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2018-05-10 07:25:20 +00:00

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# $Id$
# (c) 2014 Torsten Poitzsch
# (c) 2014-2016 tupol http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?action=profile;u=5432
# This module reads data from devices that provide OBIS compatible data
# in json format (e.g. power meters)
# Copyright notice
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the text file GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# define <name> JSONMETER <type> <host> [interval]
# If <interval> is positive, new values are read every <interval> seconds.
# The default for <interval> is 300 (i.e. 5 minutes).
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Blocking;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use MIME::Base64;
sub JSONMETER_Initialize($);
sub JSONMETER_Define($$);
sub JSONMETER_Undefine($$);
sub JSONMETER_Attr($@);
sub JSONMETER_Set($$@);
sub JSONMETER_Get($@);
sub JSONMETER_GetUpdate($);
sub JSONMETER_GetJsonFile($);
sub JSONMETER_ReadFromUrl($);
sub JSONMETER_ReadFromFile($);
sub JSONMETER_ParseJsonFile($);
sub JSONMETER_UpdateAborted($);
sub JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMax ($$$);
sub JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$);
sub JSONMETER_doStatisticDelta ($$$$$);
sub JSONMETER_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($$$$$$);
# Syntax: meterType => port URL-Path
my %meterTypes = ( ITF => "80 GetMeasuredValue.cgi"
,EFR => "80 json.txt"
,LS110 => "80 a?f=j"
,LS120 => "80 a?f=j"
# Syntax: valueType, code, FHEM reading name, statisticType, tariffType
# valueType: 1=OBISvalue | 2=OBISvalueString | 3=jsonProperty | 4=jsonPropertyTime
# statisticType: 0=noStatistic | 1=maxMinStatistic | 2=integralTimeStatistic | 3=State+IntegralTimeStatistic
# tariffType: 0 = tariff cannot be selected, 1 = tariff can be selected via reading "activeTariff"
my @jsonFields = (
[3, "meterType", "meterType", 0, 0] # {"meterId": "0000000061015736", "meterType": "Simplex", "interval": 0, "entry": [
,[4, "timestamp", "deviceTime", 0, 0] # {"timestamp": 1389296286, "periodEntries": [
,[3, "cnt", "electricityConsumed", 3, 1] # {"cnt":" 22,285","pwr":764,"lvl":0,"dev":"","det":"","con":"OK","sts":"(06)","raw":0}
,[3, "cs0", "electricityConsumedS0", 3, 1] #S0 port of LS120
,[3, "energy", "electricityConsumed", 3, 1] # {"status":"ok","result":[{"energy":ENERGY,"energyOut":ENERGYOUT,"time":TIME},...]}
,[3, "energyOUT", "electricityProduced", 3, 1] # {"status":"ok","result":[{"energy":ENERGY,"energyOut":ENERGYOUT,"time":TIME},...]}
,[3, "power", "electricityPower", 3, 1] # {"status":"ok","result":[{"power":POWER,"time":TIME}]}
,[3, "pwr", "electricityPower", 1, 0] # {"cnt":" 22,285","pwr":764,"lvl":0,"dev":"","det":"","con":"OK","sts":"(06)","raw":0}
,[3, "ps0", "electricityPowerS0", 1, 0] #S0 port of LS120
,[1, "010000090B00", "deviceTime", 0, 0] # { "obis":"010000090B00","value":"dd.mm.yyyy,hh:mm"}
,[2, "0.0.0", "meterID", 0, 0] # {"obis": "0.0.0", "scale": 0, "value": 1627477814, "unit": "", "valueString": "0000000061015736" },
,[1, "0100000000FF", "meterID", 0, 0] # # { "obis":"0100000000FF","value":"xxxxx"},
,[2, "0.2.0", "firmware", 0, 0] # {"obis": "0.2.0", "scale": 0, "value": 0, "unit": "", "valueString": "V320090704" },
,[1, "1.7.0|0100010700FF", "electricityPower", 1, 0] # {"obis": "1.7.0", "scale": 0, "value": 392, "unit": "W", "valueString": "0000392" },
,[1, "21.7.0|0100150700FF", "electricityPowerPhase1", 1, 0] # {"obis":"0100150700FF","value":209.40,"unit":"W"},
,[1, "41.7.0|0100290700FF", "electricityPowerPhase2", 1, 0] # {"obis":"0100290700FF","value":14.27,"unit":"W"},
,[1, "61.7.0|01003D0700FF", "electricityPowerPhase3", 1, 0] # {"obis":"01003D0700FF","value":89.40,"unit":"W"},
,[1, "1.8.0|0101010800FF", "electricityConsumed", 3, 1] # {"obis": "1.8.0", "scale": 0, "value": 8802276, "unit": "Wh", "valueString": "0008802.276" },
,[1, "1.8.1|0101010801FF", "electricityConsumedTariff1", 2, 0] # {"obis":"0101010801FF","value":33.53,"unit":"kWh"},
,[1, "1.8.2|0101010802FF", "electricityConsumedTariff2", 2, 0] # {"obis":"0101010802FF","value":33.53,"unit":"kWh"},
,[1, "1.8.3|0101010803FF", "electricityConsumedTariff3", 2, 0] # {"obis":"0101010803FF","value":33.53,"unit":"kWh"},
,[1, "1.8.4|0101010804FF", "electricityConsumedTariff4", 2, 0] # {"obis":"0101010804FF","value":33.53,"unit":"kWh"},
,[1, "1.8.5|0101010805FF", "electricityConsumedTariff5", 2, 0] # {"obis":"0101010805FF","value":33.53,"unit":"kWh"},
,[1, "010001080080", "electricityConsumedToday", 0, 0]
,[1, "010001080081", "electricityConsumedYesterday", 0, 0]
,[1, "010001080082", "electricityConsumedLastWeek", 0, 0]
,[1, "010001080083", "electricityConsumedLastMonth", 0, 0]
,[1, "010001080084", "electricityConsumedLastYear", 0, 0]
,[1, "010002080080", "electricityProducedToday", 0, 0]
,[1, "010002080081", "electricityProducedYesterday", 0, 0]
,[1, "010002080082", "electricityProducedLastWeek", 0, 0]
,[1, "010002080083", "electricityProducedLastMonth", 0, 0]
