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synced 2025-03-06 12:46:57 +00:00
1313 lines
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Executable File
1313 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
# GFPROBT.pm (c) by Dominik Karall, 2019-2020
# dominik karall at gmail dot com
# $Id$
# FHEM module to communicate with G.F.Pro Bluetooth Eco Watering
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode;
use SetExtensions;
use Expect;
use JSON;
use Blocking;
use Time::Piece;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
sub GFPROBT_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{parseParams} = 1;
$hash->{DefFn} = 'GFPROBT_Define';
$hash->{UndefFn} = 'GFPROBT_Undef';
$hash->{GetFn} = 'GFPROBT_Get';
$hash->{SetFn} = 'GFPROBT_Set';
$hash->{AttrFn} = 'GFPROBT_Attribute';
$hash->{AttrList} = 'blockingCallLoglevel '.
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_Define($$$) {
#save BTMAC address
my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_;
my $name = shift @$a;
my $type = shift @$a;
my $mac;
my $sshHost;
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
$hash->{VERSION} = "2.0.0";
$hash->{loglevel} = 4;
Log3 $hash, 3, "GFPROBT: G.F.Pro Eco Watering Bluetooth ".$hash->{VERSION};
if (int(@{$a}) > 2) {
return 'GFPROBT: Wrong syntax, must be define <name> GFPROBT <mac address>';
} elsif(int(@{$a}) == 1) {
$mac = shift @$a;
$hash->{MAC} = $mac;
} elsif(int(@{$a}) == 2) {
$mac = shift @$a;
$hash->{MAC} = $mac;
$attr{$name}{sshHost} = shift @$a;
$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} = -1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "GFPROBT_updateStatus", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_updateHciDevicelist {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#check for hciX devices
$hash->{helper}{hcidevices} = ();
my @btDevices;
my $sshHost = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none");
if( $sshHost ne 'none' ) {
@btDevices = split("\n", qx(ssh $sshHost 'hcitool dev'));
} else {
@btDevices = split("\n", qx(hcitool dev));
foreach my $btDevLine (@btDevices) {
if($btDevLine =~ /hci(.)/) {
push(@{$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}}, $1);
$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} += 1;
if ($hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} >= int(@{$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}})) {
$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "bluetoothDevice", "hci".$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}[$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}], 1);
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_Attribute($$$$) {
my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if($cmd eq "set") {
if( $attrName eq "blockingCallLoglevel" ) {
$hash->{loglevel} = $attrVal;
Log3 $name, 3, "GFPROBT ($name) - set blockingCallLoglevel to $attrVal";
} elsif($cmd eq "del") {
if( $attrName eq "blockingCallLoglevel" ) {
$hash->{loglevel} = 4;
Log3 $name, 3, "GFPROBT ($name) - set blockingCallLoglevel to $attrVal";
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_Set($$$) {
my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_;
my $name = shift @$a;
my $workType = shift @$a;
my $list = "on off:noArg devicename addTimer deleteTimer editTimer eco:on,off adjust update:noArg";
# check parameters for set function
if($workType eq "?") {
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $workType, $a);
if($workType eq "on") {
if (int(@$a) == 0) {
} else {
GFPROBT_setOnSeconds($hash, $a);
} elsif($workType eq "off") {
} elsif($workType eq "devicename") {
GFPROBT_setDevicename($hash, $a);
} elsif($workType eq "addTimer") {
GFPROBT_addTimer($hash, $h);
} elsif($workType eq "deleteTimer") {
GFPROBT_deleteTimer($hash, $a);
} elsif($workType eq "editTimer") {
GFPROBT_editTimer($hash, $h);
} elsif($workType eq "adjust") {
GFPROBT_setAdjust($hash, $a);
} elsif($workType eq "eco") {
GFPROBT_setEco($hash, $a);
} elsif($workType eq "update") {
GFPROBT_updateStatusOnce($hash, $a);
} else {
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $workType, $a);
return undef;
### resetErrorCounters ###
sub GFPROBT_setResetErrorCounters {
my ($hash) = @_;
foreach my $reading (keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} }) {
if($reading =~ /errorCount-.*/) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, 0, 1);
return undef;
