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phenning 2acb538cbb DoorPi: Verschoben in contrib/pahenning
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Roomba: Verschoben in contrib/pahenning

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@26128 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2022-06-06 10:02:59 +00:00

1552 lines
56 KiB

# RoombaUtils
# Collection of various routines
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# several contributions from hapege
# $Id: RoombaUtils.pm 2020-09- pahenning $
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
sub RoombaUtils_Initialize($$){
my ($hash) = @_;
package roomba;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use Math::Trig;
use Math::Trig ':pi';
use Math::Polygon::Calc;
use Math::ConvexHull qw/convex_hull/;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
#-- needed for catchall
use GPUtils qw(:all);
my $roombaversion = "1.3";
my %roomba_transtable_EN = ();
my %roomba_transtable_DE = ();
my $roomba_tt;
my %roombaerrs_en = (
0 => "None",
1 => "Left wheel off floor",
2 => "Main Brushes stuck",
3 => "Right wheel off floor",
4 => "Left wheel stuck",
5 => "Right wheel stuck",
6 => "Stuck near a cliff",
7 => "Left wheel error",
8 => "Bin error",
9 => "Bumper stuck",
10 => "Right wheel error",
11 => "Bin error",
12 => "Cliff sensor issue",
13 => "Both wheels off floor",
14 => "Bin missing",
15 => "Reboot required",
16 => "Bumped unexpectedly",
17 => "Path blocked",
18 => "Docking issue",
19 => "Undocking issue",
20 => "Docking issue",
21 => "Navigation problem",
22 => "Navigation problem",
23 => "Battery issue",
24 => "Navigation problem",
25 => "Reboot required",
26 => "Vacuum problem",
27 => "Vacuum problem",
29 => "Software update needed",
30 => "Vacuum problem",
31 => "Reboot required",
32 => "Smart map problem",
33 => "Path blocked",
34 => "Reboot required",
35 => "Unrecognised cleaning pad",
36 => "Bin full",
37 => "Tank needed refilling",
38 => "Vacuum problem",
39 => "Reboot required",
40 => "Navigation problem",
41 => "Timed out",
42 => "Localization problem",
43 => "Navigation problem",
44 => "Pump issue",
45 => "Lid open",
46 => "Low battery",
47 => "Reboot required",
48 => "Path blocked",
52 => "Pad required attention",
65 => "Hardware problem detected",
66 => "Low memory",
68 => "Hardware problem detected",
73 => "Pad type changed",
74 => "Max area reached",
75 => "Navigation problem",
76 => "Hardware problem detected"
my %roombaerrs_de = (
0 => "Kein Fehler",
1 => "Linkes Rad nicht am Boden",
2 => "Hauptbürste steckt fest",
3 => "Rechtes Rad nicht am Boden",
4 => "Linkes Rad steckt fest",
5 => "Right wheel stuck",
6 => "Steckt am Abgrund fest",
7 => "Fehler am linken Rad",
8 => "Fehler am Staubbehälter",
9 => "Fehler Stoßsensor",
10 => "Fehler am rechten Rad",
11 => "Fehler am Staubbehälter",
12 => "Fehler Abgrundsensor",
13 => "Beide Räder nicht am Boden",
14 => "Staubbehäter fehlt",
15 => "Neustart nötig",
16 => "Kollision nicht erwartet",
17 => "Pfad blockiert",
18 => "Docking Problem",
19 => "Undocking Problem",
20 => "Docking Problem",
21 => "Navigationsproblem",
22 => "Navigationsproblem",
23 => "Batterieproblem",
24 => "Navigationsproblem",
25 => "Neustart nötig",
26 => "Fehler Staubsauger",
27 => "Fehler Staubsauger",
29 => "Software Update nötig",
30 => "Fehler Staubsauger",
31 => "Neustart nötig",
32 => "Problem bei der Kartenerstellung",
33 => "Pfad blockiert",
34 => "Neustart nötig",
35 => "Nicht erkanntes Wischpad",
36 => "Staubbehälter voll",
37 => "Tank muss gefüllt werden",
38 => "Fehler Staubsauger",
39 => "Neustart nötig",
40 => "Navigationsproblem",
41 => "Zeitüberschreitung",
42 => "Positionsfehler",
43 => "Navigationsproblem",
44 => "Fehler Pumpe",
45 => "Deckel offen",
46 => "Akkustand niedrig",
47 => "Neustart nötig",
48 => "Pfad blockiert",
52 => "Pfadproblem",
65 => "Hardwarefehler",
66 => "Low memory",
68 => "Hardwarefehler",
73 => "Wischpad gewechselt",
74 => "Maximale Fläche erreicht",
75 => "Navigationsproblem",
76 => "Hardwarefehler"
my %roombastates_en = ("charge" => "Charge",
"new" => "New Mission",
"run" => "Mission",
"resume" => "Running",
"hmMidMsn" => "Recharge on Mission",
"recharge" => "Recharge",
"stuck" => "Stuck",
"hmUsrDock" => "User Docking",
"dock" => "Docking",
"dockend" => "Docking - End Mission",
"cancelled" => "Cancelled",
"stop" => "Stopped",
"pause" => "Paused",
"hmPostMsn" => "End Mission");
my %roombastates_de = ("charge" => "Ladung",
"new" => "Neue Mission",
"run" => "Mission",
"resume" => "Mission",
"hmMidMsn" => "Nachladung während Mission",
"recharge" => "Nachladung",
"stuck" => "Steckt fest",
"hmUsrDock" => "Dockingbefehl",
"dock" => "Docking",
"dockend" => "Docking - Mission beendet",
"cancelled" => "Abgebrochen",
"stop" => "Angehalten",
"pause" => "Pause",
"hmPostMsn" => "Mission beendet",
"Charged" => "Geladen");
# setList
sub command($$@){
my ($name,$cmd,@evt) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
$hash->{VERSION} = $roombaversion;
#$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "roomba::makeTable";
#$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "roomba::makeShort";
if( $cmd eq "start"){
my $iodev= $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
if(main::Value($iodev) ne "opened"){
main::fhem("set $iodev connect");
main::fhem("setreading $name cmPhaseE Delay");
main::fhem("defmod delay$name at +00:00:10 set $name start");
return undef;
$cmd = 'cmd {"command": "'.$cmd.'", "time": '.time().', "initiator": "localApp"}';
#-- language selection
if( !defined($roomba_tt) ){
#-- in any attribute redefinition readjust language
my $lang = main::AttrVal("global","language","EN");
if( $lang eq "DE"){