,[1, "010002080084", "electricityProducedLastYear", 0, 0]
,[1, "0101020800FF", "electricityPowerOutput", 1, 0]
,[1, "32.7.0|010020070000", "electricityVoltagePhase1", 1, 0] #{"obis":"010020070000","value":237.06,"unit":"V"},
,[1, "52.7.0|010034070000", "electricityVoltagePhase2", 1, 0] # {"obis":"010034070000","value":236.28,"unit":"V"},
,[1, "72.7.0|010048070000", "electricityVoltagePhase3", 1, 0] # {"obis":"010048070000","value":236.90,"unit":"V"},
,[1, "01000E070000", "electricityFrequency", 1, 0] # {"obis":"01000E070000","value":49.950,"unit":"Hz"}
,[1, "31.7.0", "electricityCurrentPhase1", 1, 0] # {"obis":"31.7.0","value":2.28,"unit":"A"},
,[1, "51.7.0", "electricityCurrentPhase2", 1, 0] # {"obis":"51.7.0","value":2.28,"unit":"A"},
,[1, "71.7.0", "electricityCurrentPhase3", 1, 0] # {"obis":"71.7.0","value":0.360,"unit":"A"}
sub ##########################################
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub =~ s/JSONMETER_//;
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $hash;
Log3 $hash, $loglevel, "$MODUL $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub ##########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "JSONMETER_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "JSONMETER_Undefine";
$hash->{SetFn} = "JSONMETER_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "JSONMETER_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "JSONMETER_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 "
."doStatistics:0,1 "
."timeOut "
."pathString "
."port "
."alwaysAnalyse:0,1 "
} # end JSONMETER_Initialize
sub ##########################################
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @args = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> JSONMETER <deviceType> <host> [interval]" if(@args <3 || @args >5);
my $name = $args[0];
my $type = $args[2];
my $interval = 5*60;
my $host;
my $typeStr;
if ($type eq "file")
return "Usage: define <name> JSONMETER url [interval]" if (@args >4);
$interval = $args[3] if(int(@args) == 4);
} else {
return "Usage: define <name> JSONMETER <deviceType> <host> [interval]" if(@args <4);
$host = $args[3];
$interval = $args[4] if(int(@args) == 5);
$interval = 10 if( $interval < 10 && $interval != 0);
if ($type ne "url" && $type ne "file") {
$typeStr = $meterTypes{$type};
return "Unknown type '$type': use url|file|". join ("|", keys(%meterTypes)) unless $typeStr;
my @typeAttr = split / /, $typeStr;
$hash->{PORT} = $typeAttr[0];
$hash->{urlPath} = $typeAttr[1];
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initializing" if $interval > 0;
$hash->{STATE} = "Manual mode" if $interval == 0;
$hash->{HOST} = $host if $type ne "file";
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{MODEL} = $type;
#Get first data after 13 seconds
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 13, "JSONMETER_GetUpdate", $hash, 0) if $interval > 0;
#Reset temporary values
$hash->{fhem}{jsonInterpreter} = "";
$hash->{fhem}{modulVersion} = '$Date$';
return undef;
} #end JSONMETER_Define
sub ##########################################
my ($hash, $args) = @_;
BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
return undef;
} # end JSONMETER_Undefine
sub ##########################################
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($aName eq "1allowSetParameter") {
eval { qr/$aVal/ };
if ($@) {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 3, "Invalid allowSetParameter in attr $name $aName $aVal: $@";
return "Invalid allowSetParameter $aVal";
return undef;
} # JSONMETER_Attr ende
sub ##########################################
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, $val) = @_;
my $resultStr = "";
if(lc $cmd eq 'update') {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
return undef;
elsif(lc $cmd eq 'restartjsonanalysis') {
$hash->{fhem}{jsonInterpreter} = "";
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "JSONMETER: set $name $cmd";
return undef;
elsif (lc $cmd eq 'resetstatistics') {
if ($val =~ /all|statElectricityConsumed\.\.\.|statElectricityConsumedTariff\.\.\.|statElectricityPower\.\.\./) {
my $regExp;
if ($val eq "all") { $regExp = "stat"; }
else { $regExp = substr $val, 0, -3; }
foreach (sort keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} }) {
if ($_ =~ /^\.?$regExp/ && $_ ne "state") {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_};
$resultStr .= " " . $_;
return $resultStr;
elsif(lc $cmd eq 'interval' && int(@_)==4 ) {
$val = 10 if( $val < 10 );
Log3 $name, 3, "JSONMETER: set $name $cmd $val";
return undef;
elsif(lc $cmd eq 'activetariff' && int(@_)==4 ) {
$val = 0 if( $val < 1 || $val > 9 );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"activeTariff",$val, 1);
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "JSONMETER: set $name $cmd $val";
return undef;
my $list = "update:noArg"
." activeTariff:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"
." resetStatistics:all,statElectricityConsumed...,statElectricityConsumedTariff...,statElectricityPower..."