### updateStatusOnce
sub GFPROBT_updateStatusOnce {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|updateStatusOnce", "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
sub GFPROBT_updateStatusOnceSuccessful {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
### updateStatus ###
sub GFPROBT_updateStatus {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|updateStatus", "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_updateStatusFailed", $hash);
sub GFPROBT_updateStatusSuccessful {
my ($hash) = @_;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+140+int(rand(60)), "GFPROBT_updateStatus", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_updateStatusFailed {
my ($hash) = @_;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+170+int(rand(60)), "GFPROBT_updateStatus", $hash, 0);
return undef;
### setOn ###
sub GFPROBT_setOn {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setOn", "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_setOnSuccessful {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_setOnFailed {
my ($hash) = @_;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "failed", 1);
return undef;
### addTimer ###
sub GFPROBT_addTimer {
my ($hash, $h) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|addTimer|".$h->{'start'}."|".$h->{'duration'}."|".$h->{'weekdays'}, "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
### editTimer ###
sub GFPROBT_editTimer {
my ($hash, $h) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
if (!defined($h->{'timer'})) {
$h->{'timer'} = "all";
if (!defined($h->{'start'})) {
$h->{'start'} = "-:-";
if (!defined($h->{'duration'})) {
$h->{'duration'} = "-";
if (!defined($h->{'weekdays'})) {
$h->{'weekdays'} = "-";
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|editTimer|".$h->{'timer'}."|".$h->{'start'}."|".$h->{'duration'}."|".$h->{'weekdays'}, "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
### deleteTimer ###
sub GFPROBT_deleteTimer {
my ($hash, $opt) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $timerNr = shift(@$opt);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|deleteTimer|".$timerNr, "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
### deleteOnTimer ###
sub GFPROBT_deleteOnTimer {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $timer = $hash->{'deleteOnTimer'};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|deleteOnTimer|".$timer->{'hour'}."|".$timer->{'minute'}."|".$timer->{'duration'}, "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
### setEco ###
sub GFPROBT_setEco {
my ($hash, $opt) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $onoff = shift(@$opt);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setEco|".$onoff, "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
### setAdjust ###
sub GFPROBT_setAdjust {
my ($hash, $opt) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $perc = shift(@$opt);
my $days = shift(@$opt);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setAdjust|".$perc."|".$days, "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
### setDevicename ###
sub GFPROBT_setDevicename {
my ($hash, $param) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setDevicename|".@$param[0], "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_setDevicenameSuccessful {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_setDevicenameFailed {
my ($hash) = @_;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "failed", 1);
return undef;
### setOnSeconds ###
sub GFPROBT_setOnSeconds {
my ($hash, $opt) = @_;
my $onseconds = shift @$opt;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setOnSeconds|$onseconds", "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
### setOff ###
sub GFPROBT_setOff {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "sending", 1);
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("GFPROBT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setOff", "GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "GFPROBT_killGatttool", $hash);
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_setOffSuccessful {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_setOffFailed {
my ($hash) = @_;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "failed", 1);
return undef;
### Gatttool functions ###
sub GFPROBT_execGatttool($) {
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name, $mac, $workType, @params) = split("\\|", $string);