$roomba_tt = \%roomba_transtable_DE;
$roomba_tt = \%roomba_transtable_EN;
return $cmd;
sub setting($$$){
my ($name,$key,$data) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
$hash->{helper}{setting} = $key;
my (@evt,$val,$cmd);
@evt = split(' ',$data);
$val = (defined($evt[1]))?$evt[1]:"false";
$cmd = 'delta {"state": {"'.$key.'":'.$val.'}}';
return $cmd;
sub setsched($$$){
my ($name,$day,$data) = @_;
my @evt = split(' ',$data);
my $time = (defined($evt[1]))?$evt[1]:"";
my $oldsched = main::ReadingsVal($name,"progWeek","[Sun:none,Mon:none,Tue:none,Wed:none,Thu:none,Fri:none,Sat:none]");
$oldsched =~ tr/\"|\[|\]//d;
my @asched = split(',',$oldsched);
my @astart = ("none","none","none","none","none","none","none");
my @ahours = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
my @amin = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
for (my $i=0;$i<7;$i++){
if( $asched[$i] =~ /....none/){
$astart[$i] = "none";
$ahours[$i] = 0;
$amin[$i] = 0;
$astart[$i] = "start";
$asched[$i] =~ /....(\d\d?):(\d\d)/;
$ahours[$i] = $1;
$amin[$i] = $2;
if( $time =~ /(\d\d?):(\d\d)/){
$astart[$day] = "start";
$ahours[$day] = $1;
$amin[$day] = $2;
$astart[$day] = "none";
$ahours[$day] = 0;
$amin[$day] = 0;
#my $cmd = 'delta {"state": {"cleanSchedule": {"cycle":["none","start","start","start","start","start","none"],"h":[9,15,16,16,16,14,9],"m":[0,0,30,30,30,30,0]}}}';
my $cmd = 'delta {"state": {"cleanSchedule": {"cycle":["'.join('","',@astart).'"],"h":['.join(',',@ahours).'],"m":['.join(',',@amin).']}}}';
return $cmd;
sub setsched2 ($$$){
#my $cmd = 'delta {"state":{"cleanSchedule2":
# [{"enabled": true, "type": 0,
# "start": {"day": [2, 4, 6], "hour": 11, "min": 0},
# "cmd": {"command": "start", "ordered": 1, "pmap_id": "z....g",
# "regions": [{"region_id": "10", "type": "rid"},
# {"region_id": "6", "type": "rid"},
# {"region_id": "5", "type": "rid"},
# {"region_id": "8", "type": "rid"}],
# "user_pmapv_id": "2....7"}}]}}
my ($name,$which,$data) = @_;
my @time;
my @hour;
my @min;
my @days;
my @daysnum;
my @pMapId;
my @userPmapvId;
my $cmdpre = 'delta {"state": {"cleanSchedule2": [';
my $cmdpost = ']}}';
my @cmdsched="";
my @cmdregs="";
my @enabled = "";
my @setenable = split(' ',$data);
my $numofsched = main::ReadingsVal($name,"NumOfSchedules","0");
my @numofreg;
my $cmd = $cmdpre;
for (my $i=1; $i<=$numofsched; $i++) {
if ($i==$which or $which=="all") {
$enabled[$i] = $setenable[1];
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Schedule $i is $enabled[$i] with which $which";
else {
$enabled[$i] = yesnotobool(main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$i."Enabled",undef));
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Schedule $i is $enabled[$i] with which $which";
@time = split(":",main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$i."Time",undef));
$hour[$i] = $time[0];
$min[$i] = $time[1];
# strip leading zero, otherwise Roomba won't accept
$min[$i] =~ s/^0//g;
$days[$i] = main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$i."WeekDays",undef);
$days[$i] =~ s/So/0/g;
$days[$i] =~ s/Mo/1/g;
$days[$i] =~ s/Di/2/g;
$days[$i] =~ s/Mi/3/g;
$days[$i] =~ s/Do/4/g;
$days[$i] =~ s/Fr/5/g;
$days[$i] =~ s/Sa/6/g;
$pMapId[$i] = main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$i."PMapID",undef);
$userPmapvId[$i] = main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$i."UserPMapvID",undef);
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Schedule $i, hour: $hour[$i], min: $min[$i], days: $days[$i], pMapID: $pMapId[$i], UserpMapvID: $userPmapvId[$i]";
$numofreg[$i] = main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$i."NumOfRegions",undef);
for ( my $j=1; $j<=$numofreg[$i]; $j++) {
$cmdregs[$i] = $cmdregs[$i].'{"region_id": "'.main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$i."Region".$j,undef).'", "type": "rid"}';
if ( $j < $numofreg[$i] ) {$cmdregs[$i] = $cmdregs[$i].', '}
$cmdsched[$i] = "";
$cmdsched[$i] = '{"enabled": '.$enabled[$i].', "type": 0, "start": {"day": ['.$days[$i].'], "hour": '.$hour[$i].', "min": '.$min[$i].'}, "cmd": {"command": "start", "ordered": 1, "pmap_id": "'.$pMapId[$i].'", "regions": ['.$cmdregs[$i].'], "user_pmapv_id": "'.$userPmapvId[$i].'"}}';
$cmd = $cmd.$cmdsched[$i];
if ( $i < $numofsched ) {$cmd = $cmd.', '}
$cmd = $cmd.$cmdpost;
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Command: $cmd";
return $cmd;
sub cleanRoom($$$) {
my ($name,$levelName,$evt) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my @evts = split(' ',$evt);
my $pmapId = main::AttrVal($name, 'floor_'.$levelName.'_pMapId', '');
my $userPmapvId = main::AttrVal($name, 'floor_'.$levelName.'_userPmapvId', '');
my $regionString = '"regions": [';
my $nrRegions = @evts;
for(my $regIdx = 1; $regIdx < $nrRegions; $regIdx++){
my $regionName = $evts[$regIdx];
my $regionId = main::AttrVal($name, 'room_'.$regionName.'_id', '');
my $regionType = main::AttrVal($name, 'room_'.$regionName.'_type', '');
$regionString = $regionString.'{"region_id": "'.$regionId.'", "type": "'.$regionType.'"}';
if ($regIdx +1 < $nrRegions) {
$regionString = $regionString.',';
$regionString = $regionString.']';
my $cmdString = '{"command": "start", "pmap_id": "'.$pmapId.'", '.$regionString.', "user_pmapv_id": "'.$userPmapvId.'", "ordered": 1, "time": '.time().', "initiator": "localApp"}';
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] cleanRoom: $cmdString";
my $cmd = 'cmd '.$cmdString;
return $cmd;
sub createFloor($$) {
my ($name, $evt) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my @evts = split(' ',$evt);
my $floorName = main::makeReadingName($evts[1]);
my $pMapId = $evts[2];
my $userPmapvId = $evts[3];
my $attrName = 'floor_'.$floorName.'_label';