." restartJsonAnalysis:noArg"
." INTERVAL:slider,0,10,600";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
} # end JSONMETER_Set
sub ##########################################
my ($hash, $name, $cmd) = @_;
my $result;
my $message;
if ($cmd eq "jsonFile") {
my $time = gettimeofday();
$result = JSONMETER_GetJsonFile $name;
my @a = split /\|/, $result;
if ($a[1]==0) {
$message = $a[2];
} else {
$message = decode_base64($a[2]);
$time = gettimeofday() - $time;
if ($time > AttrVal($name, "timeOut", 10)) {
$message = sprintf( "Runtime: %.2f s (!!! Increase attribute 'timeOut' !!!)\n_________________\n\n", $time) . $message;
} else {
$message = sprintf( "Runtime: %.2f s\n_________________\n\n", $time) . $message;
return $message;
elsif ($cmd eq "jsonAnalysis") {
my $time = gettimeofday();
$hash->{fhem}{jsonInterpreter} = "";
$result = JSONMETER_GetJsonFile $name;
my @a = split /\|/, $result;
return $a[2] if $a[1]==0;
$result = JSONMETER_ParseJsonFile $result;
# my @a = split /\|/, $result;
$time = gettimeofday() - $time;
$message = sprintf( "Runtime: %.2f s\n_________________\n\n", $time);
$message .= decode_base64($result); #$a[2]);
return $message;
my $list = "jsonFile:noArg"
." jsonAnalysis:noArg";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
} # end JSONMETER_Get
sub ##########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{MODEL};
if(!$hash->{LOCAL} && $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "JSONMETER_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
return undef if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
if ( ( $type eq "url" || $type eq "file" ) && ! defined($attr{$name}{"pathString"}) )
JSONMETER_Log $name,2,"Error reading device: Please define the attribute 'pathString'";
$hash->{STATE} = "pathString missing";
return "$name|0|Error reading device: Please define the attribute 'pathString'.";
my $timeOut = AttrVal($name, "timeOut", 10);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("JSONMETER_GetJsonFile", $name,
"JSONMETER_ParseJsonFile", $timeOut,
"JSONMETER_UpdateAborted", $hash)
sub JSONMETER_GetJsonFile ($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $returnStr;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $type = $hash->{MODEL};
my $ip = "";
$ip = $hash->{HOST} if defined $hash->{HOST};
my $urlPath = "";
$urlPath = $hash->{urlPath} if defined $hash->{urlPath};
if (($type eq "url" || $type eq "file") && ! defined($attr{$name}{"pathString"}))
{return "$name|0|Error: deviceType is '$type' - Please define the attribute 'pathString' first.";}
my $pathString = AttrVal($name, "pathString", "");
my $port = 80;
$port = $hash->{PORT} if defined $hash->{PORT};
$port = $attr{$name}{"port"} if $type eq "url" && defined($attr{$name}{"port"});
$hash->{PORT} = $port if $type ne "file";
if ( $type eq "file")
$returnStr = JSONMETER_ReadFromFile $name."|".$pathString;
$returnStr = JSONMETER_ReadFromUrl $name."|".$ip."|".$port."|".$urlPath.$pathString;
return $returnStr;
sub JSONMETER_ReadFromFile($)
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name, $pathString) = split "\\|", $string;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Open file '$pathString'";
if (open(IN, "<" . $pathString)) {
my $message = join " ", <IN>;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Close file";
$message = encode_base64($message,"");
return "$name|1|$message" ;
} else {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 2, "Cannot open file $pathString: $!";
return "$name|0|Error: Cannot open file $pathString: $!";;
} # end JSONMETER_ReadFromFile
sub ##########################################
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name, $ip, $port, $pathString) = split "\\|", $string;
my $buf ;
my $message ;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "opening socket to host $ip port $port" ;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $ip,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
Reuse => 0,
Timeout => 9
if (!$socket) {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 1, "Could not open connection to ip $ip port $port";
return "$name|0|Can't connect to ip $ip port $port";
if (defined ($socket) and $socket and $socket->connected())
print $socket "GET /$pathString HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Get json file from http://$ip:$port/$pathString";
while ((read $socket, $buf, 1024) > 0)
$message .= $buf;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 5, "received:\n $message";
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Socket closed";
if ($message =~ /^HTTP\/1.\d 404 Not Found/) {
return "$name|0|Error: URL 'http://$ip:$port/$pathString' returned 'Error 404: Page Not Found'";
$message = encode_base64($message,"");
return "$name|1|$message" ;
} # end JSONMETER_ReadFromUrl
sub JSONMETER_ParseJsonFile($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my (@a) = split("\\|", $string);
return unless (defined $defs{$a[0]});
my $hash = $defs{$a[0]};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $value;
my $returnStr ="";
my $statisticType;
if ( $a[1] == 1 ){
my $message = decode_base64($a[2]);
my @fields=split(/\{/,$message); # JSON in einzelne Felder zerlegen
my $jsonInterpreter = $hash->{fhem}{jsonInterpreter} || "";
my $alwaysAnalyse = $attr{$name}{alwaysAnalyse} || 0;
$returnStr .= "================= Find JSON property ==================\n\n";