my $wait = 1;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $sshHost = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none");
my $gatttool; # = qx(which gatttool);
my $ret = undef;
my %json;
my $retries = 0;
$gatttool = qx(which gatttool) if($sshHost eq 'none');
$gatttool = qx(ssh $sshHost 'which gatttool') if($sshHost ne 'none');
chomp $gatttool;
if(defined($gatttool) and ($gatttool)) {
my $gtResult;
my $cmd;
my $hciDevice = "hci".$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}[$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}];
$hash->{gattProc} = Expect->spawn('gatttool -b '.$hash->{MAC}.' -i '.$hciDevice. ' -I');
while (!$ret and $retries < 10) {
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(15, "Connection successful");
if (!$ret) {
$retries += 1;
if (!$ret and $retries > 9) {
return "$name|$mac|error|$workType|failed to connect";
#write password
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0048 313233343536\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(5, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
#read watering
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0015\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'watering'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToInt($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read battery
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0039\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'batteryVoltage'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToIntReverse($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
if ($json{'batteryVoltage'} > 3575) {
$json{'batteryPercent'} = 100
} else {
$json{'batteryPercent'} = int(($json{'batteryVoltage'} - 2900) / 6.75);
if ($json{'batteryPercent'} > 20) {
$json{'battery'} = "ok";
} else {
$json{'battery'} = "low";
#read temperature
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x003b\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'temperature'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToTemp($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read min temperature
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x003d\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'min-temperature'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToTemp($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read max temperature
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x003f\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'max-temperature'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToTemp($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read firmware version
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x004e\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'firmware'} = GFPROBT_getFirmware($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read device name
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0052\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'devicename'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToString($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read complete status
#$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0050\r");
#$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
#if ($ret) {
# $json{'status'} = GFPROBT_getHexString($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read ECO1
my $ecoValuesHex = '';
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0033\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$ecoValuesHex = GFPROBT_getHexString($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read ECO2
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0045\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$ecoValuesHex .= " ".GFPROBT_getHexString($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
if ($ecoValuesHex ne "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00") {
$json{'ecoMode'} = 1;
} else {
$json{'ecoMode'} = 0;
#read time offset
#$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0035\r");
#$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
#if ($ret) {
# my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
# $json{'deviceTime'} = GFPROBT_convertHexArrToSeconds($hash, \@hexarr);
#read MAC
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x004a\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
my @mac = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());;
$json{'mac'} = join(":", reverse(@mac));