main::addToDevAttrList($name, $attrName);
$main::attr{$name}{$attrName} = $evts[1];
$attrName = 'floor_'.$floorName.'_pMapId';
main::addToDevAttrList($name, $attrName);
$main::attr{$name}{$attrName} = $pMapId;
$attrName = 'floor_'.$floorName.'_userPmapvId';
main::addToDevAttrList($name, $attrName);
$main::attr{$name}{$attrName} = $userPmapvId;
sub createRoom($$) {
my ($name, $evt) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my @evts = split(' ',$evt);
my $roomName = main::makeReadingName($evts[1]);
my $floor = $evts[2];
my $roomId = $evts[3];
my $roomType = $evts[4];
my $attrName = 'room_'.$roomName.'_label';
main::addToDevAttrList($name, $attrName);
$main::attr{$name}{$attrName} = $evts[1];
$attrName = 'room_'.$roomName.'_floor';
main::addToDevAttrList($name, $attrName);
$main::attr{$name}{$attrName} = $floor;
$attrName = 'room_'.$roomName.'_id';
main::addToDevAttrList($name, $attrName);
$main::attr{$name}{$attrName} = $roomId;
$attrName = 'room_'.$roomName.'_type';
main::addToDevAttrList($name, $attrName);
$main::attr{$name}{$attrName} = $roomType;
# /hapege
# helper
sub numtobool($){
my ($num) = @_;
my $ret = (($num==1)?"true":"false");
return $ret;
sub booltoyesno($){
my ($num) = @_;
my $ret = (($num==1)?"yes":"no");
#$ret = $num;
return $ret;
# status - does not work yet
sub status($@){
my ($name,@evt) = @_;
my $cmd = 'delta {"binPause":true}';
return $cmd;
# readingList
sub reading($$){
my ($name,$evt) = @_;
#main::Log 1,"============> $evt";
#-- signal and pose come every second or so, keep it short
if( $evt =~ /state....reported....signal/){
return signale($evt);
}elsif( $evt =~ /state....reported....pose/){
return pose($name,$evt);
#-- all the other stuff might come much less often
my $dec = decode_json($evt);
my $staterep = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'};
my %ret = ();
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $key = $hash->{helper}{setting};
if( $evt =~ /cleanMissionStatus/){
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] mission event ".$evt;
my %mission = %{$staterep->{'cleanMissionStatus'}};
if( $evt =~ /bbrun/){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] mission event ".$evt;
my %bbrun = %{$staterep->{'bbrun'}};
if( $evt =~ /cleanSchedule(2?)/){
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] schedule event ".$evt;
#-- older devices
if( !defined($1) || $1 ne "2" ){
my %cleans = %{$staterep->{'cleanSchedule'}};
#-- for i7
}elsif( defined($1) && $1 eq "2" ){
my %cleana = %{$staterep};
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"vacHigh":false,"binPause":true,"carpetBoost":false,"openOnly":false,"twoPass":false,"schedHold":false,"lastCommand":{"command":"stop","time":1,"initiator":"localApp"}}}}
if( $evt =~ /(vacHigh)|(openOnly)|(binPause)|(carpetBoost)|(twoPass)|(schedHold)|(lastCommand)/){
my $vacH = $staterep->{'vacHigh'};
$ret{"sVacHigh"} = numtobool($vacH)
my $bin = $staterep->{'binPause'};
$ret{"sBinPause"} = numtobool($bin)
my $carp = $staterep->{'carpetBoost'};
$ret{"sCarpetBoost"} = numtobool($carp)
my $oo = $staterep->{'openOnly'};
$ret{"sOpenOnly"} = numtobool($oo)
my $twop = $staterep->{'twoPass'};
$ret{"sTwoPass"} = numtobool($twop)
my $naup = $staterep->{'noAutoPasses'};
$ret{"sNoAutoPasses"} = numtobool($naup)
my $nopp = $staterep->{'noPP'};
$ret{"sNoPP"} = numtobool($nopp)
my $schH = $staterep->{'schedHold'};
$ret{"sSchedHold"} = numtobool($schH)
my $cmd = $staterep->{'lastCommand'}->{'command'};
my $time = $staterep->{'lastCommand'}->{'time'};
my $init = $staterep->{'lastCommand'}->{'initiator'};
$ret{"lastCommand"} = $cmd
$ret{"lastCommandInitiator"} = $init
#-- extra function
if( defined($key) && $key =~ /^local\:(.*)=(.*)/ ){
#main::Log 1,"========> $1 = evaluation of $2 as ".eval($2);
#-- getting events of the type
# # {"state":{"reported":{"netinfo":{""bssid":"44:4e:6d:1f:24:20"}}}}
my $bssid = $staterep->{'netinfo'}->{'bssid'};
$ret{"signalBssid"} = $bssid
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"batPct":100}}}
my $bat = $staterep->{'batPct'};
if(defined($bat)) {
$ret{"battery"} = $bat;
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"dock":{"known":false}}}}
my $dock = $staterep->{'dock'}->{'known'};
$ret{"dockKnown"} = numtobool($dock)
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"audio":{"active":false}}}}
my $audio = $staterep->{'audio'}->{'active'};
$ret{"audioActive"} = numtobool($audio)
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"bin":{"present":true,"full":false}}}}
my $binp = $staterep->{'bin'}->{'present'};
my $binf = $staterep->{'bin'}->{'full'};
$ret{"cmBinFull"} = numtobool($binf)
if( $evt =~ /(wifiAnt)|(mssnNavStats)|(bbswitch)|(bbpause)|(connected)|(dock)|(country)|(cloudEnv)|(svcEndpoints)|(mapUpload)|(localtimeoffset)|(utctime)|(mac)|(wlcfg)|(wifistat)|(netinfo)|(langs)|(bbmssn)|(cap)|(navSwVer)|(tz)|(bbsys)|(bbchg)|(bbnav|bbswitch)|(bbpanic)/){
#-- do nothing
