text
if ($attrd) {
### build the form
my $disp = $FP_arrange eq "detail" ? $desc{$d} : $d;
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" action=\"$FW_ME/floorplan/$FP_name\">"; #form3
my ($top, $left, $style, $text, $text2) = split(",", $attrd);
$text .= ','.$text2 if ($text2); # re-append Description after reading-ID for style3
$style = $styles[$style];
FW_pO "<div class=\"menu-arrange\" id=\"fpmenu\">\n" .
($FP_fwdetail?FP_input("detl.$FP_fwdetail", $FP_fwdetail, "hidden") . "\n" :"") .
FP_input("deva.$d", $d, "hidden") . "\n" .
FP_input("dscr.$d", $disp, "text", "Selected device", 45, "", "disabled") . "\n<br>\n" .
FP_input("attr.$d", "fp_$FP_name", "hidden") . "\n" .
FP_input("top.$d", $top ? $top : 10, "text", "Top", 4, 4, 'onkeydown="increment(event, this)" class="'.$d.'" id="fp_ar_input_top"') . "\n" .
FP_input("left.$d", $left ? $left : 10, "text", "Left", 4, 4, 'onkeydown="increment(event, this)" class="'.$d.'" id="fp_ar_input_left"' ) . "\n" .
FW_select("","style.$d", \@styles, $style ? $style : 0, "menu-arrange") . "\n" .
FP_input("text.$d", $text ? $text : "", "text", "Description", 15) . "\n" .
FW_submit("cmd.$d", "attr") . "\n" .
FW_submit("cmd.$d", "deleteattr");
FW_pO "</div></form>"; # form3
FW_pO "</div>";
# input-fields for html-forms
my ($n, $v, $type, $title, $size, $maxlength, $addition) = @_;
$title = $title ? " title=\"$title\"" : "";
$size = $size ? " size=\"$size\"" : "";
$maxlength = $maxlength ? " maxlength=\"$maxlength\"" : "";
$addition = "" if (!defined($addition));
return "<input type=\"$type\"$title$size$maxlength $addition name=\"$n\" value=\"$v\"/>\n";
#floorplan-specific fhemweb detail-screen
FP_detailFn($$$$) {
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $link = $hash->{LINK};
my $wltype = $hash->{WLTYPE};
## Arrange-menu at top of fhemweb-detail-screen
FW_pO '<table class="block wide"><tr><td>';
$FP_name = $d;
$FP_fwdetail = $d;
$FP_fwdetail = undef;
FW_pO '</td></tr></table>';
## list of assigned devices
my $row = 0;
FW_pO "<br>Devices assigned to floorplan \"$d\"<br>";
FW_pO '<table class="block wide">';
FW_pO '<thead><tr><th><b>Device</b></th><th><b>X</b></th><th><b>Y</b></th><th><b>Style</b></th><th><b>Text</b></th></tr></thead>';
foreach my $fpd (sort keys %defs) {
my $val = AttrVal($fpd,"fp_$d",undef);
next if (!$val);
my ($x,$y,$style,$txt,$txt2) = split(",",$val);
$txt = "" if (!$txt);
$txt2 = "" if (!$txt2);
my $ret = '<tr class = "';
$ret .= ($row/2==int($row/2))?"even":"odd";
$ret .= '">';
$ret .= "<td><div class=\"dname\"><a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$fpd\">$fpd</a></div></td>";
$ret .= "<td><div class=\"dval\">$x</div></td>";
$ret .= "<td><div class=\"dval\">$y</div></td>";
$ret .= "<td><div class=\"dval\">";
$ret .= $styles[$style] if (defined($style)&& defined($styles[$style]));
$ret .= "</div></td>";
$ret .= "<td><div class=\"dval\">$txt".($txt2?",$txt2":"")."</div></td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
FW_pO $ret;
FW_pO '</table><br>';
## Arrange-mode on/off
FW_pO "Arrange-mode<br>";
FW_pO '<table class="block wide">';
my $armon = "<div class=\"dval\"><a href=\"$FW_ME?cmd.$d=attr $d fp_arrange 1&detail=$d\"><div class=\"col2\">on</div></a></div>";
my $armoff= "<div class=\"dval\"><a href=\"$FW_ME?cmd.$d=attr $d fp_arrange 0&detail=$d\"><div class=\"col2\">off</div></a></div>";
FW_pO "<tr><td><div class=\"dname\">fp_arrange</div></td><td>$armon</td><td>$armoff</td></tr>";
FW_pO '</table><br>';
# FLOORPLAN getConfig - can be copied into an include-file
FP_getConfig($) {
my $dev = shift;
my $html="";
if (!defined($defs{$dev})) {
return "get: Device $dev not defined.";
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$year += 1900;
$html .= FP_pOfill(80, ("Config for FLOORPLAN $dev","$mday.$month.$year $hour:$min","get $dev config"));
$html .= FP_pOfill(80, "Definition and attributes for $dev");
$html .= "define $dev FLOORPLAN\n";
## attributes of floorplan-device
foreach my $a (sort keys %{$attr{$dev}}) {
my $val = AttrVal($dev,$a,undef);
next if (!$val);
$html .= "attr $dev $a $val\n";
$html .= "\n\n";
$html .= FP_pOfill(80,"Attributes for devices assigned to $dev");