#read timers
my %timers;
$hash->{'timerHnd'} = ["0x0017", "0x0019", "0x001b", "0x001d", "0x001f", "0x0021", "0x0023", "0x0031", "0x0025", "0x0027", "0x0029",
"0x002b", "0x002d", "0x002f"];
my $stop = 0;
my $storageCnt = 0;
foreach my $hnd (@{$hash->{'timerHnd'}}) {
if ($stop == 1) {
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd $hnd\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
foreach my $i ((0,6)) {
my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
my @hexarr2 = @hexarr[$i,$i+1,$i+2,$i+3,$i+4,$i+5];
my ($weekday, $hour, $minute, $duration) = GFPROBT_convertHexToTimer($hash, \@hexarr2);
if (!defined($weekday)) {
$stop = 1;
$storageCnt += 1;
if (!exists($timers{$hour})) {
$timers{$hour} = {
$minute => {
$duration => [$weekday]
} elsif (!exists($timers{$hour}{$minute})) {
$timers{$hour}{$minute} = { $duration => [$weekday] };
} elsif (!exists($timers{$hour}{$minute}{$duration})) {
$timers{$hour}{$minute}{$duration} = [$weekday];
} else {
push(@{$timers{$hour}{$minute}{$duration}}, $weekday);
#write timers
if ($workType eq "addTimer") {
if ($storageCnt >= 28) {
#check timer storage (28max)
return "$name|$mac|error|$workType|max of 28 single timers reached";
my $newhour = (split(":", $params[0]))[0];
my $newminute = (split(":", $params[0]))[1];
my $newduration = $params[1];
my @newweekdays = ();
if (!defined($params[2])) {
@newweekdays = ("Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su");
} else {
@newweekdays = split(",", $params[2])
my %newtime = (hour=>$newhour, minute=>$newminute, duration=>$newduration, weekdays=>\@newweekdays);
GFPROBT_addTimerToTimers($hash, \%timers, \%newtime);
GFPROBT_saveTimers($hash, \%timers);
} elsif ($workType eq "editTimer") {
my $timernr = $params[0]; #nr or all
my $paramhour = (split(":", $params[1]))[0]; #hour or - if no change
my $paramminute = (split(":", $params[1]))[1]; #minute or - if no change
my $paramduration = $params[2]; #duration or - if no change
my @paramweekdays = split(",", $params[3]); #weekdays or - if no change
my @nrArr = split(",", $timernr);
if ($params[0] eq "all") {
@nrArr = (1..28);
foreach my $i (@nrArr) {
my $delTime = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "timer".$i."-Start", 0);
if ($delTime eq "0") {
my $delHour = int((split(":", $delTime))[0]);
my $delMin = int((split(":", $delTime))[1]);
my $delDur = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "timer".$i."-Duration", 0);
my $delWeekdays = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "timer".$i."-Weekdays", "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su");
my $newhour = 0;
my $newminute = 0;
my $newduration = 0;
my @newweekdays = ();
if ($paramhour eq "-") {
$newhour = $delHour;
} else {
$newhour = $paramhour;
if ($paramminute eq "-") {
$newminute = $delMin;
} else {
$newminute = $paramminute;
if ($paramduration eq "-") {
$newduration = $delDur;
} else {
$newduration= $paramduration;
if ($paramweekdays[0] eq "-") {
@newweekdays = split(",", $delWeekdays);
} else {
@newweekdays = @paramweekdays;
my %newtime = (hour=>$newhour, minute=>$newminute, duration=>$newduration, weekdays=>\@newweekdays);
GFPROBT_addTimerToTimers($hash, \%timers, \%newtime);
GFPROBT_saveTimers($hash, \%timers);
} elsif ($workType eq "deleteTimer") {
my @nrArr = split(",", $params[0]);
if ($params[0] eq "all") {
@nrArr = (1..28);
foreach my $i (@nrArr) {
my $delTime = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "timer".$i."-Start", 0);
if ($delTime eq "0") {
my $delHour = int((split(":", $delTime))[0]);
my $delMin = int((split(":", $delTime))[1]);
my $delDur = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "timer".$i."-Duration", 0);
GFPROBT_saveTimers($hash, \%timers);
} elsif ($workType eq "deleteOnTimer") {
my $delHour = int($params[0]);
my $delMin = int($params[1]);
my $delDur = $params[2];
GFPROBT_saveTimers($hash, \%timers);
} elsif ($workType eq "setEco") {
if ($params[0] eq "on") {
my $defaultEcoValues = "0000000000280E0D0B14110E0D0B1914111D16120F0B07040302020000FEFEFDFCF9F6F3F1EEEAF2EFECF6F5F3F2EFF6F5F3E300";
$defaultEcoValues .= "0000000000280E0D0B14110E0D0B1914111D16120F0B07040302020000FEFEFDFCF9F6F3F1EEEAF2EFECF6F5F3F2EFF6F5F3E300";
my $currWeek = int(strftime "%V", localtime);
#write based on week
my $eco = substr($defaultEcoValues, $currWeek*2-2, 40);
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0033 $eco\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