# {"state":{"reported":{"bbpause": {"pauses": [24, 24, 3, 18, 24, 46, 18, 43, 18, 24]}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"langs":[{"en-UK":0},{"fr-FR":1},{"es-ES":2},{"it-IT":3},{"de-DE":4},{"ru-RU":5}],"bbnav":{"aMtrack":16,"nGoodLmrks":6,"aGain":4,"aExpo":102},"bbpanic":{"panics":[6,8,9,8,6]},"bbpause":{"pauses":[17,17,16,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"bbmssn":{"nMssn":30,"nMssnOk":2,"nMssnC":26,"nMssnF":2,"aMssnM":13,"aCycleM":13},"bbrstinfo":{"nNavRst":5,"nMobRst":0,"causes":"0000"}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"cap":{"pose":1,"ota":2,"multiPass":2,"carpetBoost":1,"pp":1,"binFullDetect":1,"langOta":1,"maps":1,"edge":1,"eco":1,"svcConf":1},"hardwareRev":3,"sku":"R981040","batteryType":"lith","soundVer":"32","uiSwVer":"4582"}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"navSwVer":"01.12.01#1","wifiSwVer":"20992","mobilityVer":"5865","bootloaderVer":"4042","umiVer":"6","softwareVer":"v2.4.8-44"}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"tz":{"events":[{"dt":1583082000,"off":60},{"dt":1585443601,"off":120},{"dt":1603587601,"off":60}],"ver":8},"timezone":"Europe/Berlin","name":"Feger"}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"bbchg":{"nChgOk":8,"nLithF":0,"aborts":[0,0,0]},"bbswitch":{"nBumper":3350,"nClean":20,"nSpot":38,"nDock":35,"nDrops":80}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"bbrun":{"hr":4,"min":58,"sqft":22,"nStuck":3,"nScrubs":5,"nPicks":74,"nPanics":16,"nCliffsF":166,"nCliffsR":102,"nMBStll":0,"nWStll":0,"nCBump":0},"bbsys":{"hr":207,"min":9}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"bbnav":{"aMtrack":18,"nGoodLmrks":6,"aGain":5,"aExpo":102}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"netinfo":{"dhcp":true,"addr":3232235568,"mask":4294967040,"gw":3232235774,"dns1":3232235774,"dns2":0,"bssid":"44:4e:6d:1f:24:20","sec":4}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"wifistat":{"wifi":1,"uap":false,"cloud":1}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"wlcfg":{"sec":7,"ssid":"48656E6E696E67486F6D654F6666696365"}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"mac":"70:66:55:94:93:6f"}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"country": "DE"}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"cloudEnv": "prod"}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"svcEndpoints":{"svcDeplId": "v011"}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"mapUploadAllowed":true}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"localtimeoffset":120,"utctime":1600424239,"pose":{"theta":-46,"point":{"x":318,"y":82}}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"bbsys":{"hr":2583,"min":21}}}}
# {"state":{"reported":{"wifiAnt":1}}}
# my ($evt) = @_;
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] uncaught event ".$evt
if( $evt ne "$name" );
if( main::AttrVal($name,"debug","") eq "true" ){
my $sub_ret = allevents($evt);
@ret{ keys %{$sub_ret} } = values %{$sub_ret};
return {%ret}
# For debugging get all data
sub allevents($){
my ($evt) = @_;
my %ans;
#-- getting all events
my $dec = json2nameValue($evt);
@ans{ keys %{$dec} } = values %{$dec};
return {%ans};
# signal data
# getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"signal":{"rssi":-55,"snr":34}}}}
sub signale($){
my ($evt) = @_;
my $dec = decode_json($evt);
my $rssi = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'signal'}->{'rssi'};
my %ret = ("signalRSSI",$rssi);
return {%ret};
# position data
# getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"pose":{"theta":0,"point":{"x":311,"y":-21}}}}}
sub pose($$){
my ($name,$evt) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $dec = decode_json($evt);
my $pose = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'pose'};
my $theta = $pose->{'theta'};
my $px = $pose->{'point'}->{'x'};
my $py = $pose->{'point'}->{'y'};
#-- fast return if mapping disabled
if( main::AttrVal($name,"noMap","") eq "true" ){
my %ret = ("positionTheta",$theta,"position","(".$px.",".$py.")");
return {%ret};
my ($pxp,$pyp);
if( !defined($hash->{helper}{initmap}));
$hash->{helper}{startx} = $px;
$hash->{helper}{starty} = $py;
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] initialX = $px, initialY = $py";
$px -= $hash->{helper}{startx};
$py -= $hash->{helper}{starty};
my $dir = main::AttrVal($name,"startdir","north");
if($dir eq "north"){
$pxp = -$py;
$pyp = $px;
}elsif($dir eq "east"){
$pxp = $px;
$pyp = $py;
}elsif($dir eq "south"){
$pxp = $py;
$pyp = -$px;
}elsif($dir eq "west"){
$pxp = -$px;
$pyp = -$py;
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] invalid start direction $dir";
#-- Reduction not useful
my $count = $hash->{helper}{pcount};
my %ret = ("positionTheta",$theta,"positionCount",$count,"position","(".$pxp.",".$pyp.")");
return {%ret};
# schedule data
sub schedule($$$){
my ($name,$evtptr,$retptr) = @_;
my @weekdays = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat");
#my @weekdays = ("So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa");
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"cleanSchedule":{"cycle":["none","none","none","none","none","none","none"],"h":[9,9,9,9,9,9,9],"m":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]},"bbchg3":{"avgMin":374,"hOnDock":199,"nAvail":32,"estCap":12311,"nLithChrg":8,"nNimhChrg":0,"nDocks":35}}}}
my @acyc = @{$evtptr->{'cycle'}};
my @ahours = @{$evtptr->{'h'}};
my @amin = @{$evtptr->{'m'}};
my $sched = "[";
for (my $i=0;$i<7;$i++){
$sched .= $weekdays[$i].":".(($acyc[$i] eq "none")?"none":sprintf("%d:%02d",$ahours[$i],$amin[$i]));
$sched .= ($i<6)?",":"]";
$retptr->{"progWeek"} = $sched;
# schedule data type 2 for I7
sub schedule2($$$){
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"cleanSchedule2": [{"enabled": true, "type": 0,
# "start": {"day": [2, 4, 6], "hour": 11, "min": 0},
# "cmd": {"command": "start", "ordered": 1, "pmap_id": "z...g",
# "regions": [{"region_id": "10", "type": "rid"}, {"region_id": "6", "type": "rid"},
# {"region_id": "5", "type": "rid"}, {"region_id": "8", "type": "rid"}],
# "user_pmapv_id": "2...7"}}]}}}
#my ($dec) = @_;
my ($name,$evtptr,$retptr) = @_;
my @weekdays = ("So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa");
my @enabled;
my @starthour;
my @startmin;
my @startday;
my @userpmapvid;
my @pmapid;
my @region;
my $nsched;
my $nreg;
my %answer = ();
my $oldnreg;
my $oldnsched = main::ReadingsVal($name,"NumOfSchedules","");