# ANALYSE once: Find all known obis codes in the first run and store in the item no,
# value type and reading name in the jsonInterpreter
if ( $jsonInterpreter eq "" || $alwaysAnalyse == 1 ) {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 3, "Analyse JSON pathString for known readings" if $alwaysAnalyse != 1;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Analyse JSON pathString for known readings" if $alwaysAnalyse == 1;
foreach my $f (@jsonFields)
for(my $i=0; $i<=$#fields; $i++)
# if ($$f[0] =~ /^[15]$/) {
if ($$f[0] == 1) {
if ($fields[$i] =~ /"obis"\s*:\s*"($$f[1])"\s*[,}]/ && $fields[$i] =~ /"value"/) {
$jsonInterpreter .= "|$i $$f[0] $$f[2] $$f[3] $$f[4]";
JSONMETER_Log $name,4,"OBIS code \"$$f[1]\" will be stored in $$f[2]";
$returnStr .= "OBIS code \"$$f[1]\" will be extracted as reading '$$f[2]' (statistic type: $$f[3]) from part $i:\n$fields[$i]\n\n";
} elsif ($$f[0] == 2) {
if ($fields[$i] =~ /"obis"\s*:\s*"($$f[1])"\s*[,}]/ && $fields[$i] =~ /"valueString"/) {
$jsonInterpreter .= "|$i $$f[0] $$f[2] $$f[3] $$f[4]";
JSONMETER_Log $name,4,"OBIS code \"$$f[1]\" will be stored in $$f[2]";
$returnStr .= "OBIS code \"$$f[1]\" will be extracted as reading '$$f[2]' (statistic type: $$f[3]) from part $i:\n$fields[$i]\n\n";
} elsif ($$f[0] == 3) {
if ($fields[$i] =~ /"($$f[1])"\s*:/) {
$jsonInterpreter .= "|$i $$f[0] $$f[2] $$f[3] $$f[4] $$f[1]";
JSONMETER_Log $name,4,"Property \"$$f[1]\" will be stored in $$f[2]";
$returnStr .= "Property \"$$f[1]\" will be extracted as reading '$$f[2]' (statistic type: $$f[3]) from part $i:\n$fields[$i]\n\n";
} elsif ($$f[0] == 4) {
if ($fields[$i] =~ /"($$f[1])"\s*:/) {
$jsonInterpreter .= "|$i $$f[0] $$f[2] $$f[3] $$f[4] $$f[1]";
JSONMETER_Log $name,4,"Property \"$$f[1]\" will be stored in $$f[2]";
$returnStr .= "Property \"$$f[1]\" will be extracted as reading '$$f[2]' (statistic type: $$f[3]) from part $i:\n$fields[$i]\n\n";
if ($jsonInterpreter ne "") {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 3, "Store results of JSON analysis for next device readings" if $alwaysAnalyse != 1;
$jsonInterpreter = substr $jsonInterpreter, 1;
$hash->{fhem}{jsonInterpreter} = $jsonInterpreter;
} else {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 2, "Could not interpret the JSON file => please contact FHEM community" if $jsonInterpreter eq "";
} else {
$jsonInterpreter = $hash->{fhem}{jsonInterpreter} if exists $hash->{fhem}{jsonInterpreter};
# use the previously filled jsonInterpreter to extract the correct values
$returnStr .= "\n================= Extract JSON values ==================\n\n";
my @a = split /\|/, $jsonInterpreter;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Extract ".($#a+1)." readings from ".($#fields+1)." json parts";
foreach (@a) {
$statisticType = 0;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 5, "Handle $_";
my @b = split / /, $_ ;
#obis value
if ($b[1] == 1) {
if ($fields[$b[0]] =~ /"value"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"\s*[,\}]/g || $fields[$b[0]] =~ /"value"\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*[,\}]/g) {
$value = $1;
# $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Value $value for reading $b[2] extracted from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Value \"$value\" for reading '$b[2]' extracted from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
$statisticType = $b[3];
} else {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Could not extract value for reading $b[2] from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Could not extract value for reading '$b[2]' from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
#obis valueString
} elsif ($b[1] == 2) {
if ($fields[$b[0]] =~ /"valueString"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"\s*[,}]/g ) {
$value = $1;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Value $value for reading $b[2] extracted from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Value \"$value\" for reading '$b[2]' extracted from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
$statisticType = $b[3];
} else {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Could not extract value for reading $b[2] from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Could not extract value for reading '$b[2]' from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
# JSON-Property
} elsif ($b[1] == 3) {
if ($fields[$b[0]] =~ /"$b[5]"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"\s*[,}]/g || $fields[$b[0]] =~ /"$b[5]"\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*[,}]/g ) {
$value = $1;
$value =~ /^ *\d+(,\d\d\d)+/ && $value =~ s/,| //g;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Value $value for reading $b[2] extracted from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Value \"$value\" for reading '$b[2]' extracted from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $b[2], $value);
$statisticType = $b[3];
} else {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Could not extract value for reading $b[2] from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Could not extract value for reading '$b[2]' from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
# JSON-Property Time
} elsif ($b[1] == 4) {
if ($fields[$b[0]] =~ /"$b[5]"\s*:\s"?(\d*)"?\s*[,}]/g ) {
$value = $1;
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Value $value for reading $b[2] extracted from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Value \"$value\" for reading '$b[2]' extracted from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