$eco = substr($defaultEcoValues, $currWeek*2-2+40, 40);
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0045 $eco\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
} else {
#write 0000...
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0033 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0045 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
#reread ECO1
my $ecoValuesHex = '';
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0033\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$ecoValuesHex = GFPROBT_getHexString($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#reread ECO2
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0045\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$ecoValuesHex .= " ".GFPROBT_getHexString($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
if ($ecoValuesHex ne "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00") {
$json{'ecoMode'} = 1;
} else {
$json{'ecoMode'} = 0;
} elsif ($workType eq "setAdjust") {
my $percHex = GFPROBT_convertIntToHexReverse($hash, int($params[0]));
my $daysHex = GFPROBT_convertIntToHexReverse($hash, $params[1]*86400);
$percHex = substr($percHex, 0, 4);
my $hex = $daysHex.$percHex;
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0043 $hex\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
} elsif ($workType eq "setOnSeconds") {
if ($storageCnt >= 28) {
#check timer storage (28max)
return "$name|$mac|error|$workType|max of 28 single timers reached";
my $onseconds = $params[0];
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
my @day = ("Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa");
#onseconds+1 to reduce the chance of duplicate timers
my @onwday = ($day[$wday]);
my %newtime = (hour=>$hour, minute=>$min, duration=>$sec+$onseconds+1, weekdays=>\@onwday);
GFPROBT_addTimerToTimers($hash, \%timers, \%newtime);
GFPROBT_saveTimers($hash, \%timers);
#delete timer when finished (call function after $duration+3 min)
$json{'DATA'} = {
'deleteOnTimer' => {
'hour' => $hour,
'minute' => $min,
'duration' => $sec+$onseconds+1
} elsif ($workType eq "setDevicename") {
my $devname = $params[0];
for (my $i=length($devname); $i<20; $i++) {
$devname .= " ";
my $devnameHex = GFPROBT_convertStringToHex($hash, $devname);
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0052 $devnameHex\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
} elsif ($workType eq "setOff" or $workType eq "setOn") {
if (($json{'watering'} == 1 and $workType eq "setOff") or
($json{'watering'} == 0 and $workType eq "setOn")) {
#switch on/off
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0013 00\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0013 01\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
#read current state
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0015\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
$json{'watering'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToInt($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
#read timers again
%timers = ();
$stop = 0;
$storageCnt = 0;
foreach my $hnd (@{$hash->{'timerHnd'}}) {
if ($stop == 1) {
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd $hnd\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
foreach my $i ((0,6)) {
my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
my @hexarr2 = @hexarr[$i,$i+1,$i+2,$i+3,$i+4,$i+5];
my ($weekday, $hour, $minute, $duration) = GFPROBT_convertHexToTimer($hash, \@hexarr2);
if (!defined($weekday)) {
$stop = 1;
$storageCnt += 1;
if (!exists($timers{$hour})) {
$timers{$hour} = {
$minute => {
$duration => [$weekday]
} elsif (!exists($timers{$hour}{$minute})) {
$timers{$hour}{$minute} = { $duration => [$weekday] };
} elsif (!exists($timers{$hour}{$minute}{$duration})) {
$timers{$hour}{$minute}{$duration} = [$weekday];
} else {
push(@{$timers{$hour}{$minute}{$duration}}, $weekday);
my $timercnt = 1;
foreach my $hour (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %timers) {
foreach my $minute (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$timers{$hour}}) {
foreach my $duration (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$timers{$hour}{$minute}}) {
$json{'timer'.$timercnt."-Start"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hour, $minute);
$json{'timer'.$timercnt."-Duration"} = int($duration);
$json{'timer'.$timercnt."-Weekdays"} = join(",", @{$timers{$hour}{$minute}{$duration}});