for (my $i = 0; $i<14; $i++){
# j is needed since @startday does somehow not work with $i...
my $j = $i;
$nsched = $i+1;
$enabled[$i] = $evtptr->{'cleanSchedule2'}->[$i]->{'enabled'};
# if schedules are no longer present in app or roomba, delete them in fhem, too
if(!defined($enabled[$i])) {
$retptr->{"NumOfSchedules"} = $i;
for (my $k = $i; $k < $oldnsched; $k++) {
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] deleting old schedule ID $k, oldnsched No was $oldnsched";
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $todel = $k+1;
main::readingsDelete($hash, "Schedule".$todel."Enabled");
main::readingsDelete($hash, "Schedule".$todel."Time");
main::readingsDelete($hash, "Schedule".$todel."UserPMapvID");
main::readingsDelete($hash, "Schedule".$todel."PMapID");
main::readingsDelete($hash, "Schedule".$todel."WeekDays");
$retptr->{"Schedule".$nsched."Enabled"} = booltoyesno($enabled[$i]) if(defined($enabled[$i]));
$starthour[$i] = $evtptr->{'cleanSchedule2'}->[$i]->{'start'}->{'hour'};
$startmin[$i] = sprintf("%02d", $evtptr->{'cleanSchedule2'}->[$i]->{'start'}->{'min'});
$retptr->{"Schedule".$nsched."Time"} = $starthour[$i].":".$startmin[$i] if(defined($starthour[$i]));
$userpmapvid[$i] = $evtptr->{'cleanSchedule2'}->[$i]->{'cmd'}->{'user_pmapv_id'};
$retptr->{"Schedule".$nsched."UserPMapvID"} = $userpmapvid[$i] if(defined($userpmapvid[$i]));
$pmapid[$i] = $evtptr->{'cleanSchedule2'}->[$i]->{'cmd'}->{'pmap_id'};
$retptr->{"Schedule".$nsched."PMapID"} = $pmapid[$i] if(defined($pmapid[$i]));
@startday = @{$evtptr->{'cleanSchedule2'}->[$j]->{'start'}->{'day'}};
for (@startday) {s/0/So/g;s/1/Mo/g;s/2/Di/g;s/3/Mi/g;s/4/Do/g;s/5/Fr/g;s/6/Sa/g;}
$retptr->{"Schedule".$nsched."WeekDays"} = join(", ",@startday);
$oldnreg = main::ReadingsVal($name,"Schedule".$nsched."NumOfRegions","1");
for (my $m = 0; $m < 10; $m++) {
$nreg = $m + 1;
$region[$i][$m] = $evtptr->{'cleanSchedule2'}->[$i]->{'cmd'}->{'regions'}->[$m]->{'region_id'};
$retptr->{"Schedule".$nsched."Region".$nreg} = $region[$i][$m] if(defined($region[$i][$m]));
if(!defined($region[$i][$m])) {
$retptr->{"Schedule".$nsched."NumOfRegions"} = $m;
for (my $k = $m; $k < $oldnreg; $k++) {
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] deleting old region ID $k, oldnreg No was $oldnreg";
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $todel = $k+1;
main::readingsDelete($hash, "Schedule".$nsched."Region".$todel);
# mission data in bbrun
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"bbrun"}}}
sub bbrun($$$) {
my ($name,$evtptr,$retptr) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $runh = $evtptr->{'hr'};
my $runm = $evtptr->{'min'};
my $evacs = $evtptr->{'nEvacs'};
$retptr->{"bbrEvacs"} = $evacs;
$retptr->{"bbrTime"} = $runh.":".$runm;
$retptr->{"bbrTime2"} = int($runh / 24)."d ".($runh % 24)."h ".$runm."m";
if(defined($evtptr->{'sqft'})) {
my $sqm = int($evtptr->{'sqft'}*10/10.7639)/10;
$retptr->{"bbrArea"} = $sqm." m²";
# mission data
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"dock":{"known":true},"cleanMissionStatus":{"cycle":"quick","phase":"run","expireM":0,"rechrgM":0,"error":0,"notReady":0,"mssnM":0,"sqft":0,"initiator":"localApp","nmain::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name phase transition $oldphase -> $phase";Mssn":30}}}}
sub mission($$$){
my ($name,$evtptr,$retptr) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $oldphase = main::ReadingsVal($name,"cmPhase","");
my $bat = main::ReadingsVal($name,"battery","");
$retptr->{"cmCycle"} = $evtptr->{'cycle'};
my $phase = $evtptr->{'phase'};
$retptr->{"cmPhase"} = $phase;
$retptr->{"cmPhaseE"} = $roombastates_en{$phase};
$retptr->{"cmPhaseD"} = $roombastates_de{$phase};
#-- sqft is outside cleanMissionStatus in some newer firmware versions ???
if(defined($evtptr->{'sqft'})) {
my $sqm = $evtptr->{'sqft'};
#main::Log 1,"$name has sqft found in cleanMissionStatus as $sqm";
#-- sqft is outside cleanMissionStatus in some newer firmware versions ???
if(defined($evtptr->{'mssnM'})) {
my $sqm = $evtptr->{'mssnM'};
#main::Log 1,"$name has mssnM found in cleanMissionStatus as $sqm";
my $number= $evtptr->{'nMssn'};
my $rech = $evtptr->{'rechrgM'};
my $exp = $evtptr->{'expireM'};
$exp = ($exp == 0)?"Never":$exp." min";
$retptr->{"cmExpire"} = $exp;
$retptr->{"cmTime"} = ($evtptr->{'mssnM'})." min";
my $error = $evtptr->{'error'};
my $eemsg = $roombaerrs_en{$error};
my $demsg = $roombaerrs_de{$error};
$retptr->{"cmError"} = $eemsg;
$retptr->{"cmErrorD"} = $demsg;
if( $oldphase ne "stuck" && $phase eq "stuck"){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] $name stuck with error $error, message $eemsg";
my $notr = $evtptr->{'notReady'};
$retptr->{"cmNotReady"} = numtobool($notr)
#-- sqft is outside cleanMissionStatus in some newer firmware versions ???
