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# $Id: 99_UtilsHourCounter.pm 2014-12-16 20:15:33 john $
# This ist a reference implementation for enhanced features for modul hourCounter
# This module is written by john.
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Changelog
# 04.02.14 - 1.00 modul created
# 06.02.14 - 1.01 fixed: wrong timing in assignment appUtilization
# 17.03.14 - 1.01 added: appHC_OnYear
# 10.12.14 - fixed: with integration of interval and support of cyclically updates
# we need some changes:
# instead of value and countsOverall , now tickChanged is used
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw(%modules);
#require "98_HourCounter.pm";
my $UtilsHourCounter_Version=" - 10.12.2014 (john)";
sub Log3($$$);
# --------------------------------------------------
sub UtilsHourCounter_Initialize($$)
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 '', 3, "[UtilsHourCounter] Init Done with Version $UtilsHourCounter_Version";
# --------------------------------------------------
# yearly tasks
sub appHC_OnYear($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # name objects, name des parameters, wert des parameters
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
my $appCountsPerYear = ReadingsVal ($name, 'appCountsPerYearTemp' ,0);
my $appOpHoursPerYear = ReadingsVal ($name, 'appOpHoursPerYearTemp' ,0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerYearTemp' , 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerYear' , $appCountsPerYear );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerYearTemp' , 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerYear' , $appOpHoursPerYear );
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1)
# --------------------------------------------------
# monthly tasks
sub appHC_OnMonth($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # name objects, name des parameters, wert des parameters
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
my $appCountsPerMonth = ReadingsVal ($name, 'appCountsPerMonthTemp' ,0);
my $appOpHoursPerMonth = ReadingsVal ($name, 'appOpHoursPerMonthTemp' ,0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerMonthTemp' , 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerMonth' , $appCountsPerMonth );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerMonthTemp' , 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerMonth' , $appOpHoursPerMonth );
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1)
# --------------------------------------------------
# weekly tasks
sub appHC_OnWeek($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # name objects, name des parameters, wert des parameters
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
my $appCountsPerWeek = ReadingsVal ($name, 'appCountsPerWeekTemp' ,0);
my $appOpHoursPerWeek = ReadingsVal ($name, 'appOpHoursPerWeekTemp' ,0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerWeekTemp' , 0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerWeek' , $appCountsPerWeek);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerWeekTemp' , 0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerWeek' , $appOpHoursPerWeek);
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# --------------------------------------------------
# dayly tasks
sub appHC_OnDay($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # name objects, name des parameters, wert des parameters
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
my $appCountsPerDay = ReadingsVal($name, 'countsPerDay',0);
my $pulseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal($name, 'pulseTimePerDay',0);
#HourCounter_Log $hash, 2, "pulseTimePerDay:$pulseTimePerDay";
my $appOpHoursPerDay = $pulseTimePerDay/3600;
my $appOpHoursPerWeekTemp = ReadingsVal ($name,'appOpHoursPerWeekTemp',0 )+$appOpHoursPerDay;
my $appOpHoursPerMonthTemp =ReadingsVal ($name,'appOpHoursPerMonthTemp',0 )+$appOpHoursPerDay;
my $appOpHoursPerYearTemp =ReadingsVal ($name,'appOpHoursPerYearTemp',0 )+$appOpHoursPerDay;
my $appUtilizationTempOld = ReadingsVal ($name,'appUtilizationTempOld',0 );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerDay' , $appCountsPerDay);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerDay' , $appOpHoursPerDay);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerDayTemp' , 0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerWeekTemp' , $appOpHoursPerWeekTemp);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerMonthTemp', $appOpHoursPerMonthTemp);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerYearTemp' , $appOpHoursPerYearTemp);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appUtilization', $appUtilizationTempOld);
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# --------------------------------------------------
# hourly tasks
sub appHC_OnHour($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # name objects, name des parameters, wert des parameters
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
my $appCountsPerHourTemp = ReadingsVal($name, 'appCountsPerHourTemp',0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerHourTemp', 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerHour', $appCountsPerHourTemp);
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# --------------------------------------------------
# task on count change
sub appHC_OnCount($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # name objects, name des parameters, wert des parameters
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
my $appCountsPerHourTemp = ReadingsVal($name,'appCountsPerHourTemp',0) + 1;
my $appCountsPerWeekTemp = ReadingsVal($name,'appCountsPerWeekTemp',0) + 1;
my $appCountsPerMonthTemp = ReadingsVal($name,'appCountsPerMonthTemp',0)+ 1;
my $appCountsPerYearTemp = ReadingsVal($name,'appCountsPerYearTemp',0) + 1;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerHourTemp', $appCountsPerHourTemp );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerWeekTemp', $appCountsPerWeekTemp );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerMonthTemp',$appCountsPerMonthTemp );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appCountsPerYearTemp',$appCountsPerYearTemp );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# --------------------------------------------------
# task on value change
sub appHC_OnUpdate($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # object name, parameter name, parameter value
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
# acquire needed values
my $secs= HourCounter_SecondsOfDay();
my $pulseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal($name,'pulseTimePerDay',0);
# calc utilization
$secs= 1 if ($secs==0); # no zero division
my $appUtilizationTempOld = ReadingsVal($name,'appUtilizationTemp',0);
my $appUtilizationTemp = $pulseTimePerDay/$secs*100;
# calc operating hours
my $appOpHoursPerDayTemp =$pulseTimePerDay/3600; # operating time per Day temporary
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appOpHoursPerDayTemp' , $appOpHoursPerDayTemp);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appUtilizationTemp' , $appUtilizationTemp );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'appUtilizationTempOld' , $appUtilizationTempOld );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# --------------------------------------------------
# central event dispatcher
sub appHCNotify($$$)
my ($name,$part0,$part1) = @_; # object name, parameter name, parameter value
$name = "?" if (!defined($name));
$part0='' if (!defined($part0));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return undef if (!defined ($hash));
my $value = ReadingsVal($name,'value',0);
#HourCounter_Log ($hash, 2, "Name:$name part0:$part0 part1:$part1 value:$value");
if ($part0 eq "tickUpdated:")
HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($hash,"appHC_OnUpdate q($name),q($part0),q($part1)");
elsif ($part0 eq "tickChanged:")
# count only if rising edge
if ( $value == 1)
HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($hash,"appHC_OnCount q($name),q($part0),q($part1)");
elsif ($part0 eq "tickHour:") # trigger CN.Test tickHour: 1
HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($hash,"appHC_OnHour q($name),q($part0),q($part1)");
elsif ($part0 eq "tickDay:") # trigger CN.Test tickDay: 1
HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($hash,"appHC_OnDay q($name),q($part0),q($part1)");
elsif ($part0 eq "tickWeek:")
HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($hash,"appHC_OnWeek q($name),q($part0),q($part1)");
elsif ($part0 eq "tickMonth:")
HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($hash,"appHC_OnMonth q($name),q($part0),q($part1)");
elsif ($part0 eq "tickYear:")
HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($hash,"appHC_OnYear q($name),q($part0),q($part1)");
return '';