$value = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($value);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $b[2], $value);
$statisticType = $b[3];
} else {
JSONMETER_Log $name, 4, "Could not extract value for reading $b[2] from '$fields[$b[0]]'";
$returnStr .= "Could not extract value for reading '$b[2]' from part $b[0]:\n$fields[$b[0]]\n\n";
if ( AttrVal($name,"doStatistics",0) == 1) {
my $activeTariff = ReadingsVal($name,"activeTariff",0);
if ($b[4] == 0) { $activeTariff = 0;}
# JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMax $hash, $readingName, $value
if ($statisticType == 1 ) { JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMax $hash, "stat".ucfirst($b[2]), $value ; }
# JSONMETER_doStatisticDelta: $hash, $readingName, $value, $special, $activeTariff
if ($statisticType == 2 ) { JSONMETER_doStatisticDelta $hash, "stat".ucfirst($b[2]), $value, 0, $activeTariff ; }
# JSONMETER_doStatisticDelta: $hash, $readingName, $value, $special, $activeTariff
if ($statisticType == 3 ) { JSONMETER_doStatisticDelta $hash, "stat".ucfirst($b[2]), $value, 1, $activeTariff ; }
DoTrigger($hash->{NAME}, undef) if ($init_done);
} else {
return encode_base64($returnStr);
sub ############################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
JSONMETER_Log $hash, 1, "Timeout when connecting to host $host";
} # end JSONMETER_UpdateAborted
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMax ($$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $value) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $lastReading;
my $lastSums;
my @newReading;
my $yearLast;
my $monthLast;
my $dayLast;
my $dayNow;
my $monthNow;
my $yearNow;
# Determine date of last and current reading
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Day"}{TIME})) {
($yearLast, $monthLast, $dayLast) = $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Day"}{TIME} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/;
} else {
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime;
$yearLast += 1900;
$monthLast ++;
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime;
$yearNow += 1900;
$monthNow ++;
# Daily Statistic
#JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle: $hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast
JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $readingName."Day", $value, ($dayNow != $dayLast);
# Monthly Statistic
#JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle: $hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast
JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $readingName."Month", $value, ($monthNow != $monthLast);
# Yearly Statistic
#JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle: $hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast
JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $readingName."Year", $value, ($yearNow != $yearLast);
return ;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
JSONMETER_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast) = @_;
my $result;
my $lastReading = $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL} || "";
# Initializing
if ( $lastReading eq "" ) {
my $since = strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime();
$result = "Count: 1 Sum: $value ShowDate: 1";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$readingName, $result);
$result = "Min: $value Avg: $value Max: $value (since: $since )";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName, $result);
# Calculations
} else {
my @a = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
my @b = split / /, $lastReading;
# Do calculations
$a[1]++; # Count
$a[3] += $value; # Sum
if ($value < $b[1]) { $b[1]=$value; } # Min
if ($a[1]>0) {$b[3] = sprintf "%.0f" , $a[3] / $a[1];} # Avg
if ($value > $b[5]) { $b[5]=$value; } # Max
# in case of period change, save "last" values and reset counters
if ($saveLast) {
$result = "Min: $b[1] Avg: $b[3] Max: $b[5]";
if ($a[5] == 1) { $result .= " (since: $b[7] )"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName . "Last", $lastReading);
$a[1] = 1; $a[3] = $value; $a[5] = 0;
$b[1] = $value; $b[3] = $value; $b[5] = $value;
# Store internal calculation values
$result = "Count: $a[1] Sum: $a[3] ShowDate: $a[5]";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$readingName, $result);
# Store visible Reading
$result = "Min: $b[1] Avg: $b[3] Max: $b[5]";
if ($a[5] == 1) { $result .= " (since: $b[7] )"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName, $result);
# Calculates deltas for day, month and year
sub ########################################
JSONMETER_doStatisticDelta ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $value, $special, $activeTariff) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $result;
my $deltaValue;
my $previousTariff;
my $showDate;
# Determine if time period switched (day, month, year)
# Get deltaValue and Tariff of previous call
my $periodSwitch = 0;
my $yearLast; my $monthLast; my $dayLast; my $hourLast; my $hourNow; my $dayNow; my $monthNow; my $yearNow;
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"})) {
($yearLast, $monthLast, $dayLast, $hourLast) = ($hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"}{TIME} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d)/);
$yearLast -= 1900;
$monthLast --;