#if(defined($evtptr->{'sqft'})) {
# my $sqm = int($evtptr->{'sqft'}*10/10.7639)/10;
# $retptr->{"cmArea"} = $sqm." m²";
$retptr->{"cmInitiator"} = $evtptr->{'initiator'};
#-- Manage mission
# mission management
sub missionmanager($$$){
my ($hash,$oldphase,$phase)=@_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
# Normal Sequence is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# hapege fir I7: charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> evac -> hmPostMsn -> run -> charge -> hmPostMsn -> run -> charge
# Mid mission recharge is "" -> charge -> run -> hmMidMsn -> charge
# -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Stuck is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> stuck
# -> run/charge/stop/hmUsrDock -> charge
# Start program during run is "" -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Need to identify a new mission to initialize map, and end of mission to
# finalise map.
# Assume charge -> run = start of mission (init map)
# stuck -> charge = init map ???
# Assume hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map)
# hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map)
# hmUsrDock -> charge finalize map
# hmUsrDock -> stop finalize map
# Anything else = continue with existing map
if( $oldphase.$phase eq "stuckcharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargerun" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockrun" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name $oldphase -> $phase should start intialization";
if( main::AttrVal($name,"noMap","") ne "true" );
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runstop" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name pausing $oldphase -> $phase";
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "stoprun" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name resuming $oldphase -> $phase";
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsncharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsnstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockcharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "runcharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "stopcharge"){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name $oldphase -> $phase should start finalization";
if( main::AttrVal($name,"noMap","") ne "true" );
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockhmUsrDock"){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name sent to dock";
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockhmUsrDock"){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name arrived in dock after user docking";
# $oldphase.$phase eq "stophmUsrDock" ||
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runrun" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "stopstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargestop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargecharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockhmUsrDock"){
# do nothing
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name phase transition $oldphase -> $phase";
# initmap
sub initmap($){
my ($hash) = @_;
# hapege
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $oldmap = main::ReadingsVal($name,"cmMap","none");
$hash->{helper}{oldmap} = $oldmap;
# /hapege
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Initialization of map for device ".$hash->{NAME};
main::fhem("setreading ".($hash->{NAME})." cmMap initialized");
# listmaps
sub listmaps($){
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $out = "<html>";
#my $now = main::TimeNow();
my $run = 0;
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] mapping for device $name";
my ($fhb,$fhc);
my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images");
#-- reading and modyfying collection filename
my $filename2b = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_collect",undef);
$filename2b = sprintf("SVG_%s.xml",$name);
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_collect given, using default $filename2b";
if(!open($fhb, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for reading, assuming empty file";
while (my $line = <$fhb> ) {
if( $line =~ /^<.*Roomba.*run on ([\d\-]*) ([\d:]*)/){
$out .= "<button type=\"button\" onclick=\"{var mw=window.open(location.href+'&XHR=1&cmd.global=set%20$name%20mapdel%20$run','','width=10,height=10');;setTimeout(function(){mw.close()},3000)}\">Löschen</button> $run: mission $1 $2";
if( $line =~ /^.*Path containing (\d*)/){
$out .= " with $1 points<br/>";
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] setting READING cmMapList for device $name at time $now";
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMapList $out");
# delmap
sub delmap($$){
my ($name,$evt) = @_;
if($evt !~ /mapdel\s*(\d*)/);
my $rundel = $1;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $out = "<html>";
#my $now = main::TimeNow();
my $run = 0;
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] deleting run $rundel for device $name";
my ($fhb,$fhc);
my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images");
#-- reading and modyfying collection filename
my $filename2b = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_collect",undef);
$filename2b = sprintf("SVG_%s.xml",$name);
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_collect given, using default $filename2b";
if(!open($fhb, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for reading";
#-- opening temporary collection filename
if(!open($fhc, ">".$svgdir."/".$filename2b.".tmp")){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] temporary collection file $filename2b.tmp cannot be opened for writing, ERROR";
while (my $line = <$fhb> ) {
if( $line =~ /^<.*Roomba.*run on ([\d\-]*) ([\d:]*)/){
if( $run < $rundel ){
$out .= "<button type=\"button\" onclick=\"{var mw=window.open(location.href+'&XHR=1&cmd.global=set%20$name%20mapdel%20$run','','width=10,height=10');;setTimeout(function(){mw.close()},3000)}\">Löschen</button> $run: mission $1 $2";
#main::Log 1,"=====> run = $run because rundel=$rundel";
}elsif( $run > $rundel ){
my $runtemp = $run-1;
$out .= "<button type=\"button\" onclick=\"{var mw=window.open(location.href+'&XHR=1&cmd.global=set%20$name%20mapdel%20$runtemp','','width=10,height=10');;setTimeout(function(){mw.close()},3000)}\">Löschen</button> $runtemp: mission $1 $2";
#main::Log 1,"=====> run = $run, but displaying as ".($run-1)." because rundel=$rundel";
#main::Log 1,"=====> run = $run, but not writing this out";
}elsif( $line =~ /^.*Path containing (\d*)/){
$out .= " with $1 points<br/>"
if( $run != $rundel );
print $fhc $line
if( $run != $rundel );
rename $svgdir."/".$filename2b.".tmp",$svgdir."/".$filename2b;
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMapList $out");
# finalizemap
sub finalizemap($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Finalization of map for device $name not possible, path undefined";
# hapege
my $oldmap = "none";
$oldmap =$hash->{helper}{oldmap} if (defined($hash->{helper}{oldmap}));
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMap $oldmap");
my @points = @{$hash->{helper}{path}};
my @theta = @{$hash->{helper}{theta}};
my $out1 = "";
my $out2 = "";
my $out3 = "";
if(int(@points) < 1){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Finalization of map for device $name not possible, empty path";
# hapege
my $oldmap = "none";
$oldmap =$hash->{helper}{oldmap} if (defined($hash->{helper}{oldmap}));
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMap $oldmap");
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Finalization of map for device ".$name;
main::fhem("setreading ".($hash->{NAME})." cmMap finalizing");
#-- The robot needs a moment to orient itself. First points are invalid therefore.