## attributes of assigned devices
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
my $val = AttrVal($d,"fp_$dev",undef);
next if (!$val);
$html .= "attr $d fp_$dev $val\n";
$html .= "\n\n".FP_pOfill(80, "End of config for FLOORPLAN $dev");
return $html;
# FLOORPLAN FP_pOfill - FW_pO with filling up with #
FP_pOfill($@) {
my ($digits,@lines,) = @_;
my $ret = "#" x $digits . "\n";
$ret .= ("#"." " x ($digits-2))."#\n";
foreach my $line (@lines) {
$ret .= "# ".$line;
my $len = length($line);
$ret .= (" " x ($digits-$len-3))."#\n" if ( $digits-$len-3 > 0);
$ret .= ("#"." " x ($digits-2))."#\n";
$ret .= "#" x $digits . "\n\n";
return $ret;
=begin html
<a name="FLOORPLAN"></a>
Implements an additional entry "Floorplans" to your fhem menu, leading to a userinterface without fhem-menu, rooms or devicelists.
Devices can be displayed at a defined coordinate on the screen, usually with a clickable icon allowing to switch
the device on or off by clicking on it. A background-picture can be used - use e.g. a floorplan of your house, or any picture.
Use floorplanstyle.css to adapt the representation.<br>
Step-by-step setup guides are available in
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/p/fhem/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/fhem/docs/fhem-floorplan-installation-guide.pdf?format=raw">english</a> and
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/p/fhem/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/fhem/docs/fhem-floorplan-installation-guide_de.pdf?format=raw">german</a>. <br>
<a name="FLOORPLANdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; FLOORPLAN </code>
<b>Hint:</b> Store fp_&lt;name&gt;.png in your image folder (www/images/default , www/pgm2 or FHEM) to use it as background picture.<br><br>
define Groundfloor FLOORPLAN<br>
<a name="FLOORPLANset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<a name="FLOORPLANget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; config</code>
Displays the configuration of the floorplan <name> with all attributes. Can be used in an include-file.
<a name="FLOORPLANattr"></a>
<li><a name="fp_fpname">userattr fp_&lt;name&gt; &lt;top&gt;,&lt;left&gt;[,&lt;style&gt;[,&lt;description&gt;]]</a><br><br>
A <a href="#userattr">userattr</a> fp_&lt;name&gt; will be created automatically if it does not exist yet.<br>
<li>top = screen-position, pixels from top of screen</li>
<li>left = screen-position, pixels from left of screen</li>
<li>style =
<li>0 icon/state only</li>
<li>1 devicename and icon/state</li>
<li>2 devicename, icon/state and commands</li>
<li>3 device-reading and optional description</li>
<li>4 S300TH-specific, displays temperature above humidity</li>
<li>5 icon/state and commands</li>
<li>6 device-reading, reading-timestamp and optional description</li>
<li>7 commands only</li>
<li>8 commands popup</li>
<li>description will be displayed instead of the original devicename</li>
<tr><td><code>attr lamp1 fp_Groundfloor 100,100</code></td><td><code>#display lamp1 with icon only at screenposition 100,100</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>attr lamp2 fp_Groundfloor 100,140,1,Art-Deco</code></td><td><code>#display lamp2 with description 'Art-Deco-Light' at 100,140</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>attr lamp2 fp_FirstFloor 130,100,1</code></td><td><code>#display the same device at different positions on other floorplans</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>attr myFHT fp_Groundfloor 300,20,10,Temperature</code></td><td><code>#display given Text + FHT-temperature</code></td></tr>
<b>Hint:</b> no blanks between parameters<br><br>
<li><a name="fp_arrange">fp_arrange</a><br>
Activates the "arrange mode" which shows an additional menu on the screen to choose style and description.<br>
When the arrange-mode is activated, devices can be placed freely on the screen by drag&amp;drop.
allowing to place devices easily on the screen.<br>
<code>attr Groundfloor fp_arrange 1</code><br>
<code>attr Groundfloor fp_arrange WEB #activates arrange mode for frontend-device WEB only</code><br><br>
<li><a name="stylesheet">stylesheet</a><br>
Explicitely sets your personal stylesheet for the floorplan. This overrides the standard stylesheet.