if ($ecoValuesHex ne "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00") {
#get week of eco activation based on known eco sequence
my $defaultEcoValues = "0000000000280e0d0b14110e0d0b1914111d16120f0b07040302020000fefefdfcf9f6f3f1eeeaf2efecf6f5f3f2eff6f5f3e300";
$defaultEcoValues .= "0000000000280e0d0b14110e0d0b1914111d16120f0b07040302020000fefefdfcf9f6f3f1eeeaf2efecf6f5f3f2eff6f5f3e300";
my $ecoVals = join("", split(" ", $ecoValuesHex));
#search ecoVals in defaultEcoValues to get activation week
my $weekPos = index($defaultEcoValues, $ecoVals);
$json{'ecoActivationWeek'} = $weekPos / 2 + 1;
my $ecoDuration = int($duration);
my $week = $json{'ecoActivationWeek'};
my $currWeek = int(strftime "%V", localtime);
my @ecoArr = split(" ", $ecoValuesHex);
$json{'ecoConfig'} = '';
for my $ev (@ecoArr) {
my $mult = hex($ev);
if ($mult > 128) {
$mult = $mult - 256;
$json{'ecoConfig'} .= $mult . " ";
my $removeFirst = shift @ecoArr;
if ($currWeek > $week) {
for my $ev (@ecoArr) {
my $mult = hex($ev);
if ($mult > 128) {
$mult = $mult - 256;
$ecoDuration = $ecoDuration * ($mult/100 + 1);
if ($week == $currWeek) {
$json{'timer'.$timercnt."-EcoDuration"} = int($ecoDuration);
my $currEcoDuration = int($ecoDuration);
#next weeks
$json{'timer'.$timercnt."-NextWeeksDuration"} = '';
$week = $json{'ecoActivationWeek'};
$ecoDuration = $currEcoDuration;
my $fixCurrWeek = $currWeek;
for my $ev (@ecoArr) {
if ($week < $fixCurrWeek) {
my $mult = hex($ev);
if ($mult > 128) {
$mult = $mult - 256;
$ecoDuration = $ecoDuration * ($mult/100 + 1);
$json{'timer'.$timercnt."-NextWeeksDuration"} .= int($ecoDuration)." ";
if ($currWeek > 51) {
#TODO MaxEcoDuration / MinEcoDuration
} else {
readingsDelete($hash, "timer".$timercnt."-EcoDuration");
readingsDelete($hash, "timer".$timercnt."-NextWeeksDuration");
$timercnt += 1;
#read increase/reduce
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0043\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
my @hextime = @hexarr[0,1,2,3];
my @hexpercentage = @hexarr[4,5];
my $perc = GFPROBT_convertHexArrToIntReverse($hash, \@hexpercentage);
if ($perc > 65536/2) {
$perc -= 65536;
$json{'adjustPercentage'} = $perc;
if ($json{'adjustPercentage'} !=0 ) {
my $seconds = GFPROBT_convertHexArrToSeconds($hash, \@hextime);
my $till = time() + $seconds;
if ($seconds < 60) {
$json{'adjustTill'} = '-';
} else {
$json{'adjustTill'} = sprintf("%s", scalar localtime($till));
} else {
$json{'adjustTill'} = "-";
#re-read watering
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-read-hnd 0x0015\r");
$ret = $hash->{gattProc}->expect(2, "Characteristic value/descriptor: ");
if ($ret) {
$json{'watering'} = GFPROBT_convertHexToInt($hash, $hash->{gattProc}->exp_after());
if ($json{'watering'} == 1) {
$json{'state'} = 'on';
} else {
$json{'state'} = 'off';
my $jsonString = encode_json \%json;
return "$name|$mac|ok|$workType|$jsonString";
} else {
return "$name|$mac|error|$workType|no gatttool binary found. Please check if bluez-package is properly installed";
sub GFPROBT_saveTimers($$) {
my ($hash, $timers) = @_;
GFPROBT_writeTimers($hash, $timers);
#write statusbyte
sub GFPROBT_writeTimers($$) {
my ($hash, $timers) = @_;
my %dayToNr = (
'Mo' => 0,
'Tu' => 1,
'We' => 2,
'Th' => 3,
'Fr' => 4,
'Sa' => 5,
'Su' => 6
my %startDuration;
my @startTime;
foreach my $hour (sort keys %{$timers}) {
foreach my $minute (sort keys %{$timers->{$hour}}) {
foreach my $duration (sort keys %{$timers->{$hour}{$minute}}) {
foreach my $day (@{$timers->{$hour}{$minute}{$duration}}) {
my $startT = $dayToNr{$day}*3600*24+$hour*3600+$minute*60;
$startDuration{$startT} = $duration;
push(@startTime, $startT);
@startTime = sort { $a <=> $b } @startTime;
my @timerPairs = ();
my $hexString = "";
foreach my $startT (@startTime) {
#calculate seconds and convert to hex
my $secFromMondayHex = GFPROBT_convertIntToHexReverse($hash, $startT);
#add duration
my $durationHex = GFPROBT_convertIntToHexReverse($hash, $startDuration{$startT});
$durationHex = substr($durationHex, 0, 4);
$hexString .= $secFromMondayHex.$durationHex;
if (length($hexString) > 12) {
push(@timerPairs, $hexString);
Log3 $hash, 3, "Hex: ".$hexString;
$hexString = "";
if (length($hexString) > 0) {
$hexString .= "ffffffff0000";
push(@timerPairs, $hexString);
#write other timer HNDs FF FF FF FF 00 00
for (my $i=@timerPairs; $i<14; $i++) {
push(@timerPairs, "ffffffff0000ffffffff0000");
#write 2 timers to 1 HND
my $i = 0;