# Max. 10 points before robot takes off in direction 0
my $numcoords = int(@points)/2;
my $numoffset=0;
my ($px,$py);
for(my $i=1;$i<10;$i++){
if( $px==0 && $py==0) {
# hapege
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] finalizemap numoffset: $numoffset, px: $px, py: $py";
# /hapege
splice @points, 0, 2*$numoffset;
splice @theta, 0, $numoffset;
$numcoords -= $numoffset;
#-- calculate velocities
my $pxold=0;
my $pyold=0;
my @velocity=();
for(my $i=1; $i<$numcoords; $i++){
my $v=int(sqrt( ($px-$pxold)**2 + ($py-$pyold)**2 )*10)/10;
push @velocity, $v;
$pxold = $px;
$pyold = $py;
#-- the following procedures are destructive for the points array
# thus create a copy
my @points2 = @points;
#-- move points into array of arrays for bounding box
my @newpoints = ();
push @newpoints, [ splice @points2, 0, 2 ] while @points2;
my ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = polygon_bbox(@newpoints);
my @bbox = ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax);
my @newhull=();
my @newhull2=();
my @centroid=();
#-- convex hull Math::ConvexHull
eval(@newhull = @{convex_hull(\@newpoints)}) ;
#-- Close the polygon
my @first = ();
push(@newhull, \@first);
my $numcoords2 = int(@newhull);
for (my $i=0;$i<$numcoords2;$i++){
#-- centroid of convex hull Math::Polygon::Calc
eval(@centroid = @{polygon_centroid(@newhull)});
#-- prepare content and filename for file 1 only if LOG_dir is set
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $filename1 = sprintf("%s/%s_%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d%02d.pl",main::AttrVal($name,"LOG_dir",undef),$name,$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min);
$out1 .= sprintf("# Roomba %s run on %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\n",$name,$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min);
$out1 .= "# Path containing ".$numcoords." points\n";
$out1 .= "# Removed first $numoffset points\n"
if($numoffset > 0);
$out1 .= "# WARNING: angle not zero at offset position, but ".$theta[0]."\n"
if( $theta[0] != 0);
#-- area from robot
$out1 .= "my \$cmarea=".main::ReadingsNum($name,"cmArea",0).";\n";
#-- minx,miny, maxx, maxy
$out1 .= "my \@bbox=(".join(',',@bbox).");\n";
#-- convex hull
$out1 .= "my \@conhull=(".join(',',@newhull2).");\n";
$out1 .= sprintf("my \@cenhull=(%.2f,%.2f);\n",$centroid[0],$centroid[1]);
#-- longer data
$out1 .= "my \@points=(".join(',',@points).");\n".
"my \@theta=(".join(',',@theta).");\n".
"my \@velocity=(".join(',',@velocity).");\n";
if(open(FH, ">".$filename1)) {
binmode (FH);
print FH $out1;
}else {
main::Log 1, "[RoombaUtils] Can't open $filename1: $!";
#-- save a lot of memory
#-- prepare content and filename for file 2
#-- room filename
my ($fha,$fhb,$fhc);
my $filename2a = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_room",undef);
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_room given, no map drawn";
my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images");
if(!open( $fha, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2a)){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] SVG file $filename2a cannot be opened for reading, no map drawn";
#-- output filename
my $filename2c = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_final",undef);
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_final given, no map drawn";
if(!open($fhc, ">".$svgdir."/".$filename2c)){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] SVG file $filename2c cannot be opened for writing, no map drawn";
#-- copy room file to output file without </svg> tag
while (my $line = <$fha> ) {
print $fhc $line
if( $line !~ /.*\<\/svg\>.*/);
#-- get colors
my @coldark = ("green","orange","red","blue");
my @colbrite = ("lightreen","yellow","pink","lightblue");
for( my $i=0; $i<4; $i++){
my ($cold,$colb) = split(':',main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_color".($i+1),undef));
if( $cold);
if( $colb);
#-- reading and modyfying collection filename
my $filename2b = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_collect",undef);
my $collno = 0;
my $collid = "";
my $collstr = "";
$filename2b = sprintf("SVG_%s.xml",$name);
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_collect given, using default $filename2b";
if(!open($fhb, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for reading, assuming empty file";
while (my $line = <$fhb> ) {
for( my $i=0; $i<4; $i++){
$line =~ s/$coldark[$i]/$colbrite[$i]/g;
if( $line =~ /\<g id="(.*)\|(.*)" transform.*/){
$collid = $1;
$collstr = $2;
#-- insert additional interaction line
print $fhc "<text x=\"30\" y=\"".(15*$collno+35)."\" fill=\"red\" font-weight=\"bold\" onmouseover=\"document.getElementById('".$collid."').setAttribute('fill', 'blue')\"".
" onmouseout=\"document.getElementById('".$collid."').setAttribute('fill', 'none')\">".$collstr."</text>\n";
$out3 .= $line;
#-- reopening collection filename
if(!open($fhb, ">>".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for writing, ERROR";
#-- create output
$collstr = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min);
$collid = "g".md5_hex($collstr);
$out2 .= "<!-- # Roomba $name run on $collstr\n";
$out2 .= " # Path containing ".$numcoords." points\n";
$out2 .= " # Removed first $numoffset points\n"
if($numoffset > 0);
$out2 .= " # WARNING: angle not zero at offset position, but ".$theta[0]."\n"
if( $theta[0] != 0);
$out2 .= "-->\n";
#-- reading start position in order to do translation
my $startx = main::AttrVal($name,"startx",0);
my $starty = main::AttrVal($name,"starty",0);
$out2 .= "<g id=\"".$collid."|".$collstr."\" transform=\"translate(".$startx." ".$starty.") scale(1 -1)\">\n";
#-- area from robot
$out2 .= "<!-- area ".main::ReadingsNum($name,"cmArea",0)." -->\n";
#-- minx,miny, maxx, maxy
$out2 .= "<!-- bbox ".join(',',@bbox)." -->\n";
#-- convex hull
$out2 .= "<!-- convex hull -->\n".