The standard stylesheet for floorplans is <code>floorplanstyle.css</code>. If the <a href="#stylesheetPrefix">stylesheetPrefix</a> is set for the corresponding FHEMWEB instance, this same
<code>stylesheetPrefix</code> is also prepended to the stylesheet for floorplans.<br>
All stylesheets must be stored in the stylesheet subfolder of the fhem filesystem hierarchy. Store your personal
stylesheet along with <code>floorplanstyle.css</code> in the same folder.<br>
<code>attr Groundfloor stylesheet myfloorplanstyle.css</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_default">fp_default</a><br>
The floorplan startscreen is skipped if this attribute is assigned to one of the floorplans in your installation.
<code>attr Groundfloor fp_default 1</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_noMenu">fp_noMenu</a><br>
Suppresses the menu which usually shows the links to all your floorplans.
<code>attr Groundfloor fp_noMenu 1</code><br><br>
<li><a name="commandfield">commandfield</a><br>
Adds a fhem-commandfield to the floorplan screen.
<code>attr Groundfloor commandfield 1</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_backgroundimg">fp_backgroundimg</a><br>
Allows to choose a background-picture independent of the floorplan-name.
<code>attr Groundfloor fp_backgroundimg foobar.png</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_viewport">fp_viewport</a><br>
Allows usage of a user-defined viewport-value for touchpad.<br>
Default-viewport-value is "width=768".
<a name="fp_roomIcons"></a>
Space separated list of floorplan:icon pairs, to assign icons
to the floorplan-menu, just like the functionality for rooms
in FHEMWEB. Example:<br>
attr Grundriss fp_roomIcons Grundriss:control_building_empty Media:audio_eq
<li><a name="fp_inherited">Inherited from FHEMWEB</a><br>
The following attributes are inherited from the underlying <a href="#FHEMWEB">FHEMWEB</a> instance:<br>
<a href="#smallscreen">smallscreen</a><br>
<a href="#touchpad">touchpad</a><br>
<a href="#refresh">refresh</a><br>
<a href="#plotmode">plotmode</a><br>
<a href="#plotsize">plotsize</a><br>
<a href="#webname">webname</a><br>
<a href="#redirectCmds">redirectCmds</a><br>
<a href="#longpoll">longpoll</a><br>
<a href="#allowedCommands">allowedCommands</a><br>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="FLOORPLAN"></a>
Fügt dem fhem-Menü einen zusätzlichen Menüpunkt "Floorplans" hinzu, der zu einer Anzeige ohne fhem-Menü, Räume oder device-Listen führt.
Geräte können an einer festlegbaren Koordinate auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt werden, üblicherweise mit einem anklickbaren icon, das das Ein- oder Aus-Schalten
des Geräts durch klicken erlaubt. Ein Hintergrundbild kann verwendet werden - z.B. ein Grundriss oder jegliches andere Bild.
Mit floorplanstyle.css kann die Formatierung angepasst werden.<br>
Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Einrichtung ist verfügbar in
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/p/fhem/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/fhem/docs/fhem-floorplan-installation-guide.pdf?format=raw">Englisch</a> und
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/p/fhem/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/fhem/docs/fhem-floorplan-installation-guide_de.pdf?format=raw">Deutsch</a>. <br>
<a name="FLOORPLANdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; FLOORPLAN </code>
<b>Hinweis:</b> Speichern Sie Ihr Hintergrundbild mit dem Dateinamen fp_&lt;name&gt;.png in Ihrem icon_ordner (www/images/default , www/pgm2 or FHEM) .<br><br>
define Grundriss FLOORPLAN<br>
<a name="FLOORPLANset"></a>
<a name="FLOORPLANget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; config</code>
Zeigt die Konfiguration des FLOORPLAN <name> incl. allen Attributen an. Kann fuer ein include-file verwendet werden.<br>
<a name="FLOORPLANattr"></a>
<li><a name="fp_fpname">userattr fp_&lt;name&gt; &lt;top&gt;,&lt;left&gt;[,&lt;style&gt;[,&lt;description&gt;]]</a><br><br>
A <a href="#userattr">userattr</a> fp_&lt;name&gt; wird automatisch angelegt, sofern es noch nicht existiert.<br>
<li>top = Bildschirmposition, pixel vom oberen Bildschirmrand</li>
<li>left = Bildschirmposition, pixel vom linken Bildschirmrand</li>
<li>style =
<li>0 nur icon/Status</li>
<li>1 Gerätename und icon/Status</li>