foreach my $timer(@timerPairs) {
my $hnd = @{$hash->{'timerHnd'}}[$i];
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req $hnd $timer\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(3, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
$i += 1;
sub GFPROBT_addTimerToTimers($$$) {
my ($hash, $timers, $newtimer) = @_;
if (!exists($timers->{$newtimer->{'hour'}})) {
$timers->{$newtimer->{'hour'}} = {
$newtimer->{'minute'} => {
$newtimer->{'duration'} => $newtimer->{'weekdays'}
} elsif (!exists($timers->{$newtimer->{'hour'}}{$newtimer->{'minute'}})) {
$timers->{$newtimer->{'hour'}}{$newtimer->{'minute'}} = {
$newtimer->{'duration'} => $newtimer->{'weekdays'}
} elsif (!exists($timers->{$newtimer->{'hour'}}{$newtimer->{'minute'}}{$newtimer->{'duration'}})) {
$timers->{$newtimer->{'hour'}}{$newtimer->{'minute'}}{$newtimer->{'duration'}} = $newtimer->{'weekdays'};
} else {
push(@{$timers->{$newtimer->{'hour'}}{$newtimer->{'minute'}}{$newtimer->{'duration'}}}, $newtimer->{'weekdays'});
sub GFPROBT_writeOffset($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
$wday -= 1;
if ($wday < 0) {
$wday = 6;
my $secFromMonday = $wday*3600*24 + $hour*3600 + $min*60 + $sec;
my $secFromMondayHex = GFPROBT_convertIntToHexReverse($hash, $secFromMonday);
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0035 $secFromMondayHex\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(10, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
sub GFPROBT_commitCode($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0037 00\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(5, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0037 01\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(5, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
sub GFPROBT_writeStatusByte($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{gattProc}->send("char-write-req 0x0050 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\r");
$hash->{gattProc}->expect(5, "Characteristic value was written successfully");
sub GFPROBT_convertIntToHexReverse($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
return unpack "H*", pack "I", $input;
sub GFPROBT_getHexOutput($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my $val;
if ($input =~ /(.*)$/m) {
$val = $1;
return split(" ", $val);
sub GFPROBT_getFirmware($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $input);
return hex("0x".$hexarr[1]).".".hex("0x".$hexarr[0]);
sub GFPROBT_getHexString($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $input);
return join(" ", @hexarr);
sub GFPROBT_convertHexToTimer($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my @hexarr = @{$input};
my @hextime = @hexarr[0,1,2,3];
my $seconds = GFPROBT_convertHexArrToSeconds($hash, \@hextime);
if ($seconds == 4294967295) {
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
my @day = ("Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su");
my $weekday = $day[int($seconds/(3600*24))];
my $hour = int(($seconds%(3600*24))/3600);
my $minutes = int(($seconds%(3600*24) - $hour*3600) / 60);
$seconds = $seconds%60;
my $duration = unpack "I", pack "H*", join("", @hexarr[4,5])."0000";
return ($weekday, $hour, $minutes, $duration);
sub GFPROBT_convertHexArrToSeconds($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my @hexarr = @{$input};
my $seconds = unpack "I", pack "H*", join("", @hexarr);
return $seconds;
sub GFPROBT_convertHexToTemp($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $input);
return hex("0x".$hexarr[0]) + hex("0x".$hexarr[1])/100;
sub GFPROBT_convertStringToHex($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
return unpack "H*", $input;
sub GFPROBT_convertHexToString($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my @hexarr = GFPROBT_getHexOutput($hash, $input);
return Encode::encode('UTF-8', pack("H*", join("",@hexarr)));
sub GFPROBT_convertHexToInt($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my $val;
if ($input =~ /(.*)$/m) {
$val = $1;
$val =~ s/\s//g;
return hex("0x".$val);
sub GFPROBT_convertHexArrToIntReverse($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my @hexarr = @{$input};
for (my $length=@hexarr; $length<4; $length++) {
push @hexarr, "00";
return unpack "I", pack "H*", join("",@hexarr);
sub GFPROBT_convertHexToIntReverse($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my $val;
if ($input =~ /(.*)$/m) {
$val = $1;
$val =~ s/\s//g;