"<polyline stroke=\"".$coldark[0]."\" fill=\"none\"\n".
" points=\"".join(',',@newhull2)."\"/>\n".
"<!-- center convex hull -->\n".
"<circle r=\"10\" cx=\"".$centroid[0]."\" cy=\"".$centroid[1]."\" fill=\"".$coldark[1]."\"/>\n";
$out2 .= "<!-- startpoint -->\n<circle r=\"10\" cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" fill=\"".$coldark[2]."\"/>\n";
#-- longer data
$out2 .= "<!-- points -->\n".
"<polyline id=\"".$collid."\" stroke=\"".$coldark[3]."\" fill=\"none\"\n".
" points=\"".join(',',@points)."\"/>\n";
$out2 .= "</g>\n";
#-- write output to svg file with additional interaction line
print $fhc "<text x=\"30\" y=\"".(15*$collno+50)."\" fill=\"red\" font-weight=\"bold\" onmouseover=\"document.getElementById('".$collid."').setAttribute('fill', 'blue')\"".
" onmouseout=\"document.getElementById('".$collid."').setAttribute('fill', 'none')\">".$collstr."</text>\n";
print $fhc $out3;
print $fhc $out2;
print $fhc "</svg>\n";
#-- write output to collection file
print $fhb $out2;
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMap <html>finalized as <a href=\"/fhem/images/".$filename2c."\">".$filename2c."</a></html>");
# makeShort
# FW_summaryFn handler for creating the html output in FHEMWEB
sub makeShort($$$$){
my ($FW_wname, $devname, $room, $extPage) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$devname};
main::Log 1,"==============> roomba:makeShort";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#my $wwwpath = $hash->{HELPER}->{wwwpath};
my $alias = main::AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "alias", $hash->{NAME});
my ($state,$timestamp,$number,$result,$duration,$snapshot,$record,$nrecord);
# my $cnt = int(@{$hash->{DATA}});
my $ret = "</td><td><div class=\"col2\">"."Hello World from makeShort"."</div>";
return ($ret);
# makeTable
# FW_detailFn handler for creating the html output in FHEMWEB
sub makeTable($$$$){
my ($FW_wname, $devname, $room, $extPage) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$devname};
main::Log 1,"==============> roomba:makeTable";
# my $cnt = int(@{$hash->{DATA}});
my $ret = "<div class=\"col2\"><img src=\"\" width=\"600\"></div>";
=item helper
=item summary Control of Roomba cleaning robots
=item summary_DE Steuerung von Roomba Reinigungsrobotern
=begin html
<a name="RoombaUtils"></a>
<b>Note:</b> The following libraries are required for this module:
Use <b>sudo apt-get install </b> to install this libraries.<br>
Use <b>sudo apt-get install cpanminus</b> and <b>sudo cpanm XXX</b> to update to the newest version.<br><br>
<a name="Roombadefine" id="Roombadefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; </code><br><br>
<a name="Roombaset" id="Roombaset"></a>
<ul><code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;command&gt; [&lt;parameter&gt;]</code><br><br>
The following commands are defined for the robots :<br><br>
<li><code><b>start</b></code> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; start cleaning mission</li>
<li><code><b>pause</b></code> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; pause the robot</li>
<li><code><b>resume</b></code> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; resume the cleaning mission</li>
<li><code><b>dock</b></code> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; end the cleaning mission and dock the robot</li>
<li><code><b>stop</b></code> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; end the cleaning mission and leave the robot where it is</li>
<a name="Roombaget" id="Roombaget"></a>
<a name="Roombaattr" id="Roombaattr"></a>
<li><code><b>startx</b> <number></code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; docking station x coordinate in cm from the leftmost (western) wall</li>
<li><code><b>starty</b> <number></code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; docking station y coordinate in cm from the bottommost (southern) wall</li>
<li><code><b>startdir</b> east|south|west|north </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; starting direction away from docking station</li>
<li><code><b>noMap</b> true|false</code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; if set to true, no map data will be collected</li>
<li><code><b>LOG_dir</b> <directory name> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; directory for writing a log file (in perl format!) of each cleaning mission.
If this attribute is omitted, no such file will be written</li>
<li><code><b>SVG_dir</b> <directory name> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; directory for reading a graphical room map in SVG format and reading/writing intermediate XML files of each cleaning mission.
If this attribute is omitted, the default <code>/opt/fhem/www/images</code> will be used</li>. Note: In order to display the files via FHEMWEB frontend, they must reside in the working space of the web server.
<li><code><b>SVG_room</b> <file name> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; filename for reading a graphical room map in SVG format.
If this attribute is missing, no such file will be written</li>
<li><code><b>SVG_collect</b> <file name> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; filename for reading/writing intermediate XML file of each cleaning mission.
If this attribute is missing, the default <code>SVG_<device>.xml</code> will be used</li>
<li><code><b>SVG_final</b> <file name> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; filename for writing final SVG file of each cleaning mission.
If this attribute is missing, the default <code>SVG_<device>.svg</code> will be used</li>
<li><code><b>SVG_color1</b> <dark color>:<light color> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; two colors separated by :. The first color will be used for drawing the convex hull of the robot path,
the second color will be used for replacement of this color in old maps. Default: <code>green:lightgreen</code>.</li>
<li><code><b>SVG_color2</b> <dark color>:<light color> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; two colors separated by :. The first color will be used for drawing the center of the convex hull of the robot path,
the second color will be used for replacement of this color in old maps. Default: <code>green:lightgreen</code>.</li>
<li><code><b>SVG_color3</b> <dark color>:<light color> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; two colors separated by :. The first color will be used for drawing the starting point of the robot path,
the second color will be used for replacement of this color in old maps. Default: <code>green:lightgreen</code>.</li>
<li><code><b>SVG_color4</b> <dark color>:<light color> </code>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; two colors separated by :. The first color will be used for drawing the robot path,
the second color will be used for replacement of this color in old maps. Default: <code>green:lightgreen</code>.</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="RoombaUtils"></a>
=end html_DE