($dummy, $deltaValue, $dummy, $previousTariff, $dummy, $showDate) = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"}{VAL} || "";
$deltaValue = $value - $deltaValue;
} else {
($dummy, $dummy, $hourLast, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime;
$deltaValue = 0;
$previousTariff = 0;
$showDate = 8;
($dummy, $dummy, $hourNow, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime;
if ($yearNow != $yearLast) { $periodSwitch = 4; }
elsif ($monthNow != $monthLast) { $periodSwitch = 3; }
elsif ($dayNow != $dayLast) { $periodSwitch = 2; }
elsif ($hourNow != $hourLast) { $periodSwitch = 1; }
# Determine if "since" value has to be shown in current and last reading
if ($periodSwitch == 4) {
if ($showDate == 1) { $showDate = 0; } # Do not show the "since:" value for year changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 2) { $showDate = 1; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first year change
if ($periodSwitch >= 3){
if ($showDate == 3) { $showDate = 2; } # Do not show the "since:" value for month changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 4) { $showDate = 3; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first month change
if ($periodSwitch >= 2){
if ($showDate == 5) { $showDate = 4; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 6) { $showDate = 5; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first day change
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
if ($showDate == 7) { $showDate = 6; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 8) { $showDate = 7; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first hour change
# JSONMETER_doStatisticDeltaSingle; $hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $special, $periodSwitch, $showDate, $firstCall
JSONMETER_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $special, $periodSwitch, $showDate);
foreach (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) {
if ( $previousTariff == $_ ) {
JSONMETER_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingName."Tariff".$_, $deltaValue, 0, $periodSwitch, $showDate);
} elsif ($activeTariff == $_ || ($periodSwitch > 0 && exists($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName . "Tariff".$_}))) {
JSONMETER_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingName."Tariff".$_, 0, 0 , $periodSwitch, $showDate);
# Hidden storage of current values for next call(before values)
$result = "Value: $value Tariff: $activeTariff ShowDate: $showDate ";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$readingName."Before", $result);
return ;
sub ########################################
JSONMETER_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $special, $periodSwitch, $showDate) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $result;
# get existing statistic reading
my @curr;
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL})) {
@curr = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL} || "";
if ($curr[0] eq "Day:") { $curr[9]=$curr[7]; $curr[7]=$curr[5]; $curr[5]=$curr[3]; $curr[3]=$curr[1]; $curr[1]=0; }
} else {
$curr[1] = 0; $curr[3] = 0; $curr[5] = 0; $curr[7] = 0;
$curr[9] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime(); # start
# get statistic values of previous period
my @last;
if (exists ($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Last"})) {
@last = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Last"}{VAL};
if ($last[0] eq "Day:") { $last[9]=$last[7]; $last[7]=$last[5]; $last[5]=$last[3]; $last[3]=$last[1]; $last[1]="-"; }
} else {
@last = split / /, "Hour: - Day: - Month: - Year: -";
# Do statistic
$curr[1] += $deltaValue;
$curr[3] += $deltaValue;
$curr[5] += $deltaValue;
$curr[7] += $deltaValue;
# If change of year, change yearly statistic
if ($periodSwitch == 4){
$last[7] = $curr[7];
$curr[7] = 0;
if ($showDate == 1) { $last[9] = $curr[9]; }
# If change of month, change monthly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 3){
$last[5] = $curr[5];
$curr[5] = 0;
if ($showDate == 3) { $last[9] = $curr[9];}
# If change of day, change daily statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 2){
$last[3] = $curr[3];
$curr[3] = 0;
if ($showDate == 5) {
$last[9] = $curr[9];
# Next monthly and yearly values start at 00:00 and show only date (no time)
$curr[5] = 0;
$curr[7] = 0;
$curr[9] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(); # start
# If change of hour, change hourly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
$last[1] = $curr[1];
$curr[1] = 0;
if ($showDate == 7) { $last[9] = $curr[9];}
# Store visible statistic readings (delta values)
$result = "Hour: $curr[1] Day: $curr[3] Month: $curr[5] Year: $curr[7]";
if ( $showDate >=2 ) { $result .= " (since: $curr[9] )"; }
if ($special == 1) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$readingName."Today",$curr[3]) };
# if changed, store previous visible statistic (delta) values
if ($periodSwitch >= 1) {
$result = "Hour: $last[1] Day: $last[3] Month: $last[5] Year: $last[7]";
if ( $showDate =~ /1|3|5|7/ ) { $result .= " (since: $last[9] )";}
=begin html
=item device
=item summary reads OBIS data from measurement devices
=item summary_DE liest OBIS Daten von Messgeräten
<a name="JSONMETER"></a>
This module reads data from a measurement unit (so called smart meters for electricity, gas or heat)
that provides OBIS compliant data in JSON format on a webserver or on the FHEM file system.