for (my $length = length($val); $length < 8; $length++) {
$val = $val."0";
$val = unpack "I", pack "H*", $val;
return $val;
sub GFPROBT_processGatttoolResult($) {
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my @a = split("\\|", $string);
my $name = $a[0];
my $hash = $defs{$name};
Log3 $hash, 3, "GFPROBT ($name): gatttool return string: $string";
my $mac = $a[1];
my $ret = $a[2];
my $workType = $a[3];
my $json = $a[4];
if($ret eq "ok") {
#process notification
if(defined($json)) {
GFPROBT_processJson($hash, $json);
#if($workType =~ /set.*/) {
# readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastChangeBy", "FHEM", 1);
#call WorkTypeSuccessful function
my $call = "GFPROBT_".$workType."Successful";
no strict "refs";
eval {
use strict "refs";
} else {
#call WorkTypeFailed function
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'errorCount-'.$workType, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, 'errorCount-'.$workType, 0) + 1, 1);
my $call = "GFPROBT_".$workType."Failed";
no strict "refs";
eval {
use strict "refs";
#update hci devicelist
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_processJson {
my ($hash, $json) = @_;
my $dataref = decode_json($json);
my %data = %$dataref;
foreach my $i (1..28) {
readingsDelete($hash, "timer".$i."-Start");
readingsDelete($hash, "timer".$i."-Duration");
readingsDelete($hash, "timer".$i."-Weekdays");
readingsDelete($hash, "timer".$i."-EcoDuration");
readingsDelete($hash, "timer".$i."-NextWeeksDuration");
foreach my $reading (keys %data) {
if ($reading ne "DATA") {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $reading, $data{$reading});
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
#start timer for timer deletion
if (defined($data{"DATA"})) {
if (defined($data{"DATA"}{"deleteOnTimer"})) {
$hash->{'deleteOnTimer'} = $data{"DATA"}{"deleteOnTimer"};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$data{"DATA"}{"deleteOnTimer"}{"duration"}+10, "GFPROBT_deleteOnTimer", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged {
my ($hash, $reading, $value, $setLastChange) = @_;
my $curVal = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, $reading, "");
if($curVal ne $value) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
if(defined($setLastChange)) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastChangeBy", "Thermostat", 1);
sub GFPROBT_killGatttool($) {
sub GFPROBT_Undef($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#remove internal timer
return undef;
sub GFPROBT_Get($$) {
return undef;
=item device
=item summary Control G.F.Pro Bluetooth Eco Watering
=item summary_DE Steuerung der G.F.Pro Bluetooth Eco Watering Bewässerung
=begin html
<a name="GFPROBT"></a>
GFPROBT is used to control a G.F.Pro Bluetooth Eco Watering irrigation control<br><br>
<b>Required packages</b>
sudo apt install libio-tty-perl bluez
sudo cpanm Expect DateTime
<b>Note:</b> GFPro LED must blink during define! Please check if gatttool executable is available on your system.
<a name="GFPROBTdefine" id="GFPROBTdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> GFPROBT <mac address></code><br>
Remove battery and insert it again<br>
Check if LED is blinking<br>
<code>define watering GFPROBT 00:33:44:33:22:11</code><br>
<a name="GFPROBTset" id="GFPROBTset"></a>
<code>set <name> <command> [<parameter>]</code><br>
The following commands are defined:<br><br>
<li><code><b>on</b> </code> [seconds] switch on watering, optional for X seconds</li>
<li><code><b>off</b> </code> - switch off watering</li>
<li><code><b>addTimer</b> </code> duration=300 start=8:00 weekdays=Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su add timer with duration in seconds, starttime and weekdays (default all weekdays)</li>
<li><code><b>editTimer</b> </code> timer=1 duration=300 start=8:00 weekdays=Mo,Fr update timer 1 to duration, start, weekdays. Parameters not provided will remain unchanged</li>
<li><code><b>deleteTimer</b> </code> number or all delete one, more or all timers</li>
<li><code><b>adjust</b> </code> percentage days adjust percentage for x days</li>
<li><code><b>devicename</b> </code> name set devicename</li>
<a name="GFPROBTget" id="GFPROBTget"></a>
<!--<a name="GFPROBTattr" id="GFPROBTattr"></a>
<li>sshHost - FQD-Name or IP of ssh remote system / you must configure your ssh system for certificate authentication. For better handling you can config ssh Client with .ssh/config file</li>
=end html