<li>2 Gerätename, icon/Status und Kommandos</li>
<li>3 Geräte-reading und optionale Beschreibung</li>
<li>4 S300TH-spezifisch, zeigt Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit an</li>
<li>5 icon/Status und Kommandos (ohne Gerätename)</li>
<li>6 Geräte-reading, Zeitstempel und optionale Beschreibung</li>
<li>7 nur Kommandos</li>
<li>8 popup für kommandos</li>
<li>Eine ggf. angegebene Bschreibung wird anstelle des original-Gerätenamens angezeigt.</li>
<tr><td><code>attr lamp1 fp_Erdgeschoss 100,100</code></td><td><code>#display lamp1 with icon only at screenposition 100,100</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>attr lamp2 fp_Erdgeschoss 100,140,1,Art-Deco</code></td><td><code>#display lamp2 with description 'Art-Deco-Light' at 100,140</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>attr lamp2 fp_ErsteEtage 130,100,1</code></td><td><code>#display the same device at different positions on other floorplans</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>attr myFHT fp_Erdgeschoss 300,20,10,Temperature</code></td><td><code>#display given Text + FHT-temperature</code></td></tr>
<b>Hinweis:</b> Die Parameter müssen ohne Leerstellen aneinandergereiht werden.<br><br>
<li><a name="fp_arrange">fp_arrange</a><br>
Aktiviert den "arrange-Modus" der ein zusätzliches Menü anzeigt,
mit dem Geräte auf dem Bildschirm angeordnet werden können. Bei aktiviertem arrange-mode können alle devices per drag&amp;drop platziert werden.<br>
<code>attr Erdgeschoss fp_arrange 1</code><br>
<code>attr Erdgeschoss fp_arrange WEB #Aktiviert den arrange-Modus nur für die Webinstanz WEB</code><br><br>
<li><a name="stylesheet">stylesheet</a><br>
Ermöglicht die Verwendung eines eigenen css-stylesheet für Ihren floorplan. Dieses Attribut hat Vorrang vor dem Standard-stylesheet.
Das Standard-stylesheet für floorplans ist <code>floorplanstyle.css</code>. Falls <a href="#stylesheetPrefix">stylesheetPrefix</a> in der korrespondierenden FHEMWEB-Instanz gesetzt ist, wird dieser
<code>stylesheetPrefix</code> auch dem stylesheet für floorplans vorangestellt (prepend).<br>
Alle stylesheets werden im stylesheet-Ordner des fhem-Dateisystems abgelegt. Legen Sie dort
Ihr eigenes stylesheet neben <code>floorplanstyle.css</code> in demselben Ordner ab.<br>
<code>attr Erdgeschoss stylesheet myfloorplanstyle.css</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_default">fp_default</a><br>
Der floorplan-Startbildschirm wird übersprungen wenn dieses Attribut einem der von Ihnen definierten floorplans zugeordnet ist.
<code>attr Erdgeschoss fp_default 1</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_noMenu">fp_noMenu</a><br>
Blendet das floorplans-Menü aus, das normalerweise am linken Bildschirmrand angezeigt wird.
<code>attr Erdgeschoss fp_noMenu 1</code><br><br>
<li><a name="commandfield">commandfield</a><br>
Fügt Ihrem floorplan ein fhem-Kommandofeld hinzu.
<code>attr Erdgeschoss commandfield 1</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_backgroundimg">fp_backgroundimg</a><br>
Gestattet die Bennung eine Hintergundbilds unabhängig vom floorplan-Namen.<br>
<b>Hinweis:</b> Das Attribut kann mittels notify geändert werden, um z.B. unterschiedliche Hintergundbidlder am Tag oder in der Nacht anzuzeigen.<br>
<code>attr Erdgeschoss fp_backgroundimg foobar.png</code><br><br>
<li><a name="fp_viewport">fp_viewport</a><br>
Gestattet die Verwendung eines abweichenden viewport-Wertes für die touchpad-Ausgabe.<br>
Die Default-viewport-Angbe ist "width=768".
<a name="fp_roomIcons"></a>
Mit Leerstellen getrennte Liste von floorplan:icon -Paaren, um
einem Eintrag des floorplan-Menues icons zuzuordnen, genau wie
die entsprechende Funktionalitaet in FHEMWEB. Beispiel:<br>
attr Grundriss fp_roomIcons Grundriss:control_building_empty Media:audio_eq
<li><a name="fp_inherited">Vererbt von FHEMWEB</a><br>
Die folgenden Attribute werden von der zugrundliegenden <a href="#FHEMWEB">FHEMWEB</a>-Instanz vererbt:<br>
<a href="#smallscreen">smallscreen</a><br>
<a href="#touchpad">touchpad</a><br>
<a href="#refresh">refresh</a><br>
<a href="#plotmode">plotmode</a><br>
<a href="#plotsize">plotsize</a><br>
<a href="#webname">webname</a><br>
<a href="#redirectCmds">redirectCmds</a><br>
<a href="#longpoll">longpoll</a><br>
<a href="#allowedCommands">allowedCommands</a><br>
=end html_DE