It assumes normally, that the structure of the JSON data do not change.
<code>define &lt;name&gt; JSONMETER &lt;deviceType&gt; [&lt;ip address&gt;] [poll-interval]</code>
Example: <code>define powermeter JSONMETER ITF 300</code>
Mandatory. Used to define the path and port to extract the json file.
The attribute 'pathString' can be used to add login information to the URL path of predefined devices.
<li><b>ITF</b> - FROETEC Simplex ME one tariff electrical meter (N-ENERGY) (<a href="http://www.itf-froeschl.de">ITF Fröschl</a>)</li>
<li><b>EFR</b> - <a href="http://www.efr.de">EFR</a> Smart Grid Hub for electrical meter (EON, N-ENERGY and EnBW)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;use the 'pathstring' attribute to specifiy your login information
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>attr <device> pathString ?LogName=<i>user</i>&LogPSWD=<i>password</i></code>
<li><b>LS110</b> - <a href="http://www.youless.nl/downloads-ls110.html">YouLess LS110</a> network sensor (counter) for electro mechanical electricity meter</li>
<li><b>LS120</b> - <a href="http://www.youless.nl/winkel/product/ls120.html">YouLess LS120</a> new model</li>
<li><b>url</b> - use the URL defined via the attributes 'pathString' and 'port'</li>
<li><b>file</b> - use the file defined via the attribute 'pathString' (positioned in the FHEM file system)</li>
<li><code>[&lt;ip address&gt;]</code>
IP address of the phyisical device. (not needed for 'url' and 'file')
Optional. Default is 300 seconds. Smallest possible value is 10. With 0 it will only update on "manual" request.
<li><code>activeTariff &lt; 0 - 9 &gt;</code>
Allows the separate measurement of the consumption (doStatistics = 1) within different tariffs for all gages that miss this built-in capability (e.g. LS110). Also the possible gain of a change to a time-dependent tariff can be evaluated with this.<br>
This value must be set at the correct point of time in accordance to the existing or planned tariff <b>by the FHEM command "at"</b>.<br>
0 = without separate tariffs
<li><code>INTERVAL &lt;polling interval&gt;</code>
Polling interval in seconds
<li><code>resetStatistics &lt;statReadings&gt;</code>
Deletes the selected statistic values: <i>all, statElectricityConsumed..., statElectricityConsumedTariff..., statElectricityPower...</i>
Restarts the analysis of the json file for known readings (compliant to the OBIS standard).
This analysis happens normally only once if readings have been found.
Update device information
extracts and shows the json data
extracts the json data and shows the result of the analysis</li>
<a name="JSONMETERattr"></a>
<li><code>alwaysAnalyse &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Repeats by each update the json analysis - use if structure of json data changes
Normally the once analysed structure is saved to reduce CPU load.
<li><code>doStatistics &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Builds daily, monthly and yearly statistics for certain readings (average/min/max or cumulated values).
Logging and visualisation of the statistics should be done with readings of type 'stat<i>ReadingName</i><b>Last</b>'.
<li><code>pathString &lt;string&gt;</code>
<li>if deviceType = 'file': specifies the local file name and path</li>
<li>if deviceType = 'url': specifies the url path</li>
<li>other deviceType: can be used to add login information to the url path of predefined devices</li>
<li><code>port &lt;number&gt;</code>
Specifies the IP port for the deviceType 'url' (default is 80)
<li><code>timeOut &lt;seconds&gt;</code>
Specifies the timeout for the reading of the raw data. (default is 10)
The run time of the reading process can be measured via "get <device> jsonFile".
