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rudolfkoenig ee4661544b HOWTO correction / updates / rewording
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1136 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2011-12-17 09:06:05 +00:00

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<h3>Fhem on the Fritz!Box</h3>
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<h2><a href="fhem.html">FHEM</a> on the Fritz!Box</h2>
<h3>Fritz!Box 7390 (as of 2011-09-03)</h3>
After the CeBIT 2011 AVM released an image for the Fritz!Box7390 containing
fhem, see <a href="http://www.avm.de/de/Service/Service-Portale/Labor/index.php"
>this</a> link. This image is to be installed in <i>addition</i> to the
normal firmware.
Version 19798 of this fhem-image (not the Lab firmware) configures 2 CUL
devices, the first one talking FS20 ("SlowRF"), the second preconfigured for
HomeMatic. Autoconfigure is not enabled by default, so you'll either have
to enable it or to enter the devices by hand.
The bad news with this fhem-image is, that it will start fhem in a chroot
environment, i.e. you will not be able to trigger arbitrary FritzBox
functions out of fhem, e.g. sending mail, enabling WLAN, etc., it relies
only on the commands provided by a busybox copied to the chroot
environment. <br><br>
<a href="fhem-=VERS=-fb7390.image">This</a> image from fhem.de contains a
stripped down version of the perl package from the AVM fhem-image, the fhem
package, a dfu-programmer for flashing the CUL, and a modified installation
The main difference is starting fhem in a normal (non-chroot) environment,
and enabling autocreate. When installing it, you have to confirm with an
extra click that it does not have a valid AVM signature. It will reuse your
old logfiles and configuration, unlike the "original" AVM firmware.
Autocreate is on, and there are <b>no</b> CUL devices defined in the initial
configuration, you'll have to do this manually, e.g. by following the HOWTO
or the command reference.
<h3>Fritz!Box 7170/7270 (as of 2011-09-03)</h3>
Due to Eyk's work there is also a <a
href="fhem-=VERS=-fb7270.zip">ZIP</a> file for the Fritz!Box 7170 and 7270
models. As the FB720/7170 has not enough internal storage to install fhem,
you have to use an external USB Drive:
<li>First unzip the .ZIP file in the root directory of the USB-disk/USB-stick.
<li>Attach the stick to the FB
<li>open a telnet window, connect to the FB.
<li>With the command df check the name of the stick on the FB.
<li>Execute the following command in the FB telnet window to start fhem
when the FB reboots:<br>
echo "&lt;path-of-the-stick&gt;/fhem/startfhem" >> /var/flash/debug.cfg
<li>Start fhem manually with "&lt;path-of-the-stick&gt;/fhem/startfhem"
<h3>Fritz!Box 7170 in <a href="http://fhemwiki.de/index.php/AVM_Fritz!Box">fhemwiki</a></h3>
<h3>Fritz!Box 7170 (from Achim, as of 2009-10-19)</h3>
<li>Flash the FritzBox with the Freetz firmware using the Fritz!Box
web-frontend. As we are not allowed to offer a FritzBox binary image for
download, here is a mini HOWTO:<br>
<li>Download <a
<li>Bunzip2 and untar the package</li>
<li>Copy <a href="fb7170/dotconfig">dotconfig</a> into the untarred
directory as .config
<li>Call make
<li>Copy the tgz packages <a href="fb7170/apache-1.3.41.tgz">apache</a>
(1MB), <a href="fb7170/fhem-4.6.tgz">fhem</a> (1MB) and
<a href="fb7170/perl-5.6.2.tgz">perl</a> (10MB) to the USB stick
and attach it to the box.<br><br>
<li>Restart the box and connect to the box using telnet, e.g. with<pre>
<li>Untar the packages into a new directory on the USB stick, e.g.<pre>
cd /var/media/ftp/uStor01/
mkdir fritzext
cd fritzext
tar -xvzf ../fhem-4.6.tgz
tar -xvzf ../perl-5.6.2.tgz
tar -xvzf ../apache-1.3.41.tgz</pre>
For the following ascii file modifications the editor nano can be used
which is contained in the Freetz firmware.<br><br>
<li>Adapt /var/flash/debug.cfg, and change the path to fhem:<pre>
/var/flash # more debug.cfg
export dTSB=1212687845
/bin/sleep 120
cd /var/media/ftp/uStor01/fritzext/fhem-4.5 && ./rc.fhem</pre>
<li>Adapt fhem/rc.fhem, and change the path to perl, fhem, apache:<pre>
# "RC" script for a fhem running on the Fritz!Box from
# an attached usb-stick.
cd /var
ln -s /var/media/ftp/uStor01/fritzext/perl .
ln -s /var/media/ftp/uStor01/fritzext/apache-1.3.41 .
ln -s /var/media/ftp/uStor01/fritzext/fhem .
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/perl/lib
export PATH=/var/perl/bin:$PATH
export PERL5LIB=/var/perl/lib/:/var/perl/perl5/:/var/perl/lib/perl5/5.6.2/
mount -o remount,rw /var/media/ftp/uStor01
swapon /var/perl/swapfile
# For CUL:
insmod /lib/modules/
vendor=0x03eb product=0x204b
# For FHZ:
insmod /lib/modules/
cd /var/media/ftp/uStor01/fritzext/fhem
perl fhem.pl fhem.cfg
cd /var/
apache-1.3.41/apache apache-1.3.41/conf/apache.conf</pre>
<li>Adapt your fhem.cfg. CUL can be used on /dev/ttyUSB0.<br><br>
<li>Restart the box
<h3>Fritz!Box 7270 (from Volker, as of 2009-10-19)</h3>
<li>Unpack <a href="fb7270/fhem45-on-fritzbox.tgz">fhem45-on-fritzbox.tgz</a>
to the USB-stick.<br><br>
<li>Attach the USB storage (stick) to the Fritz!Box. The Fritz!Box should
recognize it. Now we have to modify usr/fhem/rc.fhem.<br><br>
<li>Login (via telnet) to the Fritz!Box with the WEB-Password<pre>
telnet fritz.box</pre>
<li>Change to the folder /var/media/ftp/*partition*/usr/fhem <br><br>
<li>Edit rc-cp.fhem with nvi<br>
(i starts editing, ESC leaves edit mode, X deletes a character, :q! quits
nvi without change, ; :wq saves and quits nvi)<br>
and adapt the mount point. This is often MassStorageDevice-Partition-0-1.
This script will generate some links, makes a copy of .../usr/fhem to
/var/usr/ and starts "perl fhem-celica.pl fhem.volker.conf" in the
<li>Run ./rc-cp.fhem in the directory usr/fhem<br>
<b>Note:</b>After rebooting the Fritz!Box you will have run this script