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="JSONMETER"></a>
Dieses Modul liest Daten von Messgeräten (z.B. Stromzähler, Gaszähler oder Wärmezähler, so genannte Smartmeter),
welche <a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBIS-Kennzahlen">OBIS</a> kompatible Daten im JSON-Format auf einem Webserver oder auf dem FHEM-Dateisystem zur Verfügung stellen.
Für detaillierte Anleitungen bitte die <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/JSONMETER"><b>FHEM-Wiki</b></a> konsultieren und ergänzen.
<code>define &lt;name&gt; JSONMETER &lt;Gerätetyp&gt; [&lt;IP-Adresse&gt;] [Abfrageinterval]</code>
Beispiel: <code>define Stromzaehler JSONMETER ITF 300</code>
Optional. Standardmäßig 300 Sekunden. Der kleinste mögliche Wert ist 30.
Bei 0 kann die Geräteabfrage nur manuell gestartet werden.
Definiert den Pfad und den Port, um die JSON-Datei einzulesen.
Mit dem Attribute 'pathString' können Login Information an den URL-Pfad von vordefinierten Geräte angehangen werden.
<li><b>ITF</b> - FROETEC Simplex ME Eintarifzähler (N-ENERGY) (<a href="http://www.itf-froeschl.de">ITF Fröschl</a>)</li>
<li><b>EFR</b> - <a href="http://www.efr.de">EFR</a> Smart Grid Hub für Stromzähler (EON, N-ENERGY, EnBW)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Die Login-Information wird über das Attribute 'pathstring' angegeben.
<li><b>LS110</b> - <a href="http://www.youless.nl/downloads-ls110.html">YouLess LS110</a> Netzwerkfähiger Sensor für elektromechanische Stromzähler</li>
<li><b>LS120</b> - <a href="http://www.youless.nl/winkel/product/ls120.html">YouLess LS120</a> Neues Modell</li>
<li><b>url</b> - benutzt die URL, welche durch das Attribut 'pathString' und 'port' definiert wird.</li>
<li><b>file</b> - benutzt die Datei, welche durch das Attribut 'pathString' definiert wird (im FHEM Dateisystem)</li>
<li><code>activeTariff &lt; 0 - 9 &gt;</code>
Erlaubt die gezielte, separate Erfassung der statistischen Verbrauchswerte (doStatistics = 1) für verschiedene Tarife (Doppelstromzähler), wenn der Stromzähler dies selbst nicht unterscheiden kann (z.B. LS110) oder wenn geprüft werden soll, ob ein zeitabhängiger Tarif preiswerter wäre. Dieser Wert muss entsprechend des vorhandenen oder geplanten Tarifes zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt z.B. durch den FHEM-Befehl "at" gesetzt werden.<br>
0 = tariflos
<li><code>INTERVAL &lt;Abfrageinterval&gt;</code>
Abfrageinterval in Sekunden
<li><code>resetStatistics &lt;statWerte&gt;</code>
Löscht die ausgewählten statisischen Werte: <i>all, statElectricityConsumed..., statElectricityConsumedTariff..., statElectricityPower...</i>
Neustart der Analyse der json-Datei zum Auffinden bekannter Gerätewerte (kompatibel zum OBIS Standard).
Diese Analysie wird normaler Weise nur einmalig durchgeführt, nachdem Gerätewerte gefunden wurden.
Aktualisieren der Gerätewerte</li>
Liest die JSON-Datei ein und zeigt sie an.
Extrahiert die JSON-Daten und zeigt das Resultat der JSON-Analyse.</li>
<a name="JSONMETERattr"></a>
<li><code>alwaysAnalyse &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Führt bei jeder Abfrage der Gerätewerte eine Analyse der JSON-Datenstruktur durch.
Dies ist sinnvoll, wenn sich die JSON-Struktur ändert. Normalerweise wird die analysierte Struktur
zwischengespeichert, um die CPU-Last gering zu halten.
<li><code>doStatistics &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Bildet tägliche, monatliche und jährliche Statistiken bestimmter Gerätewerte (Mittel/Min/Max oder kumulierte Werte).
Für grafische Auswertungen können die Werte der Form 'stat<i>ReadingName</i><b>Last</b>' genutzt werden.
<li><code>pathString &lt;Zeichenkette&gt;</code>
<li>Gerätetyp 'file': definiert den lokalen Dateinamen und -pfad
<li>Gerätetyp 'url': Definiert den URL-Pfad
<li>Andere: Kann benutzt werden um Login-Information zum URL Pfad von vordefinierten Geräten hinzuzufügen
<li><code>port &lt;Nummer&gt;</code>
Beim Gerätetyp 'url' kann hier der URL-Port festgelegt werden. (standardmäßig 80)
<li><code>timeOut &lt;Sekunden&gt;</code>
Gibt an, nach wieviel Sekunden das Einlesen der Rohdaten abgebrochen werden soll. (standardmäßig 10)
Die Laufzeit des Einlesevorganges wird bei "get &lt;device&gt; jsonFile" angezeigt.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html_DE